Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Sports Extra, Image 14
SPORTS 1 17171? EXTRA j V 111 t NING t FDffFR JL.J JLJi JLjF k-! Jfc..J JL w- SPORTS EXTRA vol. i no. a rilLLADKLPJEIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G4 1014. PRICE ONE GENT DEMOCRATS PLAN WAR TAX ON NEW LINES Underwood Drafting Bill Which Will Require ' Stamps' On Gommcrcial In-, vfctrumcnts. Proposed Levy on Freight Aban doned Republicans to Antag onize. Measure and Make it an Issue. ". WASHINGTON. Sept. J6. Chairman Underwood, of- the .Itou&o Wns and Means Commute?, today began drafting the Internal revenue "war tax" bill authorized by the Democratic caucus to i.'ornprlse a stamp tax similar to that of I BpanUK-AnierL'Sti war times and Imposts I mi beer. wines and tobacco to raise ?l(6, Ct.OM annual tevenue. needed. ltilrfjdtiction of the bill Saturday "as j Planned by lit-.. Underwood. It probably , 5 111 be. favorably, leportcd Monday and passed, under a special rule severely lim it Ins' debate and offering amendments, by ! the end of the week. Bitter and prolonged republican oppo sition In both th.s House and Senate, was t lertalii toda. The "war tax," republi can' leaders declared. Is to be made the "paramount lue" of the coming con- , gresslonal elections. ' KnniGlIT TAX ABA.VDO.S'KD. i Abandonment oi" the plan to tax ft eight j three' per cent, and raise Income taes left the 'Democrat? in practically unanl- ! m'ous aci.oid today to paas the revenue ' mcasuje. ' The lien- tasen will so Into effect im- . mediately upon oawase of the bill, whim j It Is hoped to enact befoie October 13. Protests against the proposed tax scheme began to reach ths Ways and , Means Committee today. Wine producers, especially, claim to be hard hit. Bank- , i-rs are- also objecting to the pioposed occupation"' tax upon their surplus and capital. Collection of the ' war tax "at the, source" of ni eduction from manufactur ers and the diiect levy through stumps' upon" commercial and legal Instruments, i telegrams, checks, and Ion; distance tele- r.hcre messages will yield immediate and cn.u'n revenue, according to the Demo- , eiats. The itamp tax on documents prob- j bly will be two cents. j SUBJECTS OK TAXATION" The Democratic taxation plAn is biicfly , , is follows: j riftv cents a bane! on beer, to raise ja:w.'ooo. Twelve cents a gat'on on dry domestic I nines and 20 cent3 on 3weet wines, to j raise JS.OjO.OCO. i Two cents a ?ahon on gasoline, to raise I J-IM.COM'jO. .Special "occupation" taxes on bankers, ! brokers, theatres, circuses, concert hall, j pawnbrokers, billiard and pool Jablcs, bowling- alleys, tobacco manufacturers i mid dealers, el -.. to raise S3.SC0.00'. "MILLIONAIRE" HOBO PLANS TO GIVE AID TO HAPLESS HOBOES Comes as a Full-Fledgcd Doctor With Scheme to Revive Brotherhood of the Unemployed. J. EADS HOW He is called the "millionaire hobo." He has returned to Philadelphia and is conducting an employment agency, charging a fee of one cent. AUTO BUS LINE MAY BE PLAN TO DELAY TRANSIT CHANGES MEXICO HAS DUAL FESTIVAL OF REJOICING Broad Street Project Sus pected as Means to Divert Attention of Councils. Franchise to Be Asked. Observance of Independence Day Marked by Announce ment of American Evacua tion of Vera Cruz. Lc.'.rnliis that his International Biolhct hood Association and Committee for the Unemployed was languishing. J. Eads How, whose I cart gave birth to the or ganization Is back in Philadelphia. He has opened a flee employment agency in Lewars' Hall, Ninth and Spring rjatden streets, and lie has set tho brotherhood on its legs. He expects to have it strpplns out Jus-t like a recover ing invalid when he finances the Brothers n little by means of a play called "Hitting the Jload or Hiding the Bicnk Bciim." It is a little drama dedicated to the hobo by Mis Cora D. Harvey, suffragette and j national treasurer of the brotherhood. . It will bo presented at tho headquarters ! September :. Admission will be 10 cents, j Dr. Haw. for ho has become a ph)3lcian xince he otganized tho brotherhood he i modestly