feTO.--VfKvg" 5555 -?-. 3"esi o 10 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. WEDTOSgAY, 3EPTOMlgB":lt', 1914' . . WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO KNOW-THINGS THAT INTEREST MaId AND MATRoS TEMININE FLIRT OFTEN PROVES TO . BE BEST OF WIVES Ancient Adage That "Flirts Never Marry" Isn't True in Most Cases Her Experi ence Valuable. fplf -A PRINCESS MARY PRINCESS MARY OF ENGLAND Daughter of King George Able Ten nis Player nnd Horsewomnn. The only daughter of King George the Fifth is n young nnd charming girl who I early has lenrned tho duties of her high i position Tor, not onl to her mother, , she 13 the greatest l.vly In the bind of l.nglnnd, nd holds tho noblest rank. i With no sister to hair hoi lessons or pursuit?, tho young Viincess giently .ip I precl.ite.-t the society of her five In others .nd i beloved of nil fiotn the Millet and t "Helved I'rlnce of Wall's to that Irre piessllilo nine-year-old, the mlchlevotw From time Immemorlnt much cenmre nnd riltleWm have ev beset the p.illi vn of that tiot-aUosetherto-hCdestili ii young woman, tho Fllit. WiUehlng h. 1 Fomrvvhnt lielj deportment uid Incliii.t tlon to dally with her nrous admin i tnntrons shako their lteiuN. sagely ttmi -inuring the ancient nilnge that 'Tllit nevr marry," while (ipliitoi of mi i taln years, but quite certain opinions, hold up their hand's In condemnatloti. Yet. in the fact of all thK It Is a cu rious but tvue fact that the Pllil in most ,;r: nr 'l0.:.: i?:.'l? ardent devotee of sports reall retains her huihnnd's affection In a fashion (julte unfathomable to her former tensors. For, after all, the solution of the prob lem Is not fur to seek. Ilefnre tn.irrincp this niuch-crltlclsed young ladv hai Rained h experience of men and their ways, nnd once married, she Ii not iiimHv o liable to fall Into tho matrimonial mis takes of her primmer sisters thoe oi -rors of Judgment which so "Jar" and irri tate the average husband. Her knowledge of the int-re male has taught her to steer clor of thee my plnpt!ck( vihlrh drive love out of the window nnd tho hiisb.ind out of the hoiijp If she hears her hus band's footstep she involuntarily gl.uices In the nearest mirroi to see thnt she v looking her er b'st, then greets him with a- merrv ami coquettish a smile ns In the old da when he aniouly courted her among crowd of othr Tisplrants, and the neighbors consequently termed her "that flirtatious Bill." Although now married, the thought of appearing before her huband untidy or dowdv or In any way unattractive fills her with aversion For before murrlnKc she reallv learned the value of attiacthe iies. not merely that essential attractive ness In outward appearance but in addi tion, the charm of an attractive and In teresting mind. At an "at home" the othpr day I over heard the follow Ins conversation between two married women, both voung and Irettv but diftering in the foct that be fore marriage one had been Invariably denounced as "very ttlrtatlous," while the nther had been held up as a model of Slrllsh propriety "M dear," walled tin mi'dtl p'rl "I search- ever see George now, and we've only been married a year. lUiHine-s all day, and every night he goes ott to the club to gossip with his horrid wen rrlends. I cun't keep him In the house ut till. How do ou manage to eep your husband with u so much0" "Because I try to mnko our !iom Tiort attructlve in every possible w.ij than the elub, and mjself more attractive- to him than any one eUe," leplled the other Bally, "and I don't consider his men friends 'horrid': they pin d-n" night they wish and smoke all over tha house " "Rut, my dear, how dreadful for you!" cried the "model" glil. "Think of the ctjjjets and the cigatettp ash and the -"trouble!" "Oh. bother the carpets and the trouble it mj husband is happy," was the reply. "He sayj he Is proud to have his friends drop in and meet me. and I Join In all