?spriSip8E35jj v-iv- 8 EVENING EEDGER-PHIL'ADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 103J4 r r. EVENING LEDGER PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY CTRTJ3 II. K. COIITIS. Pbidsm. . Jehn fJrlbbet. Vle President; Oco.W Oohn. ffereUrr t Jehn c. Martin, Treanurer : Charles II. Lunlniton. I'Mlip S. Collins. John B. Wllllm.DlrctOM KDiTonui.noAnDt Ctntis n. K Ccrtic. Chairman. P. It. WHALBT BxfCHtlvff BJHot JOnW C, MARTIN Oensrul nuilness Manager Publlahfd dally at Pcsuo I-mow nulMIn. Independence Square, rhllartelrmia .,,..,. yoKV.V:;;;;::::.woVArMMK.pouun Tower CnicAoo SIT Horn In"'r.TOiV W London 8 Wnterloo Place. Pall Mall. NEWS mjREAL'S : ,.,,,. WAmifcnTos nimtu v3?'tiC??J nut d n? Niw Tout noBEAO... IhA-Ti?,.h..ros4 Deal in ncmcAtj .' J rrMt? 'J "w London lltmsio 3 Pall Mall Et. 8 v. Pima Dbbbau 82 Hue Leula le Grand SUBSCRIPTION TEBMS Br carrier. Daih Oni.t, all cents. By mail. post? W tratsld of Philadelphia, except whsr f0"'"".!;,! It required. Daily Oni t. one month, t"nt':?ir,he",i!l Dailt Onli, ona year, three dollars. All mall subscrip tions payable In advance BELL, aOQO WALMJT KF.VSTOXE MAIN .1000 tCT Address nil communication to Evening Ledger, Independence Square, Philadelphia. ArrucAxio.v made at tnt rniLADr.iriitA roiiomoi roa iNTnr as second-class maii, .mattes. PIIILADEIXIIIA. WEDNESDAY, SKITWnElt 16. 1914 I Transit a Juggernaut to Hold-Backs. N THE letter sent out by James G. Bal four and John M. Fogelsanger, urging tho stockholders of the Union Traction Company to protest to tho company's directorate against acceptance of the suggestion relative to rapid transit made by tho Rapid Transit Company, appears this statement: "A commltteo of the Board of Directors of the Rapid Transit Company has come before the Board nf Directors of the Union Traction Company with the proposal that Union Trac tion stockholders shall give the Rapid Tran sit Company financial support to tho extent of supplying funds for tho extension and equipment of existing lines AND FOR THE EQUIPMENT OP THK NOW PROPOSED CITY BUILT AND OWNED SYSTEM OF RAPID TRANSIT LINES." Tho agreement resulting from conferences between the Department of City Transit and the Rapid Tran.tlt Company, under the cap tion, "Union Traction Co-operation," says: "The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company will rely upon the Union Traction Company to aid In securing ONLY SUCH FUNDS AS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE NORMAL EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM, the requirements for which will be greatly lessened by the establishment of the new high speed lines." The discrepancy between the two utterances la obvious and vital. The Union Traction Company has not been asked and will not bo asked to provide funds of any sort or In any amount for the proposed new system. The Union Traction Company, of course. Is at perfect liberty to decline to participate In the program. It may, If It wishes, forego tho guarantees offered by the city against loss of net Income occasioned by diversion of traf fic to the high-speed lines and the abolition of exchango tickets. But the Union Traction Company cannot prevent the achievement of rapid transit In Philadelphia. There Is no company that can do that. The thousands of workers, men and women, who are paying six cents a day more- than they ought to ray for conveyance to and from their work and the thousands of others who enjoy a five-cent fare, but loso pre cious minutes dally through slow service, are not Interested In the details of finance, They only know that the municipality is am "u, JJly- rich enough to accomplish tho project. They will sweep politicians or any other set of men aside, If necessary, and use their votes to get what they want. Public opinion Is settled. It will have rapid transit. Tho movement has already become a Juggernaut to tho little fellows who think they can check It. An "Ism" That Hamstrings Protection A DEMOCRAT has been elected Governor . of Maine, The wave of revolt has not subsided sufficiently to throw this naturally Republican Commonwealth back Into tha party column. The Progressive allegiance proved strong enough, despite tremendous losses, to prevent Republican success. The result Is typical of what may be ex pected In other States If the party does not kick out of leadership the men who were responsible In tho first place for the wreck of the Institution and who are standing now. In the manner of dogs In the manger. In sisting that the wreck and ruin they have left behind them constitute a reason for their retontlon In power. There are thou sands of Progressives who ore still good Re publicans, but they will not come back Into camp until they know that It has been fumi gated and cleaned. The elections In November are rnerPly preparatory. The real fight will be In 1916. The Republican party has this year the op portunity to prove Its moral competency, lta Independence, Its