iRWWpWf'lj POSTSGRIPT EDITION EVENING LEDGER POSTSCRIPT EDITION VOL. I-NO. 3 ' L'lUIiA.BEIiPinA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT jBJGRATS PUN WAR TAX ONM LINES Underwood Drafting Bill Which Will Require Stamps On Commercial Instruments. Republicans in House ana sen ate to Oppose measure ana Make it Issue in Congressional Elections. WASHINGTON, Sept. lO.-Chaliman Underoood. of tho House AVays am. Means Commuter, .uu.., .-- "-"--Z Internal revenue "vvn, lnx Mil euthor.a by the Dcnioca to cave 10 comprlsB a .tamp tax ""-;- BpinUh-Amerlcannru---.... .- tn le". wines ana iodimjcu (00009 annual revenue needed. ,...r.lon of the bill Satuulay was tonnca by Mr. Underwood. It probably ,m bo favorably reported Monday and uued, under a special rule severely llm- ... i n--rlni- nmoiulmcnts. by (Unj ocoaie mi" "-" - the end of tho week. Bitter and prolonged Republican oppo Itlon In both the Houao and Senate, was certain today. Tho "war tax," nopubll- ttn leaders declined, is to be made mo paramount Issue" of tho coming con gressional elections. rnniGHT tax abandoned. Uondonment of tho plan to tax freight tnrcc per cent, and ralso Income tascs left the Dcmooiats In pincticauy unani mous accord today to pass tho icvenuo pleasure. The new taxes will go into ertect im- Bicdlatdy upon passage of U13 bill, which It Is hoped to enact before October 15. Protests against tho proposed tax ichemc began to reacn um o Means Committee today. Wlno producers, especially, claim to be hard hit. Bank ers arc also objecting to tho proposed "occupation" tax upon their aurplus and KAISER REPORTED IN EAST LEADING FIGHT ON RUSSIANS Cmpeior Said to Command Ttoops Against Invaders. PARIS, Sept. 16. Tho Petit Parlslen prints what purports to be ti dispatch from Berlin sajlng that Ihnperor William has none Bust to take supicme command against Russia. STORM MOVING NORTHWARD Vessels South of Vhglnia Endan gered by Disturbances. WASHINGTON, Sept. 1(5.-Tlic Weathoi Iluicau, In a storm warning Issued this morning, announced that disturbances off cast const of Florida were Increasing In Intensity and moving northwatd. Con ditions were declared to ho dangerous for vessels south of Virginia. GENERAL DE LA KEY KILLED Boer War Strategist Accidentally Shot Near Johannesburg. CAPB TOWN", South Afrlrn, Sept. 1(1. Oncral Do La Hey, who won fame by his strategy against the Biltlsh In tli Boer war. was accidentally shot dead near Johannesbuig on Tiirda. lfe was 03 years old. MEXICO HAS DUAL FESTIVAL OF REJOICING Observance of Independence Day Marked by Announce ment of American Evacua tion of Vera Cruz. UNION TRACTION MEN k: IGNORE CITY PLAN FOR BETTER TRANSIT MEXICO C1TV, Sept 1C The celebra tion of tho 104th anniversary of Mexican Independence was marked today by tho greaUtt rejoicing thioughout the capital, following the announcement of General Can ansa that Pirsidenl Wilson had oi dcrcd the vvlthdtawal of American troops fiom Vera Citiz. In accordance ullh the traditions of the culfbiutlon or ludtpendeuco day, Gen eial Cariauzu, at the head of tlic gov ernment, appeal eu on the balcony of the National Palace at midnight to address tho tlironrH qatheied in tho street. He then announced the iccelpt of a telegram om Juan Uiquldl, secretary of the Con stitutionalist Junta In Washington, tell ing of tho older Issued by the President. The ciowd wont wild with delight There .wore fliewoiks throughout the city, the and all public buildings woro Illuminated, while tho entire city gave Itself over to cccbrntlug. Stockholders' Meeting Re frains From Action On Proposals Looking to Im provement of Service. capital Collection of tlic war tax at iuu niirre" nf production from manufactur ers and the direct levy through stamps upon commercial and legal instrument, trirmuns. checks, and long distance tole- .u.. n,' villi lnlil Immediate and certain revenue, according to tho