.in nmmtniw iwwojmw- ll"WWWimpiiMllMi I ' 1 1 ill ii WW"WPWp 12 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914;. lii st n V PHILLIES PLAY DOUBLE-HEADER WITH PIRATES TODAY -ATHLETICS VISIT DETROIT PENNSYLVANIA'S HOPE FOR SUCCESS ON THE GRIDIRON THIS YEAR CENTRES IN THIS GROUP OF HUSKY ATHLETES The coaches, trainers and advisors are working like Trojans in an effort to develop a great football machine out of this band of aspiring Brickleys. The most difficult matter for the coaches now is to form a backfield that will be able to hold its own. BY DEFEATING PIRATES TWICE TODAY PHILS CAN MOVE PEG Double-Header Scheduled for This Afternoon at National League Park Post-Season Barnstorming Tours Will be Taken by Only Eight Local Men. While It H mathematically possible for the Phillies to overtake the Chicago club and move Into fourth place, the odds npnlnst such a contingency tire great. Thero Is prnctlcnlly the diffidence be tween the local National League club nnd a first division place as there Is between I ley Comlskey around the globe Inst win ter. Tljose men have had enough travel ing, and thn majority of them realize that u rest throughout the winter months will do them moie good than playing. Yet tho Western trip, which will be sur named tho Athletics-Phillies tour will only last from about October CO until the same date In December. The present tho Athletics and tho Boston lied Sox; , rostcl. 0f tMe two teams has only thrco which means that the Rap is too wld Phllly names on It and flvo Athletic However, the Phillies can and probably . players. Tho former are Alexander, Kll- ... ... i i, i i t.. - .- ... l'fer a"d Ilyrne, nnd the latter are Bcn- wlll top tho second division. Just at the j deri j,,, gchnnB Murphy nml Valsli. present moment Dooln's boys are In sixth x0 doubt several of the Mnckmen were iilnce "but bv successfully meeting tho , frightened away from participation in Ti.hiirrh. tml.iv In tl .lnnhln-henrfor , thl" invasion by the news that several I COLLINS TO WRITE BIG SERIES FOR EVENING LEDGER Famous Athletic Second Sacker Will Review Each Game of World's Baseball Classic in Day Following Play. . PfiTntftei Tv'ftiitil Vi ilnil 1m in ITniviltin the Pirates will be forced to exchange T,iands. wlncn. lng to tne Ia'ck ot tube places with their Philadelphia rivals. facilities, calls for an ocean vovngo. That Is Just what the majority of Mack's men do not want and will not take. Led by Ira Thomas, the main body of cham pions lias voted never to board a sea The miserable fielding gam put up by the PIttsburghers Is not likely to be re peated this afternoon In cither game. Taking Issue with a contemporary is 11 pastime that Is far from popular and generally speaking i bordering on tho breach of sport writing etiquette, yot w are bound to take exception to tho dub bing of the Pirates as "shiftless." If there Is a club In tli National League that is thoroughly nnd completely prac ticed In the art of shifting that club is the Pittsburgh organization. In the first plnce they have shifted all over the per centage map this season. At one tlm they were so far awuy In tho lend for the flag Jthat the other seven teams al most gave up hope. Not only have tho Pirates been at tho top, but they have adorned the bottom. Now they are In fifth place and ore likely to be shoved flown the ladder one more rung by tho Thlllles. It Is noticeable that the bulk of the plnvers who are to go bannstorming through the West after the worlrt' series are not the ones who accompanied Char- going vessel if It can bo avoided. The trouble was tho Macks mada a couplo of trips to Cuba and the young men uf feied mal-dc-mere so severely that they hae never forgotten It. The easiest prediction, excepting, of course, that tho Athletics will win thn American Leaguo championship. Is that the proposal of President James A. Gil more to have his Federal organization play in the world's series will be turned down flatly nnd quickly by the members of the National Commission. In a letter to the three members of that august bodv. the Tedoral head states that lie would like to have nn nrmistlce declared, during which the winner in hl leagu might indulge in a friendlv tilt with the winners of tho real world's series. The main trouble with Mr. Gilmore'o argument Is that he does not and cannot prove to the satisfaction of anyone who knows, that the Federal Leaguo is of major