Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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VtVmwnnr &M'
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" cmmmmimy -i-vw-wujrv.
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""""' - i i i rTTFi 1 1" , ., i. '.,..'" .'.'.' inn, i ' ' ' iii mi ,i -
,'j'''' ' I 'iiihiwwiiipi l 1 1 i i nmiin wjjin ui K fL" Twin f w'n "i1'".1 w intf'i -nif wiMuimn ia ii' i npf 'yw wf ! 'wmn i m i iwi" r im m"im 'Tttfuiwirk.""". 7.' " 7",W1'WIW1
This famous British regiment, the tales of whose glorious deeds of valor arc spread thick on the pages of England's history, arc adding new laurels to their crown of glory on the battlefields of the once sunny nation of France.
wore holding yesterday the Trout ut
Vnrennes and Cr tisenvoyo.
On our right wing tin (Jet man"
aie rt renting toward Metz.
I The Fr nch Embassy continues to
I espres"" confidence that the situation
is rapidly becoming more f.i.irnble to
the utile's.
BERLIN', Sept. 16.
The otr.ol.il !tatetttent issued today
at the War Office emphasizes the fact
that the Germans have now succeeded
In checking the entire offei.slve move
ment of the allies In France.
It Is statd that the German army
Is new intrenched in new strong posi
tions, and that at a number of points
the Germans have succeeded in drl
ing the French-British lines back on
their supports.
Fo far as the entire situation in
France is concerned the reports of the
General Staff all agree that the ne,
plan of campaign is worUit.g out tn n
ver satisfactory manner.
On In.th the east and west front. ers.
the report says, the German forces
are carrying out their general p an
of campaign with uninterrupted suc
cess. The rea.-uii for the withdrawal of a
portion of the German left wing is
declared to be the presence of a su
perior French force. The operations
ahum Verdun, however, are being
pressed. It is stated.
The official statement says:
Thr offr nlv '"ov( nu nt of the
nil eJ Drit sh ard Kn n"h armies
In France has ' em chrcKed.
We have won a number of suc
cesses and huw occupied strong
position Fighting continued, but
no engagement has taken p'ace.
The enemy has beenattacklngwlth
superior numbers for two day our
right wing. A severe conflict has
marked the operations about Ver
dun. Th Admiralty unnounced todav
that nil the crew of the cruiser Ilela.
which was sunk by a British subma
rine, hud been saved. An earlier re
port from Admiral Uehnlie had indi
cated there had been some loss of
Another official statement denies a'l
foreign rerorts of the progress of the
tt-ar. It saya:
We know from the present con
dition that we shall fight to the
md. tVe did not cxroot a prom
ena le for our troops ' Hard fight
ing against hard opposition" is our
Confidence prevails among the
Germans and the world is entitled
to know that there Is no truth in
the talk of a French victory any
where. All other reports are false,
A defln'to German victory on
both frortiers cannot bo eV ubtol,
despite the big superiority of the
hostile force on both s'des.
German soil is free of her en
emies The official report m'Ves no men
ii n of how far or to v hat line of de
fense the German right wing has retreated.
Communication Cut Between
Supplies and Reinforcements.
Tin tory l told of live American wit
emu spnnuents In Helgluin:
i)ii the day the correspondents heard
tin' Uu-ninns weie approaching llv'n Amer
ican uiHiflers hired a itiNluib. at a fubti
1 .u ii ntul, and went out I) i n ot Hie
ili'i-nmii". They drew up alongside the
iniii ami piepared tu watrli the i.roris
i.'uii n if it were it chvis coming ;o
ti'wn. t'f ctiiife, the general kmllng tho
Qji.-. IT..t.T i" J ! trwip noticed them, ordered thorn nrrest-
otiong r ortihcation and .u and brought to him.
, r- i i r I "U '"' nru -vou7" ll0 ftR'ir ' hi brokci
Uracow, Breaking Line or , fj".""' tVio0,i?nKn8ti!,Inkin'T tiley v"!,c '"s
"Were live Ainctloan ropm'toM." rnnio
tlie reply. "What's that? Conespoiv.'-
"Vcu." answered n lnrge, p'iim wiltir,
ulio huppened to bo Irvln rf. Cobb.
