JZygCji B' n i i MiijiWI" VJ " ' -UU '- rtwi T - & 1 p njm"i -rf$rrr Itfplfflv i EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEKBEEl719l. r? gES OF BRAVERY BY ALLIES WILL BE PRECIOUS HERITAGE ROMANCE, TRAGEDY AND COMEDY . IN THE THEATRE OF WAR Qu founded Private Tells of hcens Bays Daring m Meeting German Attack. Engineers Sacrificed at Bridge. By A. J. BOBKB jlAVfiC, Fiance, Sept. 17. It Is prob l4 tlmt iho iletnlls of the wonderful ami darlnS endurance of the troops or tlio .,IC, forces In the present cnmpnlgn will eMr be properly written, but they will wmAln In tlif ''carts of the French an) HI bo handed down from father to son In the villages nnd towns around which men arc baltlliitf for Iho freedom of Europe Most of the icBlmenls will bo able to nibroldcr Into their colois tlio names of many historic llslits, but lmrdly any wilt Doable to lund down such stoilcs as thu Rfcond Diapoon Cltmrds and the Queen's flays wilt transmit to their futuic re- 'iCcre I' the story tlmt waB told to mo lf Private Uryant as he lay wounded In the hospital ship: I don't juit remember tlio date, wo hiienot had time to think of datrs lately. But It was just over a week ago. We ) somnwhero In the nclghboiliood of ci Quentln. Wo hnd been fighting all ixf We had picketed and watciod our horses and lato that night thought wo had seen the last of the Clot minis Tor a "In' the moininff, however, the Colonel vo orders to saddle. Wo Jumped on Jur horses, and at the same moment hells began to buist overhead. Our horses stampeded. Tlio enemy's sluup jhooters were already In position, and while we wero recapturing our horses hramiel. canister shots and bullets were malting the air sing around us. FIELD ARTILMJIIY IS DELATED. "The German artillery flro increased In Intensity. Wo began to wait anxiously for our own Koyal Field Aitlllory to get Into position. It was delayed by tho fact that the battery horses welo being wa tered. "Something had to be done, bo wo got tho Maxims up, despttu Hie withering Arc, Our bos boon got busy. It would haie done jou good to sco how calmly andnulctly they went about their woik "Our men realized the meaning of their job. It was to hold on until tho artillery came up. In other word's, It was to save the regiment from annihilation. Within a few minutes they vero sending somo 6000 shots In so many seconds among- the Germans. "Then tho artillery arrived. Wo had four mnis against 11 for tho Germans, tut some of thoso 11 were silenced. "It was not long before the Uuys wcie Itching to charge. Almost before they tNpccted It the buglo sounded and they nerc off, 'hell for leather,' nt the enemy's pins. "The net losult of that little sciap was the capture of 11 Krupp guns and many frlsonera." Unfortunately, Uryant uiih loft wounded on the field and was tnailo u prisoner ty tho Germans. lie lived for five dnvs on bread and water, all that the Germans nould supply him. On the fifth day a detachment of Ftcnch cavalry at rived, rescued the pilsoners and raptured the German tioupers who wete guarding them. "The Biltlshus wcro taken to Pennine-, nhero tin wcie ctitul for by the Ficncli " DtUTIKlI 1UTT13KY WIPED OUT. Ilrjitnt toid me that in the action of Et. Qutntin of an entire llrltlsh batter ergaged but 17 men wero left alive. Gaston Dossier, a private In the Sixth Cuirassiers, who Is known In civil llfo as Darlno, a lyile artist at the Comedie TrancalM- and a Ca nrltt- of the PaiHI ennes, tolls the following story, which seems nlniust an eclipso of the Mowing up of th. Dnlhi Gates. Bossier, King wounded in Normally, itb gi-atun ,, but falls buck j-ruan n-: b sliupnil, tolls tlio htnrj In true Uuliio manner Hi- trlis. to rise and illutrut with eestiin-., but falls luck groaning. "We ro tiigethtr, the I'liiiiil-tilt rs of France ami Hip English Itoyal Uimlnccrs, 8s wo rctuuted acio.ss the Alsnc at Sols tons. Tim iltruians ndnnceil i.tpldly, trying to iusIi masses of soldiers across. "Utldso after blidgo hud to bo blown tip. The Get man slinipshooteiH were flrlps nl us from a clump of trees and the mitrailleuses wero woiklng havoc among the allies 'SudiknU a party of English engineers rushed toward tho bridge. They lost !null, lint -iiiciecdeil in landing powder U!fUlpnt tit ilnctrnv If llnrnft tl.Ai' ...itl.l ''SM ft all of them were killed. We waited "'iii" Aiiothei party of jour biavo ongl Ji'ers treia near the bridge. The took 'o Lovtr. 