a Mm VtH THREE WHIPPED BY NIGHT RIDERS FOR TALKING TOO MUCH Farmer, Preacher and Labor er Bealen With Straps. )YfiNIHG LigfrQlsm-frHILADSEPHIA, W1SnSs1)S" SEPTEMBER 10, 10l "" ' ' "" "' ' - . - - , . - - - GERMANS USE BARBED WIRE TO HOLD CAPTURED ALLIES Free Sit to Wander About. Thcv Spiritless and Dejected. AI.TKN-GUAUOW, Germain Sept U A coriespondent visited the prison rnmp here tedai. He snis there arc .-ihnut JO) French soldiers, 2i'W Hetglnns .mil .1 few niu'llsh civil taptlves. AlltnUrabow Is one of the permanent practice niniiruier grounds for different corps scnllern! nil otcr Germany. Pitt fs. t i nn prisoners ot war nro nuufeu in ions roposal to riang Une lost stabics. mere are 10 or tiie.e, ana m I each mure Utah KO captives nre cnhllned. 1 Knelt etnli holds two sacks of straw thiit j serve for beds. In manners nre tanged such few Articles as the prisoners still 1 possess I Tho If stables nre surrounded by a tmibelwlro wall seven foot high, livery by Single Vote. HOPnTIXSVlLM:, Kv. Sept. tc-w. 1J. ltamb. Henry Jonlon and Itnfrlsnn Jr. ilnn. i.f Hatism Spring, wer; whipped by night rideis. charged by their captors with bavin talked loo much. , ' im"' a,onB '"Is fence stand- u ' their nnlv talking, however, be:.i against j cntr, his bu.ioiiet glittering In the mih lnslit rider-, j The 8 etie brought to tnlml Hie pl. tin- i.i Hpinby Is n retired fanner and oierlu prl n camp so viondcrfullv drsui'icd since thf tobacco troubles four i.f live In Ilobt rt Louis Stevenson s St. J.j jears ii vu he ha been outspoken against ' Inside thin barbed wall the prism ! night riding Tne elder .loiilon, it street , a.e free to wander ns the wish hut preacher Is fald to have criticised night the hnill eir mole n il'?in i ml. riding, though he aAi h didn't 1 Ironi tin mirth ultlr stable to wlmh I'm Harrison fonlon. twentv viurs a ne, i are a -ugii'd, r.pi h. n ml i . d to Is n fmm laborer, lic'elill his ohiplnter I -ur v '"' mce.iri mk ni.uml t'n n ( C ui tiled Hint .'( h i,.i l,l.l,lo l., ih, '"tli.l.et- lor the mint p.i t tin 'It ill sincl.-hnuse had In in tolen nlcht aft 'rward. .ronton sais, thr.e nun took him out. foicihg Ills emplojer and son to accomp:in them, strung him up !' the neck and yave him to mlni.ti s In Y.hlch to confes to tatting the ni in, lordon protested his innocence and j- I rclened. It Is said he Vcosn yed the three men ' when he was .xniten and threatened to have them Indicted. He was told Hint It , ho carried out his tlirent lie Would bi i liattKcd nt the t'oiirt House door; thet th ' night riders were SO.OO strong and feated no one The Jordon and I lamb;- w-f tukr.i n their nlKht clothis about n tulle to a point Jint across the Caldwell Count line. vhcre the) . re hipped with a lnu' leather strap. Htunbv Sa.. s nUht tlrt. r ot"d on hnntltirf him and tint tit- mop osltion to hane o lost by olio vote. After the whlppltiR the victims wire al ien ed to fft back home as btst the could. y f( n Utt.e ioiip, 'plritlet,. and di tid PLAN BASKETBALL COMMISSION TO GOVERN THE SPORT i To Settle Matters at Joint 1 Session to Be Held Here j September 20 by Eastern j and New York Organiza i tions. HOME RULE DELAYED Bill Will Soon Be Law, Inoperative for Year. I.OXnoN. .pt lu-Th. Home ttule bill will he a law before this wee,, has passed, but It will U inoperative fur one ear. No unse, nil eiie maikvd the passajro of th- un.atun bj t.ie Hoitdc of Common, jesteidn. aitemooti, although A. Bonnr Iaw led the entire Cnlonlsl delegation out of the chamber befote the vote was taki-n. The Vnionist leade- accused the Gov ernment of breach of lalth In Insisting on proceeding with Homi Rule legislation and with takins advantane of loyal fist. I In the Kuropeau ciUis. He