"Don't you know theto nro no corres
pondents with tho Gurma'i army?"
thuiulere.l the general.
"Heg pniilon, general.' said Cobb, with
hid tunnlnst Millie, 'You've yt live with
you now."
I'll order you nil ?lmt," snapped the
German commander, who probably fe't
hlmelf weakening a fie tt'ht .jf the
ivpcrter's 'nlly smile. The l bo spoil' "0
i- -'es looking at tholr Amoilcan pass
ports. nt' "'and being hnt General," in'd
Cobb finally. "I can stand the Ci-m-Mimd
ntul ibo 'tone wnl' iiii.l tin (lb-grace
to mv fam'lv but T can't stand tl e t elt
Imr of that tnxicnb ni"'er over tboe."
The fpiica' 'aushed , ev.rv nv-int ei of
his stalf who cou'd imnrt.in 1 Kng:ih
lnuelied. and the n'cnb b-ii- ng " dve
Ameileau reporters joined tho pioces.'b-n
into IirusselH.
I'ETItOGUAD, Sept. 10.
The Russians have ciotscd the lower
coure oi the river nn unoppoid by the
defeated Austrian enemy, wh.ch con
t.nues In precipitate ilight.
The posit on at Giodek between I'rzem
yil and I.emberg, has been secured b.
the Uusslnns, who have reached Mossia
t3J miles southeast of I.emberg and a
most due south from G odek) and are le
ported to have Invested Przeiuysl on tine
1'Kemjsl Is thi present Ilussiaa obei.
ruiived dispatches from the Galleia
fiont state that the fine of communica
tin hot ween Cracow and Przem.isl hat I
been severed by the Kusslan tioop . I
Othc"1 forces, Cossacks believed to num
bcr about 100 000 men. have swept Lij .
I'rzemysl and have reached I.isko, i j
mlln sou.hwest of l'menitjl anu -n y
few ti d fn m the llumjanaii bordrr
Cavalry Welcomed to Kellcve Strain
On French Horse.
LONDON, Sept. 1C.'
The allied lines in t-'rnnce have been
reinforced by the m-ilMit or the first
detachment of the Indian troops who
made the trip by way of the Suez Canal
and weie rushed to the front fiom Soflth
Fiance hi- rail.
lliese troops. It Is undei-qtood.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
ays America and Ens and ! SrlS ivl" bL' ,volcomr'-, "
J o me iMciicu cavalry horses aie renin ted a
Can Supplant Germany in
Supplying Czar's Country.
MaJnme Klnle Mnchetez. of Po's""!!
wnc trreeeii as a heroine when alio arrived
in I'aihe lofl.-iy.
W'-en the flpimnn- nmirmcliPil ScIf
sons a'l th" ntUe'nln IIpiI. Jfadnv
Mnet'.-ro i-p,v,n(-.p,i tno Ge-tnars -r
terrd the cltv Jin 'nmo M-"-h'i-,7 fenrl
T' .-'i aim is to tut com r.unieation t". i ri "" v -' ' ho done, sought out th-
twp n Ilunrai". and tin- tin rot tresses oi i e.ie-man commnmicr.
nnr;pKUX. France. pt. IB.
"o i an- s' a:ixiu-; to rre.ss
on -,.i.n-t the- i:..hm:.8 that It Is d f
flcu'it to ri strain them." says a dis
patch received y Min!rr of War
th- t f
d -d
i"ize.ii.fcl and ctueow uno nw ui is-m
the Austrian am eut u un ;a-ses '
thi I'.uialiian mniinta us. Tin- we-u i.
foict the yur-et b- of th- forts, as tm
tllK f dUppllL wll- tie 'lit iff.
In the H htiim of t! e 'a-t five dnv,
c lm r-ut nc in the cat tutv : Giod'k :
Is s ated, the ltusIai.s ' avi . apti r (.
Austran guns and 20 houltzeis.