their talk He savs I'm the bet-t com panion he has, und I mean him to keep on thlnkins thnt " "But I hate mon's talk and politics aim golf, and all that sort of thine," said the other. "Von mutt make the effort anyhow," bald the happily married Rirl. "Couldn't you sumetimes jut flirt with your hus band u little." "But. mv deur." walled the "Model" I'tlnce .lohn. For I'll net a Mary loves ath. letlc sports, and until lately has always shated In nil her brother.1-' games. In re turn, she has invariably been the teclp ient nf their confidence:! and affection. A critiln royal dlgnltv mil prising in so oung a Rirl cIltiKs to the youthful Ptlneess She has Inhetited the true queenly manner, und once some jears ugo the 1'iiiKP of Wales was heuid to s.iv that ' .Maty was welcome to do all the State business, and leave him out of it, as she likid It and he didn't " Last j ear nt thp grrat tennis tourna ment at Wimbledon, when America tri umphed in the winning of the Davis cup and wrested the prize from England l'rlnccs Mary nrrlved young and beau tiful In her simple white frock and pink hat Her appearance was, Rreeted by the applause of thousands, and a sea of opein glnsses was leveled upon her. Hut, al though the color rose In her soft ouns chicks, her air of quiet self-possession never for a moment vvavrred. Hpr eager gaze followed the lightning strokes of the victorious McLoushlln, and so In- t terested was she in the game that when . a walt"i came bearing a tray for her to ' I take afternoon tea she waved it hastll I aside. The Davis cup was brought for I hr to see, and when the great match i was over she rose and walked on the ; lawn t" the waiting motorcar with all the dUnitj of grown-up roalty. Tin Princess Is a clever needle woman, as might be expected of the duughtei of tin. lndf falgable pngllsh Queen. Put whether she, possesses n, love fd.lt or not Is very doutitful, 'although she setts e ti nslvelv for the poor At an exhibition of work done for the Needlework Oulld some one said :o the Queen "What a beautiful piece of work Prlnces Mary has done " The Queen replied, "I am atruid It has cost some tears " The Princess Is a splendid horsewoman, and has a great ambition to be allowed to dtlve an automobile Mounted on a little chestnut cob, she rode to hounds first at the age of 11, and slncp then she has been an ardent devotee of the .spoit. enjoying many a gallop in Windsor For est or around Sandringham. As a tennis Klrl. "I have never tllrteil In mv !lfu nn.t i Dler. the Princess Is most nthuslistlc. you have the advantage of me I don't ' nl"' lie King and she have many a haid- Know now to set about It" fought battle on the courts. Cooking and all branches of domestic science are old familiar ground to her, and she Is a most successful amateur piiotogiaphei. The young Princess Is very much at tached to tho bab of the family, that naughty, lovable little ho. Prime John, ut tv horn main amusing talcs aie tuld i jug day, when he was quite a little f 1 1 low. the Quf-en wa entertaining a cele- , ?," . inm.i and heart of tho , tIe 1ri0o was biought in to see hei. The lier mental attitude towaid life and the wa0 .omewhat surprised and disconcerted f- WH,iFleJor ",',,.i', nZ "Py l.k,' , "'hen he smaitly smacked her face with let tho Ilttlo 16-year.oI(l cash-glrl talked ,h(1 rmar. "1 am a oov and I don't kiss POINT OF VIEW OF A LITTLE CASfl-GIRL True Intcnieua on llie Strusdc . of Life. reudlly and well. "I have aluajs been a worker, and I like It," said sha to me In her cheerful way, "for mother used to go out wusnlng and when I came In from school, I had to house-cteun, and cook, and mind my little brother antl the bub Then, whllo I was at school, I work'd all Saturday In a store as extta" girl The hours nere sometimes a littlf long 0 In the morning till 1J at night but then tne pa as splendid for a child, for I got So oiiita "And," with a huppllj