adinlli, heard while he was In : SI. Louis that his Philadelphia bicthcrn w-fiie scattering to the four winds. Kd. ( lloey, the president, got tired of his Job and went up State as a (aim hand, Joseph M!llr, vice-president, one day hcaid thiit ' there was a Job as a waiter In New Yoik Just yearning to be flllc.il. Three meals a day went with the Job, no did Vice Fiesldent Miller. ' Then the rent of the clubtooms at Sixth r.d Callowiilll stieets came due. Tin.' f.cmbers discreetly diltted away, DOCTOR 'ltOV" OX THE .10B. .Now the brotherhood can icatsemble. Dr. How Is on the job. If any of tho members want a job Dr. How Is there to help tltem. Dr. How was on the job this morning, but no one else followed his example. Tile labor bureau got away to a bad start although Dr. How jays that lOO.OO-'i men are clamoring for work and ho wants to be the agent to suddIv the lobs. Dr. How leached Ninth and Vine j .sttcits last week. He started a search j for his followers. None was found, but j the doctor sent out his message and fast ! and mysteriously It graveled. "Within an j hour the doctor was shaking hands all i over I ranklin Square with fellows in i sua . . . WASHINGTON PARTY MEN CONFER ON LEWIS' RETIREMENT Oi.i. r !u- ia . . aiaie Nommmee meets' at Harrisburg to Name Can didate for Governor ! Judge Brumm Against! Surrender. - William from tin its canaVl conipar. I &9&pytttf FINE TIOGA RESIDENCE LEASED TO NEGROES The house adjoining the corner, in the photograph, is the dwelling let to a negro family by a woman who wants to advance the race in fulfillment of her father's will. BOLD THIEVES RENTS HOUSE TO STEAL BIG BELL FROM ; NEGROES DESPITE EPISCOPAL CHURCH , OTHERS' PROTEST That an automobile omnibus line project for North and South Broad oticet will be used to divert attention from the transit plans before Council at the meet ing tomorrow Is the story current to day anions politicians, who say that n otdinance for a franchise may be intio duced tomonow. It is certain that a plan i on foot to enfranchise nn automobile bus line at th earliest opportunity. This has been fetamp taxr.s on commercial instruments, I confirmed by Walter l". .Mclntire, IS bonds, stock, checks, telegrams, etc., raise about KJ.0"0,ttr. to TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PLANS TO INCREASE ACTIVITY Thompson street, who Is said to bn direct ins: the promotion of tln line. Mclnllie ir i els ted to George G. Plene. a member of ih Board of registration Commis sioners. lie is head of Mclnliir & Co., firm or ckctriual contractors, fit 1! North Fifth sticet. He held several contracts durintr -hr uiiildlns of tin Jlaiket Mieet .-ub- "It Is true th.it we ale planning m L" of .TuJrmVf"? i P'r8le an omnibus line " '"'0,,U St,'e',t" Un(Js to all de- sn'd Mclntire today. '"The project is only LM'ge Additions to Classes and Schools Will Extend Their Scope. Tcmplf Cninit. is to '.ai,; ti,e ,an. nor yea;- of its hutoi;- if the large num ber oi icgistiatiins is to h a criterion. The im-reakn the various comrs partment? tncludlng the two hospitals, j in its flrU stage", howevn. and I enn The classes will ts the dipai tments to! n0, -iv, out anv aMnouncemrnt until their utmost caparlty. I "ol "n "'" ""- The Teachers" College has h-en rtrvol- ' lno" Pi ogress ha been made, oped materially. Dr. Unbel Graves, wiio i "The first step toward forming a com :eclved the- due-tor's degree from Pnnn- panv will be securing a franchise fiom nit the nngllMi department. Hhe is i0. this' interestfld in the project. turning to teach after a ;er of advanced I Jl-lntire was asked whether he had any :"wl5' ?J, c;'-"rnI"8: ,. aa.uranees that the bu? line scheme A,oukfUfVh;xPax.n i-uid b '"" ,ecc,vpa ln coundl8 rioiiiancHarisuase-j. snd JJoctur suole to ' "' cannot toll you anything about that jlwt of the dcp-mmenl of pedagoSv. sjlas uWi" he tepecl. "Theie will !" full Woodptuti, rli-etfi-"if the nilrres st iue u... .... ,,Ttia,,,.. ,. ,.. taftiarltan Hcpltal. will letiui. in tl ,f """"""'w """" " - - - age. In any rsc w woulo nut nf o-u-pning with the iilbwa.v,- for it num. I earn passi-ns'i's fiom -'htnia Mill n.t ut!ii lung bmil polntn. T - hi" l'iie w.iul1 mki only short dlstaiuf un. ,m.l I 1 Wir hourehold wi'-npc derwrtmrnt an.i r... ' sentrd." It wae tecall':'! mt I'tvr J. I'ome nursing and emergencies. Huzlirs, ho opeiated a Ftroaii slrn i huv The. Inrti-uri.,,- I dietetics i hs M. ,in, tr,M iparJ a-o J'a-I faded f cot iJay. T'rHrtli-al work in hosr'itol 'littl- .. will be donf in the Uit Uiteheni of ilie ! wuni fran-hie, i-anisrltan libF-pital under the riii.