Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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    j2 "
Was America's Best Posted
Athletic Authority Died
Just Before Noon of Com
plication of Diseases.
NCW Yor.K. Sept. lfi.-Jnmra E. Sul
livan, aecrftniv-trcnnirer of the Amntetir
Athletic ftilon, and one of tlte most
widely known spottlim authorities In
America, died here shortly bi-fors noon
today. .
Sullivan was operated on Mondnv t?Vf.
nluK for a computation of llitcntlnnl nntl
tomach trouble, and never rallied.
Sullivan attends) the national outdoor
field nnd track eliiiminoiistilp at Haiti
niore last Krlilny and Sntutiln.i I'pon hi
return to New York Sunday h.- Wns
trlckon. Pliv-uictnns (le lil-rl upon nn
Immediate operation to javo lil life. He
wan ruhed to tin- ho.tpltal Mt.iIiiv morn
Iiir. The operation was prrfi.nrwHl Mon
day evening and everythlnc possible" done
to ave his life, hut his contltutlon was
fo wenkinrd ly Ions suffering rrom the
trouble that he failed to lally. His con
dition early todav warned Mi friends
that his end wns near
Sullivan was the best-known leader In
amateur athletics In the uurld. He was
for years tin- domlnatinK ilfiure In the
Olympic sanies and ruled supreme In
athletic nffnlrs In the United States. He
wns elected secretary of tho Amateur
Mhletlc Union for the. 21st consecutive
time last winter.
Just before he was tnkn III. Sullivan
wan working with mlRM ami main to
!.- ..... ht..H...n Kiinn, aiti1ii1r,l fn he
hld In Berlin In 13li'., transferred to N
York, notwithstanding the fact that the
Kanier. will not be held In the German
capital bccnue of the war.
Sullivan wns born In New York In No
vember, IWO. lie was educnted In the
New York nubile chools In IVT he .vtnrt-
e-d to work for the Prank I-sllc rubllsh-
InR House. After the death of I.oslle.
Sullivan was promoted to a position on
the editorial staff and took over many of
Leslie's former duties. Sullivan founded
the Athletic Netvs. the rtrt paper In the
l"nltul States clnioted to amateur dolnps.
Later Serretar -iiilllvan became pub
lisher and owner of the New York Sport
'nK Times. Tie organized the Amrlrnr
Sports Publlhlti- Cnmpnni and served
ns Its prosident until his death.
Sullivan wns nne of the irn ntot ath
letes In America durlnK hi1 vouth. Ho
won the nll-around championship of New
York in 10 and 15,il
He was a member of all the nivmplc
commissions and was the prime mover
In the Olympic comes that nre to be
xtnired in fan Francisco rn-"t year in
connection with the Exposition In 1M3
Sullivan was -eb-rt,l i m. ir of th
PlaiKruuiO. Comn-ittce In New York.
A. McClay Springs Surprise
By Piloting Peter Parker
to Straight-Heat Victory.
Other Events Interesting.
The first fan matinee races of the
Road Driver' Association wen- held th!
afternoon on the nne. mile truck ot the
Belmont Drivins Association ut Narborlh.
The track was fast and a fair sized crowd
turned out to view the sport. Michael
Kelley acted as starter.
The feature of the day was the work of
A. McClay, who handled the r-lns of
Peter Parker in the Class C trot. JjtIv
insr his first race. McCliiy cam throush
with a strijrht heat victory, the fastest
time blns -MTU- This performance wns
more than remarkable ronslderlns the
class of the various entries and the ex
perience of tho drivers
A very popular victory was that of
David C In the Class D pice driven bv
1). Crawley. David C not away to a fino
start by winnins the opening heat hand
ll, but was slveu u setback in th
second when Nina B finished ln front.
David C, however, proved eon'-lutvlv
that he. was the better horse by taking
the third and final neat. Alter finishing
third In tlie first ho.tt of the Class V race
George M. came back (.trongly In the
follow Ins two brushes, finishing first tn
each, thus winning 'ho event.
Roped Arena Notes
At th Falrmount A o. last nlsrht
Tyrone Coatello, of North Penn. proved
to be a better man with the padded mltu
than Otto Hughes, who claims to be tho
champion of the United States Marine
Corps at I.eaptie Island
Costello opened an old mre on Hugh's'
ear In the first round nnd this bothered
the marine all through the bout. Neither
man displayed much tclem- and It wo
a case of slug ml hold all through
S fO rare i"heiter -ourtv hor- th nir
tared fur money, purae lid
vvtnicuhorken ti. a. film ';!, Farms
VVyebrr-ilc l"a , 111
Haltieri t t. i harles faitia i'iwiii-
lll. Pa. .83
Klkton Buy. b. g., E fj Cann. Kennel
Square. Pa . 9 1
Joe Penn br. g.. Harry (Jrahaai, Kim.
berton . 4 S 4
fled Pepper, t a , John E. lHwin,
Weat Chester. Pa . a 4t
All Penn. b. . ftentb Umirar -prlng
f'lty. Pa 7 Ul
Time. -.'22V,. .I5V SKH
2 Kt pai . pure IM
The Echo. b. m.. OUR. '", Pit
man, N J .!!
Ptllon, s. .. E. I". ?i)enilp, .V.r-
rutown. Pa 8 10
( olonti Mack. b. .. Pnui I-ary.
West Chter ... ... 3 t 9
Maria Ftx. b U II PS, Britg.
ton. S. i. ..- , i a
(rilUrpte. b , Cootordvlll Stack
Parm Cnncordvllle 0 ft I
fflnlle B b m , W. A. Paiar. Ill) -
dena. Md 6 8 5
Harry T b. g.. Harry Toiii. Jan-
raater. Pa ..-,
Time. 2 ll4 S 10. J.IPJ.
i to trot. -ur i
Ina Zombro. b m.. Henry Duttcn. Wtt-
tnlngton Del. -113
Alton Pell b. a. ('beater Mourar. irrtn;
City . : 0 3 1
ltomly Boy. b g., F. Irtehtanirotr.
N-.rrttoit Pa 4 3
Cuunt Keller b a.. Henry Uutton
V.'llmlnglon liel 3 8
Itra V i h in . Jnmu H Jcmup.
VVoodeton. N J .487
l.-ma, . ro B. K Hart. Duffryn Mt
Pa 7 7 1
A O. Harry Todd Ini-aeter, Pa. r.)l
Time 2 23V, 1 2Mb. 2 22
In the 2,23 pace aiter. alter Ukluc a third
and firt place, tb aulky of Ml loo. driven
by E. U. Eepenehlp, of Norrittown. coIUul
n tfce itretcb, but lb driver Uirt4 Ini'iry,
Invitation Affair Has At
tracted Entry List Well
Over the 200 Mark St.
Martin's Cup Event.
With nmrly S."0 entiles the annual In
vitation Rolf tournament of the Philadel
phia Cricket Club for the St Martin's
Cup will begin nt St Martin's tomorrow.
The iuallfvln round will be IS holes and
live slvtectis will qualify for match play
on Krlddj nnd fe'atu'ila.y.
