Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Phillies' Pitcher Aids Boston
in Race for National
League Pennant by De
feating Giants,
When Orovrr Cleveland Alexander.
helped by two thice-bnse hits, tripped Mir
pennnnt-usptrlng CJlants ycterdnv, It Is
; probable he won the National League p-n-nant
for the Uotoii Bravis A victory
for th New Yorker would have meaht
they wore still close on the heels of their
opponents with a two and a half same
margin. However, when the deciding run
was ushered in Tor the PhllHc. MeOraw's
club was dropped three and onehalf
sanies below the Ilmvcs and today l
but tv i sanies ahead of the St. Lou I a
Alexniidtr 1 tint only to he crnv-'l'UtU
lated bv tin Ponton contingent, but by
his follow ei ivor where who inav or
mai not bo interested In tne fljjht be
tween the Xi Yi rk and Hoston cluH,
Th'i wns the 2lth ictory tor tioin's
speedy lictit-handi r this ia--cin. two more
Kami; than lie won during the entire
teason o.' 1913 With the Ph Hies j.Inx ntf
InairCorent ball behind him throualiout
tht pi cent eamp.ilpn. Alexander's record
Is much more remarkable than would
appear from mere futures. Mnlhewson
Is today tied in number of games won
with the rhllly pitcher, but It must be
remembered that Hatty has. had a tnm
behind him which has been playing up
to top form most of the year, and still
making a tight.
The difference between the team play
of the Phl'ie nnd the Cllnnts woa not
eo grout a year rgo as It Is today, hence
the record established by Alexander thi
reason is one of the best made In th"
last decade when all of the circum
stances are taken Into eotisl leratlon.
Last season '"Alex" won 2 names ano
lost S. while his veteran rival. Christy
Mfithewon bad a record of 25 and 11
"When the reioidi of the two men were
compiled last uson on the modern bntts.
that Is. according to the average number
of earned runs per came. Matty led Alex
by 73 runs, as the opponents of tin
former were able to average only 2.W
runs pe.r g.imc. while the Infer wis
scored on at the rate of 2.73 runs The
difference in thoso tlgiircs Is moie than
accounted for by the fact that the Giants
finished first and the Phllllles second In
ho race.
"With about three more week" to go.
there is llttv doubt that Alexander will
make a mark higher than that set bv
tattv last year when the Giant won 23
What a man of Alexander's caliber
would do on i flub of the Mcdiiliduddy
mold is not dtflUult to determine.
The Flttbureh rlub Is here tnd.T' to
begin its lltril utiles with the I'hillle
The same will be called at 3 o'clock at
the Phll.ub lphla Haeball Park
Day Off Today, but Have
Real Tests Ahead On
Their Final Western Inva-
Play Eleven Games.
flie Athletics ate not playing an Ameri
can LenRtie rjime today, but tomorrow
they open wlih Detiolt. the tlrst content
ot tluir ilnal NcMern series. Tile Mucks
have only eleven Karnes ID the West thl
trip, and, judging fiotn ihelr performances
of the pant two days In New York, should
capture at k-a.-t tight. It will be rei ailed
i that oh thq lnei trip made by the iluim-
, I. n l.'c w, tuey lost out two
Barnes, one to the Detroit Tigers and one
to the Chicago White Sox,
As a ruk cast-offs of a major tongue
club do the lust work against tl rlr
former teaitmrites. This Is the case with
the pitchers .u tUubitiy, the reuti bolus
obvious, A nun who has work, d with u
club for a low? while, whether a pit; It !
or a player In some other position, knows
the men, their methods of defease ai'd 'it
tack. Hence when they hec one the
opponents of their formir eiubtm n, they
are in o position to be extremely eifcutxc
Warn Cundl lli'own ini cd the Ath-ltir-
"CCtr!": "t th? llo rtrnnnd the
chance's "were that ho would win, as he
was a member of Connie Mack's club for
more thntt two seasons, Hut his old
friends knew his delivery and reached
him for three runs. While defeated,
Brown made the only run for the Yankee
In the last session, when there were two
men down, beginning the trouble for
Uressler with a double.