-il.: I onnot tell yet ho lh' inoict of .Mr, nut h rid v. j , releued." was M.-lUlr" r-im- A feature of the woik t fir iouftho!.l j . . .cien department v .11 h. 4rUiXi! m,,nt" "'N0, " "" "0t "' P' In school lunches. Farllltte addtd to th , nosed ntoad alrcet u.iwa, It will take medical department int.-ludo new quarters tuver! 'esrs to build and in t " mean for the treatment of .rippled children by Umo a -jqg in- will have a tal" natron- JJI'. IIVU."!.' Thcrekhau been ejtanhshed a sor-iai sfti-vlt-e settlement work in connection I null .tlie depHfimtnt of ,Qiolos. ft ! Kiuad and'Hion utreeu. -Ther will ha I nn . open lui-um swiiiu. eteiiins, witn i .. . ..... - mnA ..ima-in. h , ., .. special mu-rt Bi..l bu.4 and girl. ,nl r'T "7- p , iKi '. impruioments. nnroT AIITniOTO tAlUn el en "'If l' cheme Is mlroduced in (oun- ARREST AUTOISTS WHO FLED .,i. ,on. neonle ma.' lonU on It b a sub. mtue, and an exeue la delay actionem Camrfrn 'Man -Faces. Manslau-htev th? ".:'." "f."' "" '"? X.''"''''. , - T-iiii iT 1-oinoineu in the auowaj nians. ui Char-e for KHHns Woman. , .0UvtF a bus line neei would Hike the .'fsxery as tp.tho identity of Ui man placa of the subway" lie continued, "but ohose dUtoinobdo atru.-U and killed Mrs. at th iarre time those- opposed to the .iiiii)&orneli-k. iri Overbrook, t'suiden . subway might tie it as a pretext for ilc I'ounty, a few days ago. was auled toiUjing action." ih.y bv tho arre.t of John lid. -veil, of Theie , trong belief in many iiuaitcis "W I'oilit street. Ctimden. that an ordinance to giant u franchise JIawcll was lakon into t-utody by! tor b Hn' will be introduced at tho netectives Uoru. I-evins and Uribbeii. f mteting of t'oum-lU tomonow. ihrouKh a description furnished bj an - ' " eye witness of fhe accident, lie told the DOESN'T LIKR IfAMR OF FOOTE 1'etectKi that he. InH e had struck --' Mrs. Do nnClsWf , but in the darkness vc other Reason for Change to Rob- badly S?r. ' " '' ' 9 " e Stabuiy Wentworth. "I drqvc tin hfi.HUe 1 was frighteneil. , A petition to 1m.v his name changed I lost rojfiw1U.j ljgue3," was his stsite- to p.obeu ,SUury WVntwurth was died "t?1 TiJcidrnt happened on the White- ! lv "l Court of '-O'""""' I'"as No" -o-e pike" "Slr DonnelsbecU was on her I by HoUrt Sc-waid i-'uotf. No reason was way to chuich. Maxwell was driving S've:i by Mr. Foots for desiring such tipir.c in a toudter with his wife and ' e drastic change, nor f-ould any lnforma ehiW. They saw another auto coining , tiun on the ubct -o obtained at the Vnd veered to one side to let It imm. then ' oBlco uf h:a auoiuey. U 0. Johnson, in ncdl up. At this Mr. DonneUibecI; the Stephen Gtrard Dullding. sfeBpecI "ffbur Delilnd' tlt other machine. ' Mr. Johnson's aUtant said the at end 'nta tru by the '-ear mud guard torney was out of tht illj. and he cuuld of lh. i.-H'Ma$wvll ,w;u diMug. throw no Iig.it on the ubjct. XIr. Tht 'halite ns-jtkul 3daKll is man- Foote's name does not appea: in the lauhtu c'' director. MEXICO CITY, Sepl 16.-The ..-elehia-tion of the 101th aiiulveisary of Mexican Independence was marked today by the greatest rejoicing tlitoughoul the capital, following the annoiiuct-mcnt of Cer.cinl Carrniuj that President Wilf-un had or dcied the ultluliawal of American tioops from Veia Cruz. In accoiilancr with the traditions of ihc cclebtntion uf inriepr ndencc Uy. Cen cial Carraiua, as Ihc head at the gov ernment, appeared on the balcony of the National Palace at midnight to addrc?.