Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Postscript Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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' --" WwIuKtey- - W'niifHf Mtfji(tfSFrt. " i "SiWnp-titipft-i:(.W '-1
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WOst u, straight line to ,i .imt u-r of
the Meusc and nrar Ilfnln
Bclfort, France, is in a state of siege.
This famous British regiment, the talcs of whose glorious deeds of valor are spread thick on the pages of England's history, arc adding new laurels to their crown of glory on the battlefields of the once sunny nation of France.
rhotn Copyright Underwood & Unucmvi
. mi, ,u curding, tn
.i ii t li u it io. Is In
.itu k Indefinite!).
the 1'rein li military
n position to resist
f -WASHINGTON, Sept. 1'?.
Continuance of tlio Gcrinun retreat
fectween the Argonne forest nml the
TUver Meuso uns reported by the
French Vnr Office through the
3-"roncl) Kmbassy here today. 'Che dis
patch, sent from Bordeaux, reads:
On our left wlngr the Germans
resisted yesterday to the north of
the River Alsne, on a line formed
by the forest of I.uigne and Cra
onne. At the contie their lin of re
sistance was jesterduy north of
Itheims and the camp of Chalons
towards Virnno, a town nt tho
uostem border of the Argonne.
The forces of the enemy that
were occupying the south of tho
Argonne have nccentunted their
iiiQvement, retreating between tho
Argonno and the Meuso. Tlioy
were holding yesterday the front at
Ynrennps and Conscnvoje.
"n our right wing the Gel mans
are retreating toward Mots;.
Tho Trcm h Ktnbassy continues to
ONptes confidence that the situation
Is rnpidlv becoming more favorable to
the allies.
' " " HEULIX. Stpt. 11.
The oillclal statement issued today
at the War Ofllco emphasize" the fact
that tho Germans have now succeeded
tn checking the entire ff.,lve move
ment of the allies in France.
It is stated that the German army
is now inttonched in new strong posi
tions, and that at a number of points
the Germans have succeeded in driv
ing the French-British lines back on
their supports.
So far ns the entire situation In
Franco is concerned the reports of the
General Staff all agree that the new
plan of campaign is working out In a
very satisfactory manner.
On both the east and west frontiers,
the report says, the German forces
are, currying out their general plan
of campaign with uninterrupted suc
cess. Tho reason for the withdrawal of a
portion of the German left wing is
declared to be the presence of a su
perior Kronen force. The operations
about Verdun, however, arc being
pressed, It la stated
Tho ofBcinl statement says:
Tho offensive movement of tho
allied British and French armies
In France haa been checked.
. "We hitvo won a number of suc
t ceases and hae occur I'd ationg
positions. Fighting continues, but
rn engagement ha taken place.
The rnrmy has been attacking with
superior numbers for two days our
right wing. A peveie contlict has
murked the operations about Ver
dun. The Admiralty announced today
that nil the crew of the cruiser Hela,
which waij sunk by a British subma
rine, had been saved. An earlier re
port from Admjral -Sehnk5"imd indi
cated there had been soma loss of
Another official statement denies all
foreign reports of the rrogress of tho
war. It &ays:
We know from the present con
dition that wo shall fight to the
end. We did not expect a prom
enulc for our troops. "Hard fight
ing against hard opposition" Is our
Confidence prevails among the
Germans and the world is entitled
to know that there is no truth In
th talk of a French victory any
where. All other reports are false.
A definite German victory on
both frontiers caunot be doubted,
despite the big superiority of the
hostile- forces on both sides.
German soil Is freQ of her en
emies. The official report makes no men
tion of how far or to what line of de
fense the German right wing has retreated.
Communication Cut Between
Strong Fortification and
Cracow, Breaking Line of
Supplies and Reinforcements.
BORDEAUX, Trance, Sept 1.
('Our men are so anxloim tn press
on against tho Germans that It is dif
ficult to restrain them," says a UU
patch received by Minister of War
Mllleranrt today from General Joffee,
the French commandr.nchlf. The
dispatch stated that tho Germans hid
taken UP new position, from which
they made occasional rallies, only to
be driven back.
