Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    Jfcuyim'Yf-' id
. .iv v THOMPSON, daughter of Mr
and Mw. VMi Thompson, will bo a much-
, ttJ dobutnnto tills ycnr. Miss Thompson Is
trcinely fair and vlvnclous mid 1ms been very
eopulnr In the younger set. I-ast ycnr she
ont tho winter In I'nrls, where she Attended
yi.s Kcrrls' School, together with Miss Klsa
Beath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thcodoro V.
neath,' who will nlso mnlto her debut this sea-
. ... ..!,.,.. nf finfartnlnmp.ntfi havfl Insert
,n. A """ I :;
.tnpi1 In honor of Miss Thompson. Her par
ts '" "lxc " lca to ml'0l'uce Mcr on "10
'flcrnoon of December .1. Her Brnndmothcr,
',rJ, Uoilman H. nillson, will glvo a dlnner
Mnoc i' ,,pr ,l,,nu,' October 10 at Linden Shade
Farm. B' -Mawr. "'"' R,' w111 ,, Kl'eit of
honor loK'-H'er with Miss Alice Thompson, at
4 ilaii'-e ulilrh Will bo Riven by Alio. XV. I'eiry
Flmn'o"- "f tvnedoi, uvn brook, nt the Merlon
Golf t'l' lllc nlg,u "f c,oucr 2"'
Mrs Anthony Taylor and her granddaughter,
...j, Anro Taylor Wharton, who sailed for
Europe last .tune expecting to spend at least
rnr In Ilurnpo, weio ablo to reach Italy and
obtained pasnge In sail fioni Clcnoa last Jlon
da. T,lpy wl" ,onc" I'lilladclphla the latter
part of "p,!t v.cel.
Orel' inlc'1"'' H eentied In the holsc show,
Trhlch "HI open next Monday on the grounds
0f the llun .U&ur I'olo Club and will last
through the week.
Among thp boxhoUlcrs this year will bo W.
Klnckto Smith, Clmiles U. Coxe, William U
Austin, A. W. Atkinson, Lewis II. Itlley, Mrs.
p. MacLeod, Mrs. William Disston, William
Townscnd Wright, Walter S. Hallowell, Isaac
H. Clothier, Jr., James Francis Sullivan, I'd.
nard F Uoale, Oeorgo D. Itoscngnrtcn, William
Struthcri Kills, Mrs. Mahlon Hutchinson, T.
peWitt Cuyler, Mrs. J. N. I'ow, Jr., Samuel l.
mdiltc, Charles 12. Mather, Victor C. Mather,
Charles Wheeler, Samuel M. Vauclaln, Dr.
George Kales Baker, Dr. Thomas O. Ashton,
Samuel M. Curwen, William J. Clothier, lid
ward T Stotcsbury, John II, Fell, It. I'enn
Smith, Mrs. Hornco Illnney Hare, Harry A.
Bcrwlnd, William du Pont, Mrs. Benjamin P.
Clyde, Henry Tntnall, Herbert Lloyd, S. B.
Smith, John W. Converse, Oeorgo D. Wltlencr,
Mrs. A. B. Cox, John R. Valentine, Mrs. Alex
ander Brown, Charles K. DaCosta, George H.
Enrle, Jr., Mrs. Fred W. Smith.
. M. . .svej.
Mrf. R Burd Grubb, who Is spending the
jammer with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Sopwlth,
In London, I2ng., Is expected to return to this
country In October.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crozlcr, who bought
the property 212S Locust street last spring, have
opened their house for the season. Mr. Crozler
has purchased the adjoining lot between tho
house owned by Frank Samuel and his own
property and It Is understood will turn It into
a playground for his children, who are still
mall. '
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Price Wetherlll, Sr., who
have been spending n fortnight with their
daughter, Mrs. C. Shlll.ird-Smlth, at I2dgc
tiater l'aik, have gone "to White Sulphur
Springs, W. Vu., for a month's slay. Mr. and
Mrs. Slilllard-Hmltli have gone to Atlantic City
where they will spend two weeks at the Marl
horough. Blenheim.
Mr and Mrs. Harry S. Ehret and Miss Ger
trude C Carhart Ehret, of 1810 Pino street,
have gone to Canada for a month's stay.
Dr. and Mrs. Elllston J. Morris, who havo
teen spending tho summer nt Lake George,
X. Y, will return shortly to their home nt 12S
South Eighteenth street.