convalescence. The way to tha White House Is straight, not crooked, and there Is not enough argument In the world to convince the people of other Com monwealths that Penroselsm travels on the broad highway. It Is triumphant Republicanism without Fenrosetsm or It la a languid, heartless, powerless and nerveless Republicanism with Penroselsm. Intelligent citizens should have no difficulty In determining which they prefer. A New Kind of Men For Bullets. WHEN tho veil Is lifted from the broad battle lines fast and west of Germany and the splendor of the victories la dulled by the sombre pall of suffering and death, a nw spirit of determined opposition to war will force its way around tho world. Tho tele graph and cable, the enormous facilities of the modern world for communication, hava torn the mask of glory from the battleflold. It was well enough for men to fight when only the living returned to tell of t, when tales of massacre did not reach men's homes until weeks or months after the event. But now the horror of war it shoulder to shoulder with the glamour of it on the front page. A single bullet can destroy two decades of edu cation or sweep Into eternity the fickle light of genius; for more terrible than the number of men is the kind of men killed. That Is the loss that staggers civilization and drives It backward. It Is not the last great war, but It Is one of the last, and It will do more than all the pamphlets ever printed to hasten the day of universal peace. The common sense of humanity as a whole Is certain eventually to gain the mastery over passion. Link Up the Social Agencies THE public schools are now sorting out the children of defective mentality, refer ring them to psychologists and physicians and social workers, so as to know how to grade them and how best to deal with them educationally. The psychologist tests their mentality; the physician tests their physical condition, and the social worker finds out jiielr family history and environment. Ail theso findings are recorded and nro of great value. They cover the child's history up to, usually, about 16 years. Why should not this valuable data bo turned over to the Juvenllo Court for use in cases of delinquency occur ring among school children? It would save the court a vast deal of time nnd money, and would cut out a lot of testing and Inves tigating and duplication of work already done by tho schools, nnd done more carefully and thoroughly than tho courts enn do It. In Buffalo, out of a public school graduat ing class (average ago 16) 04 were known, by test, to bo only from five to eight years old mentally. Tot thoy woro turned loose on tho community without any adequate provision for futuro help or protection agnlnst tho dan gers Inherent In their defective state. There would seem to bo a great need of linking up and co-ordinating all our public nnd private soclnl agencies to prevent this slate of affairs. Beat Fcnroso s Win tho Nation MR. PENROSE could not bo elected United States Senator from Illinois. In Califor nia his candidacy would bo ridiculed. In Maine not a corporal's guard would rally to his support. In Ohio ho would bo treated as his prototype, Foraker, was treated. In Mis souri it would not take SO minutes to count the votes he could get. In Maryland, another doubtful State, It would be Penrose last, with nono of tho other candidates In sight. A So cialist would poll more votes than ho In Wis consin and Iowa. In Washington there would bo an avalanche of women's ballots polled against htm. Where, East or West, In any doubtful State, could Penrose command a following? Yet this Is tho man who, pleading for pro tection, refuses to step aside and permit some other man who could really do something for protection to go to Washington. It Is mockery- of reason to assume that tho rest of tho nation would follow Pennsylvania in devotion to such a leader. It is sheer madness to sup pose that there can be any rehabilitation of tho Republican party so long as he Is one of Its accredited leaders. It Is proper for men whose business Is threatened to dedlcato their work and Influence to the restoration of Re publican policy In Washington, but every ef fort they make will bo futile if they insist upon using as their representative a man whose name Is Identified with tho most thor oughly discredited and hotcd system of poli tics In America. Tho national Republican party has many enemies and Mr. Penrose Is the greatest of them all. In his own State nnd In his own town he has alienated the Independent Re publican press. In no other Commonwealth Is there any Republican newspaper with any pretentions whatover to Independence that would even consider apologizing for or ad vocating Penroselsm. They know It for what It Is. They have no doubts about tho cuckoo being In tho robin's nest. Only In Pennsylva nia Is tho rarty expected to bo a Llttlo Red Riding Hood. Elsewhere and here, too, tho alluring front of the house of Penroselsm does not decelvo