Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 10, Image 10
Tfpmi, -n -- -r 5n-P?3 10 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1C, 1914. WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO KNOW-THINGS THAT INTEREST MAID AND MATRON TEMININE FLIRT OFTEN PROVES TO BE BEST OF WIVES Ancient Adage That "Flirts Never Marry" Isn't True in Most Cases Her Experi ence Valuable. From time Immemorial much conjure and criticism have ever bejel the path Wn' of th.lt not-altogethor-to-he noiplel young woman, the Kllrt Witihmg her somewhat lively deportment .uM un Inn Hon to dnllj with her vnilou ndmners, matrons shake their hraili. .igel.v nun muring the ancient ml.igp tint Flirts never marr,' while splm-lns of uiuei taln year, but quite certain opinions, hold up their h.mds in condemnation Tet, In the fact of fill thu. It l a cu rious hut true fact trnt the Fllit m must cose not onh dos tn.tm. but m.irrles quite happllv mid sntufact. rib . and really retains her hustnnd' affection In a fashion quite unfathomable to her former censors For. after all. the solution of the prob lem I- not far to seek tWore nnrrl.ng" this milch-cntlclsed young ladv ha pained hrr experience of men pihI their wins, and once married -die I not ne.irlv o liable to fall Into the matrimonial mis takes of her primmer lters thoie er rors of Judgment which so "Jar" and Irri tate the nvciage hmb.ind Her knowledge of the mere male h.is taught her to steer clear of the" vcrv pinpricks which rtrhc love out of the window and the hu'bind out of the house If ihe henr- her hus band's footstep 'he Involuntarily glance In the nearest mirror to see that he I looking her verv best, then greets him with as merr.v Mid coquettlh a mlle as In the old dm when he anlouly courted her among n crowd of other aspirants, and the neighbors consequently termed her "that lltrtatlous girl." Although now married, the thought of appearing hefore her huband untldv or drtwdv or In anj wa unaftractlve AIM her with aversion For before marriage she realb learned the vnlu" of attractive ncs. not merelv thnt essent'al attractive. nets In outward appearance but tn addi tion, the charm of an attractive and In teresting mind At an "at home" the other da I ovr henrd the following conversation betwion twu married wimen. both omg and prettv but differing In the fact that be fore marriage one had been tnvarlablv denounced as "very lltrtatlous while "h other had been held up as a moil! of rlrllsh propriet.v "Mv dear." wnlini the lwdel cirl "I ?"-irc-h evr se rjoorae now, and we've onl been married a year cUislnci all dav, and oven night he goes ofT to the club to g-3lp with his horrid en friends I can't keep him in the house at all How do you manage to kep our husband with you so much"" "Because I tr tn mnk our hem mm attractive in ever possible way than the club, and rmplf more nltiactivp to him than any nn els.' replied the other gaily, "and I dnn t consider hi met. friends horrid th. -. ri night thev wish and smok all over the home." "But, m dear how dreadful for vou!" model" girl "Think ELLEN ADAIR GETS HER FIRST PEEP AT REAL LONDON LIFE PRINCESS MARY PRINCESS MARY OF ENGLAND ARDENT DEVOTEE OF SPORTS Daughter of King George Able Ten nis Player and Horsewoman. The only daughter of King Oeorge the Fifth I a young and charming girl who earl has learned the dutl of her high posltlcn For. tievt only to her mothei. he Is, the greatest lad In the land of i England, nd holds the noblest rank I With no sljter to fharc her lessons or pursuits, the voung Trlncess greatl.v ap- i predate the soelet of her live biotheis, i and Is beloved of all from the quiet and ' reserved Pitnce of Wales to that Irre pressible nlnc-year-old. the mlchlevoiu Prince John For Princess Mao loves ath letic sports, and until Intel has always shared In all hor biothers' games. In re turn, she has invarlibly been th- recip ient of their confidences nnd affection. A cert tin royal dignity surprlslnc in so young a girl clings to the youthful Princes'. She has Inherited the true cried the "'tii and troubC 'h .Igurptte aoh and the queenly m-inno.. and once some ars ago the Prince of Wales was heard to say that ' Maiy was welcome to do all the State business, and leave him out of it, as she liked It and he dldn t " Last ear at the great tennis tourna ment at Wimbledon, when America tri umphed In the winning of the Davis tup UMd wrested the prize from England, Princess Mar arrived young and beau tiful in her simple