EESS2SMH :.ST f4 ' i-.njrj' jJ 1 i .m Tr"-fo-"-"'-i''rt xr nj-a-v ,. :x--JMI.-JI i). - y- .I'ffl-ys" t , '' t EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TtJESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 1914. f r M GERMANS VIOLATED ! KEYSTONE ELEVATOR ALL RULES OF WAR, i COMPANY MUST PAY BELGIANS CHARGE English Parliament Investi gates Numerous and Grave Atrocities Alleged in Sec ond Report. LONDON. Sept. 15. New charges against the German troops which Invaded Belgium were mads public hero today by tho Belgian legation In the second detailed report of atrocities, that tho commission, now In America, will rail to tho attention of President Wilson. The report of the commission which Investigated tho al leged atrocities, nfter citing numerous outrages nt Louvnln and elsewhere, makes the following; conclusions! "That the occupation of any town by Germans was systematically accompa nied by acts of violence against the civil population contrary to both the usages of war and the most elementary princi ples of humanity. "Tho procedure everywhere was the amo. The Germans, advancing along the road?, oluit Inoffensive pnsscrs-by and peasants working In the Held". They re quisitioned food In the villages They continued to consume nil lliiunr t be obtained until they became Intoxicated and then followed fire, murder, pillage and deliberate cruelt'cs against the inhabi tants, without respect for ago or sex. "From several placed the male popula tion was sent to Germany to work In the harvest fields. The women, left alone and unprotected, weie then ordered to return to yielr hnu0!. hut to leave tho doors open th- iicl.tut the night. "Num rous Itnvssps have declared that tlio GeimnnF. when attacking a town, placed c.x ilian men ind Women In th front rank. They used white flags and Tied Cross flags for the purpon of being nblo to approach our troops with Impun ity; fired on our ambulances and maltreat fd und oven killed wounded. There Is also nhsolut" evidence of the use ol dum dum bullets. Anions numerous d tails the commis sion reports "Tho German army entered t.nuvaln August 19. h.ivin.i burned vlllnsos through which they p.isied The burst In the doors of untenanted houses, nlll.-ti.-od and committed other excesses. The Mavor of tho cltv, tho .'e rector of the univer sity and a number of other nonble. In cluding a member of the Senate, were seised as hostages. All of the we.ipons of the residents of the city had previous ly been turned over to ih municipal authorities. Fire raged In Louvaln th.'c days. "At ITofstade the Ttetglnn found the corpse of an old woman who hud been stabbed to death with tnyonet Nearby lay the body of a 15-year-old hoy. his body pierced In many places. The corpse of a non-combatant was found hinging In a tree. i "Belgian Red Cross worker", wounded I Belgian soldiers and priests were mil- ! treated. It seemed as though the Oer- , nnns picked out the clergymen partlcu- i larly for their brutnt acts. I "At Kmael the bodl-s of two men. j partly burned, st" found One wltn I says be aw nn old man tied up to the i rafters of a farmhouse near Malines. The " Vf.T'r. h-A 'heja been burned but the head, arms and were untouched hv tire. 'Numerous corpses of peasant" lav upon the ground in positions of supplication. "At Wackerzell seven Geiman soldier mistreated a woman and then kdled hr. At Buecken many Inhabitants weie killed. Including an octogenarian ptiest. Near Wolverth the Germans picked up two wounded Ttolsinn soldiers and threw them Into a burning house. "Witnesses counted "" corpses along the road from Termmde to Louvnln. which the German nimy had traversed. "Occupation of any community Was systematically accompanied by violence against the civilian population." LONDON'. pPpt. 1.1 Premier -t-iqnlth iitirniir.ol In the' House of f'ommons this afternoon that ' the Government I.t.1 betrun forma! sfps 10 investigate tii" . Im:c of G. rman atrocities In IVIglum $12,000 REBATE FINE Plea of Not Guilty With drawn on Four Counts and Penalties Imposed On Grain Men and P. R. R. Government prosecution of tho Penn sylvania Railroad and tho Keystone Ele vator nnd Warehousa Company on charges of rebating took an unex pected turn today, when Judge Dick inson, In tho t'nltcd States District Court, permitted tho defendants to reverse their pleas of not guilty to four counts of one of tho Indictments against them. Ho Im posed fines ot $1000 on each of the three defendants on ovqry one of the four counts. The fines totaled fl2,O00. Thus there was ended one of tho most sensa tional rebate trials in tho history of Jho Philadelphia grain trade. Tho three defendants Harvey C. Miller and John V. MrLnughlln, of the grain Sum of 1. !'