reminiscent look, 'if I got home earlier, whj. mother some times let tne have J nickel to 30 to the movies with: "But didn't you want to pla on Satur ilajs like other little girls?" I Hiked doubtfully. "Why yes! Cut t just had to forget '..bout that .tnd It was great to bring that CO tents to Tiot.ier. 11 helped her o But all that ended three year ago, when I left school I'e beeii n leal store-girl ever since. And now I'm making t a wtek. I feel so independent, although, of comae, 1 give it all to mother, if nil wo huMJ to live on. ,ou sue " "And isn't it lather tine, of you to 'give it all to niothei'?" "I look on it this way," said the IUU aeh-girl carnestl), mother used toiiork ao hard for me, that now Its Just my turn to woik for her: And that'3 only fail play, ou know. TIiomj ear of bending over the wash-tub have given her rheu. matlsin, and now she cannot work hard 'any inoif. Mother uued to be so young ami pietty. but now she looks sort of old and died. I want so much lu tako that tired look uwaj, to let her rest up a bit." "And don't jou wlit the gaieties that gills of your age ku often hao?" I could not refrain fiom inquiring. Tho little cash-girl smiled and her smile held nu jegrets. no bitterness, only the sheer optimism and the wonderful courage of outh "I ha,e no ttme for many gaieties." she said earnestly, "but I am very happj all the rae. You see, I work till half-past five and four evenings a, week I go to night school. The other nights I study at home, and sew for my little biotttrs. And Sunday f-venings I nm free t read and enjoy inyielf." "And do you ever wonder Jum vrliern l is all leading to Ilttlo girl?" 1 askuf "Do you ever think of the days and years of work that He ahead and feel u tittle frightened of It all?" "1 look on It this way," said the llttlu cash-girl earnestly. "When you fling your heart and soul into any Job. it be comes interesting And if you aim to get on and on, and up and up, why you don't teem to mind the long hours and the difficulties. The time files so quick when you are busj that sou cannot stop to woudT It you are happy or not And uj for the years ahead, I take a day at h time, and that Is enough for me. But 1 m not ulrald of the years, because I'm iins' The Princess has just been emancipated from schoolroom routine, but still con tinues special studies I HOPEFUL HEART BEARS ! IMPRINT OF BEAUTY I Lovelier and More Desirable Than ' Tlrst Freshness of Youth. I The truest .eu.utv is but a letlei-tmn of th boul within on the tired fai-a of many an old woman woiker, on the hom ly countenance of many a Mndtv ma tron, '.s printed a deeper and more etrnal beautj than the mero first freshness of youth. For such have lived and such hsvo learned to hope. The young girl llAea In the happy present, and her pretty face gives but the promUe of a deeper beauts . But the old folks, with their fun owed skin?, have learned life's . sons. An4 do not far to Iwpe. i"an pott's hrntii lloi than th father's heart rich suo4 in- vtnt" Kacn ttme na smll th jiHumn dying ic.rt We kuow th trtrnrs tlnid wilt com uialn, Not ron w nop, nor ! would oijotlre our run." determined they will bring a bigger sal ary with them-" "Rut th disappointments? ' I said again. ' They have a good jlde, too," said tho little philosopher eagerly. "Vou know, this year I planned to go for Just one week to Atlantic City I've never sen the sea, and I've always longed to go. Well, even thing was arranged, and J was counting the days, when suddenly I was moved Into a new department and told that I could get no vacation this jesi- at all! I was bo disappointed, for 1 hsd been saving for six jears to go. But then this new department In the store paid me moie." "So you think etery cloud has Its sil ver lining, is that It?" rihe nodded hei head iagely. "And I know that happiness coined from Inside, and we can really make It all ourselves," she answered "And I