Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Postscript Edition, Image 1

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VOL. I-NO. 1
Washington Hears Presi
dent's Second Mediation
Offer Has Been Accepted
by Emperor. ,
protection of German Territory
and Commerce Said To Be
Torma For Ending Hostilities.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. There la it
persistent report In Administration circles
that Emperor William has accepted con
ditionally President Wllson'a second
proffer of mediation. ,
These conditions are said to Insist that
Gtrman territory be preserved nnd Ger
man commerce nftorded full protection.
Both tho While Housa nnd State De
partment refused to discuss tho report
and the German Embassy said It was
tut off entirely from Berlin.
Introduction of Measure Today or
Tomorrow Wilf Tollow.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-Democrats of
tho House Ways and Means Committee
mot today to approve the tentative draft
written by Clinlrman Underwood of tho
Inttrnal revenue "war tax" bill. The
Republicans will be called In later for a
formal, perfunctory meeting, to bo fol
lowed by a fa voi able report and Intro
duction of tho measure lato today or to
morrow. tTndcrwood Indicated today that some
of the Spanish war tax Items might not
be Included In tho present bill.
Republican committeemen plan n
scnthlns minority report, Indicting the
Democrats for alleged extravaganco In
New Draft of Loan Bill In
cludes $500,000 Item for
Preliminary Work on the
La Follette, Cummins, Borah
and'Clapp Say His Elimi
nation Is Party Neces
sity. Evening Ledger's Support of
Palmer Regarded as Powerful
Factor in Campaign for Poli
tical Morality.
Government Wants to Know Why
Clearance Papers Were Refused.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-The United
States today called upon Brazil for an
explanation of her refusal to Issue clear
ance papers to the steamship Robert
Dollar at Tllo De Janeiro.
Tho first step toward the actual con-
COPI3NHAGEN, Sept. 17.
. -m.i.i ...n'ir lin Nnril
?eUt! 1. . .,nHlB aom-cos that Ger- llncs and tho abolition of exchange tickets
will be tnken today when Councils' Fl-
iik utorles irom iiuhiub mmu. "
many Is Inclined to make peace and Is
thed of the war nre entirely false.
"Tho German pcoplo will never lay
own their arms In this wnr." It says,
"without guarantees necessary to Its fu
ture In the world of nations."
A military expert has Inquired directly
of tho Krupps at Essex If 42 centimetre
juns (guns of a calibre of 16.5 Inches)
lst. Tho Krupps' reply wns that such
guns, transportable over land, have been
manufactured but that they regret they
are unable to glvo details nt present.
The reference Is to the Immenso siege
iuns which the Germans have lccn re
ported as UBlns In bombarding the Bel
clan and French forts, for which they
are said to have to lay tracks along roads
and streets.
BERLIN, via Amsterdam. Sept. 17.
Informal representations hnve been
made through diplomatic channels to Em
peror William as to whether Germany
flould accept another offer of mediation
by tho Vnlted States. A reply has -n
ent to Washington.
Though the contents or tne repiy nave
not been made public, it Is reported semi
officially that the Emperor pointed but
that Germany had not sought tho war
nd that It would place no obstacles In
tha way of peace, but under no eircum
itance would enter into negotiations that
would threaten tho territorial Integrity
of the Empho or weaken her commercial
Officials Close to Commission Think
New Hearing Will Be Held.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Tho next step
In the new five per cent, advance rate
cbeo -Rill not be taken until tho early
part of October, Interstate Commorco of
ficials today said. Then the commission
IU consider tho petition of the Eastern
railroads for a reopening of their case.
Ofllclal close to members of the com
mission expressed the opinion that tho
case will bo reopened und a dato set for
tho new hearing.
Move to Protect Centre of War Sup
ply Manufacture,
THE HAGUE, Sept. 17.