. .t.llrr .4 Co.. and the Penn sylvania llallriud were charged, In In dictment known as No. 41), with giving and collecting less freightage than stip ulated to be collected for the hauling of grain by til law governing Interstate commerce. Miller and McLaughlin, in addition to being connected with the grain firm of 1.. F. Miller & Sons, at 3th street and Indiana aenue. were president and superintendent icspoctivel. of tho Key rtono U'evator and Warehouse Company. ' Which was the leased property of the Pennsylvania Railroad. According to the G v rnment's conten tion the scheme of the allowance and acceptance of rebates wis. In effect, that when a carload of gtaln came into tho elevator from the West n false state ment of tho weight of the grain wai given and tho railroad held llnblo for the shortage. The defendants explained that the shortage in tho weight was not tiue to any falsity, but to the leakage ot the grain from the oars In transit. The charges in the counts to which the defendants pleaded guilty Involved the legal construction to be placed upon the pi luted tariffs of the Interstate Commerce Commission. As to alt other counts In Indictment No. 49 and upon the sK other indictments nuatnst them and the Keystone Elevator and Warehouse Compan. the Govern ment naret d that they all should be nolle prossed. Atter a i weeks' trial last June and July the lurv failed to agree upon a ver dict and was discharged. It was expected Uiit the case would again be tried this month. ItWmMmMimSm C&Y m- m. JMm Iff ; "v i F"n ' "" X1 H XlmW fiWWt&KKilA-KS.i 1 i i I i JMtaUHilMiMii II ' full BERLIN DISTRUSTS WAR OFFICE DENIAL OF ALLIES' VICTORY FIRST-PRIZE WINNER AT "INFANT EFFICIENCY" SHOW John Mullin, 14 months old, picked his mother from a throng, played games and won honors ot Woman's Hospital contest. STORIES OF ADVENTURE FROM THE SCENE OF WAR FRENCH OFFICER SHOT AS TRAITOR TO COUNTRY Wife Wn German-born, Reported Cause of His Conduct at Namur. NEW YORK. Sept. 15. Aceordlnc to a story relnted here today by Ralph Dewey, an American merchant of 5il Fifth ave nue, who has lived in Paris IS years. General Percin, of the French army, was sentenced to death and shot following Percin's conviction before a field court martial on chatses of being a traitor. Reports have rc-aehed this country that h was killed by another French officer because the alleged traitor had surren dered Xaimir to the Germans without a uood fight, but no confirmation of the Incident has been received except Mr. l.-wey"s assertion. Mr. Dewey said Percin commanded about 60,flii0 troops and had lecelvecl or ders to rush to the re!tf of the British Belgian forces operating m-ar Namur, but the Frenchman did not obey them. It was brought out at General Percin's trial that he was married to a German woman," said Mr. Dewey, "that he was a member of a secret society which is fctrontf in Germany, and that he had fre iiuertly visited that country. When .inestioned as to why he had not obt ypd his orders he made a trivial ex. use. and he was sentenced to death and ahot within an hour " CAMDEN TAX BOARD ADDS .m TO UTILITY ASSESSMENT Total Increased to S01,87D on Hold ings In That County. The Camden County Rourl of Taxation today sent letters to the fumden Hoard of City Assessors nntlfwiu thmi that the assessment u on utility cumpaults have ben Increased to .i total of .V 1 . 7,, About sis weeks ago the Hoard of Taxation mndo a request to the utll!t eompauies that they make- statements lmin the nature and amount of propeity under their control; this request wa ignored and' the present Increase of .issc-.-,-!! nt Is a direct result of their failure , ,,m ply with the request. The companies may file uppealu to the der-ln uii m,tjl Decembfi IS. The effects of this ineren-o on some of the larger companies follows: Form, i sw meni n nt p , Camden n4 Suburban lUUroad 2il mi.. t-4.i ,,, -,,, Fame i.Vi.Ouii ".'i .in FtiKktun Wiittr i'o.. . i'lii.'Jui V4tsv 5i Fouth Jersey 0 anl Kleetrie Tiaetlon fo . Il.loo ',ni jm, Same ion iirr.ri- "p.-r- 4tfil by "uMi er I 'arporatloni S.I1.T" -HT 125 Bo Drtawur snrt At hihi Ttlenbon av I 'IV o- Krapti Co iBc'li '.mitiKi ivioi'ii gn T;aktrn Tsehen an 1 Telegraph iKetonn s -', 05 400 DESERT AUSTRIAN ARMY Reported to Have Joined Movement 1 Against Serejevo. CHTTINjn, Sept H It Is stated here that Lieuteaut Llncoff, an Austrian ofllcer. and 400 Austrian Slavs have deserted from the Austrian arm and volunteeied for service with the combined Servian-Montenegrin armies which are moving against Seiejevo. ARRESTED FOR SHOOTING The proposal by the Ilrltish to wear whlto In memory of the gallant dead means the revival of nn old custom. Until five centuries ago whlto was tho accepted mourning color In Curope, nnd Anne, Queen of Charles II of France, who In 1135 dressed In black on her husband's death, seems to have been tho originator of what Is now tho general custom. An incident ot the German rout comes from a tourist agency where great de llcht is expressed at a recaptured "rub berneck" wagon which was accustomed throughout the summer to carry Ameri can lsltors around the city to the Bols, suburbs nnd rnce courses. Requisitioned for tho transport of troops, Its driver a famllinr figure In tho Place do 1'Opera, who was nicknamed Cent