Jir MlUorand (.aid that he was thor
oughly satisfied with conditions at tho
.The French hospital wrvi ha been
completely organised and no further
recruits aro needed
The French Government today notl
fled the American Ited Cross that U
will not need any more nurses from
the United States. It was learned to
day that when General Frelse, a dlvl
ulon commander of General von Kluk's
urmy. was captured, papers were found
In his possession showing that the
German mobilization was ordered on
July 10.
A dispatch that he had written, ask
ing General von Kluk for ammunition,
was also found. He and his men were
taken before the dispateh coul4 be
The War Ofllce was Informed today
that wounded German prisoasrs (le
clared tbey had no knowledge that war
had been declared when they were
called out
Borne soldiers asserted that thev had
btu wounded, by ib.e;c own army,
The. iu eminent ha.s intrusted 11.
Duu upigut, Minister of Foreign Colo.
nlt-s, the task of proceeding to the
Department of Marne to distribute aid
to tho Inhabitant. The Minister will
Irave today.
Pretident i'oincare has received in
B irdtaux the flugs of the 2ith and 91th
Prus-sian infantrv regiments captured
by Krcm h soldiers
Governor Placed at Czernowits, Says
Petrograd Dispatch,
rtOJlR, Sept. R
A rtispMch to the Tillmna from letro
Bid'l ism that Bufcovina has been trans
fcrined Into a Rumlan province, feith a
RiiMtau Ciuvernor at f'zernowit;!.
Gi-neral Ha rone publishes on article In
the iluinal d'ltallo. in which he reaches
th- on(-luloo taut the Qenmtns are In
danger of blna entrapie4 In France
The Italian Govtrnment has niltliorljid
the exportation to ICngland of S.bQ0 tons
of eugar.
Charges Publications With Stirring
Animosity Among Nations,
TGKIO, Sept. 15
In an oillclal statement tho Japanese
Ciineri. merit explains vhy It has ordered
"the Herald" a Gtrman-controlled news-pipt-r.
and "the DeuUch Japan J'oet," a
Cierman uews agency, to cease publlca
tier.. It i charged that both publications for
ears have sought to crr.ite animosity
t leti Japan 4riJ 'iitaln fort-inn coun
tuts pirtl uUrI I ngUnd arU tne I'mttU
Siaus Th' Hrral'l has t'f
PETKOGKATi. Sept. 1.
The rtutslniis havu crossed the lower
cnure of the river San unopposed by tho
defeated Austrian enemy, which con
tinues in precipitate flight.
The position at Grodek, between Prrom
ysl mid .LemberR, has been secured by
the Russian, ho have leuchoil Moszlsk
(31 miles southeast of I.emberK and al
most duo south from Grodok) nnd aio re
ported to have Invested Przcmysl on three
1'rzemyl Is the present Russian objec
tive. Deliytd dispatches fiom tho Galiclan
front state that the line of communica
tion between Cracow unil l'rzemsl has
lfn severed by tho Hiitian troops.
Other forces, Cosiacks believed to num
ber about lW,fl00 men, liave swept b
Przetnysl and have reached Llbko, 2S
milfc southwest of Przcmsl and only a
few miles from the Hungarian border.
Their aim is to cut communication be
tween Hunpnrv nnd thu two fortresses of
I'rseinvsl and Cracow and ali-o to keep
the Austilan nrmy out ot the partes o
the Carpathian mountain"!. This would
force, the surrender of the fort, as the
line of aupplle will be cut off.
in th,. llchtinc ot tlie lai nve .,
culminating in the capture of Grodek
Is stnt.vl. the Itusslans have captured
Austrian cuns ana :i nowi'-i.
The rapid adance of the Russian forces
has cut the lines of communication from
Galicla to Budapest. Russian n alo
has reached the station of bsko la town
of SOOft population near WO miles outli
nes t of Prz.msl and n little less than
that distance from the Hunsarlan
bordtr). Us nc, ipation uts off Austrian
letit-at In that direction. Small cavaliy
forces have lre.i.l passed tluough the
Carpathians in scleral places.
