f-i J9T'- ' f&A TfnptT" i,' ' ?Wi EVENING LEDOEB PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 19:U 11 MELANCHOLY DAYS ARE COME, SADDEST FOR CITY BEGGARS Hard Times for Mendicant 'rmy, Due to the Police. Jimmy Conners in Correc tion, "Slats" Despondent, "Shoestring Mary" Gone. Hard times linvo befallen tho beggar and the profession Is not what It used 10 be. Men who onco "nmdo" 13 to J3 o day have been either driven from the streets or aro serving sentences In tho House of Correction, Even Jimmy Connors, who was the llfo of a saloon near Eighth and Callowhlll itreets. Is In tho House or Correction, and what grlovcs James most Is that he cannot Kot out, although ho hired two lawjcra to nccompllsh tho object. James got out of tho "Correction" fvlre, Just for brief breathing spells, while HI" attorneys argued writs In tho courts, but each llmo James was re turned. Ho Is mourned by his valet and Mi companions. Ycb James, tho beggar, has a valet. In some manner Connors lost both his nrms. It happened when he was a child ond he does not know exactly how tho accident occurred, but It was a lucky ncdtlent. ho thinks, for since then James has not worked. He had a valot and tho funds to keep moro or less In state of drunkenness. Connors Is only ono of nearly 300 beg gars who In the last few months liavo been driven from the streets or sent to llio Houso of Correction. Ho It was who openly boasted that ho never had been locked up for moro than an hour or so. Ho always had an attorney whom ho paid to keep him out of Jail. The attor ney, generally ono who could draw a pathetic picture of Connors' affliction, to pathetic Indeed that Connors himself believed him when ho was arraigned in court, but Connors afterward boasted to William von Bevern, an agent for tho Philadelphia Society for Organizing Char ities, that ho would not change positions with a man who was whole. WHEKE CONNORS RULED HIS KIND. Near Eighth nnd Callow hill streets is a barroom. It Is dirty and dingy, but It harbors the men who never work. Hero they assemble to drink "scats," a five cent whisky, when times aro bad; to drink a better grade of whisky when fortune Is moro kind. Times aro now bad-never were worse. It Is hero that James Connors met his cronies. It was hero ho carried tho tin box which hung about his neck during "working" hours Into which money flowed from charitably Inclined persons. James nould empty tho box on tho bnr, and he and his companions would drink until Ions after daybieak. They would not stop until the money from kind heart3 had gone In a debauch. Then James would mark an unsteady course toward his room on Callowhlll ttreet. accompanied by his man. The mar. would undress Connors nnd seo him tafcly In bed. If Connors happened to be In that frame of mind that lie did not remember or c.iro how much money he had, the man would return to tho saloon. If Connors wns peovlh and could re member to a nickel how much hu had in the box fastened about his neck, the man would not return. Ho would dance at tendance upon James, and James wns no easy master. Jacob Silunldt is known to tho police as "Slats," Ho expressed his opinion of organized charity. Its agents and tho po lice toilu.v JIMMY'S FRIEND "SEATS." "Slats" is a personal friend, even when he Is sober, of Jimmy Connors. Whon he Is drunk ho is even moro than a friend of Connors. "You can say wlint you please, but cops ain't no good, society agents nro worso, and l'lullv Is going to tho dogs," is quot ing ' ,siat" in an expurgated manner. "Slats" gnzdl mouiirfully Into the emptj wlu-,ky glass beforo him. He then looked hopefully toward his Intet viewer, and at a nod from tho man ho was con versing with -'Slats" rapped tho glass on tliH bar to be infilled. Ho brightened per tentibl) after two or threo drinks and in an optiniNtln mood prophesied that Jlmnn would scion he out of the "f'or rer ttun and the police would soon forget their nniinc,.,lty to tho men who do not labor INlji'ISITIVE PITTSnURGHElt. A fen weeks ago tho Society for Or ganizing 'hatjtlcs received a telephone message from, a young man. He said that he would nice to make a call at tho society's moms If he was sura that he miM not ho arieslcd. Ho wns guaran teed imirunltj if lie visited tho rooms. A day later a well-dressed young man en tered the oflhe and Introduced himself. ll wip a fictitious niuno at first and law f.ibi th it be was known ns Myers ancl , :roi Pittsburgh. Ho lost a foot '"' i 1. end tin. nigh falling fiom a. freight cir He a- prittnbod by tho crusade made Bn'ariht I'e'a.ll-. Ho uanfml rt t...w.ti. Ittaf "')' t of tho crusadu wns and it Would hint. At tlrt Im unu ..... i.... ior a beggar, but ho did not ' ' i ,,.i,ii- - - i w , . i i - i i , i - - ' " ' k', '' . ' 4 r Saps. k ' , '.i'hti '' M llif it'Si'' Wt A MBhH . h'?2LiHMJ 1, mmaWBmalmWmuti ? 