Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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2 k
' tfl
r fcj
of the German army. Tho Germans
wero Inventing Fort Troyon and the
neighboring: forts between Toul and
Verdun, with "tlie object of opening a
Way of retreat on their left.
The failure of this plan means that
the French are masters of the valley
frofn Toul to Verdun. Therefore, the
armies of the Crown Prince, Frederick
William and the Dulse of yVtirtlemberg
will bo unable td cross the Meuso and
will have to go farther north and at
tempt to pass by the Stenay Gap.
The forward movement of the allies
between the forest of Argonne and the
Meuso continues. The pressure of the
allies has had tho effect of straighten
ing the battle front until It Is now al
most a 'straight Hue to a point east of
the Meuse and near Etaln.
Belforl, France, Is In a slate of siege,
and, according to the Flench military
authorities. Is In a position to resist
attack indefinitely.
f ' LONDON, Sept. 16.
The-.followlng official statement was
given otlt today by the War Offlce:
"The" general position on the Alsne
tontlnues favorable for the allies.
"The enemy has delivered several
counter attacks, especially against the
first atmy corps, bi these hae been
"The Qermans give way slowly befotc
our troops and the- Trench armies on
ur right and, left.
"The enemy's loss Is very heavy. We
have taken 2000 ; -Isoners '
The statement admits, however, that
the advance of the French and British
Is not rapid and that the Germans ate
falling back, but slowly.
The statement Indicates that the
first Biltlsh corps, Under Lieutenant
General Sir Douglas lfalg, which did
such valiant service during the recent
letlrement of the allies, has been bear
ing the brunt of the fighting. This sec
tion of the nllled army, flanked as it
Is by French troops, evidently makes
up part of the allies' centre.
Continuance of the' German retreat
between the Argonne forest and the
River Meuse was reported by the
French War Office through the
French Embassy here today. The dis
patch, sent from Bordeaux, reads:
On our left wing the Germans
resisted yesteiday to the north of
the River Alsne, on a line tormed
by the forest of Lalgnc and Cra
onnc. At the centre their line of re
sistance was yesterday north of
Rhelms and the camp of Chalons
towards Vlenne, a town at the
western border of the Argonne.
The forces of the enemy that
were occupying the south of the
Argonne have accentuated their
movement, retreating between the
Argonne and tho Meuse. They
were holding yesterday the front at
Varennes and Consenvoyc.
On our right wing tho Get mans
are retreating toward Metz.
The French Embassy continues to
express confidence that the situation
Is rapidly becoming more favorable to
the allies.
" wKJ N im tort: Ywmi
j w arvK f rri:nni x ir-" i . m. k "lwii
BERLIN, Sept. 16.
The ofllcial statement Issued today
at the War Office emphasizes the fact
that the Germans have now succeeded
In checking the entire of.'e. Hive move
ment of the allies In France.
It Is stated that the German army
Is now intrenched in new strong posi
tions, and that at a number of points
the Germans have succeeded In driv
ing the French-British line's back on
their supports
"ao far as the entire situation In
France is concerned the reports of the
General Staff all agree that the new
plan of campaign is working out In a
very satisfactory manner.
On both the east and west frontiers,
the report says, the German forces
are carrying out their general plan
of campaign with uninterrupted suc
cess. The reason for the withdrawal of a
portion of the German left wing is
declared to be tho presence of a su-
perior French force. The operations
about Verdun, however, are being
pressed, It is stated.
The official statement sajs.
The offensive movement of the
allied British and French armies
In France has been checked.
We have won a number of sue.
cesses and have occupied strong
positions. Fighting continues, but
no engagement has taken place.
The enemy has been attacking with
supnrfor numbers for two days our
right wing A severe conflict has
marked the operations about Ver
dun. The Admiralty announced today
that all the crew of the cruiser Hela,
which was sunk by a British subma
rine, had been saved. An earlier re
port from Admiral Behnke had indi
cated there had been some loss of
Another official statement denies all
foreign reports of the pi ogress of the
war. It says:
We know from the present con
dition that we shall fight to the
end. We did not expect a prom
enaJe for our troops. "Hard fight
ing aeainst hard opposition" Is our
Confidence prevails among the
Germans and the world Is entitled
to know that there is no truth in
the talk of a French victory any
wheie. All other reports are false.
