Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    PHlEISBIiPHlA. TTflSDZl?, BBfrTEMBEIt 18, 1914.
Miss Gemma A. d'Auria, well known in the younger set in West Philadelphia, who will
become the bride of Dr. Percy H. Houston, of Austin, Tex., tonight.
MISS EDITH II. BAILV, daughter of Fred
erick L. Bally, of Clovcrton, Ardmv.ro, and
a sister of Miss Theodate L. Bally, will bo
Introduced at a tea which will be given by Vcr
father Saturday afternoon, October 17, from
4.30 until 7 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Hcbard, of Chestnut
avenue, Chestnut Hill, are being congratulated
on the birth of a son, born yesterday. Mr.
Hebard, It will bo remembered, before her mai
riage last fall was Miss Margaret Champlln
Ferry Claxton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally will intio
duce their daughter, Miss Molly W. Bally, at
a tea which thoy will give nt their country
place, Rosslovyn, Strafford, on the afternoon of
October 6. This will probably be nn out-of-doors
affair It the weather will permit, anil
Mr. and Mrs. Bally have planned to have music
during the rccoption. Miss Edith Bally and
Miss Molly Bally are first cousins.
An engagement of Interest to this city and
New York, which has been announced In New
York, Is that of Miss Edith Stuart Otto, daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert T. Otto, ot Vnlley
Rose Farm, Scarsdale, to Norman Cailllo
Ilclchert, a son of Dr. Edward Tyson Relchcrt,
who Is a member of the faculty of the medical
department of the University ot Pennsylvania.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Henry Scott, Jr., nro
spending tho autumn ns tho gucnts of Mr.
and Mrs. William West Frnzlor, Jr., at their
rnuntry placo In Jcnklntown. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ecott will not open their town houso at 111
South 22d street, until late In November.
Mrs Francis P. Sibley has rourneil to her
homo on Summit avenue, Jenklntown, after
Tending several days In New York ns tho
fiifst of her daughter, Mrs. Bolmoro Brown.
Mrs Henry Augustus Berwlnd will entertain
In her box at the Horse Show In honor of her
debutante daughter. Miss Margaret Berwlnd.
Mr. and Mrs. Berwlnd will give a small danco
In honor of their son Charles Graham Uerwiud,
on Thursday night.
Among the Phlladelphlans noted on the links
of tho Point Judith Country Club lately wero
Ir and Mrs Archibald O. Thomson, Mr. nnd
Mrs John Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Norrls, Mr and Mrs. Paul Denekln .Mills, Miss
Lisa Norris and Mrs. Philip E. Stovenson.
Dr. John II. Glrvln, of 2120 Walnut street,
has returned from London, Eng, and Is spend
ing this week nt Hot Springs, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Caryl Roberts, of this city,
rtertalned nt tea yesterday at the Country
Club In Narragansott Pier.
Mrs Alexander J. Cassatt nnd her crand-
dauehter. Miss I.ols Buchnnan Cossatt. will
leave Newport on Friday of this week and
open their country place at Huverford. Far
the past two seasons Mrs. Cassatt bus been
Pending the summer nt Newport whllo she
has leased her house In Bar Harbor.
Morris Lewis Stovell is tho guest of Mr. nnd
" John Gilbert at their home lit Sarnnao
Edward Connor, who started last week In hi
curing car for a trip through New England,
' t Present vlsltlpg his mother. Mrs. P. 8.
t-onnor, at her cottago In Narragansett.
Mr- and Mrs. James M. WIUcox have been
motoring through the New Engl.md States and
re at present staying In Jeff ei son, Vt.
Mr and Mrs. Jose Ramon Vlllaloii, of Havana,
uba, who have been stopping in thu city sov.
rai days after a summer spent In tho Poconos,
will leave Thursday for Washington and will
then go on to Cuba.
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald B. Hubard have re
lurned from Jamestown to their homo on Wyn.
eote road, Jenklntown.
oinunooK-The Indies' Committee of tho
uverbrook Golf club win give the second of
" BePtmber afternoon teas this Saturday.
r and Mrs. H DeWltt Irwin and Miss
m T Irwln' ot Clt' ave,1U0 una Lancaster
aJ. returned today from Chelsea.
. M MuMlcheu and Miss Rosalie Me-
M'cheu have returned to their home. Rosemary.
ra. William Harrlty, Miss May llarrlty ami
' Isabel "arrlty. who wero In Brussels when
" a' dedared, arrived hero last week.
