-IF' pffluSMtSffia & &mm&)m Ja l5' t- ti??f?Y A'Vl-'iir&S . .hj iwywWWWWWilWlM T FT(t !" VOL. 1-NO. a rillliADTSLPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, SJSPTJIIJER JO, 1014. PWCJ3 ONE CENT Sf TAX LIKE ACT OF SPANISH WARTIMES Stamps to Be Placed on Busi ness Instruments and Im posts Levied On Beer and Wines. WVSHIVOTON. Sept. lC.-Chalrman -nil',Mvn."!. of 111" House Vv'nvs nnd M(,.lMF omiiiUice. today be-nii drafting tho Int. mil ipvnmio "war tax" bill BUllio'i'"1 '' ""' ')'1"()C",llo cimciia to conuiH-- l '"""" u,x 8"mlnr lo l,inl oC Bnnnlt-h-Aiii. il.au war times nml liupotts on i,p.i. win.- ""! tnt.acco to raise ?UC OOoo" annual l.-.Liiuo needed. Vntto.UiPtln of tho bill Satin day was plamipd I.n Mi. Underwood. It piobubl.v ll bp fnvoniblj icported Monday mid I,aMccI. und.i a sp.cl.il mlc severely llm IthiB dilute and offoilng aiiiondmciits, by tho piuI of lb'1 "rrl- Hlttei and pi. .longed Republican oppo tltloii tn l.otti te House and Senate, was certain m.la. The "war tax," Ucpubll can lad. 11 ilcilaicd. Is to bo made tho "paramount Issue" ot tho coming con gressional il. '-tloiis. KIU.IUIIT T.vX AHA.S-DON'im. Al-nmi.-nni. nt of the plan to tax freight three p. r emt. nnd rali-o Income taxes left tin IH'.iunats in practically unanl mou MM.ir.l today to paos tho revenue Tli, ii.-Nv 1 im s will bo Into ''fee1 lm mudiat.lN upon ..ange of th? bill, which It Is 1 lipid to 1 Min't bufoto Uctober 1j. l-'ri-ti't' imalnst tho ptoposed tax K,. nip I" R.i" '" r,,icl1 Ulu U'"ys illul Jl.-ms Co.iunlttoo today. Wine producers, i inert-ill', t-liilm to bo bard' hit. Bank er!. iu .ib" objecting to tho proposed Veriipall'.ir tux upuii tlitir mil plus and capital . ., . ., Olloi'tini of tin- Nvar lax "at tho so-wee' 01 pioihKtlon from ninnuiuctur tr anl tli. ilhcct levy through stumps up.ui .Miropiil.'l and local instruments, tt'liu'ia'ii. nui'vs and long distance tele phone in- s.aM.- will yield lmmedlatu and iprtaii riNinue, according tho Uetno ciati Tli st imp tax on documents prob 1,N Hill in- two c tits. SI I.JWTS OF TAXATION The li ii" r-itie taxation plan Is biiofly is folio i1- yiftv 1 i,t .1 barrel on beer, to ralso JU"W".. Tu li, nuts .1 Million on dry domestic TUn?. .mil -" letits on sweet wines, to ka t II ll II II Ti'.. . .ts .1 gallon on gasoline, to raise I CARTRIDGES EXPLODE IN $600,000 PITTSBURGH BLAZE "Prfictlcnlly All of City's Fire Fight ers Ilusy for Hours. PITTSlitnmil, Sept. 1C.-A lire In the store and wnlehoilso of th.- I.oHan (Irene? tlardwatc Company, In Sandusky stieel, early todny caused a loss estimated ut more (ban $000,000, and nt 8:50 was stilt MiniliiK. , Practically the entire nrcnghllnff force of tho rlty worked for hours In n stiu ccssful rffort to keep thu blazo from Bpieadltu;. Thousands of cartridges exploded and the air was burdened with the smelt of burning powder. $11,000 HOTEL ROBBERY Jewels and Letter of Credit Stolen From Bollvlnn Banker in New York. XHW YOKK, Sept. R-Dctetttvos of tho 1'ollco Department benan a sjstc tnatli: search todny for the lecovery of Jewelry valued nt 3000 and 11 letter of credit for $0000, said to have been stolon Inst Jilftbt from a suite occupied by Carlos .Ionian Rosas, a wealthy Ilollvtan banker, and bis wife In the Hotel Seville. br in I.., ami -. upntion" taxes on bankers, 1 i.ur.'h. tli discs, concert hall,! . bllli.ud and pool tables, tobacco ninnufncturei .. , 1, in lnUf. -,.NW.oriO. siimt.t.v.ui.ti intnniowiiil lnstrnnients. bnnilN -tin 1., i hickM. telPsrams, etc., to Mine aboi.t V,,ii 0,1 li.. NAVAL BATTLE IN BALTIC ADMITTED; DETAILS LACKING Believed Russians nnd Gernmns Met in Sharp Conflict. l.ONUOX Sept. It!. Altho'ih It If. acpppteil In olllclnl clr clis that -i h!i.nr nuvul battlo hits been foucht in ili- li.iltie, no information oon tirniii' Up i.iiti'iime Is olitaluablo heio. riispatiles frmn l tioKind vasuely refer to the pM-.,.iie of tho Germans In thu Oulf i,r I'i'ilaiid, and to their bombard ment nt iiiiiiuti'iti ,! jiosltlons," but they an' r. mi iii, ,1 i,j iii,. ci'iisor. Xun.iI . tn rta liera declaro that they do not '.I li. w- iii,. main