Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Sports Extra, Image 14

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V Hi
Jj JLj I) VjJii 11
VOL. I NO. 2
Derelicts Lifted From Seem- Unofficial Returns Indicate
ingly Hopeless Degrada-1 That Voters Show Less
tion and Made Useful and Eagerness to Qualify Than
Self-respecting Citizens. On September 3.
A sodden wreck of n. man shuirieit along
the river front nnd wondered how long
It took to drown. I to had hail a Ions
fight sslth John Barleycorn unit he hail
lost. He had nothing tn live for. Jtc had
lost everything he had to loe. family,
friends, business and health. The whisk
had even taken away his appetite for
food, and now he could not even Ret
whisky. So he nerved himself and crept
closer to the bulkhead. The waves mur
mured Invitingly.
A laborer on his way to work noticed
the loiterer and Intercepted him. There
was a short conversation and the two
went off together. They turned In at ill
Lombard street-old St. Paul's Club-ami
the man to whom death had called was
put to bed. Then, in the brutally dura
parlance of the street, he "went to the
This is almost an everyday occurrence
at Old St. Paul's. Sometimes oven one of
the 18 beds in the Institution Is occupied,
and none but Inebriates are admitted.
The club might be called the house of the
last chance. Its nvocd object Is to give
to the man who has lost everything, who
has given up the fight ucaln.n liquor,
nunfViat. ittll f!rl
SI. laUl ,s iiitrs
Register and Make
Certain of Your Vole
Register tonight. You can do so
until 10 o'clock.
Failure to register means loss of
your vote at the election, Novem
ber 3.
Large registration, reform lead
ers say. spells defeat of Penrose.
October 3 will be the only other
registration day.
Registrars will sit in every poll
ing place from 7 a. m. to 10 a. m.
and from 4 p. m. to 10 p. m.
Enrollment under a party name
is not necessary.
Poll tax or property tax receipts
dated since November 3, 1912, will
qualify elector for registration.
Poll tax receipts may be bought
from the division registrars, if the
elector's name appears on the as
sessor's list.
I'nolllrlnl registration returns made to
the headquarters of the various partlc
at noon today indicated that the regis- I
tratlon for the three hours the polls iver-- ,
cpen this morning was moderate. Whi'o i
. r .'nrt.
each man four chances before It classes j the registration seemed to exceed con
him as ii congenital drunkard or a pro;
feS6lon.lt panhandler. If he "falls down
the first, second or third time after the
club has "put him on his feet" his spon
sor is bound hv his pledge to bring
him hack. Putting a man on his feet
at Old St. Paul' means Just that He
is fed iind tared for until ho Is able to
work. Then a iob is obtained for him and
he is kept until his first paydar.
The club was founded five years agr
and Is said to be the only Institution of
Its kind In this country. Without endow
ment, without appeal for charity, without
Bdvortlxlng avo that given It by word
of mouth, it grows and -Ntends eneh year
the scope of its work. llteralH dragging
men out of the gutter and helping them
back to self-respect.
The whole scheme of the club is mar
velouslv simple. With the exception of
the house it occupies, which le donated
bv the Episcopal City Mission, the or
ganization Is self-supporting, vet there
are no stated dues. Hach member eon
tributes what ho thinks he can afford.
No questions are asked and anything is
accepted from a ftve-cent piece to a five
dollar bill.
Jia!""; -iub-has about W members. Anv
mnn ho has been or Is a victim of th
drink habit is eligible to membership, and to tcai ,,,
none who has not Is admitted. This ap
plies ev en to the offlcers. with the single
exception of the Rev. Dr. H. Treason Me
Henrv. toe president, who also is super
intendent of the Episcopal City Mission.
The other offlcers of the club are F. H.