The Oerman fortifications about Co
logne, Duesseldorf, Wesel and Dulsberg
re being strengthened, apparently as u
offensive mcasuic, according to reliable
reports received hero today. These four
cities occupy strategic positions along the
ilhlne and constitute the western line of
Their capturo by the allies would bo
terrific blow to Germany. They guard
i-ssen and the Mirroundlng district.
een Is the arsenal of the Gorman em
pire. Not only aie tho Krupp guns mado
uwa, but the mills where are made tho
mor plate for battleships and powder
na ammunition works also are located
in that Prussian city.
Francis Joseph Grieved Because Order
Was Needed, Dispatch Adds.
HOME, Sept. 17.
A Vienna dispatch to the Corrlcro Delia
ra tas that Austria has ordered con
niption en masso to form new armies,
"adds that Emperor Francis Joseph on
"king this step a,Id:
"I 'lave never felt so grieved over a de
"''on of such giavlty."
nance Committee and Common Council
meet to carry out the ngreement made
by Councllmanlc lenders last Tuesday to
reapportion tho now $11, 700,0V) loan bo as
to Include the item' of $:co,000 for pro
llmlnury work In the transit progrnm.
Just before tho Subcommittee oji Ap
propriations mot in City Hall at 1:30
o'clock there was a feeling of confidence
among the business men of Philadelphia
that the subcommittee would prepare a
now draft of the loan bill and Include
the appropriation for transit. This com
mittee Is expected, to present the reappor
tionment to the general Finance Commit
tee at a meeting to be held Immediately
before the session of Common Council
this afternoon.
A general reapportionment of the loan
probably will be made. Tho original al
lotments for tho Parkway, for man
damuses and for general rcpaving, It Is
planned, will bo cut to provide the $00,000
ror transit. Dlroctor Norris, of tho De
partment of Wharves. Docks and Fer
ries, hns nlso asked a new allotment of
the apportionment for the work of his
department. Ho wants two Items of $600,
CO0 and J20O.OOO to bo incorporated In a
lump sum of SSOO.OOO for general pier con
struction, and also wants other changes
made. Ilia request probably will be
Theio was considerable discussion pre
ceding the subcommittee meeting nbout
n plan accredited to Councllmanlc lenders
to cut tho payioll of the Transit Depart
ment. It was said that Councils planned
to ttansfcr $03,000 from Director Taylor's
unexpended salary appropriation as part
of the $272,0)0 asked by Dr. Hnrto for tho
completion of work at Byberry, Holmes
burg and for repairs at the Municipal
The appropriation to the Transit Depart
ment for salaries this year was $210,030
and on August 1 there was a balance of
$1.13,316.57. Tho transit payroll that month
was $11,417.48, leaving a balance of $121,
929.33. Councils. It was said, figure that
only $.",3,000 would be needed for the rst
ot uie year, leaving a balance of approx
imately JCS.OOO.
On the other hand, it has been said that
In view of the universal protest against
tho original attitude of Councllmanlc lead
ers, they have been ordered to keep hands
off the Transit Department for tho pres
"Villa. Sorrentq Limeade" Displa
tne drape Juice.
toatn!,N'0TOX Sm- ".-Secretary of
S Ink H'f" ls "itroduclng a new "dry"
IJiSL."", 7"" " "VHa Sorrento
Vila H'r '"s maUe at '"nes "'
marv ,rr?,n.'0' 1"8 I''lorlda home. Sec
be .n,.i ..?!",, M"41"1"180" uKsts that it
The Mm Vl la-carraiua-55apata."
Juice llmade U a substitute for grape-
For PhUudelphta and vicimtuln
0 cloudiness tonUjht followed
Z He" iH the tarlu morning and
Zrl,V! not much '
"; moderate easterly winds,
details, see last pane.
Inspects Water Works and Declines
to Discuss European War.
Sntoru Nlshloedn, chief engineer of tho
municipal water works at ToMo, Japan,
and one of the most noted civil engineers
In his country. la visiting this city, en
route on a tour of tho world, for tho
purpose of Inspecting the filtration nlnniH
of tho gieat cities of America and Eu
rope. Mr. Nlshloedn. visited the water
works department In City Hall today,
where he obtained permission to inspect
any part of tho departmental machinery,
Railroad Station in German Lease
hold Taken With Little Loss.