'r ' "-miff 4 iMt Imi.py m HPuBk. u fe. HHL19HMEraMH I, $Mm f-- -v- x , m:& 4f tmmmmmtA Mmm mmmWBSSmwSSi t js iwHcf t ..j $jmm !yuVHIB''M &Ik. 9mmmmshXMKKmKmBEffi&$WmlF9tt f mam T " '.-'"-'' w " l fmaammms" J,.aKT7 msmmm s ,,. jteMjmmwmKmmaamJi t ' - - m mmiHmaaaWmMi - WWk QtmWmaWKi MimtammmamMk "' ' . '. ' '' If 41 mfmaWmmmWSk.. J? 'lxPmiMlS&A i JMmWmmWaZBmi'' ' S- . 'Wf WMMmmmmWm -v - fWmMSmm m$mwmmmmmmmmmmm liSlpl.: iiP ikmtimlM a mvfemmmml ,- -v:- w H Hnn! wmm mmmXMwm : m mumm. . . 'i m mMmWmmmmwammmaWmmak. . wwam , mmmCzmmmm- m imj3frx- r-. ;?' v &m x-ii mmmmmmmmmmmmmmk. f w mMWsi MmmF, k m 'M'v-vs i.J'-- ,; ? t'm pM'T " fmamJImlmBmaaMmm f,( tmmWi mmm,m Mfmfm vV,?vf I Ja iW I l Bi - KPgnF: Jmam$mmmmmmmmammm .imwkjmm&M mWm -hMJ J mMmmmmm.W ,. 'MPlilHMlillMiC 13. l&&MmWM. m maamwaaMtiistm ,r - ,w kv wmmmmmmamaataaam ''marmm , , idfm." -,? j$?u ii . faaaaaaaaassaaMr s . i& wml Avaaaaaaa&aataaaaaaaai iXKv.v7&3wiiacr -. aaa &faaiiMmi , st&g&ai K!HHr.",J AmmSHBa'&Maamm .MmWmfmWMm WlmMammmmmm, t ' vm Wmi$m?,'WLj$mmmmmmmm tmamWrn J ' TirMKMfBBI - Wwammmm 'laHiHHvTiy " :tlwiWXm fBmmmWm ' k WmmmmmWrnmS-Mf "';&.' ' ' VMM-mPm vmmmmm . . mz; jMmmmmmmmmmsMMmMms-, f nv'i.40 :.- ;.v -. w wmmmimmm imwwmm fl '''V'mv sgmmaammmmWaWBaSEMmmmmW'' t , ''',)- t '? I, W3E'MW3mm iWMmMM 1 SMh sm$mBmmmmmmmmmWmWaammu i - jl -'. '' miWMMz$? 1 - vSmi i mil iiiiiiiili MHBBIIMIf ":"''-41- 'JJBS iVMWtzttMiSi r jiMZamiMOKaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaBiaaiaaaaaaaawr . ' $ ' s ' ','': , -y &-e&r33atiMxai&$8&j$S& Copyright by Underwood fc I n'rnol. SISTERS OF MERCY AND RED CROSS NURSES ARE DOING THEIR BEST TO RELIEVE THE SUFFERINGS OF THIS VALIANT BELGIAN Belgian and German, men of every race and creed, who bear the wounds of their service on the field of battle, have reason to thank the capable hands that have healed their wounds and given them a new lease on life. Philadelphia, hoping to ply her trade without molestation. Tho West Phila delphia business men appointed ono of their number to Investigate her case, as she had won much sympathy as a widow with a bnby to support. She waa fol lowed to a room In Ninth Btieot. neur Vine. Mnry was &oen to glvo the alms she had collected to a man, who was six feet tall nnd who at ono time was a horseslioer. Ho Is her husband and has not worked for ycats. Mary gavo up her baby and she and her husband disappeared. BLIND MENDICANTS. Blind beggats aro still giving tho police trouble. They refuse to go Into Institu tions, for they say that they like family llfo ond tholr homes will bo broken up If they are driven from tho streets. Moro than 30 blind mondlcants have been forced to stop begging. David Kline, who formerly played a small organ at tho corner of Fifth and South streets, Is trying to get out of tho ITouse of Cor rection upon a writ of habeas corpus. Judgo Carr has tho writ under consider ation, but has handed down no decision. In tho Houso of Correction is tho blind nnd armless man who for years stood on Market street In front of tho postolllce. Ho had a little house on Spring street near Eleventh. This was presided ovor by a colored woman who posed as his wlto. Tho rows between tho cripple and his black hclpmato kopt Spring street In good humor for ycais. Tho colored woman once In a whlio would catch her helpmato so stupelled that he could not help himself. She would search his pockets for money and rjulckly transfer It to i Tenderloin b.-iloon. She would drink as much as possible nnd then leave as many dollars ns she had left with tho bartender us a drawing ac count. Whon her husband would nwake and llnd that he had been robbed ho would hunt up his black partner. If her brain was not too bofuddlcd she would leavo homo for sovetal days until many things wcio forgotten. If sho did not leave her husband would light with her savatto style. He had no arms, but In prizo ring parlance ho had a. punch In either foot. The days of tho "pnitles" In Spring street are gone. The nrmless and blind man is In the Hou.sc of Correction for tliroo months. His wife linn disappeared. In tho picturesque langunge of tho Ten ileiloln, tho woman "peddled" out tho house when she learned that her hus band would be fcntely away for many long days. She spent tho money sho lecetved for the fiitnitino on whisky, and when tho money was gone, she nlso dis appeared. There aro but fow of tho beggars on tho stieet today. Tho notion of tho po llcu mid chniltablo organization has made tho lire a miserable ono. A "panhand ler" 13 soon occasionally at night on Arch street. Ho does not linger long. When ho bus obtained tho price for a big beef stew and n what he styles a "Hop" on Eighth or Ninth street, lie loaves the district. It Is still too early in tho fall for tho Houso of Correction to hold out any inducements to the panhandler. PRIZE-WINNING BABIES UNDERGO MENTAL TESTS Additional Point In Exnminatlon at Woman's Hospital. Prizes for "Infant efllclency" were awarded today during a baby show at tho Woman's Hospital. 