The rapid advance uf the Russian forces
i-as cut the lines of communication from
Galicla to F.udapest. Itussian cavaliy
aau reached the station of Lysko la town
..f iJWO population near 10J mlle-J south
v.t nf PrZL-mysl and a little less than
'.at dstanee fiom the Hun ratinn
ordsr. Us occuratlin euts of Austrian
etreiU In tha- ellree-- on. S .al! iavalr
, . . ( . kV. : a ed t - o.sh the ,
, . (.. , r . e a ! if. ,. I
i , ,i -tr. -ler an a - at C a -''w
n I m t '
ines are di.- wo '"st'N
r.:. nd It and the ra .i , o ..o l.eait
..' t' e country arc ser el.
Th,. Austrian centre still holds a
broad front against the victorious, Uu.''
In h' ' o"s ' ui ho
r' rm i ' z tlo-
'u y 10
A ' s atch that h h C wr-tten a-k
.ng General von Kluk fir ammunition
was also found. He and his men were
.... .. ,. . i j-ji . i
.Mllleianil touay mm i.in.rai j-utre. taken before tho disi,.uch could be I " ' 'u 'C a h, ;. . l,.,l
6IHI.M. UUl Willi ..- -
th, French commaii'l r-m-chief. The gent. i and tne left wing crum-.led up In Ituss.nti
! iiAina niwQlnn rini-f.r of ar rUK-
--!.. i-,1, ..... Unfr .V... r n.A .. ,tl m T AO.. . , . . l"tM. ...-..... '"-. . .,..,...,.
uilJulll riaicu i.iwi- T utiiHwiia
taUnn up new positions, from which
the made occasional rallies only to
be driven bach.
.I. Milleruml said that In was thor
oughly satisfied with .-( nditions at the
The French hospital uervn has beer,
completely organized and no further
recruits are needed.
The French Governm-: t in Uv noti
fied the American Ued C'rcf- lliit It
vlll not need any more narso-i frum
the United States. It was learned t"
day that when General Freis, ft divi
sion ccnvnander f General von Klult'H
army, was captured. rai-m were found
'V... n-"i'- 'ic-lder me Mavr of h
Cltv," she "n'd. "I do no n-n' -"
ti'llnii'-'!.' dne. If you want aiy'i-' .- . '
fcr II."
Th. '-;n-nin- thorcn't- ofll lol'v reci'
nlrcd bcr as Mavor.
A wou-idp'l Hp1-Iiim -r'.Hp- nt n.oteid
' i.vrrmi p-nud o" '1ip 'up thnt lie
slept In tlio "sea'-yus beds ahont Mech
lin For two davs he stent in the Held."
after belncr woimded "Mechlin1 has tb.e
best asparamiH bpds In the world and 1
slept on It," ho Mild pioutlly.
When the commander of the German
ciulsur Mnsdeburg destroyed bv Itus--lan
warships In t' o T'al'c teached
piioraii a n--ioiei- r 's i.t'ct tie re
fused to give 'Ms tame i'rei-1-Inir "I tin
"-io-tl- or - "an-iT a n t'o'i'i
sl-i ed fiarnl st th ra'tio-lund "
LONDON. Sept. 10.
The London Times correspondent at
I'etrogtail (ptotes a statement made to
hini-bv M Sazonoff, .Minister of Foielgu
Affairs, in wh.eh the latter says the
prisent situation offers a gloat opportu
nity in tiado ami commerce with ltus
i'!a, which to Kitgland and America may
menu moie in decades to come than It It
cay to teallze.
"For years past Germany has been
load ly and vigorously pushing trade In.
ul uuurters of the Itussian empire. Hhe
new s-fls us above Ji,00 ,CiC0 woitli oi
ixducts yearly. ThV cnoimous maikei
or mac.inery, ehem cals and all sort.
of n.auufactiiied pioducts Is now sud
denlv cut off fiom avenues thiough which
t'.-ey" Imve been supplied. Heieln 11. s the
, rea est commeielal uppoitunlty tor lhis
laml and Amtilca that lias ever bee
offer- d.