Kilos because he Is barely five feet tall managed to avoid capture when the machine wai seleyd by the Germans near Complegne. Since then he has accompa nied the French forces disconsolate, but was over.oed on Friday to discover that his beloved wnson had been abandoned near Moauw It Is still Intact, though bat tered and riddled by bullets. "One of the most vencrablo ikons in Russia, representing n vision of the Virsln to the Russian Saint Serglus Radonejsky at the time of the overthrow -ins of tiie Tartar Yoke, has arrived from Moscow at tho headquarters of the Grand Duke Xlcholnevltch nt the front. It was received by the Grand Duke and his staff and a procession of clergy. "This Ikon has accompanied the Rus sian armies since the time of Alexis, father of I'eter the Great." Territorials are largely temperance men; the old service recruit got blind drunk as a way of celebiating Ills enlist ment. Votir "torrlor" drinks ginger boor or lemonade and has a sneaking pen chant for chocolate. What they ate In 1S70 dining the slego of I'arls Is of Interest at the present junc ture. Hlephant soup took tho place of turtle, kangaroos, and bears were In the entree division, whllo stuffed donkey's head was considered a delicacy. I-ator roast wolf nnd toast cat garnished with rats were not despised. Altogether a cull nary regime moie curious than appetiz ing. Indignant advertisements "Wanted, petticoats for ull able-bodied men" is a fair example are appearing In tho agony columns of tho English papers. But the fact is that recruiting Is progressing wonderfully. The news of the ttrst big buttle Kroatly stimulated it. men Hocked to Scotland Yard to enlist. The record reciuiting day. so far. was Tuesday, Sep tember 1, when 5000 enlisted. The olllcers are much plsed with the kind of ma terial that is coming In. Ixrd Portsmouth recently visited the ! French Empress Eugenie at her homo , In Hampshire. Ho found the illustrious lady full of courage nnd devotion to the , French cause. In explaining her failure to treat her guest as she would have de-kin-d. the Empress said. j "I cannot give you dinner because , most of tho men of my kitchen have gene to war." A correspondent In Franco describes an Incident at Havro when tho U. S. S. Tennessee lay In the harbor und a Brit ish transport with her decks thronged with soldiers pnssed her. The American bnttlcshlp dipped the Stars and Stripes and suddenly the British Tommies broke Into "Rule Britannia." Then says the correspondent the most nmazlng thing happened. I heard It, thrilled. Tho gal lant American sailors took up the roll ing chorus, "Rule Url tannin! Britannia rules the waves, Britons never, never, never shall bo slaves." It was the most perfect net of brother llness which I have ever witnessed. A report from Paris says that some of tho French soldiers have discovered that the Germans aro very unwilling to face the black troops from Senegal. Taking ndvantngc of this fact they have care fully blacked their faces with burnt cork before charging tho enemy. This, ndded to the horrible yells to which they glvo vent, seems to have had considerable ef fect. On ono occasion a body of Ger mans simply turned tall and fled like rabbits when they saw these Christy minstrel Senegalese charging them. This Is a story of a soldier who took part In defense of Mnubeuge: "The Germans commenced tho attack on August 2.). On September 1 a shell fell on the fort and exploded In the com mander's room. Ho then led us Into tho entrance of the tower, which was brought down two hours later. Wo could hardly breathe in this stuffy little corridor and thought that our last minute had ar rived. "AH of us, even the most optimistic, prayed on bended knee. When tilings became a little calmer the commander told us to save ourselves the best wny we could. Ho advised us to change our military uniforms for civilian clothes If possible. This most of us did at neigh boring farms. For several days we hid in tho woods nil of the time, knowing that we were being tracked like stags. Four or five nights pnssed without sleep and we only ato wild pears. Later, how ever, I managed to escape to Roubnlx, tired out, famished." A wounded Scots Grey in London said: "The mlstako the Germans make Is in nfcMiming you can go on forever without noticing your butcher's. Some of those days the German machine will break down because tho men directing It make no allowance for the limitations of flesh and blood." A veteran of tho South African War said of tho fighting In France: "Tho Boer War was a game of skit tles to this. The Germans came In mnsses. It was llko shooting rabbits, only as soon as you bbot one another came up In his place." The German strategy ot concentrating artillery fire on one point for consider able time had a terrible, effect on the lien os of some soldiers. The din and 1 olse and scrruchlng of shells lu ter rible. Many of the men stuff their ears with cotton wool and tear up hand kerchiefs for the bame purpose. Crowds Gather