Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Sports Final, Image 1

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    "' ,JI 1J
VOL. I-NO, 3
""- TTT-- Hi i . .. .
David C, owned by D. Cromley, won the first heat In the Class D event for pacers at the Road Drivers' matinee, held at Belmont Park, this afternoon.
Nina B., owned by James Bell, finished second, while Polly S., with W. C. Brawley driving, won the third honors.
Washington Party Commit
tee Disregards Judge
Brumm's Warning That
Progressives Prefer Brum
Flinn's Argument Outweighs
Schuylkill Jurist's and Demo
crat Is Placed at the Head of
Pittsburgh, 0 10 0 0 0 10
Phillies., r. v.... 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0
R. H. E.
x 6 9 2
Batteries Cooper and Gibson; Rixey and Killcfer.
Umpires Eason and Quigley.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
Brooklyn 0 1 6 0 0 0 0
0 2
x 7
6 2
9 2
Batteries Lavender and Archer; Allen and McCarty.
Umpires Klem and Emslie.
IIARRISBPRG, Sept. 16. Vance" C. Mc
Cormlck, Democratic candidate for Gov
rnor, became tlio Washington party
Cdndldatc for the same office today by
tctloti of the Washington State Com
mittee meeting In Chestnut Street Hall.
The occasion brought together almost
11 the 113 committeemen and twice as
many spectators. Many Democrats from
this city and State headquarters weie
it the meeting.
Lewis addressed the committee after
he had filed liia withdrawal at the State
Department. His appearance was greeted
with great applause. As long ago as
last Julv he bald he began to incline to
ward wlthdi awing In order to "unlto
the foic's of good government." At
that time he (.ought Colonel Roosevelt
nd obtained his "approval of Lewis' Im
mature plans. Lewis warmly endorser!
McCormlck for (invernor.
As soon as Dr. Lewis reached the city
he went direct to the Capitol and formally
withdrew as a candidate. Then went be
fore the committee and made formal an
nouncement of his course. He laid three
letters before the committee his own
withdrawal and letters exchanged by him
nd McCotinlck last month.
Dr. Lewis said ho believed his with
drawal was approved by an "overwhelm
ing majority" of hla followers. IIo ashed
the substitution of McCormlck but said
there mum bo no deal whatever about
the other places on the ticket.
Lewis' inter to McC'oimlck was writ
ten Auiriut H In It he said ho felt Mc-J-ormlck
and himself to bo in accord on
the destruction of the corrupt political
machine" In control of the Stute govern
ment and that as "the forces of evil" are
united "the forces for regeneration"
ought not be divided. Lewis, In his letter,
j u not definitely offer to withdraw, nor
um Mccormick's reply specify who
should quit.
Mccormick replied that he felt he was
m iTty ftecori1 with Lewis' views, and
aid that "the progtesslve forces of our
ams should be united, but any such
union must have behind it the enttuibl
"tic endorsement of the rank and file"
of both parties.
"iltteemun Bcofleld, of Philadelphia.
jnocd that thu convention accept Lewis'
"commendation to nominate McCormlck.
Lik .'"" of Montgomery, counseled
otilDeralloii. k.ivi., n,r i.. c ,....
J-ountry many Washington party men ore
,,?.1 sasfied to have a Democratic can
uiaate He viewed tho Indorsement of
. ormlck as simply handing over tho
j, a mac,'lnery to the Democrats.
a.tl. narIes ' Brumni, of Schuylkill,
h!!f . by wls for tho Gubematoitttl
nomination labt May. expressed regret
inat Lewis had withdrawn and that he
riiJV!1 con3uled the State Executive
committee before withdrawing
i.iJum5?. praUed McCoimlck highly, but
ou.il ". .nu,st not surrender Ignominl
v.ni ?t"1 that "tne PeUlo of Pennsyl.
tinn,i . ' near '"t to certain na.