TOKIO, Sept. 17.
v The capture of the railroad station at
Klao-Chau was effected with slight toss
to the Japanese because of the daring
of an aviator who flew In a hydroaero
plane from n warship outside tho bay.
Filing high nbovo the German troops
gathered to resist tho seizing of the rail
way familial ho dropped live bombs
among them. His aim was so good that
three of the bombs exploded among tho
Germans, killing and Injuring many.
While the Germans were In disorder
tho Japanese charged and drove tho de
fenders back towaid Tslng-Tao.
S. P. C, A. Wants Motor-Driven Patrol
A committee representing the Society
lor me t-revrnuun "i i rueiiy to Animals,
conslbting of S. B. Rutherford, William
Phillips and H. Leppcr. Jr., called on Di
rector Porter today and reiluested that
a motor-driven patrol be given to the
Tacony police station The committee
pointed out that the district. In which are
Included Bustleton. Summerton. Vox
Chase and Lawndale and which comprises
13 square miles, Is entirely too largo to
permit the employment of horses, par
ticularly in view of the hard roads they
have to traverse in answering emergency
fpnoM orn sTArF conRrsro.vrnsT.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Republican
and Democratic Scnatoro are silent to
day on the resolution Introduced In the
Senate yesleiday by Senator George W.
Norris, of Nebraska, for an Investigation
by the Committee on Privileges and Elec
tions, of tho primary campaign expenses
of Senator Pentose und Roger C. Sulli
van, tho Democratic Senatorial nominee
In Illinois. Many predictions nre mado
that tho resolution will not bo reported
out of the committee.
Progressive Republicans like La Fol
lette, Cummins, Rornh .and Clnpp make
no secret of their opposition to Penrose,
nnd among the lenders of this wing of
the Republican party there Is a strong
feeling that tho sooner men of the typo
of Penrose nnd William Barnes, Jr., of
New York, nro eliminated as leaders, the
better It will bo for the party. On the
other hand, Democrats who ten days ngo
weio very outspoken In their opposition
to the nomination of Sullivan refuse to
discuss the Norris resolution.
Senator John W. Kern, of Indiana,
chairman of the Committee on Privileges
and Elections, announced todny that the
committee would be called for a special
session within a few days to consider
the Nonls resolution. Senator Kern told
the Evening Lodger, however, that there
Is little prospect of an investigation of
the Pennsylvania and Illinois primary
campaigns unless Senator Norris Is will
ing to Incorporate Into his resolution defl
nlto nnd specltlc charges of the misuse
of money by Penrose and Sullivan "to
tho end that we may have something
to Invostlsnte."
The repudiation of Senator Penrose by
the Evening Ledger nnd tho Puiilic
LrjoaEn, has caused more comment In
Washington than has the resolution of
Senator Norris. Republicans of the old
school type, who have been confident of
the re-election of Penrose, now express
fear that Representative A. Mitchell Pal
mer will be elected to tho Senate. Pon
roso Is expected to visit Washington
within a few days to confer with his
friends in the Senate for the purpose. It
is believed, of bringing every pressure
to bear to keep the Norris resolution
from being reported out of tho committee.
Secretary of the Navy Daniels today
"The strong support that is being given
to the candidacy of Representative Pal.
mer by the Puni.ic LEDonn and tho
Evening Ledger has, I believe, turned
the tldo in Pennsylvania. Those who a
few weeks ago thought Mr. Palmer wns
engaged In a hopeless fight nre now satis
fied that ho has more than an even
ennnce to win tho senatorshlp in Penn
sylvania." Colonel Thomas C. Penco, assistant to
National Chairman William F. McCombs,
"No one thing is going to contribute so
much to making the election of Represen
tative Palmer certain ns the stand tnken
by tho Evening Ledger and the Public
Ledcjeii. Mr. Palmer Is making a won-
uenui campaign and the support of the
Curtis newspapers will. In my opinion,
make the defeat of Penrose possible. Tho
repudiation of Senator Penrose by these
newspapers has occasioned much com
ment among Senators and Representa
tives of both parties."