2139 College ave nue. It wns tho first competition In which mental ability has been mndo part of tho tests for prize-winning babies. Children six months old should bo ablo to follow bright objects with their eyes and show Interest In silver dollars held beforo them, nccordlng to physicians at tho hospital. Only those who passed this test figured as prize-winners today. Standards for Infant efllclency for older children flguicd in nil competitions. John Mullln, 14 months old, son of Mrs. Lillian Mullln, was a first prize winner in his e'ass. He wns able to say "Dada" nnd "Mama," and showed considerable In terest In tojs put beforo him. Ho nlso recognized Ills mother among several women, thereby fulfilling tho final condi tion set for children older than one year. (tables two years old were expected to imitate gcstuics nnd distinguish objects. At two and a half youngsters were ex pected to bo ablo to manage some sort of talk and recognize all the members of their families. Th-c next standard was that sot for five-year-olds, who were required to tell nursery stories or be ablo to manufac ture a talo of somo sent. Tho entrants were gathered from a list from tho ma ternity ward of the hospital. $100,000 STEAMSHIP, GRIPPED BY SHOALS MAY REACH SAFETY Prospects Brighten of Res cuing the Atlantic City From Threatened Destruction. SHINN TO SUCCEED COLE Governor Fielder Names Atlantlo City Democrat to Judgeship. TRENTON, N. J., Sept. 15. Governor Fielder today appointed Clifton C. Shinn, of Atlantic City, u Democrat and presi dent of tho Atlantic County Tax Hoard, as Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas, of Atlantic County, Mr. Shinn will succeed Judgo Clarenco U Cole, who will resign his oflleo Octo ber 1. Tho appointment of Mr. Shinn is an ud Interim one, and will bo sent to tho Sennto for confirmation for a full term when that body reconvenes In Jnn mu y. CHILDBEN TO DESCRIBE EVILS Wh.it in. Ivn li, ltc , .. "-oKtH UU IU Mill IUl P cm IiH(.rn in Ignorance long. ' am iioin Pittsburgh. My people lo iu w' '"-'-" '' Philadelphia for wm.'"th ' v;a,lt t0 know Jut "Qw thi , ,',s '""""'"ness of tho socloty and I"'"" IJ 'ng to continue I had bm i J .'" ",ako Philadelphia my home, ul lHnt " ",l3 thl"K -etps up. nuik? ,:'; Murs Sllla ttiut " nver .,, '' a boy he had learned a.d l'h. " 'mi1 tlu dictation lir,"i" alrly f,uit iU shorthand. Von fwi J "5U"e'1 tu Myew. and then of. tip b'ggiK """ B l'mon ,f h0 would Then u... .... ..... . habit- ,i .. ?"' ",al "? nau few h Us! . "B " a '"'1""P- Ho drank lu 2,o;.. le d'd"t want work; h fiJ Ptani' " Pllc0 ",,p'onco with could lWV,'nfrmed tllat BUcl "trance Von BUevernSl,Ve" t.lWm- al tl,a"kei1 fcrsa xxjr-u ,s ,jc,i8vca W fne!:"C9.btPn Mt the the opponents "3 P-art f U,e rt,' cene ?.,? f wnrk 8l"ftet, "clr Wd Qermn? aVOr l West Philadelphia ed tu Ike i.?H' a'tno,u" contln- that tha wJ?eyr..b.?tfamo so "' ou "Witt', '"adelphla Husiuess the police p3Jolt up Ul mat0,r ""It beggars wLnrrCStS ere ma,le' but tt leacu-f n t"'e" by meraberb of y heeded tu'" Uurne'1 to leave- a"u Tht p warnlnw. lulne m.n' avwom'i' Interekted tha 8 with n", ,Sho U tho woman who Mm? w. -by.. on "er arm a"a for ctntrai nari a,we-"nown rtgur. In th 4'Sh.iS,r V".9 ca'- Sll kwn Bh string Mary " h 5ldan,niW2rnea by ,h soclety that If " woum ' l" c,"m otc the streit i wem-i oe arrf.t.,1 o ...,. -. CIVIL WAR BICENTENNIAL Committee Also Discusses Plans to Observe Officlnl Canal Opening. The nieentennlal Hxecutlvo Committee met tills nfttrnoon In tho William rutin House. Kulrmount I'.nk to complete plans fur the euli bration of the fiftieth nnnl vti'baiy of tho ending of tho Civil War. I'rep.untlons to observo tho ofltclal open ing of tho Panama Cunal also were made. A flag will lo presented to Colonel Ooatlmls. The members of the Executive Commit tee nro Qeuerul It tlu llenaon. Oenornl Thcodoro K. Wicdeialieim, Francis If Heaves, Culuiul M. Itlchnrds MuoKle, AlcNander 1. Colesberry. Cyrus Hfrgner, James l'olIocK. Thomas M. Thompson, Lewis .1. l.evleit llcnjamlti I". ubdii?tr Supiemo Court .lustlco Poll and Charles W. AltMindcr, soeretary. bab ' on , oe arrested So, W n'.'