1 ut the Germans got their ranee wi'i continued a ileadly lire. K.UIM;i;its OFFIHt UP LlVHS. "Then w. I iPiuhiiien watched what we fi'ist rtmcinlier to our dying day. One engineer ..uJ.U-nly dashed at orio of the ' He was killed befoio half way tiere j,piund followed and fell almost upon tho body of his comrade. A thiid, ourth and ilfth ian in the gauntlet of merciless l.einian tiro and met the samo aeain. i tie iamo way 0lctl f0OWC(l ma lomradPH until U had been killed. f l"e Utf'in.m lire seemed to Blacken ranin..tant. and In that time the bridge Won ii up, fur the I2th man. dashing "7 '?' "'ue ",'l with tho bodies - ui III, mis "lite.1 it 'lli, ,uir iu tli. ""Hi rfiU uuisie, ,,., ,, riSurl. of ,,e ijcunan3 --. .ijuil lu wiillsli H, "entun mi. "itntosej uiih n B.' " "" ""'BSi'il on Ids knees a",n 1',""ls ,ll'l hehlnd him while lark ir "at l,la la"co against hl cut ,.. I n' "" "' traimpuit wagons often "'Ut Hit" win, tlicir wlims as I... ii.issp.1. The French papers nre recalling an In teresting tcply which General Pnu made n car ago, when his admirers proposcu to piescnt him a swoid of honor upon the occasion of his giving up command of tho 20th Army Coins. " rertnlnly Ehould not accept tho sword or honor that ou and other well-menn-Ing patilols think of giving me," ho said. ' Such a recompense must be reserved for tho man who shall lead our victori ous nrmle." beond Mcts and Strnssburg, beyond tho llhlne, Into the Very henrt of the Gei man Empire. As for me, modest worker In times of peace, enemy to pub licity mid popularity, It Is sufllclcnt that I have tho conlldence of thune Who have solved under my oidots, nml tho suffrages of good pcoplo such as you." At tlio illago or Totirches, In northern France, a wounded French sergennt, out raged by Germnti brutality, shot it Prus sian ofllcer. Deforc being shot ho wns given water by a dauntless lad, Emtio Dcpres, who thereupon was nlso con demned to Immediate execution. Just ns tho Boldlcis wero bandaging the boy's eyes pioparntory to firing tho Oermnn captain, with a cuiel smile, cried cynic ally, "I give you life on condition that you net oh executioner of this sergeant. He asked for water, you'll give him lead." After a moment's hesitation the boy ameed. to the horror of his comrades. Seizing u rifle, ho aimed at the sergeant's bienst. Tht ii, nuddeiily turning, ho blew a holo through the mice! lug German. Ilo was harked to pieces with bayonets, Ij! Ptcdzo publishes an Intel view with the private soldier Turcot, who with his comrade, Hroiissard, captured the first Gorman Hag. He Is now In the hospital at Mortargls, slightly wounded In tho back by a spent bullet Turcot tells a veiy modest story. lie says he lost his leglment wandering In a wood, when he saw a wounded German standard bearer trlng to hide his flag. Calling a com I'mlc, Turcot attacked the German and selcd the flag. Then cnnie the hutdest part, the wllhdruwnl cuirylng the tiophy amidst a storm of bullets. Ills knapsack was pletced ton times and his tide broken In his hands. A correspondent writes that between Chateau do Castenu and Eobbes, a par ticularly desolated neighborhood, from whence Hie Inhabitants had fled the Germans found a hungiy canary in un abandoned farmhouc. Without having oxpcrlenccd the genuine, almost womanly, tenderness of the German soldiers, one would have called their feeding- of the canary an affectation, or at best a pass ing whim, but It was typical. A ftory has reached Pails of the coura geous action of Mine. Jlachere, of Sols sons. When the Gormans arrived thero they demanded to sco the Jlayor, who was absent. Is'ono of the ofllclnls re sponded to the call, whereupon -Mine. Sliicherez went to tho Germans and said: Tiiero Is no .Mayor here, but I answer for every ono and everything as you will have to do if depredations are com mitted." After disputing the requisitions and tho conditions of tho Germans, the coura geous woman saved Solssons on cosy terms. Alan liott, writing to the London Chronicle from Bordeaux, says: "French athletes have been distinguishing them selves on the fighting line. Two days ago a notice nppcured In tho oftlclal ga zette that n. corporal named Oforges Andre had been promoted to sergeant bofoie members of his regiment and rec ommended for ii military medal. The paper suggested that this might lefer to Georges Andrea, to whom tho French Premier r"cently alluded as an all-around athlete and the best Kugby three-quarter, and who was second In the London Olym pic games. Prom Inquiries It Is learned that this Is Indeed the case, and follow ing Is tho story of how Andrea, who Is with tho Piench army In Loiralne, won his honors: "With six men ho wont into a, village to find looms for tlio officers. In the mniUct place was i largo hand of Germans, who immediately set upon the small detach ment. Andre snatched a sabre from the Qeiinan neniest him and killed two men with It. Ity this time he saw that his companions wero dead or captured. Ilo grabbed tho flag from a German, and putting It under his nrm he inccd through tho village street as though attempting a try In Hugby football, n number of Geinnns following nt his heels. After splinting a qunrlur of a mile he left his pursuers behind, and laltr.ho rejoined his regiment with the