In Monday's game, when the Athletics
won over the Highlanders by a narrow
rnaroln. Pete Haley was responsible for
she only run made by his club against
the Mackmen. Pete was also a member
if the White Rlephant ilock Inst season
and was present when the world's series
money was divided. This season Pete was
traded to Xw York for .Jimmv Wnlslt.
Connie Muck promised Paley half a
share of the series money If tho Ath
letics won the Am rlcan Leaauc pennant.
This does not if., an that the player are
to share with luley, but Mack himself.
I ' -V U . iZ.'r-r J. -r
! U
Westy Hogan Affair Now
Underway at Atlantic City
Has Attracted Best Marks
men in Country.
A. A. TJ. Official Seriously 111 Fol
lowing' Track Meet at Baltimore.
NEW YORK. Pt-pt. 16. James K. Sulli
van, secretary of the Amateur Athletic
t'nlon and the leaders of athletics In this
countr. Is seriously 111 at the Mount
S n.ii Hospital. Mr. Sullivan attended the
rhatip nhlp meeting at Baltimore last
l-'i'c' and Saturday and the Inclement
it r appravated tho stomach trouble
i h he has complained for some
1 i - lay nic'it he became worse, and
l . ii recommended his removal to
t1' ital. He was operated on at 2
v l : -tcrdav mornlngt and last night
l j. . n!!; c.isilv.
ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 16.-Competl-tlon
started In earnest this morning In
the openln; of the procram proper In
the clshth annual tournament of the
Westy HoBans. The blgseat entry list
since the Inception of these famous
classics faced the traps. Including In its
personnel tho greatest assemblage of
stars ever brought together at any ono
Ten events are to bo contested today,
the first five are of 15 tar'-'ets and the last
round of 20. Scores totaled In the latter
also stand for the State team rnce.
The creit victory of E. I Wilson, of
Frenchtovn. V. J , started tho surprises
liere on oinin-,' day, when practically an
unknown mm ksman skimmed up ahead
of present and passed tltteholders with
a total of IK out of a possible 150 targets.
The day Is nil that can be expected for
the tpori. lliiifht ekiea favor, with little
or no wind l.'r.w'mr over the shooting
grounds, and thlnca are Weal Tor reg
istering hli?li s'otes.
About 73 more marksmen started off
thl morning than yesterday, which, In
cldentallv was the blcuest practice day
ever held by th WefctJ" Hogans. Wolfolk
Henderson, of LexinKon. Ky.. has been
BBslened to bnund H. and was the centre
of Interest of t'.ie forenoon rounds. The
Southerner came here fresh from his
wonderful tiiumpli at the Grand American
nt Dayton. . where he t up a pre
cedent In the bport by annexing both the
national titles slrgles and doubles. Ha
captains the Kntuky team In the State
race toda Pennsylvania won this event
last year, but with the rarher mediocre
total of 179 out of 5oO. Tliis siwre will
hardly stand thu year, thouuh, with Dela
ware, New oiK Maryland, Illinois. Cali
fornia, MaJi liuseiis anq rennsyivama
JiavlnK an ..-p-cially choice lot of rpre.
eentatlvts h. i to lotnpete In the round.
Captains of each bluto tium are p
mltted tu elect ten men for his group,
the bcri3 of the best five stand It Is
l-.ierntle however, that each must he
a retldent of that State and can shoot
only for uiie team. The Keystone State
took the hiuii 'l'Hiship at the classic
with Al Hiil H X. Qtllesple. U K.
Mall TV. Jr utid Jise Urifljlh. Who broke
W each out of thtlr cntury, and Ed.
HeUyer, Jr . who smashed 13 In hi hun
dred apint-ssate Chailey Kvcomb, the
io;jiilar" Ppiladelphia trapsbouUr and
Waller f Behm. Pennsylvania State
iLharcpinn will likely supplant two of ht
above In the race thU afternoon. Flva of
the f.irtou w. t Uf an trophies are tu
1)0 awatik-a in ihia uvtiit.
This City With Its Facilities
Is Well Equipped to Pro
mote World's Track and
Field Championships.