? arm. n--J her basket o otuer, she went with : o to WANTS 50,000 FOR GIRL'S POOT Amputation Follows Loss Under Trolley Car, TRUNiuN, Bept. I5.-ThQ right foot of a, 6-year-old Kill Is lalued ut J50AO In a suit filed In tho Supreme Court by IMtllip J. O'Keute, of Camden. IIo hus tturic-.l this action against the Public Service Itallw.iy Company for Injuries suffeicd by Ids daughter, Catharine. U Is alleged that Jho girl ivaa run ovor by a trolley ear on August gci last, ami tliut her foot was bo badly crushed that it had to bo ampututed. The company 1$ charged with negllgouce. Will Compete in Essay Contest for Home nnd School League Cup. Tho evils of cigarette smoking, tho dan ger of running tho streots and other temp tations to which children may lie sub jected will bo described by the public school children of this city In a hnfety essay rontest, which began todny. under tho direction of Dr. John I. Oiirbor, As sociate Superintendent of Public Schools. About IS0.CO) chlldien will participate In the rontest. tho object of which Is to en cnurnpe them to avoid dangers of nil kinds. A cup will bo piesentod to the winner at Convention Hnll, Hroad strict and Allegheny avenue, on rieptomber 20 at tho conclusion of a big safety carnival. ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 15. Prospects for saving the $100,000 steamship Atlantic City from the treacherous grip of tho Inlet shoals which wrecked two sister vessels of tho Atlantic City Navigation Company nnd sent tho line Into bank ruptcy weio brightened today, when It was found that during tho night the liner, under Its own power, had materially Im proved Its position. Only a short spac of sandy ledgo now separates tho Atlan tic City from deep water and lino offi cials aro confident tho craft will float on the next high water, probably about S o'clock, this afternoon. Edward L. Foster, treasurer of the Union Trust Company, Washington, Pa., one of tho passengers taken from the Atlantic City yestorday, made positive de nial of sensational reports that passen gers wore lashed to the rails and to the mast when tho Atlantic City first struck In a violent northeaster on Sunday, or that Captain Townsend, tho veteran skipper, refused at any time to set thu passengers ashore after the stranding. "He simply convinced us that It would bo a foolish thing to uttompt to go ashora In tho midst of tho galo on Sunday whon tho ship was perfectly safe," tho Penn sylvnnlnn said. Captain Townsend remained on his bridge continuously until noon yester day when weakened by hunger nnd exhaustion. FRANKFORD AND TAC0NY ASK SEWER IMPROVEPENTS Doctor Dixon Tells Delegation He Has Advocated Changes. Representatives of tho residents and business organizations of Franl.ford nnd Tacony visited Dr. Samuel Dixon, Stalo commissioner of health and chailtio3, at his office in tho Academy of Natural Sciences, today, and requested him to In tercedo In dealing tho Frankford nnd Tacony Crooks, now used as sewers, of tho mass of dlseaFo breeding material ac cumulated In and along theso creeks. They asked that a modern sewerage sys tem bo constructed In tho district. Doc tor Dixon replied that his depaitmont has, on previous occasions, called tho atten tion of the city authorities to tho lack of sewage facilities not only In Frank ford, but in other sections as well. "The residents of Frankford and their representatives evidently nre surprised to discover." said Doctor Dixon, "thnt this department ha tried at various times to securs the co-operation of tho city of Philadelphia In remoJellng and tho re building of sewors In various parts of the city. Chief Webster, a very honest and onterprlslng rlty olllclal, is doing his bint along this line but tho city Ims fallc d to make the necessary appropriation for t!ic purpose. Of course, it Is possibles to ex plain why municipal galleries should not be mndo to wait until sewers are reached, ibut Mill we hope that when Wo call tho attention of the cltv authorities to tho sowprago needs of Philadelphia thev will co-operate with us in tho matter." Mrs. Ahna M. Dutcher, In Arlington, N J. Mrs. Bee was tho widow of Isaac Bee. Bho was born October 8, 1SH. Sho In survived by n daughter, three grand children nnd threo great-grandchildren. MRS. EMMA DENELSDECK Mrs. Emma Denrlsbcck, of Overhrook nenr Cninden. died yesterday from In- I juries sustained by being struck by nn aittiimobllo on tho White Horso pike on Sunday night. Mrs. Denelsbock was on i lier way to church at the Urn'-, and tho autolst who struck her nover stopped to look Into the accident, but hurried In the direction of Atlantlo City. Sho was I iO years old. captain Patrick tjrqtthart Cnptnln Patrick Urciuhnrt, a retired sea