tlm... .S.ues that confront us at this
m", "e added that the Democrats
ronrt .i.a.kf. some aet,on allowing their
enert i-, V or McCormlck will be weak
wlii . . ,,er h3lf ttla Progressive voters
vol ?, n0,e .ut "" or else Mey "
oie for Drumbaugh
not.wH1 Mcl'o"nlck nominated, but do
mu V,1,,"0-;'. He !,4ld' " the Demo-
VnlteH b. r"thUraw thclr candidate for
oiled " Senator this problem Is
Br,Umma.PiPlaus9 brok ut at this, and
Poitnonoi Cn ,movt,J tna ",e matter be
tWin,1 "nl" aother meeting, not fur-
Win. n J ueeH, hence.
n en''"',,?,'' tala tl,lU '" ' "est
un",""' V ''" ' Piuctlcally
Leu ai ,1 I". Mttlclv to succeed
'd "don tPd'ker "Ut Umt eVer' 0,le ha
h- f" '' Patriotic 4'XJlnnl mihv
St. Louis 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Boston l o 0 0 2 0 0 3
Batteries Perritt and Snyder; Tyler and Whaling.
Umpires Hart and Rigler.
03 9
x 6 10
Cincinnati 0 0
New York 5 0
0 0 0
0 0 2
0 1
x 8
Batteries Ames and Gonzalez; Demaree and Meyers.
Umpires O'Connor and Byron.
Chicago 0 00100000
St. Lous 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Batteries Scott and Schalk; Hamilton and Agnew.
Umpires Evans and Sheridan.
R. H. E.
Bankers Discuss Projects In
volving Billions of Dollars
for Successful Accomplishment.
One Contemplates Government's j
Taking Securities Held Abroad,
the Other Looks to Formation
of Individual Pool.
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Batteries Wolfgang and Huhn; Leverenz and Agnew.
Umpires Evans and Sheridan.
Chicago 0
St. Louis 0
Detroit 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 1
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 10 1
Batteries Oldham and McKee; Carter and Bassler.
Umpires Egan nd Dineen.
0 8 13 2
Eppa Rixey Credited With
Second Victory of Season.
Final Score Was 6-2.
Cooper Driven From Box.
uAe..a ho'nie influence In
lm, le-.aW . "W h-ve
""nick at on.
V to make iirkm.
some Mimr.
four weeks
'anted ;,.. .Kp.,s-'' H'8 en" Pech
C'ornVi.I0,?a"1 ,h nomliutton ot Mc
AH. R. BH. PO. A. E.
Lobort. 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0
Hecker. If a 2 1 0 I
Magee, lb 4 0 I 13 0 0
Cravath. rf 2 10 0 0 0
Byrne, !b 4 1 1 1 B I
Paskert. cf 4X3400
Martin, ss 4 0 13 7 0
Killcfer, c 4 4 16 0 0
Rixey, 1 3 0 0 0 3 0
Totals 82 6 2T 14 8
AB, R. BH. PO. A. B.
Carey. If 4 0 0 2 0 0
Blslln. 2b 3 0 0 6 2 0
Kelley, cf 4 0 0 3 11
Vlox. ss 2 10 10 3
McAuley, ss 2 0 0 13 1
Konetchy. lb 5 0 2 8 0 0
Wagner. 3b 3 0 10 4 0
Scheeran, rf 4 12 10 1
Gibson, C 4 0 12 3 0
Cooper, p 1 0 0 t 1 1
Conzelman, p 2 0 0 0 0 0
Af.- .,;: r"
bI motion r" spm'h' i!'nm withdrew
CK was namri), b- rpU?q,
Totals 31 2 6 24 14 1
Phillies 12 3 0 0 0 0 0 x-6
Pittbburgh 0 1 0O00 100-2
Stulen base-Paktrt. Ilecktr. TT-o-bae hit
-l'tthkcrt. Three-tao hlt-Hchferan BtruW
out-H RUev. 4 Double pUy-Slglln to Mc
Auley to Konetchy. Sacrlnc rt t'ravain
lki.j m ball-prr Jtiie. I; olt Cbopr. i.