-) the thronrs gathered In the sticet. lia tnen Hiinoiin.'eil tlic iccoipt of a telegram from Jiuin Urquidi, secielary of the Con ftilutionalUt Junta in Washington, tell ing of the ordei issued b the President. The" crowd went wild with delight There weie flieworks thioughout the city, the Cathedral nmi HI nubile liuildiuga weio illuminated, while the entlic city gave itself over to ccbnitinc. VUR i-'lILV., Sept. Hi. Ani.uun ement that I lie;- were to evHcuatP Vera Crus c-Hiiie os welciitnr- n-w. to the troops of Uei eral i-'unston. All nn- llrej of s-crvlcj in the tropics m d greeted the announce inei.t with chcei ?. Th BOvel-ii.itent will be sper(iil. traus feired fioni the AmrriPn niilltiiry nil thcrities to the civil officials to be up pointed by clenciul Carramsn. WASHINGTON. Sept. l.-V:i;nluw.il of oil Auieiican troopa fnim Hie Melo,tn boundary, except the usual small border psitlul, la plunncd aonn by the Ad rluis nation, it wa alateil at the- W'rr le Hiii'tment toda. in Urn- with the eva.-.ia-lion uf 'rr Crua ordeied by Pi ejiugnt WM.1011. l'-ua' s.:r(ons at the Tea, v -.-.mia nd .V.'W ,M.-o posts Ml. bf inHiiitolncd. bit the Croat bi.ll of tieep,. wlii.-u i-.Hvn bvi, ..i.ilil lined fiii .llo'a n.jrtnern b.iiiudei fnr a.Mjiit mo Hi i rill lie r.illtiihul' I lu more nortlie.-n army Hil. At the Navy li,i.i linen: it i :ii) t'-at onicrs rpr all laia ai-hli" to ltar M'-ii.Hll UHte. Ar.,, i." 'S-Iiel prenentl lu make i-oiniilei th itu'n of all Aini'i-l.-dii ineil r.n-ta f om Mn.-o. ecrtar Gnrrlsou was Imiisv .ipon tor nmlitie Rtteudiiig t!i tuiuing ovr at Veia fiiiB to the i'.mstitiitinnalist. Un. eial Carranza will he asked to appoint rtutni- unn rorniH . o le.eive iiic uoj i tio:n General I'nnston. MAN-O'-WARSMEN FIGHT TO MAINTAIN THEIR POSITION U. S. Navy Officers' Club. Bcsiojjcil by landlord. Wont Surrender. The Mmi-ii'-Wai-i .an riuli. of 17.; South Oiuai' ulieet cuiiipi-sdi uf pi'lt. iinicei" In I'ii- I'liit'd e'l.t-H Niiv. in b. sieged by i he lanuloi.l of the propi-i, ai.piion ! U li-Bal auil.ui-.ly, li'i-8io i.f tiie alleted non.paMiient of v mouths' le-il. Fiinn the lioturt of the tction lp tVart fif t'on'.'toii i'liiae No. 1. in oprjvars that ilw varrlora oru i-ailv to camtu- !t. Tlu uttM-'Mitf? pi-it I M- riiiseistelii, tin- u of Adolidi I'lWniiin. v.Uo du Lire that under -to armistlw in the iction n the lefts th riM.T0'-W4"iiiiK-n have f.onffiiid Jui'iinnt In the sum uf $!, unpaid rent for uis monOw. Tho lessor, biitvei-ii. wi.rit. In aijiiltton. an urguiiltflei ia rler of il.o citudcl. A skeleton forci' r. Ill - muiit in clmrgo of the huus until lurige tilnsey i one of the othei JudStJ uf tut- ruui dcctdc.i the acli-jn- Aivtsted 3causa He Fell A fall from a tiin at? Wa.uio Juncti-an. wli.ch lacerated his head, cauaed tut ar rest today of Thomas Lyons. I,ons. who live at JW3 Wartioek sirett- a taken tu St. f.uke's Hospital, wheie i.c was aneatC'l b PolU'Miiaii Tunbcis. Ma;i irate Grelis dischaigd him. T)r. How first oi all engaged a bed In the. Derklcy louging house, Sixth and Callow-hill streets. TJr. How's followers say that a "Hop" at the Berkley costs IS cents a nlgln. Dr. How, In more cj t!i"tlc language, stated that he had a nice clean bed every night for 13 cents. It was at the Dewey restaurant, Ninth street near Vine, that Doctor How was found today taking a late breakfast. He at" 10 cents' worth, The breakfast was oatmeal and milk, two soft-boiled eggs, l-'it'nch fried potatoes, coffee and rolls. "Very nourishing and cmlte cheap If one takes in consideration, however, that n man can afford ten cents for a broal;- . fast," said Doctor How, as he wiped his lips with a handkeichief. The wnlter had forgotten to furnish a napkin. j MR. BIDDLE CHILLY. "The boys hive sort of drifted ar.ay j from the Brotherhood, hut they will reassemble," said the president of the ! order hopefully. "I started my work Sunday by visiting the Bible class or Anthony Drcxel Riddle. The reception I got when I started to tails was " and ' yclor How hesitated "one might bay ' chilly. "However, I talked on. I maintained that If the l.oid should come to earth ' lie would not bo