going ship master, who had numerous i menus in I'liiiaaeipma, uicu at ins nomo 1 in Liverpool, England, several days ago. i For more than 80 years he had com l manded steamers plying between Liver pool nnd Philadelphia, nnd had frequently enloyed tho hospitality of his Philadelphia fr ends whon tho Lord C'llve and dough were In port. Captain UrqUhart retired 20 years ago. Ho wns SO years old. ROBERT HENRY BONNER Robert Henry .Bonner, a Pennsylvania ntcrnn of tho Civil War, who had taken trnrt In several of tho principal battles I nnd had been promoted for his bravery, I died at his homo, 2330 East Sergeant I street. In his C9th year. For several ears he had been a worker In tho Drexol Piddle jjiuig cinss or at. l.uko-8 epis copal Church. He was a member of pnst No. 61. Q. A. II. MRS. RACHEL W, ROOER3 Mrc. Itaehcl W. Rogers, widow of Wil liam B. Rogers, who was a vlco presl d"iit of the Philadelphia Havings Fund Srrlety, and daughter of tho late William nne Wlster, who wns president of the National Hank of Oermnntown, died vetterday at tho homo of her daughter. Mrs Edgar Wright Balrd on Navahoa avenue, Chestnut Hill. MRS EMMA BALL FITLER Mia Emma Hall FItlor, widow of Er. r'bnrles Henry Fltler, died yesterday at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. S. I3oyd Oirrlgnri, in Absecon, N. J. Mrs. Fitter was a member of an old Philadelphia family. Funeral of Mrs. L. P. Sawyers Tho funeral of Mrs. Louise P. Sawyers, wife of James Pawyors, a produce mer chant, waa held from home, 2037 Dia mond Ktreet, today. Mrs. Sawyers had been affiliated with tho Episcopal Church of tho Advocate, Eighteenth and Diamond streets, for IS years. She was 62 years old. DEATHS OF A DAY JBeatljs AI.IIHN. On September 11. cnee 10H. MART Unlley), mfu LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE FIXES SECURITY PRICES PROMINENT FIREMAN DIES Frank P. Stott, Assistant Chief at Coatsville, Typhoid Victim, COATESVILLE, Pa., Spt IS -Frank I) Rtnlt. nauinriilit .'lilol nf hn t.. .1.1.... tun Hose Compan, and a ver prominent ' (Iranian, died from typhoid fever this i morning i He whs a son of the lata John A Stott, who at rug uf.mi was prominently .ap. .ond f" a I n. .td with tho building of the new C; " i ifl at Harrfsburg This is tha sec t3t 1 ictim of typhoid in two weeks. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES IUmmi. w lipilfunl. Iftlf IMise'ey 8t. and llerircll. Iln krlt. L1417 .S". SeNC-mti t. Anilrum Tillman, liviu Randolph st , nnd Hos.i Keller, 1h"-"J (lermnntown flve. chcirl.'s n Urothc-hcn, 251", N ."Oth et., and IMmi Eilelman. SS15 N'. ':0th ft. John Uri'gan, flucks County, Tj., unit 'Mar iner, t Mmra. HVo NoMa st Harry 8. fonlo. MIS Hunter mc. an! Mar inn E. rcmell. lrt'."J N. 63th t. William I'rydRM. 112! S. !.Uh t.. nnd Mar- !ha Tnylnr. 2Va Miinton ft. lleiirc Kerr, Ml II AMepheny nve., and Mary I I'.itVrson, 431 Musi lier st. Jlonuril S. Tumiiii, 3WJ VHnKlrU St., and I lliabeth Clarks.m, 4s2l Mulbrrry t William J. W'lnterliottom, I'SH Penn at,, an4 Mur n. Ilenr. 4112 IVnn st. Angela in itetra luso frow t , and Anna Du a. 1020 f'ru.s.i hi nai1 Kldianort, Sisu V lOili at., ami Uertha ItMllml. 110') l.i My iup DaM VV. Pchmll '.'HI'I N' flih . and Heslu S WarrlnKton. 3S5S K Hniu 1 t. Janus W". i.ormlo. t'.'IS Dalkii'th tt., anl Hllzaholh n IlmiKh, 2'3 S. t-rier et. John l.ykcns. Dlnl-lioro Pa., and Utura Mllll- ken. Dlrilbbaro Pi C'hailes Mwtcin 2(li:i N Matcher t., ond Xfar. Karet Mullln 'JWl N Domler it Uarry J L'Bgly 431U V l'jr at., and Marl M. Adams 3013 N. Percy ft. Anthony A. Fellt lOlci Walnut t.. and Jennie M Haggan, fiOtO W'ulnut st. Matthew A. Maisee, .". !T Prirlsbton at, and Nr.ru Isaacs. lrlili;clll lel Harry n. Uarry, 1004 IJ Orleans st.. and Clara V. Sieuard. 40S Falrmount ae. Uvrnard J. Tra.i, IM1 UtinstmJ it., anJ Mar H. Onrmlcy 112 North Wilton t William 11 Jennrtt. HHO North pt-lton St., and Mary C Cash. rt.IT liaerfnr, fte. Omruo Jordan, 71 Church lane, ami Cora M Stowurt ll')i North llih t K Iwnr.l llurccr. Jr. 'tny2 V ,rth llandolph tt . and Mary V I.i,a 4 4i i -n iset hi rrelcrl U J ttu niir, Vralon. I'u . and Ellen S. Thoii as. Veadon Pa Jnhn W l'atiUIl,l I'.'ST I"irier St., and Helen c Unlllng, 2:'2-l Omnttlih st. Ipitvaid W" Mnrrl ' umdiii N J. and Flor ence V Thrush l' I N rth 36th H Jnhu V. IVadcr Prt, la , and Brolly Tay- lur. Camden. N. J. J"hn It Ch'ai, Comlv and Wlsslnomln sts . and Florence A Kelly lin U. c'olumtila nvo. Clarenca H. Illddl. W'llmlnitton. Utl , and Initio Stcor. Ulkton Ml lUiymnnd M Lvctiuii Kl-S N Sftth st . nnd Ada U Tbninpscn. 2.V1T S' 27th tt. J.pb I: Montnmer . '.'"-') K 11th tt. and PUs ibttli B funiinr Vull S Iierten i l'ranclj O Rrlen. 