Demo crats, inesiailip lll. oil uuuunivnw w- Bbly will be two cents. SUBJECTS OF TAXATION The Democratic taxation plan Is biicfl:' as follons: FIftv cents a barrel on beer, to raise IPA500.CCO. Twelve cents a g.illon on dry domestic wines and 20 tents on sweet wines, to rale fS.woooo. Tnornts i gallon on gasoline, to raise HWiOiio. Special "neenpatlnn taxes on bankers. brokeis, theaties, circuses, concert hall, pawnbroker, billiard uniL pool tables, bottling allis, tobacco ninnuf.ictiireis Olid dealers, vl . to raise $,S0O.0Ort. htamp t.ict on commercial instiumcnts, bonds, stock, checks, telegrams, etc., to raise about J35.00O.CO0. A'ERA CRUJ5, Sept. 16. Announcement that tney wcte to evacuate Vera Crur. na welcome nous to the troopB of General. Tunston. All are tired of servlco in tho tioplcs ard greeted tho announce ment with cheers. The government will be speedily trans f ci red from the American military au thorities to the civil officials to bo ap pointed by General Carranza. WASHINGTON, Sept. 16,-Wlthdrawal of all American troops fiom the Mexican boundary, except the usual small border patrol, Is planned soon by the Admlnls tiatlon, it was stated at the War De pat tment today. In line with the evacua tion of Vera Cruz ordcied by President Wilson. Usual gairlsons at the Texas, Arizona and Now Mexico posts wilt be maintained, but tho great bulk of troops, which have been mobilized on Mexico's northern boundary for about two years, will be redistributed to more northern army posts. At tho Navy Department It was said that orders for all largo warships to leave Mexican waters would be Issued presently to make complete the return of ail American armed forces from Mexico. Secretary Garrison was busy upon for malities attending the turning over of Vera Crur. to the Constitutionalists. Gen eral Carranza. will be asked to appoint some one formally to receive the port from General Funston. NAVAL BATTLE IN BALTIC ADMITTED; DETAILS LACKING Believed Russians and Germans Met in Sharp Conflict. liONDON, Sept 18. Although It Is accepted In official cir cles that a shaip naval battle has been fought In the Baltic, no information con cerning the outcome Is obtainable here. Dispatches from Petrogiml vague'y refer to tho presence of the Germans in the Gulf of Finland, and to their bombard ment of "unprotected positions," but thej uic lestilctcd by tho censoi. Naval experts hero dcclaio Hint they do not believe the main Russian fleet has bern In action. They pay whatever right ing has taken place probably has beon between the smaller units of tho licet, because tho main Gcimau fleet would hardly attempt to fuicu the entrance of the Gulf o' Finland, which not only has been mined but Is well piotected fiom tho land with ciossllre foittesscs. But this would not pi event small German ciaft attempting a dah in the hope of luring out Into the open the Russian fleet which Is anchored under the pio lectlon of tho land foitlllcntions. All of the reports lerelved fiom Scan dinavian souicea tell of heavy firing In tho Baltic near tho Alnnd Islands, but up to tho preHoiit no disabled war ctaft liAn been leported at any point. The fact, however, that Berlin officially ad mits part of Its Baltic fleet lias been ongeged is considered significant here as (consoled). It is now definiLtly known that the Gorman North Sa fleet Is being held close to Wllhelmshaveii. Only tho light cruisers and the destrojer flotillas are In tho neighborhood of Heligoland. This adds strength to the leport that the Baltic fleet ban been nugmciitod by battle crulsets from tho North Sea sent through tho Kaiser AVilhelm Canal. THE EUROPEAN WAR COUNTRY BY COUNTRY LIEGE EVACUATED, BY KAISER'S FORCE, SAYS BERLIN REPORT Abandonment Would Cut Off German Line of Re treat Fortify Brussels to Hold With Small Garrison. MISSIONARIES IN TURKEY FEAR FRESH MASSACRES POWERS OBJECT TO FOE'S