Uuisltiii Hoot has Ifi-n in letiun. They tny whutever IlKht ln tins loUi-ii place pt nimbly has been brttu-pii tl.o smaller units of the lleot, bee-t tn Hi,, nmin O'erman lluct would lianllv attfiiipt to foiee thu entrance ot the iJu'r ,,r riiiiami, which not only has bfi'ii niin, il but I- w.ll protected ftom tho iiuui nun .iiihutii,.. furtrpsst-H. llut this n..m!i1 nut pieviiit small Uermuu (ran ntt. mot m; .1 Uii-Ii in tho hope of liii-hin- out into tin. open tho Utissinn '"I t NNhtili h muborLd utidor tho pro twlbm in t all(1 formications. All f ti. ii,ft.s rci-vlvpil tiom Scan (llnavi.m m.iii.i.s tell of heavy tiling In thu lt.iiti, n, tin) Aland Inlands, but lip to ti. .., ,lt i,u illsublcd war craft Uvi. , iM'i'ited at any point. Th fait, ii.nn,. thilt nirlm otllolnlly ad mits r,,.t f jtrt namt. ueot has be.,11 eiu-.isi.l i, coimiili-ipd siunlllcnnt horo ad (cenioirtli. It is tm .unnluly known that tho UNinian ,,ith s,a tleet is bellUT held eio.-e t Will.. Inibaifti. duly thu light iuiher in. 1 ti. ,ii.3troer tlotllhia ur In I'm "''"'."ihouil ot lU-llfcoland. TliU itio. ""-'-th to thp lupurt that tho "a tic n,et has boon mm-meiited by battle inusira fi,m, tho N'mtb S.-ti sent throuali hp Ivalmr Vlllni I'Himl. MANY WINDOWS BROKEN WHEN OIL TANK EXPLODES names Extinguished. With Loss Not Determined. A" oil tank on the property of the K-i'iisMvunm limlioii.l, it Sail ami Uace k'f't . NpUiii, ,i tii.ut!; befuro noon tu d"1 Hiiinli,,!,) uf viiu..tt- In tho vicinity -i. Lii.lteu ri" NW.it I'lniaiiilpliui nrt stations es. J'-!ii.di.,i tin- llutuen. The tow is IWt k""n ..t ibis ti,1UJ. BELGIANS AT WASHINGTON CommiMio,, to pt4cut Complaint to u. b. qfticialsu b. The lU'lBlati l-it uiuUt uiul i' I on Hvvretm')' t 1 I , st iitiUii I'UtU" .1 :'tl'ii-ltl. con M, br. . H 11 1 i!l'n, S. ,t I' Ull.nl 1,1 1 I V I I it I I I! I 11 Iii; Tl nvtl-tji lucta.iitttj UNION TRACTIOM MEN IGNORE CITY PLAN FOR BETTER TRANSIT Stockholders Meeting Re frains From Action On Proposals Looking to Im provement of Service. Tho stockholders of the Union Traction Company, at their annual mcctliiK this noon, took no action whatever on tho proposed transit agreement between tho city and tho Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company, ns tho tenult of protests Hied with President Jeremiah J. Sullivan of tho company by a committee headed by James C. Bulfour and James M. Fogcl sntiKer, representing a majority of the stockholders. Tile niretlliK was held at the Kishth and Dauphin streets oltlces of the I'hlla delph'a Itapld Transit Company and pie cedod the annual meetlnK of the latter cotporntlon. After minor routine mattera had been disposed of, and just befoto the elec tion, It was unanimously decided to transact no other business after tho 10 poit of tho tollers bad been made. AVhut little oiinosltlnii tbeto was to this action Nvas stilled, and tho feNV stockholders who favoted heeding Director Tailor's thieat to push the rapid transit iiroutam on a basis that would Ignore tho Union Traction Company, did not vote. J. K. Huekiunn acted as chairman of tho niretlr.-,' and William J. Shields teo tetary. The annual reports wero io,id and approN,d, and tlien amendmptils wero ndopted t-hunBlUK the piovlslons for tlio tiatHfer of stock and tho time for mak ing public tho annual statements. Ualtiitir and Fouelsanser ciuiled larso buiidles of tho ptotests to the moi-tlns with them. Only " stockholdeis attended, the smallest number in years. A committee of Union Traction stoek helileis, hooded by llnlfotir and Kosels auser. has heen seekint; protests atjalnst the transit program slneo June 9. They presented the protests in person to Mr. Sullivan in his otllce. UNION 'i FACTION PROTEST. The protests were against tho Union Traction dlrectois becoming In any way a ptirtv to the city rapid transit pro ernni. A letter, ptesentcd to Mr. Sulli van with tho ptot'-sts, said: "The nccotiiiMinyiin; pai kaK. loutuln.i .i tsts of tlie I'uieii Tinctloii to Khobl er.j aKaiust any nettoiv ny tlie dirt etors or any committee tbeieof olllclally rocosnlis hih' or otlienN Ise acting upon tho nRXeeniPiit or p'an between tho city and tho Itapld Trnntit Company for tho bulldlntr of new subways, elevated or surfuco lines, or for the pqulpRi.