A definite German victory on
both frontiers cannot be doubted,
despite the big superiority of the
hostile forces on both sides.
German soil Is free of her en
emies. The official report makes no men
tion of how far or to what line of de
fense the German right wing has retreated
BORDEAUX, rfepi lh
The following official statement was
Issued here by the War Office at 3
o'clqpk "this afternoon:
"On September U and 13 the rear
guard of the enemy came Into contact
with our pursuing forces, and having
been reinforced by a great part of the
German army, gave battle on the de
fensive along the whole tront.
"Certain sections of the front were
strongly held by the enemy. This front
extends from the region of Noyon. the
plateaus to the. north of Vicsur-Alsne
and from Solssons-Ie-Masslf and Laon
to the helchts-on the north and west of
Rhelms; also a line that runs thence
to the north of Ville-sur-Tourne, to
the west of the Argonne region, and
which Is continued thence beyond the
Argonne l another line, which passes
north of Varennes, a point that has
been evacuated by the enemy, and
reaches the River Meuse in the region
of the Forges, which is north of Verdun.
"During the pursuit of the enemy
executed by our troops after the bat
tle of the JIarne, the Germans aban
doned numerous prisoners to our
hands. To these men there has been
added a large multitude of stragglers,
who were hidden In forests
"No exact accounting of these pris
oners or of the war material captured
by us so far has been possible. It is
for this reason that Minister of War
Millerand, who does not wish to give
out figures which might be considered
fantastic, refrains from announcing
the details of these captures "
Reservist's Tom Coal Fields Anxious
to Rewh"Front, Enrol Daily.
Severl hundred men are being enrolled
daily at the Austrian Consulate in this
city for service In the Austro-Hunganan
army, Th men are coming from the
coal field In Pennsylvania War spirit
among hm run high and they are con
fident of the -ultimate success of their
country's armr. Hundreds of letters are
btlng received from, reservists In all sec
tions, making an;,lou Inquiry why th
...Vint immediately aent abroad to fight.
Th4 AuatrUns have sufficient ships In
which tv send tho men to the other aide,
but, piyins t0 the Prert supremacy of
the sea by the Kngllth fleet. It is feared
that tha veteryUts would be made
prisoners of war befoie th anlved In
ISurope. should the, now embark..
One-Third of French Wounded Able
to Return to Front.
PARIS. Sept w
Tne mortality among the German
wounded brought to Paris is much
higher than among the French.
Of 7500 French aoldlers In the hospitals
at Vlfhv since the war began, more than
SVO ha been returned to the front.
Most of the French are Buffering from
bullet wounds, while moat of the Germans
have been Injured by shell or bayonet.
Abandonment Would Cut
Off German Line of Rc'.
treatFortify Brussels to
Hold With Small Garri-
The new line of battle now being formed in France runs along the Valley of the Aisne, where General Von Kluk's forces are defending themselves
against the English on his extreme right, and the various French armies in the centre and on his left. The second, third and fourth German armies have re
treated to a line north of the River Aisne, near Rethel, while further east the fifth German army, under th Crown Prince, has been compelled to move northward
and eastward from the Argonne district outside of the range of the Verdun forts. The sixth German army, operating on the Lorraine frontier, is moving
back to its base at Metz. South of Verdun the French have relieved Troyon, attacked by the Germans, and are forcing the Crown Prince's rear guards to the
north, threatening the German centre with an enveloping movement.
a. m.
S 43-
S J3
-Mil Eait Pijimnl. a. . itore
and dntlllni occupied by Jamea
. Brown. trifling
-iOi South Second at . produca
tore by J. W. Morrl .. . unfcnonn
-3th an'l PoAtlton ae. . rail
rol tlj property of Pennijl
wnli Rillrcwd trifling
913 South Firth ttitei nore
ao4 dwtlllsg ot Goldebrg
Brother ... . . tnfllnj-
Communication Cut Between
Strong Fortification and
Cracow, Breaking Line of
Supplies and Reinforce
ments. PETnOGRAD, Sept. 16,
The Ru.'slaiis have crossed the lower
course of the river San unopposed by the
defeated Austrian tnemy, which con
tinues in precipitate flight.
The position at Grodek, between Prrein
ysl and Lomberfr, has tccn secured by
th Russians, who have reached Moszlsk
(33 miles southeast of I.emberE and al
most due south from GrodelO and are re
potted to have Invested Przcmysl on three
Krzemysl Is the pirs-nt Russian objec
tive. Delayed dispatches from the Galiclan
front state that the line of communica
tion between Cracow and Premysl has
been severed by the Russian troops.
Othe"1 fotces, Cossacks believed to num
ber about J0O.0V men, have swept by
Przemysl and have reached Llako. 23
mile southwest of Przemsyl and only a
few miles from the Hungarian border.
T'leir aim Is to cut communication be
tween Hungarv and the two fortresses of
Pnemysl and Cracow and also to keep
the Austrian army out of the passes of
the Carpathian mountains. This would
fore the surrender of the forts, as the
lhr of supplies will be cut off.
In the flghtliw of the last H.ii,
culm.natlnp in the capture of 'J- "
ii stated the Russians have captured Wi
Austrian Bur.s and 30 hoMtser.
1 he rapid advance of the Russian forces
v... ... .h. lines of communication f:om
Gallcia to Budapest. Russian cavalry
v,a reached the station of LBko (a town
M Potion near 100 mile, south
west of Przumyil and a little less tnan
that distance from the Hungarian
border. ts occupation cuts off Austrian
retreat in that direction. Small cavalry
forces have already passed tnrough the
Carpathians In several Plas;
The Austro-German army at Cisco
and Przemysl must Inevitably surrender,
as the lines are drawn more closely
und it and the railways Into the heart
of the country are severed.
The Austrian centre atill holds a
broad front against the victorious Rus
Mans but with the rtBhttn. mashed
and the left win crumpled UP In . Russ an
Poland. Russian Minister of War Suit
nomllnoff believes that the annihilation
S? surrender of Archduke Frederick's
arnByhUn'emmha.ntbeen continuous for
M days alons the centre In that time,
according to reports receded by the ar
Office? the Auitrlans have been dllven
b The GenTia'l'staff announced today that
General nrouslloff's troops were march
lng to attack Sambor. an Important point
In the Austrian line of communications.
With the capture of Sambor and Ch
row. the Russians will cut Przemysl corn,
pletclj off from any assistance that might
be sent from the south
(Sambor Is i!5 miles nomiic-oBi u. ....
sl. which lies to miles west of I.embeig.
Chyrow la 30 miles south of Prmjal.)
SYL, In an official statement Uaued today,
the Russian War Office declares that the
Investment ot Przemysl will prevent t'te
Austrian army of General Dank! taking
tefuge there. It says.
The forces of General Pankl have
been entirely cut off from the Austrian
centre, and will be unable to reach
Przemysl which Is now completely In
vested by the Russians. The army of
Dankl Is now cut off In the bogs Into
which they had hoped to entice the
Russians. The fragmentary details
as yet available show that our forces
have already achieved the greatest
success ever recorded In warfare.
Archduke Karl Franz Josef is re
ported to be with the routed Austrian
forces and his capture is looked for.
Unofficial reports say that of the great
army of 600,00) men that Austria sent Into
Gallcia to attack the Russians on the
J frontier of Poland, fully 420,000 have been
killed, captured or so surrounded that
their escape is impossible.
LONDON, Sept. 16.
The Express publishes a dispatch from
Rome to the effect that the two Austrian
armies tinder Generals Dank and Von
Auffenberu have Joined at Rhesov, thir
teen miles northeast of Jaroalav anil
thirty-two miles due north of Przemysl.