SHIP COALING AT MANILA Japan nnd Great Britain Make Pro test to Washington. MANILA, Sept. 1C. Ordeis n-ic leixlvea todaj from Wash ington foi j. full mid immediate Invustl satlon iliat etscl.i were getting coal 'ere tu supply bplllgeieut n at ships. It la undi i stood Unit the order amo ttttr ptlllni authorities of Japan and Great Uritain had ni.ulo upiobentations on thn fuliif i dolman warships aio sa!u jl haw In iii supplied with fuel from hre. GIANT GAS GUSHER Ohio Strike Produces 12,000,000 Cubic Feet a Day. CLEVi;r..Nn, sept. xs. What gas men fjy Is tho tsas-well hi the State lias tfeu stunk on the old O'Hilen farm In West Pari.. It U iluwlng at the into of L'.OW.OOy cubic feet a day, and tin owners arc the IJast Ohio Gas fompunv nd John . Cher. ot Cleveland. BELGIANS AT WASHINGTON Commission to Ptesent Complaint to U. S. Officials. com'',"Va'mVr' S'"t H'-'I'he Belgian S?0," i',"he'1 lle, Ust nSlt nd Brv,'a .tll f,u 1,s ca" Soelttao tfin? u'l,,,,c ''resident, presenting com faint of alleged Qpiman atrocities. MITCHELL SUCCEEDS PETERS Massachusetts AfUn Represented On Ways nnd Means Committee. eAj0l!'NVTV,N'-, 8,?,t- 10 -Proenta. UrlhJn n, ,.C' l M b ,he UoU3e t,J mem. fMimtion , f n he Vacanc- "Wdo by the of fi w . of RePresentative A. J. Peters "te VCof V,US-.nWh0 'S "0W AMI, Snt 'wiiiary of tlie Treasury. .S,?JEU.PAKENTs bodies llUMnH? , " '. " WWlll S'tt ,,eJrPT.!.,e,0U1S QU"B '"" Wf. " ."ejr "' shot and killed Mli WUay a,ul th conimltted fCkSLf' neighbor entered th j WEAT1IBR FORECAST 'r PkUadtlphia and vicimtu- 'W tomiilit ti . j", tituisuuy mcrtatma Treaty Abolition Causes Grave Dan ger. John R. Mott Informs President. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Alarm similar to that felt previous to the Armenian massacres now grips the entire mission ary force of Tuikey, according to John n. Mott, head of the world-wide mis sionary and T. M, C. A. work Calling on Ptesident Wilson this after noon, Mr. Mott declared that the Ameri can colony Is In grave fear of maosa cres, although no actual outrages have thus far been perpetrated. His advices from Turkey show that country to be mobilizing a larger army than ever be fore In her hlstoiy. Mr. Mott expressed hlmse'lf to newspapermen as favorable to the dispatch of (several American wai shlps to Turkish waters. JAPANESE DROP BOMBS ON GERMANS AT TSING-TA0 bile 30 mer of tiled his ffoltdi '"; fresh vQtthtait winds. &C dtlatli, etc j)atj& tj. The stockholders of the Union Ti action Company, at their annual meeting this noon, took no action whatever on the moposod transit agreement between tho city and tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, as the ichuU of protests filed with President Jeremiah J. Sullivan ot the company by a committee headed by James C. Balfour and JameB SI. Fogel sangcr, representing a majority ot the stockholders. The meeting was held at the Eighth and Dauphin streets offices of tho Phila delphia Itapld Transit Company and pre ceded tho annual meeting of the latter corporation. After minor routine matters had been disposed of, and Just before the elec tion. It was unanimously decided to transact no other business after tlie re port of tho tellora had been made. What little opposition thcro was to this action was stifled, and the few stockholders who favoied heeding Director Taylors threat to push the rapid transit program on a basis that would ignore tho Union Traction Company, did not vote. J. H. Buckman noted as chairman of the meeting and William J. Shields sec irtaiy. Tho annual reports were read and approved, and then amendments were adopted changing tho provisions for the tiansfor of stock and the time ror mail ing public tho annual statements. Only 7J stockholders attended, tho larg est number In jears. A committee of Pnlon Traction stock holder, headed by Balfour and Foiels .niger, has been seeking protests against the