A camping party composed of Clement Wood,
Edward Waters and Howard Wood has gone
to Penobscot Bay, Me., for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. Topping, of tho Bur
lington Apartments, are spending tho summer
at Carolina Lodge, Mr. Topping's cstnto at
Oxford, X. C.
Dr. and Mrs. Archibald G. Thomson, who liav
teen nil .summer at their villa In Xarragansett
Tier, will return shortly to their country place
In ClKatnut Hill. Later they will move Into
their home at 19th and Locust streets.
Person, In this city will be Interested to hear
that .Mr. and .Mrs. John Drexel, who have been
In the v,nr zone hnve ,0chc(1 vichy. Their
lauqlttor, .Miss Alice Drexel, who has been In
Osraunj, Is reported as on her way to Join her
Mm. Iluniy Clows, who has been at the Bltz
Carlton In London, will sail for Xew York
October 3.
Mr. ami Mrs. George Fritz Chandler, who are
expected to reach homo ihortly. were In Warsaw
at the time of the war declaration nml wero
obliged to remain there more than ten days
wore thiy could obtain passports.
MIm Ethel M. ijulin. who returned lately
from London, Is spending several weeks with
her father, Oeorgo A. Hulin, at his cottage
In Wntnor.
Mlsi. Emily Dutllh, who spent the summer In
War iraibor, has returned to the city nml opened
her houso t Broad street near Spruco for the
Miss rtuth Waters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
o. Jason Waters, Is visiting her uncle and aunt.
lr. and Mrs. A. Mercer Blddle. at their homo
In Torjebdalo.
Mr, and Mrs. William Howell will open their
house, j.j South Kl, Mreet thQ nrbt weet in
Mr. ami Mrs. John Frederick Lewis will return
W the city about the middle of next month and
"' ot('i'py their houso 1311 Spruce street.
Mrs. i-iiiiip Leldy am, M33 0ertrude Hunvood
'luy, who have been spending the bummer
as the cueats of Mr. and Mrs.- Wain Morgan
t-nurihiiian nt their cottage In Longport, have
murm-d to their apartments at the Gladstone.-
Mr. .,nd Mrs. John Scott will return from
Jamestown shortly and will occupy .heir house,
M Sprui.o stuct. for the season.
Miss Dorothy Sproul und Henry J. Klacr,
ftow wedding will take plnco October 7. will
w guwts of honor at a dance which will bo
lven by Miss fMla Wetlierlll, of Chester, at
ine Sprlnghaven Country Club, Wednesday,
"ynHiiocr 9).
Mrs. K4iva.nl Atherton will return shortly to
"r home , J23 SQUth ,ld 6treet
iV ;
SJi -
if I :
y v
n i Yf a)
- s i " .rl
Mrs. Decker, who was married Septem
ber 9, was Miss Clara Butler Hope, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Hope, of 29
North 50th street, West Philadelphia. She
is a niece of the late James B. Hope, a
former president of the Union League of
this city. Doctor and Mrs. Decker, on their
return from their wedding trip, will live at
1728 Chestnut street.
from Atlantic City, where they have been spned
Ing tho late summer.
NAnitr.nTII Mr. and Mrs. Robert IL Durbln,
Miss Adah Durliln and Mlsi Dorothy Durbln,
who spent tho summer at their Avnlon cot
tage, havo opened their homo on Nat berth
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Claghorn, of Chest,
nut nvenue, havo returned from Ocean City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Artmnn, Miss A'cra Art
man and Miss Marlon Artmnn, who spent sev
eral beeks at Bushklll, recently returned from
Atlantic City.
BINMCWOOD-Joshua L. Bally, Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Bally and family closed their cot
tage in tho Poeono Mountains last week and
are now nt Lancaster.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Ashton and children
. .,., , iiimr summer residence
In Jamestown, R. I.
IIAVCItJorm-Mr. nnd Mrs. Hodman K. Grls
com. of Huveiford, have closed their town
house at Watch Hill and nro at Haverford.
Tho Merlon Cricket Club will hold tho first
dlnner-danco of tho autumn ceason tomorrow
A small dinnor-dance was given at Haver
ford Court last night In honor of their guests
Mrs. Howard B. French entertained at dinner
before the danco and Mrs, William Haupt
gave a small dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs
John Bancroft and Miss Bancroft, of Wilming
ton, Del.
Charles W. Bergner, of Radnor, who has
lecently returned from Avalon, .V. J, i,3
taken apartmenls at tho Haverford Court
fltructor Edward Klntner, of Schuyler street,
has returned from Norfolk, Va., Beach, where
sho wan visiting friends.
Mrs. William Morris David, of 5220 Greene
street, will entertain Informally Friday even
ing, Mrs, David beforo her mnrrlago In Juno
was Miss Frances Cutler, of School House lane,
Mrs. James Mnckcown and Miss Elfllo
Mnckoown are visiting Mrs. Mnckeown's daugh
ter, Mrs. Valentine Kotch, of Now York, at
her cottage In Sea Girt, New York harbor.
Mr. and Mib. .1. Burton Mustln, of West
Johnson street, are spending n few dajs In
Mr. Edward V. Kano nnd his daughter, Miss
Miriam Kane, of 715 Lincoln drive, returned
to thrlr homo on Saturday by tho Campania,
after spending several months In Scotland nnd
Mr. nlul Mrs. A. Judon Stiles nnd their
daughter, itlsn Ann Nottingham Ktllos, of 300
PHtintn road, returned to tin-It' homo ott Moii
dav after Hnvcml wrc) nt IJeni'h tlavcii,
.W Ecluntd .Irffrison nml lirr diUlghlrjr, Miss
Ida JriTrTMiii, will leluin tomonoW to their
home, 127 East Durham sttoct, after n week ttt
Atlantic City.
.Mr. mm Mrs. tluituii Elliott nnd their son,
Italpb Fortcster Elliott, of Charleston, B.
C. will be tho gllestrt of M' tmil MPS. Ed
ward FinurlH llelisnii ut t licit Imtno at Mnil-
1 hPi'ti nml Wlwableki'ii avenuf for Kavoml
! wee ,m. Mr. and .Alts. Elliott nnd tlmlr SOU llllVO
beeti spending tho season lit Capo May.
Mis MiugU'Tito Burton mid Miss Eleanor
Wundei', of "Ob? West Cotillt street, nro tho
guests of Miss Mario Stntr nt her summer
hoini' al I'apo May.
Mr and Mrs. J. Bertram Hotvey, of 4U10 Wal
nut nttret, who spent the summer at Ocean
City, havo returned. They will give a sma'1
thcatio paity Satunlay night In honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry S. Montgomety. Their other
gucslH will include W. It. Xohendor und Miss
Mrllta 2'hender.
Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Conovcr who spent tho
summer motoring through tho Beikslilres and
along tho coast, have returned and opened
their apaitmcnt at the Essex.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Clnrk, of 4J20 Cedar
avenue, returned Tuesday from Atlantic City,
where they havo been spending tho summer.
Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Kelly, of 497 South
I2d street, havo returned from the White Moun
tains, wheie they spent the summer.
Mr E. L. Carries, of Hamilton Court, Is stay
ing In Blnrrltz, Spain, and will sail for horn
Hit- nml of September. She has been abroad
for the last six months.
Mls Maty McAidle, of 1210 I'arksldo avenue,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bothermel,
Jr., nt their country home In Bryn Mawr.
Mr. nnd Mis. David O. Eaton, of Hampton
Court, havo returned home, having spent the
summer nt Swarthmore.
Miss Frances Headman has taken apartments
al Sunderland House, 33th street and 1'owelton
avenue, for the winter.
ADELPHI "Help Wanted." comedy drama,
bearing a "stop, look nml listen" warning to
young women venturing Into tho danger
world of modern business.
BltOAD "Drugged," by Owen Davis, atnrrlng
John Mason. mp-roarlng, teeth-on-edgo
melodrama In evening clothes. Recommended
as a sum thriller.
blrin " one of tho most spectacular moving
picture dramas ever presented, showing n
cataclysmic volcanic1 eruption, tho destruc
tion of a city and tho annihilation of n fleet
at sen.
FORREST "Zlcgfetd Follies." Oreat fun, cor
rusentlng costumes, gleeful girls.
GARRICK "Allele." French opcrettn, rosnata
romanro, siren singing. Georgia Calno as n
. Parisian pnehnntros.
WALNUT "Siberia," thrilling ns It was 31
years ngo, certain to keep fair damsels from
exploring tho Btiowy steppes for romance.
miHUHooK-Mrs. Wlstar Morris, of Oreeu
ill Farms, has returned after a summer fepent
w Jameitown, r. j.
William Wallace, of 5833 Overbrook avenue,
i ''" from Okauchee, Wis.
arHiMf"',)r" n"a Irs' GeorBe P- H. Darby
ia ,m,,y wI" Pent the summer nt their
ek I U' Mal" woods returned homo last
f ..Jy oc tiueueo and Montreal,
Mr. and Mr ?w ,, ,.... . . .
,-. ., ,,, .uwiiiiciiy navo cioseu
-u(r Highland and MantcnmRrv
f cottage at Ocean City and opened their
"use, corner uti,i.., ..... ..
Mr' an4 Mrs- Samuel P. Croft have returned
Mrs. Wm. Findlay Brown, wife of tho as
slstant district attorney, has returned to her
home, 21 Summit street, from Newport. Mr
Blown left this week on a ,lShB trip on
Barnegat Bay.
Miss Julia Lewis, a niece of Mrs. Brown, and
John Lwis. of Venezuela, a nephew, wero
guests at a dinner which Mrs. Brown gave -it
tho Huntington Valley Country Club lately
The other guests Included Miss Dorothy D-mlol'
Miss Mary Bonner Daniel, Fie.lerlck Hastings!
Robert Brown and William Brown.
Paul Brown will leave shortly for Boston
School of Technology.
The regular weekly dinner dances which met
with success last winter at tho Philadelphia
Cricket Club will be resumed this fall. The
first danco will bo given Saturday, September
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Thaxter Blcknell. of
301 Highland avenue, havo as their guests Mr.
ana airs, hamuci nope Carpenter.
Mr. nnd .Mis. Frederick Landstreet nro nt
homo after having spent July and August at
Hallfs Centre, Me.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliot Newlln, n 222? 1'lno
sticet, havo moei Inf. their new home on
west Minnglleld avenue, St. Martln'a.
Captain James K. Parker, of Springfield
avenue, has returned fro-n Newport.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William M. Benerman and
their daughter. .Miss Dorothy Benerman, who
hnvo been spending the season at Jamestown,
R. I., returned on Monday to their h ino at
7233 Bojcr Kticet. .Mr. and Mrs. Wntklns Bener
man have also returned afttr a season at Long
port. Mr. nnd Mrs. Moncnre -ilddle, of Mermaid
lane, aro receiving congratulations upon the
birth of a son, born a wesl. ago. Mrs. Biddlo
will be remembered as Miss Brenda Fenelosa,
daughter of the Professor of Romantlo Lan
guages ut Harvard.
Mr. mid Mrs. William Warden have returned
tu town after having (.pent tho summer In New
England. They will occupy their home, Red
Oate, West School House ane, about Novem
her J.
Abraham Barker Mellor ami family have,
closed their cottage at Camden, Me., and re
turned to their houso at Mermaid lane. St.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mapes pod go havo r'
turned from Jamestown, R. L They bpent the
bummer as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kern
Dodge at their cottage. Mtes Dorothy Daniel
was nlso a guest and returnee! with lite, Dodge
family Monday. ,
Miss Elise Howard-Smith lias gone to, Knox,
ville, Tnn., to visit friends.
Mrs. Edward Klntner, wife of Naval Con-
Mrs, II. Brown nnd her daughter, Miss Anna
Blown, of 21IS West Ontnrlo tticet, have re
tut ned from Vlllanova, where they wero the
guests of Mrs. T. Baird, Mia. Brown's daugh
ter. Mrs. Brown's granddaughter, Miss Eliza
beth Kleiner, has returned front several weeks'
stay In Atlantic City.
.Mrs. Julia. V. Ackroyd and her daughter.
Miss Helen Ackroyd, of 3110 North 21th street,
huvo returned from tho Poeono Mountains,
where they passed tho summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Robinson, of North AVnr
nock htreet, will leave during the week for
Ltfulsvllle, Ky., where they will make their
future homo,
Mrs. S. Cold.steln, of 111 West Erlo avenue,
has returned from a summer's stay at Belmar,
N. J.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo II. White, of 3IIS North
Fifteenth sticet, sent out cards today an
nouncing tho marilagn of their daughter. Miss
Edith Mae White, and John Herbert Bond, of
Tioga, which took place last night at their
home On their return from u wedding Jour
ney, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bond will resido at Tho
Oables, on York road, and will bo at homo
after October 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brachhold, of 3307 North
Bouvier street, have returned from Daytonn,
Fia., where they s.pcnt August and tho early
part nf September with Mrs. Brachhold's
Miss Agntha Tat-e, of Rajahmundry, India,
who was the guest last week of tho Rev. and
Mrs. 7., M. Corbc. of 3120 North Paik avenue,
has gone to New York to visit friends. Miss
C. Hollcrbach. of Chicago, 111., also a guest
of Dr. and Mrs. Corbe. has returned home
prior to her journey to India.
Miss Barbara Hoffman, of 2120 P.ielllo street,
has returned from Washington, D. C, whero
sho was tho guest of her unclu and mint. Rear
Admiral and Mrs. Abraham V. Zane.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Krecker nnd their
daughter, Miss Myrn Krecker, of 1723 West
Erlo nonup, havo returned to Tioga nftor
spending tho season at Pitman, X. J.
Harry Nlghtengalo recently returned from
Europe nnd is now visiting in Montreal nnd
Tho "100" Club will glvo a danco about No
vember 15 at tho Overbrook Country Club. Tho
annual Urgo danco will follow later In tho
Frederick Shlmp will leavo In a fow days
for an extended tour through tho west.
Most popular dancers in America, to appear next week at Keith's.
for afternoon tea and tennis, especially while
this beautiful weather lasts, and every after
noon smartly gowned women and others in
tennis garb may bo seen on tho porches and
lawns of the numerous clubs which aro spiead
over the wide expanse of country surround
ing Philadelphia.
Mrs. J. Hamilton Harris was noted thlt
week at the Philadelphia Club wearing a stun
ning tailored suit of navy blue broadcloth. Tho
skirt Is fashioned with a long tunic of tho
oloth, which Is finished about tho waist and
hip with a very deep yoke of black satin, and
tho drop skirt Is nlso composed of black satin.
Tho jacket, which Is short and very full, opens
over a waistcoat of whlto pique, which is
finished with n. largo and Muring plquo collar.
With this costume Mrs. Harris wears a small
black velvet hat In one of the popular high
crowned sailor styles.
Miss Molly Thayer, daughter of General and
Mrs. Russell Thayer, who will make her debut
Into Philadelphia society next season. Is a.
most ardent tennis player, nnd looks veiy
charming lit her whlto blouses nnd skirts, over
which she wears a sweater which is made of u
soft wool of tho most exquisite shade of daf
fodil yellow. The touch of bright, yet soft,
yellow is n plcturesquo spot on tho lawn of
tho tenuis courts.
seem plausible to her. She may tulle of tho
Slav peril, and of being forced Into war. One
fact reitialns. Ever ilncc Hi" vlrlory ovrr
Fiance her purpiis" Ins limn ( ottnln world
supremacy For 35 ycnr tli- Hi-nnnii Kaiser
wm prPtKitliifT for thin very thing. Ho built up
Ills formidable war innchlnf llr w tilted, nnd
impatiently, for thn tlirm to strikn. Tim Austrian-Servian
imbroglio nrrsctitert tho Ioiigde
slred opportunity. Thnn lie shnok !,( (1st at
tho civilized wnrld, nnd fiturlod to sprrnd Oer
mun culture with battalion nnd hullots. For
yenrs tho Kaiser linn hml his spies working in
till countries. I know this to l a. fact. X have
a friend who wan Intlmntnly ennnrcted In this
spy pystrin of the firrmnn Oovrrnmnt. He
told mn, for lntirtf tht thn Kalnor had spies
throughout tlin t-nltr-d States beforo tho Spanish-American
war. Ho was rnthr on tho fence
as to what stand ho'd tnkn, and ho wanted to
ascertain the fooling of our Oerman citizens
Ho was told by his spies that rwry one of tho
3.000.000 subjects of rjerrnmi birth In this coun
try would tako up arms If necessary against
tlto Fatherland In defense nf tho United States.
This was true, and I believe Is still true, lto
lloved of tho ob.se?elon nnd curse of militarism
tho German Is tho llnest citizen In tho world
Perhaps the annihilation of ts war nmelilni'
will moan ieal .ivlllzailon for Oermany.
"Talking of the Franco-PruMlun vnr recalls
aomo intoinstlns things. I ,n,i intended, tho
year tho war broke out. to go and seo tho pas
sion play nt Oborammergau. Tho conflict ne
cessitated tho postponement of tho play, how
over, as nil tho men taking parts had to serve
Tho man who played tho part of Chrlst-I
forget his name-was compoiicd to tako up
arms. Well do I remember him oven now.
Tho German captains permitted him to march
In tho i oar of 1, company, but It was a
strango spoctaclo-tlils meek, gentle man. with
long hair, marching along In military uniform
"At that time I developed nn absolute lack
of fear-a sort of contompt-for dlsonso. xa.
poloon had brought over to Franco thousand,
John Mason, nnlphr.ntprl Aotor.Wilnnnil I nv T-.,' . ." 3 w"ro mighty poor
, .w.u., ,. . ..v..u.w . ( iitui'JS,
sssSfe-- igf
Miss Jessie Rawley will entertain tho mem
bers of tho t'uirent Eventa Club tomorrow
night at her lionui, 331 Lyceum avenue. Tho
will bo tho tlrst meeting for tho sea.son. Those
who will take part will bo Mrs. Charles Fred
erick Miller, Mrs. William u, Shappell, Miss
Elfcia Davis. Mls.s Jesslo Morris, Mlbs Ethel
Lush. Miss Iva Hampshire. Miss Kettle I3Ilz.v
both Sheldrake and Mls3 Edith Fee.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Tboinron, of 639 Lev
el Ingtop avenue, havo leturned from Strouds
burg nnd the Delaware Watrr t!ap.
Mis. Harry Brlco and In r ilaughtors, Miss
Fannie Brloe and MUs Gladys Hrlce, of 205
Sumac street, WlMialilckon, havo returned from
several week. stay in Atlantic City.
Tho Rev. and Mrs. Arthur S. Walls and their
daughter, Miss Elizabeth Walls, of 16S Gay
street, have returned homo after spending tlto
reason at urcan CI rave.
Mint Mabel WUde. of Lyceum avenue, has
returned from Ocean Pity, where eho was tho
guedt of her sister. Mrs. George G. Mttlvwood
at her summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braun und Mlw Brauu's
brother, George Wcbir. havo returned tu Buf
falo. N. V., after .pending a week as tho guests,
of Mrs. Frank Enderlln, of m Fountain street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward II. Prsvston. who spent
the summer In Ocean City, have returned, to
their hpme. J Rochello avenue, Wtesahtcfcon.
The country clubs in the suburbs are dally
attracting nwmbers to meet In the afternoons
The "Country Fair," a novel nnd attractive
autumn carnival, will be held every afternoon
and ovonelng, from September T.0 to October 2,
on tho porches and in the homes of the resi
dents on COtb street from York to Cumberland.
In aid of the 20th Street Methodist Church. 20th
and York streets. Among those in charge of
tho entertainment are tho Rev. John D. C.
Hanna, Mr and Mrs. Edward Miller. James
Slmmlngton, Mrs. Harry Stratton. Mrs. Harry
I.udlam, Mrs. Enocli Brown Mrs. Laura Sheetz,
Mrs. Charles Gum, Mrs. M. Nolan, Mrs. Emma
Thomson, Mr3. Clara Williams, John W. Pat
terson and James Hoey.
Mrs. E. R. Burnt and her son William Bunn,
of .T22 North Sixteenth street, have closed their
sunmvr home in Stio.idsbtirg and havo re
turned to their winter residence.
Dr. Eliza Foil Pettlnglll returned on Monday
from Asbury Park, whero sho spent a week
nftor her summer's t,tay at Englosmoro.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Welnrelch and thoir
family, who past-cd tho summor In Atlantic City,
havo returned to their home, 2227 North Park
Mr and Mrs. Mas Cronhelm and family, of
223S North SiMeenth stioet, havo returned from
tho Wesley Inn, Wnyno, whoio they have been
sinco July.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Schleln, of 1015 North Paik
avtnue, havo returned to thoir winter houe,
after spending tho summer in Atlantic t'lty.
Dr. and aire. W. Armstrong Graves havo re.
turned to their Home, Park ami Lohigh avenue,
ftom Oconn City whero they passed the sum
mer and early fall.
curs'! "kr andv7cinity
John Caldwell llinksun has te turned from
Capo aiay, N. J., where h. spent his vacation.
Miss Aenes U Dlx. of West Third street, 3
entertaining tho aliases Elizabeth anU Uuth
James, of aiontreal, Canada.
atiss Helen Latliem, of East Broad street,
has returned to Chamberdburt; ta rtaume her
studies nftei a vacation at her home in
atr. and airs. Homer Rowan have returned
to their homo in Scrauton after twins eater,
talned for a week by air. ami airs. T, Uruolia
air. ami airs. William Howard, of East Broad,
street, aro entertaining airs Howard's Uter,
airs. L, K. Plumley. ut Ambler, Pa,
ailss Jane Hall, of West Third street, iW8
returned from a month's vacation spent at
ainrtha' Vineyard Uiorul and Capo Cad, Mass.
Former aiayor Daniel XV. Jeffries is visiting
air. and airs. George ai limning, at tljeJr sM,
mer residence ut Buck HUi falls, Pa.
URBTTQN WOODS. U. jr.. sp,. JT.Iuja
A. Hamilton, Davis Elkins, air. and Mrs. R, R.
Stafford and aiiss CJrant were among those en.
tcrtajmng wro last evening.
Edwin A. Oliver gave a motor party to Sugar
HUI yesterday and a luncheon there.
airs. Frcdsrick J?vmu Tluunpsen speat the
day at Twin aioumaln with aiadaaw B.-jrroa
and R. P. Barron, brlngintf aiadame Barron
batk with her for the runaindtr ot the iuon
Fraiico-Pnissian War as Boy of Ten.
Declares Germans Brutally Cruel
It was in tho dressing room of tho Broad
Stieet Thoalio yesterday afternoon. Befoio
a mirror, rubbln,- grenso paint Into his face,
heightening his conipioxlon with rouge, pen
cilling his eyi-biows making up for tho part
of the gn-at lallroad magnato De.:cr, In'
"Drugged" siit Juhn Mason, one of tho com
paratively few truly great living American
"Good heavens! think of It! Hero I am
making up in a moment I'll step out there on
tho stage and play a mimic part. Out In tho
theatre people are sitting; they'll watch me
act. And meanwhile, on the other side of tho
world, notions nie at one anothor's throats,
battles are raglnsr. men nro being mowed down
by the tlio of cannon. It's horrible almost In
credible. Yet I foresaw this thing as a child
foresaw Uoimany's effort to secure supre
macy In the world, foresaw tho brutality and
carnage that resulted in tho burning of Lou
vain, nnd tho ntaltieatmont of innocent women
and child! en. I was only 10 years old then."
air. Ma.soit rose, pacing the room.
"I was sent to Germany to school at the age
of 5. When I was 10 I was studying at Frank-.
fort-ou-tiie-aialn. I lived in a pension kept"
by a professor. Wo wero near tho fromiei
and mw tho Franco-Prussian war at its In
ception. Tho Germans went to war with a
grim doterminallon-a savagery of purpose that
Impressed nnd terrified me, young as I was.
Well, after the first battles they began bringing
in wounded and prisoners to the city. With
other school children I went out and carried
sandwiches and beer to the wounded soldiers.
Tho talcs tho Frenchmen told of the cruelty of
tho Uormans were ghastly. It came to mo
then-the thought that thi.i nation would somo
day precipitate a world war. and endeavor to
secure world fcupremacy. and that the btutal
Ity of its soldiers would shook und horiifv tho
nations. I didn't think I'd live to see It. but
WOll I Ma .. '
Following tho Cirmin r,,-.. t .
hundreds of tbeso prisoners 03 ,hny woro
brought I,,, a horrible form 0f Bma,.pox
spread among them-tl.oy went down by tho
hundreds. Yet I mingled with them, talked
about tho war nnd served them with CUp3 f
. ...... ounuwiciiPS or course.
me disease, and
I didn't t?ft
I've nevr feared disease
"Yes. It's Co,,1e. Atld no on
tllrt rnaiiU 111 i. . . iai.
. ;:: " '. r Ami on ,"ia mi
.-.r v... iuilB X On Illft
stage you. in lifo
ny rate the war will
Well, let u hope at a
mean thn n,i ., i -
,. i"ul l or Cerniun culture
known as militarism "
'.EN'OX, ainsa.. Sept. 17.-air. and airs. John1
j. nenry, or Chestnut inn, p.; aff-an3'J"C'
J. T Greenwood, of Philadelphia: .Mrs n",
Taylor. Mis, Taylor, of New York, and M
Augustus Thomas, of Philadelphia, have arrived
air. und M,s. Warren at. s-m.sburv mvo a
d iiner lat night at Tor Court for their guests,
air. and airs Garfield King, of Chicago
Miss Clementina Fumiss was hostess at din
ner lust night at Edgecomb.
CHJ'T K ,q,Ur(?,S avc a '""'neon at
Cllpston G.angoWVd,leHdav aflolnoolK
Afnone the golfers who made the roUds f ulfl
nks jesterday were Dr. and Mr Arrhlba ,1 a
SrSrTJ Trh,te"i-' fJ-ld Stevenson
Harold S. Knowlton. airs. John R. Tell of Phll
fn,m v: "" Cnfc,i,m' T'"ki"- -'- ber.
well, It's come.
"I want to say right here I consider tho
German citlzons of the mitod States the very
bet of our oltUcns of foreign extraction. They
aro fine and nublo in evory way. Yet it seerns
that, Infected with the diabolic contagion of
militarism, they 8o mad in war absolutely re.
vert to tho barbarous spirit of tho early clays
preceding civilisation. Certainly German civ
UUittfori has bien obliterated in this conflKt.
"After the Franco-Prussian war had begun I
went on a walking tour Into Fiance with tho
son of th. piofessor with un..m J lived and
Iwn . -I,... .. i .... "
-" "" cy were about U to J5
TlIKTrp , . ..
.," . ; ..- :" '' 4'-" '-
Slits ai :,. , , ,
i !
rtr tt"i:lt
KENDALI nnr Wle AT ITD r-M t
, And Special Proeram of Photoplays
, f'uvtNi, -vt . r-i i-
ears of aW. We traveled from town to town. !' ADEI PHI ,',,;.' :,T" i -am
rtnally .,, at Weisenburg. whwe "HELPWAN"! ' l
im shots of tho war had been llred. The Ue. I nUI-M:vV -, T,PTl, . 'V '
vr.t.,tton was terrible We followed the r , UP, FXr wTabV'
H 2
' ' ir I I
' l nt (
wen . ,i-,a ., ,.(1 ,,-.,;'
UAblKJA wix:
I'rli i Slain.r. i,, )S , . , , ,,,
1 1 1 'Tilt
II' Id -,
ii h, r Jfl
- ". ana wnat J saw was .ibo!ui. ly
burn..t nt my brain. The brutality Bt .h
tiermun soldier exceeded nv Conentin .. Tlin
C"UI!! ."IVe."a" . Natality. They ' STAN I EY FfRST SWoVvIN
U-they were n,ore barbarously brutal than ; "AM HnVQrVv r U,ljn -S
any nation bM b ta J . N.AJN Og) SSJ J of ihe NORTI I"
oner, were tortnr.,1. uoroen outraged, and even r" " - u",' ", , IM" '"' " '"!")! I,:
K.Mrr ,nMreaiert. One day the two Ameri
can boys, my companions, ran away to see a
Closer view of the conflict. They nevep u.
turned, I supptise thoy were shot.
The carnage, the rosin war.huiiger. the
thirst fur Ultlln on the part of tile Qerra
trops. appalled and sickened me. A i h...
Mid. tlio counties instances of brutality i GARRICIv
beheld brouirht to m h. . J W . V-iN'MfN
..... . ... . """ Preuioru- Th
w t iwi bj to com, and Mlwt the world
had ta feap from u victorious mllitarUtlc Oer,
many There wis no spirit ojf jelentins, ,,o '
WKy to the ftt'len. no tetapariji Bomc j
day, I fold myself this country uUI go ta war I
with tbe rin. unieluntln purpose of crushln-
all rival uaUu.is The woj-lj u (he Me 0J"
a colossal i4le Bbat I e-burBint; of cm4 ,
tustead f ill,'es. and atrocities ibat v,ill
maWe all hmaankiini sbudder. vU. we have
see irmn culture a,p bomba froffl an !
,. .,.. .. .. M. lve llsye gmn j
glan children broht to Gstend with their
right hawU severed and yoa women horriblj
mutllal.-d We hae been toM or worse thlnjs
Ucrmany may make whatever excuses that
I nl J W.
l Mn
Pi irkilng;
.. r. ,,., a
' t u i i A Ir,, r. -r,
AUwrt Ivrrv & c. ihi.'i , ,v i
I., istaii us Th I u.i. . 1,1, ,.,,
Vpxt W. M j, 1 - X.iri.iu i , i
I i i 'J i .
k t .-
Id t s
-JOHN MASON in Drugged
M III rv I
TAMKJ rf.sT' iY Kl'ID.VV
I ' I' -. I r. M - I
LLUt.EouLt-- WIRi.i.L! 7k.LUjI.aVUX
i V I I V
.!. Ill