Julia Ai8EMr" a"(l 5Irs- Wllu Muw-
load ! and Be'Janilii Muer, of Simpson
it ii ' returned home after a kunuuvr spent
-"i uaven
St. Marv's Episcopal Church, Is oxpected home
this week from Garden City, L,. I.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Francis M. Cresson and family,
who spent tho summer at Tho Oaks, Pa., will
shortly open their house on Simpson road.
IIAM.HIOHD-A wedding of interest to society
In this city nnd Wilmington will tnke placo
Wednesday. September 30, when Miss Edith
Illnmly Klcmn, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
George Klemn, Jr., of Havorford, will be mar
ried to Morton Harvey, ton of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Holhteln Harvey, of Wilmington.
The ceremony will be solemnized at high noon
In St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Ardmoro. Tho
Rev, George Pomeroy Allen, rector, will of
ficiate. Miss Klcmn will have her cousin, Miss Anns
Shnplelgh Garrett, of Wilmington, for maid of
honor, nnd Miss Eleanor Brock, Miss Jean
Moirls Llllle, Miss Florence Shoemaker and
Miss Louise Twnddell will be tho bridesmaids.
Tho Mower girl will bo .Miss Eleanor Rogers.
Donald Satterthwalte, of Wilmington, will be
Mr. Hurvey'o best man. Holstcin Harvey, Jr.,
brother of the bridegroom-to-be; George Cnttell,
Jr., Louis Bennett, Jr., and John Twaddell will
act ns ushers.
Following the ceremony there will bo a small
bieakfast at tho residence ot the bride's parents
for tho Immediute families nnd a few Intlmato
ItADMJIl-MIss Mnrgaret Berwlnd, who will bo
ono of tho season's debutantes, will be Intro
duced nt n tea, which will be given Wednesday,
October 14.
Mr. ami Mis. John Grlbbel and Miss Urlbbel
have toturned to their homo In Wyncoto after
spending tho summer nt Camden, Me.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G Wilson are spending
tho early fall nt their country place at Gwynodd
Valley beforo opening their town house at 302
South Thirteenth street, on October 1.
A wedding of interest to persons In Oak Lane
will li that of .Miss Lorn. Nettle Gumming and
J'iml Emll Woll, which will take placo Septem
ber 21 In Portland, Ore.
Miss Cuininliig. who Is tho daughter of Dr.
William Andrew I'ummlng, of Portland, has
been tho guest of her sister, Mra. Harold Per
pall, of Oak Lane Park, for the past six
Ml. Woll Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Petor
Woll, of 70th nvenuo and City lino. Oak Lane.
Ha i.s a membur of the Old York Road Coun
try Club and popular In the social set along
York road.
The ceremony win ho performed at S.30 p. m.
In St. Mark's Eplscopul Church, Portland.
After an extensive trip, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Woll
will make their home in Oak Lane Park.
.Mr, nnd Mrs. Harold Perpall left yesterday
for Portland, Ore,, where they will attend the
wedding of Miss Lora Nettle Cummins:. Mr.
Perpnll's sister, to Paul Emll Woll, of Oak
Lane, on Tuesday evening, September 82.
Miss Edith Crowther will be mnrried to Mr
Edward Everott Thompson, of Waco, Tox.,
September 22, also.
Miss Crowther In the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Crowther. Tho wedding will take
place ut tho home of tho bride. C510 North Sev
enth street, nt 11 n. in.
She- will wear her traveling gown and will
bo given in marriage by her father. The Rev.
J Kennedy Moorehouso, of Calvary Episcopal
Church, Consholiocken. Pa. will perform the
The bride will be unattended and Burd 'e)
will ect as best man.
Mr. mul Mrs. John Hood and their family
returned today to their homo on Seventh street,
nfter spending thu summer at Ocean City.
Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Bains and their daugh
ter, Miss Helen Bains, of CSth avenue, returned
on Saturday, after a month at Longport.
Mr. and Mr. F. W. Munn and their daughter.
Miss Floreiao Munn, of I.auntoti avenue, re
turned to their homo Saturday, after a season
at lholsa. Miss Rose, however, having' spent
tliojast two weeks at Blount Rose, Pa.
Mrs. IJ. V Uoebel, of Panama, is the guest
for eri weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
(lAge, at their summer home near Villanova,
Mr and Mrs. Bdward Tsggart. of Klghth
urevt. teturned vesterday after a month of
travel around the Great Lakes
v George Pomeroy Allen, rector of Miss Mary Lorlmer, of Melros Park io
turned Saturday to her home on Stratford ave
ntio after ft, month near Montreal, Can.
