Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Petition of, 112 Companies
Sets Forth Great Decline in
Revenue and Addition to
Expenses as Need for Increase.
Msuinoton; &cpt. m-ncmoM'tita-
-C3 of tlio 112 Eastern railroad compa
nies hftvo filed n formal appllciitlon for
fl rehearing of the .1 per cent. nAvaneo
freight rnto case. Tho petition was
elgncil by Daniel Wlllanl, prcsltlont of tho
B. ami O. Kallroad, as clinlntuui of tho
presidents' committee, and Is ns follow u:
"Vour petitioner, 112 railroad compa
nies, coiitpi IlUB tbe 33 railroad Hjateinn
jn olllclnl clas.lfleatlcin terrltoty, parties
.-..- ..ltll.1 .............11......
Jo tho nnuvu-1'iniin.-u juui.rciiiiji,.-', iu
tpcctfully petition tho commission for
such a modlHratlon of tbo order of July
' 3, Mil, as III permit tho carriers to
", tnako crtective the rates specified In tho
tnrlffrt which were by paid order directed
to be canceled. Slneo the Ming of tho
'', report and entry of tho order by tho com
mission In Iheso cases, facts and circum
stances liavo arisen which, taken In con
" neetlon with tho facts already beforo
" your coinmlMlon, your petitioners helluva
' ivlll JiiitlfJ' 'be relief herein prayed for.
rriiie faels and clreutiwtnnces nic Tnieily
1 (i follows:
" "Fh't. Purlng tho month of October,
. HO, vour petitioners published and tiled
(with this commission tho tariffs Involved
in these proccedlnKS. At tho tlmo of the
'' flllrn; of tho report of the comtnlpslon
, tliere wcrn nvolloble for the Information
' cf t:io commlfciiion tho annual reports or
I your petltlonei-3 for tho year cndltiK
V June SO, Htl3, as well ns tho monthly re
ports of yo'ir petitioners up to and In-
cludlnp May, 1014. Slnco that tlmo tho
complete Inromo account) nf your potl
" tloneis for the fiscal year endlnq- Juno SO,
' 3514, have lieeomo avallal le.
Tho rcpoits of your petitioners for tho
' jiar ending Junn ."0, 101-1, nH contpared
with the yiar ending Juno I!0, 191:1, show a
decrease In total oporatlriK li-vciiuea of
'. MiproMmatUy $11 TOO.OW, whilu duilns that
' j.ame period operating expenses liavo In
ctea5il about $2.J,CJ0,SfA After deductions
n of taiira and deficit In outcldo operations
there was a dicie,isi" In operating Income
' cfapiiroxiiimti'Iy $7.!,iifl,000,iuit".ltlistaitdlin
an IniTea-ed pioptrty Investment. Thus
:, tli" teiiibtn ' timniil a diminishing oper
ating lni.tii" imiml bv the i-uuiiulsslon in
U. reporL is cinpliuMlzi.-il liy the tlmties
r covering tlif eompleto year to Juno .",u.
i J.UI, wlilb the npurtii for July nnd smell
fgrrcs a-, an- av.-illablo for AuKttst, 1!HI,
Fhmv a eiiiitimlnnco of this dccllniiiK tun-
tlincy, iintwItlistiindliiK the extni'udinary
."j ifTorbs tint hae been made to induce
., "Sccnn.l. The unfine.sern Kurnpiuii war
, Jias brcuiplit uhiiiit an unparalleled d-
itructluti .if wealth and dislocation of
trollt tliiitin'hunt tho civilised world. Tt
Is (ertuln that the competition for capital
will lie k-c ii. r and Interest rates higher
, fnr same eniK to come than In any cor-
Tosponditm' period within living memory.
'Hit- emcrv'i-iii-v thus resulting Is extremely
Krtoua It Is conservatively estimated
tlit tlio r.iilrnad companies of tho United
States hav- olilifr.it ions maturing In tlio
ji"t 15 in mills amuuntiiiK to well over
!-V !), ..nil It Is Impeiatlve In tho
1'ulille Int. ii st that these obligations Hhall
lie duly tirt. A lnije pan ur tills sum
Is oned hv your petitioners, and they will
further hcmI from time to time in the
jipm i.tt viirs laiKo auiniiiits or money
tu pruvMn for improvements which wlil
O" iieiK-nv In the public Interest to pre
int M-iiinis deterioration In tho standaid
or tiaii-purtullon crvlci In order to
lunipleto rtr.utlvuly for this new capital
lliv must ha.o a matcrinl IpcreaHo In
"Tli'ul. Thr commission In its leport
M.H.C mtiilii tentative suKtfestlons us to
measures which might ho taken liy the
ijiirler t., h..em. udilltiiiiml revenue,
lou- prtlti.m. rs are pnicwilliiB ns rnpldlv
J pi.ssll.lP t pm Mt, ,.,.,.t t10 K.,.,.UKeil
in-lBlit i,,t. - In ivnti.u IfiHulit AhMieia
lun ii. it, v, mithiiiizi-il li tlie r.-pnit .r
tlio ..in .n.IMI, atll ,,, KVlim- ..iini'ht
iPiitio i i., ih,. other i .'commendations
"nil nurniii ns ul the romillhHi.iu Willi
viwt t ..Mi. i- r:,te.s anil proetii-es.