Illu nroiiortloiiil On Cooper. 6 In 3 Innings,
off Cunxelman. In 3 IrnlniM. Time of aume
I hour and 40 mlnutea Umpircj fcaion anj
16.-Kppa Rixey, tho elongated left-hander
of the Phillies' pitching staff won hli ec
on 1 game of the seaaon today when he
beat the Pittsburgh Pirates In the open
Ins game of their final series hero by
a score of i to 2. Rixey showed better
form today than he has since Joining the
club this year and held Pittsburgh safe
all tho way
Martin's error gave the Pirate their
rlrst run, and Scheewn' triple, followed
by Gibson's single, earned the second
one. Sclueran, the Lafayette footbtll and
Concluded ea Fax 19
Stockholders' Meeting Re
frains From Action On
Proposals Looking to Im
provement of Service.
The stockholders of the Union Traction
Company, at their annual meeting this
noon, took no action whatever on the
proposed transit agreement between the
city and the Philadelphia Rapid Transit
Company, as the reult of protests filed
with President Jeremiah J. Sullivan of
the company by a committee headed by
James C. Balfour and J nines M. Fogel
sanger, representing a majority of the
The meeting was held at the Eighth
and Dauphin streets offlces of the Phila
delphia Rapid Transit Company and pre
ceded the annual meeting of the latter
After minor routine matters had been
disposed of, and Just before the elec
tion. It was unanimously decided to
transact no other business after the re
port of tho tellers had been made What
little opposition there was to this action
was stifled, and the few stockholders
who favored heeding Director Tayloi'a
threat to push tho rapid transit program
on a basis that would iguora the Union
Traction Company, did not vote.
J. E. Buckman acted as chairman of
the meeting and William J Shields sec
retary. The annual reports woie read and
approved, and then amendments were
adopted changing the provisions for the
transfer of stock and tho time for mak
ing public the annual statements.
The following directors wre te-elected
for the ensuing year, the total vote cast
being 341.92) shares- J. J Sullivan,
George AV Elklns, Robert A Balfour.
T. E. Mitten. James II lia, Charles H.
Herd. C. A McManus, John 11 Chestnut,
William P. Datz, Jacob S Disston. Hemy
Fernberger and Edward M Storej.
Director Talor this afternoon would
not discuss the action of the Union Trac
tion Company In disregarding the transit
situation "I have received no oflicial in
formation about the meeting," said tho
director, "and cannot Issue a statement
until I have been informed officially of
what was done."
A committee of Union Traction stock-
Caacluded on Page f
Bankers In this city learned lato this
afternoon of two distinct propositions
liqw itnd?r wivy for fceljef ot tW financial
situation and the consequent early re
opening of tho Stock Exchanges of tho
country, which, because of tho European
war situation, have been closed blnco
July 30.
Both have to deal with the purchase
of American securities held In foreign
countries. The question of how properly
to deal with this situation so as to pro
vent heavy selling of these securities in
American markets once the exchanges
are ofllclnlly open, la one that has wor
ried financiers for more than a month.
And upon Its solution depends entirely tho
future of this country's Investment
Of tho two schemes proposed, the one
which now has the widest discussion Is a
plan to have tho United States Govern
ment buy ull American securities owned
abroad, which may bo offered for sale
dining tho CO days next succeeding Oc
tober 1, nt prices to bo agreed upon later,
and to have the Government pledge these
securities as collateral for an Issue of 10
year bonds, maturing serially. One-tenth
of such collateral is to bo told each year
to provldo for the pajment of these bonds.
Tho other plan, which Is said to be
under consideration, Is to organize a gi
gantic pool representing at least $1,000.
000.000. nnd niado up of such financiers as
J. P. Morgan. Jacob II Schleff, James
Spojer and other bankers of International
teputatlon, which shall put through tho
samo schema as outlined for the Govern
ment namely, nn lEsue of debenture
bonds, which shall be sold to the general
public at, s.iy, a G per cent, basis, the
securities bought to be held (is collateral
nnd to bo disposed of annually or semi
annually, as conditions best warrant.