received In mo3t of the . Philadelphia churches. I "I wanted to Intetest Mr. BiJdle in my woik, but he aleo semed a little distant. , He did not nroiuisQ to vtsil the now club- room of thfi T-irotherhood." A friend of Doctor How, who was I listening to tho conveieatinn, advised hint ' not to bo dlscoiiiagtd. lie was of the i opinion that "Tony" niddlc had only two interests in Philadelphia. Jack O'llrirn and hi Kihlt class, but it he were culti- i vated in the right way he might bp l:i- duced tn take n glpnce or two at Docior How's hobrios. "I want the newspapers to help finding . toh? for my filewK" said Doctor How. "Now you peo n man offers a position to i a man through the papers. Un u lie. I e,igpd by applicants. .Such occurrences , discmirage members of the. riiotherhood. ' Through the newspaper oftlces we might i Irnin of these ads hefore they aie. pu,. lishPd and then our brother.i would get sn eaily start. Thc would then avoid the great competition for work, ynu see." Another thing that Pnutor How U In terested m i M miinlcipHl lodging house. Il has petitioned I'ounclb to nppinpriat Jl'i.OOO of the propnsefl Sl!,310,00O loan bill for the purpose. A free lodging home is kh important as a City llnll. according l to Doctor How. Doctor I low was llrt hrar.i or in Phila dlphia three ear. ago wlien lio i.-ii:e) n hobo convention, lln opened the ron lentinn witli ten wcaiy men. Tli:ee he eut o-it with coicred tl'i buckets, whir-h. hen used in tlm transportation of beer, re called "ducks." For uve minutes r 'Cor How had n. i-rowrted hall. I mincry, some of whom he had met be-! Half a Ton of Loot Carted i Woman Sends Family Into fore. i J Off by West Philadelphia $7500 Home Out of De- Robbers Includes Organ Motor and 1 4 Chandeliers. I sire to Uplift the Colored Race. Half a ton of bulky aiticles. including an immense church bell weighing I'jo pound?, winch wete stolen from the Chinch ot t.ie Redemption. .".6ih aiidMai kfet streets, lait Thutliiy night, have disappeared somewhtte within the city. Tho police, after five day or constant search, said tcd.iy they had been un able to rocuvi-r then. t.as! Thursday night, one of the fltst cool nights of the fall, when mon Plilla delphlana remained off the Htnet?, sov oral men boldly carted the niticles amy in a Tr.von. ,u said tin- l!ev. Albert K, Clay, rrctor of Ihf tliiueii. The thlcvs first removed n section oj an firnamen'al iinn tence m the Markei ritrPct side of the i-buich property, niM then drove tin.- wngon thiiiuuli tin; ripen ing nnd into the church jnnl. They broko into the church and catried away the. heavy "oell, th .notm- for the organ and 14 brass chautlell'-rs. Dpctor Cl.iy. upon dlsco cling the loss on Friday morning, immediately noti licd the police. "Hut I luneirt li.-urd anything yet," ho ,ntd today. lie explained that the bell foiiiieily hung in tnc belfry of tlio old frame chuich that stucd in tlir stirui- spot us tlic present new hiiltuliiis, which whh placed undor root narl tiiid Mitnniir. The now cliun-li. he said, Is soon to hnvo ' bcKry, nnd Ihc bell wns to have pealed fortli Its mellow tones from theio. The loss ot the i-rsnii motor will tint li.Tidiiap the service", as a new electric motor l'ss just been nistallod. The c'nai.. deller?, jaid Doctor Claj, wen u-ei m the basement or ihe new i-hiirch, lu which' services were ruudiii'tfil from tim time it una huilt several ,.-ar ago until the complete strilf.-tuif was flnislifd. The police do not believe that the nrtl e'ea lmfi been taken out of the city,- a h bulky and neavy bell would lucio sltiactt-ij too inurh nttentir.n. Rffurtti to loi-.it" them In PliilailplilH, howevn-, l.vc failed, A dolie CHILD STARVED TO DEATH. WOPvlAN TELLS MAGISTRATE Accused Man Coinmanded to Support Ills Sufrerins Fnmily. V siory of auffeii'ig mul iirl'-ntion, m 1 1 ding the lUath of a child fi.iin staiva. lion, was told by Mrs. Sjphlr Klowa.