Mrs. Eugene W. Fry will slve a largo lunch
eon on Thursday at tho Huntingdon Vnlley
Country Club In honor ot Mrs, Melvlllo G,
Wright, of Oak Lane, formerly of Richmond,
Govern will bo laid for 60 jruests and tho deco
rations will bo pink and whits astors.
The wedding of Miss Genovlovo Harton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke D. Harton,
of 1721 West Qlrard nvenue, to Clayton B.
Bhoemaker, will tako placo on Wednesday morn
ing, October 1, nt 10:30 o'clock, In tho Church
of tho Ocsu.
Mrs. Frederick J, Christman, of tho Dauphin
Apartments, has returned from a fortnight's
visit In Now York, whoro eho wan tho guest
of Mrs. Eijward L. Howe, of Riverside drlvo.
A reception will be given on Monday night In
honor of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Krauskopf at
the Alumni Uullu ig, under the auspices ot the
Slstorhood ot tho Kenosoth Israel Congregation.
Miss Eva Jacobs, of North Broad street, has
returned from Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Klein, of 2232 North
Broad street, are on their way homo from
Europe, having sailed on the Baltic on Sep
tember 9.
Miss Miriam Alexander, of Elkton, Md., Is
visiting Miss Mlldrod Hudson, of 1818 North
Park nvenue. Miss Hudson entertained James
Ellison and Dunbar Lane, of St. Goorgo's, Del.,
over Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fngley, who have been
In Atlantic City since Juno, have roturned to
their -winter home, 1SC0 North 22d atreot. Their
daughter, Miss lreno Fagley, has been with
her parents slnco her roturn from Europe tho
end of August. Mies Ellzaboth CTTapman, ot
Springfield, Mass., who spent tho Bummer
abroad with Miss Fagley, Is visiting her grand
mother, Sirs. Elizabeth C. Savory, nt Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Stuart Atwood aro
staying with Mrs. Atwood'a mothor, Mrs. John
Moran,.of 2731 North Eleventh street, for an
Indefinite period aftor spending tho past few
months at their homo In Chelsea, Atlantic
Mrs. Charles A Carey and her daughter, of
2807 Diamond street, havo returned to their
cottage In Ocean City for a fow days, where
they entertained extensively during tho summer.
Miss Martha Barter and Miss Dorothy Bnrtor,
of 2031 North Eighteenth street, havo returned
home after a short stay at the Churlclgh Inn,
StroudBburg, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall, of 1625 Diamond
street, have returned home, having spent tho
past six weeks In Atlantic Cltv.
Miss A. Edna Schmltt and Miss Marian E.
Schmltt, of 3371 Ridge avenue, pave returned
to their homo after a Ilvo weeks' visit at
hAvo returned from Capo May, whero they spent
tho month of August.
Mr. and Mrs. James O, David and family, ot
63M Magnolia nvenuo, motored from Watch
Hill, arriving homo tho tatter part of August.
Among thosa seen lunching nnd dining at
tho dermnntown Cricket Club Saturday were
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Adamson, Mr. nnd Mra.
Charles Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pass
more, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schwartz, Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Gormley and Mr. and Mrs.
O. V. Thacknra.
isBBjHBfJi ' I
FJTliallllBLIIIIBEiaBtallllllllllK Xffi
AinpgHfyl f
M'dWKBBeSBBl a mm
mtmtammitmieiimmmuammmmtMtmi mum mfiuWMimiinS
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Dnvls, Jr., of 4323
Mannyunk avenue, entertained last night In
celebration of tholr tenth wedding anniversary
Astrrn and forns formod tho decorations. Mrs.
Davis's mother, Mrs. Walter Stevenson, and
Mr. nnd Mrs. David W. Davis assisted In re
ceiving. Tho guests, who nrc members with
Mr. and Mrs. Davis In two card parties wero:
Mr. nnd Mrs. William C. Almea, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Benjamin Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. William
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Vnn Horn, Mr
nnd Mrs. Ralph Tope, Mr. and Atrs. Arthur
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson, JoJin
Struso, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pflstcrer, Mr. anil
Mrs. William Bunh, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. MIs
slmer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kenworthy, of Green
lane, who spent tho summer touring through
Europe, returned homo on Saturday. They
wero accompanied by James Stott, of 407 Gieon
lane, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydo Leabor.