The Austro-Oorman army at t lacow
ami Przemysl rau.st lneitubly surreiirtei,
as the lines aro drawn moro closely
around it nnd the railways into the heart
of the country are serod.
The Austrian centra still holtla a
broad front aRninst the victorious Rus
slans. but with the rlsht uinu smashed
and the left wine crumpled up In Russian
Poland. Russian Minister of -War Suk
homllnoff believes tint the annihilation
or surrendei of Archduko Trcdotlcks
armv la imminent.
Fi"htinK has bcon continuous for
10 Javn alone the centie In that time,
necoidins to repotts tmeli.-d by the ar
nme tlie Austrians have been dm en
bak 125 miles.
Tho Genn-ni ritaff announrcd toils v that
General Rrousllorf's troops were march
Ins to attack Sambor, an Impoitant point
in tho Austrian lino of communications.
With tho captura of Sttnbor nml Ch.
row, the Russians will cut Przt.ni! om.
pletely oif from any assistance that might
be sent from thB south
(Sambor is S5 miles southeast of Przem
ysl which lies 5 miles west of I.emberg.
Chjrrow is JO miles south of Przemsl.
SV1 In an onicial statement issued todav,
the Russian War Olilce de lares that the
Invtstment of Pnsetnjsl tll prevent the
Austrian army of General Dankl taking
refuse there. It says:
The forces of Genet al Dankl have
been entirely cut off from the Austrian
centre, and will bo unable to reach
Przemysl which lt now tompletely ln
vested by the nusslan. The army of
Dankl Is now cut off In the bogs Into
which they had hoped to entice tb
Russians. The fragmentary details
aa yet available show that our forces
have already achieved the greatest
success ever recorded In warfare.
Archduke Karl Fran Josef is re.
pjrtecl to be with the routed Austrian
fortes and his capture U looked for.
Vnolllcial reports gay that of the great
army of 6Cfl,0Oi men that Austria iont into
Ciallua to attack tho Russians on th
frontier of Poland, fully 4S0.OT) have been
killed, captured or so surrounded that
their escape Is Impossible,
WWPON. Sept. 16.
Tho Express publishes a dispatch from
Rome to the effect that tho two Austrian
armies under UoneraU iJarik and Von
Auffenberg have joined at Rhcsov, thir
teen miles northeast or jarosiav ana
thirty-two miles due north of Pr,stm, -1
The dispatch says that the two arml.a
have lost forty per cent, of their numbers.
hshea at Yokohama The clii
Reported General Ficheff
Taken Cabinet Post.
LONDON Sept 16
It is reported here on tho authority of
pub- , the Cologne Gazette that Major General
Ficheff has been appointed Minister or
headquarters in
Addresses Grenadiers After Hot
Fight Near Longwy.
IIKF'MN ib iinv of AmsteldanO,
Prpt 1(5.
i:mperor William Is laklnpr nn nctivo
pnit in illiectliig' the operations of the
Gei man nrtnv In France, according to re
pents iccelvod here today. After tho
sharp battle near l.oiuswv, he tailed Ills
son. Prime Oscal, commander of the
Grenadier Guards, who bad acquitted
themselves with honor In the conflict.
After gtortlin? his son, the Emperor
addicsod the Guards In the public sqiiate.
"1 Krcot oti as chief," lie said, "and
thank ou. "t have often een otir regl
ment at maneuvers nnd on parade, but
it Is a particular plcasuro lo gieot you
on a eonqueied land.
"The regiment foitKht as I expected
nnd as our fnthcis foiiKht before us.
The battle of Vliton will be eternally In
set Hied with letteis of sold In the his
tory of the war.