It is generally admitted that there would
bo no dllliculty In placing all such bonds
In the hands of tho general public. In
asmuch as they would have behind them
the credit iind reputation of tho world's
largest bankers. Aside from the patriotic
motives which wou'd impel tho organisa
tion of such a syndicate, It Is easily seen
that tho plan would be a profitable ono for
tho pool members. There arc many
American securities held abroad which
yield seven per cent, and more, nnd tho
diffcrenco between such yields nnd the
MX per cent, at which the bonds would
bo issued, would provide for a large sink
ing fund with which to mature the bond
Conferences ate being held In New
York with the sjndkMte Idea In mind,
hut ns et theu- has been no agreement
reached as to whether this Is tho oppor
tune time to en-ate such a pool.
On the whole. Philadelphia banker
and hrukern seem u tako more klndlj to
tht syndicate idea than to thu plan to
have the National Government take up
tho foreign-held securities. The Govern
ment, they figure, already has enough
obligations on its hands and, too, the
demand for such bonds, secured as they
would be by the greatest credit in the
world, would bo moro likely to super
sede thie of private corporations.
Tho plan outlined for the Government Is
explained in the following letter, lecelved
tnls afternoon by the trading bankers and
brokers of this city, from Arthur F El
Hot, an eminent statistician of New Yoik.
TRANCE: A crucial battle Is now
raging north of tho Alsne River. The
Germans havn refouned in thf terri
tory extending between St. Qtientln
and the Mosrllc River, having thrown
up enticnchiupnts and cciitiulUIng live
armies In the dlstilct. Tho Grrmau
Crown X'rince has retired from Verdun
nnd Joined Von Huelow's army
French and Indian reinforcements hnvo
nppeuled on tho firing line. Details of
the battle am lacking. The allies nt'
confident of vlctorv.
Belgium Belgian troops have re
tired to the outer lines of the forti
fications at Antwerp. Germans at
tempted to cut communications to tho
sn, but the flooding of the teirltory
west of Antwerp by opening the dykfs
has flatted tho Invaders. Reported that
CO.O00 additional German soldiers nre
being rushed Into the country.
Germany Officially announced that
tho army has tetlred before the
allies, but War Ofllce announces the
Germans are In a strongly entrenched
position and ready to withstand
further nttack. Detailed reports glvvn
by the Government legardltig the early
fighting In Eastern Prussia Claims
made that the Russians were routed
with a loss of 100.000 killed. TO.iViO pris
oners and COO field guns.
Austria The Russians continue to
bo victorious. The lino from Cra
cow to Przemysl has been severed nnd
tho Investment of the latter fortress
Is In progress. IIeav fighting con
tinues nlong the San River. Gioilek
has been taken, the Austrlans aban
doning 400 light field guns and 20
howitzers. The Russians are pushing
their campaign with vigor agulnst
England Reported that Indian cav
alry has reached France via the
Suez cannl nnd is now reinforcing the
British at tho front. No news yet
received of the outcome of the naval
battle reported In the Bnltlc. The war
cost to Great Britain Is 1.S70 'M a. day.
Italy Strong pressure is being
brought to bear on the Government
to join the war against Austria and
Germany, nnd as a result frequent
Cabinet meetings aie being held. Up
to the present there hns been no
change In tho original declaration of
Servla Vlshegrad, In Bosnia, has
been captured by the Servians. Troops
have joined the Montnegrln forces, and
n march is being made against Sarajevo.
Fresh Troops Hurled Against Strongly
Intrenched Line of Kaisers Armies
North of River Aisne, Where Germans
Make Desperate Stand.
Line of Battle Extends Over One Hundred
Miles in Nearly Straight Line From
St. Quentih Through Rethel and North
of Verdun.