flag. " Homo days piL-vlously ho wiote to a sportsman friend: 'Tills Is hell. Wo are lying In tmichca undei the Gerinun artillery lire, but are not allowed to reply. This Is tho only time I llnd to wtlte my cor respondence.' " Tho following from n brigadier of dra goons Is a specimen of a certain class of letters that have begun to arilve In Paris: "My Dear Pironts If you iccelvo this lotter It will be because I have been killed, but don't weep for me, since my fato will have been the noblest n French man cnu dream of, to die for his counliy on tho eve of victory. We shall be tho victors because wo have right and confi dence on our side. I shall have done my duty to the end, and I hope my death will have Ijppii useful to my country. My lut thoughts will Iip for you." With this lotter there camo another from the cuto of a tittle llelglan village giving the details of the death of the 011. Dmlng an animated discussion among several Englishmen In London as to tho possibilities of whipping Gcrmnny, ono man sat quietly for some time. He finally said: "1 suppose we'll give them Homo Utile, the same ns wo did tho Uoers." There arc now five beds for wounded snldlcis In the room of the Uclglnn Itoyul Palace usually occupied by tho Kaiser on his visits to King Albeit. A stuiy Is tout in Hiussels of a lilt of "Vunkee" genius. When the Gciinans reached thero they entered the cattle mm hot to buy up ovcry thing In sight und found the cntiro market had been bought up, not by the energetic burgo master, but (bo the story goes) by the American Ambassador. Tho corner in beef was complete and the officers went away empty. Cardinal Amlette, archbishop or Paris, at the special praer services yesterday In the Cathedral of Xotio Dame, an nounced that be proposed to laisc a temple In Paris In honor of Joan of Arc. He snld that to her was due, for tho second time, her country's deliverance from a lorelgn foe. A story Is published to the effect thut on tho very day when tho Germans reached Complegiip. thoso who bad the scelctlon of tho French soldiers' pass word, choso tho woids "Jeanne d'Arc." On the following day tho Germans left the place. An Amstcidnm dispatch says that tho Herllncr Tngeblatt complains bitterly thut tho size of tho ryo loaf which usually costs 12 cents Is gnawing smaller and that bakers all over Germany nro le ducing the weight of the Indispensable ihllo roll. Tho ordinary ryo bread of he working classes is now more than 4 cents a pound and the tendency Is ever upward. Hairy Lauder's songs have been heard on European battlefields. Tho Ulack Watch, tho famous regiment of High landers, sang them ns tho German shells burst over their heads und bullets whistled about their ears. A corpoial and two piivates arriving hcie wounded told of the fighting and singing. "The Gormans wero ns thick as the Illelan heather," said the corporal. "Wo stuck there poppin' off tho Germans, an' In tho thick o't a' wo were slngln' Harry Lauilor's latest It was gran.' A' aboot us were the dead an' deeln,' an' every noo and then German shells btust. An wo poppcicd awuy wo sang 'Roumln' In the Gloamlu' ' an' "TIip Lass or Kllllecranklo ' Many u sang aboot tho lassies we sang " FALL OF LIEGE FORTS BLAMED ON GRAFT AMONG BUILDERS Belgian Government Inves tigates Alleged Misuse of Funds and Use of Inferior Materials. in reached tho fuse and bridge exploded with a ub'iucer fell before thu Gor its ' but wus iL'Simeil bv thu told mo shocking details of Ill's which lln nprsnnnllv Up liimseif, although wounded chai... """" "'io n ccuar at .Neur 16 hi n "i"h "aa almost 'va when he f"akl. l. ' "n',n tno strcc,s ,iml vo'ves Wi 1 ''';f b ' ,Ic was i hi lutd. Au set-ollrs" "-'id was run- USES TIN CUP HANDLE TO CUT WRIST IN CELL SrUonefs Scieam Brings Turnkey ," Attempt nt Suicide Fails, i no tlUb y inpttti 'Wjlo . Ill MI,K-,I., ,-....,, .. . to cOI,lmt aul.-Ulu u a fC of JejUni.r V. ,fa. jveuuu nation house " of tin ,U;;K "' "rbt U,U tl,e tot few ,.i . ''"l "ot '"e" 'n "' "" a., '",nuUs 'n lie tore the ban ". lii 1 sc u"a ben hhli his K u ra.",b..l,rouht ,ho '"'"key. P Th? wl ,,, H W'UaJi'Jphia Hon- n wiZ ' c,zcU wU1 delirium tie i0nllt!