league calibre To bo sure there art- a number of good players in the league, but th ""tars of world-wid fame" of whom he suak.i. ran be counted on the thumb and forefinger ATHLETICS WANT TO CLINCH FLAG TWO HARNESS MEETS ARE SCHEDULED TO No man in tho country, with tho pos sible exception of Connie Mack, is half ' so well qualified to wtlto Inside baseball ns Eddie Collins, the world's piemler ' fcecond baseman nnd extra-base slusger. Eddie has consented to write a review of each gnmo of the approaching world's series for tho Evening Ledger nnd it Is safe to say that his comments on that j baseball classic will bo more widely read , than that of any othor writer In America. ' During the past year Collins has writ- i ten u number of excellent articles which I have appeared from tlmo to time In va- rlous magazines. His "Mack and His Mackmen" and "Pitchers I have Faced" made a big hit with the baseball public because they were! splendidly written and contained fucts which no one but a great ball player himself could know. Need loss to say Collins writes his own articles. Fuithermore he writes on a standard i typewriter with all tho case of the fin ished reporter. When all of tho public j realizes that McGraw's ideal of a bnse- b.ill player Is able to comment on the I game as ably as ho can piny It, the name of Edward Trowbridge Collins will be I raised to an even greater height in the I eyes of the fans then hitherto. ' That the Evening Ledger Is fortunate in liming Collins to write tho world's .--i les Is not to bo questioned. These articles will appear in all editions of the L"vnlng Ledger. THE WORLD'S SERIES without EDDIE COLLINS would bo a bit on the order of tho carl without tho horse. It was after (he Now York Giants had been so completely routed by tho Athletics last October that John McGraw said Kiddle Collins was "tho most valuable player In the game." Therefore tho World's Series of 1014 without tho EVENING LEDGER will be far from complete. For EDDIE COLLINS will writo nn after math of each game for Philadelphia's new afternoon newspaper. Of courso tho Athletics will repre sent the American League In tho base ball classic nobody doubts their abil ity to cross tho finish lino nn easy winner. The National Leaguo winner may bo well, that's a matter of guesswork or'oplnlon. Anyhow, this much Is certain EDDIE COLLINS and the EVE NING LEDGER wilt be necessary ad juncts to tho World's Sol les of 1914. WEST CHESTER FAIR IS PROVING HUGE SUCCESS THIS YEAR Record Crowds Have Been in Attendance at the Grounds Exhibits Attract Lots of Attention. PERSONAL TOUCHES TN SPORT AT EARLIEST DATE ; STIMULATE INTEREST Mackmen Begin Three game Series in Detroit To- j day Players Are in Good j Shape to Conquer West-1 em Clubs. First Is to Be Saturday on Speedway DETROIT. Mich , Sept. 17. Resting with an eight-game lead over the Red Sox, tho Athletics aro lu-re today to oper r. three-game series with the Detroit Tigers. Connie Mack's last visit hen resulted disastrously as fur as his In tended record was concerned. At that Planned Belmont. Chamounix Second Is at EIGHT WOMEN NOW REMAIN IN NATIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Four Philadelphia Repre sentatives Are Hopeful of Landing Top Honors in Glen Cove Test. Followers of horses aro taking an in terest In tho two race meets which aro to be held in this vicinity Saturday, Sep tember 13 nnd Wednesday, September 23. The third of the fall racing series ot tht Road Drivers' Association will tako pluco September 19. It will be Knights T-m- time the speeding White Elephants were play D'iy on th Chamounix Speedway and going at a forbidding pace arriving here tho feature event should bo tho fiee-for-nfter having won nine straight games, j all contest for which a handsome trophy They proceeded to capture the first three (3 vjeing offered by tho Ladles' Auxiliary .rames of the " 0")'Jg of the Knights Templars. In this race were beaten out In what would nao ueen .,.,, ...... their 13th successive victory. "oke i'arsaret. by Hokes Jr.. the most Naturally enough the members of the consistrnt trottin? maro In the stable of visiting club are a trifle riled over bav- I Kdward 'aushlin. chairman of the racing inir tneir iasc winiiuia Bwn w,w... When Terry Turner first became a Nap fans used to make him doff his cap to sea his whitened top. Compared to fleldin" stunts he'd stage his hair 'seemed to bello I his age 'twas llko a cotton crop. Ol' Time can't ein to work ills tricks on Terry, IJJ Mp,vf I""r I"?'