It is I., He i'.l. Iifnvfvw, thai the nihil-Ih-n-il
r. .inn nlileh nuiv ho seeui.-,l liy
1h nri..,!i,.ii of means othor than a kcii-
fli niviini. in fielBht rules cannot lo
obt.il.ip.1 in Hie iiear future, nnd win ll
C"-ur. el will ,o liuideoualo to meet the
JiphM of ih. .-irrlers for Increased rov
nu" In ih. tirecnt situation.
-"WIh 'cr.,i,. vi.iii- petitioners asl: that
tlic iiiiiMi.sori iiiiuliry tho nnler iiroi'
aid .-., ,ii t , unit the carilers to uiahe
(llethve tin inti-s pecitlt'll 111 the tnrlll
uliiili it u .,,t order, direrted li !'
can ile.i. . -. . it .-,.. tar ns they huve 1 i
or in iv I,, ,ui. r- di'd lis- advitnecs Illed
In a. '.ir.luii. w.th tin- uport nf the i'oiii-min-'i.n,
mil tliat jour pi'tilioneiH muy
liav.. tn, i, tin r mil i.ieh fuither ullif
In the pi. ini-p-. .iv to the commission niuy
focii piuppr."
BTlDHTOa l3t)GJEBHfranBti
japanEse actress safe,
thanks to u. s, embassy
Several St)udentB, lloported In Berlin
Prisons, Beyond German Borders.
"WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. - Madame
Tatn.ikt Mlurn, tho Japanese, acttcs, has
escaped from Germany, advices to the
Japaneso Kmhassy hero today state.
Mme. Mlurn, who Is tho premier player
of tho Imperial Theatto In Toklo, was In
Germany with her husband, a civil en
gineer, when tho nr broke out, and tho
American Ambassador was requested to
look after her safety.
TwlVo of the r.0 Japnuc&o sludentn,
who wcio said to have been In prison In
Jlerlln, also liavo reported from points
outside of the German borders.
:ia, w1tTOhtay, smiyismWkri mTwn-
f -m, - jrwtr?-i&&r"'"r-
Consul Describes Watervvav
and Points O u I Deep
Water Advantage Ship
ping Interests Benefit.
General Hindenbcrg Will
Invade Poland to Relieve
Defeated Austrian Armies
of Hotly Pressing Foes.
-.. AVVJUVI. una .1.1
Al.out eight'- jvnis uku the
i 1 census rejiort which stui tie
t rountry. a ivpui t whleli coi
Divorces Now Greater Tlinu Wljen
Odd Report Was Made.
pro appeared
ed the ontiro
oiitahii.it inn
lfria for muiis as btionu mut nri-uch-
incuts as intense as any portion uf tho
J""!', a npint which hrousht home to
."neraaiis na hjlii nt tact which tliiout
'N " liiip,.rjl tho ontlm future of the
'ountrj. u,ut the United Stuti- led ttm
"iid in .liorces nnd that tlio evil tvoa
on) iii.-rr.ihi.
'flUUllt, 1V k.'IBADU.. ...111. II. n ...lAul...
r . , v.'ilOlllH 1tiii Lim riuvujr
I,.. i:,llin body." (is tho exact word
"U f.r the .. .....
The f,,r.. ,,.
tlio divorce
to tho latest statistic
fum.ua iltirenu. has hpen
DEnus, Sept. 10.
It Is reported hero that Inrso German
.forces nro concentrated on tho northern
border of Itusslan I'oland to follow up
the victory over the Vllna army by an
'attack upon tho main Itueelan forces,
with tli purpose of drnttlns a larso part
or these away from tho campaign npilnst
tho Austrlans in Gallcla.
It Is nlso made plain, In a Ucrlln olll
clal statement, that the German forces
which nro oiioratliiB In Knst Prussia con
tinue to drive tho Itusslans back, nnd It
Is believed that an Invasion In forco of
Itusslan Poland may be about to com
mence. General Von Hliidenburg Is
btt Ileitis at the Itusslan communications
on tlio east bank of tho Vistula iuul If
his present movement Is successful tho
ltussians will be compelled to withdraw
laigu forces from Gallcla, thus relieving
thu pictsure on the Austrian arin'es.
According to this report the Itusslans
wro completely routed. So anxious wcio
thpy to Hue that cverythlnff thnt mlsht
Impede their retreat was abandoned.
Meanwhile they attempted to loHovo their
Inavlly piessed forces by a ntim; rjl
utun from XledenburK, but It wan also
attacked and defeated.
Many pieces of tlio Russian nrtlllery
wi ro put out of commission bv thu accur
acy of the. German fire. Tho retreat
Dually developed into a hopeless rout. The
i!d, 15th und L3d Itusslan army coips wero
pructlcally annihilated und morn than half
of tho Cth corps was cut olT. Tin battlu
Is now known as tho buttle of Taiincn
burs, and Is declared by German news
p.ipi ra to he the "Sedan of the i;nst,"
PirrnOGltAD, Sept. til.
In Kast t'ru.ssla the Germans, heavily
reinforced, are endeavoring to assume
the offensive. It is stated that tho Itus
slans are now malntnlnliif,- their new
positions and that they have succeeded
In checking the German advance, but
minors pci-sint that tho army of General
Iteimcnkampf has been very badly cut
up in tho latest fighting.
Discussing the situation in Hast Prus
sia. "War Minister SuMiomllnoff said:
Our purpose In Kast Prussia suc
ceeded bi-yotid expectations. Kffcc
lliely co-opi rating with her allies,
linaxlu, sent forces Into Prussia to
diaw from the west German forco.i
tliat would have otlierwlso been able
to help the armies Invading l-'iante.
Our saciltlccs weio costly, but the
purpose for whleli thoy were mado
was aecompllslied. The presiuro upon
Pranc.i was lolleved by tho advnuco
of General Itennenkanipl' upon Koe
nigsborg. When Gonci-al iteimonkampf entered
Priihsla. ho know that hu could iu
celvi. but hllght assistance. Xovor
thclufri he penetrated far into tho
enemy's country und with his forces
compelled tho Germans to i-iihIi .ev
eral corps from the west. Tho main
olTensivu of the Russian army Is
through Clalleln und Poland and It Is
unlikely that General Kemienknmpf
will bo onlei.'il to ii'Minm the on'en
slvc again except for purpou-n.s of
ki . ping in Kast Prussia the German
forces t lilt liavo been sent tliere.
At their first attempt to tettirn to
the west nr to strike the leaf of our
Galician finny he will he upon their
Hanks again.
When the history of the war Is writ
ten the feats of General rtenneukampf
may be overlooked in tin more glorious
record of victories won by other com
manders, but tlio darihlng cavalry leader
will nevertheless bo rewarded by the
Ituxriuu Government for his services.
Grand Duke Nicholas hns already rec
ninmi nil 'd that the nmperor confer upon
tho Gcneinl the highest order of St.
G' oini'
WASHINGTON, .Sept. ll.-Consul-Gt u
eral It. n. Mnnsllcld writes as. follows con.
cernlng tho city of Vancouver III Uiltlslt
"One of tho principal featuies nnd an
Important asset of Vancouver as the
transportation, commercial nnd Industrial
centto of ililtlsh Columbia Is tho splondld
harbor on which It Is situated. Nature
Is tho Important rnctor In tho creation
of great hnthors, nnd has highly favored
"Hurraid Inlet, tho liaibor proper, ix
tends for i2 miles fioni tho N'auows,
hh the entrance Is called, enBtward to
Port Moody at tho head of the Inlet,
which was first selected ns tho location
for tho terminal wharves and duukn of
tho Canudian Pacific Hallway, tho llrst
of tho transcontinental lines to teach tho
Urltlsh Columbia coast In l&SS. liatcr
when tho 1'nimdlan P.iclflo Hallway ex
tended Us lines further west und decided
to consttuet Itn terminals on the south
shore of Hurrard Inlet, on the silo where
Vancouver stands now, the foundations
were laid for tho gi cutest seaport und
shipping imtro In tin Cunudlau Wci-t.
Tl.o inlet, 1 miles long nnd two miles
wide on tho average, forms nn nrea tit
about HI squnto miles. liMendlng tiorlli
wostcily from a point about seven miles
from tho entrance up tho north shore Is
what Is known as the North Ann, an ex
tension longer than the main Inlet, and
averaging two miles wide.