Art-laden Vapor Escapes Erom West
Side, Below Summit Crater.
MINERAL, Cnl., Sept. 17.-Vast clUan
tltlcs of ash-laden steam vapor are es
caping today as a result of a violent
eruption yesterday at LaBsen Peak. The
vapor ls escaping from the west side of
the mountain below the rim, of the eum
mlt crater. The Indications are that the
crnter will fill up and that future erup
tions will occur through the new fissure.
The War Summary
King Albert Leacjs Army
Against Foe Kaiser's
Veteran Troops Rushed to
France Reserves Replace
ANTWERP. Sept. 17.
King Albert led his army away from
Antwerp today for another offensive
movement against tho Germans, whllo
Belgian volunteers are carrying on an ac
tive cumpalgn In tho extreme Wrthwost
ein part of Belgium ngnlnst Uhlans who
nre raiding Isolated districts In west
Fights aie leported from Wnereghem,
St. Elol and Inglemunster, where the
Belgian volunteers were successful. At
Iscghcm 150 Belgians attacked SOU Uhlans,
who were ambuscaded In housc3. 64 Ger
mans are reported to havo been killed and
a number wounded, while 30 others were
made prisoners. The balance fled.
Tho Belgians lost four men killed and
14 wounded.
Another German detachment is reported
to have been defeated by Belgians near
Alost. Tho Germans lost a number of
men in killed and wounded and seven
Ono hundred regiments of German In
fantry (about 100,000 men) and artillery
forces with 40 guns passed through Liege
toward France on Tuesday and Wednes
day. The Germans are withdrawing their
main forces and sending them into
France In enormous numbers. But there
are no signs that they contemplate the
general evacuation of Belgium as those
withdrawn are Immediately replaced by
troops of the second line and from the
The battle of tho Alsno continues. Tho
allies nre hurling forces again and
again upon the strongly entrenched
linos of Germans north of tho river
nnd have been repulsed In each ad
vance. Tho position of tho Kaiser's
forces Is said to be so strong that
attacks arc made only at heavy losses
by the allies.
General von Kluk's army on the Ger
man right wing Is In danger of be
ing surrounded, London reporting
his forces nlrendy hemmed In.
French War Olllce, at Bordeaux, an
nounces that the Germans have been
compelled to rulse the siege at Ver
dun and that the Crown Prince's
army ngnin has been forced back.
German official War Olllce statement
todny explains the retreat of tho
Germans in Franco wns only to their
prepared positions and to enable the
troops to recover from their earlier
Kaiser's Artillery Mows Down British As
They Force Passage of the Aisne.
German Line Repulses French Infantry
As They Storm Defenses.
Flanking Movement to Cut Off Army of
Von Kluk Reported Successful Both
Sides Bring Up Powerful Guns and
Great Duel Is On.
Ambassador Spring - Rice
Expresses H i s Govern
ment's Regret for Attack
On Wilson by British Dip-lomat.
navy reserve.
A continuous stream of trains Is pass
ing through Alx la Chapelle carrying
fresh troops to the scene of battle in the
south, and It Is believed certain here
that the Germans ngaln are hoping to
resume the offensive.
Reports that the Germans were actually
evacuating Brussels were set at rest to
day when couriers arrived hero from the
Belgian capital, now held by the enemy.
They reported that the troops which have
been holding the city have been with
drawn to go to the French front, but
that their places have been taken by
members of the naval reserve who are
acting as Infant it. and by troops from
the landsturm.
Only the western lines through the cen
tre of Belgium are held by the Germans.