sol emnly pledced t'.e pnrty to assist t'tster in resisting Home Rule wherever an at tempt should be made to i nforco It by coercion. John r.edmend said that tho Nation alists, more than the Unionists, bad rea son to complain of tne postponement of the bill's operations He hoped that by the time the war was ov.r a settlement acceptable to all would have been reached. The-e as en at enthusiasm when he Invited thr P-emler to come to Dublin nt lb" enrlle-t possible date, promising -o -tand' b-hlnd him in calling for rt ruiti. and undertakes that the response would be "st-ikins testlmory to the b sire of li'shmeti to stand beside EnfTll-h- mn. m i-irims on t'a.J i.shteous v.r." , tl, House of I.otils cite moiniH mr 5 wd reach. oi tne Home HjI. was aoj uin.d on a ote . f to t a Joint meeting; to be held b uv.en but Will Be I tllr t,ust",n Basketball Incui and the iui state League ouictais at tne Grand fnlon Hotel here, Septi mbe j. a p.npusltlon to form a lonmils-slon wi I bo a matter discussed. At a session of the eastern Leagnie members !at n t.-lit this plan was made known. President W. .1. Sihcffer, of the local 01 g.un..i tloii. lead a letter from the .New .o'U body luntulntnc; the Information that , h u plan would be favored. The main object of the romuii; b.u'io -Inp Is to aKreo on a plan whereby pl r from one leaBue cannot be slKtnd ti.i or tuui'htd b tlie other. The mnnaB, ,-s of the six Hastern League teams will tne. t in New York next unda II III , . I i uml I I Bl MI.WWWSH glMIWCTWrfllMnMBMW.TMWMMMWM.S.s.. bll II lSM'SI fWl Ml SWtlMMMllMM..MMSMMPPMWWSSSSSMIMIMMMIS- -1 I i SSS W "s111-tt " OLD RESIDENTS AT SEA GIRT SEEK TO JOINSRING LAKf Label Failure of Dc cveW ment Company to Improve First Residential Section aj "Territorial Oppression." 1 wero of the pear CANADIAN TROOPS GO TO AID ALLIES r.pjrlqht tmlerwon. Pn.lcrwooJ Canadian infantrymen in the mobilization camp at Valcarticr, passing over a pontoon bridge constructed over the Jacques Carticr River by the engineer corps, on way to embark for the front. The Canadian Government has just chartered four of the Cunard Line's fascst steamers for the purpose of transporting her troops to the war zone. Jill KAISER PRAISES GALLANTRY OF PRINCE 0SCAR'S TROOPS Addresses Grenadiers After Hot Tight Near Longwy. BF.P.L.IN 'b wa of Amsteidami. 5ept. 10. Hmperor William is taUir.K an aetie part In dlrectlnz the operations of the German arm in France, according to re ports received ii-re toda. After the sharp battle near hoiiw.,. lie islled his son. Prince Oscar, commander of the Grenadier Guards, who had acquitted thomseUes with honor in the conflict. After ftreetinB his son. thr Emperor addressed the Guards in tlio public square. "I greet ou iu. chief, ' he aid, "and thank jou. "I have often seen our regi ment at manejvers and on parade, but It U a particular pleasure to gre.t jou on a conquered land. "Tho regiment fought as I expected and aa our fathers fought before Ua. The battle of Vlrton will be eternally In beribed with letters of gold in tho his tory of tho war. "Our comrades of the eastei n artn have also fought saUantl The ann of the Crown Prince and the army under the Grand Duke of Wurttembers have advanced victono'isly. Our enemies are withdrawing. "Tho eastern armj liai driven three Russian corps over t.ns frot.tler T'i Russian corps capitulated in the open field. Sixty thousand men and two gen erals were made prisoners 'Tor all these lctorte we have to thank onlv one. Tnat l our God who Js over us." MANITOU AS TROOP SHIP British Government Takes Over At. lantlc Transport Vessel. The Brltifch Government ha& com mandeered the Atlantic Transport steam, ship Mamtnu, which up until the out break of the war plted