on Streets, Demanding the Truth. Whispers of Socialist Up rising in Interior of Ger many, i LONDON, Sept. 15. Gloom prevails throughout Germany In spite of tho German War Ofllco's denial that tho Invasion of Franco has been checked, according to dispatches received here, Excitement ovor report, of Ger man defeats persist and In Borlln peoplo aro congregating on tho streets, demand ing to know the truth. In Munich nows papor offices are besieged. Advises from Berlin admit repulses at some points owing to tho preponderance of the nlllcs' forces, but declares that these at the most aro but partial victories, not hindering tho general German ad vance, It declares that the bnttlo In Franco was without decision up Ull Mon day night. The Government Is making publlo only some of tho losses and the newspapers aro carrying only a small percentage of even tho official lists, Thero Is declared to bo grave discontent becauso tho Government has failed to make any provision for tho unemployed. Business generally Is at a standstill and'tho loading Socialist news papers are complaining because tho Gov ernment Is employing prisoners on road work Instead of hiring German unem ployed. Sotno of the reports received from Inte rior Germany say that already thero are whispers of an uprising by the Socialists, who feel that the country has been de ceived bv the Knlser. Theso reports, how- ever, are extremely vague and Impossible of verification. Letters to tho Dally Telegrnph from Its correspondent nt Stockholm say that Ber lin has undergone startling changes In the last two weeks. Tho singing, shout ing, enthusiastic mob that thronged the streets a fortnight ago has divided Into hundreds of little groups that stand nbout discussing news ot tho day In low voices. The stream ot humanity that nightly coursed up nnd down I'nter den Linden has thinned. It has lost Its bolsterous ness. Landsturm call to colors has drawn heavily on tho male population in Ber lin. Women All beer garden now, with a sprinkling of older men and, hero and there, soldiers in grny carrying arms In slings. Confidence was the spirit of all two weeks ago; today It Is doubt. $5,000,000 FUND FOfjj NEEDY Methodist Ministers Finn Relief for Aged, Sick and Dependent. CHICAGO, Sept 15. A plan to ralso a fund of 6,000,000 for aged and sick Metho dist minister and their dependents tvas outlined here today at tho Methodist ministers meeting by J. C. Itlngcly, cor responding secretary of tho board of conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the World. A committee was appointed to further the suggestion. Methodist clergymen hero were much Interested when told today of the Chi cago plan. Thoy gavo It their Indorse ment nt tho last annual meeting of the Philadelphia Conference, The Rev. Dr. Frank P. rnrkln, a dis trict superintendent, said church peoplo wora beginning to believe that the men Who gavo their lives, nfter spending much time and money for education, to the causa of Christianity, wero deserving of as much consideration as policemen, fire men, soldiers, sailors nnd others when old and unablo to work. According to tho plan of Dr. Hlngcly, Philadelphia clorgymen unable to work, or those dependent on them for support, would receive $10 pension annually for each year the minister had been In nctlvo pastoral work. Between SO and 100 per sons In the conferonco would benefit. ROAKS GIVE WAR AS REASON WHY RATES SHOULD BE RAISED Officials o f and Other Pennsylvania Lines Ask Commerce Commission to Reopen Case. CANADA BECOMES FERTILE FIELD FOR AMERICAN EXPORTS Interdiction of Austro-Ger-man Wars and Stoppage of European Trade Creates Receptive Market. 5 per MAYOR BLANKENBURG HOME AND READY FOR WORK $1000 TOWARD RELIEF FUND FOR PALESTINE Contributions at Meeting Addressed by Brnndeis and Doctor l,evia. An appeal for aid for about "joo jw scattered throughout the JSionUt eoumtoa in I'Bicniuio uuu n arc now sunTerinif privation as a re.ult of the K jropean war was made by Louis It. Brundois lawyer and publicist of Boston, and Dr" Shimriyuha Levin, a former member of the Douma and would-rnu.wn. d Jewljh Nationalist leader, at a meeting last nht tn Musical Fund Hull. The meeting nr held under tho auspices of th Konit Federation. Jt was explained that because of the war In Europe tha material support that Jews In Palestine hitherto had received from their brethren in all paru of Europehas ben tut off. it S tho purpose of the Zionist Federation to col lect a fund of JIGO.GOO in th luUntry for the relief of the destitute- in PuUg. tine. Contributions of 10"0 were received at last night's meeting. In addition to the two speakers brought here, In Suhj, mon Soils-Cohen, of this city, made a address. FIND MISSING PHILADELPHIA ATLANTIC CITY, N J., Sept 15 -Jacob Llchteustein, 72 earg old, a wealthy I'hll adelpbla.11. who UiMppeared from t home ot bin tons lure uiih jl laie sum of money In hia pof.