white frock and pink hit Her appearance was greeted by the appl-iuso of thousands and a sea of opi-ia-plisses was leveled upon her Hut. al though the color rote In her soft joun; cr.feks, her air of quiet self-possession never for a moment wavered Her eager p.a.7.1- followed the lightning strokes of the victorious McLoughlln. and so in terested was she In the game that when a waltr came bearing a tray for her to tJke afternoon tea she waved It hastily aside The Davis cup wa- brought for h. r to sef. and when the great match was over she rose and walked on the lawn t.. the waiting motorcar with all the dignity of grown-up rovnlty The Princess is a clever needle woman. of th- I as mtslt be expected of the daughter of "Oh, bother the carpets and the trouble If my husband is happv," was the reply "He says he is proud to have his friends drop In and meet me. and I Join In all their talk. Tie savs I'm the best com panion he has, and I mean him to keep on thinking that " "But I hate men's talk and politics anq golf, and all that sort of thing,' said the other "You must make the effort anihon." said the happilv married girl ""'ouldn't you sometimes Just dirt with our hus band a little "But, mv dear, ' wailed the "Model" girl. 'I have never flirted in my lif. and you have the advantaEe of me I don t know how to sot about it' th- Indefatlsable English Quen But whether she possesses a love for It or not Is very doubtful although she sews e- tun.lvAlv f,r the nflftr At nn ..hlhlflnn of work done for the Needlewirk Gjlld ' taNl-:- anv wa at all. On Way to America After Her Mother's Death, Sad English Girl Is Amazed by Sights. 1 think the common places of a com mon life are mine romantic than any ll, tlon. Hut no trumpet heralds the tell ing of n common tale, no glaring foot lights Illumine the vitnl happiness of life For the human soul shrinks fiotn tho limelight, and even to Itself will aenrco admit Its Inmost secrets And yet this stoiv of my life will show the very heart of me. week after mother's death. th kind tv lltl lawyer who was negotiating af fairs lor me. had obtained my passage 'n Amcilca, and accompanied me un to London to complete the llnal winding up of business matters With a sad heart. 1 bade a long farewell to the humble folks In the llttlo English village, and to the lottage on the dear Sussex Downs' In two houis' time we weie In London, nnd on the .morrow 1 wns to sail for Amcilca. It had all been nnanged so swinlv. so suddenly, but In thnt crowded week 1 was ahid that I had to work so haid-elad that I had had but little brath'ng space for thought and remem bratne' The hurrv and the bustle dulled the first sharp pain of my loss, and took the .1rt ken sting of bitterness away. INVITED TO DRIVE. "C me come. Miss Adair." said the '.Ittle -old lawyer fussily as together we stood at the edge of the pavement at uxf-ird Circus, that great comer, where in a roar and a very whirlpool of traffic the gient Regent street and Oxford Btrert unit.-. ('01118, come, vou mtit be hungry Since iur business Is concluded I wish to tike you to dine," and he beamed affiblv upon me But shove the rear of the traffic his thin ind reedv voice quavered uncertain ly and mv thoughts were with the crowds uroii"d I stared transfixed and fas cinated a veritable country cousin A vonng, tall, helmeted policeman stood alone amidst that seething mob. and with one uplifted hand kept back a hundred tlvirs ta.ls. wagons and motorhuses Alne he stood there as with the divine rlcht of kings, for rich and poor eo-rnetcd carriage and careering loiry ohcv.d his slightest sign And then at last the uplifted hand was lowered, and the trifflc. like some wild caued thing that can ill brook restialnt, leapt forward with a great, d ill roar again ' Ellen Adair." laid the little lawyer testilv "I am not voung, and I never was patient. We have stood her for ten minutes txactly Behind us are the win dows cf .Tnv's establishment Just cram med with hats,- and gowns, and women's fal-df-rals And If vou will turn around and gae right there I can excuse you being a woman and nocessarllv foolish! But we cannot continue right here, gaz Ing in space and obstructing the King's hlchwnv " I could not but smile, and come to earth again. "Across that awful street we must .o." said the little man, "if we are to get to Plccndillv tonight by Tube or 'bus or And to trust mv K&mio &! 3&x -..w.vi S ft in . .tp CHILDREN'S FROCKS OF SCOTCH PLAIDS ALWAYS IN STYLE The Gordon and MacDon ald, in Dark Blues and Greens, Are Especially Suitable for School. Scotch plaids are never altogether out of style, at least where, children') frocks arc concerned, but their vogue ebbs and wanes from year to year, with an oc casional season of flood tide. Of the many tartans, the Gordon and the MacDonaJd, In dark blues nnd greens, enlivened with a yellow stripe, are espe cially suitable for school wear. X They are serviceable and smart, two Important factors not alwAys easy to combine. Tho frock shown here has the kilted aklrt that la hoth pretty and sensible. It la tho conventional skirt, where plaid Is used, but the dtese shows originality In tho bias use of tho plaid for tho waist. It Is cut slightly long as to shoulders Til dc,lt,e,1y 11K as to the waist line The sleeves are et In and cut shorf enouah for n blag cuff. norl The dress Is finished with a little. broldered collar, and a four-in-hand I n.T " velvet falls almost to the sash which la also of velvet. ""' The aash emerges from the sides of the waist which lap over It, basque fashion A buckle holds It tn prfsltlSn Sd give, a final touch to the costume. It Is Just such touches on a slmol dress that gives It style and distinct H la here that one dressmaker shows her superiority to nnolher and the differ. ence Is marked between the professional and the amateur. It explains why a model Is sometimes copied with such disastrous results It Is copied all but some detail which s not considered Important, or something s substituted for trimming or ornament that by no means takes the place of ttiei original. Children's fashions vary, but the frock that Is simple Is In much better taste than one that Is elaborate or over, trimmed, Children like to be dressed as their playmates are dressed-that Is their fash Ion mirror. The shortness of the skirt, the length of tho waist are often tho only special characteristics of a season. Of course, the position of the belt or sash depends on tho length of the waist and ono year the sash Is In favor at the expense of tho belt nnd another the belt is more conspicuous, But Just a llttlo careful study of a few good models makes It a simple matter to keep to tho set standards. Above nil, the frock must be suited to the age. A few years difference either way and the most perfect creation would look anything but stylish If It were worn by a child cither too old or too young. CHILD'S SCHOOL FROCK OF SCOTCH PLAID BEJbORE THE SANDMAN COMES Wi ! ? THE RAINBOW I -Qwj 11 SvoJ ? ' '' 0H' WHERE is the end o( the Wff UP ! ' That I see all over the sky? SVSW Hi'i ! ?t I'm going to run and find it r?f' y I ',.;. As soon as the grass is dry. Shi& '' Ss V But where is the beautiful rainbow? ?&. fc?; 'f"P? 5"-.?'" (52:! .- It was mean of it not to stay; ?$, Kg.; 7.,-0 &K '' Just wheji I was going to touch it, ffe.:i Ki- -'fit'V ;. It started to run away. 'f&i Wjlg&'j?llJM 1 :" iCoprlBht, 1014, b Malcolm Sanders John- p- li ' f 'V''V '' :lif (' some vie said o the Queen "What a btautlful piece of work Princess Mary has done." Tho Queen replied, "I am ifrald it has cost some tears " The Princess is a splendid horsewoman, and nas a great ambition to be allowed to drive an automobile. Mounted on a I little chfstnut cob she rode to hounds fit st at the ace of 11. and since then she hns been an ardent devot'e o' the port, enlovlng manv a gallop in Windsor Tor est or around Sandrlngham As a tennis pl3er. the Princess Is most enthusiastic, and the King and she have many a hard fouzht batile on the courts 1 rooking and all branches of domestic I science are old familiar ground to her, and sh Is a most successful amateur Photographer The voung Princess is very -much at- ' ta'hed to the bahv of the family, that . naughty, lovable little boy. Prince John True Interview on the StruP2le l &? w' heVte" f.ttVfe? of Life. ' low the Queen was entertaining a eele. !,w ,lJ..m,ir(!hand.,heari .'vth" ' tie Prince was brought In to see her. The POINT OF VIEW OF A LITTLE CASH-GIRL worker, to penetrate the veil and fathom r.er mental attitude touard life anq the rreat struggle for life is no uasi task Vet the little H- ear-old cish-gtrl tallied readily and well "I have alwaS been a worker, and I like It," said she to me in her cheerful wav for mothei used to to oui.washlng and when I camo In from school, 1 had to house-clean, and cook, and mind m little brother and the baby Then while I was at school, I worked all daturdavs tn a store as extra" alrl The hours ere sometimes a little long J in th" morning till 12 at nicht but th-n tne pav was splendid for a child, for I got i0 cents "And. with a happliv reminiscent look, "If I got home earlier wh. mother some, times let me have a nickel to go to the movies with'" ' But didn't ou nam. to play on Satur- das like other little girls doubtfully "Why es' Hut 1 just had to forget about that and It was gret to bring that W cents to mother, it helped hr so Hut all that ended three jears ago, when I Mt school I've been a real store-girl ever since And now I'm making Jl a week 1 feel so Independent, although, of course, I give it all to mother It's all we have to live on ou see" 'And Isn't It rather nne of ou to 'give It all tn mother'?" I look on it this way." said the little cash-girl earnestl, "mother used to work ' so hard for me, that now It s just my turn 1 to work for her' And that's only fair play, you know. Those years of bending I over the wash-tub have given her rheu- I matlsm, and now aha cannot work hard any more Mother used to be so young and pretty, but now she looks sort of old and tired I want so much to take that tired look awav, to let her rest up a bit " And don't ou want the gaieties that girls of our age ao often have' I could not refrain from inquiring The little cash-girl smiled and her smile held no regrets no bitterness, only th sheer optimism and the wonderful courage of JtVJth 1 have no time for many gaieties, she said earnestly, but I am very happy all the same Vou see. I work till half-past nve and four evenings a week I go to night school The other nights I study at home, and sew for my little brothers And Sunday evenings I am free to read and enjoy mjielf And do jou ever wonder just where i is all leading to utile gin? 1 Ker "To sou ever tlitnh noble ladv stooped to ki'.s the child, and was somewlut surprised and disconcerted I nhen he smartlv smacked her face with I the remark. "I am a boy and I don't kiss I girls'" The Princess has lust been emancipated from schoolroom routine but still con tinues special studies HOPEFUL HEART BEARS IMPRINT OF BEAUTY Lovelier and More Desirable Than First Freshness of Youth. The truest beaut H but a reflection of the loul wlihin On the tired face of many on old woman worker, on the home- I asked I countenance m man a Kinniy ma- uuili . ri,i.-i .1 ijr-i atitl ill.,,.- ricidcit na.mt tVian the mere Href frechnMCC nt youth For such hove lived and such have learned to hope The voung girl lives in the happy present and hr pretty fare gives but the promise of a deeper beauty But the old folks, with their furrowed skins, have learned llfe'3 les sons An4 W nil fr tn h rt . fun pt brain Mart than th Father hfnrt rich good 'n- nt' Fa.-ti time at troell th autumn 1inji m w linon th prlmr le time ulll come giin Not mer t nopt nor lrs ould tooths our rain ' determined the will bring a blsser sal. ary with them." "But the disappointments?" I said again They have a good side, too." said the little philosopher eagerly "Vou know, this year I planned to go for just on week to Atlantic flty I've never seen j crimson life to the whims of thot lanky Irish bov In the policeman's uniform is a poor legal proposition' But need must," and seizing my arm he plunged us recklessly Into the traffic What mleht have hap pened I do not know, but I cast one de spairing glance on the voung pollreman, and gallantly he responded to the oc casion At a wave of his hand, the traffic halted to let us cross. A.MAZKD AT CROWDS. We reached the entrance to the Oxford street tube, and pitied once more. It was fl o clock on a fine July evening, nnd the, ta'1-hatted. frock-coated London busi ness men were hurrv ing tn their trains. The passages to the fnderground. these strange subterranean passages which wind far neow the London streets, were full of hurrving men to me thev seemed like so many frightened rabbits scurrying n their warren. 