Doughertv. troarurer and general manager-
Frank J. Price, vie president, and
Thomas Collin" and Frank Joyce, secre
tnrles. Mr. Price also is the Sunday lec
turer when he is in the city Servleos
are held at th club everv Sunday after
noon at 1 o'clock. This Sunday service
In an acknowledgment of the Episcopal
City Mission and Doctor Mcllenry for the
use of the hous-. It was the onlv stipu
lation mado by the clergyman when ho
turned over the buildlns for the use of
th club. . ,
Old St. Paul's also has a superintendent,
hut one man rarely stays long In this
office Sometimes a man holds it onlv
one dav. The superintendent Is a man
who has been brought In off ba streets
to take the cure for drunkenness. He Is
'.-oii in the convalescent stage.
While he is recuperating preparatory to
making c new start in mo worm no .
trilling Korao one ! In the simple
duties of the superintendence
No nuetlon are put to the man who Is
taken n by St. Taul's. If he Is coherent
he is asked to make a simple pledge to
abstain from Intoxicating liquor. Hi
8031,00 ' . . ll,a him !t
foonsor the man wn .- -
somewhere and brought him ln-takes a
frnmror Pledge. He promise to guard i
iind protect the newcomer to the nest or
his ability, to help him In every way he
can. to "follow him If h; falls "off the
wagon." and bring htm back fur atwthor
sldcrably that of the second registration
day last year, still It was far below that
of September 3.
Harry Wlttlif, chairman of the Kepub
llcan City Committee, said he believed
the total registration for today would
not exceed 0.0 ". He was confident that
the Hepubllcan paity enrollment would
continue proportionately as high as it
was September 3.
The heaviest registration this morning
was In the northern and northeastern
sections of th city. In South and West
Philadelphia the registration officials had
a comparatively easy time.
All parties are uwake to the Importance
of a large registration for this November
election. Among the tcform leaders the
slogan today Is "For the defeat of Pen
rose a large registration." In conse
quence of this, every effort has been
made by the ward workers to impress on
each elector the fact that his vote Is
vital to the political welfare of Penn
slvanlic "Failure to register means throwing
away the deafest opportunity In years
declared Albert
NTmediolno Is given the patient, and
his treatment at iho c! lb is ealeulat.d to
Fhow whetner or n.. "-"" -
In a man known as "sand f he has
not the club car.not help him lf he ha
everything posslhle is done to make of
liim a good en zen
He is told plainly that the club cannot
help him unleBS he has some will-power
of his own and Is determined to use It.
Then If he ha been drinking enough, he.
goes to tne mat iw "- "
Whllo In that condition ho Is closely
watched If he should prove to he In any
danger ho is removed to a hospital. The
men who watch him know tho symptoms
and the disease Moat of them havo had
It. They know Its terrors, and they know
what is best for the patient
Tho Friday evonlng following the ad
mission of a patient he Is proposed for
niembrsliip at the regular meeting of
the club bv bis sponsor. His name is
duly entered on tho books and everything
spent on him Is charged up against him
When work is obtained for him, after ho
has recovered and U able to work, ha
pays back this sum. There Is no effort
made to collect it, however, should the
lieneflclari prove ungrateful He may
walk out scot free, and not a hand will
bo ratsed to halt him or demand payment.
The rate "f payment Is like the dues
anything the man can afford.
The officer and members of the club,
however, ai rather proud of the fact
that they are seldom ' dnuDle-croset."
They !Uht shy of the professional bum.
and It is tho claim of tha officers that
this npe avoids the institution. Oc
casionally there is an exception, but not
nn the membership roll of tha fit, Paul's
club today are men earning a high as
112.000 a year. There are others earning:
j$ or W a week. The club is a pure
democracy and l self-governing. The
man who earns t a week .r who U still
In the convalescent stage from a long
kpiee and earns nothing mingles on equal
terms with the 12,Q0 man with the gold
Tlu go d button Is symbolic of Sve
jciis' ubiil It le the highest honor
the lub ha- to offer and tin- men A ho
wear it pine it highlv The button
fct' in starts ut three months The nun
Who has beta sunt tvr lual length of
Turner, a banker and a member of the
Committee of One Hundred, this morning.
