Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Postscript Edition, Page 9, Image 9

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A MONO the l'hllndelplilans expected soon to
A nrrlve from tlie war zono ale Dr. and Sirs.
Benjamin . Heath, who, with their children,
XtlW Alberta I'aliconat Itonth and .IohcpIi 1'an.
coast Heath, have been spending the post three
rears In Htvltzerlnnd and ,t'ari. Doctor and
Mrs. Heath wilt occupy their house 1011 Walnut
itrcct, which wna rented last year hy Mr. nnd
Mrs. ! Theodore Marshall.
Mrs. Itcatli was 5"ss Florence t'aucoast, a.
daughter of Mis. Albeit 1'nncoaHt nnd sister
0( Mrs. Joseph K. Wldoncr, of Klltltm t'arls.
Mis. A. Oarcscho Norris and lier little daugh
ter. Miss Elisabeth Norrls, havo icttirncd to
the' city nflfi' a summer spent In Onpe May and
dm I'ocono Mountnlna. Mrs. Norrls will re
main heio until somo time In October, when j
,he will sail for cuoa mm win spend the
winter with her mother, Mrs. Augustus Wil
ton, who Is living In Havana,
MIm Hole" Olcason, of 2033 Chestnut strrct,
gave a dinner Inst night which was followed
by a bo paity nt the thcntic.
Mr.'. Henry H. t'nncoast, her lalightcr, Mrs.
A. Jt. Iliiov nnd son, Howell I), t'nncoast, and
tlielr families have returned to Torresdnle after
a two months slay In Wlldwood Crest.
Thfie will be a club danco nt the Meriou
CUckcl Club on Saturday night of this week.
Mra. JIartold Ollllngham wilt shortly Issuo
Invitations foi a largo debutante luncheon to
be given In honor of her debutante daughter,
Mies Cilth Harrold Ollllngham, nt Tho Ark,
their attractive homo on l'rlce street, Gormait
lown. early In November, About 35 or iO guests
will be present. Sirs. Gllllnghnni will give n
tea. to Introduce her daughter on Monday,
Kovember 2.
Henry V. Orahnin, foimerly of ticrmantown,
now n resident of Illvcrslde, Cal., announces
the engagement of his daughter. Marguerite
Graham, to James II. AVIIson, of Phoenix,
Atlz. The wedding vlll take place In the
early autumn.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlcmajne Tower und their
daiightrrs, Miss Helen S. Tower and Miss
C'crtrudo Tower, who aio nt The Homestead,
their summer homo nt Wjiterbury, N. V., nro
expected to return to tho city about the mid
dle of October.
Mr. and Mrs. William 31. Longstreth, who
have been on an automobile trip through Now
"York State, stopping nt Coopcrstown for a
few days, will return to their home nt Pcnn
and Knox sttects, German Vtwn, today. Their
daughter, Miss Mildred Vincent Longsttcth,
will be presented to society later In thei
Mr. and Mis. J. Warren foulston, Jr., who
have been taking short trip3 through the sum
mer, havo returned to their ipartments at tho
Rlttoiihousc. whete they will temaln during the
Miss Mary Victoria Green, who Is spending
Beptember at the Delaware Illvcr Club, at
Torrcsdale, will entertain nt dinner before thn
dance to be given thero on Saturday, Sertom
hei K, by a committee composed of A. B.
Mitchell, Joseph M. Patterson and. 2d the
Walter l. Kotterall.
Mr. and Sirs. James Starr, who havo been
In Nova Scotia for tho past six weeks will
return to their lcsidcncc on Olney a'cnue,
Ormantown, tomorrow evening.
Tim monthly dinner and meeting f the
board of diiectora of tho Philmont (buntry
Club will occur :it the club this evenirg.
rrl-ntls of MiS3 Harriet Weed rtnlg, of
1IIJ Spruce Htieet, will bo glad to hea,' of her
afe return fiom London, where she wfi forced
to rtmain for several weeks on nccoujt of the
present trouble in Kuropo.
Mrs. I,, A. ttowan nnd her duuintcrs, of
1 3 Spruce Htieet, have returned to own after
spending the summer at Havcrford.
The regular Tuesday nfternoon tas, which
are held at tho Ladles' Clubhouse, Manhclm,
have been resumed for tho fail, ml yester
day afternoon was marked hy rttto a largo
Mrs. James Francis Sullivan, Jiss Frances
Mvingston Sullivan nnd Miss Iah. Livingston
Bullivan will leave Nuringunsettpler the end
ef thl week nnd will return to loir house in
ItaUnor for tlio fall season. M Sullivuu ic
turncd several weeks ago. Mr.-nd Mra. Sul
livan will entertain extensive!: diiilt'ig the
Hors how. In their box.