"Tho tavurahlo featuies of Vancouver
haibor nro nn till the year round open
port, ample anchorage, many miles of
water fiont with depth sulllclcnt for the
largest vessels, perfect security from
weather conditions und accessibility to tin
open sea nnd to tho coast waters of Urlt
lsh Columbia. The waters of tho haibor
nro of a great depth In mldehnnnel, mote
than 30 fathoms In places, while near the
shoro thero Is a depth of water" hi most
plnces of inoro than ." feet. In some
Instances deep water extends so elokc In
that largo vessels can anchor within a
few rods of tho shotc.
"Tho shipping facilities of Vancouver
harbor liavo so far been conllned gen
erally to the south shoio of tho inlet,
where much of tho watorfiouUIs occupied
by sawmills and othor Industries. Rut
the growing shipping Interest will oon
require practically all tho .vnitli shore
and Is already extending to the ninth
shore, where largo docks, wharves nnd
shipbuilding plants arc being construct, d.
Within a fow years tho factories nlon
tho inlet within the corporation limits
will give way to whai-fngo and docks, as
the sites nro becoming too valuable for
mnuiifnetinlng purposes.
"Extensive improvements me being
mado to accommodate the Incre.i.iiiig
bushiest) of tin port, for which several
million dollars will bo spent tills jcar,
and when tho new Government and pil
vato docks, wharws and dredging
schemes planned and under construction
aro completed tho facilities of the hatlior
will bo greatly Inct eased, making tho
Vancouver harbor one of the best on tlio
Pacific coast.
"In addition to the deop water luubor
of Hurrard Inlet the need.t of smaller
craft have also been provided for In tin
shallow waters of alse Cicek, a small
inlet running just south of and paiallel
with the main body of water. P.ilhe
Cieek, tin dIiok'S of which lire mostly
tide Mats, is tin icndozvous and furnishes
a luubor for Vuncoucr's niosiitiito licet,
wheio thera Is usually a congestion of
small ciul't truffle, especially of tugboats,
scows and launches. It Is also used ns a
storage basin for log booms for the vari
ous .sawmills that lino its .shores.
"Plve tianscontinental inllwns, the
Canadian Pacific. Grand Trunk Pacific
and Canadian Northern I'uUllc, all
Canadian lines, the Great Nofthern and
tho Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Wit.
American lines, have their terminal ln
Vancouver In addition to which the fol
lowing steamship companies have head
quarters and agencies in this poll:
"The Canadian Pacific Hallwav operates
n line of fast m.-ijl rteamets between Van
couver nnd China nnd .lapnn: illsn a lino
betwreii Montreal and Liverpool nnd
ftom Liverpool to Hongkong nnd Yoko
hama, In connection with the fast tralni
on Hi" Catiadlnii Pncllle Hallway, making
n round the world ell cult of transporta
tion under the management of ono com
pany. The i 'iiliHilUin-Australian Hoyitl
t.Mall Steamship Mno opctales a monthly
ervico from Vancouver to Hawaii, New
Zealand, FIJI Islands and Australian
ports. The Ocean HtcniiHilp t'ompnnv
fr.td.), tin China. Steamship Company
'Cf.ld.i, and the Hltm Kuiiliel Mac. from
London, Glasgow un.1 Liverpool lo Vnti-
conver, will lire the Panama. Canal tolltc.
ruber lines ute: llairi.sou Direct Line,
ftom Glasgow, Anlweip, London and
Liverpool to Vancouver; Pnclllo Coast
Steamship Company, Vancouver lo Han
Frnhelscoi Grand Trunk Pnclllo Steam
ship Company, weekly service to Pilnco
Rupert, Granby Hay, Hrltlsh Columbia,
Stewart, Alaska, and Victoria nnd Scattlo;
Hamburg-American Line, from Hamburg
nnd Antwerp to Vancouver via the
Orient: East Asiatic Line, ftom Hamburg,
Rotteidain and Antwetp ln Magellan
Strult to Vancouver this line nnd others
with heiidiiuaitern In Europe will uo tho
Panama Cnunl lotite, Royal Mull Steam
Packet Company, operating n net vice be
tween (Ileal Rrllaln anil the Pnclllo coitBt
Via the Orient.
"In uddltlon to the regular service of
the above named mid other compatilcn
many tramp stenmers and sailing vessels
visit this pott monthly, which, lidded to
the number of fishing boats, tugs, batges,
etc., tiecl In handling the trnfllc of tho
port, present ulwa.vs a sceno of great
activity In Vancouver harbor.