Francis A. Lewis, Sr., who Is also prom
inent In reform politics in this city, said:
"We must have a large registration, since
a large registration menus n danger sig
nal fur the organization, which in this
election is equivalent to Penroseism."
Division registrars will sit In every
polling place in the city today from 7 a
m. to 10 a. in., and from 4 p. m. to 10
p m. Every citizen to register must dis
play a receipt for poll or property tax paid
since November 3. 1913. These receipts may
be bought at the polling places from the
registrar, who has been appointed a deputy
tax collector.
Naturalization papers or a certified copy
of them will bo necessary for the regis
tration of any naturalized citizen who is
-oting in a division for the first tlm. Any
person -lalmlng citizenship by reason of
his father's naturalization must produce
his father's papers or a certified copy of
them, or else make affidavit that he was
under 21 when his father became a citizen
nnd that he is now unable to produce his
father's papers.
A proxl mitelv ",7W)n citizens in this city
are qualified to vote at the November
election, provided they register. Of these
neariv 03.OVI registered on the tlrst day,
September S. leaving about 27.'.0O quail-rt-d
to register today nnd on October x.
The heaviest registration ever recorded
in this cltv was IM.RM, in 1911. whn
B'.ankcnburg was elected Mayor.
The importance of this election, both
from Hie point of offices to be tilled and
the issues to he determined, have led tho
party leaders to express the hope that the
total registration this year will exceed
that in 1311.
Aa there will be no prlmarv election
before September of next year, party en
rolment 1 not ctjentlal this time It Is
llkelv, however, that the vnrlnua paitv
leaders will urc their men to enrol aa
we. I aa register In order to uphold the
numerical preatlgo of the party.
WWfc ffl. ,, Bl in ffp Mil m I mm
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BfektHaryiH I 5?HaWfif$i"KfiA V &-'"WSKGlk MHfiS:$!iBHnR9C9iHMa 1
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Colonel Will Return Octo
ber I and Will Begin New
York Campaign One
Week Later.
.NEW YOr.K, Sept. IS. Colonel Tlno
dore rtooevelt will leave 0!ter Hav
net Thursday for a two weeks' speaking
trip in the Middle West. He will in
tend his tour four days longer than
originally intended. He will return on
October I. and after a week's rest will j
begin his political campaign In New York
The Colonel Is due In Kansas on Sat
urday, and that night will speak In
Wichita. The following Monday ho will
spesk In Kansas City, and un Tuosdnv
he wilt address a meeting in I.lncolr.
Neb. His cither engagements are as fol
lows: Wtdncsdav, September 23 Des
Moines: Thursday. 24th, Chicago In tit..
morning nnd East St. t.ouis In tho tun
ing: Friday, 23th. Indianapolis.
He will be ill Ohio on September 2 and
2S. and in Hay 'itv, Mich, on Sep
tember CO.
time sta a blue button; a red button
show six months' sobriety; a whlts but
ton nine months and a silver button one
The club publish a monthly magazine
cal.ed "Old St. Paul' News." Publication
of this i generally suspended In the sum
mer months. Tn tho magazine each month
la run tho following Item under the head
ins of "Don't ry. Hut Prosecute."
If you do not know how to prosecute,
Runaway Horse Drags Man Who At
tempted to Stop It,
A runaway horse, dragging a man w ho
vainlv attempted to stop it, crashed Into
a trolley mall car at f2d str.et and Haiti
more anue this morning and tln-n
car em d against a telegraph pole, smanh
lns the tight carriage to which it was
rata lied to kindling. The man, John
Kelle, an emploe of Sloan's llvt r
stable, at 32d fctreet nnd nruomiil! ave
nue, escaped with a gah in tho head and
several bruises.