(ju is 6"rJy tu tlie hPltal una his ANTWEHP, Sept. 17. Graft, and not tho bravery of tho Ger mans nor the power of their siege guns, was responsible for the quick fall of the forts at Xaniur. And this nlso, It Is htuted, was rpnponsible for tho collapse of tho defenso at Liege, notwithstand ing tho fact that the Liege works held oiitout longer limn those nt Namur. It was learned today that the Govern lucnt has been conducting an Investiga tion over since the Mons forts fell. It is found that while the defensive works were being built millions of dollars were deflected from their proper channels Into the pockets of contractors and dishonest Government officials. Tlio plans for the forts wero dravn by General Brlalmont, of the llelglan army, one of tho foremost mltitnty engineers In Europe, but the materials which went into the battlements wero far below the Hpeclllcatlons In many Instances. No fault was found with the plans. It Is ngieed that tho fortresses wern built upon the stiongest positions that they could tlnd. Tho llelglan ordnance) also Is booud criticism, but steel and coiieieto and stone work wero of poor quality. At Namur It was found that the cuncivte supporting one steel turret was so poor In quality that u single Ger man shell demolished It. It Is fin ther alleged that the builders hail not constructed all of the work which General Drlalmont's plans specified. months' illness. He was G7 years old ami is survived by his widow and a son, Charles Lcatherman, who Is In the ex press business at 122 Market street MUIII'IIV. In of ULURN A. ber 10, 1IU0. in mi:moiuam t,')-i'?.?riovln,,t remembrance .v'.I.ut,lY. who rt oi S-Vptem. HUSHAND AND CHILDltUN. eatfis -PASQUALU ALUVATA, 1 year. ALTING. 00 years. 1851 lOH. MAUV c. lunera! sei vii.es AI.KtAT.l. Ml 1'leice st AI.1IM1. SUSAN ludson st. AKIN. On Septouiber 14. Wlilov of Jospr.h 'P AM at h.r lato renineacc. tho Motho s "rpbconu tvinetery: ' Intcrment iIol"it Muiuli 'AV'R'.r0,". September 12. 10H. MARY ciTon VrL Vuo !,otlco of the funeral will ba BAI.IMriN.--At Ills residence. 211 North Sli. VUI.1II It, Inisl-amt of Ada U Harbour. aceVl ?n Jf.a,.f'. ,tcl"",nnd frlctiUs are , VnWtSl to atuud tho funeral ernkw, on Thur.diy. "ui;.ftsya.S.nllt."!,"r,B,fm ot OIhcr " IIAL'IIOK. On September 1(1, ion. lirjriTHA II.. .laughter ot Albert H. ,,,.l' liertliu c llaulinf, aKed I!) eurs. 1'iineial ten lies on "-",? wV' ,a5. 2 '' . ,nV- at lri"' real" 1CB "iKX'f.1, lf."n "' Oennantown. Interment lit illlsllde Cemetery, ila funeral car. lHJfct'KIIAN. HArtRV BDITKMiv ,. jeuM. ull North Vi.lllpM.''LCKMAN- 12 "fflmf "mVilJK'.k4! inftm'Sira ,,.V?,l.;.,l.5Vh":T0n .Septamber IB, lnu. ."'" """J" Ul UIIUIOli llreun ncrr In KIII1..QI r..i U... ...... - - .......... rjiuriia, u n p ni., from :ill5 North iirn.ui , in..'.ir r. Jlount Cemetery. " THREE HELD FOR ROBDERY Accused of Entering Silk Waiat Man ufac tilling Plant, Three men suspected uf lobbing tho sill; waist manutacturiug plant of L. t'littlebauin, lO.'I Hideo ui-m:e, wero ar rehtcd i-uriy toda and held by Magis trate Itelcher in the Tenth and liut'un wood streets police station In $W ball cacti tor a further hearing next Tuesday. Thuy wero John Kclchiaiiu, 21 lears old, MM MvKcan (.treet. Hurry Murtluett, 21 euis old, 001 Noitti franklin street, aifrl ci.iude McKlnley, 7SI Wood Mrcct. Tho plunt ot Chiittlebaum was robbed of blurt waists allied at more than fM. Spoiial I'atiolmon Hairy, ljrntt uinl liark .u rested thu three men curly today. DEATHS OF A DAY JOSEPH I-EATHERMAN Joseph Lcatherman, 437 Itliawn street. Vo Ohuse, died clcrday aftei teveial her "Sih ear Oreen ' "S&TSAUAU OW.V. 32 jears. 3HS C 5K!!&8 o . banaarihal. C1 lenin oudy Ceiuetcr. rtl CIl.tllMinSKl H'.I.TUn CHAa.MKT.SKI 1 III.I.MIA.S.-On September 12, 1314 at rsaliitonn. N J.. m.RV I. wlfo of Jo' j.eph b. theeanun, In lr Mill jeur. Tunei.il on itsurwlay, ut 1 p. m Interment Zloii Cemeteiy. KarMlntaikii. N J. "mBnl 10" ll..ltlt. -On September 11 1014. PIUXK ill' at -. ''; "' rrom hl la,e resldeme. r-r h"ir,H?f." "A hnerineiit Fernwo.,,1 iVnieiery !'m-... J""- 'i hepteinber HI. lull. HlUl) il,A,v f0 of I'airlck Clifford and daugh ter or Martin umt Ilrl.lset Plalieri) of ".m . ly ItosLunimon. Ireland. Kuneml on Satur day, at S30U. m., Irom the resldcnco of her Miter. Mra John Kelly, 2m .. l-ark .,. ..'''erineiit at Hul i'roVB i emeiVrj v!!.;r.l7n September IS, 1011. ISA IP iiillUN. ton of" tho lato Jacob "ml Earah irlenda alw Meridian 'sun iJdso, So. lss &-?!'"1 -, M " fnvltcd to attend the fiT: neral sirylces. on rrliaj. at 2 u. m. it hln tM:l-,N,s,-TFRAN,-'Is etltn and ltlsier ..v I'llMtdW'.-Oii Septimber 14. 13H DAViti K lONiltMV ocell UI jeirs. lito reldei." l'en.ea8U0 "- 1U' nj"i0 vt f'"'eiul will A CIIOI'KIC On Senteinber 13 nnATiis town. Mg at M. Vincent's rhureh at 1) p. m. Interment st Old Cathedral Cemetery. I'I'ltNOI . -On Beiitrmber M. )P14, JOHN W , himbnnd of the lute MRry furnott (neo Kenny) 1'uncrnl. on lrMay. nt 7'.10 a. m., from Ills Blcel nt. (nboe illtniii t ) Mans at tho fhurch ot St. Thomas ,o.ulnn-. at V n. In Interment at Cathedral Cemetery l)i:AN.--On Soptembor 14, I0t4. CATH AHINH A, UITAN. wli'ow of t'harles W. Dp in, ronldrnce, Wjfl Union t. T'linernl Berv Iccn nnd Interment atrlctly prlvatn DlilHKN. -On Heplember 13, 1014. IJMMA L. 1t:iKi:N nie Inirke), widow nf John K. IJ)elien. I.unernl ferileoH on Thurmlny, at 2 p in, nt ;j Nnrlli nsth at. Interment at Vet Lntirel Hill I'dnrterj lti:N'i:f.Hllt:('K fmddenlv. nl Overbrook. N. J, Hcptcnibcr 14. l'lll. OMA, wlfo ot .Ineob Denetsbiu K. nRcd 10 senrs. runeml afrvlefs on Tliursilns nt I p in nl l'' "'". ,",'' of her niotbrr, Mra Hmnvi Mcl.rnn, vhlto Hnr. iiilto, Oierbronk. Interment Chen a TimlliiK M t". I'emetery HIIMI'A NICOIjA UHV1TA, 77 ieara. 