Dr. nnd Mrs. William Iloldt and their fam
ily havo closed their cottage nt Stono Harbor
and have returned to their winter homo, 213
Rochello avenue, Wlssnhlckon.
Miss Jeeslo Koely, of 314 Green lane, has re
turned homo aftor spending tho season in Glou
cester, Muss.
.Mrs. Lazello Thornton nnd her family, of
Lawnton street, havo returned from Ocean
Cltj. whero they sicnt tho summer.
Mrs. Charles Erwln, of Rochello avenue,
Wlssnhlckon, Is spending several wcoks with
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Ba'.lcy, at her homo
In Washington. D. C.
With the coming of cooler weather, enter
taining nmong tho naval ofllcers and their wives
will be resumed, and, although there will be a
decided falling oft of large dances nnd dinner
parties because of the lack of men, there will
be no lack of the smaller Informal affairs.
Such Is the bridge club which met last night
at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lucius Becbo,
2320 South 21st street. vTho members Include
Lieutenant and Mrs. Guy A. Blsset, Lieutenant
Commander and Mrs. George Landonberger,
Naval Constructor nnd Mrs. A. B. Court, Lieu
tenant and Mrs. Cochrane, Commander and
Mrs. It. 8. Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton Ford, who nro
expected to return this week, havo taken a
house at 2407 South 21st street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Clark, of Moreland
nnd Cherokee avenues, will arrive this week
from Marblehead Neck, Mass., where they spent
tho summer.
Airs. E. Dlgby Bnltzell Is tho guost of Mrs.
Arthur Murtagh nt her Capo May cottage. Mrs.
Bnltzell beforo her marriage In tho spring was
Miss Lena Duhring,' of Chestnut Hill.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred J. Ball, ot 215 East Mt.
Pleasant avonue, havo closed their Cape .May
cottage and have returned to town.
Dr. and Mrs. Diddle Mnrsden, of 8311 Ger
inantown avenue, have icturned from Periuam
Ing. Mich., whero they spent the entire summer.
j Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Levy and their daughter.
Miss Dorothy Levy, of 610 North Cliveden street,
turned to their home yesterday from Europe.
Tho pnrt arrived In New York on Friday and
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Levy
at Flatbush over tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs.
Levy went nbroad early In Juno to meet their
j daughter. Miss Dorothy Levy, who had been
j In school In Switzerland during the Ian year.
I Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dlrchc, of New York,
also Joined the party early in June and spent
I tho season at Caiifebud, Germany, at which
placo they wero detained for several weeks after
tho war broke out.
Mrs. DIechez Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter C Hancock, of 3720
Chestnut street, have opened their house for
the winter. They spent tho summer motoring.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Curley, of West Phil
adelphia, aro receiving congratulations upon
tho birth of a daughtor, Helen Ellznbeth Cur
ley, Thursday, September 10. This Is their
second child, as they have a young son, Neville
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira D. Gnrman, of 216 South
46th street, who aftor vlaltlng In Chicago spent
tho late summer In Cholsea, have returned
Mrs. A. N. Hamilton and her daughters, ot
600 South 49th stroot, aro entertaining Miss
Louise Talor, of Washington, as their guest.
Miss Ethel Lelnau, of 4216 Spruce street, will
not return to her home until tho first of Oc
tober. Sho Is at present at the Lawn Housn
In Rlvorton and has as her guest Miss Mildred
Whaley, of New York.
Judge and Mrs. Utloy E. Crane huo closed
their house nt Chelsea and returned to Hamp
ton Court for the winter.
Miss Mary MoArdle, of 4210 Parkslde nvenue,
returned on Saturday from u trip to Cobough,
Can.; while there bha was the guest of
Mrs. Frank Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Cameron Buinsldo have
taken apartments at 42d and Spruce streets fo
the winter. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Iouls C. Madeira, of School
House lane, havo returned to their home, having
spent the bummer at North East Harbor, .Me.
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Ross, accompanied bv
Miss Theodoiu Ross, hae leturned from
Chilstmas Uovi, Me., where they spent the
summer They aro occupying their new homo
at Wlssahlckon avenue and I'psnl btreet
Mr. William R. Berry, who haa been la -Munich
during the war period. Is now at Tho Hague,
and will boon sail for home.
Professor Charles C. Heyl has returned homo
In safety nfter an eventful trip through Europe,
Friend a of Mr Heyl were particularly .uixlqiw
for his speedy return, for his work: tu. vr.nclpa)
of the Wast Philadelphia High School fci- Bays
begins immediately. Mr Hoyl traveled through
France. Italy and Germany after war was do.