!i "'' nn' stJ11 I)Ia's classy ball. At l 1CIU lCAl shoit an' third an' second base he's given scoif.s o kids u race an' put It on 'em all. Tho stork in SamJ Like, Pee-Ay, came 'round to Turner's folk., one day an' left tin bantam kid As wii ns he was 21 he hiked to Greenville ait' begun to make his liubeball bid. The little white-head torn around at shoit to fast that ho was found that ear by Pittsburgh scouts. H couldn't quite beat Wagner's gait an' so I for nevclund ho pulled freight to star In I Nupland bouts. I The King at second, Tuck at hhort for , yar showed Cleveland high-class, sport an' gilt-edged ititlcld play. Ills steals I wero on' o" i'lc eland's prides. His fa- i mous diving, head -llrst hlldes were thril- lers eveiy da. New blood has conio In 1 every spring to notch the end o' Terrv's string nn' s-end him to tho bush. Short, keroml, third he's switched about but onng stars can't qulto uhmv him out no matter how they push. Copyrighted by A. M. Corrlgan. GLEN COVE, N. T., Sept. lT.-Two women golfers from tho west still were In the running when tho eight players light ing for the women's national golf cham pionship began their play to land In the s-em!-llnals this morning. Roth are from Chicago. Ono of them is Miss Caroline Pnlnter, former western champion, who lins been plajlng consistent golt and who Is picked by many to cairy olf the crown this year. New Yorkers' only hope Is centred on Miss Lillian 13. Hyde, metro politan champion. Of the othor five play ers left, four are from Philadelphia and one from Uoston. Tho matches toda were: Mrs. II. Arnold Jackson, Oakley, vs. Miss Caroline Painter, Midlothian. Miss Ethel M. Campbell. Overbrook, vs. Mr.-. C. H. Vnnderbeck, Philadelphia. Miss Elaine Rosenthal, Ravisloe, vs. Miss Florence McKeeley, Merlon. Mrs. Ronald 11. Burlow, Merlon, Miss Lillian B. Hyde, L'outh Shore. vs. Wednesday Record for McNichol Entry DETROIT. Sept. 17 The fentuie of yesterday's Michigan St'Uc Fair races was the running of the Philadelphia gelding, R. 11. Breat, owned by Senator James P. McNichol, which won the sixth and deciding heat ot the 2.04 pace, with a new wot Id's iccoid of 2 03'4. nn it is to be excected that the entire fctiength of the Mnckmen will be used In the contests ou tho bill now. Mack's men are In fine physical condi tion and belle.va by the time they have completed their 11 games in the West they will have reached a point where Boston cannot overtako them This U Just what Manager Mack wants, because he wishes to take all f the reKUlnrs out of lh game as soon as in ible iu allow them to rest before the v. oild's ries begins Last season the Ath. tics had om Hd vantage ovei tl Oiatits fur this verv reason. Thoy won the nonnunt soon enough for the men to take Just what rest they needed, and If Connie can ac. compllsh this again bo Is going to Co It regardless of the feelings of Detroit ran dom. . . , . The only really interesting thing about the Athletics-Detroit i-erles U tho strug. gle between Ty Cobb and Eddie Collins for the hitting supremacy. Today Tyrus leads Eddlo by several points and Is WW ting better. C. H. S. PAIR BEATEN A.r workinz their way through tho entire Held n the Eastern Hay court A story comes here to the 'fiVet that ' Shlb Park has been decided upon .is the scene of the Army-Navy foothill game Unquestionably Philadelphia is tho 1 place for the game, but Shlbo Park Is not the spot for It. The Athletics' homo seats o few more than 20,000. To accom modate the crowd which would clamor I to iee the middles and soldiers battle at least SS.CiO seats would bo necessary. Where would tho extra 15,000 be placed at Shibe Park? It Is practically impossible, as any onn fnmlllar with the grounds i knows. It would bo Impossible without putting new decks on the right and left field pavilions to build seats ror moie than C0OO persons. As there is not tho committee of tiio Road Drivers' Aieocla. tlon. will be matched against Millie W, by Bohemia Boy, owned by E. Durell, Owen O'Neill, by John G, Corllsh, ownM by Root, which Is an et-spedway cham pion, and others of similar calibre. Tho greatest trotting event of tho sea ton will take place next Wednesday at th l.t-lmnnt rirlvlnf- Pn.k 'ni.hrtli Tl. sporting sweepstakes for a $IOCO purse, ! remotest chance of tho pavilions, belli.; winner