The pairings aio as follomsi
f l, A in -P. M. Camp. 1'ltlindelphla Cricket
Club, and T, !:. Brown, Philadelphia Cricket
I lull.
"Ml a. m. ('. K, Bafitpn, ..inMuune, nnd
--"'. Cf"tnley, Philadelphia cricket Club.
,. m. -CM lt!ck, Cuuntrj luh. ami
P. Thotnpsfln, Merlon
.en a m.-t. A Ballard. Philadelphia
frl ket Club, an.l A. K. Ilnrne. tviiltenmren
Vti.l a. m vV. II. Tr.tter. Phlladrlihn
"r.cket Club, and It, Olendctinlnic, Phllad-d-Miln
Jllla, M-,1. II. (lay. Jr. P. of P.. and
II W. Itiitterworlh, Jr.. Phlbtdelphln Cricket
i luh.
s 1.1 n. m. J. W. Co3ke, Phlladftplila Cricket
I luh. and Mr. K McDonald. Whlti-mamli.
..". 1 a-,.f---l, H. KckrMlei, Phlt.l.leltillU
"J'o'V1 ' ll"'' i,n'1 ' ' Meehnn Nor h IIIll
'.2.i a. in.- M C Burton. Iluntlimdnn Vnl
le. and 1 J. Willlims, Philadelphia Cricket
,."' I? : m. M. T. ,Ione.. VVhltemarsh nnd
1 VV. Haenn, PhltndelphU Cricket Club.
t. X' J. J'.'. S' ' li'tn-nt. Whllemarsh, nnd
P C McKlnlny. Wliltinnrnli.
ii '." ",.'". ;' '" "nil, Wlntem.ir.h, and VV
ll. iiivell. Philadelphia Cricket Club.
ii :' ?' m--T. I! llnlton. Whltemnrsli, ant
'L !'. teuton. Prnnkfnnl.
,,.V'?,,0-,'"-.-ft- Boj.r. WhttcmnMh. and I:
" JII. Phllndelphla Cricket Club.
,.,'.' ". m Th.ma Kuvinj. St..nt..n and VV
With. rill. Philadelphia Crkket Club.
r-1 .. ii. "'-! P t'l'iiilni! Whltrmirsh and
.. !. "'"na. Jr., Philadelphia cricket Club.
! i;. n n, j. Prentl, Mohiwk, and J.
J. hiiriti 1r. I.anJdmMie
! i n in -i" ciiipmnn, vv-hitemarah. and
'n..'"'""' 'dlblhlH cr'. Kei club.
Oil.) a. m. II. ii. s,w,p, Meri-huntvlll. nnd
', ;,' 'i . PhlUdeii ni.i Cilikei Club.
,-'.'. '. "' A C. Ble.dow. Mcrrhantvllle.
nnd J. T Nklrk. Phllndelphla i.rlcket Club.
".,:.n ..'"--1- w Hlley. Putclici-s Counts,
and M M Jaok. Merlon.
I' In a. m.-P. p. Hill, S'.enton, And M. P.
Jne. Prnnkford.
ti.ft.1 n. m.-il. i: Murphy, Whltmarh. and
A c Alexander. Bala.
I' l'i n. m B. M. Jnn. Philadelphia Cricket
'ul and I ii Knx. Prankford.
! 4.. n. m. P. O. Cnlket. 2d. .Merlon, xnd
S. Hi.uard Smith. Philadelphia Cricket Club
li ." a in. n S. I mi in. l-'rankfi.rd. and V.
I. Vllcn. ll'intlncilnii Vnllev.
n ,V, a m I H Slliermiin, Phllmont. and
II. I. lllloiiell. nd York Itoad.
l'if" a m. VV. H. Hcrnolda, Arnnlmlnk.
nnd A. MeriearRe. VVtlmliiEti n
Inir, n m II. II Piani Ine. Huntingdon
Vnll.n. and c n, Caliprt, Arnnlmlnk
l'i In a m -K 11. Putnam. Jr Ynhnunda
le ind Clcorge O. Iwls. PhllaiMphla I'rlcknt
1 P. n m. It VV. Phillip" PhllHletphla
Cricket Cul., and c. J Miller, WhttTimrsh.
to :u a m -'A. It. Kelley, 1 Pavld's. ant
H. I. MlBbler, Iindowne.
to 2.1 a. tn - VV V Ilarrl-on Huntlmrdon
Vnllev. and c It. Mnrrell, Merchantvllie.
10 lo a m J. c. Klauder, Arnnlmlnk, and
A. M. Hhret. Bala
10 n a in.-N H. Mauri 11. Arnnlmlnk. nnd
V vn leron. !! n Air.
in.io a. m II. L,. Yearaley. Haddon Coun
try club, and P. P. (i.dd. Merchantvllie.
10 11 a m.-A. C Illuelim Men hintvllK
nnd l: Melcher. Phllade'ihl i Cricket Club.
10 vi a. m. n. r Puldardv merbrook. and
A. VV Tllllnihant. .-Ihaa-Iiee.
10:." a. m c H Lnictt, P. of P., and O.
C II 1dm. St Kulrt'".
11 00 a m -J c. Ilnllouell, St Daitd'8, and
J. A l-ei'Tlnc. Haddon Country.
11 o.l a. in J. IJ. Paul. Buck county, and
P. II. Stockley. Philadelphia crlckot Club.
11 10 k in. chinnlnc Way. West Ch-3ter.
anu i w . ii 'iiwnsenii. i . nr i'.
11 11 a. m ! K. McPnrland. Weft Ches
ter Hnd c. i. Major. Old York noad.
It 2u a. m.-ll c. Tllllnphaat. Ililneld, and
P. M Currbr-. Bala.
11 2" a m H I.. It'dse, Burk County, and
Dr A !' Prey. Ph'lalelphla Cricket ('tub
11 '0 a m P '" Broun. Btverton. and M.
I Tnuner, rrnnkfnrd
II 'in a m Plivoo I Wntson, Buck Countv,
and ". H. Pepper. Philadelphia Cricket ciuh.
11 in a. m-P. P. Hnllunell. St Daild'a.
an ! F J. Pheble, Philadelphia Cricket Club.
11 41 a m -S. I.. Itldee. Buck- County, and
A. J rillmour, Frankfnrd.
11 .VI a. m -VV". I). Watson, Overbrook, and
J. 1 1 pnnahue, vVhltemar-h.
11 .1.1 a m. N. c. Huber, Merlon, and A.
I. Smith. Pine Vallov.
12 ii m -Ii. Wleer, IVUmlnpton, and C B
VVehnter. Jr.. P. of P
12 n.1 p m. VV II. Hatterson. Philadelphia
iVuntr Club, and c. K. lmucherts, St. Ia
Md 12 I" p m -VV. II. Itoberta, BiU, and J. S
It . phlla iflphla Cri, ket cjp
IJ 1.1 p m S Bolton. Prankford. and J
J Murine Huntlrirrdon Valley
12"JO p m - A. M. Wood. Aronimlnk, and
F. I. InKruham. St D.ivld'a.
12:21 p m I. VV. I.eierlne:. Ileldeld. and
A. VV ilrnvea. North IIIII
12'S0 p m P. A Chalmerp. Stentr.n. and
C. J. Hunter. Haddon Countrv club
12:3.1 t m P. H. Mnban. St. David's,
and J. M Thompann, Pprlntr Hnien.