Mr3. Jojeph Lcldy nnd Miss Ornelia Ield3
vro have been In Maine durig the warm
eathoi, i.rvo Joined Doctor tidy In Nar
Mgansett IMor. They will opcnfhelr house In
fenlljn Fhortly, where they wf lemaln until
latf in November or early Cccmbor, when
they will movo Into their towi house- at 1313
Locust Ptrxet. Dr. nnd Mrs. eldy will glva
Inigo dinner danco in honor'ff their daugh
ter tho night of January 1. ,'
Persons in this city and NSv Tork will bo
Interested in the wedding of ass Agnes Gris
woM Landon. duughtcr of Mr.ind Mis. Henry
Hutton London, of New yrl. nnd Moses
Tqjlir Pviie, jr ion of Jirf,mi Mrs, Jio,,..,
Tajior Puie, of Princeton ',nil New Voik.
The marriage will toko place n the Churcii of
Bt. Bartholomew, New Yorl city, tlio after
nn of October 20, Mr. Pje. wiiooo mother
as Miss i;ttiv Stockton, o Trenton, has a
number of relatives in this , nnd lias often
Malted Uie.
The Countess von Holnstn and Miss Robe
'on, who havo been motilng through New
ItoirlQiul. nie stopping In Lenox for u few
Miss Mary xorrU coclirj will rctuin to her
"mo at m Soutli 22.1 t,tit about the middle
' Octobei
"' and .Mrs,
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f&mxt ' -ii
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contly returned fiom a threo weeks' tour
through tlio Shenandonh Valley, Va., have
opened their home on Herkclcy load.
.. NAltDERTH Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jcrfciles,
Miss Iltilda .fcfferlc.x, William .iefferlts and
Lester .loffcrles, who spent tlio summer at their
rottago In Ilrlstol, N. II., have opened their
liome on NnrliTth avenue.
.Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Derby have lc
turncd fiom a visit to the Now England coast.
ttynnewood Mr. and Mrs. Itnyburn Claris
Smith, of Aubrey road, motored to Jamestown,
It. I., this summer, wheie they spent two
weekn; Inter tliey toured to Spring Lake. Mrs.
Smith and her duughtcr. Miss Josophlne Smith,
have recently returned from a short motor trip
to Ocean City, where they wore tho guests of
Mre. Smith's sister, Mrs. w. A. Klikpatilck.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Mooio, who ure away
on a Western tiip, are expected home the end
of thifl montii,
AKDMOllE -Mr. and Mrs. lid waul It. Lp Ilou-tlllK-r
nnd family havo returned from Maine and
opened their house on Edgewoort road.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carstnlrs, of Old Gulf
road, have retuined from Erie, P.i where they
spent tho summer with Mrs. Cai stairs' father,
Mutthow Taylor.
M. and Mis, Walter S. Hopkins, their daugh
ter, Mrs. Kdward II. Lycet, Jr.. nnd her little
boy. have returned from a visit to Longpoit.
IIWEHKOnn-Mr. and Sirs. Henry Bain. Jr.,
haw closed their cottage at Northeast Harbor,
Me., and relumed to IIaorfoid.
Mr and airs. W. M. McCawlcy. witli their
duughtcr, Misn Elizabeth McCnwIry, havo ic
turned fiom Grindstone Island, N. Y. They
will occupy their ncnly erected house opposite
tho new grounds of tho Merlon Golf Club
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph do F. Junkln have taken
apartments at Havcrford Court for tho winter.
iln. Itobert Inncs, of Ilaverford Court, has
returned from Avon-by-the-Sea.
DItYNMAwnMrs. George D. Wctherili. of
Heatherfleld, has Issued Invltutlons for a tea
to meet Miss Ada Lambert Wethcrlll, on Mon
day, October 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Vauclaln havo closed
their summer cottago nt Jamestown, R. I., and
havo returned to ttosemont.
Mr. nnd .Mis.
Heiuy Paul
Roily. .Miss
nances Wst nall.. n.urrbpo.inre I,, n.-.llv
'tur e, toclny from Ha Head, wliere t(oy
' been spending the jmmer At tlieir cot-
'fe nn the oeenn fiont. The engagement of
lls H.i.iy t Jnsepli Rmsid K(en was nil-
utitiiu-. .i m u,n spring.
We u.,,.,ti,v jjunioll. f the Rlenhlni. who
J'tun.ij f,om i:ui ope Snuiduy. is spendtna a
r'" ! i Atlantic Cy.
Mr- aud Mrs Matthew Cafton nittmaim. of
wyn aro being consnluLtcd on tho Hi tit
bt on, hm !aat n,sIti
uvtBDnoiiK-Mr. aiiiMrJnenJaniin Rowland,
" '19 "vertirool. avtiuo. nave jeturntd from
v'nieatou, f f
Jlr. di.d Hi4. . (. Vc(ieln, of 64v Slier.
ood acnue. Uverbwl" Jiaye returned fiom
UP Jlay, .v. j. f
MEfiION3rta Hy.ineThayer, of The Dust
', has leturncl fioj Northeast Harbor. Me.
