BJBti&SpfP'MB pjsy- .,- 10 EVENING- LBDG1UR PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 19ll. i fM u ' & :f I 4 g i'i FEMININE FLIRT OFTEN PROVES TO BE BEST OF WIVES Ancient Adage That "Flirts Never Many" Isn't True in Most Cases Her Experi ence Valuable. From time Imrnphioffal mu-h Censure fthd criticirm hrvo over bewst tho path way of that iiof-s1tnjteiher-to-h. -despised young woman, the t"llrt. Wiit hlnp her Somewhat lively dopotlmenl fu.d inchna tlon to daily with her various admirers, matron? shako their bends. '-,moiy mur muring the ancient ntlntfc that "I'Mrf never marry," nhlle flpfn.-'te . I im' taln .oars, hut pilte rerf 'u npluloi. hold up their hands In rende'imalne.. Tet In the fact of ail tliK li l a eu rlous but true fact that th t'lrt m nni ' cnei not only doe" mam, but marries I quite happilv ami ii -i.iet u . aw'.' rfnll retains her htise'i.' I - .u'fi etimi m a fashion quite unfathomable In her fnn.'M ; Cciirois. I For. nffcr nil. the s ' , , .-" the prnb- j tern Is not far to see!. !'. i"ot ftirlaif tbls mneh-erltielseil yo 1 . I i.h 'i- c,i tied her enerietico of tilt ,n .1 I'u wit)., mid onrp married, she - i "t i- ,irly so ; Hnhlo to fait Into the n ii' till- j take" "f hnr primmer '-i.r, iimse er I inrs of ludcnient which -. '.In ' and im- j tntp the nvwaBP huibaild. U. r 1 nowlcdge j of the mere main has mu.:ht l-er t" steer j rlear at theo vpry pinpricks w ilt drive i lovo nut of the Window and lite Imsbrttid out of the house. If she lar hei htii! bstnd's foottep she Involuntarily glance!" In the nearest mirror to pp thnt she Is looking her a pry heft, then gleets t im with us merry and commit 'sh n smile ns in tlie old day. when he a ux lowly courtml her among a crowd of other aspirants, and the neighbor consequently termed her "that flirtatious girl." Althiuqh now mnrrld. the thought of rpppftrlne before her hubnnd untidy or dowdy or In any Way unattractive (Ills her with averton. For before lttBtTiasfe i'u real I v learti"d tho v.-iUte of attraetlvo !'"?. not merely thai .e!itla1 attractive r"s In outward apparum" .'nit, in addi tion, the I'lntrin of an nurn t'v and in W.sttii5; mind At an "at homo" the at'io- I ,i y 1 over hoard the toHowii'ir ounvo'ail ui hetween two married w.inten. V "i ' omur .ttnl pretty hut dlfferlm? In i',.' :tt( t he tore marrinvo one had .. , invariably ileriounoed as "very j'u n t t.t'i!." while ho other had been ti.dd mi a.-t a.model of Klrlish propriety. "My" wallel the tit.-1. 1 stt' "I SL'tre '!y i vt 5.v il..orife now, and we've only been tiMtrf. .1 i ; , . r. Piw!n"- all day. and iv -, n -'ht -- f: to the e!jl to K 'SSlp lt'l hi- '.iff',l men frlenU. I ean't K.'i hln' ', ' home :;t ill!. How do y.m ma- !-. i.j Ix-pp yntir husband with yon o pi h" "Beoau?? 1 try to mnk. . " in . -Attractive In every posgilde way than t'-e ' luh, and myself more ;'-t:-.ftiv i n-i than any .ine else," r'P'ld th tii.ier faily. "and 1 don't (.isidvr :.! nteh f i lends 'tuirrlil': the.. ' d o t.n?iit tlioy wish atid nvike all ov,- the hou-"e " "Hiit. my dear. h. drad"il f - von." cried the "model" '--'! "Th'.uk ..':' tl-.. carpets and th) c,-.-tt. ah n d t!'" trouble'.'' ,,"nh- bother the nttie-j ,,'id tip t l'dc " '. fnj'-n'Mhaii.l if" hari" , ' a. t . 'e;ilv. ' 'le siivs hi is proud t 1 av h'- : : ,N il-oi In anJ meet me, jih 1 j, , , ,(,i the!" talk. He hay In. the h, -t com panion b 'hi.,, nnU : n: ,ii, him t , k-.-p on thlt '.in that." "V.xt t hare men' ta" ,:;,) pniit t a'.i oll'. and ol! that nit : tli.i-," the other. "Ton must make th-. . Tott a.-!, v." faid tho happily miu :.! -..i. " "it di.'t you sometimes just :': : u:th vitur li , band a llttl." "But, my dear," n ,:'.ed the "Modi'." 6lrl, "T have never tli.- 1 i i mv hfo, and you uovt the advanta- if ;;.. don't Jrtiow -nw to set about it:' I II 1 - " iiMlimiBHWWIWIIWIIIillWPWW'WI mil tmmmimm wrwiimnBiWWWMMiwnm,XwjijiTjniLiUii iiuwiwmw J" ' -nmni i i mini ml wm wm.winuwMwnmiitpwKwnwpww ACROSS THE COUJN'TEK We have had the vnnlly ca.