It is already pr'tty Rcuciall" undTf.ti I
that the Ob mpic games of 1910 will not
be held in Berlin, at least not un'o-i iIicm
fhould bj an Initnedlnte termmat.on !
the European war. Tiidcr ptesint and
the likely future condition:? tl'.ctc tn.
city In Km ope, with tho exception uT
Stockholm, whlcn could pt.slbly hold thi-.
meet. And sineu Stockholm hud tl
gamts in H'12, hud SwoJlmi occupios stt. h
a small part of Europe, most uuthorl i
concede that the names wsu'd be better
transf"tred to t.muricn. i
And assuming that th?y arc to be Vld
in America what city cotitd provide a b t-
ter Hold, better training fa(.II!tics . n.l
moro Interest than Philadelphia" Look
the United Statea over from one end to
tho other, and a better place than Fiunk
lin Field to stage such a meet could not
be found. This city Is wt.i'nly the logi
cal place to hold the james If they iua,i
to America. ,
The supposition that tho snmes -.vhl
hae to be held In Am.-rica In 1PM is no;
idle conjecture. If tlu vur should con
tinue for a year or more the re-c.iU would
be that no Kuropean country could
fiivnue the Kinvs. 1 ut, wois- t. thtn
i would be very few Kuropean nth'.etes to
participate. It co.-ts a lot of money to
Fii fit r .-t.it,'f a meet of this m: tnltude. The wai
OllOWei'S Ot MameSS KaCin" ' will leave all the Kurupcan countilva
' .... . ..il... . .1.. .Imlnan . . 1 .,.-. Iiml ,i ,,
I that none would listen to a proposition to
hold the games. Amer.ca would iicvt
I tob rate tho suggestion that tin: game
should be allowed to go by defnult. and
as soon as It is realized that this country
' has a chance to get tlu-in there will lie
' plenty of candidates for the honor wptln?
I Ing up in every section of the country.
in i.itiMderlng the uvuiiaMiity ot oui
American citle for rtagilm the 191G nu-el
we could eliminate at run . three clties
Ht. IauI. San Francisco and New York.
St. Louis htnged the mit hi 190t ami
ought theiefore, to be ineligible again
I San FrnneUco will have had its snare
' of athletic attractions In the games to
be conducted there next summ r In con
, neetion with the exposition. New York
hmn't a ilrst class athletic tl. irt ana
stadium. The competition, tlurefoie. nar
rows down to Philadelphia, Uo.ston and I
Chicago. If tho International i ilymph
Council asks America to hold the game- '
suih a roiucit will hardly be made tint. I
events in Iluropa make the ir e ! brntion
tl.eic :th.olutel Impossible. In otlu r
woid. tli. r wi n't ba a ureat deal of tlm-
tor in p nation after th re.,..it la muMi
- C T. 2.F-FJZ
r- -
Committee to go Ahead and
Form New League in Ad
dition to Established One
of Last Year.
UfLfflOM1 37im OirtMPOA--
? 'TLCKyjTrTCtflWP0Ar
These expert gunners are taking
part in the Westy Hogan shoot at At
lantic City. Henderson is the Ken
tucky champion; Richardson, Dela
ware's titleholder, while Riffe is an
experienced Grand American shooter.
Homer is Oklahoma's best shot.
to Enjoy Fine Treat at Bel
mont Park Today as Trot
ters and Pacers Start.
Six races are on tho program for the
fall meeting of the, Iioad Drivers' Asso
ciation at Belmont this afternoon. The
classes, which total 40 entries, will be
over the mile track. The free-for-all
trotting race Is expected to bo the fea
ture event of tho day. Four of the best
trotter? In this vicinity will so to th wire
In this contest, which Bhould furnish
a real race. James Bell, vlco president
of the association, will act as starter.
The entries:
Class B. pace Oakland McOreffor, b. s ,
Theodore Kraan; Direct Omer, blk. s.,
James Bell.
Cla3 l, pace Bags, e. c. Doris Seal;
Pollv S . b. m.. W. C. BraWley; David
C. g. g.. D. Cromley; Nina U., I. m.,
James Bell; Conlstan, b. m., H. Hefner;
Barnett B . Sd.. b. tf.. Vernon Cox.
Class A, trot, free-for-all MIUIb W.. br.
m.. E. C. Durell; Strawberry, b. b .
Joseph ravenport; Van M-. b. g, fleorge
Benson; Avella, b. lit. James Bell.