-nt of tho samo that may bo constuied as nu Indorsement by tho Union Traction Company of such u plan or aRicuueut. or tn elvo lluanclnl sup port ill iiny way hi tho dovelopmnit construction or equipment of such ele vated or surface lines, or that limy re quite fui the i' tluumial support on tho part of the Union Traction Company, or tho equipment or (Menslon of tho lines now operated by tho Itapld Transit Com pany." Thu committee refused to Blvo tho num ber of shares 1 hoy represent, but they said the protest was almost unanimous. The Union Traction Cumpauv. at Its nie.itlnfr. will fneo a virtual ultimatum, laid down uy Director Taylor of tho Do pjitment of City Tiatislt bofoio tho United llunlnens Men's Association in tho llliiKliam lintel last ulKht. Director Tay lor declared that the Union Traction Com pany must elthor ratify tho plan fur Improved transit fael'itiea or fueo tin) prospect of high-speed lines, city-built and Independently operated, computing with exlstini; surface lines. Tim Dlioetor also accused Ualfour and b'ogelsanKer, of "mlsrrpicsriiUnif" facts in a. letter tout by them to folluw.tocb holders cone, rutin; tho proposed .1.1 ei uiont liotwem tha city and thu V. It. T. Company. Ho served notieo on tno Union Tiiutlon Company that unless th mock i.!,lei.s of that company wero willing to t'lti.ineo the necessary e.Nteiialons to the proseut sinfaco system, and approve tlio piotiosed rapid transit progmiu, tho city would ko ahead with tho transit pro niain, leuv'n them to pocket all losses li.im comiiotltlon with tho high, speed lines. tU'SI.NUSS JIBN Sl'l'J'OItT TAYI.OU. Tho business men of tho city, ut the meeting labt niicht. unauimously pltulKed tludr support to Plrectar Taylor In his llsbt of the Inimidluto realisation ut rutiid transit In PhiUdelphia. With I ho lstfiiu t the JftUXOuu meded fur pi ell m luuiy work settled by Councils' Uoase at th lunfereuiki jtsterday, tbt- Uiree l at tite iipetiiis lat uifc-bt obtain, J tho t-u-operatlou of tho UnUe4 Huiues Urn' it Aoelutlon In a inovttiunt to fojie Councils lo approve I be transit pUi.-. ubli'ii buve Lu,a plteiiiholed In i'ouikIU' 'transit Committee bluco luvt .pritiK- DiinVor Tuylo, after pointing out the a'b ut lVatui' of Ills lruul iluu. dls-4-ud tbt- altituda of tbu t'uion Traction Couii'mi 4m kUulUci . 'flU'V will tlutu bu vo two alternative," hv abl. "Ir'irttt, tbey can tuvvpt tbo U n, ,f lb,- ir.iiiu. The other lt r 11 in 1- ti the nullum be not accepted roiii'luileil un Tutte 7 MEXICO HAS DUAL FESTIYAL ITMi Observance of Independence Day Marked by Announce ment of American Evacua tion of Vera Cruz. MEXICO CITY, Sept K-Tho cplehia lion ot tho lOllh anniversary of .Mexican Independence was maikcd today by tlio KM ntest 1 c J 1 1 i c 1 1 1 cr thtnughout the capltnl, follow Itif, the announcement of Cei.crnl Cartanza that President Wilson had nr deied the wltlulrawal of Atnetlcan troops ft 0111 Vein Ctttz. In accordance with tho traditions of the eelebiatloii ol Indop. tidene.' day, (.011 eral Carranza, as the betid of tlio gov ernment, appeared on the balcony of tlp. National Pulacu at mldnlulit to ntldiefi) the tbrotu's tcithetcd in tho street, lb' tncil auiiouiiLcd tlio tecolpt of 11 t.di'Krnm ftom Juan Untuldl, secretary of the Con stllutloiiallnt Junta In Washington, toll Ins of tho order issued by the Piesldent. The ctoNvd went wild with delight Tbeto wpip lltowotks tluoiighoiit tho city, the Cathedral and all public buildings nvpio Illuminated, while tho cntiro city gave ltfjolt over to ceebrallng. VEEA CIJL'Z, Sipt. b!. Announcement that tnpy weto to evacuate Vera CrU'S 1'iimo us welcome news to the troops of (lei.er.il Uunstoli. All tno tired ot service In the tropics tu d greeted the unnounce ni'Mil Willi cheeis. The government will bp speedily trnns feiteil from tho Aniprlcan military 011 tboiltles to Hip civil olllclals to bo np polutcd by Cuueial Cariunzti. WASHINGTON, Sept. It!. Withdrawal of all Ameiieuu tioops