"An Interesting feature of the harbor
of Vancouver Is the beauty of Us environ
ments. Tho idly l.t built upon n peninsula
formed by the waters of Hurrard Inlet
ami tho Finser ItHcr, tho extreme point
of which Is Stanley Park, comprisln r TOO)
neres of na.Hon.ll forest, ono of U'e (In. at
parks on the continent. -Ships entetlng
the harbor pass nroiind tho park, back
of which rises tlio city on lillH and ele
v.itlons overlooking tho bay. Opposite tin
ellv, across the Inlet, In the tenr ditanre.
rise thn Coast Rang' of mounlaln,
forest covered, the higher peaks or wlihh
nre snow crowned, forming a picluremiuo
background to the harbor, where nn- j.
ways anchored vessels Hying the flags of
many nations.
American Output Four Times
Much ns That rf England.
An lnetealng sharobf tho rapidly glow
ing consumption of cement In lln I'nlfod
States Is being supplied by tho domestic
Industry, production having risen from
S.Oflrt.OOl barrels In 1W to ftt.OOO.OOO In iniS,
while Imports of cement have fallen from
2,K0,00O barrels ih ISO') and 'J5.S27 barrels In
the fiscal year nil, with one exception
thr lortest total lenortcd lit many years.
The United States, according to the
latest Information received by tho Hnfenu
of h'orelgn and Domestic Commerce, leads
the world In the prodm Hon of cement, its
output being approximately four tltntn ns
much us thai of England and nrittly three
times that of Genua n.
The greatly ctilurgm consumption (if
cement In the United States In dun to tho
wider recognition of the strength nnd sta
bility of that article and Hh consequent
use In the construction of buildings,
btldges, canals and other purposes for
which stone nnd Itimher weie formerly
the chief materials: and this is doubtless
ttuo of other parts of the civilized world.
Porto Hleo Is an example In point. In
the Inst four years that Island bus pur
rhUBcil over lCJo.OfKi bands iHH.cifKi.flnt)
pounds) of cement rom eontlneiitul
I'nltod States. oi mote than its total
purchaFeit In thh line fiom all other
sources In tho dseado ending with 1910.
I-or 191.1 tho shipments of American
cement lo Porto Klco aggregated STS,SC2
barrels, compared with only 2000 barrels
In 1i"0, when tho development of that
Islnnd under American rontrol had not
actively begun.
Germany, Helglum, England and Pr.inee,
In Europe and Canada and China In other
parts of tho world, nre the countries
fiom which our Imports of Hotnaii, Port
land and other hydraulic, cement liavo
not rapldlv decreased In the last flvo
vears. Imports from Germany have
dropped front 7. n00,00 pounds in 1S09 to
!i,77i.noo in lni.1: those from Helglum, from
.."O.ico to less than X'.u"0, and those
from franco from 20,fmo,i) to i.ikjo.cmo
pounds, cnlna Is thu only temnlnlng
country from which tho Imports of cem
ent exceeded ljOOflf) pounds In 1911.
Our exported cement goes to nil parts
of the World, but chleflv to Panama,
Cotmda and Chlnn. Last year Hiazll and
Mexico offered large markets, and in gen
eral all of North and South America,
only negligible quantities go to Europe
and Asia, while only 11,10) barrels wont In
191.1 to Hrltlsh West Africa and .1322 bar
rels to Australia.
Vain Efforts of Visitor to Circumvent
Prohibition Statute.
.Claude Hil wards, ti Mtmrle druggist,
relates In tho Indianapolis Ncwa that a
few yonts ot?o ho was visiting relatives
In a small Indiana city when ho was ap
proached bv a stronger who aald:
"Whafs the matter with this town, any
way?" "I don't know, I am sure," replied Ed
wards. "I don't live hero, I'm pleased
to nay."
Then, nccordliig to Edwards, the tron
ger unburdened this tab of woe;
"f knew this was a Mrj' town, and so
I went Into ft dniR stores ftnfl tuked that
man l I might bo accommodated -with it
lltllo poison."
"Hav you got a snake-blto?" the conn
ter-Jumper osked me. I told htm no
"liavo S'otl got a prescription?" ho asked
again. I didn't havo any prescription.
" 'Well, you'd belter get out and got
prescription,' ho said. He gave mo A
list of the town's doctors, with tholr ad
dresses. Tho first jilaee I went to theri
were nbntit 20 people nhend of mo wait
ing lo seo the doctor. At tho end oC
nn hour and a half I managed to sco
him. Ho said tliat ho could not wrlto
rno a prescription for what I wanted,
but gave mo a bromide, which I dldn'6
nepd. Tho next doctor was out, so thnt
saved time. Tho third doctor, after mak
ing mo Walt a half hour, told mo ho
eonld do nothing for me.