Mrs, Edward Troth, who has spent tho sum.
mer In Europe and, with others, was marooned
III tha war zone, Is expected to return to her
home, 31U Pfiin street.
Miss Catherine Cooper Cassard has returned
from Cape May, whero she was the guest of
Miss Edith Wilson nt her cottage. .Miss Paj.
snrd will leao Thursday for Hartford, Conn,
tn be the guest of Mlbs Helen IVaso for the
remainder of tho month.
Pr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Brown, Jr. havo
returned from Europe ana aro nt presont stay.
Ing with Doctor Brown's father and mother.
Mr. and Mrs Henrj P. irovn. at tjb Yet
Upsal street.
Mlsa Frances Stokes has returned frojrj N3r.
ragansett Pier, whero she spent several weli3
this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunning Drlpps. havs
closed their Cape May cottago and. with their
two children, hae returned, to 6JGJ Yayn
Tha Rev. and Mrs. Henry W. Frot s.nd their
family, of 335 West School House Un, h
opened their house, having spent the entire
bummer at Northfleld. Mass.
yr. and Mr. Jolm Blakely, of 2803 Queen lane,
Will appear in "The Revolt," at the Adelphi
next week.
John Maeon in Tense Melodrama That
Makes One Content With Being
Humble and Honest and Free of a
Put an Apache in evening clothes and ho will
still remnln an Apache. Tho lanie thing ap
plies to Pntagonlans, white Eskimo" and Mex
ican bandits, Clothes do not mnWo tho man,
nor Bellevue-Stratford settings niter inherent
table mnnners
Elegantly staged, luxuriously upholstered, pre
sented by an excellent cast, Owen Davis' play.
"Drugged," which opened nt the Broud Street
Theatre last night, with John Mapon in the
title role, nevertheless remnlns unadulteinted
melodrama of the old-fnfchiotied established
typo, a bit more polished, more teehnlcnlly and
tersely constructed, but thillling, horrifying
and halr-rnlslng as of old.
Young John Dexter, ucted by Frnnk Thomas,
Is clicking off a telegraphic message In code to
beautiful Sylvia Cragen Nnn Campbell as the
curtain rises upon the magnificent Interior of
the homo ot the great John Dexter, railroad
magnate, candidate for Congress, rejected citi
zen. Young Dexter uses the telfgrnphlc devlco
to tell Sylvia he loves her, and, as one desires,
they fall Into each other's aims. An auspicious
opening. Enter John Dexter, consummately por
trayed by John Mason, who npproves of the
match, although with obvious restraint. Next
enter Mrs. Dexter, tall, grim, with touches of
tragic green In hr uostumo, who stalks across
the room llko a haunted Electra. W see Mis.
Doxter's faoo Is ashen. 1 r eyes wild and heavily
ringed. Sho trembles violently When she henrs
of the betrothal she insists upon speaking t, tho
girl nlone sho was the girl's mother's dearest
friend; she loves her son. By these cryptio
statements we know there's a skeleton dangling
somewhere about In that tapestried, wrll-but-lored
establishment. Amelia Gardner, as the
morphine-obsessed wife, terilfled by her hus
band's hidden past, create.i th necessary
psychlo atmosphere of trngedv and looming
disaster. Despite her warnings, the girl do-
Wedding at Her Father's Home This
Evening tn lie Noteworthy Social
The wedding of Miss Gemma Abkaaoff
d'Auria and Dr. Percy Hazen Houston will
take place tonight nt G o'clock, at the homo ot
the bride Miss d'Auria is tho daughter of cldes she will continue to love and to marry
Captain and Mrs. Lulgl d'Auria, of 203 St.
Mark's Saunre, nnd a granddaughter of Brlg
ndlor Gcneial Robert, who Is tho author of
Ilobcrt'H "Rules of Order on Parliamentary
Law." Doctor Houston Is professor of litera
ture In tho I'nivorslty of Texas.
Miss d'Auria, who will bo given In mnrrlag.i
by her father, will wear a gown of soft whlto
satin, made with n llounco and overdress ot
duchess lace. Tho bodice Is finished at tho
neck and bloeves with duchess lace, and Is
ornnmented with peails. Her veil will be made
of tulle, eUed with pearls, and will bo ar
ranged on hei hair under a tiny cap of duchess
lace, which will bo fastened with diamonds
uml pearls. Sho will carry a bouquet of llliis
of the valley and bride roses.