Class C. trot Hoke's Slaigaret, b. in,
15 Caushlln: Peter Parker, blk. g.. A.
McClay; Wltkman, S- g.. J. C. Kline;
Isnhella Syms, a. m.. II. Blithe, Nathan
Mack, br. g. R. Beattio.
Class K. trot Pot Boast, b. B-. M. Me
Cutcheon; Uady Copper, blk. m . John
Warner, b. m.. I rinebero! Joe Bellman,
Charles Merkle: Perfection, br. in., Hurry
kurenberg; Piectcus, br. B.. H. Oross;
Burton Hale, br. s Paul Connelly; Frank
Bower, b. s. Dennis Sullivan; Cleorge
M.. b B-. James Bell; Fred M-, br. s.. Dr.
Boxborouah: Ttali,'h Maid. b. in., J. U.
Price; Kdna Ovbo U. m., P. Hagy; Mc-
Sande, g in, U. Benson.
Class O, tiot Mary's Dream, b. tn., U.
McMaster; 'jrotto, s. a., P. Mceionagal;
Stranger, br. s , J. Smith; Sweetheart,
b. m.. P. jTooniey; Daisy K b. n., R.
Krouse; T 8. S . b. e-. nert. C. Cpnn;
J M. D , b s-. Albert Winkle; Barney
Ruppert. b. g , Miss Mary Fclln; Cirorge
U., br. B-. James Bell; Billy B-. b. g., U.
Blithe; Jusle H.. b. m.. J. B- Btrleklana
AjMERICAN league
Yesterday's Results.
Ithh'llc. ;t: Nr tori,. I.
Ill-Unit. '.': leelaiid, I.
lluloii. '.': iilihiKtnii. I.
Today's Games.
i hltiiKii at M. I.uiiN
Di'tnilt nt Cl,i'lurd.
Tomorrow's Games.
thlflle- at Iletrnlt.
Atnliliigtiin lit M. IiiiiN.
Huston at ClMiduinl.
New Yuri, at rhlencii.
Club Standing.
w. i. v.c. w. i. v.r.
'Ililetlis., t I'l n" Mil, nun. I.It tin .477
llnxton "t M .WS I.,,nl. ,Vi 7' .-I'll
n reit.. .. 7i ii:i ..'.:!." ' AorU r.n 7.1 .H
Wiih'ns'n !' ll.'l .rU 'Iom-I.iihI 111 til .3L'l
Yesterday's Results.
"Iill.lilelplilii, I: New tnrl. 3.
rltlNlinruh. Hi I hiilniuill. II.
llntiiii, 7; llriiiiKljn, S.
Today's Games.
'U-tnirtrll at I'lilliidelnlitii.
I'hlcacM nt ISionUhii.
t. I.oiil nt !Intmi.
Clueliin ill nl New York.
Tomorrow's Games.
"!tt-.l.nrirfi at I'lill.idelnlilii.
Clilinso ut llrnnl.lt n.
St, l.niils nt Huston.
Cliieliiiiiitl ut Nen York.
Club St.nndlnr.
w I. Pi' W. 1. P.c
HEMPSTFM'. V.. Sept. H. A pola
team iompo-d
I H pi, lU'i
iui Mi ti n ,
ui M He K
1' C' J. 11 '1
Uj Jl
A H Duncan. Sidi.y
'.m Su-viiuuii and 0v-
' r. it.d u four, lompuked
Th .jiitt Illuluoik, Jr ,
-, ,1 J bb at
-t. id.
b a
gam Eangftrd HeW to Draw
BOSTON. Sept 16. A fast finish In the
tlnal sis rounds enabled Ham lnugford.
the Boston Tar Baby, to get on even
terms with Battling Jim Johnson In a
12-round tight here last night. John.
kon started ith a rush, and looked like
the winner up until the lialf-way paint,
but from there on l-ingford bad the
batter of the going.
gibboaa to right Qlafefcy
$S PRANl'lBf-'O, Hpt ML Jimmy
Clabby, who made a great allowing to
the ttvhts he had In Australia, is on his
way back to America and Is due hare In
ten days- Immediately upon hl arrival
Jimmy Coffroth. of Frisco, and Tom
Mct'arey. of l- Anueles. will maHe him
so offer to fight Hike tilbbons.