think a girl wli.i earns her own salary and can help at home with It has such a fine chance to be happy. Because she is so necessary, so needed And among the poor there h more loe than among the rich!" "And so you look forward cheerfully to a lung life of work all the time?" I asked. "( think the workers are the happiest " ald the little cash-girl eagerly. "There are people who lift, and people who lean But the people who lift are the wneo tuat really count, don't you think so "Indeed I do. llttly philosopher j I I 'And carry that theorj with ou to all proorlty asO. happiness l" ELLEN ADAIR GETS HER FIRST PEEP AT ! REALLONDON LIFE On Way lo America After Her Mother's Death, Sad English Girl Is Amazed by Sights. (. I think t ie i' nituoll Jilnces of a com mon life ate more loma'mli' thltll ttll ti (Inn. Hill tn trumpet herald;' llio tell ing 01 11 1 minium inlc. no glut Itift foot lights illumine tin- v.tnt Impplltcfls of life Por the luiiimii mstil shrinks ft Dili tho Ii 'ipllglu. it nl e.Pti to Itself will scitnp nd ml 1 It Inmost sei rpts. till et this sl.11 of my life Mill show the -iv he.m of me, V week after mother's death, tin kind l little lnwcr who wns lipsotlntl'ig nf ralr.s for me. had o'Uiiltied in pasaue to Amulcii, and iioeomimnlod mc tin to London to coinplrlp the final winding up of buslnpsr umttets. With n sail lipni't. I bade a long faiewpll to the liumb folks In the Ilttlo llngllsh village, and to tho (Ottngp 011 thp dear Sussex Downs' In two hours' time weto In London, nnd on the morrow I wns to sail for America. It had nil been in ranged so swlftlv, so siiddenh, but In thnt ciowded week 1 was rUuI that 1 had to work so hard-glad that t had had but little breathing space for thought and lenipm liinncp' The hurrv and tho bustle dulled the lirst sharp pain of m loss, and took the .Irst keen sling of blttenipss nwny. INViTI'.O TU nnivi:. "C hip come, Miss Adah," said (he Ilttlo old lawjer fin-slU ns li.gither w. stood at the edge of the puu'inent at Oford Cltciiii, that pi eat punier, when In a innr and a veiy whirlpool of Unfile the gient Hegent stteet and Ofoid stn-t unite: "Come, romo; you must l hungi Since iiir bus-ltiess Is concluded 1 wish to take j oil to dine," and he Vanud affable upon ni". Hut aliote the rr..ir of the Unfile bis thin and rped nlce quaeri'd unceitiln 15. ami mv thoughts weto with the crowds mound I .staled tiantlvd nnd fa--clnnted a veritable countr cousin young, tall, helmeted policeman stood aliitie amidst that seething mob. nnd with one uplifted hand kept back a hundud living tnls, wagons nnd motormiis Alone he stood there ns with the dlvlm right of kings; for rleh and pour co-finetcd carriage and careeilng loi rv ohoxed his slightest sign And tin 11 at last the uplifted hand was loweied, and the trilllP. like some wild cited thins that can 111 brook lestralnt, leapt forward with a great, dull io.tr again. i:ilon Adnlr," said the little lanui testily. "I am not young, and I netvr was patient. We have stood her for ten minutes exactly. Behind us aie the win dows of Jay's establishment Just cram med with hats, and gowns, and women's fal-de-rals. And If you will turn around and ga::e right there 1 can excuse you being a woman and necessarily foolish! But we cannot continue right here, gaz ing in space and obstructing tho King's hlghv.