"Our comrades of the eastern army
liaie also fouitht gallantly. The aimy
of tho Crown Prince and tho nrmy under
the Grand Duke of Wurttcmberg have
advanced victoriously. Our enemies aro
"The eastern army ha.s driven three
Russian corps over the frontier. Two
Russian coips capitulated In the open
Sleld. Sixty thousand men and two gen
eials weu. made prisoners,
"I"nr all these li tories we have to
thank only One. That Js our God who
3 ovei uj '
Also Confhms Report of Junction of
Austrian Main Armies.
VIENNA, Sept. 1G
The Russian repot tn that they have In
vested the (Willciijn foi tress of Przcmysl
are ulllemil denied. It Is statfd Jhat
flgbthiK ' is still hi pingrcss, vlth'the
Austrians maintaining tlieir former po
sitions. '
Denial also was made nt llie 'War Olllre
lodny that the Austilan ai my of Gen
iral Dankl lias been compelled to surren
der by the Russians. It is staled that tho
Russian troops had managed almost com
pletcl to suriound the Austrians. lio
imp taken at a dli-.idnntngi by baling
o ffect a retreat through unfavorable
territory, but that the Austilans haio
now cut theli w.u through the Russian
Hues and have atfectfd a Junction with
tho main Uistrl.m aim.
It Is admitted thai tho Austilan losses
In connection with th's m-ivuneiit m re
very heavy
Washington Hopes Small of Accep
tance of President's Overtuies,
WASl'lNGTON. Sept Hi -Hopes fur nn
caily icsponse to Ph si.iont Wilhon s
mediation offei to the wmiliirf poweis are
not ln.ld here, according to an author
itative source todai. The Administra
tion has learned frum a ".sounding out
process," thut .their is no (.haute at this
time for peaceful , ttlement of tho con
tlict. Only mpie decisive battles. It Is
be'ieved, will cause Europe to listen to
the President') nverturts.
President Wilson, It nan reported today,
postponed leplying to Kalsor Wllhelm's
cablegram protesting against alleged uso
of duin dum bulleu be tho ulllea nnd
Presidont 1'olncare's denial, until the Bel
gian commission was received. The
President's reply to the Kuiser, It was
stated in onuiat circles today, might make
mention of the lleigian charges ns a
nieio recltul of complaint filed with him.
Cavalry Welcomed to Relieve Strain
On French Horse.
The allied lines In franco have been
reinforced by the nuhal of the (list
detachment of the Indian troops uho
made the trip by way of the Sue ("anal
and ivnro rushed to tho front from South
Fiance by rail,
Thete troops. It ti understood, are
eaialrv, and they will be welcomed as
the Prefich cavalry horses are repoite.i as
badly worn out b their constant u-e sime
tho war began, it is believed htie that they
will be sent to relnfoice Sir John I'ren. h,
who Is roportfrd a initiating nn envelop
ing movement, which has for its object
the tutting off the main right wing of
tie German nrm
IIAItRlHRPRG, Pa. Sept 16-Moirls
Rrohm, aged 13 ears, of Penbrook, was
fatallv burned today when a gasoline
tank -xpmdtd at the Mt Pleasant gaiage.
Ills ,. ath is t tpti ltd, before night. Four
pitu sustained kfii mjuiles
yugarrayj.iKriiiii rrfgffy
r'Ws ee-rey rl, r,eP ordered to leave , War of Bulgaila, with headquart
1 japan wltbln a week, ' gofla, tb capital ot that cou&try
Save the Cost
of aNewBody
Tha Cll' Patent Converter
top make tuurttic cum or
roadur as cny anJ Harm a
a llmoudne I.U-ht In wljlu
cuta lira coata vaiea coat of
putting on new toily aaica
atorase 'or old Lo4y
Writ: 'Phoa or Call or Particular!
The Gregg-Wm. D.Rogers Co.