42 Main t . and Jane Hale, Falls or SchuNlkll! Hauuel i'bau 23 N 37th it , and Uars-uret M Brady, 4031 run? ct Chartea II Oerhapl. 180 l.vceum ave . und Fnimt S. Mccliuuhau. l'!2 Dllmora tt Ji.hu It Hue. Jrd 111'J Piue st.. aud Htlsa II. Illcharvls. GeruuintuHn. John V Koeiilif. N'l riou and I'owcUr Mill lane and Janet ( Suiter 3.V)3 Lancaster ao iJorn W Fo nil N. rth 32.1 st , and Koe M Pevlne, R.I-) Hutt n st Al red I n H rn cnwyd. la . and May- U'lo F M y HcU U Ix' la Orecn'-? 4-'0 Wider t., and Lime M' ik"'.iUi, 41S cross tt. Nitme Official Quotations nt Which All Sales Must Be Made. LONDON, Sept 15.-The Stock Ex chanuo Committee today fixed prices tor nearly 1000 British, India nnd Colonial Kllt-cdgcd securities and other trustee Se curities. Sales below tho established prices aio forbidden. Transactions must he for cash. Options nnd timo bargains will not be allowed In the securities for which tiuotatlons liav. beon fixed of ficially. Dealers were ordered to clear sales from brolters to buyers before selling from their own books. The committee tiroes members to make up stock wherever possible. JONATHAN E. RH0ADS FILM SHIPPING CONCESSION Old Containers Mny Be Used Until March 1, 1015. WASHINGTON. Sept. 15 -Shippers of moving picturo films today received a concussion fioni the Inetstuto Commerce Commission. It wns announced that In asmuch na It appears that soma of tho larger shippers of movlne picture films have on Imnd a largo quantity of con tainers tor turn shipments by express, which conform to the commission's reg ulations Kovernlns tho transportation of such articles by epress, but which do not conform to the regulations which were to bocome effectlte October 1, the commission has granted the- following ex tension of time on paragraph 43 of the regulations for the transportation of ex plosives and other dangerous articles by expiess, on October 1, VjH: "Strong, spark-proof. vulcanUcd haul fibre cases, made of fibre not less than 070 of an inch tu thickness, reinforced by metal at the corners, purchased prior to October 1, lid), may bo used until March 1. 1915. for the shipment of mov ing plctura films enclosed In interior up.uk-piuot metal cases" Member of tho Widely Known Leather Belting Finn. Jonathan C. Rhoads, ul ,1 11. Rhonds & Sons, 12 South Third str.ft. who hnd been In tho leather bolting br-lnes since 1ST7, li dead ut his home in Wilming ton, Del Ho was S3 rars old Ponco work had been Mr. Rhoads' prime Inter est for many years until his health beean to fall thrto months ao. Mr. Rhonds was a member of nn old Philadelphia family that hnd been as sociated with tho leather business slnco 1702. He was a minister of tho Society of Friends for many years and was a, member of the Philadelphia Yearly Meet ing Mr. Rhoads mis u member of tbf Board of Trustees of tho Wptton Hoarding School He was n&socinted with sovernl charitable Institutions. He Is survived by four sons. (1.-o!bo a. and William K.. who will uewd him In the business: Josoph. a'su cnuiiiu'ted with the firm; Dr. l:dwuid i, ithuadf. of tier mnntown, nnd n daughter, Mn. Klizii beth Rhoads Tntnall, of Syracuse, N. V. The funeral will be hi-id tomorrow morn ing from tho Friends' Meeting Houso, In Wilmington. LOST LIFE SAVING CHILD ANOTHER COBB SPEEDY Harry, No Relative of "Ty," Sprints Away From Sheriff, WASIIINUTON. sept 15.-Pollce of Washington and Sheriff C. M Walters, of Raleigh, N. C , are searching toda for Harry Oi.bb. light of foot but no relation, so far ns known, of "Ty" Cobb, noted for his base stealing In tha American liasbaU League. The Sheriff brought Cobb as his prisoner from Massachusetts and left him for a moment in the waiting room at tho Union Station When he re turned Cobb had sprinted away Cobb took with him one pair of handcuffs The Sheuff was too dazed to teal the charge against Cobb. Major Dies in Tronton Body Will Bo Brought Here. The body of Clement Major. 4T years old, of 3127 Richmond stritt, P iltadelphlo, who died In the Mr.r Hospital Tren ton, yesterday, as ho result of Injuries which he suffered In attempting to stop a. runway and save a child's life, will he brought to this city tomorrow It will be received by his sister. Mr Amcli.i. Webster, wtth whom hi- i.ud tun m.ikinir his horns while In this, clt. Major ftoppei the runaway and save.) tho child's llfo near I'urllmjton, Bucks County. The iiors. , attache, to a heavy wagon. In which was a little girl took fright, nnd as they came dashing town the road Major, hj wa walking in the opposite direct) u, ran forwaul an4 stopped them Mn.'or was upuek by tli HRgon Shaft and li.'ured Iniernajly, JAMES P. GALLSN James P. U a lien, i'JJ'i Hrown trj, a paper bag manufacturer, a former mem ber of the school board nnd a atanci) Democrat died from r utonitU sit tit Joseph's Hospital U Iwd l.