Mtss Helen Robert d'Auria, a bister of tha
bride, will not ns maid of honor; she will wear
a btunnlug frook of palo blue taffeta, heavily
embroidered in pgarls, and will cairy tea roses.
Tho little llowor girls will be Miss I'rlscllla
Aldon Rulgravo and Miss Corlnno Rest Tenner
Fowler, they will wear whlto net frocks, mid
will cany small baskots of whlto anil pink
ronebuiU Doctor Houston will bo attended by
DoWitt Clinton Redgrave. Jr., as beat man.
Th ceremony, which will be performed by
th Rev lr. Georgo Hooper Ferris, pastor of
ih- First naptist Church, will bo folhmed by
.i laice reciptluii, after which tho bride and
bridesioom will leave for a wedding trip They
will Ilvo In Austin, Te.as. Tho brlu of today
has achieved groat merit as a dancer of tho
Jack whatever tides, whereupon wo llko that
Then follow, thick and fast, complications
after the established melodrnma recipe Elevn
thousand dollars of railroad money are stolen
from thu safe In the Dexter homo. Evidence
points to young Dexter as tho thief, and so tho
railroad detective. Tom Lane, appears, demand
ing a warrant for young Doxtor's arrest. Young
Dextor Is eventually arrested nnd Sylvia weeps
real tears. Appear tho villain. Doctor Malone,
slinking, sinister, with face like putty, and fur
tlvo eves. This Doctor Mnlono ha.s boen feed
ing Mrs Dexter upon morphine; lie has also
been placing servants In the Dexttrr hounehuld
He pursues John Dexter for homo mysteriuuM
reason; wo know, and everybody knows, that
he knows inoro thnn he tells he knows John
Flood, as Doctor Malone, is consummately suc
cessful in winning ovcry ono'a suspicion and
contempt. Pretty soon wo loam ho has stolon
the I11.00Q while Mrs. Dexter was unconscious
from drugs. A maid. Laura, placed In the
household bv Malono a.s 4 spy. is accused or
(onnlving tu the theft, and 10 nve herself de
nounces the great John Dexter for what he, U
an escaped convict, ihargid with murder, tho
notorious Jim McOarrln. She tt-lla all slid
knows. A respected citizen and i-u- meU can
didate tn Congiesa a moment before, the exeat
John Dexter breaks down under the exposure.
Ho knew tha hour had to come. He groans
while the curtain Uropfi.
esthetic. She appeared last winter In several j nreathless, eager, w nxt rind ourselves
donees at u number of churitablo affairs
Guests will utteml tho wedding from New
Yoik. Baltimore und Boston N'otable unvmi;
them will bo Brigadier GcnaraJ Robert and
Commander Redgrave, I". S. X, tho former
Grandfather arte) the latter an undo ut the
The inarilaae of ilua Marian Svvope daugh
ter of Mr. and 11m Aloxonder Swops, of Hi
viewing the abode of the balt-t'ul Doctor Ma
lone Dawson, tho I'exter butler mid Malotic a
henchman, prowls about, Jerkv, blinking. aUo
obsessed by tho morphine fiend. Suddenly tho
doe-i la burst open John luxter. otherwise thu
fearsome Jim McOarrtty. win, had boen
aj rusted ana U broken from custody,
arrives Ho givos Pawaun a few Jiu-jitsu
tmsts of tho wrist, and learns that Msiono had
kifrtn .in inrrtnttt a Ri Itintntin naJaMH ..
f. n.,- I.,.. .i !. t ,-.. """ "" " " '' " "" Hro
rr.. :rzz :,.;; rr ',,?.':.... " h p mia8
-... w-.- -- ........ . -w huiU, III l)e
bom at tu bride Owing to tho recent death '
of Thomas 'tower, a bjotlicr of tb bride
groom, only urn lrnrae4tat famines of tha
brWgroum awl bride will bs present Tim
ceremony villi tab, laco at ? o'clocH. after
which the jroun couple will leave 00 a short
POTT8VH.I.K, Vi. ttept 15 -S JJUton Evans.
a oun busmen man of this plac. and J)l3
Marion A Hlwls. mce of the late W J
Wttltehause, formr Republican county chair,
mu of tkhuyMUll, ueie married today, the
lereuMMiy bring perforin! by the R yy
lU!r, rector of Trlnlt Episcopal yuw Bjther
uventi car,s before and Knew the hoy Dexter
had been convicted ot murdering. Tha itu
ution that follows i- guarantied to tahe your
breath- Doctor Ji.,i.,ue enters. A revolver ts
flashed. Psspir4i' nM. potior Malono U
overcome. Uut look, watch, am' Into a
drawer on the side of the desk where he situ
oppugns tho triumphant UcQarrity. Malona
opens and ernptie a bottle of chloroform
Uestei rises. eniflli'S the air. In a Sash Malona
i upon bus with m sag saturated with tho
drug They r to and fr. th gag tt John
I Hater's mouth Evil vtlus John succumbs
Matone and Paugon lush him to a chair and
gunerouM), feed tui more chloroform Now
ADEI,PHt "Help Wanted,' comedy drama,
bearing a ''stop, look and listen" warning to
joung women venturing Into the danger
world of modern business.