Tho tiorse Is tho property of the I'ur
Department. It was being tl-.ne.i in
front of the livery stable when It btcamo
frightened by a passing automobile and
bolted Kelley courageously natchtd at
the bridle. Ho wa lifted off his feet and,
although In danger of being pierced by
the shaft of the carriage, hell on.
mail car was passing Sjd btreet on
Baltimore nvenue when the runaway
turned o.it of Hroomall avenue.
w.tr.innn aneeded up his car in the
effort to avoid a collision, but the hori-e
turned sharply In passing the car to
the rejr that the rarringe struck tho
trolley car. The Impact nearly throw
the lurse, nnd In recovering the animal
grazed a telegraph pole, and this brought
the runaway to a si"p
Killey was
Curtis Defeats Governor
Haines and His Party
Wins Legislature Three
of the Four Congressmen
PORTLAND. Maine. Sent. 15. Tn one
of tho closest elections tho Stato has ever
known, the Democrats vcslcrday elected
Oakley C. Curtis Governor. Tho several
thousands of voters who supported
Ilooscvclt In the 1912 election flocked to
the polls yesterday to back tho Repub
lican ticket, but thclf number was not
snotigh to down tho Dcmocrnts.
Owlrg to the exceeding closeness of
tho vote no one could be at all confi
dent of the result until the last ballot
had been counted. The returns from alt
the cities, towns and plantations gave
Ciirth', Democrat, 5S.S77; William T.
Unities, Hepubllcan, SC.179, and Gardner,
Progressive, 17,147; Curtis' plurality, 23S.
Tho four Congressmen, Asher U Hinds,
John A. Peters and Frank H. Guernsey,
Itcpubllcnns, nnd Daniel J. McGllllcuddy,
Democrat, were rc-cloctcd, according to
the same returns as those received In the
governorship contest. The missing towns
are too small to change the count, al
I though tho plurality may bo reduced
The returns indicate that tho Demo
crats havo made gains in tho Lcglslatuie.
The representative dlhtrlcts reporting
have elected IG Democrats, 12 Itopubllcans
and 2 Progressives, just the tevorsal of
the Democratic and Hepubllcan count of
two years ago, while tho Progressives at
that time reported three. Tho Senate ap
pears to be about the same as two years
ago. Tho House elected men was mauo
up of "1 Republicans, S2 Democrats and
7 Progiesslves.
The early returns favoied Curtis, then
the tide turned toward Unities, but after
' midnight Portland and liangor weie heard
rrom, and the former railed oy ju"v to
lpr.ii lin H, n.'Wp Ket ltv tlin rest of the
State, whllo Bangor fell off completely
on Ilalncs votes.
7 T7T':7VCr Jf?S10A V FtiOTOGf?3PHy
taken Into a drug store
Rates to Be Determined by He Captures One and Beats
Nature of Shipments and Two Others After They
Dangers Involved in Attack Him More Ar
Reaching Foreign Ports. rested On Suspicion.
Three highwaymen, who jumped nut
of an alloy and attacked Acting Ser
geunt Wllldrldge, of tho Twentiuth ami
Federal streets nollcu station, near Twon-
the bureau Is to Issue war ilak Insurance, j tleth and jlUvvorth streets, ns ho was
The bureau ahs tnat all application walking along in plain clothing eurly to-
ss:s:m; i - - r trhthn;sp,r ?
pollciea und forms ill be ready for dU- ! wrong nwn oft r a fluht of 1J minutos. In
tribution in a few days. It is announced I which all three were badly beaten and
Instructions were r- fivt-il In this i ily
The i today from the l-'edei.it War Jllsk In-
buranco Uurcuu, operating undi i tin
utiatnniM' branch of tin- Tieasury JJi-inut-
mnt. covering conuuimia miner wmen
est P"'1''""1" ';, n n d Pines treeta , """Hi-'te fur ttlir rik business With the ' ,nramat briil.
in the patrol of '" "'' .or i"u" ThS "''r'n(- '"surance .ompanlts. but that it , . ' ''"'U"t. brul
station. His co d ion is not .oriou itic ,n . , or t f ;t ,, ot tlu. pol
home wa. rot injured
call upon or write to the preildent of OM ,, .. f Tirt Green Street Presbv.
st. Paul's ctub. and he will cheerfully Fastor of west ureen atreei i resoy
tenau uiimi; vcngun.
advUe you. His name is tho Rev. H
'reason Mcllenry. hi address is !25 South
Third street He U always ready to se-ve.
ivt s can atio here for liquor selling.