-ny " I could not but smile, and romo to caith again. "Across that awful btrtet we must go," s.ihl tho little man. "If we an- to get to Piccadilly tcnlght by Tube or 'bus or taxi or anv wav at all. And to tiust mv life to the whims of that lanky Irish boy In the pollreman's uniform Is a pool legal proposition! But nexl must." and seizing my arm he plunged ub lecklessly Into the traffic. What might have hap pened I do not know, but I cast one de spairing glance on the oung policeman, and gallantly he Ueponded to the oc casion. At a wave of his hand, the tiafllc halted to let us cross, AMAZED AT CROWDS. "We reached the entrance to the CKfoid street tube, and paused once more. It was 6 o'clock on a line July evening, and th tall-hatUd, fiock-coatcd Ixndon busi ness men were hurrlng to their trains. The passages to the rndergiottnd, these strangp subterranean passages which wind far below the London streets, w(rt full of hurrying men to me they seemed liko o many frightened rabbits scurrying in their warren "It would be a pitv to go down theie this slot Ions Mimmei veiling'" said 1. "een lor a shoit time It is only R o'cluck, and we have still moie tliun thiee bourn of da j light I would love lo lide on a London niotorbus!" The little lawyer waved n frantic cano to the first of a long line of gtoat flying motorbuses, which, like huge Juggi-r-nauts. were careering down Hegent street. The red-faced driver wheeled sharply Into the pavement, and without even stopping the vnhlclo, the conductor at the rent leaned out und fished us both up while th wore still moving. I thought It amusing, hut mv (ninpanlon-at-nrms wu more 'at arms' than ever. "Picposterou.s behavior!" he Mot in' d aloud, "I have never ct known a London motorbua to really stop for man or beaot! One is literally picked up by tho scruff of the peek, heaved in, and later on gently deposited In the tame manner upon tho pavement, whllp the "bus keeps up the theory of perpetual motion, I shall report this to the London County Council, just see it I ilon't, Mr: n.VJOTS SIGHTS MV scrambled on top, clinging tightly to the ratlins of Jlie nnirow winding 3turrasc. Hut once aloft the view wad aloriou and th pneo exhiloiuli'i,,. Fur we went as fast as any taxi or prlvut' rr.r, we darted In and out uf tiny space- in the tralho with cel-llkc omrgj; we wheeled ahead of many u smaller car with hiiir-ralslng rapidity Thu roof us packed with people, and projected fm out over tho main body of the big vehi cleand as we dodged and twisted, in and out. curvetting and wheelln? gaily in the crowd, I felt that wo wer; des perately top-heavy, and must certainly overturn But nothing of (ho son w. curred. and we turned eharply into Pic. cadllly. Aiound the great fountain in tho centre of the circus wete bright upluslies of I crimson, gold, pink and heliotrope. For I the old curluiib cubtmii still obtains, anil 1 (he old niarket women fiom Covont Har den or the country still nit peacefully knitting and gossiping around the foun tain, their bli, baskets of How era in front of them, their aearlet and yellow .shawls around them, and the densest tralflo In the universe swirling nt their feet One would think that a nervous break-down must Inevitably result but what cau they for fashionable fam les "Hos.es, sweet roses'" they cry, between the In tervals of gosolp, "Lovely ruses, only tdx pence the bunch' A rose foi tlu pretty Ijdy, Sir? iod bless you, Sir! ' Tonight, when I think of tin so ijuctr old-fashluned London Itower-women, u homesick longing comes over xns for just one glimpse of Unglund. 1N3 V' eW!?'l?''J-s tl'' 1 "?M "M, &' CHILDREN'S FROCKS OF SCOTCH-PLAIDS ALWAYS IN STYLE The Gordon and MacDon ald, in Dark Blues and Greeris, Are Especially Suitable for School. Scotch plaids arc never altogether out of style, nt least where chlldtcn'fl frocks ore tonconiod, hut theli voguo ebbs nnd vvnlies from yenr to yenr, with nn oc paslnnal season uf Hood tide. Of the many tartans, tho Gordon and tho .MncOonald, In tint It blues nnd greens, enlivened with a yellow stripe, nre espe cially suitable for school wear. They ftic serviceable and smart, two important factors not always easy to combine. Tho flock shown here has tho kilted Bklrt thnt Is both pretty and sensible. Jt In tho conventional skltt, where plaid is used, but the dtcsfl dhows originality In tlip.h'ns use of tho plnld for tho wnlst. It Is cut slightly long ns to shoulders and decidedly long as to the wal.t iin. The sleeves nre -et In nnd out h25 enough for n bias cuff. l sn,)rt Tho dress Is finished with a ilttu , broldered collar, and n foilr-ln-l.and nev tie of velvet falls nlmost to tho aa.h which Is also of velvet. a"' The so ah emerges from the sides of thu waist which lap ovor It, hasquo faslilonl A buckle holds It In position and give. a tlnal touch to tho costume. W M It Is Just such touches on a slmnu. dress that gives It stylo and dlstlncZ It Is here that one dtessmnkor show, her superior ly to another and the differ! ence la marked between tho profess Inli and tho amateur. Prrcsslonat It explains why a model Is BomellmM copied with such disastrous results It Is copied all but somo detail which s not consldeted important, or something s substituted for trimming or ornament Hint by no means takes the place of tl, original. " Child! en's fashions vary, but the frock that Is simple Is In much better tnstn than one that Is elaborate or ovsr trlmmed. cr Clilldicn llko to be dressed ns thor plnyinatos nro dressed that Is their fah. ion nilrior. Tho shortness of the skirt, the lenctli of tho waist nre often tho only special characteristics of a Benson. Of course, tho position of the belt or sash depends on the length of tho waist nnd one year the snsh Is In favor at tha expense of tho licit and another the belt Is more conspicuous. But Just a Ilttlo careful study of a few good models makes It r Blmple matter to keep to the set standards. Aboyo all, tho frock must bo suited to the ngc A few years difference cither way rind the most porfect creation would oolt anything but stylish If It wore worn by u child cither too old or too young ; s . si. CkVA ' s! .','? vs'IA ' i ' -i-. 'm - : V v' CHILD'S SCHOOL FROCK OF SCOTCH PLAID BEFORE THE SANDMAN COMES NT ANY years ago, when this world - was all a fairyland, the flower fairies worked very hard all the sum mer Ionp. There were so many, many things for them to do huds to open and pet als to paint; stamens to powder and seeds to make. "I really do declare," exclaimed Fairy Moss one day, "that there i no end of our work!" "Thank goodness, you're right," said Fairy Silver heartily. "Of course. 1 am right," responded Fairy Mos tartly. "1 always am; but why thank goodne-.-) ahottt it?" "I'ecaiisc a world without work is the very stupidest place one can pos sibly imagine that's why!" And Fairy Silver laughed su heartily at the wry face Fairy Mo-s made that what do you suppose? Fairy filoss actually commenced to laugh, too! He laughed and laughed at Fairy Silver's laughter till the wry look went off his face and he seemed ically happy! "Very well then," he said finally, "let's say work is all right then I must he all wrong, for 1 don't like it!" Fairy Silver looked him over care fully. "It has been a hot day," he ad mitted, "and you have vvoiked hard I know; I believe you need a nap." "A nap!" exclaimed Fairy Moss in amazement. "A nap," replied Fairy Silver firmly, "and oit are going to have it right now," He led Fairy Moss over into a nice shady corner under some broad leav es, tucked him up omigly and left him to sleep. "There! I guest, that will mako him feel better," he decided and he went on about his own work as cheerfully and happily as always. Fairy Moss really was tired. And he slept and slept and slept till the day was done till the sun had set and the stars had come out in the sky. Then he stirred and twisted and woke up. He could hardly believe his eyes I "Stars! Are the stars out already5" he exclaimed. "And has the sun set without my seeing it?" He was just about to feel very bad about all lie had missed win. n he nonet d how rested and refreshed he felt. "Never mind what 1 have missed: 1 feel much better and tomorrow 1 can see the -unset." But when tomorrow came he was sleepy and cross as ever. "I really will have to lake another nap, but I don't need to sleep so long Maybe Fairy Silver can tell mc how o wake up