transit progiam Rlnce June 9. They presenteil tho protests in pel son to Sit. Sullivan In his office. UNION TRACTION PIIOTKST. The piotests weie against the Union Traction directors becoming in any way a party to the cit rapid transit pro Kr:ni A letter, presented to Mr. Sulli van with tho protests, said: "The accompanying puckagp eontalns pretests of the Union Tiactlon stookhold bm against any action by the directors or any committee thereof officially recognis ing or othei wise acting upon tlm agtecmeitt or p'au between the city and the Rapid Tianslt Company for the- building of new hiibnayh, elevated or surface lines, or tor the equipment of tho same that may b. consti ued as an indoisement by the Union Ti action Company of such a plan or agreement, or to she financial sup port in any way In the development enurtructloii or eoulpment of such ele vated or mrface lines, or that maj re quite fill t her financial support on the rait of the Union Traction Company, or tho equipment or extension of the lines now operated by the Rapid Transit Com pany." The XTnlon Traction Company, at its mrctmg, faced a vlitual ultimatum, laid down ov Director Taylor of the De paitment of City Transit befoie the Unltrd Business Men's Association In the (linghain Hotel last night. Director Tay lor detlaied that the Union Traction Com pany must either ratify the plain foi jmpioved transit facilities or fuce the piospect of liiqfh-spefd lines, idt -built und independently operated, competing nlth existing surface lines. The Director also accused Balfoui and FogeUanger. of "inlsreptesenting tacts In a lettei sent b them to fellow -stockholders concerning thu proposed agiee luent bi'tvseen the citv and the P R. T t'orapani. He served notlee on the ( ulon Ti action Company that unless the sioek- holders of that company were willing to himnco the necesbary extensions to the iiescnt sii-face system, and appiove th piopafced lapld progiam, the cit would go ahead witli the tianslt pio giwu, leaving them to pocket all losses fiun- competition wit'i the high speed lines. BUSINESS SIEN SUPPORT TAYLOR The buslnoss men of the city, at th meeting last night, unanimously pledged their support to Director Taylor In his fight for the Immediate realisation of rapid transit in Philadelphia. With the issue of the J500.000 needed for piellin inoiy work settled by Councils' bosses at the conference ustcrUio, the Dlrec toi at the meeting fast night obtained the eo-operatloii of the United Business Men's Association In a movement to force Counella to approve the tianslt plans, which have been pigeonholed In Council Transit Committee since last fcpilug Dlrtetor Taj lor. after pointing out the salient features of his traiuit plan, dls custod the attitude of the Union Traction e oinpany stockholders. ine iiiio mu uuefnauvr be saiu I nath J U th piogram be not a 'eited i T ' ' ,-"le ot Bc'Bi" sa' 1 lie v.n i"d tnard had a list o" alm--i i t, France The Geimans aie refoim Ing In the territory extending be tween St. Quentln and the Moselle river, having thrown up entrench ments and centralizing five atmles In the district. The German Clown Pilnce has retired from Verdun and Joined Von Buelow'a aimj. Heavy lighting Is in progress near SL Quen tln. Fiench War Office announces that nn Impoitant battle is pending In which an attempt will be made by the allies to foice the Invadeis from French soil. Flench and Indian rein forcements have appeared on the firing line. Belgium Belgian troops have re tired to the outer lines of the forti fications at Antwerp. Germans at tempted to cut communications to tlic sea, but the flooding of the terrltoiy west of Antwerp by opening the dykes Iris halted the tnvadets. Reported that 00,000 additional Geiuuii roldleis ate being Hi she-J Into the oolintrv. Germany Officially announced that the nimj has tetlted before the allies, hut War Office announces