-nni .mj ,, n was feared, had n-et wit", f- il i' d 14 been found Jn, Ynunrrstown I Utives of the a,ed wanderer left today 10 him home. Negro Butler Says He Fired nt Sup posed Burglar. Shot flrd at a supposed burglar early today, from an upner window in the home of J. C Xohllt, a retired bulnn.s man. ' 610 Bbt M-j mt PUasant ovenue, Herman- ' town, lesulii'd in the arrnt of I'larenm j Ooldcn. -j old, a negro who is but- ' ler for th NoblitK. Golden wa nrraign.d ' In tho (iermantonn iu,iu station, ai.'l ! held in .' bail for court charged with ivtilena shooting. The police aaid the man really shot at a dog. I(n said his employer vim In Conton, and he with hN uite had been left In rharg of tho p!ao. Early thU morning, he Mild, ho noticed a fusplcioua looking figure tr l!n about the houno. "It did not look like a dug," the butler stated, "and when t c,il!ed it disappeared. When I saw It agaii. I tiri'd tlmpn " Effort are being made to communicate with Mi. Nob'it In ordr to receive o0. den's release. MAN ENTERS WI?ONG HOUSE Arrested When He Mistakes Neigh bors Place as His Own, William Wat-rlrger, JUS Dover street, an employe of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, entered the housu of I a neighbor today thinking it uaa his own, and was arrested on suspicion of being a bur.'lai. Inter he was arraigned in the Jtitii and York streets police sta tion and held In J500 ball for a furthor hearing. Samuel Sehliger, 113 Povor street, whose residents Waterberger mistook in tho darkness for hia own, told Magistrate JJorrls he had nevtr aeen the defendant before today. Later Mrs. Waterberger appeared and identified her husband. eOI,QGNE PAPER SUPPRESSED AMSTERDAM. Sept. 15. A dispatch from Cologne says that tho Cologne Volks Zeltung was suspended on September U it published an article criticising the Kaiser's accusation that Ilelgian priests bad tommltted cruel ties upon Injured German nurses. UNIONIST RUMORS DENIED Lord Lansdowne Declares They Will Support the Government. LONDON. Sept 15 -Flat denials of tumors that the Cnlonists would refuso to iiji k the Covernment In its war pol 1 y w.13 mnl tn the House of I-orda u ' iy by L' id Lausdjwm- He deared 'hi 01 r- ni"', ivoij cununue to sup port the Government. MAN MUST EXPLAIN IF HE SEES HIS WIFE OUT LATE So Judge Declares in Domestic Re- 1 lations Court. j That n man who fees his wife on tlw stieet at 3 o'clock tn the momlnc must tie prepared to glvo his own i.'ason for being there was one of the principles l.'ild down today by Judge liroun In the Domestic Relations Court William Trnlnor. 1'.32 Titan street, , brought into court on an attachment for being In arrears on a $2 a week support I ord-i. told Judge Hrown that he did not fbjecl to paying the money to his wife, ! Helen, of E5t Dickinson striet, but he did not "like to bo made a fool of " ' "I saw her sitting on the steps at 3 i o'clock In tho morning with another ' man. and that Is one of the reasons why ' I bt ppecj puylng the mder," eald Tratnor. 1 "Vhai wero you doing on tho street at 3 o'clock In tho morning?" asked Judge Brown. "Do you think that you have more right than your wife to be out ttt that ilmeT" "Well, Vour Honor," eald Trainor, meeting tho issue, "I was out at that 1 time In order to watch my wife." Trainer gavo furthor reasons In his ef fort to' sho. thut his wife was not en titled to even a small weekly sum toward 1 er support, ftho, on tho other hand, nc cused her husband of Intoxication. Trainor seemed satisfied w hen he had presented his wife's alleged Miortcoiutn-jd to the court ond raid the arrearakex amounting to Jpi Divorce proceedings Instituted b Mrs. Trainor, are pending DISSATISFIED BANKS TO HAVE NO HEARING NOW Re-districting Petitions Must Walt Until New System Is Orgnaized. WASHINGTON, Sept. lS.-Demands of New Jersey banks to be included In the Now York icgional reserve bank dis trict: of Baltimore to be excluded from the Richmond district; of umaha to be excluded from the Kansas City district, and other similar protests will not bo ncted upon until after tho new currency system is organized and placed in oper 11 lion, membeis of the Federal Reserve Board said today. To suspend opera tion of tli j now bank system until such protests can be settled would lay tho board open to criticism, members stated. Tull and formal hearings will be given the complaining cities, which may consume months tho hoard pointing out that it has power to redlstrict cities at any time, but pending tho hearings, the divisions of the "orgnnzutlon committee" will be put into effect. Loan and Transit Message Completed. To Discuss Penrose Later. The Mayor and Mrs. Blankenburg ar rived nt North Philadelphia Station this morning from Atlantic City, and the for mer raid with a broad smllo that he was ready for action. His first official act was to close the straw hat season. Mrs Blankenburg brought tho Mayor's blark fedora from Atlantic City, and at her resquest, he donned It ns ho got in his automobile. When questioned concerning Pennsyl vania politics and the opposition to Sen ator