"it Is 'bat country wh'ch foresees th
fat1 c nvu. rqlally In lluaslu that
111 r or ' c nornii'iis be-iellts that t. of.
maikits- now olfpr.- It Is i.ot merely stu
llcient that mei chants and niu.uifuctutvi
1 u'd offei their goods here. Fxport
s' ou'd be sent he:e now even while w:u
s 'II in pnwrto-. They should stud
nd exam ne the irnts of our couutti s
hut when peace c nv tliuse cimnnei
h'ch for di cades l.ave Mowed deep,
nit' Gnrmnri pn ducts may continue i
(low !t! products from IJnaland ii.
An ei-irn.
"For America ltussla opens an oppor
tunity or a conunercia outlet sueh as
can baldly be over estimated. We have
an empire of lTO.WoUOJ souls and the
SSeo.Oi'O.Cvn yearly that e hue been pay
ing Germany is but a beginning uf the
demand that will soon inalie ltussla
among tho mott desirable and valuable
markets In the woild. ltnllroad building
and new developments everywhere aro
I have a prelude to an era of piospeilty In this
country such as never baa been seen
hem before. I cannot ton iiuiih.i'ii-allv
cx;irpj.s the hope that merchants uuro'id
m'l re ills: tli s wonderful opp i utility a .
ait promp ly."
1IOI tPil flit
uaniy worn out ny their constant use since
tho war began. It Is believed here that thev
will be i-ent to telnforce Sir John Ftencb,
who Is leported as Initiating an envelop
ing movement, which has for Its object
the cutting off the main light whig of
tho German army.
Naval Patrol of Leasehold. Forced
Back Into Klao-Chau Bay.
TOKIO. Sept 10.
Olllcial announcement is made by the
Jupaiieso War oillce that an aviator
sailed over the Gcrmuii foi tlllcatlons at
Tslng-Tao, In the German leasehold ot
Klao-Chau, mid chopped bombs upon tho
barracks of tho soldiers. The machine
returned safely to Japanese hoadrmatlera.
It Is believed that a number of German
soldiers weio killed by the explosion of
the bombs. Tho acroplanrj was shelled,
but the Get mans' aim was Ineffective.
Tho German naval patrol at Tslng-Tao
bus been driven In by u Japanese fleet
of toipedo boat destioyers.
The War Office was Informed today I homllnoff behoves that the annihilation
that wounded German prisoners de- r surrenutr oi rcnuune -c..i.(
' armv Is Imminent.
clared they had no knowledge that war I Fighting has been continuous for ; -.,. . , j-.-..,
2) das alone the c-utie. in tmu ume. , vauLUlt; V tsuegruu, -fU IVilleS
n.'.oidlng to reports reeehed by tho ar ,
('mi,lue (lua mve I uth ot isaraievo and Ef-
Ijfl.t A wv III 1 1 f I
had been declared when they
called out.
Some soldiers asserted that they had
been wounded by their own army.
The Government hos intrusted M
Doumergue. Minister of Foreign folo
r.les, the taak of proceeding to the
Department of Marne to distribute aid
to the inhabitant. The illnistor will
lrap today,
lr-ident Poincaie Una leceived in
Bordiaux the flags of the 26th and 91th
Prussian irfantry regiments, ittptured
by Fr nch soldiers.
ELIMINATE CROSSING !Arre6led at ..d',op"o Blessing" tor
Bteel and Concrete Structure for
Glenwood Avenue Near Seventh.
su.l .md comrute hiifuwaj bridge, to
cobt aid iuiintt:ly III).'"', iil be tun-stiueii-il
on the line of UlciiwooiJ avenue
jk ar svvnth stieet over ths trfteks of
tin- Hi' 'an md Pruned of the Phtlad!pU4
and nea'ling Railway Company,
Flans foi the strueturfc are beJug pre
p-iitd under the direction of Chief Weft.
btii. ui Hip Survey Buieitu, ainl. fohow
li i,- tin- appruval by the fuollq Heroic
,nu it ?n h v4il!te trm P-J...J,, Uur Mra immotld mig$ Jew.
u ii.un.iiial Uwo. Ury vala at uir than $800. She told
Itidenit of the seetlon wlnrfe the
bridge mil b ertiteii have been apuel-ln0-
tor months for the utru-ture tht wilt
liiui.oatf u dangerous Kiaili- iromin tliat
tnuat U- ii,t-ea da iy by eoildren on
tilth way to and fropi stlmoj.