taking all. will more than likeh , uiir-qecivi, mo jnujioamui. uuamu be thf featur event of tho day. Three other .uc-psiakea are listed which will bung tog tlier the blue blood of this sec tion. The free-for-all trot race over the rnilo track at Belmont Driving Park. Narberth. yesterday afternoon, proved to be the mon' oxutlns contest. Millie V, b Bohemia Boy, from tho sluble of B. ". Durell, was beaten to tho wire in the flrt heat by Strawberry, the bay gelding of Joseph Davonpurt. In tho secind h' at It tame home a winner In the final heat both trotters came down the homestretch neck nnd neck. Just as the wire was reached Mllllo W pushed her noo across, winning by inches. James Bell, vice president of the Road Drivers' Association, picked up two firsts tennis T ZolT nd In the" meS . 'neVcl, yes litVt "t"' a" las? forced u w. HU bay . Nina H. ran twp. wm "" k "--,- ' th rtolHoirt 'one, two in the eiass u pace, capturing Sft. .OTbS!,fluntb.roB"SS , ". M after finishing ----"- i.r c I'rnvla onn Charles mw wua r uui, uu bio superior play of I S. I raU and jharl j Dlrm conggt. Xan-l'0.V'2'eJfnf.1"dS?oro : ent baek gelding, won in straight beats h. liHl!onee round. Store. S-3; 3-6, C, Tha match was originally slated for the Strawberry Mansion courts, but owing to some improvements being made there. It was ahlfted to Bilneld at the last minute. Elmira Beats Harrisburg Champs HARRISBl RU. Spt 17.-The lUrrls burg liub. hamplons of the Tristate League, lost the Miond game of the post taBOn series to Elmira. the New York BUte League title holders, sterday by tho acore of i to 1 The game went H Inning. Elmira's victory even Jp the mttUa, , from Ed Half in the class B pace contest. MT. AIRY TO PLAY PROFS One of the best games of the season between local teams will be plued noxt Sunday aftrnoon at Chestnut Hill be tween tho Chestnut Hill Professionals and the Mt All nine This is the tecoixl gam. of a srrlcs of thir to decide th Received .i lettei fiom Hurry lMuuicl.-. pr sidunt nf the Olympltl Athletic Assu cluth ii. in which he stnteb It bus ill way teen the policy of the Olvmpl Association to pluy fair. The reason Huriy penned the note Is because lie feels that he hus been ilono an injustice, ho savs so himself. The trouble arose when Jimmy Dougherty, manager of Jack Blackburn, saw lit t' attempt to make a speech regarding the Bl.ickburn-Co-mun match difficulty at the Willlums Loultfiana fight Monday night. Dougherty wanted to explain borne matters of in ter&t about that bout, but could not do so b, cauee of the ensuing confusion, llcie Is what Edwards has to bay, and It is only fair to print It for htm: "I have acquainted myself nlih all of the 1m.iII of ilw Tommy Coleman-Jack lilack burn matcb fMlle Holland had good iin'l auffUlrnt rraiton to change hia mlml Hud Rlutkliurn Injured blnwelf uhlla training, tha 1 club uould hute loal tha match, for no fur tiia vere poaied and there la no tay tout th luh could have lomptllrd Iflackburn lo bj bad he l'n hurt. Be coulit hae nur, an Injury Liitlt'tha 'lay of the liout and then call,) It all off. if at the lat mlnui h could not liave boxed Coleman hai playtd fair and he will not regret It. ' I fiaml reariv io olftr Mr Poushertv a rtate proUded he pnie a kooiI alzwi forfeit for weight mil appearance and that Coleman doKi the ame 1'tie i lub will Fut up f fur every one Hie flKUtors ioat I uill ba In my office at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon, an4 I lulte exery loi-al paper to eni a repr--vcutatlte to learn the truth of tha nuith ri,i,nian will 1 precent If Dougherty m.uiw that wild vpeech of hlu let him torn and talk turke pot a forfeit ufiree on term anl 11 ' only Die uaher are preaeot the ulinpla A A BASEBALL CONDENSED AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. Dctroll, n: ClceluiMl, St. IkjuU. '.; Chlciicii, I. St, I.niiN, :i; thlcngn, 1 (hccitnil ganu'). Today's Games. Atbleths ut Detroit. New York at Chicago, Boston at VW eland. ttukhhiRton at t I.oiil.. Tomorrow's Games, Atlilctlra at Detroit. New Vork Ht Chlcucn. Boston ut ricclaiid. WuitliliiRtoii ut Sf. Louis. Club Standing, tv l. P r w i, v r. Athletics... H8 41 .017 Chlcngo. . f!3 71 .4711 Hoiton... 7'J ,1.1 .r.ORSt Louis. 01 7S ,45! Detroit. ... 7:t 3 .ti:)7 New York BO 7B AH Waih'gt'n 13 H3 510 Cleveland -13 03 .310 NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. I'liilUe. 6s littfthiirKh. 