1119 Wharton at ... HHVI.IN. On September 14.1014, MirHAHL. hUHbiitiil nf .iBhe Uellii I'unernl on Tlnira ilny. nt S::io n. in. from 2711 North Holly wood t. (2Mli nnd Lehleh ne.l HIkIi H fiulcin Mnn8 lit Iho Uhiniii nf Ccirpua t'hrlati nt in ii. in. Interment nt Wcatinlniter Cem etery. 1II r I.IBSCIH HIVAC, 10 yeara, 1B20 N. 1H (IIIHItTV. On Septenilier 13. 1014, 131. 1A11 T, widow nf John .1. Dougherty (nee Dnnoliue). Due tint lee of the funerel will n Ellen, from her late r-'ilden'-e, 1211 ("nth- DkVJjHAN. Hl.titlN DIIUOOAN. 70 jenrF. I.sth nnd .lafferaon ats HAItNS. On Selitember IS. 101 1, HAIIItlHT M. IIAHNH. tlrlntlie? nnd frlfti'ls iTf In Mtcd to ntte il tho funrrnl fori I ", on Tliurmlny imirllnK, nt II nVlnik, nt tho In digent wliinns mid KIiikIp Wonfen's AHvluni, .Ull." f'hesttnit st. Intermrr.t at Orcnt Hilov llaptl-t lliirilni- rlivund. . . HASri.ACK. CATHAHINU HASTLACK. Tm o f II' IMlilltmll'1 Lini'AIID.H At Arkendnte. Vn . nn S, pteni b.T II 1014. r.Vi:i,YN MU'IINIA I3H WAtlUl wlfo of llnnild It rilmmta I n nerMl n' Arken Hln. oidenibi - IT I'HINSIIIIN. - A1.1IHRT rillNSTHlN. IS M'.ua 221", William rt. THNOAK. On September 1.1. 1011, of Uphold foirr. Al.iri: THOTII. belmi-d wlfo of Wilbur 0. reimnr nnd ili'iiphfr nf Mr. nnd MrH. Chrlatripher itriizer. I'unernl ncrvlcei nt her piiemn' leildeniH, ."ill Bill me., An bury Park, N, J. on rrldny innriiliiK nt 1 1 ..10 n'elock. Interment private, nt Newark, N J. 1'INK. ANNIH 1'INH, 2 yeara. 20.1 Heck Ktrret. rOHAUTY. On (September in. 1011, JAMHS r., aoti of th" Into lMwird mid dun In enrty runeml on Sntiirdns, nt 1 ") n. ni., fnmi n2l South l.'.lll Kt 1'OICO. On September 111, Hill. illlonOIJ HOWVni) foil of Ilnniini mid Muile 1'nnl. nur 1 2 nniH 2 month! Puiieril rorvlCMM nil Tildnv nt 2 p in., nt bis parent-' residence, ir.to Sin tli llililt iilncn. Interment at l'prnwnnd (Vm torj roiiH'.rKit .loniii'H roitnsTnit.ts years. ir.nl s. Tntiej kt. rilAHIIIt. On Seiitei-iber IS, 1014. HMILY It , n fo o flpnriro M rrnper. I'unernl on S.iturilni. at 1 p ni., frnni hi r lite residence. 2ii0il Wlinrtoti "t. Intcriiiont Mt. Morlah t met, i litlDHMlKIH).- On uentrinliar 1T,, 1011. HANNAH A., i If" nf Ixnn H. frklcnberij Itelntlim nnd friend" iitp Iniltwl to intend the funernl ferilo"!', on Thnrsdny nfternnon, nt ,2 i. 'i lock nrpi.H.l. rt Iit lute realdence, 1012 North rrinklln at lntcuncnt at Mt. slnnl CeniPtPr. riMY. On SoiitPiiiber IS. 101 1, nt Woodbury, N. J.. SAHWl A . Mldiiw of .lolin V. Knw, ntipil 1 ipir. runeni' rer Ir pi mi Krlday, nt 2 ii. Mil. tit stPiliiian I'lntnl. ."iu'll Kcn plnntnii me Inlermiiit nt ISnllciuo Ccme rv. (i.l.l,i:.S" On September HI. 1011, .TAMHS P.. llllVllllHl 'if Allm T iSlllletl I'UIIPI'll Mill tnki plaie on Thuiwlai, nt Mill) u in. fmtti 2.M." llnmti nt Snlet.in .Mua of tr- IuIpiii, ot St. I'nin la' Chun h nt 10 u in. prci"!clj. Ii.tcnrcnt nt Old Cntliedrnl Ceinc- OAfl'.. CHAl'.I.HS GAUL. 7 yeara. C120 Cbl.llpM at. fjr.NAVIIlt. HAItlSIUT CIENA VHIt.157 years, 2-IM W HiiIiiph M. (IHOlttiU. -Sudilenli'. nn September lit. 1014. MAUV CUiUtOi: wire nf ,Inp.li Clporue, nuod 1,2 pirs. 1'iinent on Snturdav nt S a. in., from 1i r Hto nalilence, 2M'i Oiorlnuton at HrlipbiirK. Snlpinn Iteiiulem Mnas at All Saints' rhureh. of iirl IpnhurK. Interment nt St Dninlnh'a. Holineaburu. fiUKST. On SeptPinlier IS. 1014. CHAHI.rR, huabantl ot Sanih Herat, nppd iii; ciir!i. ftel ntliea and frlenda are Invlt.d to attend tho funeral aerikea, on Krldav afternoon, at 2 o'clock, 'it hl Into resilience. 711 N. .'17th st. Interment Ftrletlv private. Gil I.. On September 14. 1011, nt his lato rcaldcnrv. .'!. North list at.. I'UTHIt. liua lmnd of rannle OI1I. Due notice of tlio fu nernl will II" fflien. r.l.AIIINi; On September 111. 1014. at her Into iialdeine 7n7 Pine ht , Mrs I.OCIS1:, widow n' Wllllnni tlladlm;, ased 07 jcars. Due notUo of the funeral will bo iiivcn. UOI.AsIC HHI.HNA GOL.ASIC, 2S years, 22t) Tlrown nt. GHKUN. AI.HIHIT GltnUN. 2 yeara. 017 WnttH at. GltllliN. On SetitPiiilier 1.1. 101 1. CATH AKINi: ltANKHUAl) (lllUILV, wlfo of Hoh crt llankliead ilreen (noe Mcilee), nurd 10 cnri.. I"unernl on Kilday, 'ippteniber is. nt 0 ii in . from her Into residence, 127 Webster at., Camden. Interment nt i:Prgrecn Cemc terv. GISKUIt. On September 14. 1014. IIAItRY, f-nn of Mar und the late John Greer. Keln tlvcs anil friends are Inilted to attend th funeral ..enhea. on Tliuraday, nt 2 p. m.. at Ilia mother's residence, 2UI4 Lombaril st. Interment Mt. Mnrlali Cemetery. (.CI I, AN. -On .September 12. 