the Germans are In n stiongly entrenched position nnd ready to withstand further attack. Detailed leports given by the Government regarding the oarlv flighting in Kastcm Prussia. Claims made that the P.tisslans were routed with a. loss of JOO.'iOO killed, T0.M0 pris oners and EM field guns Austria The Russians continue to be victorious. Tho line fiom Cra cow to Przemvsl has been seveiod and the investment of the latter forticss is In progiess. Heavy flshtlng e'on tlnue.s along the San Rivet. Giodek has been taken, the Austrlans aban doning 400 light field guns and 0 howitzcis. The Russians aie pushing their campaign with vigor against Germany. England Reported that Indian cav nlry has reached France via the Suoi: canal and Is now reinforcing the British at tho front. No news yet received of the outcome of the naval battle reported In the Baltic. The war cost to Great Britain is J3.S70.000 a day. Itnly Strong pressure Is being brought to bear on the Government to Join the war against Austria, and Germany, and as a result frequent Cabinet meetings are being held. Up to the present thero has been no change in the original declaration of neutrality. Serbia Vishegrad, In Bosnia, lias been captured by the Servians. Troops have Joined the Montnegrin forces, and a march Is being made against Sarajevo. GREAT BATTLE NOW RAGES AS GERMANS DEFEND POSITIONS Allies Hurl Fresh Troops Against Strongly Intrenched Line of Kaiser's Armies North of River Aisne, Where Germans Make Desperate Stand. Line of Battle Extends Over One Hundred Miles in Nearly Straight Line From St. Quentin Through Rethel and North of Verdun. The War Summary Naval Patrol of Leasehold Forced Back Into Kiao-Chau Bay. TOKIO. Sept. lo Official announcement Is made bj the Japunese War Office that an aviator sailed over the German fortifications at Tslng-Tao, In the Gorman leasehold ot Kiao-Chau. and dropped bombs upon the barracks of the soldiers. The machine returned safely to Japanese headquarters. It Is believed that a number of German soldleis were killed by the explosion of the bombs. The aeroplane was shelled, but the Germans' aim was Ineffective. The German naval patrol at TMng-Tao has been driven In by a Japanese fleet of toipedo boat destroyers. SERVIAN LEADERS ARRESTED Reported That Austrians in Bosnia Shoot Priests as Spies, AMSTERDAM. Sept. 18 A amajevo, Bosnia, dispatch to the Cologne Gazette says that a number of Servian leadeis have been airested in Bosnia, including several piiests, for their fanatical hatred against the Dual Mon aichy (Austro-Hungaryi. Some of them have been shot as spies; otheis are held in mtlitaiy foitirjse.s Austrian agents in Servla and Montenegro repoit that alleged priests led Bosnian frontiersmen, who are fighting with the Slavs, against Austrian troopy. GERMAN AIRSHIP WRECKED Pilot and Army Officer Reported Killed by Belgians. LONDON, sept IS. A Rotterdam dispatch to the Star states that a German aeroplane was brought down bv Belgian bullets near Roehefort and that the pilot, and a German officer who was making observations, were killed BERLIN (by way of Rome), Sept. 16. An ofllclal statement Issued hero says that tho Germans have abandoned Ltese. No reason is assigned for the re ported statement from Berlin by way of Homo that tho Germans have aban doned LI ego and there is no confirma tion from any other source. It has been reported that tho Germans' lines of communications had been threat ened, but In neither tho London nor the Paris statements has there been nny intimation of any operations of any kind in Belgium, excepting those whlrh ivern hlne fnn,li,r.,A,i K., ,!. Belgians. 