observers. Thoy have also been looking at tho back yard. A Really Responsive Government WHEN, In 1776 and' thereabouts, a goodly proportion of tho inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonics threw off the yoke of Brit ish bondage they thought, and their descend ants after thorn, that they had ncqulred a considerable superiority over tho rest of tho Anglo-Saxon people. It seems, however, that In political matters the English trust them selves much more implicitly than Americana do. Their Constitution varies according to the will of Parliament. It was proposed yesterday In tho House of Commons that the durutlon of tho present Parliament be extended to 1917. and It Is quite likely that the several parties' will agreo to such a continuance. The Government of Ireland net and tho Welsh Church act, ac cording to tho probable arrangement, will be simply relegated to tho futuro, and all at tempts to force a general election on domestic Issues will be ubandoned. After the "Pensionary Parliament" had sat from 1C60 to 1677 and lost all touch with the country another Parliament limited tho life of each assembly to three years Then tho Septennial act prolonged its possible life to soven yearB, and by the five-year clause of the Parliament act of 1911 tho term was reduced. A Parliament rarely dies a nat ural death, and now comes tho generally fa vored proposal to prolong the present one, which has been in session since 1M0, to 1917. That means, of course, the extension of the Cabinet tenure for one year over the statu tory limit. Where, except in England, can be found a governmental system so quickly adjustable to the needs and exigen cies of the time? No s.low-moving machinery to be operated to effect a chang necessary to tho new conditions; no referendum, no con stitutional convention. Bimply a response on the part of tho men In Parliament and tho Cabinet to their obligations as public ser vants, In such spirit as that In which Burke addressed his constituents nt Bristol: "Your representative owes you wt his industry only, but his Judgment." Aided by that recent brush with tho Oer man ships, tho British fleet should have no difficulty In sweeping; the seas. Tho way to got rapid transit is to get it, and. the, way not to get it la to permit holdbacks and lovers pf technicalities to staiui In the way. PASSED BY THE CENSOR The troops will be glad to get away from Vera Cruz. They are ansloua to get back, home and find out, what they were (lawn there for. . nfw.ii i m Those who are best acquainted with the work of Doctor Brumbaugh in the schools are convinced that he will he able to teach the politicians something. The Maine result shows that the only thing necessary to turn small Democratic, plurali ties Into big Republican majorities is to shake off Penroselsm and other things of the kind that have fattened themaelyes on the party. The Government - ownership - of - railroads Idea seems to have become very popular in Mexico, where the Provisional President thinks he Is neglecting his duty unless he confiscates something or other before break fast. WHEN you read In your favorit news paper that some one has found a $1000 pearl In an oyster, put It down to Ignorance or to tho attempt to advertise the restaurant. Pearls found In salt water oysters are worth loss. So says Herman Myer, father of tho American pearl Industry, who hna devoted 20-odd years to exploiting the fresh water pearlo of this country, from Wisconsin to Arkansas, from hln native State, Tonnessee, to Malno. Mycr's life work has all the glamour of romance. Born In Carthago, Ten nessee, ho was Bont to Harvard and was graduated with honors In chemistry. Dur ing one of his vacations, spent at homo, a fisherman brought him a pearl. That started his downward career, for his father, himself a banker, had wanted his son to follow In his financial footstops. But young Myer thought otherwise, nnd, packing his grip, went to Now York, whero ho sold his pearl to Tiffany's tho first American pearl ever sold In tho New York markot. Thero was a time when Oriental pearls were worth their weight In gold; today tho Iridescent pcarr, found In tho rivers of Iowa nnd Wisconsin, Is more valuable than a dia mond of corresponding size. And Myer Is largely responsible for this. Up and down tho Inland rivers ho traveled, on foot, by train, In wagons, preaching tho value of tho gem to tho fishermen, telling them how to find It, how to valuo it, how to market it And tho upshot of it all was that tho self same fishermen becamo so expert that they doubled nnd troblod tho price to Myer, until tho profit to the wholesaler was almost negligible. BUT oven Myer was not tho first to deal In American pearls, for In tho great cathedral In Seville, Spain, rests a collodion of theso gems, gathered by De Soto and his followers during their Invasion of our South ern States and his trip to tho Father of Waters. In tho archives of tho Spanish city may bo found wondrous tales