UuiiU M. Tha.i niu, jg s()u j Maine.
-Mne.i ,011U. thUrct.
"" and Mi.
Percy C. Madeira. Jr.. hair
taken the Morris Heikness house at Chelten
Hills for the winter. Mrs. Madeira will bo ic
membeted as Miss Margaret Carey, of Haiti
more. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert and tlieir family
will not return from Saranao Lake. N. Y.. to
Red Top, their home at Rydal. until the middle
of November. After Christmas Mr. and Mis.
Gilbert will go Soutli for the remainder of the
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Nonis, who havo
spent tho greater part of tho summer at their
home, fiyp.y mil. IVnllyn, will move Into their
town house, 231 South 22d street, about the
middle or November.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edward Drayton, of tho
Cedars, Penllyn, returned tills week from a
summer spent in Rockport. Me.
Edward . Smith has returned to his horns
after a trip in Euiope,
Mrs. James R. Turner will be hostess today
at u card party which will be given at the Old
York Road Country Club.
These uffalrs aro held twice monthly ut tho
Clubhouse and each nieetiug Is presided over
by a different hostess.
Countess Santa Eulalla has been spending the
summer at her home In Ogonta.
Miss Adelo Polk and Mies Lillian Hunter,
of Jenklntown, havo leturned from a visit of
tcvcral weeks In Ohio.
.Mr. and .Mrs. John F. Glenn. 3d. and family
havo closed their cottage hi Longpoit nnd io
tinned to their home, 40i3 Warnock stieet,
Dr. ami .Mrs. Richard V. Mattison closed their
house, llushy Pink, at Nenpoit. today and will
leturn to their homo In Amoler this week. They
will stop in New Yoik en route,
Mr. und Mrs. Chnilrs D. Jones, of Ambler
Highlands, are thu giu-bU of Mis. Jones'
patents at their home In Oeeaii City.
Mrs. O'Ncil, before her marriage on Au
gust 6, was Miss Marlanna Lippincott. Mrs.
O'Ncil is at present the guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram Lippincott,
at their home in Bethayres. Mr. anil Mrs.
O'Ncil will live at the Maidstone, 1327
Spruce street, this season.
cngairment to Alfred 8. tteov wm announced
In tho spring.
Mtea Anna Taylor, of Cedrpn, Green
lane, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Long
streth Hoyd nt their homo In Ilaverford,
Air. Edna Goodwin, accompanied by her son,
SIclvln Ulggs Goodwill, has returned to Ger
mantov.p fiom Ithaca, N. 1'., where they spent
the summer.
Mr. nnd Mis. Geoige Hoss Green, of 4IS West
School HoUse lane, haVe returned front a
month's stay nt Itehobolli Bench, Del. Miss
Dorothy Green accompanied them,
Mr. nnd Mis. Tlieron I. Crane, C444 Greene
street, havo returned to their homo from Lako
Plaeld, N. Y.
Daniel Davis has iclUrned to town, having
spent tho summer nt Capo May. Ho has taken
nn apattment at tho Delmat- for the winter.
Robert Rnthbun, of Ban Francisco, Is the
guest of his aunt, Mrs Wheeler Lord. Mr.
Rnthbun will leave shortly for Yale, where he
will finish his coutso In mechanical engineering.
Mrs. William W. Smyth l at present the
guest of her nunts, tho Misses Frnzler, at their
home in Greeno street.
Mrs. Mendclson S. Meehnn and Mrs. John 0.
Hums will entertain nt a garden paity at Mrs.
Median's home, the Homestead, 3S0 Dorset
street, on Frldny nfternodn. Tho affair will
bo given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elton
head, of Otnngo, N. J who have been the
guests of Mrs. Median nnd Mrs. Hums for
several weeks. Receiving with Mrs. Median
and Mri, Burns will be Sirs. Thomas Median,
Mrs. Thomas . Median. Mrs. J. Franklin Mee
linti and Miss Vera Thotpc. Assisting them
wilt he Miss Cntharnio Lannlng, Miss Elizabeth
Median, Miss Mabel nutter, Miss Rosa Mce
linn mid Miss Emma Rutter.
Mt.. Francis Reeves, Jr., of Abboltsford ave
nue, will return to her homo on Monday, after
having spent the summer tit Buck Hill Falls.
Miss Charlotto Urooke, of 6233 Archer street,
left today for a week at Atlantic Clt. Miss
Gertrude llcilcy, of Wlssalilckon, will also be
with Miss Hrooko for tho week.
Miss Maud Buchanan, of 22C1 North Eigh
teenth Btreot, spent the past week-end with a
paity of friends in Ocean City, N. J.