1926-34 Arch Street
Phont, Xooutt IM
Woman Sends Family Into
$7500 Home Out of. De
sire to Uplift the Colored
A desire on the part of the owner to
uplift and advance the eoloied lace, and
nihil to show neighbors that they cannot
dictate to her was given today ns tho
1 capon why the house tit ISIS West Ve
nango street had been tented to n nogro
family In spite of" tho indignant protests
of neighbors and the fact that no other
negroes live near by. The owner of the
property, which Is valued at about $71)00,
Is Mr3. Herman Goller, 1317 North Cones
toga street.
Mis. Goller Inhciltcd the desire to help
the negro race, along with about 6O,00O,
fiom her father, who made his money In
it tobacco plantation in the South mainly
thiough the work of Afrlcnns. Ho died
last June, according to Herman Goller,
u balesman with ollices in the Real 1
tato Tmst building, who Is tho husband
of the woman who owns the house.
The hous,. Is In an exceptionally good
residential district and Is one of a row
of line dwellings. Like the rest of the
row It Is of three stories and haa a wide
expanse of gre.cn lawn In front. There
lK-n broad porch and everything In the
dwelling isMn nccotd with tho most mod
ern Ideas of home building. Well-to-do
peoplo live in tho adjoining home. Jinny
of them refused to believe that the prop
er tv had -been rented to a negro until the
fnmll started to move In today.
Among the weallhv residents of the
immediate neighborhood is Robeit BarUer.
president of the IMiKer. Moore S Meln
Medicine Compan. of !''" enansu
Sti'or'moro than a week the house at tho
Venango stieet address has borno the fol
lowing sign.
'Tor sale or tent, to
eilv she might bale been willing to ticat
With the m, but as J said the got nasty
and she refused to otand fur It. She
has determined to show them that she
can haio any kind of tenants she wants
In her own propel ty. The eoloied people
will stay. It Is n pine business propo
sition. My wift Is to get J.")0 a month
fiom this family now nun lug In and that
sum Is higher than the aieragc rent In
tho row."
colored families
Today another sign wns put in the win
dow uf the house, advertising the fact
that a halr-dressltig parlor is to bo opened
there. A bit later a moving inn loaded
with furnltuie halted before the door nnd
the dilvcr sat down on the steps to an alt
the anlval of the new tenant He sad
that the man was colored and that his
name was Ratcman.
Nrlghbois who have been vlgorouBl
protesting since tbe learned tit !
intention of the owner to rent the place
onlv to negroes, changed their tactics to
day nnd refused to talk. They declined
that hc best way to meet the condition
Is by Hltcnce. and declined to express opin
ions. They left no doubt, however, that
the action of the owner has highly In
censed them. ,
"My wife is the owner of the house,
Mr Goller told tho livening Ledger today
"She inherited about SSO.OOO from aer
father last June. In ids will he proilded
that be must spend tome ot that nionev
In tho effort to help coloted people Ac
cordingly she got me to buy up propeity
to eo if there was not some way we
could do good for the race.
'After mv wife got the property on
West Venango street the neighbois be
came, nasty. They made no effort to
confer with her. She. knew nothing of
the neighborhood nnd when she obtained
control tiirough her real estate agent, she
had the sign put on the houso advertis
ing It for rent to colored people only.
"Now if tho pclghbots had acted prop-
Men's 14kt. Gold Watches
nrautlfiil models In hlKh
grada Watches for men
who appreciate some
thlnu illtierent from tha
orrtlnan -
Umltn fpeclal moe
nienta turnout for dura
bility ami timekeeping.
$50.00 to $100.00
C. It. Smith & Son, Inc.
Mnrket Street at 18th
Capture Vishegrad, 40 Miles
South of Sarajevo and Ef
fect Junction With Invad
ing Montenegrins.
N1SH, Sept 16.
Ofliclal announcement has been made
here of the captuio of Vishegrad, In
Bosnia, by Pen Ian troops.
The Servian aimy that took Vishegrad
and tho Montenegrins, who captuied
Fotclia, also In Ilo.Miln, hnvo offivted a
Junctuio and aro marching toward Sara
jevo dcsplto n detei mined icslstauce by
the Austrians. Sarajevo Is only forty
miles north of Vishegrad.