12-40 p m It M. Siotier. Phllmont. and
12-I.1 p m Pnrev Thoma. Atlantic City
aDd c. it. Crooks. Wh!tem.irh,
P.'-.m p. m A. n. nrown. VVhltemarah.
and i: ' Grlfiltha. I.ar.sdr.wne
12:11 p m A. II Amen. Whltemar-h,
and .1, N Relher Atlantic City
1 p in. L. M Prhoeh, Philadelphia Coun
try Cluh. and II. lUrnahaw. Phlladelphln
Cricket Club
po.l p m J A. Slattery. Sa View, and
I. P IJIckey Phllndelphla Cricket ciub.
1-10 P rn - A B Sherlll HelHeld and
C. S- Martin. Philadelphia Cricket Club
1-.1 p in A F'irdeii Merlon, and J.
VV. f'nr.n Bon Air
1 I" p m K It. Perklna. Monrentoan,
i and .T Tl 1Vnerteen, Mooreinown.
12.1 n m--l Ft. I'lmer Moore-town, and
M c Brewer VIerchantvllle.
ISO p m M HlEirlna Stentnn and P
V Breltlnirer. Philadelphia frirket Club
1-S.1 p m -H S BlelilnK. Aronimlnk. and
II. P. Piher. Phllndelphla Cricket club
1 10 p ill C K liarrUnn. VVhltemarah.
and II IV Woi.d Old York Tload.
t 41 p rn W M Weaver. Pine Vajltv,
and H. B peet. Huntlnednn Valley
1-.10 p m IV S' Hackett. Merlon, and
VV M. Ilumphrey-i Jr. Philadelphia Cricket
I'M p m B, TC Winter, OierbrnoV, and
J H lUlnef, Spring Haien.
2 p. m I IV Turnhqll VVhltemarah. and
C W Zeckwer St Dai Id'-
S 01 p m J It nurbanan. Whltemarh.
and flenrc Ooebel Il-lfteld
2-10 p m B Satterthwalte, Aronimlnk.
and VV A TV'in HnrlnR Haven.
2-1.1 n m -C II Harnea. Pine Valley, and
W S. t'ni, Haddon Countrv Club
8 20 p m - J T niake. St David', and
fl VV I.ln.l.iy ArunlmtiiU.
2 21 n " R B Varnall Sprlne Ilaien
end I II Bhellei. Philadelphia Cricket Club
2 an p m -P I, Cnraon. plimnuih. and
VV II nilka. Philadelphia Crlck-t club.
2-M p m R H Denhurat, Huntingdon
V'llev and fl VV Klklnn Jr. Huntln-rdnn
2 pi p in J V rntth Merlen nnd J
W CleBB PWIadelphla fr k Cluh
2'41 p. in l A liUnn Ciibnial Oolf
I.Inka and I V Kteirna Sd . N'aisau
2rt n in w R Hharvrood Merlon, and
J w Bmie riverbrook
2 in i m I A M Curdv Overhrnek and
J. C Baker pl.lbulelphU Cricket Clijb
8 n m -II II Allen Columbia, anil n
U Pairhanka. Philadelphia Cuyntri Club
9 OS p in- 1 f Patterson. Philadelphia
rv.iinipv Ciuh and I f'ariv pine Vailev
310 om B T Allen, poj Hill, anil
JJ VV Clark M Philadelphia Oeimirv Club
a-2fi p m I B Colahan. Sd Phlladelnbla
Cricket flub and J A Janney. Jr.. Phila
delphia Crl, k" "luh
3'10 u m S I, .rnne Plymouth, and
J. C Ifaialer Ilunllnrdon Vailev
8"21 p m S II Carkran. SnrlnK Haven.
and 8. D Wright. Jr Aronimlnk
S-Xo p m W laeknon. PhlladelDhta
Crlrk-t Club, and c T Aaronean Mer
ebanivllle 3:30 p m B II. Shoemaker Jr. Hunt
Inrdnn Vailev and B ,I iclinnal 1. phlla
delDhla Cricket Club
3-10 p m J II Packard, ad . Huntlnednn
Valley, and rj J Cooke Philadelphia Cricket
3'H p ro A I Wbltaker Frankfonl.
end II. Klunn. Philadelphia Crl. kei Club
a Ml p m v i i-rice I'liiiadeipnia
Crleket riub. ad D Swope. Merchantvllie
3-54 p. in IJ. C M.-rall PblLidelphta
Country Club and VV K Yarrow Merlon
3 RR p m - B firo-hnllr, Bethlehem, and
J I Har. Whltemarab
4 02 p ml M Dirbv. Philadelphia
Crl. ket Club and C C Anderson Merchant
villa I nn p m P. P Kamerlv ir Whlte-mar-ih
and II A Beeven. Ir . Philadelphia
Crbkei Club
4-10 p m vv w H-imlltnn Whttemareh
and C 11 Krumbhaar. Jr. Philadelphia
Cricket Club
41S p m VV Potter Philadelphia Cricket
Club and A I. Crawford Aronimlnk.
4 20 p m I B c.rlhbel. Huntlnrdon. and
IV V. Roodman Philadelphia Cricket Club
4-2-1 p m A KlLon. Jr. Philadelphia
Crlcktt, ana 13. D. any, Huotlosdoa Valley.
4:30 p. m. A. McCartv, Merchantvllie,
and If Belfeader, tlueka County.
4:3.1 p. m. B P. Pomeroy. Sprlnnhaven,
and H N Tavlor. Phllndelphla Crlckej. Club,
4:40 p m A n tllbba, Hall, and E. H,
Jackeon, Plillsdelphla Cricket Club.
4 4.1 p. tn -A. I Taylor, Ilnddrn Coun
trv Club, nnd K M. Flnletter, Philadelphia
Cricket Club
4 in p. m A P. Slmmondf, Oierbrook,
and J. I.. Moore, Aronimlnk
4-1.1 p m. A. Cramer. Jr., Merchantvllie,
and I M. slmonln, Phllndelphlt Cricket
r. p. in--P. B Mlddlelnn. Jr., Haddon
Countrv Club, and J. I. Itnuers, Huntingdon
n-n.l p m A. I. Wheeler, St. Davld'e.
and .1. F Ilnllouell, old York Itoad.
1:10 p. tn -C P Buck, llelflelil, nnd J.
P Kur-itelner, Kntrletvood.
1:1.1 p. in ci T.Uer. Huntingdon, and A.
II Hlllot, Merlon
.1-20 p m P. J Itelllv, Bala, nnd B.
Sninler Hiiiitlnirdoti Valley.
.1:21 p in - P. Wltutert, Frnnkford, and
A. i:. Kenneilv. ,lr , Merlon
.130 p. in II DirrefT, Frnnkford, nnd
C. A Tome. Spring Hnien
,1:31 p m C VV Unrobe" Phnenlr, and
CI. II Patterson. Merchnntvllle.
B 40 n tn P II Miller. Hal, nnd VV.