Mrs. Walter Hatty and her daughteis, .Miss
Emma I, Batty and Miss Grace Batty, have
ciosca tneir cottage In Wlldwood. N. J., and re
turned to their home, 2720 North Eleventh
Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Atkins, of 2M0 North
Seventeenth street, havo for their guests Mrs.
Frank Reeves, of Vontnor, N. J., and Miss
llnlllo Gray, of Mlddletown. Del.
Miss llortense Levy, of 1424 North Fifteenth
street, and Miss Helen Abrnhamas, of .3130
Diamond street, arrived home Saturday after
having been isolated from the outside world In
tho smnll town of St. Jean du Dolgt, Bilttany,
for IS days.
Mr. and Mrs. Monls Dannenbuum, of 1001
Spring Gurdcn street, arrived from Pails,
France, Saturday, September 12.
Mrs. Jnmes Rngan. of 1007 Master stieet, has
closed her apartment In Atlantic City and re
turned home.
Tho Misses Cairoll, of 170S Giraid avenue,
after spending the summer at Atlantic City,
have returned for the winter.
Miss Gettrude Mngco, of 1740 North l'aik
avenue, has returned from Ocean City, where
she ivas visiting friends.
Mr. and Mis. William R. Blair, of 3214 West
Susquehanna avenue, returned on Monday from
Ocean City, where they spent the summer.
Miss Esther Bllckley. of Grand Rapids. Mich.,
is visiting Miss Eleanor Hunslcker. of 2321
North Thirteenth street, prior to her depait
uie for Smith College.
Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels, or ISO! Diamond
stieet, iias icturncd from Woodbury, N. J.,
where she was tho guest of hor sou and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Samuel Daniels.
Miss Alice Hnalam, of 1518 North Nineteenth
street, will leave during the week to completo
her course nt the Buckncll University.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fold, of 1023 North 33d stieet.
havo returned home after spending the season
at A'ontnor.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Howett, of 1930 North
Seventh street, will remain in Atlantic City
through the early fall.
Mrs. Henry S. Louehhcim. of 1010 Green street,
will be at home on Saturdays In October.
guest ot Mr. V. Vcr.ztr, of North Broad
frs, David Oeikler, of 3S27 North Sixteenth
street, will leave on Saturday for several
weeks' stay In Atlantic City.
Mrs. Charles 'O. Murtha, who has been at
Atlantic City for the past fortnight, has te
turned to her home, 1713 Tioga street, where
she will entertain extensively during the sea
Robert D. Lodge, after an extended trip
through the West, has returned to his home,
1115 Venango street.
1 ,i, I. Jill ii ill "ifll iln m lllliill ! lAwnwpliwiillii III 'i "- ' ,- ., j... :. . fi . r
11,1 I III ,1, . I I M II. ,..-...... . .. . --- J. - ... I. . . 1
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m -, . ., J - ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C Cox and their
fAmfly have returned to their homo on Lyceum
avenue, after spending the summer at their
cottage In Ocean City.
Mrs. Harry T. Jones, of 121 Fountain street,
entertained a house patty over the week-end.
Her guests were Miss Mary Ellena Colee, Mlsi
Miriam Colee, of St. Augustine, Fla.: Mrs.
Howard Stuckert, of Woodbury, N. J.; Miss
Gertrude Bottom, Miss Estelle Bottom, Mrs.
James Hayes and Miss Edna Kcrfer.
Miss Emily Wolfel, who has been the guest
of Mrs, Louisa Brecht, of Lyceum avenue, for
several weeks, has leturned to her home In
Dr. and Mra. David Custer, .of Gieen lane,
have leturned from an automobile tour through
Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E Hunter Lord and Mrs. Lord's
mother, Mrs. S. J. Goodfellow, of Lyceum ave
nue, have returned from a month's stay In
Anbury Park.
Miss Jiatharlnc Harris and her ntace, Miss
Katharine Shoemaker, of Lyceum avenue, have
rreturned from an extended stay at Bedford
Springs, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lyman, of M32
Spruce street, have returned from their camp
at Lako Placid In the Adlrondncks and hav
opened their house for tho winter. They made
the trip through New York and New Jersey by
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nelson Spencer, who
spent the Bummer at Atlantic City, haie le
turned to their home, 4903 Cedar avenue.
Mis. William W. Farr, who has been occupy
ing Sea View, her cottago at Chelsea, for tho
summer months, will open her house at 3902
Walnut street, next week.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Thomas E. Turner and Miss
Doiothy Turner, nfter spending the summer at
Huddon Hall, Atlantic City, have returned to
tlieir home, 422S Pino street, for tho winter.