-'p that looks like a little Itnnk, thoeo that resemble dlmiliutive siiitv;tf' and any lUimher thai mlisht ''e mistaken for Jewel cafes. iw ftu'iiijt of the same toy ntf being drvlxed n make thenl slip littilT tpileklv the eitiHttrr, HOW Hint pillntlllK tllnl pottiliilnu Ill public have no huiRer the i hat m of novelty. Th.'te l one that closely t-psemlitcs ti portfolio, of the kind used by lawyers for li no I taf r. Another that look- like Ihc unjt that tllad-t.ine made famous ftlitl others of tiicmu and even autre shape tilid ilosltfrt. PRTNCESS MARY PRINCESS MARY OF ENGLAND ARDENT DEVOTEE OF SPORTS HOPEFUL HEART BEARS IMPRINT OF BEAUTY Lovelier and More Desirable Than First Freshness of Youth, The tiiK-t aeatttv I- but :i r':'n t'-m uC the soul wlthm, uu the tn-d l.i of rrati- an old woman ork-- mi i , hnm li tieti)tenan.; .f tnniiv it i.imt'y ; ,. Hon. .? pt luted a di .;-! n ,d n,.if f'.vnal b.auty man the . v !.r :ii,r'..s ,( youth. Foi stien hive .i..-d a,..' .- ten have leirnt-d t.. h. . l'i - 'n. .-l li.'. .ii the hapj - .-.sit. hi ' ! mv ft" les but tipj -u-en, ,- ,, , ir,-,.,f!-vi."'it. But the o! ! , k w,' t'i.,. .ii'i..ned rknis, have '-ir'n.-l if ,. Mil .! II t ! Itf t9 tlfir.d. ,"',, , M.ii-i t i in lh- Kfl'her' h ' " i ., t '; i - i . i . n '.! till" l'j, ' f.T r t ' iv t'. irini f tlu.t . ..,11,' - ,. o-.. ". ,- ! cpo, nor If i. . i L r T n. Daughter of Kiup Geolge Able Ten uis l?inyer nud Horscwonmn. 1"nt only daughter of Klnif Oeot-tfC 1lte J'lfHt S a jouiisj and ihnrmln (Jirl who "ai'ly has learned the duties of her htitlt i o'Hloti. For, next only to her mother, - "- is thp jtrctttrrt lady In the land of K inland, lid holds the nohhst rank. v th no jdster to sharve her lessons or puts-uiis, the young Trlncess jtrently up proeiates the society Of her five brotlicrs, and Is bplovrd of ull-ffom the rulet Htnl r-'ervt'd Ttlpco of Wales tc that lire presslble nlne-pRr-old. the mlehlovouj Prince .lulin. for Prlncets Mary loves nth leiie sports, and until lately has always shared In sll her brothers' rajnes. In te tuni, she has invariably been the recip ient of their confidences nnd affection. A certain royal dlpnlty surprising In go young a girl clings to the youthful Princess. She has Inherited the true Queenly manner, and once some years ago the Trine of Wales was heard to say that "Mary was welcome to do all the State business, and leave him out of It, as she liked it and he didn't." f.nst year at the great tennis tourna ment nt Wimbledon, when America tri umphed in the winning of the Pavls cup n"rt wrested the prize from England, rrlneess Mary arrived, youmt and beau tiful In her simple white lrock and pink hut Her appearance was greeted by the applause of thousands, and a sea of ooera ginsses was leveled upon her. Hut, al though the color rose In her soft young cheeks, her air of ipdet self-possession never for a moment wavered. Her easer mux; followed the lightning strokes of the victorious McLouffhllii. and o tn urevfM was she In the game that when a wait- r came bearing a tray for her to take afternoon tea she waved it hastily aldi. The I'uvls cup was hroueht for h. r to see. nnd when the great match w.-im over she rose and walked on the 1 n't! t.. the waiting motorcar with all the li-rmty of grown-up royalty. Tho Princess Is a clever needle woman, a might bo expected of the daughter of !! indefatigable Knglish QUecu. But , heiher she possesses ft love for It or not s very doubtful, although she sews ex t nslvelv for the poor. A( an exhibition : work done for tho Needlework Guild omw one said to the Quen. "What a beautiful piece of work l'rlnr;ss Mary '.as done." The Queen replied, "1 um Iraki it litis cost some tears." i'hi.' Princess is a splendid horsewoman, and has a preat ambition to be allowed t i dilve ,-uj automobile. Mounted on a ut'Je chestnut cob, she rode to hounds fi.',t at the age of 11. antf since then .she i"4- been an ardent devotee the sport, entire many a gallop In Windsor For et or around Sandrlnghom. As tt tennis pli-er. the Princess is most enthusiastic, ;nd the King and she have many a hard-fous-ht bnt'lo on the courts. I'eukimr nnd all branches of domestic Fflenee are old familiar grouint to her, . ml .