She Had Struck Him WllM Se Se
fused to Go to School,
Dislike for tlio routine uf ..Uioul life lu4
12-;.tai-u a Ju;Lyii M- u l.ni. oi 1! I'lu .-
ttao p i' 'I tniii mm i 114 t. itab til
The a..nfin! Staff announced today that
General Urouslloff's troops were march
Ins; to attack Sambor. an important point
In the Austrian line of communications.
With the capture of Simbor ami Chy
row, ihe Huslans will cut Hi-zemvsl com
pletely off from any assistance that mlht
be sent from the south
(Sambor Is 28 mlloa southeast of rrwmv
ysl. vihhh lie is miles west 01 i.emoi-rB
Chy row i 20 miles south of Pnemysl.) 1
SYli j
In an official statement Issued toduv, i
tnfi Kut-sian War Office declares that the
It.vtstment of Przemysl will prevent the
.vistrian army of General liankl tabintf
1 fuse there. U says;
The forces of Genoral DanUl have
iii n entirety cut off from the Austrian
cetmc. and will be unable tu reach
Trroysl whloh is now completely In
vented by the rtussiuii". Tin army of
pankl is now cut off in the boas into
which they had hoped o entice the
Russians- The Iraementary details
tuitt available phaw that our forces
huv already achieved tha greatest
success ever recorded In warfare
Archduke Karl Franjs Josef is re
prteej to be with the routed Austrian
forces and his capture l looked for.
rnofllclel reports say that of tho great
army of tou.ouj men that Aujtila sent lntj
Gallcla to uttach the Uussians on tho
fiomler of 1'oland, fully VQ,- liuve boen
tb Police, and since thn thee havo 1Jm . i""' 'sptunii. W 8V.. urrvuUCO lBi
iarlbuia for th maid. I lv -ape is imposiimw.
Uajit .b,'hi Jennie vmn to the "Door t ' ""
UlvskiiiK ' to collect sofiie ciolhlng le I IfONOON. Sept. 18.
ihMB ilnii ie went tu her last lac ! The Kxpns publtshei. a dispatch from
of ftmploymeut. Fersons at the burne whu 1 Itonw 'J the effect tlutt tlia two Austrian
knew of t'i atU-ged robbery summon'-d ' flimies ui.der Geneiali Uaids and Von
ti police, and t.ie mrl ias arretted I .VuftewfierK have joined tt ftliesov, thlr-
1 ! teen miles northuast of Juroslav and
Pilot nnd Army -Officer Reported
Killed by Belginns.
A Rotterdam dispatch to tbu Star states
that a German aoroplano was hiouKht
down by Ilelslnn bullets near Ilochcfau
and tliat the pilot, and a German olllcer
who was malting observations, wen-killed.
Taking Employer's Jewels.
1 The 'poor of Olesstns." North 3Jd j
' ct t, wai openine for Jennie Ptlaimy,
a maid, M years old. -i North Sixth t
sirevt, when she was arrested for on
a!.ued jwel robbery by Patrolman l,aw 1
Ky, uf the Nineteenth and osford street !
station. Arraigned before 3lasistra I
Pewiocls la thu STijiht Police Court, she
wa new In Wen ball for a further hearing. I
Ji-nnle aj formerly employed by Mrs. I
J, f. Garwood, isw Columbia avenue, on
feet Junction With Invad
ing Montenegrins.
NISH. Sopt 16.
Ofllclal announcement has bcou made
here of tho capture of Visliesrad, In
Dosnla, by Servian troops.
The Servian army that took Vishceiad
and the Montenegrins?, who captured
Fotcha, also In Ilosnln, havo off fd a ' eastern coast of Florida this morniiiB am.
Oflici il Forecast
For eastern I'eniisylvanla Fair toniRhi
Thursday lucreaslnt? cloudiness; fresl
northeast winds.