from tho Mexican boundary, except tlio usual small border pattol. Is planned soon by tho Adminis tration, it was staled at tife War De partment today, In line with the evacua tion of Vera Cruz 01 deled by President Wilson. Usual ganlsons at the Texas, Aiizona and New Mexico posts will ho maintained, but tho great bulk of troops, w hicli bavo beta mobilized on Mexico's northern boundary for about two yum 8. v.'ll. bo rodlstt United to more" northern army posts. At the Navy Depattment It was said that otders for all hit go warships to Itave Mexican watcis would be Issued presently to make complete the return of all American armed forces ftom .Mexico. Secretary Garrison was busy upon for mtilltlps attending the turning over of Vei.i Cruz to the Constitutionalists. Gen etal Carranza will be asked to appoint somo 0110 formally to recelvo the poit fioni General I'unston. CONSIDER. NEW SYSTEM OF WRITING SPECIFICATIONS Builders and Architects In Session' Here Would Make Change. Tliu adoption by builders and architects of a new system and method of wilting sprcilicatlous was consldi nd today at tlio second session of a mooting of a joint coiuinllteo from tho National Dodders' Kxcbange and tho Ametican Institute of Architects. Tin- meeting was held at tlio Uuilders' Exchange. I! South Seventh street. Twenty tepresontativos, ten from eaph body, mo in attendance. I-Yatik Miles Day, a leading architect of Philadelphia, Is ptesldlllg. It Is expected the committee will ond its sessions tonight. It Is tho opinion of those attending the meeting that tho present method of writ ing specifications contains many fault which should be corroded. At jestenlay's session the joint committee was not aide to come to n satisfactory conclusion as to what adjustments should bp made. Th Joint eommitl,'i is as follows: Uuilders, II. W West, Hiiltimor. , chair man: John Atkinson, !' M. li.ttrls, Phil adtlpbia; II. I.. Newman, Louisville; J. K. flattb'tt, I. II. Seated, John Tiainui', liultimoro; C. G. Norman. Xi tv York: William li. King. Washington. Archi tects. Frank Miles Day, Philadelphia, ohaliman; !'. W. Junes, 1). U Tlltun, X-w York: E. A. Crane, Waller Smedle, D. K. Hoyd. .Milton II. M-dury, Jr.. Phila delphia; William G. Noltiiig, Halllmoro; William S. Ilarkor, Huston. KAISER REPORTED IN EAST LEADING FIGHT ON RUSSIANS Emperor Snitl to Command Troops Against Invaders. PAItIS, Sept. W. The Pclil Pntlilen prints Nvlml purports to be a dispatch ftom lieilln saving tlint Emprior William hns gone East to tnko suptcmo command trmlnst tlussla. STORM MOVING NORTHWARD Vessels South of Virginia Endan gered by Disturbances. WASHINGTON, Sept. HJ.-Tlie Weather Hureiiti, In a stotm wnrnlng IspupiI this morning, announced that ilistutbatiecs off enst const of Ulorldu were Inrrenslng In Intensity and moving not thwnrd. Con ditions wero declared to be dangerous for vessels south of Virginia, GENERAL DE LA KEY KILLED Boor War Strategist Accidentally Shot Near Jolinnnouburg. CAPE TOWN, South Afrlen, Sept. HI. GpiipiiiI Dp I.a Key, who n mi fame by bis stiategy agtilnt tlio Hiltlsh In the ltoer war, was ncr Mentally shot dead near Jobanneburg oil Tuesda. llo wits (is vears old. GERMANS RUSH FRESH TROOPS INTO BELGIUM Fortify Streets of Brussels to Allow Small Garrison to Hold City Attack by Al lies Feared. AXTWEP.P, Sept. 10. Tlio Gei'rnans are rushing fresh troops into lielglum from Aix-la-Cbappclle, but whether tbeso aro Intended, to strongtln-n tho foft ea now here or are to bo sent lo tho fcouth to fill the gaps In the German rUht wing Is not yet known. The Uc:,'ian forces again liavo retired to the protection of the outer ling of tho Antwerp fortifications, vvlteie they are waiting developments. King Albert and tlio Genual Staff 1 eld a long confer ence today, after which troops wire tt.nssed along the fortifications that com mand tin- River Scheldt. It Is believed a now attempt by the Germans to Isolate Antwerp from the sea may be planned, but as tho dykes have been reopened and the countrj In that vicinity In covered with win. r. it U? I.vi)JjSJi.vUil .t.lKS' ca4- hnl,c i? car,'y