-! N a most successful amateur p ,otr.raph"r. The v omig Princess is very much at tached to the baby of tho family, that nauahty, lovable little boy, I'rtmv John, o whom many amusing talps are told. '"Hie day. whi.ii he was quite a little fel low, the (jueen was entertaining a ecle br'ite, i,dv to afternoon tea. and the Ht t:e Ptnue Was brought in to see her. The nidi... iiidy i-tooped to kit-s the ehild, and was enewhtt surprised and dlseoncerted vhen "e smartly smacked her face with the remark, "i um a hoy and I don't kiss ilrl" "The Prtneess has .'ust been etnaiii'lpatert fn'Ti schoolroom routine, but .-t!!l con tinues "peelal studies. WHY SURNAMES ARE USED Communities Baptised "Jol- . 'Mary" and IWbtinction M;u A p. 'a t of i.'liitlaT fllllH ' f Xl'iptUrfS .He 1 C'el 3o j I at mp 4t t ' i, i. nk ,, !'.! r.M , ..j, ,r t ti rtn a Xio-es, P'm'id, ) ' !ai--' J1 i al'.fii. f- ,ae . i,i i t . i if " 'til thf - litl'K. , ! -. ! sad i'attew, t - I j, I" - i' .-i the1. , rn ' p-.l Laf. l Ii-h! ,ii t'. t .t t i-r.i'i !', iti"f! .1 H ...' i 1 i .e . et, . ,i , j , P1i nh, QH IIU ' ' l e ti..u iie'i "I- ill . patron rntes. hi ,! , r. pieveti'-or Tl ; tu,if , .'lotia-n sent oui i. to b.ip' : whole vj '.( -,t save t me invested t t' men with tne raire of .I. Ii or some . i . i .--j-nt, tnd tn itwi en iisuallv Sarv o; Muti.a. To i)U iitigirsb the .Tohns ome i.i lit .ma! a-ne ltke S'"rt or Strong or While rr lila. k a gpen him b tb nenjlitrirs. and so t hnstlKii name and BitrniunM wra united and A LOST TRTJJJK OAHPAIOH Tiuty Impels mn tn icinma many t'laukless tasks, but the Imagination nncelve of none roor dbiuhis than thai undertaken by th ugtnt whom the Amen.-an fltuen.' Iistrt-ss Cumniltu in Tnd"n h.u .ominlssloiwd to lueate and reeovci- the JO.'JOt) or so trunks, valises nud uii' aseu alau4onc4 by tuurwta fleelne Horn Uetiuatn. Tho man bo l'Hft ai-eotnplish thla hr rulean la oi. even in part, will ttiiay a grnl is to which tb Kiand army of Amcrlean 'bassgase siu.iaUers" should pay caieful tribute, feuch a 1114a might rven show hlnuK-if capable at K4U) UU own trunk from the liraud fVitrai ata tion on the mumtiu; after laker iy Making; e, Mtam From in cimNiua ftaui Ueulsr. I uiulei stand IkBwwth'. My U making a name for himst'U." 'Which "t'Urcnee .-Vut-.j-i - " ' Uo had to- BARS LOVEMAKING FROM TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM Head of Minnesota Hospital Puts Be. striction on Patients. ."T. TWT,, Minn., Sept. H,-!r. O. -V. B'ai'h, superintendent of the Ptate Sana HiiOm f"r I'onsumptivps at Walker, has b(ried M6 making among the patientu, "T.ov! in idlettess," said Dr. Beach, " a mnninn form of misehlef In i.i i,i'fi"mm life, and it is a common nb -nation ttwt pjtients who jombitie fltr t ' n with their tteatnient have a puor ., 10 ii'ML't. Moreover, '.umbands .; .it want to send their wivet nor wives ", rr) ' husband!- to a sanatorium 1 -t Is ran .11 the order of a summer ' t. :. Tier i.innat be blamed, either' i nif! 'eis asked in the Im Knot. ' - m r.t p- paper published at the . 1 ,.! in-tu for the benefit of the : ' nt:-. "V.hi do ynu not wMh llien i n.,fn 1. take walk and visit to - " i' "ttatniy would mahe life '-en '!i. ier, and I would like to- know a it oid po-.thly tnterfiw with the 1 ' . !, ansffi vast "Vou arc here hcaus a- ! ive t enulosls, Yot hare c-oniw t-i t'e siratorlum for ono reason onlv t'. ,t htt.t! Ir possihU to recover, Any iidi tu hhi'Jfrs this end should h tiviaded. When her is no obstaeio to the mllriK of irn n and women, at least sotra will fiirt and a few will fall In love, "tovmakiM7 ami flirtation 4ro me estarllv attended with a thousand emo tions., stixlettes and eacitements, both pleasant end i alnf ul. Mv In idleness I a very common form of mischief in sanatorium life. On account of the ( rltfineut it arouse It interferes serious ly with rfs.t treatment, and it la apt to divert one from conscientiously fel lowin ant autn-tnoeulatlon. "Th parents, husbands an4 wi-s -who remain at honta have made Facriflces to send the siek onea to the sanatorium. Tho young peooto are hare to get well, ntit to become Interestad In chance sc e.ulnt:ttJ'vi about whom they know little or nothhjkj. 