-i! when lm appeared l-rforo Magistrate on the pait of the owner imllf. ,... ., ... . L " "imiuco tnc i'oioiciI laco, ana also to show iiolghboi-fl that they ennnct dictate to hir wan KVon today as the rensoi. wliy the House tit ISIS West Ve nango street had been tented to a negro family In spite of the indignant protests of neighbors and tho fact that no oth. r negroc live n-cr by. Tin- owner of tho propci ty. which l valued nt about J"0, U .Mrs. Herman Gollcr. HIT Noi th Cones loga sttnet. Mis. Gollcr inhcrlteil t.ie dejiie to help tin- negro j nee, airing with about fJO.OV, from her fnther, who made his uione.v In n tobacco plantation in tlic ;out'i inainlj tliiough tin' work of Afili.-nns. He died last .lune. avcordlrig to I lot-man Ooller, a nlesinun yitli oilier In th.- Real Es tate Trust building, who Is the hiwbnnd of tho woman who owtw th house, The house is in nif wi optionally good leslilcntliil liistrlct nnd is one of n row of fine dwelling.". J,il;P lha ic?t of tho , rov it is of three stories and lias a wide j -Np;inso of green lawn In front. There ! Is n broad porch nnd cver thing in the I dwelling is in r.ccoid with the most mod- , fin Ideas of homo building. Well-to-do . people live, hi tho adjoining hoincn. Many j of them toliiKud to bllcve that tli prop- j eity had been eriled to a negir. until tho , family started to mov In today. . Among the wealthy residents of the , f'umcijiatc nrlBhbcrhoofl l.s Robert noikoi-, H-esIdwil of thfi liaiker. Moon: A Meln Medicine Campari), of 9S! Venango etreel, for more than a week, the house at the I Venango ilrcct addrcas liiiii borno the fol- , luwiug rigit: I "i'or sale or rent, to toloicd Umilies . onl. ' 1 '"odiiy another mgn wan put In tho win dow of the hrju-'c. advertising the fact that u liair.irping parlor la to ho opened thoie, , hit later a moving van loaded I vith furniture halted before tho door nnd tlir driver at down on the iiteps to await ariivui U' iiie iie-, tenant. Ho gald his UARltlSBURG, Sept. 16. Diaper Lewis' wltlidrawnl Washlnglon party's ticket ns llflte fnr ftnVerilnr nttrnelerl n lively Bmall number of the State cbrh" niiiicc 10 mis cuy loony, in response t' Chairman A. Novln Deti-ich's call for A conferonco its to what should be done The chairman reached hero about noon' accompanied by most of the mombri from Philadelphia and adjacent couiulei whllo National Committeeman "Wltllarn I'llnn and a portion of the western coa tltigcnt arrived a abort whllo lutei. Although the withdrawal of Mr, I.ewli 1 met with tho approval of the rocrnt con-' feiTticc In Philadelphia, committeemen I from Schuylkill County w.io favorel I Judge Brumm for tho nomination are In clined to be somewhat mutinous. Trmy arc not lavoraote 10 me luea or making changes In the midst of the campaign,, and some of them bollcvo that the .luds ought to be substituted for Dean Lcwli on the ticket. Some ot the committeemen believe that William T. Cicasy, Democratic candi date for Lieutenant Governor, should step down for a Washington -Party man, When Judge Brumm arrived he said la leply to inquiries: I am opposed to unconditional surv lender." lio would add nothing lo this. Judge r.rumm's friends expect him t' make n strong light in the commlttea meeting against substituting McCormlek for Lewis, basing his argument on tht fact that Brumm himself ran second ta' Lewis at the primaries hnd ought to have the nomination. The meeting ot tho committee wis el for I" p. m. and all members assembled at Chestnut Street Hall at that hoiir. ' A telegram was tcad from Dean Lowli that he had missed connections at Phila delphia enroute trom Maine, and would , not ariivc until J.S3. The COO or so com I niltteemen nnd spectators present accord j Ingly marked time until his anival. j As soon as Dr. Lewis t cached the city he went direct to the Capitol and formally ! withdrew as a candidate. Then went be I foro the committee and made formal an I nouneement. of his course. lie laid three ! lottera befoie the committee his own withdrawal and loiters exchanged by hlra aim .iicuormlcu last month. Dr. Lewis said he believed his with drawal wa3 approved by an "overwhelm ing majority" of his followers. lie asked the substitution of McCoimick but