Statute permits families of drinkers to ob
tain redress from saloon men."
Aecurdlng to Mr Price, the Vice Presl.
dent, the club succeeds In saving about
Hi per cent, of the men it takes In Mak
ll, allowance for tangential drunkards
and profeasional beggars who Impose on
the organization at times, he considers
this figure fairly satisfactory.
As instance of the club's statement
that It is nonsectarlan. it is pointed out
that lir aictteiirv. tnc t'rrsiaent. Is an
RCV nR P.ni FELT TO RETIRE have already indorsed tho plans f th"
HtZV. un. uuui t.v.1 i u hi. i mi- w bureau. Ttuiro Is a larao dem.iii.l
for IhU class ot oumnt as, uecauae ui in-
war. lix porter havo found It dtttU'Ult to
get enough Insurance to cover th'ir nlili-
i - . ...1..m..,h1 At)d raLrASeAl1aJ lililrlntf
One of the ctv'a olde "and b..fcn.o l1IH . S lo ha, dlo the r
Presbyterian ministers the lev r. Uaw- "V,' IJ. asWe tlaa Witr
rence .i. uii iv. .. ...,
tre..t Pririyterian Church. Nineteenth
and Green streets, ib to letlro. His res-
hrulnod from hi ad to
point of exhaustion.
any war risk. , brought John JJct'artnoy, a years old,
I'ndervv rlters doing a tnanne uuamess i ll( mii MoKtoll street, to the atutlon after
liiw other itNsailunts lmil lied. litcr
EpUcopalian. Sir Price is a Presbyterian ! and that the congregation will disband.
lar manna business
It is announced that only American
iJnotion a... the' matter of , electing a mill, and cargoes can be insured ami
lmtiivii o, ,,,, t , . , . -n.-j mi,. no ,,jilil in fi.lvnn.'A
successor will be consiqereu ut a cun
grtgational meeting to be called In the
nnr!i future.
i.tor Uoifett came to the city to be. i thero will be no
onn.. nnutnr of Oxford Presbyterian ' Foi instance, on a
Churth in 15. and has served the West
fire, n street tonKregutlun since VM.
It Is believed In the light of the resig.
nation that no new pastor will be called
Itiiiiard Moude. S3 years old. of gni Houth
Kiglith street awl gteplien t'onovvay, K!
yearn old, of S33 Bears street, weie ar-M-sted
by Patiulracii Mtliinty Und
BehwerinK on suspicion at ISth and Slor
ria sticeio.
Tho sergeant, on hU way home, had
Just passed tho entrance of u dark alley
between 30th and Mst streets, v.hen, with-
.d in the policy and , out warnlnB. tho three men iun. ed on
provi4ional Instjrame. i ... .. fta ..,.,, ... '.
thut the raws must ne paid in advance.
The iiovertitnent will be liable only for
tho amount named in the policy and
argo valued at be
tween $H,Jf and ?5)M the insured must
i.Qine :;.rt as the anuunt of Insuiancr
to be carried Should It be found, ofte'
the bhip has reached Us destination that
tho value of the cargo is less man tne
and Mr Dougherty is a Catholic. About
everv other denomination is represented
In the membersntp.
The religious service on Sunday after
noons takes this into account. There is
singing of hymns and a "lecture" not a
sermon. This leuure Is a talk couched
in abort words and simple phrasing. It
is generally of the variety known as
"straight from the shoulder" and it gets
Although the club does not advertise
Itself, nearly 3U) men attend Its services
every Sunday Less than half this num
ber are regular members. At the close
of each meeting announcement Is made
that any one who wishes to join may
.in so after tne services, and each Sun
iav there are more recruits to self-respect
dud uod citizenship.