of the vast riches of the American Indians of De Soto's days, of the Immense stores of pearls found by tho adventurers, of tho utter disregard tho natives had for their valuo. But the bushels of pearls gathered as spoils by tho Spaniards were lost In the main when 111 fortuno overtook them. CONCEDING for tho sake of argument that you know tho names of our rivers, did you ever hear of tho Opeek or tho AUlwege sepe or tho Causlssepplone? Or the Al bacha? Yet you know them all well, only tho river now Is known as the Ohio, Iroquois for "beautiful." WHEN you seo a person of tho male per suasion approach and noto his delight fully pink socks or mayhap they may bo pale green or lavender do not start and wonder at his folly. It's nothing new to wear brightly colored hosiery, which, by tho way, threatens to becomo extinct because wo can not get dyes from abroad. In tho rooms of the Socloty of Antiquaries in London is an exhibition of ancient socks, dug out of the ruins of Antlnoc, Egypt. Tho examples shown nro In good preservation and aro suf ficiently "loud" to please the most extreme of futurists. Principal among tho exhibits are socks of yellow, green, red and black In horizontal stripes, which outdo anything yet shown In our haberdashery' shops. WHEN tho Boer War broke out General Sir John French, commanding tho British forces In France, was In Ladysmlth, Natal, about to be besieged by the Boers. Ho took tho last train out and seated him self In the compartment of tho car, smoking. Hardly had tho train left the city for Durban on tho coast, when the ping of Boer bullets resoundt-d and tho windows In tho cars were shattered. Sir John, unperturbed, assumed a horizontal position nnd finished his smoko. General Grant was another soldier who smoked and died from cancer said to have been caused by that habit. Once, when ho wus going to Now Yorlf, his train fell into tho Passaic River, near Newark, only the windows of tho coaches being visible abovo tho water. AVlion tho rescuers reached the scene of tho disaster they found the General stand ing In water up to his neck puffing as usual on a coal black cigar! LOOKING through old newspaper files makes Interesting reading. A Topeka paper reports under date of 1864 tho arrival of 200 bales of buffalo robes, "tho largest cargo over seen" In that city. And a few Items further down tho column we read: "Gov. James Lane, of KansaB, and Gov. Yates, of Illinois, will be speakers at tho Lincoln and Johnson ratification meeting hero on September 6." BUT thero are things which happened years ago which do not get Into tho newspapers, such ns tho mistaken adven tures of the first Chinese Minister to this enlightoned country of ours. What his namo was has slipped memory, but his malaprop Isms have not. His first social visit was to the wife of a Cabinet member. Ho arrived at 8 In tho evening nnd, knowing some Eng lish, proved entertaining. The minutes turned Into hours. Blown came and found tho Minister still talking. Twelve came. Then one, "l am wry sorry." said the hostess, "but it Is getting so late " "I urn so pleased you spoke," replied tho Minister, "you seo, In my country a gentle man cannot depart until tho lady of tho house has given hop permission." And as he started for tho door the hostess graciously naked him to call again, "very soon." At S tho same morning the bell rang tho Minister had called again, "very soon." THK Chinese nro tho most literal nation on earth. They will oboy orders, no mat ter what tho cost. An American naval otIN cor on temporary duty In Hongkong discov ered this. Ho was the proud owner of a pair o hitherto Immaculate whlto flannel trousers, which had been put hors de combat by a grease Btaln. Ko he took them to a Chinese tailor with instructions to make an other pair exactly like tho sample. Twenty-four houis later tha Chinese tailor arrived with the now trousers "exactly alike even to the stain! BRADFORD. CURIOSITY SHOP The red and white striped barber's pole dute? back fceveral centuries, when bar bers Mill exercised the profession of blood letting. During the operation the patient had to grasp a stick, and a pole was always kopt at hand, together with the band, age necessary after the cutting. Eventually the barbers hung their insignia, pole and bandage, out of their windows. Early In the -ii.. .1. nnn...H, V.n TIMHmH TiafMaryy Ant passed a law compelling barbers to put out (, r , tij-wd 1'1. arid white, while surf-on- I t,ii r-rs '"r-d theirs red and white. The last known barber surgeon In London was a man named Mlddledltch, of Great Suffolk street, who died there In 1S31. Ho was also a dentist, and a writer of that day says in an "Autobiography"! "I have a vivid recol lection of his dentistry." ' The Battle of Kegs really took place dur ing the Revolution when patriots sot afloat Infernal machines, formed like kegs, In the hopo that they would destroy tho English fleet In tho Delaware, off Philadelphia. Tho British discovered tho stratagem and began firing nt ovcry floating thing, thus establish ing tho name of tho battle. Tho largest bed In the world ?