The towns to the eastwaid, notably
I.tege, have been lenuded of their gar
risons and the troops sent on to the
general battle front. As a result of these
manoeuvres. If the Germans so desired,
they could evacuate all of Belgium with
in SI hours.
Germnn-Anierlcans of Chicago Inter
view President Wilson.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 17.-Headed by
Horace L. Brand, a Chicago editor, a
group of Chicago German-Americans will
present to President Wilson a reply to
Belgian charges of German atrocities.
Their documents were received by way
of East Africa.
NEW YORK, Sept. 17.-Tho Weather
Bureau today announced that the South
ern storm had passed inland to Georgia
and that it would lose Its Intensity
Warnings were ordered down to the
South Atlantic
WASHINGTON. Sept. IT.-The British
Government today, through Ambassador
Sprlng-Rico, apologized ans expressed a
great regret to the American Government
for tho Interview alleged to have been
given by Sid Lionel Carden, in which
Carden criticised the administration for
withdrawing the troops from Veru Cruz.
Sir Lionel Carden was banished from
Mexico by Provisional President Car
ramsa. This was the surprising state
ment made today by a high oitl
clal. It was Intimated that be
cause of the known animus of Sir Lionel
Carden for the Mexican Constitutional
Government, the Washington Administra
tion would take no further notice r.f the
diplomat's recent Interview In New York
In which he characterized the withdrawal
of American troops as a "desperate
Carden la now on his way to England,
and from there will go to Braiil where he
hub ueen accredited by tils Government.
Carden's published criticism of with
drawal of American troops from Mexico
was regarded In administration circles
today as unfair and untrue. N'o ottlclal
confirmation of the widely printed Inter
view was at hand, government authorltlei
were Inclined to view It as tho outburst
of a diplomat, admittedly personally dls
gruntled at the Carranza administration
A high diplomat here stated today that
he would not be surprised If France
should withdraw her Ambassador to Mex
ico, because of the treatment of nuns and
monks by the Constitutionalists. In dip
lomatic circles It became more evident
that serious difficulties. In securing com
plete re ognltlott from foreign Powers
confront the ConstltutlonalbU,
Official Warning: After Canadians
Fire at American Aeroplane,
WASHINGTON. Sept. 17 -Official warn
ing that American aviators must not fly
over the boundary Into Canndlau terrl
tcry, today was Issued by the State De
partment. Acting Secretary of State Lansing said
that an American aeroplane had been
fired upon by Canadians while In the
vicinity nf the Long Sault Canal. This
action was taken, the Canadian authori
ties stated, because the did not care to
talio any chancer of damage to their val
uable locks Other air craft hovering
over Canadian territory will be similarly
greeted, and Americans, therefore, today
wer warned to fi only on this side of the
German Attempt Unsuccessful to En
circle Czar's Troops.
Ninv YORK. Sept. 17 -Admission that
the Rusiian force Is retiring from -East
rrussia and that the Germans attempted
an encircling movement to surtound a
portion of the force, although it did not
succeed, was included In a statement
Issued by the Russian Consul General
here today. The statement reports con
tinued successes In Gallcla. It declares:
The fighting against tho Austrian rear
guard continues all along tha line. Re
ports about prisoners, guns and war
stores being taken are coining In from
all our armies. On the left bank of the
San we attacked successfully the retiring
"In East Prussia, In aplte of all the
effoit of the Germans to surround a.
part of our retiring force, their plan
did not succeed,"
exertions. It is announced that tho
seneral battle now In progress Ih pro
ceeding favorably to tho German
Przemysl, the strong; fortification on
the San, near where the Austrian
armies are reported to havo effected
a Junction, has been captured by the
Russians, according to a Fetrogrnd
dispatch. The Austriaus will be
compelled to take a final stand nt
Cracow, near the meeting: point of
Russian, Austrian and German bor
ders. Capture of Cracow would open
the way for the Czar's forces to
march on Breslau, In Silesia, 190
miles from Berlin.