between this port and London At th office of the International Mer inutile Marine Company, it was said to da that another boat would replace the Manitou as soon as the eastward freight inovument warranted it The Mamtott U row on her wa to HahfaX to trannport Canadian troo.is to the H'ene of action THOJIAS HARGKEAVES Proprietor of Arcade Hotel and Ex Councilman of Chester. ruuSTKU. I'a-. Sept. W -Thonum Har ereaes, pioprUtor of tie Arcade Hotel, former inenv i of Common Count'! and former praprktor of IlarKreuveV Cirtiw. which mide a tour of this coniiiiy and I'unada for eeial seiiboiis. di. this morning at the Hotel tfomersat, tlantlc City, whete he had been for severa' weeks suffering with might d eae. He built and ma.nt.ed the Chester Opeia liuiise, Cncstn's flil modern amusement palace, now the Washburn Theatre, and mRnaged tlif Cl.etci Uuseba.l Club lck n the VJ . platinj first base on the team. He was the re ogmied llepubltcan leader of tha Vu irtn Ward A uldow and daughter suivc ROBBED EMPLOYER IS CHARGE WKST CHESTER, Pa , Sept. U -EtR Kaatnuii. the common law wife uf John Uakes colored, uf Ulenluvh. was locket) up lure ttela on the tharge of having taken a laiae arajunt of sllvrrware trowi the huuac of Jacob Hamilton, uf near Morilcin. while employed there as a eomenti titll c j ie i , i, o ill, home la,t ii lu and r rrrd tie i pert allthtd tc U-sc uvUJ takwu ui Un. wvuiau, Fort-nine plaers have alread been flcntd up by the Eastern League sK clubs, ..nd several new nam.s appeir on the roles of the different clubs. C.imdtn, Jasper und De N ri ret,.in their pla.ter of last ear and hae not "-iftned up new meniixrs 1'rankel, a stur pel former for t'tlca, In the New York State League, his be ii signed up b the management of the Trent in ten.n Tlv Hernials should have a .long mmbit.ation when Kranktl. Gelp, lliuh. Kane and llensthil get out on the floor PHONOGRAPH PLAYED AS KARLUK SANK IN ARCTIC Stefnnsjson Steamship Went Down to Strains of Lively March NKW YORK. Sept -In an .uncle sent from Nome. Anoka, e.a Siattl", to the New York Pun I. eutenant ltalph Uempwolf, of the I'nitfi! State Hi ve nue Cutter Hear, gies a giaphic deseilp tion of the disaster tbut befell tSe wrecked stenmshlp Karluk of tin Ste.' ansson North Po! expedition Lieu tenant Uempwolf quote- the sur Ivors on board the Beai as saiug tn.tt the Karluk was haid and fa.n In tin- lee piitk f.om enrlv Octob. r u. to Jiinu.ir in. whe.i the ship was crushed mid sank. W. 1. MoKlnlay and J R Hudlej, two of the Furvlvori. nre on the Ueai Fearing disaster wl.n the Karluk was dilfting towarl the North Pole. Captain Hartlett, of that vessel, had s!in eb.tldng made for nil tne ship s complin' h an Usklmo and his v.lf. . Knitlett ,io had the slfdges nnd gear put in old-i. and, as a furth.r pretention, the ship i r w each day .hipped the ice aiound the Karluk into small pieces to make a cushion against the prtss-ure of the c. pack. Despite that precaution, the ej-el grad.i.il!. settled in the water after being crushed, and disappeared on Januuiy M In ! fathonia of wate . Be to', i-h, sank ftartk-tt nnl ht.irtnl a phonograpli pi i -Ing a stl 'rinu nnr. 1. James Murrnt. thi nntiiral st t tin rx pedltlon, and Kirt .Mate And- i i. to. geihtr with thi in. inb.