"After that I went back to the druir
slore nnd told the clerk my troubles.
" 'Well, there t just ono chnnco left for
you,' the druggist said. 'Down nt
I'-rnnk Milter's livery stable they havo
a trained snake. If it bites you I might
he allowed to save your life. Ho f
trailed down to Frank Miller's llvr.v
barn. When t got there I saw about
CO men till lined up like thoy woro buv
Ing tickets tit a theiitm I hail to tui
tny place at the end of the lino
attain. lnnally, nrter i had stood in
lino about nn hour, T reached the enaUe,
but ho wouldn't bite ine. 1 nnkril dm
tnun holding him what was thn mnttfr,
and he suld: 'He's only got a contract t'l
bite no a duy, und you Bre No. 3d.'
"Well, having done my dut, I w. nt
back to tho drug store ami nsked t m
man, after telling him all the things th
I had experienced, 'Is thete any thane. "
" 'P-s-s-H-B-t" he whispered, "Follow
me.' So I went in the cellar, dnik'r
than a stack of black cats, stumbled
over boxes In making my way throuuii
an underground passage, nnd II tin IK
einPi-Red In an old building, om e Inside,
the druggist went to all the doors m
be ure that 1he wero locked, esnmlne.l
the windows to see that they were shut
and. after pulling down the blinds, cr
me by the ear and whispered. No!' "
? .STfitti: ui'i!s s:m . it. xn ti,ovi it r,i,in i, ji, -
V If, OR I'HO.'iT. ORDERS KIliMll:
Use Our New
"Free" Sewing- Machine
For Vour Fall Sewing
mid .sine time nnd eitrrg.. -
$1 a Week Pays for It
We tiro Mile iigeiitN In I'lillllilelplilll.
TlilKli ELllOH
TAT?- T?rtrF?oii jFRF.K OF CHARr;E
Market : Filbert : Eighth : Seventh
It's astonihhiiiK" how quickly you can
Itll a book with
liy shoppint; here in tlic mornings
ami Rett ins dotilile stamps. Vou get
lictter nicrch.itidtsc with books of
Yellow 'Iradinir Stamps than with
n ntlicr -.tanip-.
Ostrich Millinery
Has Ri'iirncfJ lo a Li-mi-
nit i
re in ( Of lie
Iowpvcr, it is not frequently that vc see the familiar big
plume it is just a tuft, a miniature band, a
drooping silk-like shower or a tiny tip.
Iitil this describes jttst one phase of the new
millinery the dressier kind.
For .smart tailored wear there are huts of many and
varied kinds exceedingly chie big and little style? with
an infinite assortment of different, original IriinniingH.
Prices Range 4.98, 85.98, $6.98 to $25
And muny costlier ones, too even including
x lie, diate,
Metal and Slag
Roofs Are Standard
Crescent Compound keeps roofs
watertight for Five years, and is
also guaranteed.
Real Estate Roofing Co.
2313.230 Wallace St.
Ih I' I'uliltir lull, 7lV'oilc -,V ei tic?
... ...a
: ' t :
nf 1
1 ll
We Trim All flats Free of Cliarti
$2.50 Untrimmed Hats
Stylish h rue xnlhtr shtipess. Oif sketched.
Tli'i nro rich bin. 1- -1 1 lc velvet. Otn of .uttjnm'. T-.
vuriti vnL'iics, .-lnil but -l trlllu r.f trinintiiia: will rmik
illicit! excce.llir.;! clii.
Aluo many other rsrcptional values in hats and
in trlmmiviH.
, b.l-
$4.00 Rcady-to-Wear Hats, $2.98
nek 1I. N. .Impel ttirb.-i ns ntirl smni t
icf, ti-iiiiin.il vi h r.iii.ii-M ,111.1 How i .
$1.50 White Feil Hats, 93 c
iiiit..hl lor iniM!
I b.i ml".
.1 li.it--
I iin-li.
.1 with rob. 11
cliurminff sprrial display of fadiion for elderly
women ttnd extremely yovvy folk.
75c Large Velvet Poppies, 49 c
Hlnck, whit. find l.ttrM 1'i.n ,r,,, with fi,n:
riHST M.ii' lit. .. "UTFf
Very Many Women and Misses Are Findiny Exactly the Cont, Suit or Dress
They Most Prefer in This
P (0, J
1 -W T yk ! til n f -4 - a
vv 11 imi
W y - JI4 - WJH tw
Kvery choice fall fashion all at motleratc prices.