Meanwhile, another Russian army is
proceeding west through Poland to
ward Silesia, and military oxperts
bollevo that these movements will
fatally expose Berlin, if the Kaiser
haB, as reported, withdrawn eight
army corps (320,000 men) from East
Prussia and Gallcla to reinforce tho
German armies in France.
Advices from Vienna, however, state
that tho fighting: in Western Gallcla
ls not ended and that tho Junction
of the armies of Generals Dankl and
Auffenburfir will be followed by
fresh offensive tactics between tho
San and Vistula, with the object of
keeping the lino intact between
Przemysl and Cracow, thus protect
InB Central Austro-Hungary on one
hand, and Silesia on the other, from
Russian encroachments.
German forces to the number of 320,000
are reported from Petrograd to have
been withdrawn from the East Prus
sian campaign and rushed to aid the
Kaiser's forces defending their posi
tion along tho Aisne. Klght corps
comprise the force reported moving.
Belgium dispatches report that Ger
many Is rapidly withdrawing her
veteran troops from all the large
cities and towns. They are being
rushed to reinforce the army of Von
Kluk. New garrisons of the naval
reserve and Landwehr have arrived
to replace the veterans.
British War Office says the general
situation continues favorablo to tho
allies, but makes no statement re
garding the battlo now In progress
in France.
Turkey has an army within Russian
borders along the Bulgaria River,
according to reports in ivtrogrnd.
It is satd a German cavalry officer
Is in command.
Servia announces officially that tho
Crown Prince's army has been with
drawn from the proposed invasion
of Slavonla. Air scouts detected a
trap laid by Austrian forces and the
army was saved. The Invasion of
Bosnia, however, continues.
Italy clamors for war against A us
trla and Germany. Soldiers have
been called, ready to nuell rioting.
street demonstrations already hay
ing reached almost, unmanageable
Nearly 400 Persons in Mnnayuuk
Plants Made Idle.
Nearly 400 persons were thrown out of
work today by the closing of several
Manayunk mills on account of the lack
of water In the canal. Unless rain comes
to their relief none of the manufacturers
will be able to operate for at least several
PARIS, Sept. 17.
Tho battle of the Aisne continues.
Again and again havo tho allies at
tacked tho German lines, but except
on the extreme western end they havo
failed to break the German defense.
The Germans made a fierce counter
attack from their strongly entrenched
positions along the Aisne river, but
were re'pulscd by the allies. Furious
fighting Is going on all along the lino.
Tho war office Issued an official
statement at 3 o'clock this afternoon
giving this Informalon:
"Fighting continues with the utmost
violence everywhere. Allies have re
pulsed a fierce counter attack at
tempted by the Germans from their
strongly entrenched positions."
Heavy reinforcements have reached
the German right wing and General
von Kluk's army, taking the offensive,
ls striking fiercely at the allies' left.
New French troops are being rushed
to the vicinity of Noyon from the army
of the defense of Paris.
This statement was made by a high
Government official at noon today:
"The German action on the right has
suddenly becomo very strong, indicat
ing that the enemy is making another
effort to cut our line. Along tho centre
the Germans show less strength, while
on their left their position is almost
"The Germans have attempted a
bombardment of Rheims, but with lit
tle effect. Should the enemy win the
battlo now In progress, a second ad
vance on Paris will naturally follow,
but wo believe General von Kluk's
army has little chance of success."
It Is believed here that the Germans
have succeeded in withdrawing a largo
portion of their eastern army from
Prussia, and have hurried it into ac
tion in another attempt to break
through tho allied line In a general
circling movement.
Tho official War Office statement is
sued at Bordeaux at 3:15 this after
noon, and mado public at General Gal
lleni'a hendqunrters, states that the
battle continues along the entire front
between tho Rivers Olse and tho Mouse,
with the Germans resisting the French
advance nt all points in an effort to
prevent the carrying of their fortified
positions behind which tho armies
which participated In the battle of the
Jlarno are re-fornnng.