-r of tin i irty. lift a temporniy camp In an effmt 10 tcT !i thi mainl'iii 1, rind a!f lliied o have pe. lulled. Murray's .nanv m'teoro iogkal ons..r.itors wei, i, i. "MOVIES" OF GERMAN ARMY USED TO GAIN SUPPORTERS Magnificent Display, Including the Kaiser, Shown in Copenhagen. I'OPKNH.M.KN. !l. it n ejermam Is making vigorous i ftort ill this .ountry to gain favor toward her tide of th- war. ' '" "' her ,m tlioda ii v. use of the cinematograph Representatives of the German Givern ment hae arrived hero with a sit, pf: Him pietuies showing the Oernieu army on It be at side. The pictures ai i'd to have U-en talsen under the Kai-er's personal bUervision, They show the maBOiflcence of th rj. r. man marchlns end equlpmont 'ih Kai- r himself is shown In a num . r of Mnn"Mi" lew si. One picturi'. !alwii Tne Kaisei under fire." shows u mi look ing through field glasses, prmun, !,'... at a distant battl. Another shows hM "war quarter at the front." of a -ertes ,t as. behtos "h its." very comfortaoly fur nished The hlms are to be supplied to mo.intr picture theatres in Denmark. Korv.ay, Sweden and other neutral countries at a very low price. There was also today a free rt.atnbu. tion of pamphlet j in this city, written in excellent Danish, telling of the splendid finale itl condition of Germany and 'le cUrmg she was forcd Into thr war The pampb.tts den i eporls of BrilUn, French and Russian k tones GIRLS KEEPS 'POISON PEN' NOTES SECRET FROM THEIR FATHER When He Receives One Himself Postal Authorities Are Called In and Dress maker Is Arrested. POISON FOR MONTANA GUARD Man Accused of Making Suggestion is Placed Tinder Arrest. Ul'TTK, Mont, sunt Id Kred Jlaanar dot, a plumber s helper. Is being held here today on the harge uf qdviklng a man to iut uolsuii iu the drinking wate. used by I'M members of the State fc'Uaidv The police, v.Uo arrested lagnarlot, eutlm (hat lie suggested to a man that pnUon be plaed in thi Court House ilrinking it .Her wiut. In- .Hid a iduinbe: r nsilii,- Ho i e i (, u-l, -lion u- -parned atij 't n itu .1 tn - n ,11 Tluee sisters who had been tctelmg "poison pen" letters for ncnil. two jeafs kept them a secret until tho iiitcrloii writer sent one to their father. Thli was the story told toda by the Misccs Mary, Helen and Agnes Timmons, daugli teii of K. P. Timmons, i) Chester rike, Sharon Hill. Mm Anna ritahl, a -di ess maker, who lives within six blocks ef tlio Timmons famll. Is alleged to be the writer of tho letters. Kim was held under 1300 ball after 11 hearing before I'nite'd States Commissioner Chailes W. ICdmonds. . When .Mi. ' million. a tistli and oster commission rnerrlittut ni Wot. r and Dock f tints r.-eelved the letter, In- had It put In tin hai. Is of the postal uuthoil tles, Three months' woik b;i ln-peitor Mathew MeVkui i suited In the nne-it of Mias Stab! Shr denies having written tin luttrs. tlijt!'h her haudwitliiia. nc cordliig to experts, conforms tloirly with 'hat In the poixon pen K-tt. 1 - which have b"n Bttniiiliig Into the Tun nous home foi tie lu-t two ye-ais. It is doubtful 11' the nijhter would 1 ver have been eleiur.1 up had tho writ, r con fined her atti ntloim to tin- tluee Tim mons g'rls. I'oi in nit two i u tiny recti veil the lett.i.s ry few dui. but the Utters ulwaj?, win loin up and de stroed without ' being dincuas.d The four lettei., two of them written bv Mis Stohl. er, -siibniitli d to T. H. McCool, a haudwiiting eXpeit, who de clared they were nil the Work of the lama peisou. The writer ot the poioon jieii Ii tiers hnrt tried to dUuiip her wilting, but after the lirt few lines mnifrt characteristics disappeand and th script ,'tow natural. 100 LETTERS KUOCIVKP. All tho letters sent to the TimniotiB sirls weie- unpilntable. There hae heon more than a hundred in all. MeViear be. Ib-'.es nnd they came at Intervals of a few du.s. Most of them weie maibd in Hnladelphia, but two whi'-h will he of f. red us evidence cairns from iuib. 1 it all tin letteis only ton Kinali' The Ti'iinions alfls tore them ,p as w as tin nulled and said nothing about treni. KiiiHll. iriititid, it is 11. Il.'vul. r the failure to iuoub the gills to i.i,w!n,' t ej had icceived the letter, the miateri 11 is writii addressed Mi. Ti'iinions. The 1 tiist note leiehed him in pei-ember und 1 the second In Januar. Hutu w.irm.l him t't.it hU iiaughtcr ho ih be watched and contained vicious n'-c n. itiotis, Voi ouie time Tliiimoiia tried unsuc enbsfully to find who was wrltlii- the letters, and then off iv I the reward uf ! U), That faltea. and he turned to the postal Inspectors. At ilnl it was U.