said there musi be no donl whatever about the other places on the ticket. Lewis" letter to McCormlclc was writ ten August 18. in it he said he felt Jfe Cormlck and himself to be In accord on. "the destruction or the corrupt political machino In control of tho State govern- tO I n.np, nnrl thrit .is "the fr.reen nf evil' art united "the forces for regensrRtloji!' ought not he divided. Lewis, in his letter, did not definitely offer to withdraw, lid? did McCormlck's reply specify nil should quit. McCormlek replied that he felt he wil In hearty accord with. Lewis' vlewn, an. si! Id that "tho progressive forces of our State should be united, but any itic'i union must have behind it the enthu'l astio endorsement ot the rank and file" or both parties. McCormick, Instead of touring tliiouth ; Centre and adjacent counties toda with the Dnmocintir campaigning part, left his colleagues on the ticket nt Letvil : town last night and came to Harrishurj" I to he on hand for the Washington meet ing today. Rumors wero fl ing that lie formick would attend the AVaihlnjdon' iiicelliif,'. but these were denied with the iiualllieutlon that ho would be within reach In enne- tho Committee asked him to appear nnd speak. It was rumored lu political circle! In I'hlladfdphla that tho Washington party leader.! who arc directing the meeting of the Washington party .state committee tit IUrribbiirg this iiftr-motm am pre paring an ultimatum to tho neniocral". to tho cfted that unless Palmer with draws in ff vor of Glfford Plnchot as the fusion candidate for United States Sen ator, they will not -support McCormlclc, tho Democratic candidate for Governor, lu whoso favor William Draper Lev,ih the Washington ptity nominee, with drew a week ago. This ultimatum, it was said, will he made public after tho meeting of H" State committee in Harrlsbuig this after noon, which was called to act upon the withdrawal of Lenin and to name his Kiicee,i.sor on the Washington pa"')" ticket. ihc that the inun wan culor.-il and th.it imiiw isus naieiinin. Nflghliins 'Aim have been vigorously nrnfi Mine: hlnrA it,...- i...,..... ... .i. Hie ' Campbell at the llelgmde and t'leniilcltl ' Intention of tho owner to rent the place buckets cHtno bno'.i til'nl with cofTce. Th ! streets station linn in.nning to tealtry only to nfisincn, clianccd their turtles to ludiewe for the great pan sighed its . snln.st her huchand. ijeoigp Mlaiac'4, . iny nurl letud to talk- Tliov declared niiy back onto th streot. . tvho, sne earn, oe.irieu nor mito ino.iilis . thai n- be ,t way to meet the condition lio- ter now, aiinougu a run tirdceii i -" nhsieiaii. !ook mere like hi hi-uthem I B.lowe conic Home init.i- u.a,i ho did saver.ll ears w-l, Ti,,. ! intoxicated cnr.ditiol'. lie i.lnsician. !ook mere like his brothers Llowe-it came Home ycitriuny in an loda." thai, ho did several eara asli. Then i Intoxicated cnr.ditiol'. 'e aiali. and rn lie wus Just a bit too dapper. Toda I ' '"'J1 , 1""1 ,? TmI!',i ,', '"' h,v" . ' , '" iv weai3 a straw hat, much battered, on 1 ,"ul I'",,S9ir h0 h't ''"'over the hca.l his head, and the shoes on his feet 0ld ' ,iV a lm,v ?"! ?. ;l,0' fm' h pi' ua -.uprated b cobbling. 4 ; Uolmau Drain, of the Kuleiadc nnd Clear- in b ilcm-e. nnd detdlned to nnr.o ,...i., lens. th Iftft no douhl, however, that the flctiun or the owner has highly In. I- ue .nipr His ambition though is the tame. That I s, to o.ganlzr the hobo; make bim a j power. Thoy can't be a powc-, lie ar j ucs. when they sinnly slink along thu 'right-of-way of rail"- ds. t'oiift-rlcratc-d, ' h holds, they would become a power in . i.atlonal politics. MANIT0U AS TROOP SHIP m . . , British Government Takes Over At lantic Transport Vessel. The Biltis.li (iuvcrnnic-nt bus com-mandcc.