BUOAD "Drugged," melodrama by Owen Da
vis, starring John Mason. Review below.
blrla," ono of tho most spectacular moving
picture drnmns over presented, showing a
ratnclvsmlo volcnnlo eruption, the destruc
tlon of a city nnd tho nnnlhllntloti of n fleet
at sen.
FORtlEHT "Zicgfcld Follies." Mirth for the
(JARIUOK "Allele," French operetta, charm
ingly romantic, with enthralling miislo nnd
Inoslstlblo Peggy Wood.
WALNUT "Siberia," thrilling rui It wan 81
year.s ngo, depicting the ter-r-r-lblo ndven
tiires and crue-o-l sufferings of two girls In
known. While Malono and Dnno nro nt each
other's throats, nnd Dawson In tlngallnntly
si fling fair Svlvln's screams, John, wheeling
about In tho revolving chnlr In which he Is
prisoned, by a strategic movo grasps a re
V, Ivor Iving on tho desk. A renl lamp Is
htnnsheil. Bang! Doctor Malono is shot.
All ends well. Dawson, tho tool of the villain, la
I liidiued by Laura, with whom ho Is In love, to
mnrcss that ho and Malono stole tho $11,000 and
to Jail. Sho Will wait for him, the says. Ma
I'.ne, wotintletl to death, having escaped from
1 la hou.o by Dawson's aid, In captured and
ii ought to tho Dexter home. At tho very mo
ment John Dexter, In handcuffs, Is about to be
t.iKen back to St. Queiilln. tho dying Malono,
In n marvslously simulated delirium, con
fesses that ho, and not Dexter, formerly Mo
Onrrlty, killed tho Cingon boy. Young Jnck
I and Svtvla embrace John assumes a fond
poKture over his wife Sho him promised to
fight and conquer tho demon morphtno,
An admirable thrillor. As a melodrama, a
high-watermark success. An Apache in even
ing clothes, so far ns plays are concerned. But
11 accomplishes what much high-brow nnd
hlghfalutln" problem drama falls to do. It
Interests, grips, holds.
Miniature Comedy at Kcith'6
Ladles and gentlemen 1 Lot us present to
you tho established favorltes-tho titled ad
venturer, the winsome American heiress, tho
rugged boy from the West Jilted for the baron,
the Spanish Carmen Jilted by tho baron and
carrying a dagger and red rose.' You know
them nil, and like them all, but they have
novei appeared In rt more charming setting
than in U. A. Rolfe's mlnlaturo musical com
edy, "The Bride Shop." which opened yester
day ut B. F. Keiths Theatre. 'Pll known as
our friends may be, they are precipitated Into
complications nil the more original nnd exclt
lug for their swiftness and brevity. The dim
Inutlve drama transpires In a lingerie shop,
whero a bovy of fair maids appear, each exhib
iting parts of tho sheer lacy and tantallzlngly
tempting trousseau of the bride. To tho satis
faction of all concerned, the adventurer is un
masked and true lovo finds its own Andrew
Tombes, ns Billy Copo. rejected by the heiress
for tho baron, is n comedlnu whoso drollery
will make you forget tho Increasing cost of
living. His .song exposition of life in Spain,
where your sweetheart appears at a casement
while you make love from tho basement, should
compose you to vvhatovcr may be your local
romantic lot. -The Two Hollanders." Chretl
enno and Loulsette. are remarkable in their
Impersonations of various notional dances and
songs. A good, thoroughly satisfactory variety
of entertainment, with Julia Curtis Imitating
a violin, and various comedy stars ns animals
with her voice; the Lelghtons dolm.- W.i,oii 1-
ragtlme, and Blossom S.-eley ragging It in
amusing, if sometimes rasping, songs.