1 It is possible that the troops at Liege have been sent south for sterner wort; in France, where, it is stated, the bat tle has been renewed with the Germans on the defensive. It has been stated that the Germans' only line of retreat lay through the le gion of Liege. ANTWERP, Sept. 15. The Germuns aie rushing fresh troops into Belgium from Aix-la-Chappelle, but whether these aie Intended to strengthen the forces now here or are to be sent to tho iouth to till the gaps in the German right wing Is not yet known The Belgian foices again have rctiied to the protection of tho outer ring of the Antwerp fottlflcations, tvheio Ihev are waiting developments. King Aiaert and the General Staff held a long confer ence today, after which troops were massed along the fortifications that com mand the River Scheldt. It is believed a now attempt ay the Germans to Isolate Antwerp fiom the sea may be planned, but as the dykes have been leopencd and the count: y in that vicinity Is covered with water. It Is not believed they can hope to carry such a, movement to a successful con clusion. It was stated by the general staff to day that during the last J4 hours the Germans have sent upward of 60.0M addi tional troops into Belgium, indlcatlnj a determination on the pait of the Ger mans to hold thlr lines of communica tion through tltlslum at nu cost. Only skirmishing was in piogiecs In Belgium today. German troops are forilfjiug Rnissels to permit the depaitute ot inoie i en forcements to Fiance. Rapid-fire guns have been mounted on the Boulevard du Jardlu Botanlque and at the uoith and south stations. Reports leceived heio today say that the Geimans anticipate an attack on Brussels bj a combined Bel0'lan and British force At Ktterbeek. near Bi insole, u Is e ported that fighting took place between Prussian and Bavarian soldieis, 30 of whom were killed. Another great battle is In progress north of tho River Aisne. At 2 o'clock today the first dispatches wcro received, announcing the attack upon the Germans Intrenched to the north of tho Aisno River. Details are lackinsr. Earlier In the day, how ever, tho French "War Office Issued a statement, giving the position of the German army and pointing out that the army of the German Crown Prince had reired from Verdun. Fu rious fight in? is taking place near St. Quentin. Tho battel is taking place over a 60 mile torritoty extending from St. Quentin to Longwy, tho allies hurl ins their troeips against the Germans. The allies are iclnforced by fresh troops from Paris and Indian cav ahy. The German War Office, white making no mention of the battle, ad mits the long retreat in France, but states that the armies are now In a strongly entrenched position and well abje to withstand the attack of the British Jnd French. The Geiman Crown Prince has with drawn from the Immediate vicinity of Vet dun, and is placing his troops on a line between Laigne and Cra- onne to suppott the armies of von Buelow and von Hanson. La Sre, nheims, Laon in all, 12 cities been evacuated by the Germans. Tho completo battle line extends from St. Quentin to the territoiy south of Lonsrwy. Russia, continues its success in Gal- Jcla. Lines of communication be tween Ctacow and Przemyst have been tut and the latter fortress in vested on three sides Every effort is being mado to push .e campaign into Germany. Piiiemjsl is the last obatacde. Germany, however, makes of the allies has been extended lt a claims that the Russia na have met PARIS, Sept. 16. Another gteat battle is on north of the RlvPi- Aisne. Fighting Is hard all Alons the front. The allies arc on the offensive. Tho battle line is about 120 miles long, ev- tendlng from a point east of St. Quen tin to tho Mouse River. This official announcement was is sued at S o'clock this afternoon: A great battle, In which the Gei -mans have been obliged to keep on the defensive, has been raging all along the front since Septem ber U (Monday). Tho German rear guaid, isin foiccd by the main body, has been flghtinsr on the defensive through out Monday and Tuesday alontr the entire line north ot Noyon-Soissons and Laon to tho north of Rhclms