Retains Salary Limit
NEW VOBK. Sept. W.-At a insetlBg
of the New York State Baseball League
lie Id hi Syracuse Monday night. It wa
unanimously voted to retain the ?!5M
la!Ji hunt A re;ort ttiut tne .iinali.
I u I 'li i iiuiu'l.ise.-, vtoiiM be bhifted to
' oth. i itu wu d nied b. the president,
Jglui II i aiiv.il.
Eleven Big Regattas Were
Held by South Jersey As
sociation Which Kept i
Skippers Busy All Summer.
The South Jersey Yacht Racing Asso
ciation rogattas are now a niattn of his.
town, but the 11 coirtests 1 eld b
the different ehbs along the shores u'
South Jersey and Barnsat Bay will be
subject for discussion among the yaelit.
men, throughout the coining months and
until the reopening of tne season nest
y ar.
Taking tlia 11 meets that were held.
233 boats competed In the five different
classes which roods up tho program, Oat
of the large number of craft all but H
finished, which Is a great 0howlr8- The
craft entered in the thrto classes of open
boats totaled S3- There were TS crulmrs
la the two classes to start Fifty-foot
displacement racers maneuvered across
the starting Una during the season, while
S3 hydroplane were at the starting tins.
Twelve es press cruisers chugged on their
way- To be sure a majority of the ra lax
boats repeated at the different regattas,
but this did not detract Iron) the Interna
one luta.
In the flrst four regattas the hydro
planes were not In competition, but the
remaining seven meets were filled with
s Dili ted contents between the liush-
j,wtred soeed b,oat The e-xpieui
Lruiers started in but lite me. W tthile
the ilu-i li' em. ui r; I'f I'.nti u 1 in l)
. vuii" Tne rul rs and Oiien buuts tvero
starters in all meals.
Il.-tnn .. .. 7.1 .1., .'.77 "III-!, Kh li'J lis 177
.n York 7:.' Vi .-.-.a "hllii ill 71 .n
St. LiiiiIh.. Tl IIS r.'t t 'i ., Vilvn .in 7'l H.I
'li' 'so.... Tl na .saO' ui ni'iuti .id Tn .47
Yesterday's Results,
riileic. IS; rilMiiirKh. II.
Ilunniii. t; M. I.i.ul-. (i.
Inilliiii:i"ili', !': I!raiil,lrii, 'i.
Ililltlliliire, II; Itllli'.ils (II),
Today's Games.
uiu City ut Il.iltlni'ire.
ClileiU'n nt I'l 1 1 -linriili
Indl.iunp II'. lit ltrinl,lii.
M I "Ills ut 1 1 il tl it lr.
Tomorrow's Games,
inU I'H.V lit llultlllinri'.
I'lilciiEo nt riltfcipiirnli.
Iudliiiuipiill'. ut Itrniil.lui.
M. I.iiiiN ui lliill'iilu
Club Standina.
w. t. f. w. 1. r r.
Mn'lik Tl .Vi .'..in Huff ilo . i.n it.i .Ms
. 1 i. un. .. 71 .1U .mi K. in 'li i!'.' im .17'!
.lll"ior till tin .r.'l.T-l. I.ouU .IS 71 . Itl'l
ir..ikln HT S .110 i'ltti.1, cli .IS Til 4i'U
Yesterday's Results,
oiilreul. 1) Tiiriiiitn, S.
Itllirillll. .I: It'll h'-vter. I.
I'riitiilenci. 1 1 Nennrl.. ','.
JerM-y rilv-ll.iltliiiiire
(nut xi'lii'diili'ill.
Club Standing.
w i.. r '. w. l, IT.
o, i..'.r .,; -- ,'., . r..ntn l.s lilt .W7
l'roi.l'.t w s 107 v-"wirlt - Til 410
; mm t. s : -'ill "c.mrl r.T h.'l .407
Haltlni'iro 7S "T .111 'it I'liy 4H WI .8S4
Expert Opinion Is That
Yearlings Will Be Success
ful Candidates for Some
Varsity Football Positions.
At the end of two days of preliminary
football practice at Pennsylvania there
ttio two outstanding features. One Is that
prtctlcally the full strength of last ycai's
l'"t clmian eleven will be bidding with
considcinblo piospcct of success for posi
tion on tills yem's vurslty eleven. The
other is that the material for the fresh
man eleven ptonilscs to be the best that
I'cnnsjlvanla ever had.
The hltuntiou among this oai's ftcsh
tnan candidates is most unusual. It
seems that neatly evety mun who teports
to Clinch Young wns the unanimous se
lection an an "all scholnsllc" star for
some position from some important city
or section of the country. Of course a
lot of these men ate boomed in ttnwnr
i anted fashion by their ovcrzcalous
li lends, but except for their moro youth
tul appomanco tho casual observer on
r'tunkllu rie'ld couldn't tell which Miund
'in composed of varsity and which of
:n Hitman cindldateK.
These, new men como from tho Xcw
hiulaiid Suites, from Xew Yoik City and
."jlute, fiom Xew Jpr..ey and lVniwyl
vanl.i. .Some of tlicin will uiidouhtcdly
fall by the wayside, but a good many
night to turn out well. Five of the best
looking men on the tlrst oar up mil hall
fioin Xow liigliiinl. They include Umond
i.'-ip.ile. who wus tin all rcholahtlc full
bneii in liostou last yeai'. pla.wng on th'-'
Commerclnl High School team. Kaymoud
e.raut, a quurlprbnck and cud from Dean
Academy; Vincent Welsh, it fullback from
the' samo school, and William Stack, Jin
end. These ilvo men arc alicady on hand,
while today John Kownll, n lOCi-pound
'iiekle fiom the row tier I'olnt Academy,
I-. eNpoct"d.
Thi'ie aro half a dozen other men who
In physique compnio faxonitily with tho
men already mentioned and who .no now
with the squad. It . hould iic reniPinheti I,
too, that tho main body .if tho fre-liman
candidates won't report for 'ork until the
unlvi rslty opens on September ii. If u
similar Indus arrives at that t me wo can
sio whPio tho Varsity olovon will get
si.illtlent EcritntnaBe practice this fall.
The coaches are natntally elated that
the varsity squad now "optnln? pearly
ory member of last ynr freahrian
ileven. That wns a good t-nni, and tho.-.'
legulnro and htibbtltutei from l.int yeat's
vainity oleM'ii now hack will have wmiio
luueh sledding I of ore ibey cm lest as
sured that tiny have their positions won.
tnstead of reorganizing tho dcrmnn
tnwn Hasltetball Lcnguo this year, it com
mittee, conslBtlltR ot I'ldwatd It. Uushllbll
Oenrge Crawshaw nnd the club suporln-
tendentp, was appointed to orgnnlzo ntv
oilier church league, whose membership
should be composed entirely ot German
town chinches. Second l'resbytorlan has
Joined this league, nnd us soon as It la
gencrnlly known a number of other
churches tiro expected to enter.
An Intermediate league, to bo composed
of tenms whose players arc over II years
of ago nnd under IS yenrti of age, will
bo organized and piny on Snturduy nfter
noons. Teams desiring to enter this
league phoultl address tho stlpcilntendcnt
of the club.
The Junior league of the Gcrmnntown
Hoys' Club will open Ub 11th season, Oc
tober ".. The following teams will make
up the circuit:
Xavnhu, Mohawk, Seneca, Seminole,
Cherokee, Cheyenne, Dakota and Irquols.
All players In this lenguo must weigh
under 100 "pounds. The scheduled games
will be plajcd between 7 nnd S p. in.
on Mondays, Tuesdays, 'Wednesdays nnd
The Junior Gcrmantown Church Ath
letic Lenguo Is being organized nnd teams
arc promised from Wcstsltle, last year's
t'hnmpiorls! Wakefield, St. Stephen's nnd
Second Presbyterian. It Is also expected
that First l'resbytorlan will enter a
Arrangements have been made with
Northenst Manual Training High School
for Its team to prncttco nnd play all
home games In tho club cage. Several
other schools arc negotiating for the use
ot tho cage during the afternoon hours.
The Athletic Council of the German
town Boys' Club held a meeting and dis
cussed plans for the basketball Feason
about to open. Tho plans about to bo
developed arc to organize six leagues, as
The - Gcrmantown Church Athletic
League, which wns so successful last
year, will bo continued along theso lines.
Thcie will bo one chnngo In the circuit.