VIENNA, Sept. irt.'
General lloefor, chief deputy of the
Austrian Gcnoial StaiT, announced to
day that the Seiviun army which crossed
the River Sao two das ago has been
defeated along Its entno line. ,
' I
One-Third of French Wounded Able
to Return to Front.
PARIS, Sept. V.
The mortnllt among the German
wounded In ought to Paris Is much
higher than among the French.
Of 7W0 Fiench soldleis In the hospitals
at VMi since the war begun, moie than
;n0 hav been returned to tho front.
Most of tho French aro suffering from
bullet wounds, w lillo most of the Germans
have been injuied by shi II or hajonet.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1C -Establishment
of permanent peaco in revolution
torn San Domingo Is In a fair way to bo
accomplished, J rianklin Fott, former
Governor of New Jersey, told President
Wilson todny. Mr. Fort was a member of
a commission appointed by tho Presi
dent to visit the Island Republic and seel;
some means of ending the piotracted dis
turbance there The obji ct, In Mr. Fort's
opinion, has been attained nnd the Presi
dent congratulated the commission on Its
Direct From Farms
Extra Grade Penna.
White Potatoes
Guaranteed nice size, fine cat
infC and mealy.
Price Delivered!
for a full
barrel sack
We will take back and refund
for any purchase made of
us not satisfactory
Phone and Mall Orders
Promptly Filled and Delivered
Felix Spatola& Sons
Reading Terminal Market
.... . ne" Phones
rilbert St-50 Filheit 01-51
Race 13-98 rtaco 23-03
Patent Leather
With Suede Top
in Any Desired Shade
The lines of the
thoroughbred are
V 1420 Cheitnut SL
'Where only the best U good enough."
Charter Adopted at Special
Election Held in August
of Last Year Declared Invalid.
BASTO.V, Pa., Sept. 16,-Judgo Barber,
of Carbon County, specially ,' presiding
hero In tlie uno wannnto piocoedlnsu
hi ought by Attorney Gcneial John C.
Rell tu test the validity pt the city char
tcr of South Bethlehem, today filed a de
cision declaring the chnrtet null and void
and ousting Mayor Mitchell Walters and
ull other city officials fiom office.
Sbuth Rcthleliem's voters decided lo
change from the borough to the city
form of government nt a special election
held on August 22, UH3. The main point
biought nut bj the procctdlngs was tlint
f-'ectlnn 1. Article 15, of the State Con
stitution had been violated. This section
Cities may be chartered whenever
a innjoilty of tlie electors of any
town or buiough having a population
or at least 10,000 shall vote at any
general election in faior same.
The special election Is held to have not
been' a "geiieial" election.
The deciee of court removes fiom
olllcoMnor Valteis, City Controller Wil
liam Miller, Councllnien Samuel Strauss,
A. W4 IjbIi, Cnailea Drumbnr nml .wi.-im
Drinker and Aldcinien George Getter, .11.
P. Cnshncr. Hugh Kelly, John Bnrlght M
rules the higher courts reverse tin
decision South Ucthlchem tnus.t letuin to
the borough fonn ot government.
VAXCOCVHIt, 11. C, Sept K-The
steamships Ilinpress of India and Mont
caglo hnvo been taken by the British
Admli.ilty, leaving tho Canadian Paclflo
Hallway with no transpacific fleet.
! i
"Say, that's n swell coat,
ain't It!" sniil one young
fellow to another, as they
studied a few of the new
ones in our windows
At Perrs
"Fine!" said his friend.
"I'm jon' to have my tailor
make me one like It!"
At Perrs
"Y'er foolish, kid! H'"
cost yeh twice as much as
that one, and it won't look
the money!" .
At Perri
It wns one of our new
Rulmncunns, a large blanket
pattern of rich deep colors
a prevalence of dark
green, with blue, gray and
red a wonder for beauty
$18 ..
At Pew'
Perry & Co., "N.b.t:
16th & Chestnut Sts.
ii -yflir ' " """""I "ti n -r ! i