j such a movement to a successful con clusion. It was stnted by the ppueral staff ta duy that durhu tho last 21 hours tlu Geimans huvc sftit up waul ot CO.OOO addi tional tioops Into IJelgium, indicating a dcterniiimtlou on the part of tho Ger mans to hold their lines of communica tion tlitoiigli Uei;iuui at any 01. Only slilniilslilng was in nrogi-cMt In lielsium today. German troops aro fortlfjlng Biussela I to permit tho departuro of more rein forcements to Fianeo. Uapld-flre sun have been mounted on the Houlevard du Jardln Uotunlque and at tho north and south stations. Ileports received bore today say that tho Germuns anticipate an attack on ni'flssels by u combined Uelviau and Eiltish force. At Etterbcek, near llru-.-. N, il i re ported thut tUhlln.; took il. up b-tvvi'en Ptusslnii and Ilavuriuu ,obU t -. 3U of whom wero killed. THE EUROPEAN WAR COUNTRY BY COUNTRY FRANCE. The rinrmans me re forming In ti"' tiriitmy extending he tween St. 'jiietitln and the Mo'ell" river, h-tvlng thrown up enttem h nients and eentrallzlng live armies i 1 the district. The German frown Prime bus milled from Verdun and Joined Von Huelow's army. Hoaw lighting Is In pi ogress tieur St. Quen tin. Kteneh War Oillce. atinounees that an Important bnttln Is pending in which nil attempt will be made by the nines to force the Invndors from French soil. French nnd Indlnli fpn forcements liavo appeared on thn filing lltie. HEt.GIUM tletnlnn troops linve re tired to the outer lines of the fortl lentlonn nt Antwerp. Gpfmalts nt timpled to cut communications to the sen, but the flooding of the terrltorv west of Antwerp by opening the dvl: s lias hnllerl tlie Invaders, lb-potted tb it Vyxni ndditlornl German soldleis are be'tu.' inbel Into Hie country. GEIIMANY Oftleinlly nnnnunped tbnt the urmy has retired before the allies, but War OHbe nnnounpen tlie (lertnaliK nrp in n stronglv pntrenebed poltion and temly to withstand futtlipr nttaek. Dptiilled reports given bv tlie rlovernment i-egnrdlng the early fighting in eastern Prussia. Claim made Hint the Tliisslnna wire routed with a loss of IOO.Owi Itllled, Tfi.WO pris oners nnd S(fl flpld guns. Only frag mentary dispatches have been iPClVid ipganllnc present romr.nigii. Gpr many, liowever. maintains tbnt the enmpii'gn progt esses fnvnrally ngnlnst thp itusslans The Kniser, necortlbi to repoits, is leaving fur the Russian ) font let'. AUSTRIA! Tho Russians continue to be vletoilotts. Tb" line fiom Cra cow to Pryszml has been sevi-ied and tin- Investment of the latter fortress Is In ptogress. Heavy llubllun con tinues along the San tlvir, Grodek has been taken, the Alls) lions aban doning -ICO llj,ht fb Id aims- and 20 lioNvltzets. The Russians tire pushlnir their campaign with vigor against Get many. Tlie Get matt staff nst-ert.s that tlie campaign In G.ilbla will be triittPilulIy changed in thu ne.ir ftitti'-e as the Russians will be compelled ti dlspateli tioops Into Pttisslji and abandon the offensive against Aus tria. EXGt.AND-Reported that lortinn cavalry luis reaehed Kranee via the Suei: canal and Is no.v reinforcing the Urltlsli al the front. .N'u news yet luccived of the outcome of tlie naval battle reported In the Unltle. The war cost to Great Ttrltaln Is i SAToioO a day. ITALY Strong pressure Is being brought to bear on the Government to join the war against Austila and Gi rtiuiny, and as a result frequent cabinet meetings are being held. Up to the present theie has been no change In U10 original declaration of neutrality. SERVIA Vlsbegr.id, in Rosnin, has been enptuied bv- the Servians. Troops bav" Joined the Montnegiui foreis. and a march is being made against Sarajevo. ALLIED AMIES RUSH FORWARD TO ATTACK GERMAN POSITIONS Entire Line of Invaders Falls Back North of Ainse River Where They Make Stand Both Armies Heavily Rein forced Great Battle Imminent. Kaiser's Armies Draw Closer Together and Straighten Battle Line Crown Prince Continues Retreat Toward Cen tre Belforte Being Bombarded. The War Summary HIT WHILE ASLEEP. HE SAYS Man Accuses Fellow Watchman of Striking Him With Board. UlsIiIi-mIs of Highland