& "on at Waro, England. It Is twelve foot square and Is capable of holding a dozen persons. Shakespeare refers to this monster bed in "Twelfth Night"! "Although tho sheet were blR enough for the Bed of Ware In England. IS THIS PUBLIC OPINION? Contributions From Readers on the Senatorial Situation in Pennsylvania To fi Editor of the Evening Ledger! Sir Senator Ponrose has again demonstrated his dominance of tho organization of the Re publican party In this State and has promul gated a platform of platitudes and generalities. He professes what his last Legislature refused to enact Into laws, albeit his professions ore far from binding party obligations to do any thing definite and really remedial, and every one Is confident that ho does not Intend that tho next Legislature shall Improvo on Its pre decessors. Ills Intention to secure ro-eleotlon as United States Senator and tho power he wields through his organization to that end are tho alarming things. Yet ho can be dofoated, as the defeat of tho Stato road loan has demonstrated. Ho Is a blight on his party and on the State. THOMAS ROSS. DoylcBtown, September 14, 1011. MUST END HIS POLITICAL POWER To the Editor of the Evening I.eAgerl Sir Tho many persons of diversified Inter ests throughout this Commonwealth, who are Interested In tho forthcoming November elec tion and wish to seo the result thereof bring about the defeat of Penrose, are vory much concerned over tho attltudo your valuablo paper, tho Evening Ledger, will take during the campaign with respect to his candldaoy. May I not urge upon you the vory grave re sponsibility which you hold as editor of this very excellent papor? Tho primary enm pnlgn committed you against Penrose, and your active opposition to his election during tho next two months would have a great influence In ending his opportunity further to misrepre sent this Commonwealth at Washington. I hope, Indeed, that you will see your way clear to oppose, with all the editorial and news powor of your paper, tho claims of Penrose for election In this campulgn. RALPH J. BAKER. Philadelphia, September 14, 1914. A RECORD OF MISREPRESENTATION To the Editor of tho Evenlno I.edaer: Sir I recall, with pleasure, the brilliant fight mado by tho Public Ledoeh against Senator Fcnroso In tho primaries. It was most credit able to tho management of tho paper as Indicating Its Independence nnd Its high stan ard of service to tho people of this Com monwealth. Senator Penroso Is now tho samo man he was before tho primaries. The samo record of misrepresentation of tho people and scrvlco of tho Interests remains. Tho samo "moral Issue" confronts tho voters of this Commonwealth. I am glad to seo tho Evening Lodger maintain the high standard of right eousness which It has assumed under its present management. E. J. LYNETT. Philadelphia, September 11, 1911. A MENACE TO THE STATE To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Remembering the attitude of the I't'nuo LEDona during the Senatorial primary contest In this State, I am glad that you still recognlzo tho "moml Issue" as paramount In tho general campaign this fall. Penroso Is a menaco and a disgrace to all Christendom, and you will be held responsible, In tho opinion of a humble Ponn sylvanlan, for any endeavor to prolong this monaco on Pennsylvania. You can render a lasting service to this State by support!? tho opposing candidate for United States Sena tor. Am I correct? THOMAS J. MOVER. Unlontown, September 14, 1914. DISGRACE TO THE STATE To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir I am a reader of tho Public Ledger and have always admired Its fearless stand on questions of public Interest and Its inde pendence in politics. Of late I havo lx'cn in terested and concerned as to what stand the Evening Lodger would take editorially on the candidacy of Boles Penrose. In view of tho fact that tho Prnuc Lmiocn vigorously opposed his nomination, nnd editorially declared that Penroselsm was a moral Issue, I rejoice that you decided to tal.c a stand against his elec tion in favor of Palmer. With the wide circulation which the Evening Ledger has throughout the Stato it would ha an important factor in bringing about the defeat of a man who Is a disgrace to the fair namo of this Commonwealth. ARTHUR McKEAN. Heaver Falls, Pa., September 14, 1911. WAGE FIGHT AGAINST SENATOR To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir It seems to ua that the Evening Ledger can render a very great service to tho people nf the State and do honor to Itself by opposing the re-election of Boles Penrose to tho United KtaUw Senate thW fall. Senator Penrose stands for policies nnd for political methods that moot tho disapproval of most nil who have tho public interests of the Commonwealth at heart. If tho Evening Ledger will tako decided ground against his re-election It will