Advocate taking the place of Trinity
Lutheran. The other teams In tho lenguo
nro Wakefield, Thltd Iluntlst. St.
Stephen's, Westslde, Market Squnrc, St.
Michael's and First Presbyterian.
Thu Northwest League will bo reorgan
ized, and n meeting for this purpose
will be held Wednesday, September 23,
at S o'clock. Teams desiring a plnce In
this league should nddress Charles AV.
Uninbrldse, Jr., 23 West Penn street,
Ge-rmantown, or phono Germantown 2130.
Tyrone's Slugging Tells Tale Against
Otto Hughes at Fnirmount.
Mainly through hH superior slugging
ability. Tyrone Costullo earned the ver
dht over Otto Hughes, of th.-- ITnlted
States Marino Corps, In the ilnal bout at
the Fnirmount A. C. last night. Tho
light was far from n sclcnllll? one.
Costello gained un advantage In the
flrst round by opening an old cut on
Hughes' enr, which bothered tho latter
considerably throughout the le-malndcr of
the light. Hughes fought baHt gamely,
but Ills rival's hitting ability gained tho
Tommy Itlley nnd Dannv Whnlen went
the limit in the seml-wlndup with hem is
even, while In Hie tomnlnlni; bouts. Hud
Barker losf to Phil Ityan, Charley Hear
outpointed Freddy Wagner, nnd Young
IVolnert easily bested Young Fletjlior.
Coach Brooke Keeps
Candidates Hustling
Morning and Afternoon
Practice on Franklin Field.
Seelback, Inst year's basketball cap
tain and end on tho Pennsylvania foolbnll
team, has reported. Ho Is In great Bhnpe
and pounds heavier. Lusl year ho suffered
from a broken shoulder which kept lum
out most ot tho year. TJarrlng nnother
such accident ho will bo a strong ciuull
date for tho Penn eleven.
Wray, star llncmnn of last year's fresh
man team, nlso made his nppcaranee, nnd
was sent to "Ily" Dickson as an end
possibility. Ho weighs ISO pounds and la
extremely swift-footed.
"Vic" Ilallou, last year's scrub quarter
back, got out his togs and made his initial
showing of the season. Jones nlso was
among tho day's arrivals. Ho has been
BUtnmciIng at n Maine camp. Ho played
a splendid lino plunging game Inst yoir on
tho sciiib eleven. Ho Is a half-back pos
sibility. The sqtiml wns put through practice
both in tho morning and afternoon. It
Is evident that Coach Urooko Is not
going to leave a thing undone to make
It a winning season. Hrookc continued
his practice of tho day before, giving the
bnck tudlmoittary practice In running
with tho ball, laying paitlculnr emphasis
on the handling of the pigskin. Among
the candidates Jones, Mathews, Hughes
and Tlgh gave good promise. "Dy" Dick
son continued his training of the ends.
It la evident from tho number of men
'assigned to" him that his work of tilling
lnvthe wings Is a hard one. Wray and
Cnrtcr displayed good speed for their
size. Murdoch. Is bock and after his old
plnce. He hasValncd 10 pounds and hns
Improved In speed. Ulg Koons Is also
In good condition. Urquhait nnd Gott
wals did some great work In handling
forward passes.
Despite the fnct that the tresnman can
has not been rounded, the yearlings con
tinue to appear.
Hayes and Hendrens May Not Play
Football This Season.
Owing to the absence of Coach John
son, only a short football practice waa
held by Northeast High yesterday. Cap
tain Webb set the men to work tackling,
while a signal practice wa3 also held.
Chiefly kick and forward-pass formations
ensued. A flftecn-mlnutc scrimmage was
held between the Varsity and Scrub",
In which none of tho veterans took part.
It was learned that little hone Is en
tertained that Hayes and Hendrens will
bo able to play for Northeast this sea
jwi. Hayes, last year's centre, was
stricken with typhoid and has only an
even chnngo of recovery. There is no
possibility of Ids returning to the game.
Hendrens, who played fullback last year,
Is back In his studies.
Jimmy Patterson Back ftt Penn
Jimmle Patterson, Penn's sterling
sprinter and Joint holder of the intercol
legiate record of 9 1-5 seconds for 100
vaids, was out on Franklin Meld yester
day fot the ilrst titno since his strenuom
trip abroad tills summer, during which
ho had the misfortune lo lose all tho
valuable trophies he won on foreign soil.