Miss EIslo Morris Brlnton, who has been
spending several weeks in Cape May, has re.
turned to her home at Hampton Court.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rob! nh old and family,
who spent the Bummer at Wlldwood, returned
to their home, C133 Larchwood avenuo, last
Mrs. A. E. Buinham, of Hampton Court, has
leturned to the city after a ten days' visit to
Corson's Inlet.
MIsi Anna McIIugh, of 5013 Chester avenue,
will bo tho guest of the Misses Hutchinson, of
Fairmont, W. Va., for the next week, and on
her way home will stop at Washington, D. C
to visit friends.
Pi kt 'i wM M
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ret "wid PJi " ,' USA '&
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Mrs. Dunlap, wlfo of Major II. II. Dunlap, of
the Marine Corps, Is visiting in Washington,
whete she will piobably remain for the winter.
Mrs Chatles It. Sanderson, wife of Captain
Sanderson, is also In Washington.
Mr. and Jlw. Charles L. Vlguern, who spent
the summer at Chelsea, have returned to their
home nt Fifteenth and Mooie streets.
Mr. and .Mis. Edwin G. Close, of 1313 South
Broad street, aro occupying their new home In
Mr. and Mra. T. A. Daly and their daughter,
Miss Estiier Daly, who have been apendlng th
summer at their cottage in Veritnor, will
shoitly open their house on Soutli Broad street.
Mr. and Mr. Joseph Sill Clark will icturn
to Kates Hall, their icsldonce on Highland
avenue, on Monday next. Mr. and Mis. Claik
have spent the summer at Southampton
Mr. nnd Mis. Robert Massey Drayton and
-Miss Evelyn Drnytou, who have been spendlns
the summer with Mi. Drayton's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry' Edward Drayton, at Rock
port, Me., returned yesterday to their home in
St. Martin's,
Mr. and Sirs. Alexander Henry, Jr., spent
August nt Longport nnd are now occupying
thdr house at 7203 Creshdm road.
Mr. and Mr3. E. Earle Johnson have re
turned to town from a month's stay at Long
port. Mrs. Johnson wilt be remembered as
Miss DouglaB Hoi rough j,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore Slmonln and their
son, Eugene Slmonln, havo closed their cottsgo
at Buck Hill Fnlls, where they soent th
6iimiwr, nnd havo returned to their home at
Xaviilio und Moreland avenues,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Cummings, formoily
of Germantown, aro at present residing witli
their daughter nnd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs
Sargent Hoffman, in Geyservllle. Sonoma
County. Cal. Mrs, Cummings Is spending some
time In the East, and Is at present the guest
of Mr.'. Chatdca M. Canim at 100 Gowetf
How Khaki Was Made
Khaki, the color which tendeia soldiers so
difficult to see. was discovered by a happy ac
cident. The British troops In India wore a cot
ton uniform which, when It was new, was
khaki in color, hut after a -visit to the laundry
was indescribable. A Manchester business man,
discussing this defect, remarked casually that
a fortune awaited the man who could find a
Uhakl dye that neither sun, soap nor soda
would fade. A young officer heard the remark,
hln'd n ?Uilful native dyer, and began tho
Y-ais passed In fruitless experiments, till one
day, turning over a heap of taps, lelhvs of their
taiiuicr. they chanced upon one piece whith
was still khaki, though the laundry had
worked its will. But It had received no special
ticatment. so far as they knew, except that It
had fallen into a metal dish. That was the
secret The metal of the dish and the chemical
In the dyo had combined to produce that fade
less khaki color which makes our soldiers in-
visible and turned the lieutenant into a million,
Went, JI
" "Hi, .Mput ivt,M tottuge
A quiet wedding will be nolemnUeil this atter
UQun at 1 o'clock ut the homo of Mr. Romaiue
h'ey&or. i West Rltttuhuuse street, when her
daughttr, Jllsi Helen Clark, wilt become the
btide of Rudolph V. Rlldstll. Ji. The cprc-ir-uny
will be performed by the Rev. Doctor
L'sJohu, of St. Lukts'a lectory. Immediately
afterward the bride and bridegroom will leave
for Winter Haven, Florida, uneie they win
uiako tlieir home. The wedding will he e
tremdy imU't. only the immediate fainiUe will
ItUuMuemsr anil i 1 iuwnt. ,
The Last Wild Pigeon
Accuiding to tho Audubon Society, the laat
wild pigeon in this country died in the Zoologi
cal Gardens at Cincinnati on Sept. 1. Within
the memory of men now living, vast flocks of
these birds actually darkened the skies during
their migratory flights. Unrestricted killing b
guns, snares, traps, wiped them out.
This should carry in own warning to those
who aie fighting the enforcement of the Fed
eial law for the, protection of migratory birds.
What happened to the wild pigeon might well
happen to the quail, the partridge, the wild
duck and other game birds already gmwing
fewer, and the countless song birds and insect
raie-s. This would be a poor countty If that
weie permitted to happen.