-en m for s, week nnd lulled to survive an ouara. tlon. Mr. Oallen was senior rartn of James V Callen it &.n w,. i,,,,! h,. I'resident of the St Vincent 4 Ptil go, ! ctely arul of the Jeiferc-u club nJ la , jieli) executive position in vri building end loan associations. ne . longed to the Knights of iv umbiis. ills wife, two daughters. Mi Wi.ilam Henry aud MUs Mar liuUm, and two sons. WUllant J tiallen, for many years a postolVce employe, and Jamea 1. qt, ten, Jr.. associated (Q the tlrtu. survive him He was S3 jcars old MRS. RACHEL V. D. SEE Kl.liSABKTH ALDEN of Joshua I. Alden Funeral on Wl wife of Jushua V A.'len. Funeral on Wod npwJaj. at b .'10 a m , from Miln l'a"h.tll Pve, Weit riillaiteUihia Solemn Ittqulem Mdi3 nt nt i Itrn. nt J ' hurch, at 10 o'clock Iri iment at H - ' rnis ' Vmterv AI.KVATA PASQUAI.C ALEVATA. 1 year, .1 I'lPrco it AVI.MKIt. On September 12. 1014. MART AvUinn. Duo notice of tho funeral will bo Klen from hr lat residence, 41)15 Warrn ft . West Philadelphia. UA1KI). At tho residence of Eugene D. Ilad. I'rtimlum loln'. New Itochelle, N. Y.. on Sunday, S-tptemher IJ. 11)14. M.I.A ., wldovy of jams W Kalrd, ancl ilauKh tcr of tho late Charles T. I'arry. Itclatle and frlnd are Invited to attend the funeral services, on ednea la afteinnon at IJ (0 odock, at tho ajjiirments of oli,r II. lUlr. i2ll r-hi'fnut nt , Philadelphia Inter ment at West I-aurel Hill Cemetery. IIAI.IIVUN. At his residence. 211 North Ma ple ae. Uiiiedowne, Pa, on September '3, 1IH4. Jfilix r. IIALDWIN. aged 72 years funeral services nnd Interment prtaiu. I rovldenco (Ft. I ) papers please copy. It.WJ.K. On September 11, 1014, JOHN IIA1LE HelatU'eB and friends are invited to nttonl tha funeral services, on Wednesday, September 10, at 2 o'clock precisely, at the f cin-ial parlors of Harr C r. furson. 1213 "'iih llroad st. Interment private 11IK1I. On September IS, 1014, CATHARINE i. . wife of h.iriea II. Bii 1 !: i,.t.ve ,i d I r eids aro l.'nited to attei d funeral on Uelnesdai, at 2 p n. , at her late reslden-", 1 Ml .North cttd st.. Overhrook Interment male. Jit Peine cemetery. Itcmalnx may be Mewd "Put -In' 'loin s to 10 p m IJON.VEIi. On September 13, 1014, ROBERT UlvNKY UO.SM it, .-r , Hrst lieutenant Cj 0 Oth Itewimeiit. i enna. Volunteers hus lan I of Martha J. Honncr (nee Uoldsinlih). 1 uneral on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from i .n Kust sergeant t Interment private, at Odd fell .vs c phh tery "JXi'S-0.1! . September 11. 1014. DANIEL BOYD. Relatives an! friends are Invlicd to attend the funeral grrvlccs, on TuoHcwy aft erncun. at 2 ocio, at the ajartments of C'llver II. Bnlr. 1S20 Phestnut mi. IntNan, at .Mount Moriuh f'emetny. Iif'l.j: --Oil .September 12. 1011. MICHAEL IloI.E, aged n e.ir Funeral nn Tuesday, ut s a. m . from 1.112 South Capitol st. Sol emn Requiem Mass at the Church of St. 1 nomas Aqu.nas at 0 I" a n Hl:.I)I.i:v. At Ocean Grnve V J. on Sen. tember in. 1014, JOHN HARDY BRADLEY, husbanl of Melllo K li-uho ni.i h ,i on! son of Martha and late Jnhn II. Bradley. aired ,,l Va.rit. TtelnrKAH nnl fHanl. t.mA Orient Lodge. No Ssl, F. and A. M. . Mellta .rd;!?r.' ,No 2S1? M'ry Commanderv. No. ,I. I'hiladtlphu Consistory anl I.u Lu Tern 5le'.Ar,A,.,M p : Keymnnn Anembly. No. J. A O M P., nnd emploes .f the Hughrs a ilrndl t'n , are Invited to nt'-nd funeral. nn Monlay. nt 1 .'lo p. m. from late resi dence, J71I1 Celir uve Services in Whnrtnn Su.et Memorlil M. E. Church. T.lth and ( atharlne ts , t : 30 o'clock. Interment Mt. Morlah Cemetery. I'.ltAN HON, ,n September 12. 1914 EMMA J. BRAYBoW widow of Arthur Braybrn Funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m , at 24f.il N Colorado st Interment rernwrod CimBtery. n!;!,.",t!, gp;mhr 12. ion. frank U BUCiciAN. hu.tmii ,f Kl.. 1 Hr k'at Pi neral servbes. Tuesda. it 8 p. in at tJ,-'v N Frrni st , c'amden. N J. Interment Bap tist Cvint.tery. oedstuwn, N. J., on tVedae.. iUv CAMI'lli:;.!.. On September 15. 1014. JOHN 11 c AMt'BKI.I., ,'.! .in je&rs f'.rlatn. in. I rl.nl in. Iml'el t atlen 1 th tuiirral ivl s on liivsilnv at 10 a m , at hi iu'e If . r a41l - . , I-,,..,, . R. . .. ... f-;pKI.I.-Jn September 2. 1014. MAR- ItrUtlvea ,i. I i en.'s are Invited in a'te-J lunirul wr ,s it S p m. on WediesJas. at her lata i,Mi-i e 4V84 Merlon ave In. termrnt Mt l r'lh ivmn.rv (AIJK.T-On 8ptn,ber tl. 10H. MARY A. E. ' Al.lt. lt i .buries au i ui.era. s. rvi.e. in reel iv hi 2 p ill. at the rest dtne of her juh w, Mrs Rose A. rlijb-, 2d l Fernv . I tvtaware C". Pa Inter. . !".'