M " ! I
j5r""t3 W "d
Patent Leather
Jr'iffi Suede Top
hi Any Desired Shade
The lines of the
thoroughbred are
itf irhotrtltf .ia. Ii.il a lb..
fPO(lk . " 141143 flUp IH
::' simp ii( bocauso
M 1 nn
i- .It . .
iiu!,i,. at th,
rSw ' mmm
F14111. .11.. 1 . "a" 'i-'tu. na "v-"
ivi , ;, '1"l",t,'' hi tlio last clslit ycorA
In iu,,,'," ""& "so- onl' one murriugc
one i .? ",,lea '" t,, 'livorco mill, now
" in twelve Uoes.
is coming
1" 1420 Chestnut St.
'Wlieie only the host Is good enoush-"
1 irr- V lA "f- J
1 r
p 1
Women's S: Misses'
$22 New Suits . .
They're nil-wool poplin;,, cheviots, pnliardiiiL- and medium
woijibt sefRe, in raw blue, llolhtnd Llue, nut brown, bluck
nn tldark nrreen.
1-oiir distinctly htnart styles with -l-l-im-h i-uat.- and dro ily
ti-imde with velvet bands, silk b'-ai.l-. or velvet collai.
The f-kirt.s are in pretty side plait or yoke-top effects.
Women's & Misses'
8.50 Coats
(PI 1
"iimrllj IcilliiriMl from l.cricj I pictiirc mIkiii line. Hindi. i;r,i
I.I.IUII, bill.! Mild ..St. 'Ml lit'.llll
, . l. 1 iipniKH nc'l pri tty sini-. n
Women's & Misses'
S19.50 Dresses .
.ii blu.i Ullil black hffKo. 111
li'M" anil nnilcrskirt Jbivu
Int.- b. n.tlinu i.'ti'.'
Women' & Alisses'
$25 Top Coats:
I lire i- cr "iiinrt New tlf I" bl.1
, i... ul. b.tl.. In --. y.-ii-. 1. hi 1 .1
i'.,I.- b.c l.s, .-li-t 1 .j II us. ,r li 1 iinu
... ul. I. .tb i'. ,..ts .no lnlty l.n.. wild
w llll
pl.t suIk with
1. l . I
.ll b 1. K
1 1 1 . .-1 1.1
bi Ui'1-t...uu.l dares
. . 1 . 1.. I
.1 1 ill I. 1:.
1-- .1 nn .
i 11 i-.l . .1
5 "V
ft 1
1 7
AtX-rr. TSJ X
9r-h Au Win
Sv S"? sis-
3 3 t" w 3T
III M 1.1 l., I
satin ll I I
an. I chi. I i I I
Silks & Velvets
The New Autumn Weaves
W - arc .--lKmintr a wonderful as-sortmont of
.-II the jnctty Fall und Wlnt. r Mlks and vcl
m t-. un many oC which wc can -savo yon
consuk-iublv on tli price.
Beautiful New $2 1
Tin . .!.- 1'iM ;anl i., in Hip nltrn
1.1 -ltioii.il.li- nil.-. i.,i r.ill .mil Winter.
Sin. nt. tiuhhi i.l.it. 1 ttt,.t- ami titlish
olor . oinbn.iti..ii.-.
iN. wlutu
$2 Crepe Meteors, $1.59
I line grail c in nicltv 1 ich linmli. Tn
1... imlar lu-w -ttci-t iiikI cenin Minutes.
.Hid black. in inches wide.
S1.25 Fine Satin Messulines, i)Sc
Mlack. white ninl iulm-", :;, inein wide
'I 1 ll. M.ft, llJhtK.IIH lllll-.ll.
b'l.a."i & $l.:w Striped Tub Silks. USc
".L" ami :ir. Inches vm.U S.-nson't latimt new
.iMti btrii.e.t eTct; pn-ttv olur uumblna-tu.n.-.
$a.50 Hiack Sulin. $2.08
hmli-tri.idc tual-
' D inches w idi. i:b,it,t
11 . 111 1 feet Jet black.
$6.50 Imported Chiffon Velvets. $-l.DS
in Inches wide. In black
I all .111.1 Winter s-liaden j-
itel tho newest
v 1 Hunt iiuality.
1 III tnist 11.
tb M les w ll
b.l Ii ill I fl..
-.. I in
ni 1 I 1 .1 11 m:
.$() lo $15 Imported Novelty
Chiffon, 84.98 to $12
1 1 T
t" )
a b.
llll In s
lilt I f lit
-In." I, llch
ni:.--r ii .