Patterson looked to be In tiptop shape
for this season's track campaign.
NHW YOIIK, Sept. 16. Melbourne In
Vnun. the Hnglish billiard champion, who
Is to plnv a match at tho Astor Hotel on
September 23 with Wllllo Hoppe at IS 2
balk line, arrived In Xew York from
Montreal, Canada, last night.
Eastern League to Stimulate Interest
lo Sport Again This Year.
The Ka'-tein l.ropuo schedule, whit'
will be annnuiM-ei uithln the next thr
vreeM. w'll open on November J am'
e-loBt' un Muich jo. when Do Nerl travel."
to Heading There will bo ) samo
plaj'd by each tain.
(lrevt'K'k Is out fur a winning live thl
t'r and has to the joy gf the down
town roofra, K'tfned Kusarniun uim'
Sfdran, two well-kuuwp men from th-N'-w
York Ktn.. l-rnnu Manager Iter
tinner, of Urn Heading team, has signed
tiiiins'eud lh -lir tent re of the Utlc i
five from New York State League, nml
a'su FoBJle. who wu considered a Bd
tluor man tn New York last season.
On Tbaubngivlnsf Pay. November 29,
Pe NVrl will go to Headline while Jas
per will Play t home, with b team t
be derided. On Christmas day He Ni'
!11 go to Reading, where they will en
gage In a double-header. Trenton li
nv(t 'be lair "f the Greystock Ave oi
Christmas afternoon, while in the eve
niiiK Greystoek will lie pitted agaimit
Carodon at the latter hall.
The referees who liave been kigned up
arc IJaeUel and V:ivtr fiom lukt ca!'r
I ttaff of thi Kai. in I.iei.u and llrentiun
and O'Prkn from the Ne.v York State
At Least Three Philadel
phia Boys Are Likely to
Prove Mainstays for the
Allentown Eleven.
Six-40 -
50 Detroit
Howard E. Coffin Saves
,000 Needless Pernios
AI.LF.NTOWN. Pa.. Sept. W. At least
three former Philadelphia High boys, vet
erans or last year's varsity, geom good
fur the Muhlonbcrg football team this
season, candidates for which are now
be-lug strenuously drilled y Conch Me.
caa. Pay and llityca nro strong candU
dates for tho line, and Mwrcneo I'askey
will likely bo placed at half-back, a pus!.
tlou which will also ho filled by Polo Hen.
niriuer, ot Wllllamspoit, who was eo
m leterfu! there lust yeur.
Fruin among the thirty members of the
Biiuud the p'.lt es which It i-feem-i must dilll
cult to till will bu thuso uf right and left
tackli. vacate-d Ihiough the departure of
me-ii w ho graduated or went to other Insti
tutions. Ono ol the tackles will undoubt
edly bo Arthur llndorick, of Ilnzletan.
who last year was a star guard, and the
othei may bo flitter, who has uUu been a
guard. Holleiibat li and Sehwenk look
strong for tho line-. IteUncr for iiuarter-
ba'k. and Urcnnan for fullback. All of
thoto men have had experience of one or
two seasons, and they are during t liege
days of hard training forming the baik
lione of Muhlenberg's promUIng football
The M-iiedule follows: September 95,
P.loonuiburB at Allentown; Uetobor 3,
S'ato College t State: October V). Sus
quehanna at Allentown; Ck'tober 17. Hut
uvr at Now Drunnwlrk: October SI. I.e
lilMh at South lU-lble-lum; October 31.
Uuckpell at Allentown: Nuvember 7,
lJfayette nt Fa tun; November II. V'lllu
Nova at Philadelphia; November 21 Ib
Blion Valley .it Allentown: November
(TJuiik-Riviiig Xta-i '. Albright Colleee nt I
The HUDSON Six-40 for 1915 weighs 2,890
pounds a seven-passenger car.
Built by old standards, such a car would weigh
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Cars are all being built lighter, still no other
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But thousands of these cars went out last year.
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The difference is simply this:
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No More Over -Tax
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Expense excess is out-of-date. The day of
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It is one of the handsomest cars ever built. It
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48 engineers headed by Howard E. Coffin
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