-e-l th" Atlantic Transport steam Silip M&mtou, which up until th out break of the war plied between this port and London. At thu offuo of the International Mer cantile Mkime I'oiv.p.my. it was said to day that another bout would replace the Manitou as soon js the eastward freight movement warranted it Tho Manitou is now un her way to Halifax to transport Canadian troops to the scene of action. mid streets station- attested the man. Whfi niought befoie the Magistrate UlowacK had l.5 with him- Ub was to'.d to give tho monev lo lib wife, iviiq. according to the teatlmony, togelher with Iter children, has been subsisting on, brc-rd and water for cln; la-it'tivo weeks. . when their small supply of money hud lun nut. I'lowacz was dictini-ged with the command that he go bad; to his family anil work for t. support. inj! It fo ! It for lent to colored people only. -Vjv .f the r.elghboii lud acted prop- GHAWTS HUNGRY MAN'S PLEA flagyed, fiiciidlsss and without a home. John Lettiu. Tu years old, appeared be fore Magistrate- Wrlgley at the liiancii towu police station thin morning uud plcadcu with the ilagistrute to tend him to ttie House of i-orre-.tion. Dettra was "m.to,,um,K '," " ' !;? : s "-:?. n "" tcanu h. ...t,- ..,-... ,-...v. t uiK ei Jiei unit iijunntii DIRECTOR HARTE ACCUSED OF CONTEMPT OF COURT Judge Demands Reason for Charitiei Official's Release of Boy. Judge Got man, sitting in th' Juvenile Branch of tho Munlclpul Court. todJI' ordered that a aubpuena be issued, sum? moiling Director Harte, of the lluieaii of Health and I'haritlej, tj appear b'fort him net I'llday to allow cause why h should not bo held in tonteiupt of ourt. Judge Gorman tool; this action 'hen informed of the dikchatge or a i.ioi minded child ftom tho Phil.-iddphi.i llc pital four days alter the child had bt'n committed by the Municipal I'omt t" trl caie of tho Department of Health at' Charities. The child, who whs released fiom tM City Hospital, apparently without "' thority, WB3 Max Miller, a feeble-iimide' deliiuiueiit, whu had been i-laccd on p.""' ballon lait January, hut who showi n Iniiirovemeui under tho watchful o "erV nncc of .Miss Kale Gaiter, the jro.iatloa officer. On August IS rhe repoited ! boy back to the couit as showuig improvement and as .b.dng a nunaic W other chtldtcn by the bad example " set. Tho boy was then committed l ' icpartment of I'libllc Ilealtli and ( "ly ties. The departmu'it sent the bo " tht I'hlhtdclphln Hiu.iltal The cnuit hcaid no more of the -111'"' boy, and the fac; of hii rclense four da) alter his commitment wuuld i)ri"s have escaped discovery had It nut o1 thot another fecbk-niindcd cldld. -'u.' t....ii .... .. m.a t. ...KLta die Kh mi..i i i.. "; i k-"h- iiuiretB, w joaru or age. oi ."', vvilb im lit ' 7avo. JC'V.'"I",5 t0 ,"3at !s"-. s brought before Juds- '' . . .. '.""' ''ut as l Ba'l they cot nasty I man todav. The in.itre v... jbjut W has ;.'.... ,,,f.."!,.fJ.'.-,tin?. for !' hu 'commit her tu the cue of the W't J -T "v " eow incii mat she ineni of llo.-i ualtei. the "My wife is the ow-nei- .r n. !,.,.. Mr. i.clei told the iJvcn'ng Ledger today. 'hhe inherited auout jfO.OTO froPl her rather last June, lu his win ho provided that tin must .pend aoini of that money lu the eriort to hep colored people. Ac-tordln-j.j i,iic got Die to buy up property could do good lor tl. : ace. ... ":i,' "" Kifr 8ot tho property on West Venango street tho t:e!.7hboT3Ix came nasty. "r-ile.y rcajQ r, cfron t0 confer wit,, her. a.ie knew nothing of the unitflibbrhouil and when she obti.lned control ilirouyh her ital estate agent, she ." .", "b" 'MJl un tue uoue tidvc-rtls- way wo polite station the old man said that h. hed not eaten for more than SI hour Magistrate Wrlfciey tomplUd with hi i queat and ni him to the Hou-v of Cm- I rectlou for three months, will The Colored .-ixr,nta e'ta.v. It hi a oure hiiAinr-a ,-,w..... aition II.. .,,. , ---"-- ..wK -....... Jt nliK lo s.j jj noiii mm lijiini sum Is mghcr the low ' n.uiitU r to the cuie ot tue vvv' ealth and Charities, when "" ! probation office, . -lai'd t''-; 2 lie lUlk iliilllrli.B P.STrirrlll.-J the 1'lW boy and learned much to her eiopi" tht ine hr,v- i, ..i i,a.. .Ant hiimr i-"'-' ,h1?.W.h"V S in a'"- '' ' ,ne Philadelphia Hospital on the M-'O' than ihe acra3c rent in , following the day of nn oiwim-"' I 'Xliursday, August VS. Midi in i- i i iiii- s i V