'ilsnlAl opia who aro forced to ha Wy front their part sera aneubj eat hka eetuti alonjt without aasoctatlna ith thosa pt Vha opwaJta e5 during ( lia." Freia (ha I'mshurgU Cbim:lcl-'rljtupli. Iat had eoue faack hom. to iUwl and was Wiling about N'vw Vwk. "ttavw jou umh tU buiUiings n America a th- eay, twr intktai tho parish pi lest. "T4II biiibliugK. ,. ,ii,k. .'-ur'.'' replied Pat "h'riltb so. (lie I ,.r me I worked en we h'.i to 1,, m. ,. u at'ach to lei ( --V xuki. a;, ' DOG IDENTIFIED HER Follows Dead Mistress tq Hospital and Returns Home. A little eurly haired dos, by his grlefi led to the Identification of a Cleveland woman, who died In on ambulance en rente to a hospital after she had col-lupi-ed troui heart disease in a restaurant. He ul ac-'ompatiled her and waa alt ting expectantly beside her chatr when nhk- tell tioiu it, dying. 4uiipij;a up, he tried tu lick her himds. Then the animal endeavored to follow the amtuilmice, but was distanced and turned back, whimper ing. A policeman followed tho dos to Tietor avenue aul lound the home of the woman ho tiad died, who Inter was identified solety through the faithfulness .if her doe. OPPOSE TAX ON LIQUOR Methodist Temperance Society in Unique Fight. Asking them to unite in vigorous opposi tion, to any offer to tnureiwe tho Federal tax on lt'pioi's, a call has been esnt to IT.iuO rai-lora of Methodist rhurohos In tho I'nlted titates from the seuretary of U.e Temperauco Society of the Methodist Chmvh, "Any extension of this inkiuitoua par tietpation tu the prollts of a vicious and inherently crlmuiud trade will i.e fuusht to the last ditch bv every church mem ber who realizea Its eiujmrfijl patijre." siid (.'Isrenee True Williams, general tec re tary, "tloubllnfcf of the Federal ta on H(uor will quadruple the Uililculiin pow faemg the Ilohkon-Kln-ppord prohibition amtndmeut bill'' Commercialized Fcesy Ptooi liM.r)bod's Waeailn. A iiakttial touring car had attracted tb attention uf a visitor to ftostun nnd he askeil Ida friend: "Whu is the roan seated In tht large car?" The FSostonuin glanced in the direction nidn.ited and replied: 1 ' TI. Ji 11 the poet laments of a well- kuovu bli'-Oi; favlvr. ' P01INT Ol-1 VIEW OE .V LITTLE CASH-GIRL 'Jiito Interviews on tlic Struggle" of Lilt. To cot at the mind niul henrt of the wotker, to penetrate thn veil and fathont h. r menial iitlllttdr toward life ami tho great sttuugto for llfo Is no easy task. Vet the little m-yent'-oM eaeh-glri talked teadilv and well. "1 have always been a worker, and 1 like it." said she to 1116 In her cheerful v.ay, "for mother used to go out washing and when 1 came lit from school, I had to honse-clenn, and cook, and mind my little brother nnd the bnuy. Then, while I amis at school. 1 worked all Saturdays 1 In a stoic as "warn" girt. The hours wcii? sometimes a Utile long 0 in the tnorn.mj till 12 nt night but then tho pay I was splendid for n ulilkl, for 1 got ei cents. "And.'' wiili a Intimity reminiscent look, ' "if 1 got home earlier, why. mother some- ! limes' let me hnvp rt nickel to go to tho ' movies with I" "Itut didn't yoti wiint to play on eattir dn.vs like other little girls'.'" f asked doubtfully. 1 " hy yes: nut I Just had to forget i about that and it was great to bring that I ' 1 cuts to mother. It helped her so. But all that ended throe years ago, when 1 l.-tl school I've been a rral store-girl ever since. And now I'm making $1 a week. I feel so independent, although, Of course. I give it all to mother. It's all we have to live uti, ou see." "And Isn't It rather flue of you to 'give it all to mother'?" "1 look on It this way," said the little cash-girl earnestly, "mother used to work so hard for me, that now It's just my turn to work for her! And that's only fair play. ou know. Those years of bending ove't the wash-tub havn given her rheu matism, and now she c.iimot work hard any more. Mother used to be so young and pretty, but now she looks sort of old and tired. 1 want so much to take that tired look away, to let her rest tip a bit." "And don't you want the gaieties that alrls of your age so often have?" I could not refrain from Inquiring. The little cash-girt smiled nnd her stnile held no regrets, no bitterness, only the sheer optimism and the wonderful courage of youth. "1 have no time for many gaieties," she said earnestly, "but I am very happy nil the same. You 1 see, I work till hulf-past live and four evenings a week t go to night school. The other nights I study ut home, und sew for my little, brothers. And Sunday evenings I am free to read and enjoy myself." "And do you ever wonder just ulier'' it Is all leading to. little girl?" I asket. "Do you ever think of the days and jonrs of work that lie ahead and feel a little frightened of It nil?" "I look on It this way," said the little cash-girl earn'atly. "When you tliug your heart and soul into any job, it be comes Interesting. And If you aim to pet on and on, and tip and up. why you don't seem to mind the long hours and the; difficulties. The time Hies so quick when you are busy that ou cannot stop - to wonder if you aie happy or not. And as for the years ahead. I take a day at a time, and thnt Is enough for me. But I'm nt afridd of the years, because I'm determined they will bring a blgner sal ary with them." "But the disappointments?" I said again. "They havo a good side, too," said the little philosopher eagerly. "Voti know, this year 1 planned to go for just one week to Atlantic City I've never sc:n the sea, and I've always longed to go. Well, everything mi' arranged, and I was counting tho days, when suddenly I wo moved Into a new department and told that I could get no vacation this year at nil! I was so disappointed, for X had been saving foi siv years to go. Rut then this new department in the store paid tne more." "So you think every cloud has its sil ver lining, is that it?" She nodded her heud -agely. "And 1 know that happiness euium from Inside, and we can really make it all ourselves," she answered. "And t think a trlrl who arris her own salary and can help at home with It has such n tine chance to be happy. Because she is so necessary, so needed. And nmons the poor there Is more love than among the rich!" "And so you look forward cheerfully to ix long life of work all tho time?" I asked. "t think tho worker are the happiest " said the httle cash-girl eagerly. "There a p ople v. ho lift, and people who lean. But the people who lift ure the ones that really count, don't you think so?" "Indeed I do, little philosopher," said I, "And carry that theory with you to all prosperity and happiness!" ELLEN ADAIR GETS HER FIRST PEEP AT REAL LONDON LIFE On Way to America After Her Mother's Death, Sad English Girl Is Amazed by Sights. at. t think the eomiitoii places ef a coin men life are mora foiimtilte ituut nny fiction. Hut no trumpet liernhla the tell lug of a common tale, no glaring foot lights Illumine the vital happiness of life. IVr the human sotit shrlnka front tho limelight, niul even to ItSeli' Wilt scarce admit us inmost fleerets. And yet this story of tny life will show the Very heart of me. A week after mother's death. lh kind ly little lawyer- who was negotiating af fairs for tne, Imd obtained my passage lo America, nmt accompanied me tin to tendon to complete the filial winding up of business matters. Willi a sad heart, t hade a long farewell to the humble folks In the little Knglish village, nnd to the rottago on the dear Stisscc Downs! In two hours' time we were in London. and on the morrow I una lo sail for America. It had till been arrnnged tai swiftly, so suddenly, but In that crowded week I was glad thut I had to work so that 1 had had but little breathing space for thought niul remem brance' The hurry and the bustle dulled the hist sharp pain of my loss, nnd took the first keen stlug of bitterness away. TNVlTnD TO D1UV13. ' "f-inir rente. Miss Adair," said the tittle old lawyer fip-slly. um together wr stood at tho edgo of the pavement at I Oxtoid circus, that great corner, where in a roar and a very whirlpool of tralllc the great Regent stieet nnd Oxford street unitt;; "Come, come; you must be hungry. Since our business Is concluded I wish to take yott to dine," nnd he beamed affably upon me. Rut above tho roar of the truffle his thin and reedy voice quavered uneertnln 1, and tny thoughts were with the crowds tiround, I Stared tratisll.sed and ftts einiittil, a writable country" cousin. A ymiiiT. tall, helmetcd policeman stood alone nnt'dst that