The War Summary
Another preat battle is In progress
north of tho River Alsne. At 2
o'clock today the flr.st ilispatche3
were received, announcing the nttack
upon tho Germans Intrenched to tho
north of the Alsne Hiver. Details
are lacking. Earlier in the day, how
ever, the French War Ofllce issued
a statement, slvinc; the position of
the German army and pointlnK out
that the army of the German Crow n
Prince had reireil from Verdun. Fu
rious lighting is taking place near
St. Quentin.
The battle is taklnsr place over a 60
inilo territory, extending from St.
Quentin to Longvvy, the allies hurl
ing their troops against the Germans.
The allies are reinforced by fresh
PARIS. Sept. 16.
j Another great battle Is on north of
I the River Alsne. Fighting is hard all
along tho front.
All counter attacks by the Germans
I have been repulsed and they have auf
, fered heavily, says an olllclal an
' nouncemont.
In a desperate effort to push back
the right wing of the allies, the Ger
man right got to a point near Noyon,
115 miles northeast of Paris, but had
to give ground before the charges of
the French.
The allies are on the offensive. The
battle line is about 120 miles long, ev-
tendlng from a point east of St. Quen
i i tin to the Mouse River.
Thin official announcement was is
sued at 3 o'clock this af ernoon:
A groat battle, in which the Ger
, mans have been obliged to keep
on the defensive, has been raging
all along the front since Septem
ber 14 (Monday).
The German rear guard, rein
j forced by the main body, has been
fighting on the defensive through
I out Monday and Tuesday along the
j entire line nortii of Xoyon-Solssons
and Laon to the north of Rhelms
I and then through Ville Sur and
Tho French right centre Is now in
possession of the valley of the Meuse,
from Toul to Verdun, and is pressing
forward toward Longuyon, with the
double purpose of cutting the Bavarian
army under Crown Prince Ruprecht off
from that of Prince Frederick William
and of closing the German line of com
munication through Longwy and
The Germans began slackening their
precipltato retreat on Monday.
Throughout that day the rear guard
of the Germans and the advance guard
of the allies were constantly engaged.
then runs 20 miles northwest to Laon
and then directly southeast to Vllle,
on the Tourbe, a distance of approxi
mately 55 miles. The centre of this lln
is exactly north of Rheims, about half
way between that .-ity and Rethel,
where the British were badly beaten
In the original German invasion of
France toward Paris.
Myron T. Ilerrick, the United States
Ambassador, received a telephone call
Just before noon asking that automo
biles be rushed to Meaux. It was said
that a train bearing wounded French
and English soldiers from the Aisna
Valley had been reached there.
According to information contained
in oflicial War Oflice statements is
sued here and at Bordeaux, the Ger
man line of retirement seems to hava
switched slightly toward the southeast.
Upon their retreat the Germans hav.
been compelled to give up a number
of towns, the most Important of which
are La Fere. Crepy. Laon. Braitme.
Vitry-les-Rheims, Attigny. .Baaan-
court. Slllcry. Fismes,
Rheims and Stc. Menho-
8t Quentin".
tit", c:
troops from Paris and Indian cav
alry. The German War Ofllce, while j " Tilled(tJ' lnwr bdles of troops
making no mention of the battle, ad- ! wero rubhed to tho firing line, and to
nilts tho long retreat In France, but ; day the gieat battle Is in full swing,
with tho main armies of the Germans
and the Anglo-French forces opposing
each other.
It is probable that tho allies and
Concluded tin 1'aBe 7
For Philadelphia and vicinity
Fair tonight; Thursday inortasing
cloudinttt; frth northeast winds.
For details, see page 6,
states that the armies aro now in a
strongly intrenched position and well
able to withstand the attack of the
British and French.
Tho German Crown Prince has with
drawn from the immediate vicinity
of Verdun, and is placing hl.s troops
on a lino between Laigno and Cra
onue to support the armies of von
Buelow and von Hansen. La Fere,
Ilholms, Laon In all, 13 cities have
been evacuated by the Germans. The
complete battlo line extends from St.
Quentin to tho territory south of
Russia continues Its success in Gal
icla. Lines of communication be
tween Cracow and Przemy&l have
been cut and tho lutter fortress ln
vested on three sides. Every effort
is being made to push o campaign
Into Germany Przemysl Is the last
obstacle. Germany, however, makes
claims that the Russians have, met
with severe reverses In Eastern Prus.
sla. that Poland is being itivadid and
that It will he necessary for Russia
to withdraw troops to withstand the
German invasion of Russia. The,
fact, however, that the Kaiser is re.
ported to be hastening to the Rus.
slan frontter and that optimism pre.
vails In Petrograd somewhat offsets
the German claims of Russian re
vet ses,
Servla is vigorously pushing tho cam
paign. Vlshegrad, 40 nules south of
Sarajevo, has fallen; the troops have
joined the Montenegrins nnd a
march against the Bosnian capital
is in progress.
hi Belgium the campaign presents
comparatively no new developments.
The Belgians are reported to have
withdrawn to the outer line of forti
fications at Antwerp, but no heavy
fighting is reported.
Germans have at least 600,000 reinforce
ments, making a total of 2,500,000 sol.
dlers engngod in this terrific conflict,
Tho Germans picked the battle
ground, falling back across tho Maine
and tho AUno until they reached a
line of hills which gave them un ad
vantage. Trenches which had been utilised by
tho French and Engli'h on their retire,
ment south were seized,
The position of the German army all
along tho line through Craonne and the
forest of IAiglo, eastward cr0sj the
high ground north of Rhelms. B more
satisfactory to the allies than the
Sis German armies are believe to
Ue egase4 In this conflict, the main
purpose of which i g check, u mi.
vaneo of the French and British in
order to give the Germans an opportu
nity to resume the offensive The line
of the allies has been extended in a
great semicircle. On the other hand,
the battle front or the German Is
nearly a straight line, according to tlie
latest dispatches from the front. Jt
lies from east to west
Til new battle Una as revealed by
the oflicial statement Issued is nearly
100 miles longer. Starting o v .
.. r,., , v. ' " i The r"" ot F" Twur, kely to
owuv"oaat l0 awwiw, have an tmportant bearlnc on the fate
headquarters of the German Crown
As no oflicial word has been received
here to support the rumors that Gen
eral von Kluk, commander of Ure ex
treme western wing of the German
army, has been captured along with a
heavy section of his men, it is now
assumed that the roport was false.
Today tho Germans hold strongly in
trenched positions in the low hills to
the north of the Aisno River. Th
armies of General von Kluk and Gen
eral von Buelow are reported to ba
practically combined In intrenched po
sltions well north of the Alsne. The
army of tho Grand Duke of Wurttem
berg holds the lino from the River
Aisne at Craonne, north of Rhelms to
the new positions in the Argonnes,
where the armies of the Crown Prince
Frederick Wilhelm and of the Crown
Prince of Bavaria aro in complete
strength with headquarters still main
tained at Montfaucon.
Tho Germans hold the lines of tho
Meuse and have strnlghtentd out their
lines so thoy are now in touch with
the strong fortiess of Metz and the
German reserve lines In Lorraine.
The British-French columns on the
extremo left of the French lines are
believed to plan a general enveloping
movement. It is now evident that the
Crown Prince, by abandoning his poal
tlon between the Alsne and Aire at Ste.
Menehould, checkmated an attempt to
breal? his lines and Isolate the major
portion of his army. '
It Is admitted by the military ex
perts that the new positions taken by
the Germans are the strongest they
have yet held In France The condi
tions are ideal from the defensive point
of view. It ts stated, but confidence is
expressed that the admitted numerical
superiority of the French and British
forces will enable them to force the
Germans bacH when the new battle
The German front has narrowed and
this will opsra,t- to the benefit of the
allies. News from the allies' left is
anxiously awaited here. Ttitrc the
British and FreHCh. who have buen
heuvll reinforced, are attempting op
erations that may result In .till further
crumpling up of the firman right.
W, U
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