M Pnnce. Frnnkford
1.41 p m H II. CornlMi. Arnnlmlnk. nnd
P II Hnllnn. Frankfnrd.
ii in p vn II I. Bui kill", Frnnkford. nnd
F. T Hurklu" Frnnkford
Fox Hills Expert's 75 Was
Best Score for 1 8 Holes in
Open Tournament of Phil
adelphia Golf Association.
H.Ihwii Muckli", Kux Hills Cotintiy
Club, led the field of uofeHonnH anil
nmatciirs at thv end of the moiiiitiK
round of elKhteen holes, in tho tivcltth
iinnunl open tournament of tin- I'hlla
ilelphla ; dr Association, nt the Whlte
mnrsli h y Country Club. Mncklo's
score fm the morninK round wns 75, and
his mnifiln ar leader vins nne stroke
only, ecnnd place, one ntroki behind
Mackle, belns held by .luck Campbell,
Did York Itoad, lender of the local en
trants. The el-ments were In favor of rlrst
class jtolf Hardly a br.ath of air htlncd
to curry drives nnd niashlc shots off tho
line, and the uieens were in llrit-class
condition. Joe Mitchell, Upper Mont
clalr. and Tom McN'nmaM. Boston, held
third place with u rcor- of 77.
Juck McPermott, Philadelphia, open
chninplnn ujion two occasions, Is well up
In the ll .Id with 7!., and .1. M. Hiirius,
VVhltemtir'ili, '.ne Western open clinm
plon, has the ume scene. Walter 11a
Reii, ltni-hestn, the Anierlciin opni
champion, could do no better than S3.
The tournament this year calls for 72
holes im-dnl play, and Is decidedly a bet
ter ti st than in previous ye.irs when th
prnitrum culled for ."6 holes otil.v.
Iraac Mackle. Fox Hllla
uut 1 r, ,-, 4 1 ( .1 4
Jtl . . .4 it 2 4 .1 : 4 4
Jack Campbell. I'ld York lload-
(lut .1 I ,1 I .1 3 I n
In 4 .1 3 4 4 I :i f,
doe autrneii, epper Mo-.tclalr
- s ri 4
4 4
rn ...-. A :l l
Tout McNamira, Benton -
tint 4 .1 .-. I .1 I r.
In 3 .1 3 4 .1 4 II
Jack M-Hrrniott Atl-intlc city Hi
J. VI li.-unri. Whlti-miirsh .T-
l.nula TVtlli-r Cnnil Brook 42
Andi c,i,nplll, prills Huii-n. .I1.
c.ei rge T. -iiijere. :iirlnn. ... .'Hi
C. II llnlfni r. mini!. i hid.... 4n
Timer I. ulni; Anola .... 3T
lVnnk sprnsell, Phllmont 11
Pre I .VIc...,, Column!-! 41
c XV. Hi' kne Pnccno .... 12
II VV. Hnirner uilnltrf'-hed. . . . II
It Hi-nt.-r vv lilt, iiinrah .. ..41
VV , linden. Hochcnter 42
Pan Kenne-. oiein 42
William llirne. St David's .. 41
Dr. Hlmnti carr. i'lne Valley 4:1
Oeorce A Crump. Pine Valley. 43
J. Niinei-llller, VVhltemarah. .. 44
Alec Slmpaon Wilmington.. .. 41
W -rnl-iun Plimmth 4H
Herhert Strnnr In'iood 4-.
llnri JerilH, Seal low 44
Jack Jnlli .S'ewark 12
Pren-h lork. I "a 4T
4 :nv 7-
.1 3' 7"
4-37 -71
In. Tottil
3.1 7-
IS i
Carl Ander-on New London... 4.1
J. li. iini-mi-y. ArnniminK . . 41
James It Thotnpvjn. Phlladel-
plila c-ountr- 40
llnnarl Jerl is. Seal lew . . 47
M A Puffl. Knirle-e N'oit. ft!; M. A firrer
Bala. 02. r. VV -nrTer. Bala n.1; II Itir
nett. Bal.i lid VV J Piatt Buck Hill Pill;,
P7. .lo ?il ta. '. ntun. m, Walter Ward
BaU. 10.1.
Hayes and Hendrens May Not Play '
Football This Season. i
Owlnt; to tno abs ne of Coach John-
son. onlv a .short football practice w.-n I
held by Northeast High yesterday. Cap. I
tain We. ib set the mvii to wm k tackling.
while a signal praetii e was also held. I
Clilellj kick and fornid-pai3 formation I
ensued. A flfteiin-mlnute KcrirnmiiKe was '
held betiieen the Vatelty and Sertihs, ,
in uhloli none of th- veteran touk part, i
It was learned that little hope Is en- '
tertaiiK-d that Hayes and Hendrens will
b" .iblo to play for Northeast this sa- I
v.n Hayes, last year't- ientre, was
stricken with typhoid and ha- on v an I
even chance of recovery. Ther.- is no
possibility of his returning to the same
Hendrens. who played fullback last yeai,
is back In his studies.
His Shooting Today Not Up
to His Usual Standard.
Gerstell Is Star of Westy
Hogan Organization.
ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 16,-Prcsent
ntnl fiast title holders were set In the
linrktrioitm! by the stellar performance of
itlchurtl UiTstell, of Grafton. W. Vn.,
who handed In a perfect score for the
first live events of 15 tnrBctn each, at
the Westy Hogim shoot todny. The Vlr
lllnlntt wns hardly lecoRtilzcd In the A
clasi before, the total proving another
surprise tn the Held. Henderson started
off in itrent fashion, euissIhk the first SO
blue rocks In u row. He missed two In
the fout th and finished btrnliiht on the
next trap. This placed him well up for
the money awards.
Charlie Newcomb, of Philadelphia, dis
appointed again today. He took a bad
.tnrt In the first event, letting three sot
out ot ral Ke. He terminated Ills round
In CS out of n possible 75.
William nidley, lown .State champion,
chipped 72 of his allotment of 75.
W. H. Hehm, champion shot In Penn
sylvania, broke 72. Hehm commenced
unsteadily In his round, but went out In
perleel i uns on the last sets.
Humor Claik, Knst Alton, Jll., and W. '
A. .loslyn. of Wilmington, Dol., tied for i
supremacy among the professional sot In
thu llrst live events. Hoth registered one
miss, ,n,d as a strange coincidence dropped
tho "bird" ln their last set, spoiling per
fect wins at tho very last moment. Mrs.
Harry Harrlholi. of Hochester, N. Y.,
cumpePd again today. She broke 6D In
her early rounds.
Gus Lembeck, of Joisey City, has set
up the best high run mark to tints. He
went down the lino breaking 09 straight
In competitions yesterday.
lh suii'in.iri !:. II. Htorr. 71; -P. E. It,
Sheldon. HI . VV. I). AppleRate OH; I., o.
Ill lunK ii.i; K. It. Slmner. If!. John Itebriir,
72. II r. Allyn, till; J G. Hand. 70: P. Cav
nn.iuali. ,vi VVm. MlitiKars. ill, !.. .S. dcrinnn,
"!' ".!' !' WnrtlilnBtmi. 72. O. VV. I.enibeck.