seething mob, and with one uplifted hand kept back 11 hundnd Hying taxis, wagons nnd niotorbitsca. Alone he stood there ns with the divine right of kings; for rich and poor, coiotietcil carriage and careering lorry obeyed his lightest hlgn. And then at lat the uplifted hand wns lowered, nnd the tralllc, llko some wild cngcil thing that can ill brook rctralnt, leapt forward with a great, dull roarjnguln. "Kllen dair." suld the little lawyer testily. "I am not young, and I never was patient. Wo havo stood Iter for ten minutes exactly. Jteliiml us are the win dows of .lay's establishment. Just cram med with lints, and gowns, and women'a fal-de-rals. And if you will turn around nnd gaao right there I can excuse you being u woman nnd necessarily foolish! But wo cannot continue right here, guz lug In space and obstructing tho King's highway." 1 could not but snillc, nnd come to earth again. "Across that awful street we must go," sold the little niHii, "If we nrc to get to Piecnclillv tcnlght by Tube or 'bus or taxi or any way at nil. And to trust my life to the whims of that lanky Irish boy in the policeman's uniform Is a poor legal proposition! Hut ived must." and seizing my nrm ho plunged us i-eeklessly into the tralllc. Whai might have hap pened T do not know, but 1 cast one de spairing glance on the young policeman, and gallantly lie responded to the oc casion. At n wnvo of hli hand, the tralllc halted to let us cross. AMAZED AT CP.OWDS. AVo reached the entrance to the Oxford street tube, and paused once more. It was 8 o'clock on a tine July evening, und tho tall-hatted, frock-coated London busi ness men were hurrylngto their trains. The passages to the Underground, these strange subterranean passages which wind Tnr below tho London streets, were full of hurrying men to me they seemed liko so many frightened rabbits scurrying In their warren. "It would ho 11 pity to go d.iun theto thl gloilous summer evening:" said 1, "even for a short time, it Is only 6 o'clock, and wo have atill mote than three hours of daylight. 1 would love to ride on a London motorhus!" The little Iiiwjer waved a frantic eane to tho Ili-Ht of tt lung line of great iliug inotorbusos, which, like huge Jugger naut, wero careering down Itegen't street. The red-faced driver wheeled sharply Into the pavement, and without even stopping tho vehicle, the conductor at the rear leaned out and naked us both til. while, tlioy were still moving. I thought It amusing, but my companion-m-uiins waa moio 'at arms' tlmn evei. "Preposterous behavior!" he storm, d aloud, "I have never yet known a London motorbus to really stop for man or! One is literally picked up by the scruff of tho neck, heaved in, mid later on gently deposited in the same manner upon tho pavement, while the 'bus keeps up tho theory of perpetual motion. I shall report this to tho Loudon County Council, just see If I don't, sir!" n.vjovs siaum Wo scrambled on top, clingun: tlyhtly to tho ralllim of tho narrow winding staircase. Uut once aloft the view glorious and the naco exhllarulla-r. r,,i we went oa fast as any taxi u private cor, we darted in and out of tinv p.o -In the traffic with eel-like emi.y; , wheeled ahead of many a Mould r r with heir-raising rapidity. The roof . packed with people, and proj. cl -o 1,1 out over the maiu body of the lna , n -cle-and we dodged and twisted nud out. curvetting and wherhiii ...n in the crowd. I felt that we wer' o -prrutely top-heavy, mid must en tin " overturn. Uut nothinj of the s-.u t . , eurred, and we turned sharply into pi. -cud illy. Around the sreat fountain in the rent., Of the circus wero bright aphi.-l ei crimson, gold, pink and ludlutrope i 1 the old curious custom frtlll obtain- . 