For New Jersey Fair tonlsht; Thurs
day unsettled with prohable tiioners; in
crcasint; northeast winds.
A tropical disturbance Is central otf tin
Popular Pressure May Force
Government to Desert
Triple Alliance Associates.
Resent Austrian Sacrifice
of Adriatic Regiments.
LONDON, Sopt. 10.
There Is a Browins belief In dip on atle
circles that Italy has at la-it deeded defi
nitely to aid the al.lea against her formor
treaty associates.
Confidential repoits received today
throueh d.plomutlc aouicca indl uted tlat
the piossuro fiom w.lhln Is benli,n iib to
have Its effect on tho Italian Government,
which up to the jn-Of-ent has sincerely en
deavored to maintain neutrality.
IJut tho anti-Austrlun feulimr continues
to Krow and tho admission tliat tho tioops
fiom tlio Adriatic and the Tyiol legions
wero put tu tho very front rank and sacil
Ilccd in tho G.illclau mid KusMun-Polutid
lishlins, coupled with the rea iz.itlon that
the.so lesimonts were mostly composed of
Italians, lias fanned the flame against
Aufetriu. All tlio radical groups are
urn iva tho Government to act and as a
lostilt or the inflation lengthy cabinet
conferences are being held.
The new Jttimunlan cub net U leported
to be very anxious to e.xeeute an ugree
meut with Italy uheieby :be two ntulona
will act In concert uimhibt Austria.
A nv.-3 agency dispatch fiom Athens
says that the (I reek Government has sent
a not,, to Turkey Ideiilic-il with that of the
Gieat Powers concerning Tinkev's lucent
cancollationa of foreigner's privileges.
erry s
" N
juncture and aro marching toward Sara
jevo despilo a determined resistance b
the Au-itrUus. Sarajevo Is only forty
miles north of Vlshcgrad.
General Hoofer, chief deputy of tho
Aiistiiaii Genera! Staff, unnounced to
ia tbjt the Servian airav which crossed
ibr It.ver Save- two days ago bus been '
defeated alon,; its entire line.
Qorresiiondent nt Front Says Charges i
Were Poorly Timed.
LONDON, rf.-nt -6
Tin D.'.IIy News' C0 respondent follo.v.
n the puriult with the olbfo. I.un. nt,
tin- Ink .,1 iufllclent cavalry, lb sa!.
"Ihe Frencjj cavalry has not liuiji i0i
tunate in tiiis division. Too often ,t tiimd
lu brilliant clauses too late, .uul ui,
svvipt over the c(et vihen tho U. nu.u.
guns had i-ecumi the ranse tu mow them
uua-n. Ibuee their supi.ort bus m.t al
waia been available at the righ tiiioinn.i.
ut thm courage and dash hun i ,
Is moving northward. It has appaietitl
Incieased In energy during the night and
vessels aro warned that conditions will be
dangerous boutb of Virglnlu capes, lllgn
barometric pressure continues over tlw
northoustern portion of the country, caus
ing continued fulr weather and moderately
low temperatures. Halns aie reporled in
the northern States from tho Lake legion
westwnid, while conditions have Kuneuilly
cleared in the great central valleys. A
shurp riso in temperature occurred over n
belt cteodlni: from I-iko Superior touth
westward to Kansas.
t 111 ed Mates U lather Ilureuu Uulletln
observations made at ! p. in., eastern
VANC(jfvi:i. ii ,. s..,,f lk. ......
, ttiifti.titi, sntl w iliio nriftV ft TirTk-mtkl lfct'jtTii.Kli.. i. - . . fi
..u";;"..";.r. :.,rvi. '.'"""', r: : :. r. ".a "i- ' ium anu .Mom-
' t h dispatch ia that the two armh-s , fcdgle have be.ri taken by Hie iirlilsii
1 liavo lost forty per cent of their num. Adimiulij, living tho fanadian PaellK
?IS . bore. , Hailw.1-. u ,, ll(J tiaiispacilio tket.
One of JJeJrs of Estate Alleges
approprjation of Funds.