( vc I tiiat tl letters wire Iti.-iirc-d Uy jfj'uaj, nnd on that a'ui ptiuii aavi.'iai .iiaioii Hilt young 1 worn 11 wei,. cms. i iaune-t. When sus pie c 1 f II un Miss Ktahl, however, that tiieiuj was discarded Th'-re has never be n "a man in tin tase. ' actoiding o the investieatois, A youth nhu was boarding with the ttahl was sent sway lb day after McSbai questioned their dauuhiu. in oiUer that suspicion could not bt attached to l.i hruui!h W presenci n in mid he calie-d twice at the Tliwnwna home. i am old enough to ha bis mother, anyway," Mis situhl dsclared when bis name was brought into the nut atoning. The CUM Is a msttry to Mr Tii' moiif. tin father of the girls, who -t-lve'l h U tiers OFKKUKU ItlJWAl.li KOH AITlloRS Mr. Tilumoiitf o(fi'd a reward of tvu wlieii he flit leaiiuit I lit bin 14 weie coining iuto his houe. but efforts of prhatu detfttiies to iimj who was rJt Ins them weie futile. in May he appeal, d to the postal in spector, am) Mathew McVicar et out le leuui the identity of the writer. "It was a pioce uf iliiuinatioii that led ue to sL'.-ptft Mi i8 Shaw," said Mc Vicar t'Mlai A list of persons who might bae written the letter was prepared, but it was cut down until only Miss Blabl tewalned. This was last Mu The evUleucs on which Miss Stahl as held esterday vs kceured b Mc Vicar mi Jui,, 1 That da he went to see Mi- Mai I 11 be 1 In ni' Mint Staid H nit i 4 --I tit ne tin j and ...! vi.u . a li"J m 4 am ill double house at Khaion Hill for ten I ' ir.-i Tlie accused woman Is a dtes I maker, often emploeil by wealthy Plnla- in Iphtniis and icsldeiits of the submbs. MoVlear found Miss Stnhl nt home mid 'old In r she was suspected of bavin,' I wi'tten the lettets to the Timmons kIiIi She denied -it 'Wh. lust to tiioie that those lettu were not mine I'll in I to ou n specimen," die told McVieui. lie hud her cop. two of the notes sent to Miss Helen Timmons. Mii Stuhl ns lety nervous while Mc- bar uuestloucd lier, he biis, nnd denied lepeniedlv that she had hud nn hand in the poirou pen lettets. "I nel'i r hale seen Miss Stuhl, or If I Jiave 1 did not know her," he sultl to day. "I am told tht sho made some di esses tor my daughter Helen, but that wns several cnis nfto. No one could bale any cauto to write letters of that kind. I am Kind an arrest has been made, hut I am chlell.i an.Nious to haie the lotteis stopped. Helen Timmons. who received most of the lettets, is not jet IS years old. She was a student at the Swat tliiiioie 1 e uurntoiy School nil last winter and will be graduated next .lime if she returns to school. "My daiiRhtor Is not stionB," hald Mr. Timmons, "and 1 doubt wltethei I shall send her back to school foi a month or two. The letters bnie wotrled her s rlon.slj. ' Miss ritalil iiiav be tiled curly next week The an est was not made until yesterday becnuso the com ts wete In rvcets durlns tho summer and tho postal authorities were certain sho could be found iihon tiny wanted her. Miss .Stnhl'.-. atloiney, O. 1'lantuu Mlddletoii, Is not In Philadelphia today, but his pnilner. John Wuktde.i, said he 11.1s confident the chincea aealnst .Miss Stnhl would be found without basis when all the evidence was heaid. BRUMBAUGH GREETED BY GREAT CROWDS INDAUPHINCOUNTY Ovation to the Republican Candidate for Governor at the Gratz Fair and in Manv Towns. ORIENTAL STUDENTS ARRIVE Nine Chinese Girls Will Wear Na tive Costumes in American Schools. NUW YOIIK. Sept. HI -Nine I'luncif Klrl students niii'-ed here yestei.lay to enter Ameiicnn rhoolh as tho wnids of tholr Gnvernnii-iit. Tin-,, are the tiist women to 1 enefit fioni th. Vnimieau In delimit fund whlth thr Chinese (invent ment act aside foi educational pui pones from the $l-,XiO,Aun rvin.tled ly thr I'ulted States Uovernnn nt Horn the dumaues duo on account of the Hoer upris'ns. The nine rih will stn nt the Youiiv XVumeii'i I'hrlst'un Assutlatlon, ut l.vx inmon avenue and JJd street, until thej are sent to the various piepaiatury schools. The all have padstd coljepo clitiunce exnni'nations In Kugllsli, math-einatlr-H and laiiKuriiii . Tl.ey have asreed not to disend their native ClilncM, costtimt. Most of the itlrls come from hanhal and arc daUKhtei1- of Chlnrse piiBtoii of China m'.islonuiy ehurches Theh numn ure Me Tune Tina. Yuoh linii' V.iiur, 1'miK I.inB Leo, Its Iun 5J.ui. Kotn Yien Wiiii-, linen TiUHC TsaiiB. Ling Sln. K Lina T mK. Hun-' Tstih f.uiie'. Mi Inn;? lluu a..d f'!"', An Chin. BRITISH ATTACHE CALLED FROM U. S. TO JOIN ARMY Colonel M. P. Gnge Will right With Fifth Dragoon Gtmids. VXhHIVUTuN. Kept 18 -Under riMi otdtrs to teport at once for duty with hi' re'in.' nt, Colcnel Moreton l. Unui , inilltao uttuche of the British Kmbuw. ariived In Washington today fiom Ni w V11H and beuati hurriedly makinsf tin il prepuiatlons to leave for the tb'..tr, of W..11-. He will Join his old connnuinl. li Pitlh lruBoon Ouards. Colonel OaSe was assigned f o dut ,i too IJmlatsj Iu !!':. and Is popilu in udlitaiy circles. He paid n fur. w.ll 1 .11 P lav at the State Department, and .a certain of the other Kmbassies IIAUltlSUrilC;, Sept. lC-Dr. Mai tin o. HuimbaUKli spent an hour in this city this morniiiK, lecelvini; many filends nt the Commonwealth Hotel, Icnvlupr Inter foi the flriitz Fair, on tho upper edse it the county, wheio he, spent the after neon. Doctor Brumbaugh came oiei fiom PittsbuiKh on n iileht train and held his reception at the Commonwealth, Hum 1' to U o'clock. He w-ns in excellent spliits nnd highly unaided with what ho had found iu tho western end of the State, The journey of tlio ftepublican candi date for Governor to the tirou Knlr was a continual scries of stops and brief re ceptions In tho many towns aloiiK thu route. The paity included V. II. Hor ner, lEupubllcan County Chairman; .lutnos 15. Lentz, Vice Chaltman; Congressman Anion K. Kroldcr, candidate for re-election on the Ilepubllcau ticket, nnd other piominent men in the pail. v. Doctor .Uiumb.iush went to Hie UruU l-'air b special imitation of the man agement, and he found a gteat cioivd of voturs there to welcome him with en thusiasm. The Uiumbnugh pnit.i lift this city In uulumoblles and inn up the ilver load as far us HullfuN, wheio it was neces sary to strike across countr. A stop was inado at Halifax for luncheon. till the road to Halifax t,it, p.i, was not Ij luteieMid groups at li'ort Iliintei, ileckton Mills, Daiiphm, Spei cevill. and at inti-i veiling points and all gave the itepubllcuii gubernatuti.il candidate a warm welcome. After leaving Halifax eail. in the aftei. noon Mop- wire made at t'lshci vllle, Dietrich, Kliznbethville and Hcrrysburrf, winding up ot tlio Unit. Pair giounds, ..heii' the ittiialnder uf tho day was pent 1 v the party In gcnernl handshak ing u id lipealiiiur. TWO DROWN AFTER CRASH Their Motor-boat Was Sunk by Penn sylvnnla Cnvflont. .NEW YOltK, ,Sept Iti.