Paik. a su'utrb one mile fioni C:ith Hreet station, were M'ou.spd bv iVstol siiotci this mumlng und summoned tho Darby pollco. They tap tilled Domluii'k Purello, ti night watch man, who, it Is said, with a board, knock, il a fellow watchman unconscious nnd then tried to set tire to the houso in which the unconscious nun,- lay. The Injured man Is Franc, sou iliitrcllo, of CIS Front street. Chester. His right lung was punctured and be bad numer ous cuts on his heud nnd body. When partiully revived, Uatrelhi suld ho was awakened by a blow on the head and taw Farello standing over him with n board, which had it null' In one end. Fnre'.lo said two men entered tho house -while ho and Hatrello wro talking nml that ho tired his pistol to protoet Ua tretlo The prisoner was held without ball for court by Justice of this Pence Mulln. of DieNcl Hill. JAPAN SUPPRESSES PAPERS Charges Publications With Stirring Animosity Among Nations. TkKIO, Sent 1G. In an (fllclal statement tho Jupuiietio lliiveriiiueiit OMilaliis whv it has 01, bred "tho Herald." a lU-nnan-contiolloil news piper, umj "the Moutucli Japan Pot." a uertwutl news ugcm-'V, " teli,w Publics- U Is ehargea that ttn publications for years bavo sought to cri-utu animosity tu-tweeii Japan and cvrtaln foreign eoun tiks, I'artUnlurly Knslaud ai.d tha United tftat-s. "The Herald" has been iub lihed at Yokohama. The fdltor of the ni agency lias lon ordered to leave Japan wit Uln iv nctk. 6QNGRATULATE PEAQB MlgSIQIf WASHINGTON, Sept. la-Establishment of jiermawnt pruco In wvolmtoij torn San liomliMu ts iu a fair May to b accomplUl.ed, J. FranUUu Fort, former ilnveruor of Ntfiy Jvrsey, told President Wilson today Mr. Fot va metnU-r of 14 cummbwlun appuliitcd by the Piei dent to vWit the ilaud republtt: and wei honw mean of ending tlie protiaiied dU turbituce then.-. Tlu-obj, it. in Mr Unit's opl'iii'ii. h is tiuu sit an, it and tin I'lcm--i- ni lunialulaU'U tie luiuiiiiluu on Its ivi-ik RUSSIANS ESTABLISH RULE IN PROVINCE OF BUK0VINA Goveruor Placed nt Csoruowits, Says Tetrograd Dispatch. HOME. s. pt i V dUpatch to the TH aui'i 1. en IVtro Kiad sas that Hukuvina has lion trans funned into o Kiislaii pioviiij-', with a Kiusiuu GuVeriior at 1'.., .noivlu. Ge11t-r.1l liaiorie pubiihli. i. an article in the Glut nalt d' Italia, In wblc.i h-- readies the uoiieluklon that the U nu 111 are In danger uf beilig'tliiraiind 111 Kiunce. The Italian CSovernnn ut lia aiithniiued tho exportation to England uf a'J tons of sugar. The theatre of war in France pre sents tho German army rallying tu straighten its lines and concentrate In intrenched positions north of tho Airfno Hlvcr. Tho allies persist in the utiaek. General Jot'fre hurling reinforcement) ugruinst the invuders. While turinus llghtinsr 1h taking place in tho vicinity of St. Quentui, the French War office, unnounces that the engagements today are simply preliminary to the Impendinjr battlo In which the allies will endeuvor to terminate German occupation of northern Franco. The German Crown Prince has with drawn from the Irmnedl.ito vicinity ot Verdun, and Is placing his troops on a Hue between f.algne and Cra onno to support the armies of von Huelow and von Iluusen. t,a Fero, lihejnis. Laon tn oil, IS cities have been evacuated ly the Gernmns. The rotnpleto battle line extends from St. Quentln to tho territory south of Lonsrwy. Apparently the allies are in excellent condition to push the utack. Large reinforcements of Indian cavalry havo appeared today, reaching the flrlner Hne from India after a Journey through the Suea Canal. French PARIS, Sept. 10. Having compelled the Hermans to evacuate 12 towns by their rapid ad vance, tho allies threw fresh troops to the firing1 lino today for another as sault upon tlio strongly Intrenched po sitions of tho invaders north of the Aisnc niver, wliero additional forces hnvc been sent to their assistance, In order to jjlvo impetus to his ot taci;, General Joffre pushed lieavy re inforcements to tho front to support tlio tired French and Knglish soldiers, who havo been marching and fighting for more than a week. Olllclnl dispatches