and then through Vllle Stir and Tourbe. The Germans began slackening th'-ir precipitate retreat on Monday. Throughout that day tho xeav guard of tha aerais,ns and tho advance guard of the allies were constantly engaged. On Tuesday larzer bodies of troops were rushed to the filing line, and to day the great battle is in full swing, with the main armies of the Germans and the Anglo-French forces opposing each other. It is probable that the allies and Germans have- at least 500,000 reinforce ments, making a total of l',300,000 sol diers engaged in thrs terrific conflict. The Germans picked the battle ground, fallinr back acroi? tho Sfarno ana tne Aisne until tney reacnea a line of hills which sve them an ad vantage. Tienches which had been utilised by the French and English on their lethe ment south were seined. The position of the German army all alone the line throuch Craonne and tho forest of IAiyle, eastward across the hijrh ground north of Rheims, is more satisfactory to the invaders than the Germani. Six German armies ajo oelleved to be engaged in this conflict, the main purpose of which is to check, in. aj vanco ot the French and British In older to give th G-erroans -n opportu nity to lesume the offensive The line with seveir reverses In Eastern Prus- areat semrlcucle. On the other hand. sia, that Poland Is being Invaded and the battle front of th Germans la that it will be necessary for Rursla near, a ,lra t nr a,cordinr , lh to withdiaw tioops to withstand the I German Invasion of Russia. The , latest dispau'hes from the front. It fact, however, that tho Kalsei la re- I Uam et to W4,t polled to no Hastening to tne Bus- FIGHT TO DEATH, SAYS KING Belgian Ruler Determined Never to Bow to Germany. ANTttJERP. Sept IS huii Albert, of Belgium, received a nunibei of newspaper conespondents to- I'inst, lUe can u-epi lfl, da and told Ihein that they would rljht n n ihs progiojn The otner a te-- JS'1"151 Uerman to the blttei end i iu-i U'e upon the Held of. battle that) Concluded on fui "i ' bv (llt Uerujans, CONVICTS ASK FOR PAROLE State Pardon Board Has Three Dozen Applications to Consider. HARRISBURU. Pa. Sept. IS.-ppro!-mately thiee dozen convicts In the East ern Peniteutiarv. who uie liglbio to parole, had their applications laid before tho State Board of Pardons today by the Board of Inspectors of the penltentiaij. It was late In the afternoon before the board took up these application for con sideration. According to its uaual custom, the board disposed of all cases on the argument list before looldng over tae parole applk-a- sian frontier and that optimism pre vails in Petiograd somewhat offsets the German claims of Russian re verses Servia is vigoiously pushing the cam paign. Vishegrad, 40 miles south of Sarajevo, has fallen the troops have Joined the Montenegrins and a march against the Bosnian capital is in progress. Iu Belgium the campaign presents comparatively no new developments. Tho Belgians aie lepoited to hav vtithdiavvn to the outer line of forti fications at Antwerp, but no heavy fighting Is reported. The most important diplomatic de velopment of the day in the vntual announcement that Italy will join the allies Paris and London diplo matic, circles make the announce ment. Probable participation of the countr.v in the war has been hast ened b the announcement that 15.000 Austio-Italian soldiers were killed in Ualuta tlmia and i1arT ln.ul ..t,. . i ... . name, until aon had &,", akV 1 I Japm "ptt8 rrT"S " ' "rht against Germany u Unto r convicted an a not o aini-i-t i u it kiM1 , .. . erertaga belrg thvse of pmou- j A..'atci3 ravo desfoj rtctcd of homicide. 