A Question of Hanging On
rroni ir. sprlnjntld republican.
in "Adcle" Garrick
Professor Beazlcy Comes to University
Museum to Collect Material. for Book
On Art of Ancients.
In the University of Pennsylvania Museum
Prof. J. D. Beaidey. of Christ Church College,
Ox foid, has been studying for more than a
week the rate and graceful traceries of ancient
Etruscan vases. The University collection Is
one of the most completo in the world, and
naturally attracted Professor Beazlcy, who is
Inspecting virtually all collections of Hny note.
He Is prepaiing the first book to bo devoted
exclusively to the artistic side of Etruscan
When Rome was an insecuio little hill town,
2iOO years ago. Its neighbors north of the Tiber
were making the great and little vases which
were to form the most beautiful antique treas
ures possessed in America, A hundred yearn
later wild bauds from the mountains ravaged
Etruria, and tho Rorrian soldiers of the next
generation found the inhabitants easy p're.x,
phyalcally and racially, to their maitlal dom
inance. Pottery making, with the extinction of
Etruscan Individuality, ceased, but in their
brief timo the Etruscans had made vases such
as the world hns never made since.
Practically all Etruscan pottery Is lively with
human figures. These represent, with painstak
ing accuracy, the daily life of the people, or
the events of their history, and It is because
archaeologists have been more Interested In
leading the history of the mysterious pre
Roman period from these cryptic records that
the purely artistic side of the study has been
more or less neglected. In spite of the difficul
ties before him. Doctor Beaeley is making sat
isfactory progress with his work, and h.ia al
ready catalogued most of the extant specimens
in tho world into their rightful schools. A
great many of the vases bear the names of
their makers, and those which are not signed
tan usually be assigned to particular period
and cultuir,
A wine Jar. mounted -with a trainer and his
two fiery steeds, has especially atracted the
English scholar-aattcntlon. and he Intends to
Institute a search of all the museums in the
world In an endeavor to find Its counterpart.
The dealgri of tho figures is remarkablv bold
and realistic.
r. of West On- wltH ln. dissolution of tha Huerta Govern-
',,,, ' ment a.id the dlsbandment of the Federal
ned in Zurich. I army now completed, we should have but one
iB1,l,.a.,1 the stars ""I t"Pes yet wave.-Gen.
crdi in..
J.ry patriotic- Mexican would be eirxcted
to entertain such a sentiment, nut tha UnUefl
StateH llagis not In Vera Crux to itay Tli2
Yr"1'.?.n,h,,s ? Inquired. "Who will haul it
down? Even- Antran T,.l. ,. .- 1.' i."'. 'i
"' hj i.umc-ii from h mjuUU'a
i. I m
tfiM-.M Ei ben. ttd.
JJi Elizabeth vYUter Jus returned n her
1 ouic from UieUeu, where alio has been tlit Outiiio street
fc .. ' "I M- Uliliam iliMiuvi iliss Uiatera Mi-s Lyuia Lutcli. ut Ea.-i
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Z. Reel, of 33U; North
Seventeenth street, have tcturned home after
spending tho summer In Atlantic City and
Abbury Park.
Mr. and Mis. Werner Itschnc
toilo stieet. l.ae been detained it. kh,.i, , A'EVi .?S '." f2an"me.n ...f ." Federal
.,. ..., ..,... ,. .. -- flVl-'JT," '"iL''-t?r- ". '' 'va Dut one
oniuvDuuu, iu.iu,,,K M)c)r ,uur mrousn Eu- i , r; ,:", iT. v.. iJ , ." c " ll ' numtiiat-
rope, atul will sail for America early In Oc
tober. Mr. and Mrs. Gabtiel Gtulohii, of ;ios West
Tioga street, havo leturned from Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Read, of Yotk road,
returned from Ocean City today.
Mr. and Mis. David Charles Murtha and
their daughter. Miss Eleanor Murtha, of nr
West Tioga stieet, are pausing the early full in
Atlantic City. Misd Beatrice Murtha has gono
to Delair, N. J., for a fow weeks.
George Foster and his brother. Artliut Fos
ter, who spent the season touring through
Europe, have leturned to tlieir home, VXQ West
Allegheny avenue.
Miss Rae Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel T. Fox, of West Tioga street, will
leave on September 27 for Washington. D. C.
where she is a student In tho National Parli
Mr. aud Mrs. Otto Spahr have closed their
summer hom in Ocean City and have ie-
iiirn.a to tuir 'iioga residence, liu wet
i t a
?i?"- T','V ?u,Mo" " "'"! "hen the evTcua
tion should take place. .Mexicans can oblouil
secure evacuation mos; quickly by acting ud a
constitutional government and supporting It iS
a way to show that another tlvh war l ot
mmlnent. It seems to be the Presldenri
policy to hang on to Vera Cruz until he ts con.
VJ??'Ll ihV l,he ? "n hang on to them:
seles. It should not take long for them to
tonvince him. r mem to
Fanners to Protect Uird$
From ih I.oumlll fourlti-Journ!
Tho suggestion is made by V. n. ltamen
State Game Warden of Tennessee, tn a circuUi"
recently Issued, that farmers should organ!,,
for the protection of birds. ram,
iT.?? md"J' farmers cither look upon birds wtth
Indifference or with absolute enmltv a hl
which now and then grabs a grain of corn 'or
wheat, a hero or a cherry. Is regarded i. i
chronic marauder, whereas he pay5 n sertlca
many times oyer, for all that he geta. liVfiSt
he Is a reliable ever) -day farm hand, workinjf
seven da In the week, t-ain or shine and
nlth.' "th. faiL TBKi .' ""? uy
work far into the nigh
Coitly Living Subject for Drama
"The tragedies whioh result from extravagant
living and the demands of selfish women upon
men offer material for the hoped-for 'great
American drama." " ercai
Thus declared Miss Helen Ware, the charm
ing actress, who will appear at th aS
Theatre n.U Monday evening. In a .t
by Edward Locke, entitled 'The LyoU '
, .1" ha" .been M mucn discussion con
cerning tho great American play as that mv?h
ical bird, "the great Amerii "ove " (1
V are's statement Is of Interest not only to
wncerns""" "' th" PUb"C whom '-&?
The great American plsy must deal with
vital problems, problems that confront :
man and woman.- continued Miss Ware
"And one of the most Intimate, if not most mo,'
mentous problem, concerns the outlay for house
flu,! fnnrt Dti (tr uuae,
"Americana, as a rule, have :l tendencv i
live be, ond their Income. They want to ,?.t
time a semblance, of prosperity, to keep ' aS.
pearance, make a shov. in mMlll" P,J?
nay ba duo to the fact that our peopfe ar
optimists, nnd. as .uch, believe that the dl!
denudes of today will be supphed by the ovr
abundance prodded by tomorrow. But 1. f"
The evils of the high cost of living, of debts
extravagance, result In tragedies-tragedies
fehakesperlan in their suffering and Human im
happiness. For the dramatNt. soekln T0J,nt
the life of his toy, these are rich ,rf drama f
material. A play of this sort would opmYhS
closet I., which is confined tha skee,on "o",
modern domestic life. Stitli a p3 houid ten
the simple story of the traged in the , UveJ
the, who live for appearance, the gratlfleatinn
of vanity, but who, greatest PleaJuT. "s , iS
for in the end b the greatest sorrow, who
determined purpose devoted to light iivi
showa a lack of strength of character, and in
self-denial. It will be a play In which th
female, roles will play a dominant part For ti.
it we -will see that men are slaves tr. ...''
and that women can. If they will, exercise V
influence over men in restraint. temperaton.
modesty of living, which will not inly mat?,
them better husbands, but better citizens."
No Dearth of Doctors
I'rora tbe LouUvlUt Courier-Journal.
A medical education may be more m
now than It wa In the pait. but It i"10e ifirS
ucjuuu tuc ikciiui aiuuiiioug ounir miti thn.:
ADETPHI "Help Wanted." comedy
hearing a. "stop, look and listen" wai
amine- to
young women venturing Into tho danger
worm or modern iuninens.
BROAD "Drugged," by Owen Davl. atarrtng
John Mason. Rlp-roarlng, teetli-onedge
mclodramn In evening clothes. Recommended,
us sure thriller. . . .,
birla," one of the most spectacular moving
picture dramas ever presented, showing it
cataclysmic volcanic eruption, tho destruo
Hon of a city nnd tho annihilation of n ileet
FORREST "ZJegfcld Follle." Great fun, eor
ruscatlng costumes, gleeful girls.
OARRICK "Adelo," French operetta, roteata
romanre, siren singing. Georgia Calne aa a
Parisian rnchantrcsR.
WAIjNUT "Hlberla," thrilling as It was 3J
years ago, ret tain to keep fair damsels from
exploring the snowy steppes for romance,
Abounding Amusements in Versatilo
While the autumn productions In serious
drama have been an unfertile as a stow spring,
the varieties of amusement In vaudeville hai
been suiprlilngly varied and prolific. Fiom
New Tork comes the promise of many new
and elaborate ploys and muslinl comedlei;
It will be several weeks, however, before th
mote pretentious amusements come along In
the meantime, novel and important attractions
aro scheduled for the variety houses, tho most
important nt present being the nppearimco of
Jtr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, possibly the most
celebrated and popular of living danco orig
inators, next week at Keith's. The amuse
ments presented this week offer begullcment
for any mood and appeal to every phase of
From Hammersteln's, Now TorU. where they
made a hit, have come the "Famous Goldert"
troupe, who, In various picturesque costumes,
engage In whirlwind dances of the sort that
make you dizzy. Green and Plant perform on
the high wire. Steppe, Goodrlslt and King
present a rathskeller act; Chauncey Monroe,
and company a humorous sketch, and Mllli
nnd Moulton various "cccentrlctles In vaudeville."
Musically and meirlly "Tho Boaiding School
Oirls" perform the mndcnp csenpados of ex
uberant youth. Rosalind nnd May La Follette
are pleasing In a dancing net. Warring and
Manning, In comic bong;, nnd tlio acrobatic
Wally Trio are among a wcll-vai legated aud
entertaining list.
Supposing you were about to be mart led and
all your former sweethearts appeared to you
In a dream, Just how ono young man con
fronted this situation is amusingly depleted
by Eldon In a funny act. "His Awful Dream,"
with Dessla Clifton Impersonating tho ladles
of the past. '
Sweet ii tho music that comes from the un
seen, and mysterious and magical aro tha
strains of the invisible band directed by Edna.
Lowell. Asldo from the eerie effects of this act
there is a bill of well-assorted amusements. In
cluding the well-known song writer, Will Mor
rissey, and the original "movie girl," Nellie
Hackett. In a program of song; Tom Gllion.
with a fund of Irlh talcs, and Anthony nnd
Mack, in a hinging and talking skit, "Th
Italian and the lios.V
Blossom Seely. recalled to New York yester
day hy the death of her mother, has been re
placed by Albert Perry and company In a on
act comedy, "Reno and Return."
J. a. woman bound to levcal her past to the
man she marries? In a one-act play tho Rev
A. J. Waldoil deals witli this nrohtam rrul
seriousness of this interesting question la offset
by a considerable number of entertainments ot
a lighter nature. Character and dialect stories
are told by Frank Bush, "on the Rlalto," a
laughable satite on vaudeville, is given by
Weber and Elliott, wnile amasing ntunts In
acrobatics ate accomplished by the Thres
A tide or joy canics the audience through
Tate's "Motoring," a well-liked vaudovllle act.
Two Phlladelphlans. Ebtellu and Lorraine, pre
sent a startling novelty in dancing, while
musical acts, songs and Juggling aio included
In tlio bill.
A pretty chorus, dazzling costumes and fas
cinatlng songs. The Ureamland Eurlesqucrs
"catch" the audience.
Fun in an airship, with numeious comediennes
and pretty gitls.
William Penu
Tho merry adventures of ten children In "Tha
Dream Pirates" will appeal to nil grown-ups
who preserve something of the spirit of Petor
Amusing burlesque on the wireless operations
of tho now-famed station at Sayvlllo. How
messages are not received from the at of
Stanley Thealns
Automobiles lined up nlong Market street re
call tho attendants upon grand opera. Jaclt
I.ondon's moving picture. "The tidvssey of th
North." draws bv its exciting penis and heroic
loews ivnickerbocker
class school are moderate, and h'i..T-!?f"':
32.rJ. ", Wul8 r busy tha American Medical Association a how. .
tioi, for the good they do The, c arV thousand. forV It ma "be assumed Vat Wi,. ,Vh.,r'
'' " " iv-' int. n on- s-"-',i!t, .rei.K., cduaU-'n pei
TlIi:ATl'.i: M..r:.rf ti,m. in,i. f.
Cominuoui Vtri urnim,. e trum 1 to 11 p r
Hit.. All Spi. nx j;,.inKt. 10c. ISo. ii,e
Georse Moore & Elliott Florence
AND BPKt'UL IMtnt.lt am ,,' PHOTCM'UAVfl
Next it(k. M.r l'lckfori. St 1 II , ;.ITTI,15 QUKKN
Cn,. .?iiiss. f mjimjjk ,;,';;& OZ"
TWirK IILV LAST i weeks'8
..v..... v...b i-iiui npectaci
Enenrmi t Ponithely &.' S-j'uMas SestcMber SI
rtlc Slatlncfii 10 13. 85. Kwnlnt. fc. a. Bat.
Chrttfnni utul lnnl..ti..
t. .. .. - . -.. : " "
.1 iriKiiivni. im u,uurf'i)n, jmia i'urtu. atyl Other
Nitt Week Mr anJ Mn Wn.oii tatl iT)iemlyr)
"FORREST teVtai., &K -tVVU '
nearmi t Totithely J
tlc Slatlncf 10 13.
B. F. Keith's Theatre
Auncivr riiitHv & i'o atui
Bh..T' Tn Ilrlil bhi
GARRICK feiW; feS.-'.V
broad Sffi!, SSiw,Sa.'Ji'
JOHN MASON in Drugged
' 1N l- REBVfca HEAL TV S
li !,- r n liSTRMt.U
"ill ft Ai-i Ii KTP.KB'II
1 '' I .'j.