Matrimonial CompIiVations
Mooro and Elliott, in "A Matrimonial Substi
tute. ' head tho bill nt Loew-s new, pretty and
commodious Knickerbocker Theatre for the next
three days. Their act moro than makes good
tho management's promise of a policy to glva
tho vaudeville public an amusing and snappy
program. The snap nnd the fun are right
thoro In this akotch. A faint-hearted brlde-groom-to.bo
loses his nervo just beforo the
ceremony. So ho sends tho lady of his choice
a few lines to the general effect that he thinks
she'd make .1 mistake to many him as he
doesn't quite till the specifications of a hus
band for such as she, but that he's sending n
Mend who will. At this fateful moment a
gontloman whose real Job Is selling baby grand
Pianos arrives Bef0,e he quite knows how
It all happens ho has a now Job-that of hus
band for tho Jilted lady. Hn must land that
piano sale anyway. So he takes the chance
as would almost any man with es In hie
head, when the lady Jilted happens to bo Flor
ence Elliott Oeorgo Moore, as the piano sales
man, is on tho Job with l.ia usual vim. These
clever nnd popular performers have never had
a better vohlcle, and they make tv.ry line tell.
Uut George, as a salesman, would certainly
havo to hustle to keep up with Florence El
liott's dressmaker's bills.
m titers JS" 1 -j I
loews ivnickerbocker
'1 rk" Ainu 40th S
J' f It tn 1 ,.1 t 1 , J
I1' 1 M Tl. 1,1. 1 -
GeorRe Moore & Elliott Florence
IN Vt I ( VI. N M M hi-rill SI.V
'otitlli u , ! 1
Hattf njii-
'- -..-.. . in-ill - VP4- i'rtHJU l
I'i p I ri
'"'.. .r"' wi Kvn, 8 19
m Ut and Wii ,
J M it HfHt MuuU l lui
Ii 1 m t i rrt)trits
'" drugged rjcr
CHESTJffiX,FfiEETE;ii.tsi -
Voril (.lett'tai I'hoto fciHiitaMo
CABIRIA w,i2ni:--jA
Eniragerxit.rt 1J 4lttelv 1:1 Katur.fi
-rj. m jitiiutw iu
FeDtemhr tla
IS KV KnitiK 10. VS. 6ft.
Oi0td, or Ilaltlmor... wm bri4ea3UJ, and ' tn r cholosleal moment. Torn lna, de.
AUander limits, of Hhlhidelphia, bes$ g,
l.RUYt-111 HM
LANOASTUR. Pa. Sept tB.-Tha rtev Fred
erfck M B. Urov. pastor of th Ueforwed
Church at Spring City Laucaster County, was
iiiinUd here to,!a in Mis Susan, daughter
f k'hiiUn l". Hubir ,,f Lancaster The brnl.
l.i. "ii vas ia.Unt,il 111 .M i frnn the Lam i
t, r L loitned rbeoluk tl swrnlnnry The bri le
va 0. Lancaster tchuul teacher,
U,liV0. arrlv itb Sjlvia John, hidden with
a blanket, la aid to tm an injured jmtlent. The
two. uiugp?ctli)e h captured man's Identity,
are about to ltv whn John nxtr, cowing
to despite a pint or so of chloroform, tapn a.
tel'iaplie iik.-mki' nn the arm of the hair
10 tth'ih his arms are lashed, with a heavy
ring on bu baser, and thus, make himlf
STANLEY fcw".'. JwkUndona
it to u "An Odyssey of the North"
Ne1 ei, Uar Pltkfori sli'H A LITTLH Qt'KB.V.
Ci.oilug. v.i ', tAl'llVi;lJK i.JHI JK OZ '
Williosi 4l l".lltv 'I ! hp III Mujte
f?j-iluv I Qudt-vtlU ' It hnIK s Tb Rriii
Hhcti HUitfuuiu .! f v i Holiirir Jgll;k
t uriU. Itiitiv i -alt in nn n 1 ' h. r H n J--atuir
Kxt Wwk Mr & Mic Vrr. n i' - 1 h inlv
GARRICK Last 2 Weeks :.; Z
25?rfc, " A D E L E" ",'""r
tvinli ' i -lJ 14 w fork
Forrest-Last 2 Weeks '.'! J; M
Today 216. T aol 9 tur
:fil A
$ ffil'J
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1. Mm
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Lurrain, tski, & i'awnli.:
,,j.( jam HuIiub pio;
,jr.Jf,tsT ""THKI.g
nn Kin .. j, wmtiFhM fkL.ttAi-iiV
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Casino xuAasvb