11. P. It. Stephenson. 7 : VV . M. Pord, 7n:
P J llnlohin. 71; Tl. V. Ilolohnn. cs; P.
Melius, mi. Ilnrt Lewie, 73; J. K Couta. 71;
Wni B.imninnd, 70, P. S. VV'rlRht nil, n. T.
I..Mhy, . l'i P. P. McMahan, 71); 'Homor
Clark, il. c. K. Moore. 71; it. K. 1'alnter. 0.1:
H. i: Brooka. Jr.. iw. It. clerstell. 7.1, Cooriti
Cochran, nx VV. S Bclim, 72, .1 C!. Martin.
i.'l. L. li VVon'in 71; II. 11 Hhoop, .l, u a.
lb rmld, L'i i: M Daniel, 73. i:. C. ilunther.
i,i, P. W. Sanford. n.1; III Hotchkl ,Vi;
Prank Jotie. 0,1, -ndivard Binlts. 7t; J. 11.
Mclu,:h, 7": N .1. MnttllcRH, fi2. J. M. Biffel.
12. c. VV. Sl.tj, .12: -J M llnwklns, 7(1: I), c
Peck. IS. J. N. CunnlnKhnni, 72. Tl. P. Brown,
nil, Prank lllllmejc-. iA. V. M. Patterson. .11;
W. II. Cochrane. 70. VV. Henilerun, 71; P. c.
Ivrch UT- C. l.ei'ointile. Cll .1. C ririmth ,!
VV i:. Crane. (1.1 K. F. Slear. (IS; w. B.
Seicrn, 71; It. fircennood, ,17. 13. O. Miller,
l'i, A. M Bennett, r.l; VV. II. McClarren. 01;
II II. Cool. mi. Dr. A. I.. Woscott. HI, C.eorce
Itnll. Hi. William I.ldley, 72; L. M. Pcathcr-
mi ni- o;'. iniiiri i rvvii". .'ii; i. n. Lonneili.
n.1. c VV. Blllmjer. 0.1. Albert Hell 71; c.
11. .Wivromb. lit; llard Ailam.. 73, O. L.
Lion. 70 II M. Wllllama, S; Jay Clark. Jr..
fi. 1 1. Bakeivell. M: K L. WlNon. 70; K M.
Trent, mi II M Winchester. 07; Harry Har-rl-nn.
70. VV. II. Denniitn. 12: lira. H-irrlann.
M; Itnhert Patterson C.I; -Walter Huff. :
J M. llirrett, 72; J. H Noel. a, VV1. P.
IMppus. 02. It II. Brunx, I!; VV. It. Daves,
IT. II. !:. Ilurkn-alter. OS. p ZleRlrr. 11; J.
c iiitterllm:. 03, (J Broun, 01; I, It. Tajlor.
i.'l. J. Vllnnlck lis. w. s. Jcnes. OS; -II L.
Kb.tr. l'i; i II McKcliev, ill, o. J Tuckett.
12. II. Dockerty. f..1; c B. Homer. 73, George
Cruhb. 71: P A. Selbcrt. '..
A. A. Somern. 73. r. M Kenna. 80. P. S
Ifnrrmnn. i.l, VV. T. Krlck, 117; J. J. ratten,
fl .Tn"k Heed. Kf, J. VV. Mnnn. isi; W. II.
HriMlnirer. 01. M. W. Heuiv, 4S. B. P Hemv,
it- I.. A. Chnmberlnln, OS Pr c c. Smith,
fi.l J I. Chlpley. 112: I Andrews. fl; C. T.
Hirtlc, 00 i:. o. Ford, . I. A. Depew. ifl;
It Artz, IS, J. c. Wynnknop, 02, .1. A, Broun.
411. L. c. Oundicher. on. II P stnpleMn.
B.1- IV. K. Corrllrld, 70; Kred Plum. 07. Ilaiold
Parent, Ml, P. P. Broun. .11 J. B Fount iln.
03, II n. Perrj'. 70, John Hbberte. f,0. John
L. BliKlert, 00. O. H. Dlcke, 70; "T. H.
Keller, Jr., 02. -.Neap Ansar, 72. "Sim Co r.
07; . c. Pamum, Mi; K . Wainn. 4S. John
II Hell. 01: T. II. Pox, r,s, Joseph Oroies,
00; J. P. Kane. .11. Harold chaffei, .10; J.
VV. Ijiwn-nce, O; K. H. f-prlnser. .11. C IJ.
Hurff (H: Harrv Pre. in, c. II Jenklni. 71;
Walter Firth, .12. P. B. Keenan 00, It. A
Hull, 02. L. VV. Puffenh .riser. 02. C. M.
Hrownell. Su. M. r Miller, 4fi. .1 P. Cope.
17. P. H. TYimlln. 7o. c. ll Piatt, 00. J. 11.
Ilatich. CH; ,v. V. P.irvuiiH. W. c. Vnn Ileh
.rke, 00. ll. It. Jtlsh. 1, Is A MrAlonan. 11.
lid. Hatlleld. OS. L. A Miller, Is. It O. Pell.
r.P. S. M. Crothern, .17. A. L. Anamon, c, h.
V.. Phurt. 54.
clrand total, 17.1 taisets -P. II. Storr. 101;
P ll. II Sheldon, lis, VV. H AppleKBta. ll-;
L. il Itlclmrd". Hit, K ll. Slinner, 132. John
ItihilB. 107. II i. Vllyn. 1.11. J O. Hund
in';. P. Cavanauch. 121. William SluiKari. 13'':
L. S. Clerrr.nn. it',2- -II. I. Wnrthlnston, 170.
II. VV. Lnmhuik. 1.10. P 11 Mtephen'on 101.
VV. M. roord. Vi ! J. Ilolohan. 101. -G K.
Hol'.hnii. PV1- P. Melius 141 ll-irt I-ivla. US.
J P duty, H.I. W. M Ilauimnnl 1.13 P S.
Wrlcht, U'.l: IJ. T. Leahy. ISO, D P. Me
Vlahan, l:i; -Homer Clark 173 C P Moore,
1HI. c). n. P.ilnter, 1.11: II P. Brooks. Jr ,
1.13 It. ClerKtell. 107. (Iconic Cochran. I .HI. VV
.-. II. hm. tos. J t: vtnrtln. 141 L B. Wnrden.
lOil, II II. Hhoop, 1,17. I J. A. Herrold, IW. K.
M. Dar.lel. 107. 1. c ilui ther. l.'w. B VV.
runlonl. 1.12: Edward lint -liklll, 143. Prank
Jones 14"., 'IMivnrd Banka P.2. J B Mi Hugh,
ir.S V. J MntheWR. Hn J M. ltltfel. ll. C.
VV Mni. 117, -J M Haukins, 100 i, n.
T'c.k 141; J N CunnliiKliam 101. It P.
Lr.mn, ll: Frank lllllnn-vci. lfO. I' VI But.
lera,i. 112 VV . M Coi lirnne 111 VV llendi-r-on.