Penroso, Mr. Blankenburg said slg nltlcnntly, "I will have something to say about that In a few days." He said that his message to Councils on the loan prop, osltlon was virtually completed, nnd thai the transit sltuntlon would nlso bo dealt with In the communication. Although he looked tired, tho Mayor said ho felt very well and would prob ably bo in his office tomorrow. He went to Atlantic City two weeks ago after closing his home at Pocono Pines. CHILDREN SAVE FATHERS FROM SENTENCE BY COURT of Clemency Is Granted Because Large Family. The nine children of Frederick Hart man, 2210 Pratt street, saved him from prison today. Hartmnn was arrested on a charge of cruelty preferred by his wife. He was arraigned before Magistrate Campbell in tho Bclgrado and Clearfield strests police station. The Mnglstrate was about to cend Hart man to the Houte of Correction when lie learned that he hnd nine children to sup port. After scathingly denouncing him fur his neglect, he sent Hnrtman back to work and advised Mrs. Hnrtman to take the matter up with the Municipal Couit, If her husband again failed to provide for his family. Six llttlo children and his wlfo saved Harry Barr, a Oladwyn, Montgomery County farmer, from being lined todny by Magistrate Grellls. for driving Into Phila delphia with a horso that wua badly crippled. Mct'urry and Vennlo, agents for the Society for tho Prevention of enmity to Animals, arrested Barr In Manayunk. He said he bought the horso for $12 two days ago, and was compelled to use it to make money to support his large family. Tho hoise wns taken from him and ho was released. Orent opportunities aro available for tho establishment of an enormously In creased export trade with Canada In "mado In America" goods, according to Dudley Bartlctt, chief of the Foreign Trndo Bureau of tho Philadelphia Com mercial Museums. These opportunities aro a direct result of tho European wnr, through the notion of the Canadian Min ister of Customs In prohibiting tho im portation Into Canada of goods from Ger many and Austria-Hungary. Tho Im ports from theso two countries Into Can ada amounted In round numbers to ?1S, 000,000 nnnually. It wns also pointed out that the Imports from France, Belgium and Russia, which for the tlmo being arc as effectively cut off as If they wero forbidden, amounted approximately to 20,000,000 a year. So this prohibited and Interrupted import trade of Canada totals ?3u,000,000. "It Is reasonable," Chief Bartlett says, "to assumo that Canada will be In tho market for substitutes for tho goods which mako up this total. That they will have to be Imported Is a reasonablo assumption. It Is hardly likely that tho Canadian manufacturers nt this tlmo aro in a position to make up the deficit, though they may solze tho moment to develop along tho necessary manufactur ing lines. This leaves two alternatives: Importation from Great Britain or from the United States. It Is hardly reason able to expect that British manufac turers will be nblo to take advantago of the present opportunity. On tho other hand. It would not bo surprising if im ports from tho mother country, which amounted to $13D,01G,3K last year, should be temporarily curtailed." The present opportunity for American manufacturers In Canada Is principally In tho lines hero enumerated. And to make the Information of practical value the importation on the lines given from each of tho belligerent countries are nlso given for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1313: $13,321 : Trance, $0373; WASHINGTON, Sept. lS.-OmCah of tho Pennsylvania Railroad and other eastern railroads todny appeared before tho Interstate Commerco Commission and presented fads nnd figures on why the i-oiiiiiiission snould ronnpn n, cent, freight rnto case. The railroads assort that tho European war, which has caused a marked falling oft In nil lines of business, hoe Injects a now factor In their business, nnd on these grounds thero should ho a shear ing of tho case, when tho railroads will have an opportunity of presenting details on new facts thnt have arisen since tho commlslon nnnounced Its negative da clslon. Railroads west of Chicago, not partlci to tho "B per cent." case, are also ex pected to request rate raises, It was re ported toduy. More liberal treatment In rate cases by Stato railway commissions la ono ot tho results tho railroads anticipate from the President's rcsponso yesterday. LATIN-AMERICAN TRADE COMMISSION FRAMED Alba B. Johnson Member of Body Which Will Plan Commercial Opportunity. WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.