'It would be a pity to so down there this clorlotis summer evening'" said I, "even for a short time It Is only 6 o'clock and we have still more than three hours of da light I would love to ride on a London motorbtis'" The little lawver waved a frantic cane to the first of a Ion line of great flying motorhuses which, like huge JiiRjier nauts were cnreerlng down Regent street The red-faced driver wheeled sharply Into the pavement, and without even stopping the vehicle, the conductor at the rear leaned out and fished us both up while thev were still moving I thought It amusing, but mv companion-at-arms was more 'at arms' than ever "Preposterous behavior'" he stormed aloud. "I have never vet known a London motorbus to rea'lv stop for man or beast" One is literally picked up by the scruff of the neck, heaved In. and later on gently deposited In the same manner upon the pavement, while the 'bus keeps up the theor of perpetual motion I shall report this to the London County Council. Just see If I don't, sir'" KNJOYS SIGHTS We scrambled on top. clinging tightly to the railing of the narrow winding staircase But once aloft the view- was glorious and the paco exhilarating For we went ns fast as any tacl or private car, we darted In nnd out of tiny spa.es In the traffic with eel-like eneiy; we wheeled ohead of many a smaller car with hair-raising rapidity The roof vts packed with people, and projected fur out over the main body of the big vehi. cle and as we dodged anfl twisted, u and out curvetting and wheeling gaily in the crowd, I felt that we wen de. perately top-heavy, and must certainly overturn But nothing of the sort oc curred, and we turned sharply Into Pic cadilly Around the great fountain In the centre of tho encus were bright splashes of old, pink and heliotrope j-'or AyTANY years ago, when this world was all a fairyland, the flower fairies worked very hard all the sum mer long. There were so many, many things for them to do buds to open and pet als to paint; stamens to powder and seeds to make. "I really do declare," exclaimed Fairy Moss one day, "that there is no end of our work!" "Thank goodness, you're right," said Fairy Silver heartily. "Of course, I am right." responded Fairy Moss tartly, "1 always am; but why thank goodness about it?" "Because a world without work is the very stupidest place one can pos sibly imagine that's why!' And Fairy Silver laughed so heartily at the wry face Fairy Moss made that what do you suppose5 Fairy Moss actually commenced to laugh, too! He laughed and laughed at Fairy Silver's laughter till the wry look went off his face and he seemed really happy! "Very well then," he said finally, "let's say work is all right then I must be all wrong, for I don't like it!" Fairy Silver looked htm over care fully. "It has been a hot day," he ad mitted, "and you have worked hard I know; I believe you need a nap " "A nap!" exclaimed Fairy Moss in amazement. "A nap," replied Fairy Silver firmly, "and you are going to have it right now." He led Fairv Moss over into a nice 1 shady corner under some broad leaves, tucked him up snugly and left him to 1 sleep "There" 1 guess that will make him feel better," he decided and he went on about his own work as cheerfully and happily as always, Fairy Moss really was tired. And he slept and slept and slept till the day was done till the sun had set anil the stars had come out in the sky. Then he stirred and twisted and woke up. He could hardly believe his eyesl "Stars! Are the stars out already5' he exclaimed. "And has the sun set without my seeing it?" He was just about to feel very bad about all he had missed when he noticed how rested and refreshed he felt. "Never mind what I have missed; 1 feel much better and tomorrow I can see the sunset." But when tomorrow came he was sleepy and cross as ever. "I rilly will have to take another nap, but 1 don't need to sleep so long. Maybe Fairy Silver can tell mc how o wake up sooner." Fairy Silver thought a minute and then said, "That's easy; ask this bush, under which you sleep, to call you when the sun begins to set." So Fairy Moss went to sleep. And promptly at 4, when the sun began to drop down in the sky, a dozen trumpets of red and yellow and white appeared all over the bush. They blew and blew until Fairy Moss woke up and saw the sunset. And ever since that day the "Four o'Clocks" blow their gay trumpets and wake the napping fairies in time to see the sun set. Tomorrow The Cardinal's Breakfast (Copyright. 