probably bs tho turning point In the campaign and assure tho defeat of Senator Penrose. AVe trust that you will give tho matter serlou? consideration. GEOROE II. BEDFORD. PAUL BEDFORD. WllUes-Barre, September II, 1914. POLICIES FOR REVENUE ONLY To the Editor of tht Evening Ledger: Sir As a subscriber and reader of the Vam.ia LEUnmi for over twenty years, I want to ox press to you my delight that you nro using the power of tho Evening Ledger against the re. election of Senator Penroso. Fur many years he has stood for all that la worst In Pennsylvania politics. He has been closely lubsoclatud with tho disgraceful happenings at the Stute capital. The fact of his pre-tence in WaMiington as Sena tor from ono of tho greatest Ktutos in tho Union Is a staudlnu inunaco to the higher patriotism, a constant emourugennint of policies fur revenue only. JEdSE H. HOWIES. Swarthroore, September 11, 1914. SORDID CARICATURE OF STATESMAN To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir The political reputation of this genera tlon In the great history nf tho State demands that the battle you h.vvo bQ worthily begun shall be fought to a victorious end. Kuii:itT O. BROOKS. gwarthmorc, September 14, 1914 WHAT A JUDGE WRITES To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: pirWould it be deemed wholly Impertinent and Intrusive If ono who la fond of tho Evening Lepokh should suggest that in his humble opln Ion there has never been a mora opportune time, nut Indeed a more marked uctu&ion. for great public bervtce ty a great newspaper than tho present? I am only one of It? readers who have In dulged the hope of eing the weight of its In fluence cast Into the scales against Penroselsm. E. C. NUWCOMB, Bcranton, September 14, 1914. OPPORTUNE TIME FOR DEFEAT To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir It seems to me that you could not do a better service for machlne-rldden Pcnnylvanla than to oppose the election of Boles PenroMi for Senator. This seems to bo an opportune time to got fid of the machine, and It may be rfrted by his defeat for the Senate. HXMl'EL B. PRICE. Bcramoiis ppimDer 11, nut. L DONE IN PHILADELPHIA AT FIRST glance one might think there w , no connection between the site of the building where the Evening Ledger Is issued and Sunday schools, but thero Is. Sunday schools are now so common that their existence Is taken as a matter of course, and yet only 100 years back they wore so muoh n novelty that they were being studied elso where, especially In England, with a view to Introducing thorn Into this country. And when It had been decided to Introduce them here, tho movement that wos organized to support them had Its home In Philadelphia. Now the oonnectlon between the Ledger Building and this movement Is simply this, that the American Sunday School Union, hav ing been formed, made tho ancient building then on this site Its headquarters, and remained1 hero until about BO years ago. It removed to its new building on Chestnut street, near Twelfth, from whloh location It again removed only a few years ago still further westward. But the site was hlatorlo even before that day. In the new view of the group of buildings on Independence Square, whtch embellished the Columbian Magazine in 1790, there will be seen In tho foreground an Isolated structure, named the Academy. Unfortunately It Is only tho rear of tho structure that Is presented to us, but It Is sufilclent to glvo us an Idea of tho character of building which was first erected on this lot. This building was orccted for the then new Academy of tho Episcopal Church, Just about the tlmo the forfeiture of tho chpifter of tho old College and Academy of Philadelphia was ac complished, which, as it turned out, was a good tiling for all concerned, for that Institution raised Its head again as the University of Pennsylvania. The Episcopal Academy, which still thrives after more than a century of useful scrvlco in ths cause of education, was organized In 1785. The Rev. John Andrews was appointed Its first principal, nnd in 1787 tho Institution received Us charter and aloo a grant of 10,000 acres of land from the State. Its first homo was on Fourth Btreet, below Market, but this provided little moro than a makeshift, and arrangements wero begun for tho oroctlon of tho building on Chestnut street, west of Sixth. The Blto of this structure Is covered by the Washington Building, C12 and Gil. Tho building was still unfinished In 17S3 when tho Academy moved Into Its new homo. But, while the Fourth streot houso was too modest, this was soon found to bo too ex pensive, nnd It was sold In 1791. Subsequently It becamo a hotel, and suffered fovercly from tho fire that destroyed Rlckett's Circus at the corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets In December, 1799. Ocller's Hotel, as tho house was known, was the finest hotel In tho city. Those historic! banquets of the French sympathizers, who wore tho tricolor cockado and tried