-Secretary Redflcld today announced tho personnel of tho commlttco which will meet to consider the Latln-Amcrlcan financial and tr.ido problems attending tho European otrife. The following wero Invited to be come members of tho committee: William A. Gaston, president of tha National Shawmut Bank, ot Boston. Harry A. Wheeler, vice president of tha Union Trust Company, of Chicago. Alba, B. Johnson, president of the Bald win Locomotive Works, of Philadelphia, Robert Dollar, of San Francisco; W. D. Simmons, of St. Louis. Fairfax Harrison, President of the Southern Railroad. Lewis W. Parker, of Greenville, S. C. W. B. Campbell, of Cincinnati. John Barrett, of tho Pan-American Union. Dr. C. J. Owens, of the Southern Com mercial Congress. A number of tho nbovo liavo already signified their willingness to serve. This committee will plan for the com mercial opportunity open to both North nnd South America. A system of ex change also will bo planned for the pro duction of revenue to move crops and for the development of trade enterprises. KAISER DARES FOE'S BULLETS German Emperor in Danger Zone at Pontoise Fight. LONDON. Sept 15. Reports received hero say that Emperor William is causing his htaff gient anxiety by getting Into the danger zone. The Topograph's correspondent icports from Pontolso that during the lightlns; about Nanacv his stalf had to force him to withdraw to a .safer place. MISSIONARY ARMY PLANS MEXICAN "INVASION" llaikets Helglum, Germany. $2 1.Ml'i. llrooms rrame. $lin..'lll. Germany, ?J3,02!. Clocks Germany, $lllifft,Vi. Cutlers Germany. JlOo.OOO. Glaus tableuaro und cat slasi 'Auslrla-Hun-cary, ?.-1.21S: Germany, itH.'Hi). Hosiery, cotton Germany, $441, fclie. Lamp chimneys Austria-HunKari, J1S.1E0: Germany, $177.sT. Sugar Germany, $20!). Sfi,-;, Tublowara and china Austria-Hungary, $7.:.72S; Germany. $.100.riMl. Ttre, locomothe and cur nhccls-Gcrmany, W.iolen undern ear Germany. $20MM. Woolen knit Koods Germuny. -lo,ls.). Regarding the Canadian tariff. Biitlsh goods enter Canada under the "preferen tial tariff." inrst of tho Fiench goods under tho "Intermediate tarllf" and nil American goods under the "general tar iff." The pnferenco given to British goods Is generally from 20 to 40 per cent, of tho duties en American goods. COLONEL FUSEY RETURNS PALMER-M'CORMICK LEAGUE SCRAPE LEAD FROM EYEBALL Hospital Physicians Save Eye of a Metal Worker. Physicians at the episcopal Hospital worked sevtral bourn tudu c raping lead specks from the ejeballs of Harold Bold zen, 29 years old. of Jin North Fifth street. The lead. In a molten Matt, had been thrown in hie face by the foriu of .1 small explosion which happened when ho was pouring hot metal into a mold at the Knterpiisc Manufacturing Company's plant at Third and Dauphin streets. The physicians at the hospital cay he will not loss I1I4 sUht PARTY TITLE PRE-EMPTED An affidavit, pre-empting the title "The Fiierated Citizens Party of the Four teenth R. oresontauve DlnrlU" as u political appellation has been filed In Court of Common Pleas No X Executive Committee Will Meet To morrow Afternoon, Tho Palmer-McCormlck League has Is sued a call for n meeting of tho Executtvn Committee at 3 o'clock tomorrow after noon, and for a meeting of the general body at 8-30 tomorrow nlsht. Announce ments of further ward organizations will be announced at that time. 1 p to today organizations have been perfected In 29 wards. Tho lat of theso v.,-, b he Second Ward lust night, whero i John C. McOinnis was chosen chairman. DINNER TO CAPTAIN CAMERON Men prominent in the administrative ond professional life of the city gave a dinner to Captain Itoneit Cameron, chief of tho Detective Ilurruu. at the Hotel -Majestic last night as n testimonial to his efficiency and character Those pres ent wero Assistant District Attorney Joseph p. Rogers, ex-Governor William M. Hunn. A. H- L. Shields, Charles West. Police Captains Nicholas Kenny and George Tempest. John A. McCarthy. James S. McCartney. Lieutenant George Boston, Frederick T. Chandler and George Fritz. Interested While in Canada in Mo bilization of the Troops. Colonel Fred. Taylor Pusey. of Gover nor Tener's staff, has returned from a motor trip through t'anndn. mado spe. dally interesting by tho sight of mobil Uatlon of the Canadian troops for the European war. Colonel Pusey said that tho patriotism of the Canadians tan high, and even lono soldlors in uniform were greeted by cheers of the men and the hand-clapping of the women. Culonel Pusey did not see any of the troops dpart, but the men were armed and 1 early for the call. At Quebec the Col onel and Mrs. Pusey har. tne c-jui.seiH Nlobe. E.ex and Glory In the harbor. Thero was a constant stream of visitors to the ships. Tho Canadians, according to Colonel' Pusey, aro confident of the victory of the English arms, and me .'endlnsr loyal aid to the mother country. Colonel nnd Mrs. Pusey were away three weeks. Jewelry and Revolver Stolen. The homo of John A-tr-sm, "'.12 North Nineteenth street, was r0Luea of a e volver and Jewelry valued at about 1275. i this morning. COFFEE LEADS TO PLEDGE Magistrate Makes One Sign and Holds Another. Because a cup of coffee bad not been paid for. Magistrate Grellls made one man elgn tho plede. and held another In JEO0 bail for causlnc a disturbance todav In the restaurant of Mrs. Rose Bowman 4461 Ridge avenue. " Thomas Muiph, a laborer, asreed not to drink intoxicants