1 tho old market women from Cn at '..i den or the ountiy still -lt peiiniuiiy knitting and gossiping around 'i" t"ii -tain, their big baskets of IUiwcm In of them, their scarlet and yellow Miuu around them, nud the iridic in tho untvorsa swirllnt at their f..:i in.. would think that tt nervOUs breuk-down must inevitably roault but what care tlioy for fashionable fum-iee. "loses, awoet roges!" they ciy, between the In tervals of gojsip. "Lovely roses, only ux pence the bunch! A roo for tit pretty lydy, S11? Hod bless yon. Sir!' Tonight, when I think f these juerr obt-fushluned lonuoii uouvr-u onion, a honusick longing comes over ni'; for just one gllmpeo of Cut; laud. LIMIT OP HIS EXTRAVAGAJJQS A ljiudon actor, unowned fur his jtinslness. ptaed two web In Jmblin tcseiitly. at an extraordinarily high "sal ary. With two otlisr actors I worn eutaiiuiit Ing upon the unusual thjure ha received. W were about u tub! iu a, eat, cm evening alter the play. "Woll." murmur! one of my compan ions, "I wonder what Blank stul In publln?" "The fortnight ' returned the ..n.ei factor inuocontsx. -jjtV WiMm-m. Him 8 JCT'MJMJirarjQTC, SI l2ffwSWSSSS&W IS W RfW i s S18SSi3S3SJtsSra 'f;i; SSKr s Vi. , r?''Plffli fjffSfV 1 ?SS3r5 I IS W ' i s -1 -t& &'l $m ,' - XCM S- CHILD'S SCHOOL FROCK OF SCOTCH PLAID 1 , BEFORE THE SANDMAN COMES 1 1 1 MANY years ago, when this world was all a fairyland, the (lower fairies worked very hart! all tlie sum mer Ions. There were so many, many tltiuiis for them to do buds to open and pet als to paint; stamens to powder and seeds to make. "I really do declare," exclaimed Fairy Moss one day, "that there is no end of our work!" "Thank goodness, you're right," said Fairy Silver heartily. "Of course, I am right." responded Fairy Moss tartly, "1 always am; hut why thank goodness about it:" "Ilccause a world without work is the very stupidest place one can pos sibly imagine that's why!" And Fairy Silver laughed so heartily at the wry face Fairy Moss made that what do you suppose? Fairy Moss actually commenced to laugh, too! He laughed and laughed at Fairy Silver's laughter till the wry look went off his face and he seemed really happy! "Very well then,' he said finally, "let's say work is all right then I must be all wrong, for I don't like it!" Fairy Silver looked him over care fully. "It has been a hot day," he ad milted, "and you have worked hard I know; I believe yott need a nap." "A nap!" exclaimed Fairy Moss in amazement. "A nap," replied Fairy Silver firmly, "and you are going to have it right II'IW." He led Fairy Moss over into a nice shady cornetvunder some broad leaves, tucked him up snugly and left him to sleep. "There! I guess that will make him feel better." he decided and he went on about his own work as cheerfully and happily as always. Fairy Moss really was tired. And he slept ami slept and slept till the day was done till the sun bad set and tlH stars had come mil in the sky. Then he stirred and twisted and woke up. He could hardly believe his eves! "Stars! Arc the stars out already?" he exclaimed. "And has the sun sot without my seeing it?" He was just about to feel very bad about all lie had missed when he noticed how rested and refreshed he felt. "Xcver mind what 1 have missed; I feel much better and tomorrow 1 can see the sunset.'' I5ut when tomorrow came he was sleepy and cross as ever. " really will have to take another nap, but I don't need lo sleep o long. Maybe Fairy Silver can tell me how o wake up sooner." Fairy Silver thought a minute and (hen said. "That's easy; ask this bush, under which you sleep, to call you when the sun begins to set." Su Fairy Moss went to sleep. And promptly at ), when the sun began to drop down iu the sky, a Joen trumpets of red and vellow and white appeared all over the bush. Thcv blew and blew until Fairy Moss woke up and saw the sunset. And ever since that day the "Four oLlocks" blow their gay trumpets and wake the napping fairies in liiiiu to see the sun set. TomorrowThe Cardinal's Jlrcakfast. rC'npMlBht, Hill, Cljru hatrum Jii..,,n ) I fau ""s. Vffir-T ) . '?' ' - fi W j. !J ail'.' f :- f , : - j 7 xn-tP .-.- nter-n i ',!, U TH8 RAIMB0W nH, WHBRB Is the rud uf the yf raitibow That 1 tee all over lite ky, I'm going tu run aut find it As sotm a lbs grass is dty. Hut where is the tanutiia, raiubtiw ? It was mean uf it out tu May; Just wliwi I ai. going tu tuueb it, It st8rtc4 to run away. Ifupyilglit.) lMM 3S5T :-- 11.- :A t-,- ':-rH: ... ... ' ', iwC-tf" .-"-.