171. I". C Koch, Lid "C ll leci,in:,le
l',-i J c. Orlfflth 107 VI H Crane 14.
I P Sl.ar IW. VV B .-'ciiin, 101 II C,ren
nn,d. PIS II l!. Miller U7 A M Bflinett.
117 W It McClarrm. I l'i 11 P. i onk 1.'2:
Dr. A L Wcitcoit lis Gcorire ltd), tr.7,
William Itldlei, 101 L. M l ,thersi ne. 113.
Coach Brooke Keeps the
Candidates Hustling in
Morning and Afternoon
Practice on Franklin Field.
Belmont Park Itsults
Pirjt rve for 3-vear-ol Ii nnd up. ! n.'
Ci furlnnjr Jtralglit--Iteybourn. 10.1 iriumfrj,
7 to io. out, won: Water Welle., 112 nun.
well,, II to i. 2 to 1. out, lecond, yell m
Eiea, no rMcCahey). 7 to 3, 7 to 10. out.
third. Tune, I. Is. Onli three starters.
Si . nnd lace, for maiden fllllee and eetdlnx" 2
year olas, SVi furlomts Royal Martyr, 10s (Me-Cal-.eji.
1 ipS. out, v. m. Ithlnnrailden. 10i
mleward) 12 to I. 1 to 2. I io 1, round.
Mlnat.-el 104 (.VlrTajrjartl. to 1 2 it 1. 7 to
10. thlrt. Time. 1 ij. He. Will, Plerretti and
Slumberer aln ran.
Third race, Vasiau. for 3-ar.old and up
mlllnc. mile M'-ntr'aor. 103 (Sumteri 7 to '.fl
om iron. Bae. 1i CB'tonj. I". i 5. out.
"nond Iluiiiillailnn, su iCainpbelli. f.1 to 1
4 t i 1. nut, third. Time. I HJ.J, Buthnveii
aleo ran
Kour'h race, for 3-.'enr-nl la an I ur ielilnir
fi furl nies. main coure-Mr Knlirea 'iT iSten
ardi, 2 to. 1 T to to. 1 to 3 won Be. loT
(M'ihe. 10 tn I. I in 1, s io fi, eecond
perthahlre 110 ifiulneili. 2 to I, T to li 1
to 1 ihlnl Time 1.111-1 Mars V arren Car
r'll Bald ant Klla IIron uln, ran.
Plfth race, (or 4-ar-oMs and up e'eeplo
chae aelllnif. about 2 miles Aitute 112
binniet 112. Prl Kr.en 112 lllirhbrtdse
lfO Osers-er. IT.', SieMh. 132. ltttn.l Pa. -leee.
Slth r.,ce. for 2-ycar-old maiden, lelling
1 furlnnica atraleht -Itniemarlne. 101 Mary
lund Ulrl, M, 'Sluniberer, fifl, fKllla ,Iennlni;.
Ui2 IlurKi. 10). 'Iliby Cole 00 Aimlgev.
let All Smllea. 111. usaary MuM. Kit
Appreniiee alloanc clulmed Weather
clear; track fait.
Doi-val Park Entries for Tomorrow
First race, aelllnr 2 ) tar-old maldem. puree
IStin. .1 furlonsa -Broi Creea. 07, lUber
daaher. 102; Anna Iloee. 102. Schnappa, 102,
Pll Piper. 103; Clanley, 103
'ond rare seiiitiB, 3-ar oldn and up
puree $100 5V, furlnncs 'Samh HI -nu-
?nm. 102. Buhvet, 102, clu,rK Broun,
02, Cap NeUon IU7. Nada Ma IU7; Aurl
ftc. 112. Ala.. 107
Third race aeilintr. for 3-year-olda and cp,
purra SnO. 514 furlonirn--'fluraar. 80; Ml.
liar Harbor. 102, Malik 101. Lambs Tail
to.1, ripohn. 107: Mcl'llnUvk. 107. Pao, 112;
King Htaluart, 112.
Fourth race. Quebec- stakea. 41100 added,
for 3-ear-old and up. one mile--Angle 1
1U2. The Hplrlt. 10.1; I'rtiet Petal, 110.
Pterne. U4, Llndmita, Ul.
Fifth r.ce. eelllnic for 3-yeur-olda and up
purae r,00. 1tfi furlongs Lena vel. 102; Ar
ran. 102. Spirit. I"'.'. Cruielle, 102, Henotle.
107. Sackvioth. 112. Mlnitra. 112
Slkth ruun. eilllnic. lor 4-ear-oIda and up
Dur.e floo. 0 furlones I'amnlnnt, 107;
1 I.-.rd Wellea 110: Pontefract. 112; Au.ty
coat. 112. springm.a 11-', Amoret. 11-.
Itentente. 112. illdaeland. 113. Armor. IIS.
Seventh race, avlllne. lor 3-year-nlda and
up purse fioo. mile and 70 yards 'Bundle
of Itam-a, 31 Serslrence III -Kurd Mai. lol
Oerrard. 101; Idy Bankln 109, Wilfred
Cerdes. loS Kuterpe. 117, llama. Ul
Apprentice ulloHance claiiuKl Wsather
clear, truk f..t.
Yesterday's Results.
Athletics. 3 New York. 1.
Detroit. 2; Cleveland, 1.
Iloston, 3 Vtaebincton, 1.
Tomorrow's dames.
.Vtlilctln nt Iletrolt
VVasbliiKtoii ut St. Txinls.
Huston at Cleveland.
Neil Vnrk at tblraitn.
Club Standing,
w. i, p r vr. l p.c.
Atlibllrs.. B 40 .1117 Chicago . 03 03 .477
Boston .. 70 K3 ..19S ! I.nuis 13 72 410
Iletrolt . 72 il3 .133Vevi Vnrk 00 7.1 .444
VYitkh. ng'n OS 113 IPJClei eland 43 01 .321
Yesterday's Results,
Philadelphia, 4; Nrn York, 3.
Pittsburgh 0; Clin Innotl. 0
Huston, 7: Brooklyn. 5
Tomorrow's Games.
I'lttuburgli at Philadelphia.,
(hliucu at HruoklMi.
st, Louis ut llnstoii.
rinrlnnall at Nrn York.
Club Standing,
iv 1. p c TV. I. P.O.
llo.ton . T.I M 177Plttb'gh d2 08 477
New York 72 !' 110 PlilU (It 71 .402
hi. I,o lis 7102 134 Brooklyn 173 443
Cblcaro 7103 180 Cincinnati Bel 75 .427
Yesterday's Results.
(blruiro, fl; I'ltlsburxb. 0.
lluMulu I; SI. Louis. 0.
Indianapolis. Ut Brooklyn, 2.
Baltimore, 11; Kansas City, S.
Tomorrow's Oames,
Kunsas fit at Baltimore.
t lib ago ut Pittsburgh.
Indianapolis ut Brooklyn.
St. l.oule at Buffalo.
Club Standing.
VV L P C Vf. Ie p c.