1. Unifon. lit M. I.nuis. 3. civ Vnrl, K; Cincinnati, I, llrooklju, 7; Liihugo, 'i. Today's Games. PlttMnireh ill I'hilailclnlila VI liiilnf,). I liliasn at llrookltii. M. I.ciuN nt llnstnii. (iiichiiiuti ut New orli Tomorrow's Games. I'ittohiireh ut riilhidelnlilu. tliUagont ItrnoMin. M. l.oul ut lloslmi. fine inntitl ut New Vork. Club Standing. W I. I f W I. P r. lln.ton 7rt ."1 nsni'lttah'Bli 2 lift .17.1 s.w Vork 73 VI .-,-'! I'lillllci. !' 71 .ICil St. I.til- . 71 1,1 Vliilirookljn SlJ 7.1 .UT Chicago 71 ot SJOt'liulmidti 8U 71! .-t'-'l FEDERAL LEAGUE chauiulonshiu of the Northeast be' tlon of the citv. hettnut Hill winning the ...in .,n th.t match firt of last Sunday by the score of 7 to 3. i ilundrd of people asked me hi Douuh Johny Barker will occupy the box for Chestnut Hill with his brother, Charlie, from the Trenton Trl-State team on receiving ad, w A-o'cioclfi thi erty nas trying to ay on Monday night I nvi nil Oia nanere an4 DeoDla ho deftire. r"e to wltneea iaf pereonal effort to g1a Uoiish the I criy luat what h baa requested. The UaA la I o'clocif, h dito September 21." Yesterday's Results, Haltlinore, 3; liunsjn (lt. . Iiidlunilii'll, -'I llrooklyn. II. ( hlmgo. 7; riltshurcli. I. Ilutr.ilo. 7; M. I.oilla, 3. Today's Games. i;un.a rit at Baltimore. (Iilcugnat rittlnirgli. Iiiillunupolla at llrookhn. ht. I. ouli ut Buffalo Tomorrow's Games. Kunsuk (it ut Baltimore. I IiIcuko at littklmrKli. IiiillunuiiolU ut llrooKljn. M. i,oui ut iiunaio Club Standing. W I. P C W I,, p.c. Indlanap'a 7.1 r.9 ,1i,u Buffalo 117 i',3 iltn "hi' ago 7.1 Ml ''0 Kan City 02 70 470 Baltimore. 70 no r.isst I.oula MS 71 4.10 Hrooklyn 07 W SlSI'litab'sh 5S 77 40J INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. g; yiontrrul. 2 HutTulo. ; Bocheater, 1. Club Standing. W I' !:; W L, PC. 81 S3 600 Toronto. OU 00 oil Ilocbt.ter b n Sia;""-, ; I 3SS8ZS. 5f -6U7.T City. 40 53 Mi WEST CHESTER, Pa., Sept. 17,-Thls is the big day at the fair of the Chester County Arglcultural Association nnd tho attendance Is even grenter than was ex pected. Last year, tho samo day, there wero about SOOO persons on tho ground, but tho number today exceeds that by a considerable figure. Good weather has prevailed on every day of the exhibition, and even If rain fallB tomorrow the organization will have cleaied more money than at any oxhlbitlon It has held since It was formed. The Judges of cattlo have about com pleted their work nnd are summing up tho results, ns are those of other ex hibits, including the poultry. Those hav ing chargo of making awards in tho horso show, the big fenturo of the fair, which Is under tho management of It. 1'enn Smith, commenced their work today and will complete looking over tho ani mals tomorrow. Among the exhibits are some of tho finest ever seen In this plncc, and all classes nre well contested. Tho big rnco of the fair Is to bo staged this afternoon, when Joe Boy, the fast West Chester entry, nnd Pickles, his rival, belonging to James Bell, of Philadelphia, meet in tho free-for-all. Other races on the card are the 2:21 trot, 2:19 pace and 2:11 trot. Tho events for tomorrow are as follows: 2.40 trot, purso MOO Itosa V., ch. m , James B. Jesiup, Woodstown, N. J.: Fountain Penu, b. g., Barry Graham. Klmberton, l'n.: Danata, b m.. Joseph Hilton. IVnt ChoMer: Klkton Boy, I), g., K. J, Cann, Kennett Square, Pa.; Irma, s. in., B. 13. Hart, Uultryn Mnwr, Pa. ; Kxpo. rn. r., Krt. Brown, lllslng Run, Md : K. Tuck. Rorrell, Hermann Auth, l'rankfonl, Philadelphia; Uondy Hoy. b. g., f. Irfltehnrn mor, Norrlstonn, Lena Zombro. b. m., Henry Button, Wilmington, Count Keller, br. f. Hcnrv Button. Wilmington. Huron Kce. h g., Joseph fpirks, Philadelphia: Johnnie 0'l)rln. g. g., Joseph P. Hhlnn, Camden: Alton Hell, b. b , Chester Mourar, Spring City; Splnnln, b, in., James Bell. Philadelphia; I.ord Hrook, b, s., Joseph Klcckner, Ojnwyd; Talr !.aurn, b. m Joseph Kleckner, C'jnwjd: Bourbon Chimes, b s., C H. Phieeves. Lancaster, Mary K., s. m Daniel Iary. West Chester: Ilur ton Ball, b. s Daniel Iary, West Cheter: Mary Jane, g. ni., rilen Cahle 1'arms, Wye lnook. Pa.: King Bed, b. g Albert N. Kllni Ifoadlng, Pa. 2 2.1 trot, purse J300 K. Tuck, sorrell, Bar monn Auth. Frankford, Plilladelphla; 'A. O., Barry Todd, Lancaster. Pa.: Itondy Boy, b. E. 1". Iltchammer, Norrlstonn. Pa.; Baron i-ee, b. g., Joseph Hparks, Philadelphia; Spl nola, I), m., James