from the front say that all !b going well with the allies and that tlio attempts of the Germans to break down tho French lines at points believed to bo weak huve been re pulsed. Fighting Is in progress, ranging from skirmishing to combats of fu- r rious character, along a line which reaches from a point east of St. Quen tln eastward and southward along the north bank of the River Aisne, through the northern part of the forest of Ar gonne, north of Verdun, thence south ward and eastward on the east of the Kiver Meuse past Metz. According to Information contained in official War Office statements is sued hero and at Bordeaux, the Ger man line of retirement seems to have 1 bWitchetl slightly toward tho southeast. Upon their retreat the Germans have been compelled to give up a number of towns, the most important of which aro La Fere, Crepy, Laon, Bralsne, Vitry-les-Rhetms, Attigny. Bazan court. Sillery, Eismes, St. Quentln, Rhelms and Menhould, the former headquurteis of the German Crown Prince. As no official word has been received here to support tho rumors that Gen eral von Kluk, commander or the ex treme western wing of tho German army, has been captured along with a heavy section of his men. it Is now assumed that the repnrt waa false. Today the Germans hold strongly en trenched positions In the low hills to tho nrth of the Alsno Ulver. The armies of qcneritl Von KlucH and Gen eral Von Buelow are reported to be I naJ.,l.-ltl n.mhln&.l In .n&n.l At . . .vt.v.. iuiiii.iiM 4, vi,ifciviisi4 yv- tlon between the Aisne und Aire at St. Mcnenould, checkmated an attempt to break his lines and isolate tho major portion of his army. It is admitted by tho military ex perts that the new positions taken i.v the Germans aro he strongen tip y have yet held tn Franco. The condi tions aro ideal from tho defensive point of view, it Is stated, but confidence is expressed that the admitted numerical superiority of the French and British forces wilt enable them to force tho Germans back when the new battla commences. The German front has narrowed and this will operate to the benefit of tho allies. News from the allies left 13 anxiously awaited here. There tho British and French, who have been heavily reinforced, nro utempting op erations that may result in still further crumpling up of tho German right. The relief of Fort Tryon Is likely to have an important bearing on tho fata of the German army. The German3 were investing Fort Tryon and the neighboring forts between Toul and Verdun with the object of opening a way of retreat on their left. The falluro of this plun means that the French are masters of the valley from Toul to Verdun. Therefore. Ntho armies of the Crown Prince Frederick: William and the Duke of Wurtcmburs will b unable to cross the Mouse and will have to go farther north ami at tempt to puss by the Stenay Uap. On the left wing of the allies the en tiro Anglo-French force is In contui-t with the retiring invaders on the front from the heights north of the River Aisne eastward to a point north of Rhelms. The forward movement of tho alllei between the forest of Argonno and tho Meuse continues,. TI e pressure of the allies has hud the 1 nvot of straighten ing the battle front until it is now al most a straight line m a point east of the Metis.- and near Ht .'n. 1 SERVIAN LEADERS ARRESTED Reported That Austrians In Bosnia Shoot i'riests ns Spies, AMriTURDAM. tfept. HJ. A Sarajevo, Bosnia, dispatch to tho CuloKiio (lazetto says that a number uf Servian leaders have b, tn arrest, d in bosniii, iiielitdmi? several prleuts, tor their fuiutticiil hatred againt the lual Alon nretiv I v-ustro-lliinuaiyi. Some of them bavu bt'li khot US spies; others aio held in military fortrns-a. Austrian agents in s.-tia anj Montenegiu Itiport that ol'.eBe 1 prie-ts led Rodman frontlorsmi n, vvlu, are ughilng With tb Slavs, against ViMrian troops. CRUSH SERVIAN INVADERS. VIENNA ADVICES CLAIM Driven Back Over Save WltU Heavy tosses of Wen and Suns, RKliLIV. v'a The Hague. Sent U. Ctllbiul adv ie.s. nultvil fioni Vbnn.i, sav that tlio K,-ii.iu uimy of Inva.M.in ulilch bad I'rosi,.