The dispatch says that the two armies
havo lost forty per cent of their numbers.
Addresses Grenndiers After Hot
Fight Near I.ong-wy.
BERLIN (by way ot Amsterdam),
Sept. 16.
Emperor William Is taking an active
part In directing the operations of the
German army In France, according to re
ports received here today. After tho
sharp battle near Longwy, he visited his,
son, Prince Oscar, commander of tho
Grenadier Guards, who had acquitted
themselves with honor in tho conflict.
After greeting his son, the Empcior
addressed the Guards In the public square.
"1 greet ou as chief," he said, "and
thank you. "I have often ceen ur ;csl
ment at manejvers and on parade, but
It Is a particular pleasure to greet you
on a conquered land.
"The regiment fought as I expected
and as our fathers fought before us.
The battle of A'irton will be eternally In
scribed with letters of gold in the his
tory of the war.
"Our comrades of the eastern at my
have also fought gallantly. The aimy
of the Crown Prince and the atmy under
the Grand Duke of Wurttemberg havo
advanced vlctorlouslv. Our enemies are
"The eastern army has dihen three
Russian corps over the frontlei. Two
Russian corps capitulated In the open
field. Sixty thousand men and two gen
erals were made prisoners.
"For all these victories wo have to
thank only One. That Is our God who
is over us."
Governor Placed at Czernowitz, Says
Petrograd Dispatch.
ROME. Sept. id.
A dispatch to tho Trlbuna from Petio
grad savs that Bufcovina has been trans
formed Into a Russian province, with a
Rusilar. Governor at Czernowitz.
General Barone publishes an article in
the Giornale d'ltalla. In which he leaches
the conclusion that the Germans are in
danger of being entrapped In France
The Italian Government has authorized
the exportation to England of K.OOO tons
of siigai.
Charges Publications With Stirring:
Animosity Among- Nations.
TOKIO, Sept. 16
In an official statement the Japanese
Government explains why It has ordered
"the Herald." a German-controlled news
paper, and "the Deutsch Japan Post," a
German news agency, to cease publica
tion It Is charged that both publications for
years have sought to create animosity
between Japan and certain foreign coun
tries, particularly England and the United
States. "The Herald" has been pub
lished at Yokohama. The editor of the
news agency has beer, ordered to leave
JaLian within a week.
Capture Vishegrad, 40 Miles
South of Sarajevo and Ef
fect Junction With Invad
ing Montenegrins.
xrsir. sept 16.
Official announcement has been made
here of the capture of Vishegiad, In
Bosnia, by Servian troops,
The Servian army that took Vishegrad
and the Montenegrins, who captured
Fotcha, also in Bosnia, have effected a
juncture and are marching toward Sara
jevo despite a determined resistance hy
the Austrlans. Sarajevo Is only foity
miles north of VHhegrnd.
VIENNA, Sept. 16.
Genetal Uoefer, chief deputy of the
Austrian General Staff, announced to
lay that the Servian army which crossed
the River Savo two days uro has been
defeated along Its entire line.
Also Confirms Beport of Junction of
Austrian Main Armies.
VIENNA, Sept. 16.
The Russian leports tnat they have In
vested the Galiclan fortiess of Przemysl
ate officially denied. It is state) that
fighting is still In piogrpsis, with the
Atistiians maintaining their former po
sitions. Denial also was made at the War Office
today that the Austrian .tuny of Gen
era! Dankl ha been compelled to mil ren
du' b the RusMans. It is stated that tho
Russian troops had managed almost com
pletclj to htii round the Atibtrlans. wh.i
nei taken at a disadvantage by having
in effect a letrcat through unfavorable
lerrltorj, but that tho Austrlans havo
now cut their vvav through the Russian
Hues anil hav affected a Junction with
the main Mistiian arms.
It Is admitted thai the Austrian losses
In connection vvlth this movement were
von heav.v.
Admiral Patey Reports Details of
Capture of Herherstshohe.
MELBOURNE, Sept. 16.
Prime .Minister Mlllcn has iccelvcd the
following wireless repoit from Admlrnl
Patey, In command of the Australian
navy squadron In its opctatlons in
"I estimate that theie were 20 or SO
Geimons killed at Herbeistshohe and six
British. The defending force was numer
ically the strongest.
"The conduct of the Austinlians In
action was extremely valorous.
"Further fighting Is probable, although
the British hold Rabaul.
"In Its operations the Australian fleet
has done good work in conjunction with
the British China sea squadron. In de
stroying German wlielerc stations in tho
Cavalry Welcomed to Helieve Strain
On French Horse.
LONDON, Sept. 15.
The nllled lines in J-rancc have been
reinforced by the arrival of tho first
detachment of the Indian troops who
made the trip by way of the Suez Canal
and were rushed to the front from South
France by rail.
These tioop, it is understood, are
cavalry, and they will be welcomed, as
the French cavaliy horses are leported as
badly worn out by their constant use since
tho wai began. It Is believed here that they
will bo sent to reinforce Sir John French,
who Is lepoited as Initiating nn envelop
ing movement, which has for Its object
the cutting off tho main right wins of
the Geiman armj
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BERLIN (by way of Rome), Sept. i ' .
An omclal statement Issued here ea'y,
Liege.4110 Germa"S haVe abanl
No icason Is assigned for the r.
Ported statement from Berlin by wav
of Rome that tho Qermana have aban. ,
doned L eee nml fhr I. "
- -..v... .o ,, tunnrma-
tlon from any other source, u h
, been reported that the Germans' ..
' of communications had been threat
eucd, but In neither Ihe London nor
the Parla statements has there been
my intimation ot any operations of
my kind In Belgium, excepting thou
.hlch weie being' conducted by tn.
nolglans. y n .
It Is possible that the troops at Llejs
li.ive been sent south for sterner work
in Krance. whete. tt i ,t... . ...
... ' " "":ui UIO Dt.
lie has been renewed with tho Germana
on tho defensive..
(It has been stated that the Germans
only lino of rotreat lay through the rJ
glon ot Liege. The report, togethtr
with the statement that tho Germans
had been ordered to fall back to their
own fortifications, Is generally dii.
TONDOX, Sept. .
A news agenev despatch from Amiter
dam states a Berlin despatch recelvai
theie says It was officially announced to
day that the Germans had evacuate!
ANTWERP, Sept. u.
The Gctmans are rushing fresh troops
Into Belgium from Alx-la-Chappelle, but
whether these are Intended to strengthaa
tho foires now here or are to be stnt '
to the south to nil the gaps in th
German right wing is not yet known.
Tlie Belgian forces again have rtlr4
to tho piotectlon of the outer ring of
the Antwerp fortifications, where tliey
are waiting developments. King Albert
and the General Start 1 eld a long confer
ence today, after which troops wer
massed along the, fortifications that com
mand the River Scheldt.
It is believed a new attempt by tht
Germans to isolato Antwerp from th
3ea may bo plannpd, but as the djkes
havo been reopened and the country In
that vicinity Is covered with Rater, It
Is not believed they can hope to carry
such a movement to a successful con
clusion. It was slated by the general staff to
day that during the last 24 hours tha
Germans have sent upward of 60,000 addi
tional troops Into Belgium, indicating a
determination on the part of the Ger
mans to hold their lines of communica
tion through Belgium at any cost. Only
skirmishing was In pi ogress in Belgium
German troops are fortlfing Brussels
to permit the departure of more rein
forcements to France. Rapid-fire guns
have been mounted on the Boulevard du
Jardln Botnnlque and at the north ,nd
south stations. ;? t
Reports received hore today say .tnsft
the Germans anticipate an attack on
Biussels by a combined Belgian and t
British force.
At Ettorbeok, near Brussels, It Is re
ported that fighting took place between
Prussian and Bavarian soldiers, SO of
whom were killed.
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