Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Germans Fall Like "Suffo
cated Wasps" Before the
Terrible Onslaught of
Africa's Dark Warriors.
PAniS, Sept 17
The reckless bravery of the Tiirco.
the black troop' that franco has culled
to the front from Africa, Is the theme
of many n thrilling talc.
An ofllcer of ZoimVes, who took imrt in
the magnificent oharffe of the ilitsky Af
rican wnrrloia at Cliarlorni mid was
lmelly wounded, thus refers to the llKht
"i'ou could not If you tried exasperate
the amazing biavcry our fellows showed
rlplit up to the Jaws of death. Wo had
been ilclilltiff for four etavs nround the
walls of flmrlrrol. There were HV.twi
if the one-mv massed aKalnt our pnsl.
tlcns piurins shot and shell Into u Mv
cplrmlld lads never flinched, although
thov had hot a chance for n meal. Some
times the advantage wns with us. some
times wo had to give vvav. The mora j
our artlllerv mowed down the more the j
enemy seemed to fprlht? up. Thev
avvameil In all directions, and that Is
-why their casualties are much heavier
than ours
"Suddenly our colonel cued, 'Give the
1'uicos fret- leln' The nvnUiielu- li
nan. It n like hell let loose Tine I
tore nloiis the enemy's batteries for u
full mile Tli,' Prussian pmird .n ex
tended over about n thousand vards As
the charue continued the boys chanted the
'.Mnrselllnlse,' but one comrade could
hardly hear the other. On they dashed
however, till they were within peihaps
llfteen vards, when the batteries in th.
wood ceased flrlnu, or they would hne
mowed down their own iruanls.
Then the bloodiest of nil havmict
melees heuan While ine man twis trans
fllni; n huge Prussian nnd could not for
the moment rolnve hi bayonet ho would
out with his pistol and shoot another,
lihllo a comrade In hi side would be be
laboring his for. with the butt -nd of his
3 We. fan mod was tli" combat that mna
f our men sot hold of the noses of the
Germans with their teeth Olants thouuh
these nicked .wards of William are the
are as little, ehtldien hetoie tbe.e terrlrle
Turcos. They tell Ilk suffocated wasps
blrod splahed ever where. I think I
phot a hundred with my own revolver
Jn the end as you know, the remnant,
utterly bewildered, throw down their
firms and lied for their lives. You can
BUcss how mnnv escaped "
Another Frenchman, who Is with sev
eral Knsllshmen, In the hospital at
Kouen, tells th follow tnjr f-tor; :
"I was In ttv battle In the street' of
Charle-rol 'Tln is suv death' said my
pa', ns thf b-db'ts --tritt k the ---round
from even le W- e"vm. to a farm
wh, re we hen d eo mooln? from bun
per Wo weie . ivel b: SdiSil" hnp
tihooters, who k pt a whole roslnm t of
Grman at bn Tliev are hlatk a- dev
ils, and whn the Girnnns see tin pi with
their fierv ee? blass'iii; from their Inkv
faces tht tak to their heels like rab
bits "
Mccormick in high spirits
Fusion Candidate for Governor Be
lieves Chances of Election Improved.
ltAP.PJSBfRr; s..nt 17.-V.mcc C Mc
formiek. muie oontlcMit than cier of
.success in November now that he is th
Gubernatorial nominee on the Democratle
and Washington tickets, left here this
mornlnir for Seranton to he r"-"'l at
the meetlnc .' the ?tate Federation f
Democratle Clehs Mr Mccormick teiek
& short recess from hln cam; a 1 511 tnu
yesterday, rom'ns here In time t accept
forma'.'v the indorsement of th- Wash
ington partv for the place of Governor
on their tiektt.
The action of the Wnshln.it in Party
State Comm'ttee in Indor'lm; Mr Mc
cormick to till the lacancv on the U-lot
caused bv the nithdiawal of Wlliiim
Draier Lwls, was tuken with little -posltlon.
Kar'v In the day It was rumor I
that n minority faction in the WaMner
tun party would try to force the with
drawal of CoiigieHsinan A. Mitchell '.
mer In faior ut Glfford Plnchot, as the
candidate tor t'nlted Statcn Senate, ne
foro placing Mr. Md'ormlek on the ticket
Tho very slipht strensth of this fac
tion, however, was hhown when Judge
Charles N. Briimin, of Pottsvllle, was
mentioned as an opponemt to Mr Mc
Cormlck. The voto on the roll call was
Jl members for Mr. McCormlck and two
Xur Judge Brumm One of these wo
changed his vot when the Jiidsre ex
plained that bo must not be canslcjerod
n candidate Six delegates declined to
Mr Mccormick received a rouslnc che-er
of welcon wht-n he began his pceh of
acceptance with the world "Fellow Pro
gressives " In the course of his ad
dress re praised Mr. Lewis for his ac
tion In withdrawing in order to male
possible the uniting of decent citizens to
wipe out Penrose
.-. . -- ws- i- i - - -i- - - - - I II . i ,. -.. , i i . ,i .11...-
1 hum hi I inkruoml ,. In.leruiol
Unsuitability of Coast Main
Obstacle to Naval Devel
opment of Kaiser's Nation.
Man)' Strong Fortifications.
;l is iHft
Ira I
Fifty Exhibitions Tomorrow Will
Show Skill of Young Gardeners.
exhibitions of (lowers grown by si hool
children during the summer will take
place tomorrow tn 55 school ards scat
tered oier the city from Byberry to
Point Breeze Some of the flowers have
lieen grown in tchool yards, but a great
jnajorlty are the result of the careful
nnd painstaking cultivation of open
spaces in the ilvlnltles of the little gar
deners' homes
Tomorrow morning will be devoted to
Inspection by tho judges, who includ
Dr W. T. Jacobs Acting Superintendent
of Schools; William A Stecher, director
of physical education: Pr John T Gar
tier, abslstnnt Superintendent of SchoolH
and Miss Caro Miller, superintendent of
school gardens In the afternoon special
llower day exercises will be held In all
the yards for the children.
Numerous prizes have been donated by
the Garden Club of Philadelphia, Garden
and Orchard Society, Chester Valley
Garden Club, a numbtr of priiate nurser
ies and department stores and by indi
viduals. Including Clarence Sears Kates
Atcs May Be Erected Whole Length
of Frankford Avenue,
The lighting cummlttee of the Frank
ford Board of Tarde will make a report
on the lighting problem of that part of
the city ut a meeting to be held tonight
at 461J Frankford umnue.
It connection with this work, the Phila
delphia Kite trie Company is won to erect
live sample arc lights on Frankford ave
nue north of Orthodox street. If there
prove satisfactory similar lights will
probaul) be en.-i.ud the entire length of
tha avenu"
In the tf,sk i,f bulldi.n? up the formid
able lle.'t uhli'i Is now e.ieie x oiing to
wtest from us the comm.viil ot the sea,
Herman hm 'ineunt"iea no i.iore seri
ous and costlj ulmucli than the unsult
ublllty of her .North S"a cmists tor tliv
uie of ' modem nnrj , writes th nanl
e.vpvtt of the l.uidun tilobe.
Ships tlieiiiaiiveu weie small, meas
ure I b prescnt-da stjiulaic'.s, while the
Ivaioer s eleclaiatlon of poilc. "Vnsere
Zukunfl Het nut dem Wumi," havl not
ei coi.imltud tierinany to a po.iv of
on-iaei naial jdveutme buo.niucnt
duieiopments, hone.er, and notably tho
adiunc-ment of tho stonilard battleship
to a displacement ot i'ii.OW tons or more,
have thrown a very consluorablo strain
upon tho Gorman finances available for
nnvul expansion.
To take only one instance, the Kiel
Canal is used but little by lur-e mcr-chitiiti-.en
or liners, the latter either
lan.ltus, th- ir ra.Kuiiia at Hambur'
or e!" putting them li.to ti- id, u, oif the
mouth s the Wener for couieia ito up
to Bremen Yet o.il tuui
me .wiiv or i.iaemi, u'.U .e'-pi'iii i, .ne
KlO. Cai.al Was con p.e.uu u..U l.-e cot
of tiilk urk, appie.i..i.i..l ten n.illlons
str!i'K. .a e'litliel uue to the hi mull
of tht buttleghtp
Tne, Kiel ('unul conieis certain nmtrii
advantages on the German navy, muc in,
xUfne.. cumpvls an attacking Power to
keep watch at two pednts. and to plan to
meet an ign 3s ithtr from Wllhp.n.shaie n '
or Brunsbuttel, or from the Ska( r Hack
1 iin money spent upon enlarging t'n
canal has not figured in Herman naml j
oMH-nditiire, but there art- nut lu kn,-'
good Julvs in either Britain or Germany
wno iii've that the cutting has .ndded
"i'llvalont of a whole battleship
Is one on the T ne, nrivatelj iund.
which can tiike a dreadnought it sin- I
IliJiti'liod o u to ipdure her diuught of
water. Opposite Wllhelmshaien, nt the
mouth of tho Wesci, Is the new toipedo
crnft base nt llrcmrhnven.