Hell. Plilladelphla; Gen. Coxey, b. s Niels Carlson, Ocean (1t, N. J.; Klnnette, b. m., W. W, ro, Gloucester. N. ,1.. Mary B., s. m Daniel I.eary, West Clies. ter, Uurton Hall, b. ., Daniel I.eary, Wen Chester: King Ited, b. g , Albert N. Kline, Beading, Pu. 2.."D pace, puree MOO lllrdle It , b m., Wm Beaer, Baydens: Patchtn filllon. b. ? . James Jlenly. Lyndell. Pa., Bed Pepper, s. g, John K. Baldwin. West Chester. Pi.. Harry T. . g., Barry Todd. Uincaster. Pa., Viola Wilkes, b. m.. llnney Darllnetoii, Wen CheMer. Pa.; Nelllo Direct, b m.. John Florey, Hast Bonn Ingtonn, Pa.. Baron Bed. s g, Alnnza Crla nell, Chatham, Pa , Jou Kain.tt. br k.. Henry Button. Wilmington. Del.; Gillespie, b, a.. Concordvllla Stock Farm. CotuonUUlo; Hal bert. b. g.. 'harles Faddis. Coatesvllle, Pa., .7. K.. a. g., J. F. Mallalleu. Wilmington. Del., Sid Dillon, blk John Thompson, Wllllams tonn, N. J.. Hendricks, s. g. E. F. Bspen hlp. Norrlstonn Barry V., b. g, Brubaker Brothers Wingohocken, b. s , Glen Gable Farms, Wjebrook. Pa . Hrenster Hal, b. s.. Daniel Leary, West I'hester: Hugh Bi-mire, b. s Daniel Leary, West Chester. BRYN MAWR SHOW ENTRIES EXCEED FORMER RECORDS Nine Hundred and Forty five Horses and Ponies in Ninety-nine Clases to Be Judged September 21. Toronto, Buffalo. Analysis of the entry lists for the Brin Jlawr Horoo Show, to be held Septem ber 21. emphasize.-, the fact that this 20th ! carnival event will far exceed in .-Izo 1 and importnnco any previous exhibition. , Thtie aro 915 liorw and ponies entered, lompnring with u previous record of S25. When tho post entries in tho various ' clatseh In which uch entries aro accepted will be added, tha tntl should be well over 10W. . or the total of JO clatscs, 30 are for hunters and junucrs, nnd In these liases thero are Sol entries. In other years tho number of entrleb In any one class never LJvceeded 33. but this year the jumping , clut-s for green Jiunteis hab K, entries, the ' jumping class, open to nil. has 13 entries. , and two other Jumping classes have Zi entries each. In the 21 classes for harness hnri.es there uro 119 horses entered, nnd in the IS classes for saddle horses the entries total 19- The many new ilaksts ar ranged for ponies, 1G In all. have attracted a record number of S entries. Cons,lder- 1 tng the fact that this Is th first time that6raft horses have been Invited to oxhibtt at Bryn Mawr. the 17 entries In the flvo draft classes is also a represen tative hovlng. Entries for the first annual Bryn Mawr Hound Show, totnling 2'9 dogs, far ex ceed the expectations of the organisers of this first attempt ever made In America to provide an opportunity fur competition among f"X hounds and beagle hounis i The hound entries are divided .is follow t: American hounds, in the ten classis, Ite! English hounds, eleven classes. H entries' American-bred English hounds, six class- i eg, i iim nun-urea nounds, nine classes. - vninsa, ana in me eleven class es for beagle hounds there are 81 entries In tho spe lal class for the best "working iox terrier" there are seven entries. BACK FIELD DEVELOPMENT TASK FOR PENN COACHES Football Experts Concentrating all Thought and Energy Along JLhose JLines Harvard, Dartmouth and Cornell Favored in This Rcspeot, as 1913 Quartets are Intact. By EDWARD R. BTSHNEM. Whllo the coaches at Franklin Field aro concentrating nil their thought and en ergy upon tho development of a ground gaining back field, Harvard, Dartmouth and Cornell arc giving thanks that their veteran back field quartets of 1913 nro Intact, and promise to bo better this year than over. While theso universities have merely to hold their back field men to gether, the Quakers must fill every one of theso four positions with n new man. The effectiveness of Harvard's back field ought to bo greatly Increased this year, If such a quartet could do more deadly execution than that wrought by Bricklcy, Mahan, Logan and Bradlee. About all Head Coach Percy Haughton has to do Is to keep theso men In shape and think up now plays for them. Unless some thing now unforeseen happens no pos sible change could strengthen this group. Every mnn Is a star of the first magnl tudo In his particular position, and the four work together with the greatest pre cision. It Is idle to dwell upon tho good points of these men because every ono knows how wonderfully Brlckloy can drop and place kick, run the ends and buck the line; how Mahan