sooner." Fairy Silver thought a minute and then said, "That's easy; ask this bush, under which you sleep, to call you when the sun begins lo set," So Fairy Moss went to sleep. And promptly at A, when the sun began to drop down in the sky, a doen trumpets of red and yellow and white appeared all over the litinh. They blew and blew until Fair Moss woke up and saw the sunset. And ever since that dav the "Four o'Clocks" blow their gay trumpets and wake the napping fairies in time to see the sun set. Tomorrow The Cardinal's Hieakfast (Copyright, 1011. Clara Ingram .lujsou ) s , . i Z- THE RAINBOW vS JS Wi$)l 1 '.. Oh W.1IERE is ,hc .cnd of the Rl-Ssbif-w '' That I see all over the sky? jCstiAb '"i i'. I'm going lo run and find it x xr&T&-', iP? s&li- . As soon as the crass .is drv ? w-H-j""5ijii-."..ij st.'j. , , -" ' -?A f V ' ; ' lWr ' ' : . ' '- ;: Hut where is the beautiful rainbow? ,'(ff W f-: ?'S-v? ;. It was mean of it not to stay; ij$i $ilf'ji:f(T&i. ;;, Just when I was going to touch it, &j:'' & -S''S" ' h) ' It started to run away. ? i'-jbC-TV ; (Copyrlsht, 1011, by .Malcolm Snmlors John -'- f-'i ;-jV"W4 ?-- !iU f 1 . ARCHDUCHESS AIDS WOUNDED Mother of Murdered Austrinn Arch duke Becomes Nurse. HOME, Sopt. 16. Vienna dispatches tecelvod here say that all tlu women of tho Austrian Im pel lid famil are acting ns Hed Cross irscs, having organized special hos nlals, Vvhcro they aro personall at-ead-lig the wounded, the Archduchess Maria Theresa, mlther of Archduke Francis Fcrdl a id, wb was assassinated 111 Bosnia Jus be fo tho outbreak of the war, h le qutteil to be permitted to nuite Slav boIUcrs. HAVE Why Not OYSTERS? Don't wonder how to vary the family menu. Serve oysters. They are delicious, nourishing and economical food and may be prepared in a hundred differ ent ways. We have every kind of fresh and salt waiter oysters in season. Deliveries to all parts of the city. All sea foods always on hand. Seven Fridays in a Week at John E. Fitzgerald's Reading Terminal Market Phone$i Race 2803 Filbert 3944 and 3945 SiOUSEKEEPiNG OUTFITS Cofe Percolators fireplace Fixtures ' Chafing Dishes The Bices Are Not High and the Goods Are Choice 1 COME AND SEE J-FfanklinMiller kousFfurnishing goods 162ChestonicStreefc s !. Correspondence of general Interest to women readers will be printed on this page. Such correspondence should be addressed to the Woman's Editor, Evening Ledger, 1 i , AIL Inc. veoree jLiieru 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 K i Trimmed Millinery Reproductions from Model Hats by the Foremost Parisian Designers Newest Dances Quickly Taught lie one of the good danc ers this ear. Correct steps and Innovations taught by experts Per sonal or class lessons The Cortissoz School iPicm''ui'el Cor-tlj-oh) 1520 Chtilout SU Xtw Importations Boas, Scarfs, Muffs . $5.75, $7.50, $9 Scarfs, $5,75 to $15,75 Muffs, $6.75 10 $10.50 Owlnjr to the scarcity of these goods an early selection is suggested. Laces Exquisite things to use in making gowns and blouses. Frebh from Kurojif Mechlin Net with sequin de signs in gold, silver, Umbels net, filet, crackley net, em broidered in gold and silver and colored combinations. Beaded Jet and Sequin in llouncings, ?ll overs' and bands. Complete line Tassels and Frogs, in &eparae designs. 1302 WALNUT ST. Charming Dominic Models WVh the True Parisian Touch The Autumn and Winter modes presented here form a most brilliant display, with faullicient diversity of style thought to meet with the whims of milady. And tho new foreign fabrics have been cleverly chosen, each possessing that air of refinement characteristic of "Dominic" exactness. $55 and $60 Woolen Suitings $45 $55 and $60 Sport Suits (Dominic Creation) B68r $45 $40 $50 and $55 Top-Coats DOMINICv . W hy A MA It., r .rKKaRK-- -rr Dominic cut, in eraoally r" intends (ho maHniof each and wer garment. i. A . A.j. j i , :Ar jr.btJk -- t rn itm tj