1 suoii at Tslns-lao s iu K ao-cbau ed the tvirt'ess The new battle line as levealed by the official statement issued Is aiy J00 miles longeu Starting at Xoyon, it runs Jo miles southeast to ?oibsons, then runs "0 mile? northwest to Laon and then directly southeast to Vllle, on the Tourbe, a distance of approxi mately 55 miles. The centre of this line Is exactly nurlli of Rheims, about half way bettveeu that city and Rethel, where Ihe British weie badly beaten in the origin! Geiman invasion of Fiance toward Paris. Myron T. Heuitk, the United States Ambassador, received a telephone call Just befoie noon asking that automo biles be rushed to Meaux. U was 6id that a tialn bearing wounded French and English soldiers from the Aisne Valley had been reached there. Accordirs to information coma'-el U omcial ws omco autwatata u sued heie and at Bordeauv., the Ger man line of retirement seems to hav switched slightly towaid the southeast. Upon their retteat the Gfimans havs been compelled to slvc up a number of towns, tho most importnnt of which are La Fete, Crepy. Laon. Braisne. Vltry-les-Rhelms, Attigny, Baaan couit. Sllleiy. FNmes. St. Quentin, Rheims and Stc. Jlenhould. the former headquarteis or the German Crown Printc. As no ofllclal word has been received heie to suppoit the rumors that Gen eral von Kluh, commander of the ex treme western wine; of the German army, has been captured along- with a heavj- section of his men, It is now assumed that the leport was falie. Today the Get mans hole! strongly In tienched positions in the low hills to the north of the Aisne River. Th armies of General von Kluk and Gen eral von Buelow aie reported to be practically combined in intrenched po sitions well north of the Aisne. The army of tho Grand Duke of W'urttem-, neiff holds the lino front tlio River'" Aisne at Craonne, north of Rheims to the new positions In the Aiconnes. where the armies of the Crown Prince Frederick Wllhelm and of the Crown Prince of Bavaiia are in complete strength with headquarters still main tained at Montfaucon. The Get mans hold the lines of the Metisa and have straightened out their lines so they are now in touch with the strong fortress of Mrtz and the German reserve lines in Lorraine. The British-French columns on the extreme left of the French lines are believed to plan a general enveloping movement. It is now evident that the Crown Prince, by abandoning his posi tion between the AlMie and Aire at Ste. Slenehould. checkmated an attempt to bieal: his lines and Isolate the major poition of his army. It Is admitted by the uilitary e.. pens that the new positions taken by the Germans nte the strongest they have yet held in Fiance. Tho condi tions are ideal from the defensive point ot vierw, it Is stated, but confldonce. H expressed that the admittsd numerical superiority or the French and British forces will enable them to force the Germans back when the new battle commences. Tho German fiom tian narrowed and this will opeiate to the benefit of th alliey. New from the allies left u anNlausly awaited hare Theje Uie British and Finea. who have, fcn heavily lelnfoiced, ar attempting op erations that n-ay result in etill further ctumpllng up of tho Geiman light Tho relief of Fort Tie. on is likely to hae- an impoitant hearing on the fat of the Get man army. The Gtrman wei investing Fort Trojou and tb f.eishborlns forts between Tpu! and Verdun, with the object of openmr a way of letreat on their lef The failure of this plan mean tjiat the rrencli are masters of tfe VlJ?y from Toul to Verdun. Thwefore, the armies of the Crown Prince Frederick William and the Duko of Wurttemher will be unable to crass tUa Meuse and will have to go farther north and at tempt to pass by the Steiiay Gup On the left wing of the allies the en tire. Anglo-French torn li lu cwUtt with the r tiling invadata n the freni from the heights north of tins Rivet Aisne eastward to . jwlnt nerth of Rheims. The foiwjid mo errci.e of uie allies between ihe forest of Argon na and tl Meuse eantt'i'j The press ue of ir si! s has I-ad ii cfe ot s ratji le ins tha battla frc-t unUl H la now ti Jm 3 mm. '$im n ,