- - "" ;,e . ',., ', , J r fJu.M ff7 CHILDREN'S FROCKS OF SCOTCH PLAIDS ALWAYS IN STYLE The Gordon and MacDon ald, in Dark Blues and Greens, Are Especially Suitable for School. Scotch plaids are never altogether out of style, nt least where children',) frocks are concerned, hut their vogtto ebbs and wanes from year to year, with an oc casional season of iluod tide. Of tho many tartan, tho Uorilon and tho MaoDomild, In dark blues and gieeus enlivened with a yellow stripe, aro cope chilly suitable for school wear. Tlioy are ervlrcablo and Minart, two Important factors not always easy to combine. The frock shown hero 1ms tho kilted skirt that I.i both pretty and sensible. tt In tho conventional skirt, where plsild Is used, hut tho dtetw shows originality III tho bins use of iho plaid for tho walr-t. It la cut slightly long us to ahoulilr.a and decidedly long nn lo thti waist Hue. Tho alcoves are et In and cut short enough for a bias eulf. The dross Is finished with a little em hroldcrcil culhu', ami a fottr-ln-hnml nedc. tie nf Velvet fulls almost to tho xush, which Is also of Velvet. The sash emerges from the sldrn r lh waist which hip over It, biisriie fashion, A buckle holds It in position nnd yivc a final touch lo the costume. It Is just such touches on n slniiii dross that gives It style nud distlur'tldii. Jt Is heie that ono dressmaker slnmi nor superiority to another and the differ, ence is marked between tho professional and the amateur. tt explains why a model Is somctlnieo copied with such disastrous result". it Is copied all but some detail which Is not considered Important, or something Is substituted for trimming or ornament thnt by no means lakes tho place of the original. Children's fashions vary, but the fimk that Is simple In Iu intteh better taM than one that Is elaborate or ov.r trimmed. t'hlldicn like to be dressed ns their playmates are dressed Mint is their fash ion minor. The shortness of the skirt, the lcnsth of tho waist are often the only spiclat characteristic.! of a season. Of course, the position of the bell or sash depend on tho Icimth of the wal.-t, and one year tho sash Im Iu favor nt tho expense of the belt and another the belt Is more conspicuous. Ilut just n little careful study of n frw good models It n simple matter to keep to Iho set standards. Above all, thn frock must be sultnl to the ng ,A f-nv years difference ilthrr way and the. most perfect creatlen would look nuythlmr but stylish If It weie warn by a child either loo old or too yoitii;. USEFUL LAUNDRY OUTFIT FOR BACHELOR GIRL Necessary Articles May Be Purchased With Little Outlay. Tho bachelor gill who li.eKs nllli the eyes of deslie on tin- lingerie I. louse and turns nwuy to purchure .-"in. thing plain ami practical, should impure n tiu.udry otltllt of her owh. A little practice, and she would lii.d herself, like Trilby, unite fascinated by the laundress' art and able to rival tho skill of the professional bktcliis-ese da tin. To make It an artistic achievement in stead of mi unpleasant tn.d; one mti-t have the right phuraphcrniilia. There Is a littlo washboard that fit- in n bas'li and hems the rather Irivoloui name of "Daisy" that costs only in cent. A small c'idh.T-riicI; that fold- and takes up very littlo closet room nivalis an outlay of fifty cents. And then there is a hoard, neither veiv broad nor long, something that .an ho used on a trunk, or placid betwe. n l wo eliu'.i"' while one Irons from a thud "5 cents will buy un There ale electric Irons and til"'i"l lions and humdrum ever, due i s for tlie alcohol or gas stove. Lingerie blouses that Would come Im "i tattr'cd and torn lii-ni the nnl'n" lauiidrcst can he worn for maii m before t' c -how .Ml) sians of line Why Not HAVE OYSTERS? Don't wonder how to vary the family menu. Serve oysters. They are delicious, nourishing and economical food and may be prepared in a hundred differ ent ways. We have every kind of fresh and salt waiter oysters in season. Deliveries to all parts of the city. All sea foods always on hand. iSi'tv Ff'uUujR in a M'vek ' John E. Fitzgerald's Reading Terminal Market Rnce 2803 Phones: Filbert 3944 and 3945 HOUSEKEEPING OUTFITS Coffee Percolators Fireplace Fixtures Chafing Dishes The Prices Are Not High and the Goods Are Choice COME AND SEE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 1626CliesfcnufcStreefc V