Trouble ovu the bandiinu of funds bo- Rill RARIArJ WAR MINISTFR
inotfei Roie Uudieiu. in tb aim with' longing to the oute uf Jonepb Vyrn, '
trj.oii.. njui her ... to tau lor "'WWd i Magutrate i.relis aW- Reported
Blhoc. and v. hen he Mm 1) refui-ed to do "" "" M.pnf 11 fM Old, the
so ftici.li Mm Thu iuy, who had Uen vxenjtaft i &aa hail U court.
aliarpen ..v a PuM w potato to le. Jbej T. Uyrm. thi. Mrm m.a
iitu.Jnd mi Ti.e chid wu taken to the
Bll nl 1 . . or. . inn drills pole. ta
1 1 u. 1. .. li .1 t 1 a 1 ui L1 1 1
mp'auit He sa d & bid oevii
1 "' ' M'Uiib, vi. iu b.i-
V!UIj:i slz, (
General Ficheff
Taken Cabinet Post.
LONDON. Sept. It
It U reported here on the authority of
thu I'olosne Gazette that Major Ccneial
Ficheff has bien appointed MinUter of
i 1.1' buli-uiia. wiih beadquarteia 111
isiia tiie tapitul of that country.
Newest Dances Quickly Taught
Re one of tho Kooil danc
ers this year. Correct
fclept, and inno-vatlonu
taught by experts. Per
gonal or class lessons
The Cortissoz School
(Pronoun-nl Cer-tlsb)
1520 Chtstnut St.
Direct From Farms
Extra Grade Penna.
White Potatoes
Guaranteed nice size, fine cat
intr and mealy.
Price Dellveredi
for a full
barrel sack
We will take back and refund
for any purchase made of
us not satisfactory
Phone and Mail Orders
Promptly Filled and Delivered
Felix Spa ola&S ns
Readi g T"rminalMarke.
Rell Phones
Filbert .1 5o Filbert B4-5J
t , Keystone
Itaec 23 9S nace U-99
iave the Cos
Tlie- ii lK.i..-b I'atMit I'liiiii-rtei-II
1-i.iKiii tmn Int; ,ur r
hu'Ihiv h nu ,.,-j ,,, ,,rn
. Illl.llll,e. .Bht uelBht
. ,.Ji ' " ""l"- wvm 101 of
I'UiilriB en now l,n. 6Uvcs
i"raS8 fur cl.4 lioily.
ntc. -none or Call tae fm I Iculura
The Gregg-Wm. D.Rogers Co.
192H.3I Arch Street
'i'Auiie, J,uiuil lt,l
"Say, that's a swell coat,
ain't it!" said one young
fellow to .-mother, as they
studied a few of the new
ones in 'our windows
At Perry's
"Pine!" said his friend.
"I'm (join' to have my tailor
make me one like it!"
,-tr Perry's
"Y'cr foolish, kid! It'll
cost yeh twice as much as
that one, and it won't look
the money!"
At Perry's
it was one of our new
Bnlnuicnans, a large blanket
pattern of rich deep colors
a prevalence of d a r k
green, with blue, gray and
red a wonder for beauty
At Perry's
Perry & Co., "N. b. t."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
n . . ,
vjeorge jrxiien
1214 Chestnut Street 1214
Trimmed Millinery
Reproductions from Model Hats by the Foremost
Parisian Designers
New Importations
Bo.is, Scarfs, Muffs
liua. $5.75, $7.50, $i)
Scarfs, 5,75 to 1575
Muffs, $fj.75 $10.50
Owing to the scarcity of
these goods an early selection
is suggested.
Exquisite things to use in
making gowns a-el blouses.
I'Vesh front Europe
Mechlin Net with sequin de
signs in gold, silver, Hrussels
net, filet, crackley net, em
broidered in gold and silver
and colored combinations.
Beaded Jet and Sequin
in ilouncings, all overs and
Complete line Tassels and
Frogs, in separate design-..
I ui
I not
fifff LJiTlSrlfl
SSgSjj?1 m l J . " r'ift 'Mm JJft'Mia