-,! tlie Save- f liver, was attacked by a stiong Austrian frco au4 on 1 rvvht liuingly def-atod. Thu Vienna advices uy that tins Ser vians art b. In driven back Into rirvl and that they have lost many pie 11 n4 guas- Precfttitlons Takes to Prevent Spreatt in Ancient City of Catania, LONDON, Sept. ML Pmato advices re ceivnl heir Unity mv pl.iue has broken out in, tlio ancient ,-itv ,.1 I'ataida. kil. The Itatiun Qovcrnnui.t it !. -t it' d hi 1 iU 11 Nimne procautloiia to pio.iu its ftii .a .p,-.a n t IiaI,.w ...,al..feif ... ni- .,....t. ,,,. Mv.ui, u,ivU fi' tuna 1 to tatto tho place of the fatigued ! l"n8 w"11 no,nh of the Aiane. Tb British and French soldiers. All ! 6rmy of the aiini1 Ph Wttrtem ii France Is confident of victory, Russia continues Its success in Oat Ida. Lines of communicattoii be tween Cracow and Praomysl have been cut and the latter fortress In vested on threo sides. Every effort Is being made to push the campaign into Germany. Praomysl is the last obstacle. Germany, however, make claims that the Russian have met with severe reverses in Eastern Pru sia. that Poland is being invaded and that It will bo necessary for Rutla to withdraw troops to withstand the German Invasion of Russia. The fact, however, that the Kaiser U re. ported to be hastening to the Bus i,lan frontier and that optimism pre vails in Petrograd mmewhat offsets the German ctowt of Russian re veraes. sjk-rvta W ylaaMwsJy pusblwj the earn palgn. VUhegrad. rollea smb of tarJevu, ha fallen; the troops have Joiiud Ibe Munteitegrlna an4 a march against Ibe Uonia capital U in pti'grcas. In Hvhilum the campaign presents vomparattvly no nw develupmeuts The Belgians are rvionte4 to have vvitlidiawii o the cmt.r bin f futtl Hi il'oiii, at A'ltvvtip, but no luavy ll I 1 ! I ltd 1'urg "holds th lino from tho River Aisne at Craonne. orth of Rhelms to the new portion in th Argentic where tho armies of the Crown Prince Frederick Wtlhelm and of the Crown Prince uf Ravaila, are In complete strength with headquarters still main. talne4 at Moiitfai.con. The Germans hold tho linen of the Weuse and have straightened out their lines so they are now In tonoh with tho strong fortress of Meta and the German rerve lines In Lorraine. The British-French columns on the extreme left f the French lines are believed to (dan a general enveloping movement. It Is now evident that the Crown Prince, by abandoning his posl- Belfi.it, I and, a. authorri. , ultai K : 11 .1- 111 the Sixth Ft, 1 aro in it 1 again1-1 ti 'reepin.,' t. "ioenii nt inv-"-. ni ' crent . m urcf- .it of th. SledL'i fon-e- Prince Th' Willi ll are ' n 1 -- Belgium. Th ratM-d on every aid". iu what appears to li the most magnificent bottling movement u warfare, nurlng th l4t wetK's nshting tln Germans are bUU-vt-.t to have lost nt l,at 3'.'" men, lit killed, wound. 1 and e.iptur'l, although no ofScUl figures bavo betn given out. ! ' 1 1 I t !. tl "a nee, is "tto tl." I , 1- n a p.- 'i , in 1 le t iii -i 1 h 1, r aid 1 ,1 .1. n If .1 -nly vet 1 1 up '! Ar-. ws l. 11 Pi. . .,r 1:.n .1 1 lf ' 1 is .11 I l.-t tl. mar -. 1 state of siege, ich military ' to resist h nnd Briti.-h assuro mans, .' in a 8 tlmo into a Frenii , east Ti'i' nun, iw n r.'o lies iu at ltlo of GERMAN RETREAT CONTINUES, FRENCH EMBASSY LEARNS WASHINGTON, St pi. H. Continuance of the German retreat between the Argonne Const and the River Men was retorted by the French War otno through the French Embassy here today. Th 4i patch, cent from Bordeaux, reads: On our left wing the Germans resist' d c-t.rOiN tn th" nuttli of the n:vir Imi. . f a I'm. ' tm, .1 by the forest of Laigne and Cr onne. At the entre their llna of r- stan whs ythterlny i.orth tf Ubiiiiia and thu camp of I'hajuavi toward, vi. (,!!, a K.n at the western twrilejr '' tho Afaonni, Th f- ' -L . -st weie ficvur viii tlio (,n itb of tho .trs.it ni 11 - aeientn 1" d tbl." mi.ii '..it, i.tri 'ii.; u 'ba Ar a 1 ij ,i .J t 11- .Vb .1. T rar IIP Will II )' l lljfi tl?f. f-iAtm 1 1 r ( I'Ji .1 i i "f . & J , t.Uii 'V a , ', ill -..: I . ' I j t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers