Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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i i
fiR.ilnst tho Amiens army, whether It
Is only his late Amicus garrison or
new supporters, or whether Von Kluk
lias wheeled his right north In n. sharp
"Tho western Kronen army has
passed ea"t and southeast of Amiens,
tflnp- pontoons over tho rlVer where
the bridges have boon blown up. I
could get near enough only to make
certain that the Krenrh lines had been
advancing east since eterdny, presi
lnpr on to St. Quentln.
"Turcos and Koiiavcs nie now pour
ing up tho AinlenS'St. Quentln line In
great heart atid hope. Uul the march
Is fatiguing and he roads heavier
after the rains."
UiailMX. Sept. 17.
Th s odle'al announcement was mndo
her today:
"Tho nttactts of Ute allied Urlttsli
nml French forces on our front con
tinue without success. Some ndvan
tttges have been Gained by our troop3,
but they will riot press tho offensive
untr the- enemy has exhausted Itself.
"The rapidity w '.th which the Uor-ma'-
armies nceom -' shed the Invas'on
of T'rance m de It nccrsnry that they
shtu'd be given a brief respite. This
they nro oblolnlng."
Tho General Staff today declared the
French attack Is spent nnd that th
German po3ltons are well maintained
Meanwhile, all needed supplies are Ile
itis concentrated nl tho fiont.
Tho oillclal announcement declares
that tho Trench are everywheie again ,
on tho defensive and that at no poin'
of the line arc the Herman force
threatened. Tho investment of Paris
it 1 "Unted, while temporarily ha'ted
will take place when tho present cam
I .Mgn Is comp'etcly worked out.
UOIID13AUX, franco, Sept. 17.
Tliat the French arc nguln wlnn ng
a decisive victory all along the line
in the third gient battle of the war.
was the dcc'a'at'on today of Minister
of War M.ller.fd
It has been in rrogrcs since Mfii
day and has been na nod the batt e
of tho Atsno Up to the present tho
French havo had the advantage.
There Is no "tte -j.t to minim's" the
strength of the Oeimans or to be
lieve that the war is now going to
constitute a series of successes for
the allies.
Thu French 7B-mllInietre nrtl'.lerj
has been wonderfully effective. They
have consistently smashed the Her
man heavy artillery In every duel t
date and have the advantage of bo
Ing easily masked.
Keports fro.n the battle now ir
I regress indicate that these guns hae
now been brought up nil along th
French contie aid right and are be
ing used Willi de d'y effect.
All of the loiotts received ly th
General Staff here indicate that Gci
eral Jc ffre has outguessed the Ger
man General Staff.
" j 6 Z '' "- v jr --"l I
PRESENT GERMAN LJL'-E ' ?. 'jjAMnn ' -r '
line, mmn e NT' ' ,
I EXTREME LINE. -." O C"' sH '.," ' '2
novon Tovg&OUN no , ' J 5 f i ,i . '''V
pabis to uaon 75 m i -ik Jr a V, sl . f, ' B '
LAONroNAMUR 90M. J T k f f ' " , ?-" J
PRIStDMETZ. ,8oM. -. ' . ' I I ' ; ,n
M s -I. .'' .. rf , ?,k , vV '; i . tfr
AMIENS & ' ,',:, ,,. i- ' O , t: , . J? , '
X J M . ' . rtfrA "-t""' V y . ' ?.V
SONTD.D.ER C l7 Vi4'pJN - vv. ,. X
WwC7 FERE . LAqrf ::vftl0HVf. USS H Skt "'f'
flOVTn, . So0" WSw ciWu,Ns ocycowr A-?C WUK
Crown Prince's Army Forced
Back On Headquarters at
Montfaucon May Move
Up Meuse Valley.
" PAHIS Sept. IT.
That the Germans have been compelled
to raise fie siege of Verdun was con
sideicd certain hero today, when oftli'iai
announcement was received from Bor
deaux that the Crown Prince's army rad
again been forced to give Ground beforo
the combined French central arm.es.
Tho nnrmM centre has been shoved
north ami cast of Varennes, and
,iiUi j
Ll miaj
Uii'lii UfiJiiiiJiD,
ihs f rca battle line where tha Germans are mak'nr; a stand and along w Ji tremendous battle s now raging, runs from Noyon, on the Oisc, to near
Verdun, 110 miles almost due east. The Germans have been forcsd back from their positions on the Aisne to points north of it and their counter-offensive
a;.a .:st he Engl sh and French troops has failed, the Allies holding their o .n and inflicting heavy losses on the German commands, which have been
reul eJ all along the line.
New Ruler, Only 18, Made
Persia's Head Amid Pic
turesque Scenes Ascends
Throne of Exiled Father.
btated at General Gallienfs headquarters
that the lattle lino o the army of the
I-OXDON". aept. IB 'J he iccent crown
Ins of the ,uun Sultan ..limed .Miizb
.ib Phnh ol Peisa ai Teherai. provided n
. p.uuuld fcpeuiawt. .nnd the outluul lulor,
iiiou-li tMiilntlnK some shjntss, went
lurough the ceremony with u noleinn dig
nity. Ahmed Mlrza. who Is only IS years old
succeeds to a dark heritage. Ills lather
Mohuinnitd All, was 'Mi.i after a Biioit
.tin 01 misrule, unrt his son hus now
it ( l to BUlde tho destinies of u country deep
11. l I u, ..,,., I., fn , ... , ,
"hh" 10 JIUilUIUll IlMlt'Jl-IlUelCO
But tilt new Shan has been carfull
tunned for his position. Iteeently he ha?
i,i, t nnw ranidlv encroach- ' u'duously auendtd the Cil.lnet coun
heir is. now rapidly tneroaen (3 nU( carcru; atudtld aa lhe ,!oxcrn.
incr on hla headnuarters at Montfaucon.
It Is expected that he will now be
compelled to move his headquarters to
the Meuse River on 'he direct line to the
Stenay gap.
At all other points on the line it Is
stated the forces of the allies are holding
fast, although It is admitted that the
Germans have now been heavily rein
forced and are making a. determined
While there have been many discus
sions as to tho lelative value of the
different brandies of an army, theio U
no doubt, according to a writer In the
peelal war number of th ScientllH
Vmerian of September 5, that It Is the
nfantry that wins battles.
Willie it is I robable tho success of s
jattla will depend to a laruo extent ot.
tho support of the field artillery, It l
certain that tho principal and most im
portant arm is the Infantry, which in
practically every case must decide th
Until Issue. Tho cavalry may be the
first to be drawn Into a battle, and the
artillery may destroy the enemy's artil
lery, hut a battle Is never won until th
Infantry has driven back the enemy'
Tho usual mod of advancing for the
Infantry is to deploy them in a lln
with a lone Interval between ea"h fco'.ditr
This, naturally. Is for the purpose of
offering a smaller target for the enemy
It makes it more difficult, however, for
the lea Jem to keep as good contml over
the men, and for that reason one of the
objects of fle'J oiillleiy In to matte the
enemy s troops deploy early.
The Infantry auldier Is armed In all
the countties with a rlflo and bayonet
The rillo is the weapon upon which re
liance Is placed, the bavonn being usl
only as a lait means, when In 8 hand-to-hand
en otii ter with tho enemy.
Machine Guns Destructive of Xlfe
Mun reports of tho war In Europe
i peak uf the terribly destructive fire of
the machine guns. With each regiment
of Infantry there belong a platoon or
ciinicaiiy equipped with two or four ma
chine gun3 Theo machine guns gen
orally die the same ammunition as is
used for the rl"e of the army, but Are It
.-emi-HUtomatlca'lv from clips or belts
rontnlnlng 30 to JV) rounds each
The most notable of theee machine guns
ore the Hotthklss (French) and Vlckws
lUnKlibh) the former firing from dips
containlnir 30 cartr'dtfes and the latter
firing from bells containing 2V cartridges.
The rae of hre of these guns Is about
4W to art sho's per minute
These rife an transported cither on
light wheeled mount or packed on mules
or horses Their prime object Is to be
able to take up a position and be able to
cit liver an overwhelming volume of Are
where e'led
Kppa lep-a nixev the well-known Unl
verklty of Virginia athlete has received
more ailverMsi nwnt out of winning his
Feronrt b fix' of the season than Alexan
der d d for conquering for the twenty
fourth time Which proves that extremes
pre sure to meet, oven in the various
Lulls of fame.
ment leports. Coui t tti-iuette nnd v,.ut
em habit he has learned limn Fmicl
tutors; Kurupean mllitury experts havi
m deot, which la m: ng u last do-peratc
tialned turn In ml!ltar selomo and how
to ho.d himself well on horsebatk. II.
hns eom through a course ot militan
urlli. and fences well. His European pro
ttssots have also taught him Trench and
Russian, nnd Instructed him In tne ele
ments of international law. Tho long
course of stud h.ts not been wasted oi
Ahmed Mlrza. who is er intelligent
His uppoarnnce is not nt first slanco irn
pressHf. Ho is short and already cr
stout, detplto an aotlio Pie. and he ha
closo-sot eys and .i diuoi.ing mouth: but
there is determination In his chin and r
dawning Itnpcrlou.sncss in his manner.
The young Shah did not tako klndls
to his position. Wh,.n lie was choten to
succeed his father. In 19i9, when the la'
ter ubdic-ated and lied the cupltal, it Is
reported that lie twice attempted llight
from the palaco to Join his lather and
mother, and when his escape wni pre
vented he told his guardians thai he
would kill himself. He cried bitterly when
he was taken from th Itusslan I,ega
tlnt., where his patents took refugf, to b
pr'.ilaimed by tho Hegent and the Na
UonalUt found!, but In the Intervening
jeurs he has grown reconciled to his des
tiny. The Hhah drovo to the Marble Palace
where he was awaited by the clerg, th.
ffreln diplomatic roprcsontatlves and
member of the JleJUss The princes won
the long white turban used on the
or-rnslonu only, many of tnem nhlnz iuHIi
jt w U, while the statesmen wore jewel
led shawls Huge swords were raised In
grwtlng by the princes nnd military oill
clal as tne Shah entered His Mujest
slowly ascendid richly carpeted step3 to
a due, on which ho att oil nbove the
head of all those in tlwi hall. Tw.
itatesnien placed upon his heal tne ma
n'flcent crown, glittering with diamond-,
pearls, rub'es, sapphires and emeralds
an I th3 assembly knolt whllo their
crowned ruler murmuied a prayei. Tlier
the most noble of the fot'rti'rs proflalmM1
tbe nitory of the Kalar dvnasty, tin
crown was removed from the Shah's
head, and the members of tho bri'llant
throng, with their swords high in th air
shouted, "Long life to tlie K'ng of
Kings' a lengthy "salaam" followed,
and th Khali who throughout the cere
monies dlsplavrd some of his natural
Shyness, letirel later to tho IJadghlr
A Heutar message adds that before the
ccnrluflon of the crrcmonj the Shah re
moved the Imprlal crown nnd donned
a turban with the Paria-I-Kur diamond
In the aigrette This Jewel is thought to
be tdenttcul with the, Great Mogul dia
mond When the coronation was com
pleted the Shah travo audience to the
diplomatic carps In another chamber,
where subFcqu' ntly the Regent took hla
ouiciai farewell of tho diplomatists
While ewuiting the coronation ceremon,
the Russian J!tnitor had a special audi
ence of the Re--tent at which he pre
sented the latter with the Czar's poi
trait Tho Persian crown is made of pure
KQld encrusted with pucioua stones, and
In accordance with custom a new emer
a' I of ureat rlze has been added to it
T .- rersi-ins dec'are that the crown Is
i'M ears old ami belonged to S-iladln
A new stone is added at each coronation
It was formerly the custom for the crown
to be suspended b a chain, and for the
Shah to tand under It. but now two
statesmen place It upon the ruler'
Great Military Activity, but
Countries Are Least Ex
cited in Europe Tourists
Not Admitted to Palace.
STOCKHOLM. Sept. 17.
Of all the countries of war-mad Hurope
today, Sweden nnd Norway me doubt
less the most fiee from excitement and
apprehension. They aie so situntcd that
there i little or no danger of their neu
trality being violated, and they ate In no
International nlliances thnt might draw
them Into the titanic conflict against Uiclr
Still both Sweden and Xorwav are
keeping watchful eyes on the situation
jiTul nro nrenarlns for any ejincrgency
Loth have mobilized a part or their
Thete is conMdcrablo military nrt!lt
oil oer Sweden, though the only place.
where I have had it under cloie personal
observation me I'psala and Stockholm
N'ot onlv are the stuidy laiid'turm foice
being mobilized and Included In tho active
ranks, but the night watch and various
utlwr miscellaneous watches and police
forces .seem to be Included also. The icg
ular mtlllniy are being coiivecd appar
ently grutis by ttain, tram or bout to
t'lls or that Ptatlon, and parties of what
may bo cither comanry out of in. oim
or recruits are tccn inarching thiougli the
The newspapers arc disci cctly silent at
to what this general mobilization (which
is admitted) specifically purports, but It
Is plain from Germany's iccent action in
Luxemburg, Belgium, the Sound, the
tielt and the high seas thut she is full
resoHed to stick at nothing to sccuh
hor ends, and that the Scandinavian
countries must prepare themselves fui
all eventualities if tiny aie to mnlntain
a shred of their ancient Independence
Plenty of Finnish and Swedish sleamt-'-are
now dally bringing rusiiKer i i,v
from Raumo to Getle and Stockholm. An
olllcial announcement lias been issue .1 i
the effect that thenceforward nelthei
fustians nor Germans would be allowed
to land in Sweden, except ns guamntct-d
through pubien.-i r.i. am' i '
one omaion only; a number ot German
passengers were thu sent rj.i k u. ...i.. ..
No swedes capable of military Eervice
aro allowed to leave the country without
u special permit. The German Consul
'eneral has published a notification In
the papers to the effect that not a single
ce-rman port li nny where blockaded by
any fleet.
A notice has been placed on the local
Ostana steamers In Ungllsh French and
German forbidding any foreigners to ga
on board nt all. Soldier with fixed
bayonets are guarding bridges and otner
means of Intercommunication. Tourists
Rre no longer admitted to see even the
htato apartments of tho palace. The
King moves unceremoniously about in
his motor, as usual; only Instead of a
whistio or plebeian "squealer" hl3 foot
man uses a royul bugle.
Charged with crueitv to animals, Henry
Strand, a negro, 2j jears old, of 3621 Ken
sington avenue, was fined J10 and costs
this morning hy Magistrate Ilorle, of the
Kiankford police station. Strand was
arrested by policeman riaker upon a com
plaint made by a cltben who said that
Strand was driving a team on Frankford
avenue, near Soll street, when the horso
fell nnd cut Us leg whereupon the driver
began to beat the animal
Tailor Declares He Never
Signed Bail Bond Accept
ed There New Crusade
Against Frauds May Result.
Straw hall frauds may be the object o.
another crusade hy DIsltlct Atto.nev
Samuel P. Rotan, ns the lesult of th
charge made by Isaac Filcdman, a tailor
that the slgnatuie of his name to bail
bond accepted by Magistrate "Joo" Cal
for Flank Rohrer Is a forgery.
Attaches of the magistrate's olllce wll
appear today before Judge lionnlwell in
iho criminal branch of the Munlclpa
Court to explain tho alleged fraudulent
signature. Subpoenas were issued fo,
em by Clinton A. Sowers, counsel f, .
Friedman, nt the request of Judgo Bonnl
well. Assistant District Attorney Mart
let i is In charge of the present Invest!
gatlon for Mr, Rotan. Should forgery be
piovcn today he declares criminal action
will be started at once.
Magistrate Call's olllce has been named
In connection with alleged straw ball
cases many times In the last few cars,
and In the recent crusade by the DIs
trlct Attorney's olilco several hangers-on
and one ofllclal of the olilco were Impli
cated. Tho official was "Jake" Gilnian, the
c-nnbtuble. lie Is noiv under Indictment
for extortion and has resigned his posl-
ins trial is pending. Adolph Koch
was sentenced to three yenrs and thrte
months In Jail for impersonating Frank
Berlosky. "Izzy" Llpkln got four years
lor Impersonating a constable and his
trlend Edward Rc-rnstclti, was sentenced
to two enrs and nine months.
Frank Wallln pleaded n'ulltj to charges
in connection with the straw bail scanda
and Is awaiting sentence, whllo "Diamond
Tooth" Eddie Hanley and Ernest Den
tcne, convicted on conspiracy chaigcs,
have made a motion for a new tria..
Friedman has been In this country IB
wars, but cannot write or read English,
except to sign his name. He dcclaies that
i man employed In Call s otllce flrat got
him to sign a ball bond two jiars ago.
few dujs later he was notified that
the case had been disposed of. Again the
man applied for his signature, and al
though ho protested, Friedman says, he
finally agreed and signed again. This
hnppened a third time. Friedman Is posi
tive that he never signed a bond for
The property offered by Friedman In
tho bonds he did sign and nlso named In
the one he calls a forcery. is at Fourth
and V pl.ii' streets Filcdman has about
$10(0 trimt.v in It, and the total amount
of Kill It covered at various times Is
-2 m. Scveial of these cases have been
i'lpiscd of. Five ball bonds are said to
luive been accepted from the man by
Mnglstinte Cull.
Traders Play for Reaction,
Believing Upturn Was Too
Sharp European Soil in
Shape for Planting.
CHICAGO, Sept. 17. On the theory that
estorday's upturn In wheat was too
harp, tinders played for a reaction to
lay and the market statted one-quarter
ower nt l.lt'6 for December and 1.19 to
W.i for May. There was rather free
Mllng by p" brokers. The commission
ill at the recession wns fair.
The receipts of wheat at Minneapolis
i d Duluth today were 1.C&3 cars, against
( cars a year ago; at Winnipeg 12G'J
.: ngalnst 1,019 cars: at Chicago Sll
cars against S3 cars. It Is estlmateid that
the aiea of winter wheat In the surplus
States will exceed that of last year by
ten per cent.
Recent rains have placed the soil In fine
condition for preparations for the new
crop throughout Europe. The sowing
tlmu of the belligerent countries is as
Gei many, Hungary nnd Austria In Sep
tember and October, France In November
and January, Soutli Russia In Seitnibei
and November, and Great Britain In Oc
tober and December. The demand from
millers abroad continues large. The
weather In Argentina Is fine. The market
at Liverpool was firm on a better general
Tindo in corn was light. December
opened off Ha, at 72Vc , to c., and
May unchanged at 75Vic. to 717fcc. There
was some realizing. Tho country is not
selling. Tho "price current" has received
reports Indicating a total corn crop for
the United States thl ear of approxi
mately ;,SOO,OO0,OOO bushels, against 2,
MS.000.000 bushels forecast in the Sep
tember report of the Government. The
receipts of corn here today were 1W cars
Man between 20 and 35 years
old, to sell refrigeration system on
commission basis. Bin; opportunity
for permanent and profitable con
nection. Box D 300, Ledger.
" Cut Glass Specials
?7"l'.- .'.'.Vr? 8 in. Fern Dish
VsV $2.50
102 N. 10th St. K I
As Standard
as Gold
in Quality
and Price
V- Z 1420 Che$tnut Street
Where only the best is good enough'
I T I 1
Ir J 1
If f ft
lit 1 U
rrlces In Argentina were firmer. It :s
expected that surplus of that cou itry
will bo dloposed of quickly.
Oats was easier on icallzlng. The de
mand was not so urgent. Most or the
bulls are waiting a further leactlon be
fore Increasing their lines. Theio were
no sales by tho country to anlve. Ux
poit business recently has been heavy.
The demand has come chlelly from the
continent, ns tho British mnikots ap
parently aie well supplied for the pres
ent. The receipts of oats hero today were
217 cars.
Quotations for Cereals nnd Provisions
and Fluctuations.
CHIfArjO, fk.pt. 17.-Tho quotation
grain and piovklotH tmlay were:
Leading futures ranged ns follows:
vvmat- ojen. High.
fciiii-inurr .,,, ...
Uiceniber t.ll'.i 1.11's l.li
Miiy 1. 111 i,iu
corn uiew delivery)
Low. clus
1 HJi
J.a rd
Sciui mber ....
Sep'enur . .
January -
Hid. tAtkcd
TJi i
73 J4
71 ;
10 17
. .10 s: Most 'io. so
II 17
11 i.
10 -,;
. t17".
2ii.'l(j 120.73 L'0 05
Some Good, Reliable
Philadelphia Printer
needn a man like me to help him secure
now liuln8s ami to rellevn him of noma
of tho (lot ill work In b.inilllriB hla plant
I urn u pulillnhtr of 11 ninall apeil.ilty
mngazlne. with tvo-tblr(li of my time
to hpure 1 Imvc a practl.cl, all arnuml
knovvleilge eif Job printing. Aim klx
S ears' pi .ictiial nclverllMrig experienco
thut roulil lie usetl for th tieneflt of
customers Can inept (Uktomers nml
help them put tho "punch" Into their
printed matter
To the printer who needs a reliable
nian of my 'iualltUutlons, I would prove
Name the time ami place, und I will
call on miu
.lUUrrnp H 1S1, Ledcer Crntrnl.
A Complete Stock
of All Kindt
At tho Right Prices
W m. H Hoskins Co.
I'rlaters. Enjravers. OUlce t'urnUbeM
MM.9.,6 Ihestnut Street
Last Reservists and Naval
Forces Sent to Garrison.
Brussels and Other Cities1
1JJJL..TI. f
neiu oy l nem. j
ANTWntlP. Sept. 17. ? I
Tho Germans aro Witlulrawlne their I
main forces and Bcntllnir them ii,ty
Kiance In enormous numbers Hut therif'
are no signs that they contemplate thjTi
general evacuation of Uelglum ns tho. "
wlthilrawti nro Imr.uillatelv ror,ln,i c..Hi
tioops of the secoml lino and fiotn th' '
navy reserve, j
A continuous stream of trains Is paM. !j
lug through Alx la Chapelle carrjinj'
fresh troops to the scene of battle in it,.-'
south, and It is belloved certain htr(
tint the Germans again aro hoping to
icsume tho offensive.
rieports that tho Gormans were actually
evacuating Urussels were set nt (.
day when couriers artived hero from the !
uoiginn capital, now held by tho enemy,
They reported that the troops which have'
been holding tho city have been with'.,,
cliawn to go to the French fiont, but!
that their places have been taken by,
incmBcrs or tiio naval reserve who ar
'acting ns Infantry, and by troops fiorai
the lnndsturm,
Only tho western lines through the cen-'
tie or Ijolglum ato held by the Germans.
Tho towns to tho eastwatd, notably
I.lego, have been lenudcd of their gar
rlsons and tho noops sent on to the
general battle front. As a result of these!
manoeuvres, If tho Germans so deshed,
they rotild evneunte all of Uelglum with-'
"I I
In 21 hours.
These preparations lent Interest to thai M
reported standing of strong reinforce-! 5 V
menis lor tne allies on tho sraconst. 1
These irports have been widely clrciH !
lated for the last few days but In 110 In-' t
stanco has It been possible to get any ao! '
cuiato Infoimatlon. j i
King Albert, accompanied by officials"
of the Uelglnn general staff, has com-
pletcd a tour of the Belgian front In Ills'
ati'omoblle. It Is reported he approached)
almost to tho German outposts and It Is
bellnved another raid aga ns,t the Ger
man lines' is contemplated. -Jil
1 ho situation In Urussels is causing"
unxlcty. The Germans there are not
iho tioops who originally occupied tho
city nnd between whom and Ji Max, tho
Burgomaster there existed a completa.
understand ng. The now garrison Is a.d
to he very giuff and to be show ng cvl
1 tiiccs of brutality In their treatment of I
tho citizens generally. I'ears a o serl
mlslv entnrtninnrt tw.rr. thnt cmm.h, ..
ivlll nccttr which will result In drastic
uerman repr sals even to the extent of
1111 juiur i.uuvniu.
Brig-Ian King and Servian Pi-:nc
Made Chevaliers of St. George.
pi:thc,g. u, -i, i7,"
Hmperor Nicholas tin. uim i rd th
title of Chevaliers 0. t' e 1 des ,1 SL
Geoige upon King Albert .. liel-rlum and
I'jlncu Alexander of Servla In le ognitioa
of their mllitaiy deeds.
Perry's jl
Our first care is to secure
by our own personal selec
tion the greatest number
and variety of the finest
fabrics made, the most beau
tiful patterns woven to
show you
At Perry's
Months and months ago
we cut the cloth and have
since been making them by
the thousand, handsome
"N. B. T." Pall Suits
At Pern's
Rich tartan plaids; beau
tiful Oxford gray patterns
greenish mixtures; wonder'
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