In noimnl clrcumtaiHOB no wnishlps
me h.isi d here; but it Is (!i I ninny's polle i
n ii to get eicri uinllable torticdobont
j.i dsuoi'i' Into the North Sea and to
Idxtilbut) them a wide! ns the attMi
i ale 1 intuio of tin- coast line allows. At
tn-meihn veil, theiefoie. there are ar
i mi n.wntM foi the Im i thing of a llotllla
oi d -itrn is. nfim.my lias 11 dnxeu of
tliw veyeis, most of whleh are In the
Neith Ke.i, and ns two. or eien thru1,
poits toulrl not efficiently motile i theiti In
war Bi i-niPi haven has been developed foi
th s pin pose.
Just aboie Brenierhiivcn, on the Weer,
i the toit of CiPCtrniunde. whleh Rls
nnrek i'iitd to make a nninl lme In
pm,. of Wl'.helmshuven, oecnusi It could
be eonnr t-d by canal directly with ilnm
bure nn. I with tho Brunsbutie: e.sit fmni
the Kirl f'.in.il.
Woiklntj i.iMtwaid, th" m-M Hpi iwiii
i n.ual i ort U Cnxhnven, at tin- month of
tie i.lbe. Thi is the he.idriuiiitei j ot the
subtrulnu mining dep:irtm nt of tne !er
ni in nav.i, nnd here are based the two
repi.lnr m'ne layers Xnutllus and ....a
ttos, anel th- older and small wuiBhlps
whi.h hne b en hltl out us .nine s ti
eis It Is undeiitood that theie Is a uen
p ane sta'lon at CiiNhaven, but in ither
this nor Ui imanv's stu-nsth in these craft
can be stated with ceitnlnty. Gei nany s
onlv other muni base on the North Sea
i ot is at Brunsbuttel, at the ontinnce to
fin Kiel Canal.
Mention has already been made of the
deielopn-f-nt of llorkum ns a feature In
tne defense of the Got man const", and
thci- aie two othtr Islands which ronialn
to be mentioned t-ylt, off the e-oast of
i Pehleswi. has had a h'lbr.r lor toimilo
ciaft created on Its eastern side If Is of
the same stall- ns our own base at Seapa
Plow that Is. it Is not the permanent bast
of a torpedo llotllla, but Is fully equipped
to aet nn such
It will In. seen from what has nlreidv
been mid f'lit the fieiman coast Is well
months a"o ' " ' '" "" " n l cran uie rui-
' i ei, mui ftuM'i ill i.ioo'',i, . itiit- iii-
1 ien, Bremihuen, Cuhnvcn nnd SIt;
but thetc Is "it'll on. o'he place to fce
eon'den-d, nnmelv, Hollgolnnd.
This slnnd was eeded by us to Germnnv !
In I'll, and although It might not hai.- j
b. n of great ut to us in the presint
"tntc of affairs, it Is certalnlv legaieled
bv lieimany .ih an assi t of the utmost
1'iiprirtnnci. Cnniposeil of fi table ston,'
arel cla, It bus b-e.i thoioughl nr- '
nioud with steel and e-nunt lit a ost
which was estimated a. few months ugo
bi a Gerimn Itadiial Journal at JH mvi,ooo
squadron to tho German navy
Germany's North Sea coast Is practically
a ouce-esfcion of war stations. Kmd"n. the
most weit'rly ot her ports, Is usual. i re
garded as a peaceful eommeic.ai station,
hut t i the nniet of ad Ueiutan ports
to Kn-iUi.il, and tnu fid has not bvi i
overlioked Liurln'f the- ih.it fe.iv e-r the.
muitlal ni.pe t of Kmde-u has been greatly
d. i.lop d
Al ng the right bank of tho estuan of
Die Uir.s thei . have been corjtiu t d a
mile und a half of iuuys, and altiiutujh
this muy sound innotont enough for u
coinmtielal ccmmunlty there are other
things to be tul'.o.i into lonsideratlon. In
tt.c British si rv.cea theo whaivus are
inuir ably reforred to as "embarkation
4ua", and tho ren.-ion Is that the bar
rack at'cuuim datlon in the town has been
Direct Benefit to the United
States From the European
Conflict Is Seen by the Sec
retary of the Interior.
fpTinl Tilroiam In thr Public .cefyrr.
WASHINGTON. S, pt 1T.-"A eliicct
ben. t to thr rnlted States fimn thn
l-uiiipnn war will be its "ttft lu in ik
Ims tlo p ople of till' eoiintrv trail"
to i Bieutev extent th" value or It i
mini Ml ie'ourees," nd Finiiklln K
Lai.. , So ictnry of the luteiior. In nn In
ten iew today.
"It Is possible tei so utilize these r. -nuices
und expand our Indiistiies that
th" label '.Made In Anieiio.i' will become
familiar in our own foielgu niniket.
"Of nn impottnncc srtond only to that
of tire food supply," said 11 r. I.ane, "is
the supply of nilneial pioduets necessuij
to meet the reiiulieineiits of J'Uh ecntuiy
c'vlllzitlon. one of tin- first olfects of
the wni han been to m.ike us lenlUe the
interdepondence of mtloim in the matter
of tooel supply. Ho-t of the countries
How at wni uie dependent upon Impoitsi
tion of foodstuffs, und we have cause foi
. (.If-congrntulatlon In the rnlted States
that wo are ablti to f . . d out ele-s What
we poslbly have not so ful'i le-allzeil is
Hut we uie neaily as nub pi tide lit in the
,ri,vxlein of essentia! uiiiniiil n oums,
und Hint tho Intel lei elite with m limine
ui!in caused by lnteiiuptlyn of the flow
uf import. itloiis oi mail ne'ci-isur.i law
materials may be ovci.'oim almost
who II b dclclopmeiit ol in 1,'lccted Ic
i mrces In jui own tountr."
"Do 0ii incun," III. I.anc was asked,
'that the United States ttui nake Itself
uielopendi'iit of the jest of tin- world in
iti- manufactured?"
' "Vol- hugely," ussuleil the Seclctar.
"Tho main ilililcu'tlcH to In- on-Kuiiie urj
In the rcniuiusement of the ilstiibutlon
hjsitiiii neci'ssary to est hUshing this In.
' depi udeue'o. liuslm us Is c-rft'ihlished nloiiiv
I icitaiii well-maiked chaiiuelH, a ml usually
1 tollcws the Una of lea -it lis Muiii-i . It
I hut, been easier r.i l pcihups cheapct to
I import mineral pioduets and mat ilalH
.. iiil.m Al.ol IIOHl Oilier cuuninra I. nil 10 nn in mu
Sentence of William Abel. ,r,lM ,, .,vnons ,.t r.v-toiiinr- nor
eiwn lusources uf t Mime niituie Pcnce'd
to (he lutter ourse l,i -ii-i n-mti ol
commi rco with other countiles, I believe)
that American enterprise and eneigy will
1 almost at onie tuin to tho el- i. I pun it
of tho untivo icsources, mthei tb in pei
i it piuductlnn to lag and supply O be
diminished in any Ineiutii
I 'The Southern States have for years
largely supplied the woild with phos
phates, but because uf the dlstiibutlon
seen in, a largo part of this Mipply has
gone to Europe, and mueh of the phos-
1 ph tteri used in the Wi'htein Statis have
ben impniteel niiots tne I'ncitie. Wu
Gridiron News
Pardon Bonid Refuses to Commute
The State Board of Pardons has re
fused to commute the death sentence of
William AbI, of this c'ty. who was
sertPtiicd to die next week for the mur
ilei of Thoi ius Kano, 12 enrs old The
bm mis killed b Abel near lth sticet
ami Hunting Park avenue, on Ma S,
I 1 13 after a desperato attempt to icleiin.
I.lii elf from the grip of his assailant
AU-I will bo handed, as his crime mus
eoiiiinlited before the- passage of the bill
pioi ding for the electrocution of murderers.
A pardon was also refusea to Alfred
CAMBUIDGt:, llnr.i., Sept. lu-Wlth
the view to sepmuting tho varsity tqunil
fiom that of the second team tho I In r
iind eoaches paid sneehil attention In
liidlililiinls .lesteidiiy. I'llilnv the lin
'lt mi ii will be picked, mi that on lion
da eiliiimnglng may stmt In cntnis'.
Chnilev Bib Kiev put In u long Milon
at diopMcl.ing nnd lute in the nl'ti'inooli,
ufle-r the siiiiail was dismissed, be iii-,
hticccsful In Kicking goals fioin iiluce
ment from the middle, of the Held
prtiNi-irroN. Sept. t:. a si-miimir
Pcilmni'ige estcnlay nfte'tuoon gave- th
'liger tootball candidates their Hist
bitiieu 'I'wo teams wi-io chosen bv
Coacli Pi nlleld and Captain Bnllln's
e'e ii n was victorious by n score of VI
1 ii The uilgmul lln'lip of Hallin's win
almost th" sane as .icbteidei Tibbott
v.is tint mil Hid Hoolittlo took his ptiii
ill hnirbaek Hi own and Ch.trh.4 inaili
a I i-t pail oi wing men and wrnki'd well
oi ih, leeching end of the foiwanl
NN ABBOTt, .Sept. 17-lta f the Mb bl
, in letcrans me on the second string nt
Piesent. Captain Itaynstoul nt centre
I mhis nt light end. llughilt at ciuartor
nnd Halt at half me the only monogiaui
men holding their old positions. Coach
ost has Coehiaii, a guard; CutMt, n
hnlfbncl,; liniton an end; .lame", nnotlui
end, and -Mcllale. n tackle mi the sciub
ITHACA. Sept. IT -A series of hard
scilmmages fentiiied the Cornell football
pinctlec ypHtoulnv afternoon. One of the
surpilscs of the day was Conch Sharped
placing Shuler, who played at halfback u
good snare ot tho time Inst eni, nt uuar
tciback on the t-ccund team. Bnriotl,
Hill, I'hllllppl und Colbe'i played :is
hnrkn on the iiuslty. 'I'he lieislstetit use
nl Collier at fullback lr belhned to mean
(tail I.olir may not hold tnls position this
l.ili In spile of the ftiit that he was the
iigiilin man lu the Pciin game last full.
e'ABI.ISI.H, Pa.. Sept. 17.-M he Carllslo
It (linns htiiilod theli looth.ill ti. lining
tnlile estoul.iv nfti'inooii colncldit with
the uiievpe-cti d 1 1 till n to school of Cap
tnln IJlitipf I J. Hum Ii und the division of
the squad ol W n flints Into tin- usunl
imsltv and scrub te.iin, which, how
evti, uie not ct'lcclnl perniailciitl. No
complli'nted jil.is will be ii'cd.
Vest Point
Wi:ST I'UINT, Sept. 17.-Tlinugh the
Anni's prnctlco .icsteidav wns bv fn'
tb" movt stieiiiiolis vet held the tirilll-
Mind if piellmltiau liiiiiiiiit, is not jet'j
al nn "lid. foi lloiid e'o.iih lmlv still ir
lii -"s in lake any chnni'iH Hint will tend
lo i im-e enrh llljui les 'I'll" IIiip Ioiii
lonk'il fcootl with .Me ,u ham and tin- new i
m. m rimiieii'iKe, nnnutng McBvviin, th
1 i, ,riiine'sotiin, nt eeiitn, lush IJiilior
and Vi",niid did good vvmli nt tne-kl".
I he ends, wcie Biitton and lien Hint
ANNAPOLIS, Sept. 17.-1 lie ,uuil of
iifiv mi'ii who mo (ul for the Vavnl
Atnilrinv fontbill t oil m w is Incie ised ton),
estii.lnv nnd the p.u p was Incitased to
.sunn PNteiit, lluth of the time was le
loti d o sending the i nil- down under Id ks
,ii, ii other piellmlnnrv woik. Lieutenant
Ii 1.-1 nn lir.ul eoaeli. ln not i cached An
niil oils v "t and theii N some delav in
eompb ting the coaching staff on that
Launch at Yards of New
York Shipbuilding Com
pany Witnessed by Cheer
ing Multitude.
Miss AgneB Hnlg, daughter of Robert
Ilnlg, representative of Lloyd's Shipping
Registry in this city, smashed the tlboon
bedecked bottle of wlno upon tho j,rovv
of n new oil tank steamship at the New
York Shipbuilding Company's Camden
plant shortly before noon today and
clulstoned it the Oulfstrcnm for the Gulf
Oil Company. As the wine splashed In
tho nlr the big vessel began her grace
ful slldo down the ways for her initial
liltliigo into the waters of the Delaware
Cheers of the multitude of employes
perched lu pel lions position about tho
company's various shlpways, and tho np
plnuso of tho assembled guests mingled
with the shtleks uf tho sirens of vessels
on the rli'er nnd fucturlcs along Its banks
In welcomo to tho now addition to 'he
Amoilcnu moichnnt marine.
The Oulfstrcnm Is one of n half dozen
big tank steamships constructed 'or tho
Oulf Oil Company's coastvvluo trada by
tho New York Shipbuilding Company
Entile Team of Last Year Will Hep
resent Club.
The basketball plavers of the St. Rita's
Catholic Club have been cnllcd together,
and a start for the coming season will
be made In n few days. The club will
have the entire llnc-up of last year, in
cluding O'Neill nnd Doners, forwards;
Ward, centre, and Mclitldo nnd Scnnlon
The live lost but three games during
last scnion, playing over 40 contests. The
second team, which went through the sea
son Inst year without tho loss of a
single game, will also put the same team
on tho floor intact.
Theio has been norao talk downtown
concerning the forming of n league among
the Catholic clubs thin year.
Chinese to Close Season Here
Roy Thomas announced yesterday that
the Chinese would appear again Satur
day at tho Stetson A, A. Rail Paik, Thli
will ho the last appearance of the Ha
Indians In this city this season, as they
me to move homeward within the next
week. Apati, one of the sensations In
baseball this season, will twirl for the
Chinese. Apau Is without question the
gtentest twlrler of his nationality. Re
gardless of bis usual performance, the
team as a whole Is a drawing card
NHW YoIHC. Sept. 17 -.Melbourne In
mini, tho champion at Hngllsh billiard",
showed that he- Is a niasti i at the game
In llaiiiee D.'il's Acudeiny last night,
when he plied an exhibition match with
tho Canadian star. Pie The HngliMiman
ran out his MO points while tho Ca
nadian wns gain"ilng 10 Inman com
pleted the game with an unfinished inn
of 12 lu the nineteenth inning.
MUliI.n.YUBP.G, Pa.. Sept. 17 -The
wink of Steel, West Philadelphia High's
fen ni"i nll-nround athlete, stood out
pioinini ntly In .vestcrday's practice of the
lluiile nberg team Steel will get a thor
ough tilnl at the ipiarterback post, for
his evepptlonat speed will be a big as-s.-t
to the backfleld.
S Von Neiila, of this ell, who wns i hilv, BOmo g,cnr00O acres of phosphate
senti-nced to death for Killing his wife, iands In the West llng near the snul.
Charlotte In this city. .May id, ISM. Von ters from which Is produced the sulphuric
Nelda'a entcnco was commuted to life mni .,, cthsarv to e-onveit these nhos-
vciy migely Increased, while the rnl'way I lmpilsonniont in 1SD7, a short tunc after i phatcd Into form avniluble foi plant food,
ins c'unv iceiou. nine uii ti.i'i j m no iu.v .. ..nun nn
. pbosphutp depoBlta can be made i-omnu-r-
An..r-r. ..I..1TT- unniiom .dally available, nlthough a bill which
FORMER INMATE ACCUSED ' would ullow their lmmedlite deielnpni.-nt
-nn,., , , ., . nr- I hut. been favorably lepoited by tile I'iiIj-
OF ROBBING ORPHANAGE 1 lie Lands Committee of the Hous, of
Kipie-eentatiies ami is aw ining tne ap
coiiimiinlc.ei cms with the military centres
have hcn doubled.
Further, moorings for a number of tor.
pedo crait have been laid in the river, i
and although it llotllla is not ordinarily
stationed there it Is obvious that an.
number could be transferred from Wll- i
IIUIIIUCI I UI4.4 (J. tiee.iaiC. " MO . II- I . I . .1 ir ,,cr ., I ti ,,n ,,
heim.iiaien su-aming either behind tho Held for Robberies at Methodist Enls- ,ro;ul ,jf ,lK HoUSt' nml hu',Uo
FilsUn Islands or through the Kms-Jahdo i tT,a ti,.v1..o. t. v0,r wrrvitwninriinlKniiitiirMW'fiHi"irinwiiaanci
fatal, eonne-ct'ng tho two places wturh
Is be-.ieikd to liavo been eulart-d (juito
reci-ntli so as to admit tho easy passages
of tor. edo craft. Emlen Is freciuetill
referred to ad cjermany s "sally port,"
be tue of the advantages ottered by Its
wharfage and its nuaim-os to our coast
for the dispatch of a 1a ding force Um
den itseif Is probably tiror.gly fortified,
hut its mam fixed defenses arc on tho
island of Iiorkum, which ties right across
tho estuary.
The iJorkum garrison, or the bulk of it.
U normally accommodated In Kmden, but
surpruo orders haYe frn ently demon,
strati-d the ce'erity with which tho de
fenMos tan bo fully manned.
Wllhelmshaien is the mot Important
tierman naval station in the Nort Sea, ami
as regards Ha docking accommodations
and tne number of woikntcn It employs.
Is now ahead of Kiel It Is approached by
a ley narrow channel lead ng down
thronch the d nes, and ihese are very
heavily protected by guns mounted In
sunken emplacements among the band
At Wilhelmshaven there are four docks
capable of accommodating shins of the
dreadnought t)fe. and It is rather unfor
tunate in tliU connection that we have
onlv one on the North Sea littoraL This
Is the floating dock at hh'eu.ess Three.
copal Home During Lsnt Year.
Accused of robbing the liethndist Hpis
copal (irphinag of various Mime "f
nione durln,' the last nr. t'hurlfi
S. hwartz. n' 36th nnd Locust ttieels. was
hull! under S'Mt bail for court b llagi.s
tiate Uoyle toda
A girl inmate san she saw th man
r-ir.Paiklng the rooms of th'' oiphnnagu
v.slfrdai and Bchwartl ' arrested bs
Sark, v n spe rial pollcomuii nt the CM
and Thompson streets ttatloii He vui
a former Inmate of the home
They Show Wharves and Channels
According to Latest Surveys.
Adequate ami compU te uiaii ul the
Pe,rt of Philadelphia aie offeied by the
lleliartment of Wharies Poeks anel Per
ries, to the delight of merchants and
shipping men of the clti The map Is
53 Inches In length and 12 Inches lu width
It shows the entire length of the Del
awnm River and portions of the Scbuvl
wlll River within the city limits, their
wharves, bulkhead and pier head llnea,
the channel and anchorago limits and the
depth of the water In the docks and
channel, according to latest survejs Uw- (
ing to the considerable cokt of the man, !
the department is selling it at 25 cents I
nn narrfr und 11 mounted nn njru,r Th,.-.. '
Believe Me
C? IBfefWiT Mk IMF W?
S spokawe'X rfJSM IPFJFTr? ZpWCAQo'$
B ? ; v: m vr"1 B lltVI fAA M lrv.11 ly M Kfc.1! M-7 IrwJUM-' .?;. 'f'F'X' 1
I'M.')', i -& & Lnvll Sb IS ii wm r v-&-M'v:'
Certain patrons of paint in Phila
delphia and vicinity don't have to
"stay around" to sse that the job's
done right.
They're Kuehnle's "paintrons."
When you want to know that
your painter will always look out
for your best interests in every.
thing, 'phone
nrlresi iirti exactly what Is Lusts the dfe
othtra are under wa at Ro tli, ana there 1 partmuit to prvduco the map.
Painting and Decorating
Utt Our &atiNtfjfr fvt
I RmIi Phones 28 Smith 1AtU Q
v -- ( av Mil
"The StPaul Road," Shortest Route to Pacific
North Coast Now Passes Through Spokane
"The Olympian" leaving Chicago September 12th, and
"The Columbian' leaving September 13th, and
thereafter, for the Pacific North Coast, will be operated
over the "St. Paul's" new line through Spokane. The
traveler and tourist will appreciate the extension to
Spokane of the distinctive "St. Paul" service-one road
one management-one service "St. Paul" all the way.
"The Olympian"
all steel perfectly equipped leaves Chicago daily at 10:15
?niXA' "The Colltmbia" another all steel train, leaves at
10:10 a. m., daily. Both trains through to Spokane, en route to
Seattle and Tacoma via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry.
Travelers ever this route are afforded the double advantage of
bt. Faul service and a route of grea.t scenic variety-the pic
turesque "Trail of the Olympian."
Descriptive books and full Information free on request to
G, J. LINCOLN, Commercial Agent,
818 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
1 : tMWMm&zmjmmzjmmi I
4m V5f a ii