Once piosperous thurch the attend- i face of the poitey tno uureau win pay
anco has so dwindled In the last few , a return vrernlum for tno amount of m
years and the membership dropped off , surance tn excess of the actual value
to such an extent through removals and The new war nak reticles will be roted
other causes that it is the consensus of almost exclusively on the voyage and
oplnton among the congregation that It charaetei of the cargues and b risks lit
is Inadvisable to continue , volved In rwi bliiu the port for Which the
Tho church property, which cost JSO.om , vtesel is cleared.
to build, will in case the cnurcli uisnanus
be dUpoted of by tho Prcsbvtery.
Local Men Aid British Hospital
The second list of subscriptions to be
raUed by American women in England
for funds to equip a surgical hospital and
an ambulance ship has been started.
Knhert R. Straw bridge and Anthony J
lirexel, of Philadelphia, each subscribed
Th new tir- liisuiunco ompuuv which
has been luii-.trcl b J S l'le!:iu
liuysen. '. V. Mcseiolt and other Now
York Inlerchts will shortly bu launched,
uacordlng to preaent plsrui. It la propued
that the company will li4ve a capital of
fo0.WO The capital has already been bub.
ecllb.-d and llie conipuns will be formally
laumheo as ihi. u. tliit, b.nk of the
project arc icdj to begin uctual busi-
hlm. lie naa KnotKocJ to tho ground.
Ills assailants dragged him into the
alley and tried to rub hint, u,. ijfifiurc.g.
WHlditdge. succeeded In I'Ulilng uut hl3
bluc-kiaub. He trugUd tu Ids feet,
striking out rbxht und left. The tnen
kicked, punched and trid to chol:o him.
bat WUUlrklxM kept to his fec-t. ami In a
few minutes Mi'arlny won kuaekeil
itown by a blow from the- blackjack. The
others tied.
AH of the nwn arretted are known to
the police. Three or four highway tah
Uerles 1 avo been i.er,ciiatt.J in t same
lieitihburbood downtown within the iaat
few vveeks.
ScIioqI Repair Sontracts Let
The Pfoporty i 'uiumlttee of the Hoard of
Education opened bids bad awarded con
tracts aggregating 1,isjij this afternoon
for fi'n I-'iiii..- .imi ni-tilln.. m w light-
ttig ntur.r huiin,r ti jiuij,- a ,1141110
lurid linking ..tn. I u.ii.iuv lllirllla in 11
Mechanical Arts School Has Largest
Enrollment in Its History.
The Franklin Institute School ot
Mechanical Arts Inst night began its 91st
year, with tho largest enrollment In tho
history of the Institution. The classes
In mathematics', mechanics, naval archi
tecture and drawing showed gains In
Congressman George W. Kdmonds. ot
the Fourth Pennsylvania District, has of
feied live scholarships. Thoy cover a
period of two years, and nru offered in
the departments of drawing, mathematics,
mechanics and naval archltoctuic. Samuel
M. Vaucluln, vice president of tho llild
wln Locomotive Works, lias offered a
prize for the pupil who shows most merit
in the department of mechanics. W. D.
Baldwin, president of the Otis Hlevator
Company, and J. H. McC'nll, president of
the Philadelphia Hlectrlo Company, have
offered prizes for students showing the
must aptitude in drawing nnd mathe
matics. The Ji-.aae II, Tluuii ami H. II.
ll.irtol scholarships for meritorious stu
dents wishing to continue their favuilto
studies N still in effect.
Tho Alumni Association continues to
orfer piizes for the most proficient stu
dents in the vnrlous classes. The winter
term of tho school will close December 17.
Boys nnd Girls Will Have Free
Tuition at Turngemeintle.
The names ot ten boys and ten gills
from the eleinentnry schools will he
selected from a list furnished by principals
September Si for scholarships, to bo given
by tho Philadelphia Tuingemelndo In
honor of Captain I.ouls Hlllebrand. Tho
.icholai ships will provide free tuition for
one year in gymnastics, swimming, Her
man, di awing, modeling and handwork
in i lasses conducted by the Turngemelndo.