again, while Clarence Leftter, also a laborer, who said he had no home, went to Jail In default He said he had been .drinking The me" fere awested by McLaughlin, a policeman, and iuUon!a SS ,n thS Th,rlenh Strict SCOTCH GIANT HERE Alien Is Asked to Be Sented During Immlgrnnt Investigation. A Scotch giant confronted Inspector Raines, of tho Iininigiation lltneau, to day when h boarded the lirltlHh stenm nlilp Gxulnna. upon her nrilvul hern from Lelth, Scotland. Barnes Is no midget, but tho youth towered so far above him thnt tho Inspector Invited the passenger to bo seated while tho usual ullen cxniiiliiatlun wns being conducted. Tli- Scott hnuin gavo his ago as. 20 years. He was six feet five and one-quarter Inches, and weighed nearly 2f) pounds. He nald he was John Cherr.v , front Musse. boro, Smtlnnd. bound for New Oilenns, to mnke his home with his uncle, William S. riliill. When asked whv ho d(j not enlist In tho army to help Ilnglanil crush Germany, he sn'd he felt that tho British army could t.tko emu of lueif without his assistance, but If he felt that ho was needed he would icturn. captmresfDgitTvegirl Patrolman Overtakes One Who Fled From Social Service Home, One of the tbre Arls who escaped Sat urday nlL'ht Fiion the Court of Social .Service Home, 1101 Summei street, was .,iii.,iii.i ui 1 11 iiutK mis morning at Sixth and Walnut streets by Pjiiolman Wairen. of he Thlid nnd Ho Lnncey stre.-ta station. Tho policeman noticed a girl trying to bhleld herself fiorn the glow of the electric arc lampu as she walked ery cautiously across the street When the policeman approached, tho uiri starttd to run. but was won overtaken by the policeman. Ilcli.g unablo to give a ratUfnctoiy explanation of her actions idle was taken to the Central pollca sta. tlon. The girl gave her name as Joepblnc BokUiue. . years old, marrlod. mid taid her home was In Mt Carmel. pa On further questioning the prUoner told of her escape from the home Saturday iiurlit by tlns bed clothe together and using them a a rope to deacend from a second-story window Ono of tho girls who escaped Is sti't M yews' od!" name U II,en aalIa3"cr. Weapons Will Be Bibles and Books Instead of Firenrms. Mexico Is to lie Invaded again, prob ably bofoio Christmas. But this tlnu the army will bo composed of both men and women nnd they will carry bookj and BlblcH instead of rllles and cart ridges. The Invasion will be a campaign In which almost every foreign mission board that has ever been In the Mexican Hold will unite. The gieat plans for tho Invasion wers explained today at the first autumn meeting of tho Woman's Foreign Mis sionary Society of tho Presbyterian Church, in Westminster Hall, bs MIsj Blanche B. Honlne, one of the mission, nrles who had to return to America Sin has slnco been staying at her old honw In Lancaster, As the outcome of n conference of th foreign boards Interested In tlin work In Mexico, held In Cincinnati. O.. It has been decided to throw denominational prejudice aside and to have all the mis slonniles return In a body and to labor unitedly. It Is planned to have one I'n tctant Church to bo known us the "Hvangcileal Cliuich, and to have a school with eath congregation. Also 0110 theological s I100I Is to bo conducted, tho object nf which will be to train nil the natlv mission aries, and ovontually a union college U to bo established. Miss Bonlne said Dr. A. W. Haley, of New Vork, ono of the leadri-. i tit movement to unite tho work, iHi-d hf that ho hoped tho Invasion might sooa take place. The missionary told of lecelvlng letter! from friends, saying that the Liberal leaders were turning Catholic c hun'liei Into schools and finteinal Inillilin-'-. the convents Into playgrounds, and priests' homes Into imrrucks for soldiers On this account Miss lionlno t-ald. there wai much fear among s thut th people might abandon all t h itian chuichea betnre they can get I'd' k " labor amour them. .Mrs. W. S. Holt, Who led the mcct'nf, praised President Wilson foi settliu ..-id a day of prajer fur peace in Km ope, ana prayers wero offered for un e.ul. n& ul the conflict by several nf the woines presont. Mrs. Holt expressed f.n that the war might be detrimental to the for eign mlsionnry finances. Mrs. Wlllium II. Gtcen spoke of th West Africa mission. i WAR HERO'S BODY UNCLAIMED NBW VORK, Sept. 15 -John iien. jeara old. one of the heroes of tb Ii"e' war. vlio was praised for biucrv b ttl lato King Kdwnrd VII. of Ciml-tnd -U be burled In Potter's Field h.-i. ni,3i Ids elsler or some other person ntf body. Green died last Sunday night H- horn near Ijondon. nnd seivtd in:ui cr In the Hrilikh army, lu one gagemenU against the Roei -be.u.r of his t'igiment w.-u- I 'I lil-usped the colors, and lum head of Ids troops, sum 4 ' scarred iluii in iicir fit ' i-,lmi' nt won in, i'l'Iii , 1 1 foot .''is .-huiliie.l i 1 ' ' ampul 1 lei m 1 , 1 1 , closi of the war i . 1 1 1 sequcntly tauKhl mi 0 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. the en I"" 1 t -' t ,11