1011, JOHN HDWAItl) A. Ultl'HAN, III his likh jear Puneral on Thursday, at S "0 u. m . fioin his Into resident e, I24S CJjjden at. Solemn Itcfpilem Much at Our Mother of Sorrows Cliunli nt 10 a. m. Interment .nt Cathedral Cemetery. IIANNAV Suddenlv. on September II. 1014. MAItlH A. HANNAN inec llonneri. wlfo of Jnmcs C. Hnnii.in. I'unernl on lliuradav. at s .!0 a. in., trom 2l-, N. th n Solemn Itcquk'in Muss at St Kdnnrd's Church at in a. in. precisely Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. HAI'lUlt. WlLIT.nD IIAUSER. 52 ears. US N. lflth at. HAM.OWHIX. On September 12. 101I.WII,. 1,1AM, husl und of the late Catharine N. Ifallnnell, need 74 enr. Duo notice of the funeral ulll bo Riven, trom the residence of ins nnuiiuier. mis van 1'eit at. Ili:itl UK. On Septcniber la, ion. MACSDA LCNA, wife of Louis Ilcrler (formerlx i:k nrd), need -IS jeira. Due notice of tho fi. nerat will bo elu'ti. fiom her lato rtildence, 1027 Shunk at. Ill MKh. On September 14. 1011. KARY R. wife nf William Humes, l'uuer.ii f.eribea on Tliumlay, at 1 p. in , nt r.iy WiiMilncton ae. interment private, at Nortliwood Cem etery. J.f)I'i:S. At Locust firovo l'arm. N. .1 . Sep- tenibcr ia. inn, KuzAiiin'H n.irr- HUltNL', widow ot I'ruf. Dai Id Hnlnli Jaquea. Tuneral aerilces will be held at tier Into realdence. Locat llrme Tann. near Railway, N. J., on Thuraday, September 17. at 10 30 a. m. Internivnt at the conienknca of tho fain Iv. .ji:i'ri:ns(N. lovinu Ji:rri:nsoN. o jenra 1121 Toplnr at. .HIsKIMI. On September II, 1014, In Pitman. N. J . MAUY L. JOSHl'H. wife of William .insepu. i uncrui rrom ner into residence, cor ner I'ltman and Fern wood aiea., Pitman, N. J , on Tliuri.da, September 17. at I M p m. Seniles at the house. Interment Cedar Green Cemeter. Clajton. J". J. KIH.I.Y. On September 13. 1014. HARRY J, husband of Mary II. Kelly and ton of Ariic and tho lato Captain John R. Kellj. Kunenil on Thursday, September 17. at s 30 a m. from White Horso I'lke. Magnolia. N. J. HlKh Mass at th Church of St. Rose of Lima, Huddon Heights. N J., at 10 a. m Interment Old Cathedral Cemetery. KUI.I.KY. On September 13. 1014. MARY J. PAUKUR, wife of William Killej Itela. til ca and friends are Imited to attend Ui.i funeral services, on Thurada afternoon, at 2 o'cloi-lt. at her late residence. 3107 Arch tt. Interment urlvate Please omit n.ners. KI.HNTNKII. LAV5HH KLHNTNKR.60 yeara, 27ii!i fletcher H. KOTZ On September 111, W. KOT nsid 31 iirs. iintai. at 2 p in., from .'HOJ st. Interment at Noithwood hi IU, -On September ID. OH. Ul'fii-vn 'unernl m r-at-N'orth llancruft Cemetery. 1UH. SARAH COLLINS. 3 jears. Iftll WIIT.lt W Ikan I.xeiultiM f'.,.titt,A , ,.,. n.'..t ..K,. .. . "- -.... .W. ..m nan ice. 1.1,1 h u. V"" ' am ,"' olher -IMia of whkh he was u member, ure Inilted to at tend funeral, on Thursday, at uVloJk. it ate residence 7i. North 3d t luierment irate Cemetery. Remains m-v k. Ids ut Mount 1101VMI U'm n.uln CKOSLfc. On September u. 1014. at hi Uie reWnco. Church uie . lu.ru in Pa WLLIM RIVVLY huihioH it-.; i , Crole, a.-ed 10 oarr. Fuueral aerili.a on Thurduy. at 2 p m . at the Uerwyn M K Church Interment at Qraat Valley Iluutltt I'IM.MIMI.S. -On September 18 IBM, HUGH son of Jamcj and Citlunne Cummlnis Fu neral on SutuxJaj at 7 '.0 a m fi0m hlj jiatenta' rctHiiKc 22 J Cbur.b line, German. M MANDRIL Wlfo of Cll-irlra L. Kuen Due notice nf the funeral will be glien. from her late resident e, toriier Prospect anl Moun tain aes . Oak Lane. LA('IIKMAli:iL On September 1(1. 1011, MAUY wllnw of John 1-u henmnlor. Fu iifral kervKok on Saturday, at 2 p in., ot Iho resl. lento of hi r bnii-lii-lau, Harry Mc Keone, 2DII N rth llolwtHl st. Interment prliale at Nortliimod Cemeterj I.ANZ. Suttdenl. .at hla lata residence, cor ner Marshall and Danes ue.. Norrlstoim, on September 14. 1014. lit 8TAVR LANZ, Ir, his UJd )eur Funeral aerilcea at the lleth nny Kiangellcal Church corner Swede and Marshall sta.. Nurriatonn. on ThursJay, Sep. tember 17. at 2 p. in. Interment prhate, at Riverside Cemetery LlllDI'.I.L H UIIIV LIODKLU 3 yeara, jaSl R. Sergeant st LINTON. At Newtown. Pa., Monday, Sep. leu uer it, ii'ii. iiii.jiii? i. i.i.iij.-,. ugui la uurs. Itclatlies and Irlends art) li'vlted to attend the funt.r.il. nllhout furthtr notka, Hum his Utu rceldeiue, Wiuhington uie , Newtown, on Thurslai, September 17, at ti.fi p. ni. Interment at Nentown Ceinctcri. Train for Nentonn leaves Reading Terminal 1.2a p. m. s,'V,!!.,!'....Sui,tlenly. on September 14. 101 1, t'l.WIIINT h MiJOIt. In Ills slth ear Fu-in-ral aervlcu uu 'lhursda. at )i p. in . jt 1127 Kkhmond t Intel inent at Lceaburg N J on lrllai, .September IN 31 lVKIIs.-S.-iitenibar IS, 1914, CAROLINU M. wldoiv of 1 harlea I. Maura. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral services, lTida motniug precisely at II o'clock, at h.r late residence. 11J7 Nurtn JOth at Interment private. Mil'.rn:it. On September 10. latl iVTI Al.VN'i: d.uh "' 'uUum and tho late C.itliarlne Mtinirfery. ato.1 2rt vears. ULmX? u'i hatur.lj at h 30 a. m . from the rcsidei.o of her brotber-In-laiv. Robirt I'm. Ltr' i1.1, '. vvso'' " . Wtwuhlikoii. Internieiit .. 5. .'"tr'tk s Cemiterj. Norrlstonn ,,t'uio,l,i,W,S,K ,un, September ' 14. 1011. ? AH -.''""fchter of tho l.ue bai.iuel JV.". 1',l.labll MH'ambrWge. Funeral ser vice ou Umrsdav. at 1 n 111 , at H.12 BUvij 11 I..,,,.1.1',,,' "" ). Inleriiient prlvat. sin liNH' ." ,'"l"mlr 14 UH4. Jt m ii.!.-' ","' "'1 'ato Juhn and Mar A Mtirirtucy Kuntral on Frtdaj. ut it 30 a nnt.,',','. 2VU N' 'l"'k Sjlinm Itf Clmrch 5 ?4S. ,at. OU,r. o( IWilu Ceineu'rv Interment at lloli c'.ws 3IL-T" L!:;V..rILLl AM T .. at the I.r r,i...:, :..""-?!?.""' : ""s. " r.i vicaicnia cnurt.11 ""'.) : inursuaj. 10 a. m DRATIIfl . MOHrSCHI. -VICTORIA MOREf3CHT, 01 years. S.I2 n. Rlttenhouso St. .Mritl'llYV-MlC'ItAHL MURPHY. 79 yeara. 27C0 Helen at NKFF-On September 14, 1014, HARRY Vf , husband of Martha J. Neff and aon of th lato Daniel and Susannah Ncff. Funeral aer vlccs on Thursday, at 2 p. ir... nt hla late residence, 13in North 02! at Interment pri ote. nt Mt. Vernon f'emelerv. O'NF.ILL. On September 13.1014. RIIAtlf.TlS V . rcn nf Mary O'NcId (nee Cotello) and Iho lato Oeoriro O Nell!, aired i'l yenra. Fit nernl on Friday, nt R 30 n m , from 221 fl. Syiltnl.um at. Solemn Requiem Masa at fit i'atrlik'a f 'hurra at 10 a. ni. Interment at New Cnth's-lral Compter.". I'F.RLING. -7 t'ASANDRA VHUIANO, RS jears. 1)M S 3d at I'FAFF. On September IS, loll, of diph theria, JOHN c , Eon of Philip nnd Anna I'rnrr of :iS28 RUa at., used f, jeara. No funrrnl 1'1'FIV Oil September 14. 1014, nl Wllitnood, N. J.. TIIIIDOHF. lmabnnd of Atmlo I'm lev Purr Scrvlcea on nidui, nt 2 p. m., iit.lbe funrrnl upnitmrnta of William Itnncii, ..:'.'!!. '? .Ohi'd ne Intrmunt prlinte. 1 ! ,.,,.,,f?'...'J.n. MenipnUipr hi. foil, HARRY I. VWItiLS'ci: IMMtVIS Jr ami or ,v.ri n mi'l Hnrrv L. Pun la, nRpd 3 monlba Fli nt ml scrilcpa on Sunday, nt 2 p m., nl Iho residence of his parcnta, 2120 .North 2th at Inlermont prliatp RANDALL At tho reslilenro of her ton. Howard rj. ftnndnll, nt Stnofivllli Itu ,.?.m,l,V. .'?.'.. r.?n Wcslnasilny. cptamlipr III, '4, RACHrL A RANDALL widow of tr iiIkii Rnndnll nuod 2 inns 1 niontlia. uiiorul from Thompson Memorial church, Lower Solehurv Fn , on Snturdav. Stpt. 10 nt 11 n. m. JwiV t'M-iiD" Rn7,'Jt -M,lry ' nn'' h" Into ... n? ,K' ""llelntlies nn.l frlemla nro liiiitpil to attend funeral srrvlrce, nn Thins, day nfternnon. nt 2 nVlnelc piprLely. nt Ilia latp realdpntj. IO110 North 13th it Interment nuni ii iiiuihhj i;nmporv. Itl-IIV.-SARAH ItRI.V, 71) oar.. lUllI fit. ,!ii'v!'fiiM RcHmO; '' SPlemiier 14. 014. ' , 'm,'" '.."' rn"' "'"'".liter of the late I pV",'milW';"f,.,,1,1,"1 "minnh L.vvl, WlatJ? ?"lvnlp U'hl-nm i: Hoaeia. Interment 010 Hniilli 1 DKATIIS lilLMANO.- ANGHLO ROMANO, 8 yeara, KI5 South 0th et. HOONRY.- -On September 14, 101 i. HAN NAH, wlfo of James lloonry I unarM on Tnuraday. nl fi'30 n m., from 1740 Wyllo at Solemn Illajli Masa of Requiem at tho Church of tho Gcsil nt 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery Illl(IT.--On September 13, 1014, RMMA M., wlfi of Orlow H Root. Funeral tcrvltea on Thursday, at 2 10 p m.. nt her late., esl tlcne, 2.S0S Hollin et. Interment nt Mount Fcai c Cemetery SALMN LOUIS SAI.VIN, 40 cars, 73S Mooro at. HFLLKlt On Septpmbpr in. 101 1, nt the William I. Flklna Mnamilr cirpluiiKiKP. ANNA 1ANI1, wire of William . Scelrr. ni?pd i,s viara. Funpral aorvlcps on I rldnv, prpcl'Pl nt 2 p ni.. ut tho OnilidliHR'', llrond nnd cnuga at.. InlnrmPiit nt Mount Fearu HllF:i.l.ilon September III, 1011, HOWARD HUNT, ami or I'.rrv V. D. and Floremo Hunt Slielli. nitcd to months. Funeral airv Icoa on Frlrlaj, nt 2 30 p in., at itrnnd I.nrentB' rrs'ninrp ."nj llano at, tlerin.nn iiuui. Intpriii'-iit prliatp. SIM LI. DAVID HHULL, 1"! eara, (111 SIMII'.IL- On September II. 1011, LAM lit: 111 SlMll'.R. Iii hi. iC,ih vrar. Funernl rrr nos at the f 'linn It of tho Good Sl.eplijrd, Rosemont, Fa , on -l hutsdnv nt ' 11 . 'n lornvnt nt the CMir"h ot tho llcdccmcr Cem ptery. Itrj n Mun r. Pa. SMI I II At Tiilljtnnn. t'n , on September 11. 1011 JAMR1 11 SMITH, foimorly of .Moorcs. town N. J ni'ed m v. nr I utiiM' nn Krldnv. nt 2. (I 11 111. nt tlio ro'ldence nf Rlmpr i:. Jphnaon. Tullvtonn, Fa. Interment nt Tiillvtovvn ivmct'ri. M'l.l.ti AN. A hla rt bIiIpiipo. rt2" Cherry I., Camilrh N. .1. S'eOt 1! 1011 JOHN L. husband of lniy iillluii ni?p.l 27 venr. One notice rr tho unefi! will bp ulven r',rilllll.. On SpptPinbi - ID 1014 SOFltfA wll. hi ian in.ppii -.vni. mi in opt ,,in v'i f'unrril ppr I p mi iturdnv. nt 2 m nt bpr litp i-ialliiit. 