Indian'olls 74 RO .1.10 Buffalo. 00 113 .112
Chli.ico 74 .10 .ISO Kan City 2 .473
Baltimore 9 IVI 131 St. Louis. 18 74 .439
Brooklyn 07 02 .110 Plttsb'gh 12 7a 401
Yesterday's Results.
Montreal. 7: Toronto, 2.
lunulii. Bl Itoi'bester. 4.
Providence. 4s N'y .
Jersey Clty-Bulllmore
(not scheduled).
Club Standing.
Bochester SB 17 Ool Toronto.. 6 0 .807
Provld'cs.. S 6 .137 N'ewark .. 2 J 448
Buffalo. S3 58 508 Montreal. 87 S3 JOT
Ilaltlmor.. 1 T SU Jer City. 48 Sit
Scelback, Inst year's basketball cap
tain nnrl end on Hie Pennsylvania football
team, lias reported. He Is In great shape
and pounds heavier. Last year he suffered
from a broken shoulder which kept him
out most of the year. IJarrlnu another
such accident he will be a strong citndl
datu for tho Penn eleven.
Yv'ray, star lineman of last year's fresh
man team, also made his nppsarance, and
was sent to "Ily" Dickson as an end
possibility. He weighs 160 pounds and Is
extremely sivlft-footed
"Vlo" Ilallou, last year'n scrub quarter
back, got out his togs nnd made his Initial
showing of the season. Jones also was
among tho day's arrivals. He has beon
summering at a Maine camp. Ho played
a splendid lino plunging game last yoar on
tho scrub cloven. He Is a half-back pos
sibility. The squad was put through practice
both In the morning ntnl tiftrnoon. It
Is evident lhat Coach JJrooka Is not
going to leave a thing undone to mnkp
It 11 winning season. Hrooke continued
his practice of the day before, giving tho
backs rudimentary practice In running
with the ball, laying particular emphnsls
on the handling of the plgnkln. Among
tho candidates .lones, Mathews, Hughes
nnd Tlgh gave good promise. "By" Dick
son continued his training of the ends.
It Is evident from the number of men
assigned to him that his work of filling
in the wings lc a hard one. Wray and
Tarter displayed good speed for their
size. Murdock Is back and after his old
plnco. He has gained 10 pounds and has
Improved In speed. Big Koons Is also
ln good condition. Urquhart and Oott
wals did some great work In handling
forward parses.
Despite the fact that the freshman call
has not been sounded, the yearllgs con
tinue to appear.
Continued from Tag 1
bai-eball star, and Slglln and McAulcy,
two new inllelders, made a line Impression
by their work.
The game was a listless affair, the
Pirates playing a miserable game In
tho field, which allowed the Phillies to
pile up a commanding lead. After Cooper
retired, however, Conzclmnn held the
Phillies down, and got even bettor sup
port than his predecessor. Lobert drew
a pass In the first and was caught at
second by Kelley, who muffpd Becker's
easy fly. Magee's single sent Becker to
third, and he scored on Cravath's sacri
fice fly. Singles by Pahkert and Kllllfcr,
with two errors by Vlox, netted the Phil
lies two runs In tho second, nnd they
got three more In the third on singles
by Byrne and Martin, Paskert's double
nnd two more errors. Conzelman let
them down with three, hits In the last
five Innings and only one man reached as
far as third.
Carey was tossed out by Martin. Slg
lln died, llixey to Magco. Kelley out,
Byrne to Mngee. No runs, no hits. .
Lobert walked. Kelley muffed Beck
er's fly, but saved himself an error by
throwing to Vlox In time to get Lobert
at second. Magee Flngled to, centre,
sending Becker to third. Cravath's sac
rifice Ily to Carey scored Becker. Cooper
threw Byrne out. One run, one hit.
Vlox was safe on Byrne's fumble. Ko
netchy singled to right. Wagner singled
to left nnd on Becker's fumble Vlosc
scored. Martin threw Schceran out.
Gibson lilt to Martin, who caught Ko
netchy at the plate. Byrne threw Cooper
out. One run, two hlta.
Paskert singled to centre. Martin filed
to Carey. Paskert stole second. Killefcr
singled to right, Paskert scoring. Hlxey
was safe at first on Vlox's fumble, and
when Vlox throw wild Klllefer scored.
Lobert forced Rlxey, Wagner to Slglln.
Lobert died stealing, Gibson to Slglln.
Two runs, two hits.
Carey popped to Magee. Martin threw
Slglln out at first on a fast play. Kelley
fanned. No runs. No hits.
Becker bunted and was safe on Cooper's
wild throw. Mngee filed to Kelley.
Cravath walked. Byrno singled to left,
scoring Becker. Paskert douhled to cen
tre scoring Cravath and Byrne, and when
h tried to score on Vlox's wild throw he
was out at the pUte, Gibson to Cooper.
Martin singled to right and went to sec
ern! on Hcheeran's fumble Killefcr filed
to Kelloy. Three runs. Three hits.
Viox out. Martin to Magee. Konetcrfy
beat out an Infield hit. Wagner popped
to Mng&a. Schceran singled to right,
Konetchy going to third, the batter tak
ing second on the throw. Martin tossed
out Gibson. No runs. Two hits.
MoAuley went to short tnd Contelman
to pitch for Pittsburgh. Wagner robbed
Rlxey of a hit by a great stop and
throw. Lobert filed to Slglln. Becker
singled to right. Becker stole second.
Magee lined to Slglln. No runs, One hit.
Byrne threw Conzelman out; Rlxey
threw out Carey; Slglln walked; Kelley
forced Slglln. Martin to Byrne. No runs,
no hits. ....
Cravath safe on McAuley s fumble;
Wagner's throw to Konetchy beat Byrne;
McAuley threw Paskert out; Martin went
out tho same way. No runs, no hits.
McAulcy holstc-d to Paskert. So did
Konetchy. Wagner sent a long drive to
Paskert. No runs. No hits.
A quick throw by Viagner rllred
Kllllfor. Rlxy filed to Kelley. Slglln
threw Lobert out. No runs. No hits.
Hcheeran tripled to right. Gibson sin
gled to centre, scoring Scheeran. Conzel
man forced Olbson, Byrne to Martin.
Carey forced Conzelman, Martin unas
sisted Byrne's throw to Magee beat Slg.
Iln. One run. Two hits.
Brcker beat out an Infield grounder.
Magee hit into a fast double play, Klglln
to MoAuley to Konetchy. Cravath got
two bases on Kelloy's muff. Byrne filed
to Kcheeran. No runs. One hit.
Martin grobbed Kelley's liner with one
hand. McAuley struck, out. Konetchy
fanned No runs.
Paskert singled to center. Martin
fouled to Olbson. Paskert died stealing,
Gibson to Slglln. Kllllfer fouled to Gib
son. No runs, one hit.
Becker made a good Jumping catch of
Wagner's drive near tho bleachers.
Schceran struck out. Gibson filed to
Paskert. No runs. No hits.
Committee to go Ahead and
Form New League in Ad
dition to Established One
of Last'Year.
Instead of reorganizing the German
town Basketball Leaguo this year, a com
mittee, consisting of. ndward n. Bushncll,
George Crawsliaw and tho club superin
tendents, was appointed to organize an
other church league, whoso -membership
should be composed entirely ot German
town churches. Second Presbyterian has
Joined this league, and ns noon as It Is
generally known a number of other
churches aro expected to enter.
An Intermediate league, to be composed
of teams whose players uro over 14 years
of age nnd under 18 years of ago, will
bo organized nnd play on Saturday after
noons. Teams desiring to enter this
leaguo should oddresB tho supeilntendont
of the club.
Tho Junior Leaguo of the Germanto'wn
rtnl'S' Cltlh Will nnon lt Itfl, aAn.nt. -i-
tober fi. Tho following teams will maka
up tnc circuit:
Kavaho, Mohawk, Soneco, Seminole,
Cherokee, Cheyenne, Dakota nnd Irquols.
All plnyers In this league must weigh
under 100 pounds. The scheduled games
will be ployed between J nnd 8 p. ni.
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
The Junior Germantnwn Church Ath
letic League Is being organized and tettms
nre promised from Wcstslde, Inst year's
champions; Wukelleld, SL Stephen's nnd
Second Presbyterian. It Is also expected
that First Presbyterian will enter n
Arrangements have been mado with
Northeast Manual Training High School
for Its team to practice and play nil
home games In thn otnh nn u... 1
other schools arc negotiating for tho use
01 uie cage during the afternoon hours.
Tho Athletic council of the German
town Boys' ClUb helll n inenllno- n.,.1 .11-
cussed plans for tho basketnnll season
.Hum iu open, ine plans about to be
developed arc to organize six leagues, ns
The Germantown Church Athletic
League, which was so successful lust
year. Will be rnnllnnml nlnn. i-.. ,1
t ... ' - """11. menu III1V.
There will be one change In the circuit,
uuiuimo inning 1110 place of Trinity
Lutheran. The other teams In the league
nre Wakefield, Thlid B. ptlst. St
Stephen's, Wcstslde, Murket Square, St.
Michael's and First Presbyterian
The Northwest League wlil be reorgan
ized, mid a meeting for this purpose
will bo held Wednesday, September 23,
nt S o'clock. Teams desiring a place In
this leaguo should address Charles W
Balnbrldge, Jr., 23 West Penn street'.
Germantown, or phone Germantown 215o!
Snm Laiigford Held to Draw
BOSTON, Sept. 1G.-A fust finish In the
flnnl six rounds ennblcd Sam L.mgford
the Boston Tar Baby, to get on evcti
terms with Battling Jim Johnson In a
12-round fight here last night. John
son started with a rush, anil looked llko
the winner up until the half-way point,
but from there on Langford had the
better of the going.
Tiger Players Win All
Three Games in Morning
Round of Intercollegiate
Tennis Tourney at Merion
Cricket Club.
Gibbons to Fight Clnbby
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15. Jimmy
Clabby. who made n great showing In
the fights he had In Australia, Is on his
way back to America and Is due here In
ten days. Immediately tinoti bis nrriv.il
Jimmy Coffroth, of Trlsco, and Tom
McCarey, of I,os Angeles, will mako him
an offer to flsht Mlko Gibbons.
HAVERFORD, Sopt. lfc-Throe matches
In tho second round of tho Intercollegiate
tennis championship tournament In
progress hero today ended with brilliant
vlotorlcs for a trio of Princoton Univer
sity players, tho contcsti ending shortly
after noon on tho splendid turf court of
tho Morion Cricket Club with George M.
Church, A. M. Kidder nnd L. Vandevan
dor victors.
Princeton now looms up strongly as a
contondcr for the point In the singles, but
tho Crimson havo Richard Norrls Will
lams, 2nd, In tho running, and he Is
counted upon to dupllcnto his feat of list
year when ho won tho championship title
Wllllama wns drawn to play Richard
Harto, Huntington Valley Country Club
also from Harvard, In tho second round
of play today, but this match was held
over until tho afternoon. So the naml
final brockets will seo thrco Tigers and
ono Crimson ptayor still In tho race, wltli
a narvnru man ana a Princeton expert
likely to meet In tho final round.
Churoh had all bo could handle In his
match with W. 8. MoEIlory, the brilliant
Western Pennsylvania star. McEllory, a
votoran of tho present tournament season
lost tho first set six games to ono, but he
mado a great rally ln the second set, and
though Church won seven games to five
It was not without tho stlffest opposition
on thn part of tho Pittsburgh player
Church showed flashes of championship
style, and Is a favorlto to glvo Wllllama
a good battle In tho final ove.nt.
L. Vandovander. another brilliant
Ptlncoton plnyer, showed his best tennis
of tho tournament when ho defeated Ber
nard C. Law, a teammato and local youth,
ln two sots. Law did some wonderful
work In tho first cot, which want to Van
dovander seven to five In the second sot
Vandovander let loose, and with a display
of tennis which fairly dazzled the spec
tators, ho defeated Law by six gome to
ono In quick order. ,
Play In tho dotiblco started, and ns
Harto and "Williams were paired they
did not meet In their singles match.
Three matches were plnyed before lunch
eon nt the club. Wllllnms and Harte met
the Haverford College pair, Allen and
Gummoro, and disposed of this team In
short orcler without losing a game. J.
S. Dlsston, Jr.. nnd Joo Rowland, Jr., thn
Penn team, defeated Wolkcl nnd Hallett,
of Haverford, ln two sets.
Ono of the best matches In the dou
bles was played between Captain Albert
n. Kennedy, Jr., of Penn, nnd his part
ner, Joo Reploglo, who opposed Doyle
nnd Koenlgcr, the Dartmouth College
team. This was a thrilling three-set
match. In which Kennedy nnd Replogle
won the first set six games to four, lost
the second set by similar scores after
many brilliant rallies, nnd then captured
the third set, seven games to five. Thn
result ot this match was In doubt until
tho very end, when tho Red nnd Blue
players pulled through with n spurt.
Tho tummarles:
Championship singles, second round George
M, C'hiirrh. Princeton 1'nlicrHllv, defeated VV
H. Mcnilroy. University of Pittsburgh, 0-1. "-."!,
A. M. Klchlcr, Princoton University, dcfcatnl
J. R. Pronn, Harvard, n-1, 7-H: I Vande-
under, Princeton, defeated Bernard C. La
Prl.ictton, T-.'i, 0-1.
Championship ilnublea. preliminary round
Ulcnarrt N. Williams, 2J, and Richard Harte,
Harvard, defeated VV J! Alln nnd Oummere,
Haverford. 0-0. 0-0: Captain Cunningham ai I
Ftodilnrd. Vnle. non 110111 Ilcnton ami Herd,
Cornell, by default: A. E. Kennedy, Jr., and
J. lU-ploafe, Unlvorelty nt Pennsylvania, de
feated Doyle nnd Kocnlger. Dartmouth, Ci-I,
4-0. 7..',.
First round J. P. Dieston. Jr.. and Joe Row
land, Jr., University nf Pennsylvania, defeated
Welliel and H.illett, Haverford, 0-.1, 6-3.
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The HUDSON Six-40 for 1915 weighs 2,890
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