"Tho battle continues along the en
tire front between the Oise and the
Meuse," says the statement, "with the
Germans fiercely resisting the French
attack nnd fortifying their positions
along the Hues previously indicated."
The allies havo suffered the heaviest
losss yet sustained Uy them.
The allies aro still bombarding" the
German positions along the Aisne
River. The Germans, despite the dllfl.
culties caused by heavy rains of the
past week, lin,v brought up most of
their guns, and the greatest artillery
duel that the world has ever heard of
is in progress. At least, 5000 guns are
believed to he engaged.
The Germans thus fur have repulsed
the efforts of the British and Freneh
forces to drive them hack from the
points under a terrific concentrated
fire from the German batteries.
The efforts of the Fifth French
Army and the First and Second Brit
ish Corps are concentrated in an en
deavor to shatter tho German lino
by cutting off the German right wing,
commanded by General von Kluk. Tho
French aro driving from the west,
while the British ure striking up from
the southeast.
Tho fighting nt this point on the 120
mlle front is deadly to both sides. The
British attack on the German right
wing centres around to the north of
Solssons. No details have been re
ceived as to the fighting along tho
allies' centro and right flank.
It is reported from tho front that
the British army has been successful
in Its flank movement and that Von
Kluk's army Is practically surrounded.
General von Kluk was reported to
day withdrawing his lines closer to"
those of General von Buelow, which
were In turn drawing in on the main
German centre. This movement fol
lowed the attempt of tho allies to
flank the German right, perilously ex-
v .
rrV.rta mrtst .Mirim, b1i affmtnA ....
and plush manufacturers, who w that "" al0nB the Alsne Tne 'a hve
thtf is their busy season The water is ; been unable to secure a firm foothold
tan Inches below normal in Flat Rock
on the north side of the river, al-
Dam, and unless It soon rises It is te- I
uovea urn mora miua vvui uave to close, J vuuusu mey gaweu crossings at three
tended west of Noyon.
The losses of the allies havo been
far heavier in the last two days -than
at any other period of the war. Tho
German counter nssaults have been
determined and have required frequent
use of the bayonet in checking them.
But It has been in the general as
saults that tho French have lost
The German artillery fire continues
particularly deadly. Their batteries,
masked in tho hills which for the most
part constitute their new positions,
are served with the utmost precision,
while their rapid flrers, mounted on
automobiles, simply mow down the
French who attempt to carry the Ger
man lines by storm.
It is evident that the Germans have
massed all their available strength
along tho battle line to hold back the
pursuit of tho allies. The battle front
ls about the samo as it was yesterday.
It extends from a point nenr Noyon
across the plains to the north of Vic-
sur-Aisne, near Solssons and Laon. and
thence over the heights north and
northwest of Rheims: thence to tho
north of Vlllo-sur-Tourbe and from
there through Vf-rennes In the northern
part of the Argonno region to Meuse,
north of Verdun.
The position held by the Germans
around Laon is particularly strong.
They have heavy artillery and troops
massed on a hill which rises above a
big area of marshy ground. The allies
aro compelled to cross this marsh land
before they can attempt to dislodge the
Germans by storm.
General Gnlilenl, the Military Gov
ernor1 of Paris, declared that dis
patches to the military authorltlei
here from the front show that the al
lies have been gaining ground smco
tho fight opened, although slowly.
"The Germans have been compelled
to yield under the pressure of the
French and British, despite their re
inforcements," said General Gnlilenl.
"We feel sure that the Germans will
again he In rapid retirement before
the end of the present week T' In
vaders fell hack to a good position,
but their strength and the power of
their big guns will be as naught be
fore the glorious bravery and dash
of our men. The artillery duel which
is going on is one of tha mlgtitleat
known to warfare, with guns of tre
mendous power used on both sldea.
We have been fortunate In silencing
a number of German batteries that
commanded fordable points on the
The great battle front la admitted by
the French military authorities to glva
the Germans an advantage, if they
have a sulflcienl auprly of ammunition
and their men are not too exhausted
to hold it. The line of the German
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