-lleit A. Abbott, u proofirudcr for '.he New Yull; 1'lt-ss, and i-'rank V. llowland, 11 meehuiilcal . nginei r, iiure di own. d last night uppo in. South I'eni, whin tin mutorboat In which they w.ie ililln- n,; inn down .mil sunk oy a uilioal owmd by Ihu P, tins. Iianla Itu 11. '.id. 1 low I mils li, ,lj a iccoieied. but Abbott a was not UUh oPtCIALTIEb Lsttei Heads Envelopes BUI Heads Statements Receipts Business Cai ds PSi I' 'syfraSVyrvty r 1 $123,107.51 FOR RED CROSS Jfew York Branch Hopes Tund Will B? 150,000 Saturday, NEW YOUK, Sept. JC-The total amount collected by thet New Yoik branch of the Red Crust Hoc let u $U'.i, 107 SI- As donations ni 1, eel ml dail. ii is hoped that the fund will reach Wi. (M) h' Satimluv nlfchi Anuthei rapid), flowing luud ts ibc one being raisid foi the lelief uf the lion combatant sulfereis in Belgium The fund fur tin niaintt nance and equlpim nt of the American ambulance hospital Iu Carls amounts to 40.3ii.7S. CURIOSITY PROVES FATAL Dynamite Explodes While Workman ' Investigates Cause of Delay. LANCASTIJK, Pa. Sept. W-Cuiloslt 1 today cost Ccoro Hcilman. of York, his ' life. He was eiuplot.d on the State load ntr Diegon. where blasting was being done. One of iwo dynamite cartridgt-j falling to explode he uppiuath.d to In vestlitate, and while bending ovei u cartridge It esrlided kllliii!! Heilman m stuutlj Th 1 Lere s an end to your printing troubles when you entrust your orders to us. High-grade work, prompt de livery, right price. "We Keep Promises" SSrora!S l.ni;runr ami lauburra. WORK OF AUSTRALIAN FLEET IS COMMENDED Admiral Pntey Reports Details of Capture of Het berstshohe. .MT-5LHOintNl5, Sept. 10. Pi line Minister Milieu has iccelvcd tin following iiliilcss icpoit from Admiral I'.Ue.v, in command of the Australian navy sqtiudioii in Its operations in Guinea. "J estimate that theie were 20 or CO Gei mans killed nt Ilerberstslioho and six Hiltlsh. The defending loicc was numci Icnlly the stiongitit. "The conduct of tho Austiallnns In action was extremely valoious. "I'-urlhor lighting Is piobable, although the Hiltlsh hold Itabnul. "In Its operations the Australian fleet has done good work In conjunction with the Urltlsh China sea .squadron, In de ploying German wholca stations In the Pacific." SUA GIItT. N. J., sept. 16-The fJ tunes of Sea Girt, which have piay eee-saiv since the time tho Pcnnsylyan, nnllroad Company opened il, . , rrlnvrtlnnmAntii 4l.i.t. . l Wi ' ' yearn a6o nnd whW especially atfeclod by the faUr e Keystone Bank lit l'hiiadelnhi .. again to haim In n,e 1...'. I tlirougl, the action of ft number of Z 1 - " """"hc-ib vno, neatlcd by t ; Dunford Samuel, of Philadelphia hv'. I applied to the neat by borough of Hntln- 1 Lnlcn fne niihAwnlthH 4 . . . " --"..on 01 U part of the r. sort to that place. Tho old property on nets here air.,, ty ,ln? 'w'nlnated ZlnT f ,,,. r"V, ' "u"l.J ' Jl "' tmct h iivib "S ',""" "."-,1. sw delpliln. have been nmi.'.lni.i ,. ...i.""' of the fight against what they Intel ter lltorlal onntess on. ' cl '" Tho subject has been under dlvUg.J licio for soma limn, but It v,-a" 1 ! centlv fhni tl, r,i.i n,.i-... '", J'" n approached tho Sea Girt Von.pn , a, 'lemanded Improvements of Hti..et lnJ vicinity of the older resloentlnl m,2 opening of Occnt, avenue aiu. conitnS tlon of n boardwullt to Join with thi Spring Lake wulk on the north Thol ihnT .' of , .I"'"". 