to sing tho "Marseillaise" In French as they waved liberty caps In honor of Citizen Genet, were held here. Talleyrand himself, while In the city. Is said to have stopped there, and tho colo'brated Doctor Priestley honored these affairs by his presence In thoso dnys the doctor resided for a time on Market streot, west of Sixth. Thero Is a long story to tell about Oeller's Hotel Itself, but this Is about Sunday schools. It was quite a long tlmo afterward that the American Sunday School Union enmo to this site. The Interim was filled by tho building being used for various purposes, part of tho time as a boarding house. When tha nineteenth century opened, strange as it may appear, there was not a Sunday school In tho modern ienso In this country. There had been such schools In England since Robert Raikes, a Gloucester, England, printer, opened one In this city, nnd set an example for the entire Christian world. Raikes' Idea took hold, for ho seems to have been one of tho first to havo not only seen the connection between neglect and ignorance and crime, but to have put forth a plan by which this might be icinndled. This plan was put Into operation In Gloucester In 17S2; by degrees tho Idea spread all over England, Lon don having Introduced this form of Instruction In 17S5. In theso first schools an effort was mado to teach the children something more than piety and correct conduct; It also bought to glvo them a rudimentary education. It should be remembered that what we call public schools were still a long way off, and those children whose parents could not pay for their education got none. Our own public school system Is less than a century old. AVIiat teems to have been tho (lrs.t Sunday school established In this city was organized In 1S11 by Robert May, who had received his knowledge In a Sunday school In London. May left the country In 1S12, but tho seed took root. It was not that the Idea was not regarded as a good one that it did not take hold muio quickly, but thero was the expense attached to It that had to be borne. In order to assist those Sunday schools that needed It, and at the samo time to supply propor literature tor them, the Philadelphia Sunday and Adult School Union was formed In U17. New York had a similar union, and finally, in 1S23. It was pro posed that a national union should bo cstab. llshed. This was tho beginning of tho American Sun day School Union, which was formed that year, and was constituted in 1S21. It was de cided that Philadelphia was most centrally lo cated for tho heud'iuurteru 0f tho organization, and this became its home. Three years later the property now 012 and itH chestnut street WAt purchuked and the uniuu established here. Tun ye.rs later it lucl the titles of 6oj of its own publications on Its catalogue. I am not sure of what lonstitutca a lilstorlo site, but I am inclined to the belief that this has eomo claim to the distinction. QRANVILLU TUB 1DI5AWST Yesterday I came across on Instance of good liwilthy energy lytns dormant. Among a iup of folks with wHom I was chatting was a young woman liardly out of her twenties whu dominated the wbulo gruuii with a mast reraarbably maunetle personality. She fairly effused sunshine l bavo nver seen, such a tplrit of sincere optimism as this little lady put Into her every wurd and gesture. Civluus ubout her personal interests and ac tivities, 1 uutUoed our luutt-M. "This young lady," she answered. "Is the most etargetie person l know. Her sincerity Is as deep as the kea. she wants to do work of the helping suit. For Instance, she has a craving for youngsters, poor youngsters, thoso that live down In the city's darker parts. She wants to go down there and help make thoe Uttle tuts happy, give them trinkets that ever) child, poor or rich, yearns for. in fait, she's got the mother' Instinct, unj in some noble work of this sort she would be a real power Then I learned why she was not doinj It Her weathy father did not want her to become contaminated," as he put It, with this sort of work, "Stay away from the misery of the world nnd you'll keep yourself from becomku miserable." Think of HI Jf The father lives a clean, spotless life. .. there he slops. He utterly lacks those char, acterlstlcs of personality that torid to dr&i others toward him. Ills daughter possess, them In goodly measure. I have an Idea that this otherwise stron. charactered man was providentially supplied, I,' his child, with that Important power, person. allty, that his own maka-up lacked, Is the selfish Interest In his daughter welgM, ler in the balance of his own character thi' would be the exercise of this new energy WtJ which ho was endowed? I think not THE IDEALIST. IN A SPIRIT OF HUMOR Not Pining, hnt I do not pine for human gore. Yet boldly I assort I'd Uko to slap tho brainless yan Who calls a girl a "skirt." Peoria Journal I plno not to bring others woe I trust I'm not bo mean! But I would llko to Bwat tho bo Who calls a alrl a "queen." Houston