can punt, run back kicks and sprint around end; how Bradlee can hit tho line, and Logan run the team. But Pennsylvania men aro probably more Interested In tho strength of Dart mouth nnd Cornell behind tho lino be cause tho Quakers have to play both of these teams. Dartmouth Is every whit as well fortified here ns Harvard. Last year Llewellyn and Ghee alternated at quarterback, but Ghee was the better man. Llowellyn has graduated, leaving Gliee In full charge. Dartmouth's other three backs aro on hand again. Theso inciudo Captain Whitney and Curtis tit the halfback positions, and Murdock at fullback. There Isn't much to chooso be tween the Dartmouth nnd Ilnrvnid back fields. That Indicates how strong Dart mouth Is. In some respects Whitney Is a bettor player than Btlckley. He is every bit -as fast, and ns a lino bucker he Is superior to the Harvard captain. Only In kicking Is Bricltley his superior. Ghee Is a Letter man to operate tho forward pass than Logan. Likewise he runs his team faster and Is a better Individual player. Mahan Is superior to Curtis, but there Is nothing to choose between Murdoch, of Daitmoiith, and Bradlee, of Harvard. But think what a load Is taken from the minds of tho Dartmouth coaches when they realize that they now have n hack field which can't be Improved! Dr. A. H. Shnrpe. of Cornell, may try to Improve, his back field, hut ho will be pretty well lortltled even If ho decides to stand pat on his present quartette, which did so much to win from Pennsylvania last year. Last ear's back Held was made up of Barrett at quaiterhack, C'oll yer and Phillip! nt halfbacks and I.ahr at fullback. On tho offense Frlt, now grad uated, was brought back to a halfback position. With tho exception ot I'Vltz tills offensive machlno is still available It Is a pretty well rounded combination, too, nnd directed 1 Barrett, who is one of tho liest quartei backs, punters nnd drop kickers In the country. There Is no disguising tho fact that at LOCAL MARKSMEN ARE ON EDGE FOR IESTY HOGAN TITLE Great Improvement Shown by Griffith, Newcomb and Sloan Puts Them in Line for Amateur Singles Championship. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Sept. 17.-In-terest centres here today on the amateur championship at singles In the Eighth Annual Tournament of- the Westy Ho gans. Without exception, this meeting 1ms brought together the pick of the shooting fraternity In tho country, anil perfect scores will doubtless only figure In the major awuids. Conditions are Ideal again today for the trap shooteis, and early lound In this competition fore, casted great shooting. Woolfolk Henderson, national amateur champion at both singles and doubles, of Kentucky, looms up at the top of the field. He will have no mean task here, however, with the old cracks that are appearing from every squad. Jesse Grif fith, of Philadelphia, has been credited with the beet performance to dato In his record of 90 breaks out of his cen tury allotment in tho State race yester day Charley Newcomb likewise seems to bo rounding Into his old-time form, and Harry II. .Sloan also promises to hold up the Philadelphia end. It was this trio from the ranks of the Quaker t'ity contingent that biought home the State itle to Pennsylvania yes terday for the third straight time The Keystono gunners netted the grand total of 4SS out of the possible 600, tha best set up to date. Al Hell, Allentown, and 3Ylter S. Behm, Reading, made up the this writing the outlook at Pennsylvania is not very bright behind the line. Them aro plenty of candidates for each position who show Individual skill, but four new men will havo to bo welded together to act ns a unit, and It would be little short of miraculous if they should Bhow strength compnrablo to that of tho Dart mouth backs. So far not a man Is surs of a position hero. It will require several days moro of signal drill and even some scrimmaging for tho coaches to select oven a tentative backfield. Finding a good quarterback still re mains Coach Brooke's big problem. He has been trying Ballou, Irwin and Mer rill here and all give promise, though Ballou Is by far tho most finished player of the lot. If the quarterback problem Is solved soon It will be an easier matter to find three running mates for him. To Pat Dwyor has been assigned the task of finding a centre to succeed Simp son, of last year's team. Ho Is now con sidering three men for the