So that tho work wilt not interfere with
school clnsses the lessons will be given
alter si hoot hours nnd on S.ituulays.
Pupils from the seventh and eight grades
will be preferred. The selection will be
made by the chairman of the Klc-mentnry
School Committee, chairman ot tho
Scholarship Committee and tho Superin
tendent of Schools.
1000, the first day the books were opened, ness. As jet no name i,au bun jn.lev.tvU. iiui;ln. t.huul uiKUis;s
City, rts Trubtee, Disposes of Lots at
Third and Porter Streets.
Two adjoining piopertirs occupying the
northwest and southwest comers of Third
and Porter streets respectively, havo been
sold by the city of Philadelphia, trustee
of the Stephen Olrard ostute, to .Mark
Halter, who will devOuji the ground with
Ono pioperty comprises a front of Zii
feet on Ititner silent, with a depth of 161
feet, und the cither a front of ;o feet on
Purler blret and J30 feet on Third, with
a depth of JMO feet on Stono House Inno.
Itatlt lots aro assessed at a total of JI.OOO
and the purchase pi Ice was $31 O, com
prising a $'JI.SfO mortgage on the Porter
street tot to J. It Wulnwrlght and a 510.000
mortgage on the Ititner street lot.
Garment Makers Receive His Con
gratulation nml Praise Porter.
Congratulations were extended by Sam
uel (Jumpers, president ol the American
Federation of Iabor. at tho Academy of
Music last night, to the. garment worker
who recently seitied their grievances with
the local luanufaitururs. An air of poacu
prevailed, und the enthusiastic workers
upt'Ii'udcd all iggestions for square deal
ing. Jlr tiompers said that success was only
an Incident In the progress uf what was
tmlng done to ameliorate conditions of tho
Director Porter, who acted as arbitra
tor in the coniiowers wa.n ai.plauil.il
when introduced us the intin who hud
a large share in aetUiny the strike.
Republican Candidate for
Governor Refuses to Be a
Party to Political Bargain
or Treachery. ,
PITTSBURGH, Sept. lf,.-Dr. Mnrtn j
Brumbaugh, Republican candidate f0
Governor, this morning Issued tho follow
Ins stntement In reply to tho offer of th
Philadelphia North Amorlcan to support
him lf ho would repudiate Penroseism.
"My attention has beon called to a let
tor addressed to mo nnd appearing n
newspaper. I havo had no copy of this
sent me.
"In this lotler It appears that the writer
under the nssuranco of a proffered sup!
port to me, seeks an excuse to glvo sup
port to tho opposition. Kach one has
perfect right In this campaign to follow
whatever guldanco ho may select, but I
absolutely lofuso to be made a party la
any political bargain or treachery.
"It scenm that some people are unabl
to understand tho Inngunge in my pr.
mary platform. I Infer this from a
stittcmont of the editor that even he
trained In tho use of language, finds my
statements vague and Indellnlte. It L
hownver, comforting that the vutcrs gen
erally scorned to understand my lang
uage and comprehend my motives. To
make clear my position in the several
matters referred to In tho letter abovi
cited, 1 wish to say:
"First. I stand for every statement In
my primary platform. I shall use my
best endeavor to keep faith with th
people. The things I stand for 1 shall
continue to stnnd for nnd work for.
"Second. I have no understanding with
anybody to do or not to do anything In
any wny at any time In this campaign
while In olllce. I know no boss. I never
will. Kven a newspaper cnmiot boss me.
My hands are open, my henrt is free,
my mind holds no political promise. I
hnve one unswerving purpose to live ,
with my conscience whether I hold ofllct
or not.
"Thltd. T have declared for local option
nnd stand by that declaration. I havo
assured people In a score of utterance
that I shall do all I honorably can to
promote legislation favoring local option.
What more can an honest man say or
"Fourth. I havo always been a friend
of childhood. I havo given my life In'
a lnrge wny to conserve nnd promote the
strength, the education the moral wcl
fine of all our people. I have had many
years of practical experience In dcalln?
with the labor ot children In this State.