Post I plno to seo no Injured gink Clutch at htmsolf and wall: But I'd llko to boot the crude galoot Who calls a girl a "frail." Now York Evening Sua I am not prone to violence. But I should llko to maul And kick and muss tho Inano ctiai Who calls a girl "somo doll!" Judgs. I havo no wish to go about To glvo a guy a Uckln, But I'd llko to clout tho loonoy lout Who calls a girl a "chicken." I "Awfully Literary" Mazlo I hear that your brother's wlfa fy real literary. Saldlc Oh, she Is I She's awfully llterarjl When she spanks her baby, she does It with t book i Fun. Caution to Quotcr "Possibly," according to tho Kansas air Star, "tho poetlo gift Is born In people win dlo "mute, Inglorious Shnkespearea." Th "poaslblly" Is fortunate. Boforo now It hu been said that a Milton a Milton could not po. slbly bo muto or Inglorious. The Patriot's Complaint "I object," declared tho Hon. Bray Lowdr, "to this Government tendering Its good office to the warring Powers of Europe 1 Why, hanj It nil, there ain't enough good ofilccs to io around among tho patriots hero at horns, lit alone wasting 'em on foreigners I" Puck. How Did tho Boss Know That? "Why should a married man be paid mon than n slnglo man?" "Tho married man ain't so anxious to gtt homo enrly," declared tho boss. Seattle Port Intelligencer. Pure Milk anil Water Mrs, Bacon Do you suppose Iho milk our man brings us Is perfectly pure? Mr. Bacon Oh, yea. Why, they say ho nevtr uaes anything but distilled water. Yonken Statesman. The Sellish Brute She I don't see why you should hesitato to many on 2500 a year. Papa say my gowa novor cost moro than that. He But, my dear, wo must havo Eomcthlnj to eat. Slio (petulantly) Isn't that Just llko a man! Always thinking of his stomach? Kansas Cit Star. Fair Words or Nothing "George," said tho wlfo to her generally tin- appreciative husband, "how do you like mj new hut?" "Well, my dear," snid George, with great candor, "to tell you the truth " ..cm,, rl,.lit tlinro nrnriro! If vou'ro EOlnl to talk that way about it, I don't want to know. Ideas. Showing Up Father A young minister preached ono Sunday to a rural congregation anu spent mu nejii uj visiting tho people. At ono house the man of the house was ex pressing his appreciation of tho seimon in com plimentary terms while assisting tho mlnlsW to put up his teum. Ills llttlo son had followei hlin, and after eyeing tho minister a minute ci two exclaimed: "Why, papa, you said he was a one nosi preacher, and ho's got two bosses!" Kaniu City Star. Interview His Mnjesty received me with grave courtesy. As I entered ho had been sitting by tho firs, smoking, as usual. "I came down to ask you." I said, 'If vol have any comment to make on the situation q Europe " , . Ho rose swiftly, while his face flushed wltt indignation. "Only one thing." ho replied, hotly "For long time they have been calling war by tbl same namo ns" ho gestured In tho dlieetloncl his well-known plant "my demesne. Now, tv, In view of what Is happening In Europe , I wan to ask you if you don't think that a bs-' libel on my own homo town?" Life Words of Wisdom It's surely very foolish to bear the ills cl AVlthout a soul to share them, a sweet aai loving wife "Ask tho man who owns one t Each year ynu wait Is so much Ios; you ' not crraulnc vounir: Far bettur pop tho question that trembles ci tho toneuo . "Eventually why not now' Among tho maidens charming there's on awaiting you, ir heart Is worth kind and true lion I lit,. ..nit Her heart Is worth tho winning, her soul i "93 44-100 per cent jure. Tho sIiiqIo llfo Is cheaper, a fact I do"1 dispute. And married llfo brings worry tint m"1" times grows acute "Costs a little moro than others vmth li- Tho wife will mako a sunny home, disp-1 (i cloud of gloom, Her loving labor lightens and brighten eve" room- "Chases tlirt Don't think your Ufa Is all compute ant sn! tho wedding ring, . You may bo overlooking the most import' thing , "Have you a llttlo fairy In your wme -Life. THE NATIONAL POINT OF MEW That U a mlulity army which ii benn; mot" lllzcul In the Putted Slates tlieue .ims-l" army of M'hool children tvlm .ne B' '" itIJ learn how to solve tho problems nf lif' 'Jv out bllllmt enoh Other as the barbirnim The right sort of education will put an iad war. Mucon (Ga.) Chronicle. Of tho men voters ill Chicago E7 pir est voted In the primary on Wedm-sl iv "' l women only S per cent, vow d l hut a mug blow that Is for "Votes for numen Savannah Morning Kws. It emergency taxation be necesaury. '! luxuries be taxed, not neeessailm "f "' " of ordinary business fuiicri ss bb'.uU :, pel the cuminUl. uiiifii to impost u "r " , on their own iiuemilty illu t,inli u lit''" 'L and balder Tin fit Win tux shuuld b I""!" and defeated -('iiicueo Tribune It Is an indictment ., nation ' abfjt escape that patriotism, whan ought to " the fintst eeiitirmiii ni.-l u -t ' ' .i people, continues to be fed from pn'' ' human li"' ' Hut I i ip ir in " "' Stone Age. Kansas City Star.