position. Cap tain Journeay, Boric, of lost year's fresh man team, and Butler, who played th position on tho scrubs. Tho position Is now to Journeay, but there are so many big men for guard and tackle and the need of a centre so pressing, that Jour neay hopes to win tho pivotal position by the time tho first game Is played. What Journeay needs more than anything else Is speed, for the Pennsylvania style of playing this position requires a man of grent activity who can take enre of him self nnd then lend a hand wherever he Is needed. Conch Brook, of Pennsylvania, has picked a provisional team and plans to send them through a few simple forma tions today. The lineup of yesterday gives some Indication of the probable makeup of tho team today. Captain Journeay, as wm predicted. Is to play centre. He Is the only mnn definitely , placed. Flanking him for guards In ths present lineup will be Wlthcrow and Nowald; at tackles, Harris and Russell: and ends, Carter and nockcfeller. Irwin Is to start out at quarter and Moffet at fullback. Gotwcls nnd Jones will fill In. This combination will be shifted fre quently.Murdock and Tucker alternated with Carter and Itockefeller at end yes terday. Mike Dorlzas continues to im prove and Is pretty sure to make a place. Ballou and Merrill had turns with "Doc" Irwin nt the pilot position. Vreeland did not put In nn appearance, as he Is study ing for an examination. Mathews re lieved Moffet at Intervals. Ho is big anil speedy and as "consistent a drop kicker as there is on the field. Gotwcls at half made a good Impression. He Is a llttlo light, hut his wonderful speed makes up for that deficiency. Hughes Is likely to be a dark horse. Although In school last year, ho did not play. Ho causht on the freshman baseball team last year Jack Dalton, all-Amerlcan quarterback on tho Navy team, was out today to assist coaehlnir. Of last year's team. Crane, Simpson, Marshall and Peden were out. Mercer, tho old American fullback of two years ago, was also present. Among the older graduates wero noticed Dr. Robert Torry, Davlsson Kennedy, Bill Young nnd Char- lie Corson. Ben Cline, Swarthmore's captain, wns nlso a morning visitor. balance of tho squad, but the former three excelled. J. C. Griffith, of Philadelphia, and Jay Clark, Jr., of Worcester, Mass., tied last year for the championship at singles with 99 broken In the 100. Clark won tho shoot off by grassing M In a row. Dr. L. O. Itichards. "of Roanoke, Va.. champion shot of that State, Joined the ranks of the entrants In this race. Richards h" Just come up from the South where ht had a perfect run of 100 to attain his tltlt C. B. Homer, Oklahoma State champion: A. B. Richardson, champion shot of Dela ware; Behm, of Beading; William Rid ley, of What Cheer. la , tltlo holder In that State, and Dr. W. II. Matthews, New Jersey stuto champion shot, nre ainonj the other notables to start off on this classic. Tho a. K. Painter trophy, ttte Continental trophy and ten of tho famous Westy Hogan watch fobs, go to the lead ers In this event. Flvo other events of 15 targets each open the program here today. These are considered separately, hut the last fn of 20 each aio to also count for the Westy Hogan race as well as In determining the high guns. Quite the feature of the tournament hero has been the exhibition of Mrs. Hurry Harrison, of Rochester, N Y , and Miss M. W. Itemy, of Anderson. Ind. which has had the effect of bringing out largo women audiences. Mrs. Harrison yesterday broke 112 of her 1T5 targets as against 112 for her younger opponent. Evers Bobbed of Trophies TROY. N. Y.. Sept. 17 -Johnny liver, field captain of the Boston Braves, lost many ot the valuable trophies presented to him by admiring friends during his cureer on the diamond when It learned here yesterday that his hums hud been robbed. A chest of silver pre sented to hlni by the fans of liucSnO nnd several solid sllvtr cups are .iraong the unities missing. 8. Nut ATlliriVy Mi.HT SATlltllU M'"T. tlouul . C .lad. Urt.utuuii National A ' iii-at iiiiii)ii;Vi:iiHT I.OI i ,, KIlBIi: ICi; OIICK iiirrlY'IUllMV IIIIHlt tour Otb-r runtrsis Four Other forest GUAM) OI'KXISC H IMI OI'KN'',- KKKXAN'h KISXSIM.ION A. t'-.-rg FIVE tSUBAT BOlTtf FIVB (IKBAT rOlTS Se luo AUtiuuTu t. Nell McCiw Di, 'A t t tl 'tit igM .(inlMCUBJll'llill'l 'l"". tuif " i mi glum . "" t""" '"'-. 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