1014, Clara Ingram Judson ARCHDUCHESS AIDS WOUNDED Mother of Murdered Austrian Arch duke Becomes Nurse. ROME. Sept. 16. Vienna dispatches received here say that all tin women of tho Austrian Im perial family are acting as Red Cross nurses, having organized special hos pitals, where they nie personalh atieid lng the wounded. The Archduchess Marin "'hciesa, mother of Archduke Francis Foidl.iand, who was assassinated In Bosnia Just be. fore the outbreak of the war. Ins te questcd to be permitted to nuue Slav soldiers'. n1 HAVE "Why Not OYSTERS ? Don't wonder how to vary the family menu. Serve oysters. They are delicious, nourishing and economical food and may be prepared in a hundred differ ent ways. We have every kind of fresh and salt waiter oysters in season. Deliveries to all parts of the city. All sea foods always on hand. Seven Fridays in a Week at John E. Fitzgerald's Reading Terminal Market Race 2803 Phonest Filbert 3944 and 3945 HOUSEKEEPING OUTFITS Coffee Percolators Fireplace Fixtures Chafing Dishes The Prices Are Not High and the Goods Are Choice COME AND SEE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 16260iestnubStreefc .'y .?.. rYIKiCNV-, Correspondence of general Interest to women readers will be printed on this page. Such correspondence should be addretsed to the Woman's Editor, Evening Ledger. f, ; OMIMC !i v iX rv w;;sSXjR v.WM. v . v. "sry. Inc. George Allen, 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 the cea. and I've always longed to go. Well, everything was arranged, and I was counting the daa. when suddenly I was moved into a new department and told that I could get no vacation this lai at all' I was 10 disappointed, for I had been saving for six jears to go. Hut thn this new department In the itore patd m more.' "So you think every cloud has its sil ver lining. Is that it?" She nodded her head sagely. "And I know that happiness comts from inside, and we can really maku it all ourselves " she answered "And I think a girl who earns her own salary and can helo at of the days and 1 home with It has such a fine chance tu jaa of woik that lie ahead-and feel be happy IJecaust she Is so necessary. k llttlo frightened of It all?" , o needed And among the poor ther j.iok on it this way. ' sdid the little U more love thin among the rich' ' -rsl-glrl earnestly "When ou fling J "And so uu l'iov forward ihcerfully vt r heait and oul Into an job. It be- to a lung life of work all the time?" I nM interesting And If u aim to t J aked id on a' il u Tut up. why you don: j I think the worker are the happiest y t-, mini the Ion hours and th 1 id the little i.if li-giil eager! . llici. , he file Mies o quicg wren h , 'hut u innot stu t 1 , , 1 .1 n e hs" " n" ' J t c t nl'il I akc i .. , , ,.t rv. ., f' r me Uui , . , t afiB-i of me ar, b-au? j tn Hie old curious custom still obtains, nnd the old market women fiom Covent iar 1! or the ccuntry still sit peacefully knitting and goosiping around tii foun tain their big badkeu of flowers in front of them, their scarlet ind yellow shawls around them, and the denie.it tralric In the universe swirling at their feet One would think that a nervous break-duwu must inevitably result but wrut care they for fashionable fancies. "Roses, sweet roses'" they cry. between the In tervals of gossip. "Lovely roses, only six pence the bunch' A rosu for flu pretty ldy feir? clod bless you, Sir' ' Tonight, when I think of these qur old-fashiuned London flower-women, a hoinei,ick longing comes over me for just one glimpse of EngUnd r 1 1 , Trimmed Millinery Reproductions front Model Hats by the Foremost Parisian Designers ve people who lift and p. op' R'lt the people who 1 if r s 1 :.' ir il -. . ,. 1 ,1 1 . , . I" ' u ill 1 1 I Vnd a"- ifri a ' i 1 1 , .tol tii.t n Newest Dances Quickly Taught fie one of the boo, danc ers this year Correct step a 11 d Innovations tH'ight b experts Per gonal r class lessons The Cortissoz School i"i nviri i C'rr tll-OB) 1520 Chutnut St 0h New Importations Boas, Scarfs, Muffs Boas, 5,75, $7.50, $9 Scarfs, $5,75 to $15.75 Muffs, $6.75 to $10.50 Owing to the scarcity of these goods an early selection is suggested. Laces Exquisite things to use in making gowns and blouses. Fresh from Europe Mechlin Net with sequin de signs in gold, silver, Brussels net, filet, crackley net, em broldered in gold and silver and colored combinations. Beaded Jet and Sequin in flouncings, all overs and bands. Complete line Tassels and Frogs, in separate designs. IN 1302 WALNUT ST. Charming Dominic Models With the True Parisian Touch The Autumn and Winter mode3 presented here form a most brilliant display, with sufficient diversity of style thought to meet with the whims of milady. And the new foreign fabrics have been cleverly chosen, each possessing that air of refinement characteristic of "Dominic" exactness. S55 anri Sfift Woolen Suitings $45 $55 and $60 Sport Suits (Dominic Creation) $45 $50 and $55 Top-Coats at isr $40 Comlnlo cut j, Its an., rrsonally intends ( making 0 eah and garment, tuper-! tverv , ""' r'. Kfe.fcatRia