N'o man has had a larger or more sacred
relation to tho problem. I refer to my
record. 1 shall allow no one, even !n
academic discussion, to stnnd more surely
for the best possible legislation for all
our woikers, men, women nnd children.
"As n teacher I have found it necessary
at times to repeat what has already been
stated. Some pupils learn only after
such repetitions. Somo refuso to learn
even then, because they are resolved not
to do so. "
"In tho Mny primaries So.l.ooo people ot
Pennsylvania, nil legally qualified voters,
gave me their support as a candidate on
th" Hepubllcan ticket. I carry their
brief. 1 shall do so to the end. The ottwr
Itepubllcan candidates also carry a direct
brief from the people who supported them
nt the primary. I shall lend myself to no
leader or group or faction of an sort.
As I hnvo from the outset. I shall to tin
last go steadily on In my firm determina
tion to glvo the people of Pennsylvania
clein, capable and conscientious admin
istration of the ofllee to which I hope th
voters in November will elect me
Doctor Brumbaugh Issued the a bow
stntement Just before boarding the train
fur Donora this morning, where he will
dedicate a new school this afternoon.
Substitution of McCormick for Lewli
Is Expected.
HAKRISni'RO, Pa., Sept. 15.-Meuibefl
of the Washington Party State Committee
and other lenders of the Hull Moose nem
seem to be in no hurry to come here for
tomorrow's meeting of the State Commit
tee. None l on tho giound today and
none is expected until tomorrow morn
ing, with porMblu exceptions In the edits
of members from distant counties. M
have to come today to niiike sure of betnj
'c-'tatc C'halrmnu A. NWIn Helnch hai
rrsorvid his usual headqu.irteis on tw
second tlooi of tho Ilolton House, but no
other reservations seem tn have o'ea
made. Detilch has wired that I- will "
hire tomorrow morning
Tho wist end contingent is expected"
ci.niu over on a night train and t he rwi
adelphla men will arrive late tomorrow
forenoon. . . ,, ,
Substitution of Vance c M : i '" l k '"
Governor In plnco of Pe.in U-wls Is co
lldimtly expected, nnd the returns of"
.Maine election have not tended to ie
tins belief.
Discusses Stnte's Educational System
in Speech nt Donora.
noxnitA. Pa., sept is r !,'"" ?:
Hiiimbiiiigh dedicated the n w Uonon
High t-'cliool here tliN afternoon "
cunmonlM woro short, owing i lJ;r '".
U inputted visit to Moiiong.ihcUi Slon
sen and Ureonehurg by tin gubernatoru
party. . r, ,j
Ur. Brumbaugh's speech was ",',"j
dealt mainly with PcnnslvanU -
system nnd her standing in the euuc
tii'iuil world. i.i,ii6
Accompanied by Henr llouck. It',
llcun candidate for Se.i-ur.
tcruul Affairs; J.icon Kolb the "" ,
dilpbin baker: John B K """ cf
Philadelphia, and -M M iUi'lfZ ,
I ittsbiirtfh. the lutt i two eaodid.it" rf
1'onv.ress-iit-l.arge. and a mrnuer
other PlttsbuiBluis. 1" '" ""' ,.J)
arrived here from Pittsburgh ui '
o'clock this ntteinooi. .v,
Tin party Immediate) repaiud w
liondale Hotel, where lun.n i "r"t
Just before the p.ut left Pitisi
Tor this place William V. ' u"lC.,
Inlontown. ctuilrman of tlu K-'"""' h
State I'ummilire mei i" " n).
at the I'liloii depot ami h"l " lo"'i,btrt
mated tulk with liim What P.. ""
of their conversation urn cou'd w
lettrned- , n,tt
from IhU city the gubcrnatorM- t
went to Slonongahela. vslm- " 'tt(jI
stop was made From there i'1'
go to Mullensen ,, .,,'
Tonight Hi Brumbaugh v' ' ' xi x
au addresi in Uiccn-burg a'li "
he will lunc fvi Hurrisburu
' i L