'1 11
I'ri'ttiiT, .ind vt-rv ijumv nmie stjlc-, tlian iisii.il.
f -;: ( f
$6 Pussv Willow
Taffeta Waists
$4.98 '
HliiilxitiiC, lCjy qu.ilily m
nhite, black ami navy bhie.
Tlicy ai-c ii",Mtl' hvnutitihctl
in himiilatc ilie Imlcro cttcct.
.lihI are (mulled with lnuml
hlft i-nllar otbl prttty lu-in-stitclici!
Underwear and Hosiery
The Seasonable Weiuhls
Wi' liav a very coinpU'ti" stock iu I'till
anil early Winter u eights for wunwti,
niishfh, linjs and childri'ii. Vi cun ul
iiii bavi' uu soini'thirtK on the price.
Women's $1.25 to
$1.50 Union Suit
Lovely New Silken
Undergarments: Spechls
Splendid 'alues for the Autumn Bride
the newest .styles at unexpected
r.;.uti,'ul tiualitiea in
Ul -.
I Ml t ' '
s;j.30 China Silk Wuists 00
at Is&O
il.iilltv hi.
h.-m-uii, ii.
U. . llll 1 lubl.icll IijI 'it
1 1. .11 II .111.1 SI. 1. II I I Ul.
Ill 1 I
, . -I.
, I. b-e.i.l
OUR product speaks all languages r
and CREATES and DEVELOPS business
have: you tried it?
We DESIGN and ENGRAVE in one or more colors for
high-grade Catalogs, Advertisements, Etc,
$3.50 Fine Liim
l' r I- II c ll idle.
biMlililtll c 111 -b
miller ed ami m
fcCl with Ijcc llll-
ilallions. H a v e
smart rt'M'rsi, tlar
hik n.lbrs and
cutT ni tine ui
yauilic. iJktvh Shw4 a
Xtule at eU
' prsfer w -
1 1
Medium weiirhth; line
cut ton ribbed; h i u h
necks loiur, hhort or
elbow sleeves; or low
neck, sleeveless ttnd
witifir sleeves; knee mid
4nkle lencrthe.
Women's Under, wr P t 1
wttir, ouch OC,(5gpi
Meiiu.ni weight; pm Wool; ."ibbcilj
hifh neck; lontr, elbow ind .-hint
tlee; knoe and ankle lent-ui ktnt.s
; -,.l t'j-hls.
Uclfuiur , each 73i
ltra Inrge sie. uatrji SI
wn eatb
I- i.lii! t' . .'1 11.. I ill.' 1 v .
'I I. I'l Hill ll ! I" ll Ml I Ml
IVonunTtf 30f tiilh q
lktt Stwkinjjti . .
1 l-'lt.i filU bo..t. lut .mi,! sf.nfd 1 ..
I hi t'l, rfiiifoiki.1 Miitct lup l.n-
I ttou.s Witumi ti tbii giM.il auiiK
I Ml. ilU lu bl.uK. wlif Iv. lart. vmb-t
rih "' ::i :--f pair si,
PlKi-l' iUMlt, i"rii
35 q
m .nf vf w
1 '-It ; h
ill '
It ' .ft I v
I ' (I
l fV' 1. . 4
S7 Crepe do
Chine Gowns
Skrlrti biu
Uow M.!-
In i.iiii. .. w tuti'.
.s.jii 11, I 1. t k,
I I II, Jt tj l .1 I k
III .1 tfl, It Ultlt j
t. b .i d . I41.', j
1 II. bill. .11.1 1 ill
bull f.il.i i
S5 Crone de Chine S3 OQ
Combinations 0
I'lcturp !huit tw lt 1 'ink .tii.l
wh'li I'rttn i s. u-.iil. 1 f linn nt Willi
.tia.bm ,i. i. bind ,i.i. t in. .1 illi.,i, ,.
.i inn 1111. iti.sivutv.M-m.siui i:iuit'in.M. vi i-unit 1'itu i.,--.,, , K , LOOU
$i VveiQ6ecim Ciiemitie. . , S M
Ni-: ll.Lt JiTHATIUJ Dainty ttiv elui .tfc itink imI
-f' "ft. trinmU back unit front with . I14IU Urn
nunto; a lo nblton-ruii.
S-i to $a Cropc do Cliine 1'attlrwiti,
$&&$, $3.US awl $-IJH
Irimiued vittb hadoNv and al lans and nbbid,
ro in ir op
1.11 IIHUI lllis