12' I I'olnt llrcpo , VLI IIP 1 SI I.Ltt AN KATII MUM! wnrs U.n4 Tl 1 tm son '. TAIIII . SOFIA TAIIIIA. H ears, ler at DHATIIS -HDNItY TAYLOR, M I.I.1VAN 20 4334 Mil- ssr-- 11: TAYWin HENRY TAYLOR, on yeara, iuj Lomoara ai. TKKSK. CAftoMNH TKESC, 57 Jtnra, 221C Raat Oimberland at. TOMIKRT. MAllfin TOL11ERT, 80 year 17.11 Bllaworth at, TRKINAN. CATHAR1NI3 TRRINAN, 01 inrt, 2121 K. Hoston ftvo. MHITMGHi:. On September IR.IOll.MAIttA A , wlfo of Rv. Franklin R. Whltmore. 111 nernl aervleea nt hr huabamt's' realdence, 7015 Germantown nve., chestnut Hill, on Friday, nt 11 ft. in. Interment ot Ivy Hill Cemetery. V4IHMAN. On September II, 1014, AMRLtA , , wlfo of Augusto WlJman. Funeral asrv tn on B'rld.ny, at 2 p. m., at 2410 N. Wnr iiopk st. Interment private at Nortlnvool Cemclorv. 11,11. MAI.IiT WILD. 83 yeara, 2E0O North i'lLKS .TAKT3 WILMS, 31 jeara, 1817 Wood st. irilHKOW On September 13, lot 1. SARAH II., widow of Andrew J. Wlthrow. IlelntlieH nml friends nre Invited lo nttend the funeral Hrvl'CR. on Friday evenlnir. n o'clock, nt her late resident p. S4'l North Preston at. Interment private nt Flensniitvllle, N. J. VlOLF. On September 1", lflt. FRANK WOLF, r . In hla (I1a pnr. rnneral Berl ins on Saturd.nv. nt 2 p in., nt his late real dence. 1n2l .tetTcraoh st. Interment prliatp. WRIGLRV. On September 14. 1014, JOHN JAMKS. husband of Sarnb Anna Urlglpy, BRed 4S vpnra pprvlrca on Thuraday. nt t p. m . at 311,2 Tnmpn at. Sorvlcea In St. Na thanlel'a church at 2 13 p m. Interment Ilelvno Cemetery wi'lisr. In IVnn'H Manor, on Seiitember 10. 1011. RLMIHA S., wife of Fred tl. Uurst, In the 13th year of her one. Funeral from her husbnnd'a resitl'iice. in Fetm'a Ma nor, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m. Interment tit Mnrrlavllln Cmetr-ri 7,AI:NGRRLI:IN on September 10. 1014, III Dol.l'll bPlovpd liusbiind nf Kntharlii aeiixei 1'ln, nK"'l 47 vpnra Funeral Satur iln ot On m . rrom 271s Jeffrson at. Solemn Re'iiilem Mass nt In n. in. nt St. LiihviIk'h Chun Ii Interment at Holy Seput . hri tViiu'pn y.l ItLK. LOL'IS ZURRK, 4S sears, 21 Urcinn at nrlvat "ihVjru.nAUM,LLBB L'Ol h an. I Interment 35 ciri 1103 jaimauBijsiuasimms rnmtn Store Opens S.30 A. M. nuMign mm um.iwtwcaiMWJ.AiHutiaiJ.iiM'Jii tin,.!! !! vimji WANAMAKER'S wBTamammjgiJSMJJHUMm Store Closes 5.30 P. M. i '.:. in v 11 a i'ii l ' luu&--z---z r i i t .. " "--x-jl 1 1 mm lie ivttt iriUiDl"! iiimiiimi tm iii .... n h si nn 11,1111213 h n Stii .tnnn lVu 51 is OQ CB Wl E' !(. .-. ". .'"'nn j, BBJ in - 1 I " - II.UI1UM1I1 t. .. . ' -r t ' - 'V h i iiitiiii'MiHiminiii't,,,,.. - -,iibwj'i; 1 1 i 'iijjfli mini ra n m un iiini ' XfS9ffimL2LM I J imjh" IWtoW! ri!r- - . . w5 t' 1" ilifii! hlW ' 'l,l 1 1 ! ,'i ffifH "hi ' i-'i v-aiiLf t . Armii 'f i V III,! II A I . wmm. '" I'M,'"1' , r i"1 I ' I'.l I'll 'I' 'III J II ill II I ill", SfiLL ' i'.''. mi, ,' il "'i, i !iM'T',, " ' ''' i .! m il! ' ' i ' '' nma i i " , i . ", uiih i hi, i iSBM . -, a, '? aVAl,!. mm. n-rr 'J, T IHlIHrMiMl:." i m ,.;. " "f" i 3 i'.'i'u.innMijmiiiKi 1 Jl.TTrfillJiliiw'jjiiai Grand Organ Recitals 9, 11 and 5.15 THE WANAM Animoiminiees 1TOR for T 4c A mew collectioini of vomen's feSfl and winter coats In very fashSoirialble lines. They range frcm $25 for tihiree qaDarter leng-th, roajgin, slimrdy diagonal cheviots, to $67.5 iror very liandsomme black velvet, of imported material, In Rediogote style, (First Floor, Central) A showing, not a posing, of new autumn fashions in the Little Gray Salons. These costumes include a Barge number of authentic dresses in winter fashions, as well as American copies. (First Floor, Central) Brand-new collection of men's London top coats made by the famous Kenneth Durward and priced $32 each (Subivuu Gallery, Chestnut) LARGE GOING SALES Housewares Cut Glass Silks Lumps China Blankets New and delightful lace and chaff oro waists for women, some never sfaowira before, $6 to SI 2. (Third Floor. Central) A large, unusual showing of miew Mack suaiongs nd dress goods sneluolang a number of imported things, 50c to $3 (First Floor, Chestnut) A speeisl sale ov men's fall knitted neskties aft 3 for SO Neckties in th new autumn soinrae are "seconds.' Hower Price Store, styles in the (Subway Uullery, Market) The new ADVANCE NOTICE e new French hats having arrived, the Wunnmnkor showins of v frail millinery has been bet for next Monday, September 21. A fine new Jot of Khiva Bokhara caripets just come into &. Orients! Rug Sale, $0S to $97. SO? ateesVft- xJttml 8 feet, Fifth Floor, Market Ail extraordinary disposaJ of certain patterns of imoorted silverware m the shape of meat platters fiowSJ vases, compotes, fruit baskets, eandl slicks ana other pieces. Prices reduced about onethird. (Jewelry Stvic, Chestnut & Thirteenth) JOHN WAN AMAKER mm. v 1 1 .'. X- m n ilVil j i- w " .',5 ' ' 'Kl T r . Hi if Jl 1 ",h if 5' .. ,t 'tex-ni . t i iT.r? "a 1 t .:,ttt ifc iJw u'i?'i-f ' 3 r I M ? -'3 ,t''jj ni mm n L 4 fc.a