1".. .bi..l.!" . ."Je-laraUoi : w ...,,,... iikhi mini w,-ib only b. sohl''" 0" Wl"'rC ll'U '0lS Wle bcln Tito lacl lli.it the residents pav tltclf tneH to tho authorities of Wall towiislili1 unii jet nave no bencilts from them hat ....Uu 1, ,. ,,u. mo tuwnsmp, wlilchli noted for its excellent toads. Is powcrlcn to help, fclnco the Sea Girt Company holdi lltlo to tho streets and refuse-, to dedl. cate them to the township. Tho borough of Spring Lnke has Inns coveted the pretty north end of Sea Gltt which nestles along the south shore ofi hicuh. i-ouu. toe municipal autliorltlei realize the opportunities for lieaiitlfylnt their southern section by the acquisition ut tnu norm cnu or sea (Jlrt unison .Moms, ot Philadelphia, also plays an Important part In the present controversy, as he holds a pet iictu.il in junction against tho Improvement of what Is known ns Ciescent Pink This park is siiiiuieu in tne rear 01 liuallti I!ow. This U n cottage section which "contain! the summer homes of ninny exclusive families, including those of Mr. .Morris, Mis. Joseph Oglcsby of Philadelphia; Mrs. Wright, of Philadelphia: Charles S. Hlnchmnn, of Philadelphia, and Thomai Morrison, or Pittsburgh, a nephew of An drew Carnegie. CRY OVER PARENTS' BODIES AUBURN. N. Y., Sept. Ill -While temporarily Insane, William Fuller, M years old, a prosperous young farmer ot Sennctt, near here, shot nnd killed hli wife early today and then committed suicide. I l,,,1t. llffte el, till, n cnl n, t .. . nHA..n4 t - u.. a.t.iv ..i.u.v,,, .-.,. v.j.t, UIUUUU tho bodies when neighbors entered tin Fuller home. W g s hriah&& Founded 1837 Colored Dress Goods Arc Nov Located on the Firs Floor, West Side In their new quarters will be found all the newest and most desirable mittcriali and colorings that arc to be the vogue for the coming season. Biress Goods for Faflfl amid! Wieter New Weaves and Colors FRENCH GABARD1XK, colors Hunter, Edison, Tobacco, Pansy, Snuff and Navy. 54 niches wide. $1.50 and $2.00 yd. DIAGONAL ONDULE, colors Black and Navy. 54 inches wide $1.50, $2.00 and $2 50 yd CIIATON OREU.LE, in Navy. 54 inches wide. $2.75 per yd. 1'EAU DH .SOURIS, in Navv. 54 inches wide. $275 yd. VEAU DE SOURIS, iu Black. 54 inches wide. $4.00 id GERMAN BROADCLOTHS, colors Terra Vert, Edison. Tete'de Negro, I'ansy, Prune, Eb'K Plant, Midnight Blue and Mysterious Green. 54 incites uidc. $2.75 and $3.00 yd. AUSTRIAN BROADCLOTHS, in Black. 54 inches wide. $2.50, $3.00. ?3.50, $4.00 yd CREPE POPLIN, colors Pansy, Marine, Hunter, Raven, Tobacco. 4G inches wide. $1.00 per yd Black Dress Goods On the Second! Floor, Remain in their FormerExcellcni Location for Light and Convenience Fuahion decrees u season of black and wc have prepared a collection of fabrics io meet all demands of fashion and for mourning purposes: AUSTRIAN BROADCLOTHS, JAPONS, CREPE POPLIN, MELROSE. CORDS, TAMISE, ZIBELINES. firniportedl Dress TrimimSinigs in wowlroua variety. You will have little difficulty to suit your individual taste from among this wealth of beautiful trimming. Included in the Display Are JET FLOUNCINGS. 6 to 27 inches wide, ?1.25 to 58.50 per yard BLACK OR WHITE NET FLOUI.ClNGS, heavily embroidered iu colors, 15 to 27 inches wide, ?3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $8.00 per d. Ol'VLESCEXT SPANGLES AND COLORED BEADS on Net MonnciuK, 6 to 24 inches, $2 00 to $8 00 per yd. JI'.T BNDS, 1 to 9 inches wide, 75c to $0.00 per yd. OPALESCENT JlNDS, l to 6 inches, $1.50 to $7.00 per yd ALL-OVERS. CRYSTALS, SILVER. PRARL, GOLD AND IRIS BEADS AND SPANGLES on White or Black Net, 18 to 27 inches wide, $3.00 lo $9.00 yd. Pearl Trimmings for Weddamg Gowinis or Evening Costumes Wc direct special attention to our comprehensive btock of pearl triimnintfs .ind urge early selections. AlUOvers, Ornaments. Chain, Gimps, Jland, Festoons, Tassels and Pendants. Novelty Bottoms Bullous lijjtire conspicuously on the smart costumes for Fall. From our last importation wc are showing: SILVER, GILT AND GUN METAL BUTTONS BRIGHT AND DULL FINISH JET BUTTONS MILITARY BUTTONS, ROMAN BUTTONS JET BUTTONS SET WITH COLORED RHINESTONES BLACK AND WHITE HORN AND IVORY BUTTONS 11201128 Gl.Kstnut Street i JaP"a"i I "" ill nti AdMBM,n.r H Bl i i in Mummmmm