." U'i' 1'1"'- i.'iiieterv Vocarrag C',fcft;,'7"." epi.'inher 14. 1014 MARY O. widow of Ja'iii Carson In her T! y.ir, Funeml .rv' .s n. iuislav, at Emlllo road near nrl-t.-i m J ., j, m. interment Hveihwu- I iVnivterj. CIII MSh. ai M"firtt(.wn N. J. on Ninth M.n; hi ..!, inn. itACHKI. A., wife of John ("nllin. III her 74ih .ar ReUiHus and fib nd- ir Itivtt.d to attend the funeral, from her law rell..n.e. :;3 East Central ave . Ursionn. on Third day. Ninth Month lftth! at 12 m Imerment at CnlMtown Cs lstsry. Carrlaw wi'l n.t 11 0 trolley from Mar ket st furi, Camden, at i'nter 0ve , M, ortevvn t'UIII'Flt.- On h.itenler 13. 101 1 tMI.l.l AM le!itm.a an c : ..! I jfcfitct nn! Corn,", ' council. liBATna aT.EASON. On September II, i14, LOUlB W.. wife of Samuel D. Oleason, daughter of Catharine S. nnd the UL Char if P. Klselj, In her 33d year,. Funeral service Tuesday, t 1 p. m., nt 029 Penn tt.. Camasn, ft, J, Interment private, at Wst Lurel Hill Cem. try. OOLASIC HELKKA OOLASIC, S8 yttrs, 220 Brown tti , .. .... ,-. OOIIMLEV. On September IS, 191.. JOHN J., ton of Johan and Winifred Oormley tree Kelly). Funeral on Tuesday, at 180 p. m., from the residence of hit parenlt. 100 rlr mount nvs. Intorment Holy Cront Cemetery. OOHSI.EH.--On September 11, 1014, ANNA B wife of John Y. Uossltr. Funtral terv Ices Tuesday, tt 2 P. m at her late resi dence. 2410 W. Allegheny . Interment private. OH KEN ALBERT OREEN, 2 yttrt, BIT Watt tt. HAt'T.H WILFRED HAOSER, 82 yttrt, lift N. 10th tt ...,.. HAM.OU'ELL. On Sepltmher IJ. 1014.WII. I.IAM. husband of the lat Catharine N. Hftliowell, Rited 74 years. Due notlej of thj funeral will he riven, from th resldenct of hit dnujthter, 1848 Van Pelt tt. Iinrilt'HN-At her residence. Atlantlo City. N j , it 1 a. m. on September, 13. 1914. r.Ll.ABETII UAimy, wife of V. Hortc Hepburn. Tht relative and friends aro In vltod to attend tho funeral torvlces, on wN nesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at her city home, 1728 Pine st , Philadelphia. Inter- IinitTER. On September IB, 1014, MAODA LBNA. wlf of Lout Herter (formerly EcK nrd), aited 48 year. Due notice of th fu neral will be Riven, from her late residence, 1027 Phtink tl II INK I.E. On September 13, 1014, GEOROn E., son of George C nnd Elisabeth Hlnkl and itrandson of John anl Mnry Hlnkl nnd Edward and Mary Lvnrh aired 3 week. Funeral on Monday, at 2 p. m , from 2100 Dlck!non st Interment tt Holy Croe Ceme tery. IIOM'F.M,. On September 13, 1014, JANS R., widow of Jnreph II Howell, nrtlst. llel etlves and frlond nre Invited to attend th funeral, on Wedtiosday, at 2 p. m., from th residence of her son-in-law, Henry o. Sey bert, 1007 Chrltttan t Intorment at La favette Cemetery. Ilt'TCIIINSON. On Feptember 12. 1014. A0N'E3 C HFTCHINStJN, dauehtcr of the late Wll'lam nnd Ellen Smith Funeral on Wednesday, at 8 30 a. m.. from f.020 Chest nut tt Mats of Solemn Requiem nt tho Church of Our Lady of tho uosary at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. JAC1URS. On Sunday nl(?ht, September 13, 11114, ELIZABETH HAIt I SilOIINE JAUUKB. widow of David It. Jaquc by sudden Illness at Locust Orove. neir Rahway, N. J. Du hotlco of funeral later JOIINfiON. On September 12. 1914. ANNA REMS. wife of J Howell Johnion. Belattve are Invited to attend funeral services, on Wednday, at 2 p m precleely, at her lata residence. 2141 Columbia ave. KEI.T.EY. On September 13, 1914, MARY J, PARKER, wife of William Kellej Rela tives and frlendi are Invited to attend the funeral eervhei", on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o rloek. at her late residence. 3307 Arch tt. Interment private. Please omit flow err I.ACEY. On September 11. 1014. OWEN, husband of Annlo Lacey Funeral on Tuos da, at 8 .10 a. m., from 1H.V) Dounlon st , Nlcctoivn. Solemn HlKh Mnss of Requiem nt fet. Stephen's Church at 10 a. m. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. I.EEIHIM. On Ninth Month 12th. 1014, JO SEPH LEEDOM Relative are Invited to at tend the funeral, from Oakmont, Delaware Cmintv, Pa . on Ninth Month 15th, nt 3 p m. J.l'nnEI.T. HARRY LIDDELL, fi year. 2351 E. Serneant st I INTON. At Newtown. Pa., Monday, Sen. tember 14. 1H14. THOMAS B. LINTON aged 73 years. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attnd the funeral, without further notice, Horn his lata rerldonce, Wnshlnuton live., Newtown, on Thursday, September J 7, at 2.4 p. m. Interment at Newtown Cemetery, Train for Newtown leaves Rending Terminal 1 .2J p. m. KEI.I EY On September 13. 1914. MART J PARKER, wife of William Kellcy. Du notice of the funeral will bo given, from I.er late residence 3307 Arch st. KI.AIDER. On September 11. 1014, KATII ERINE M , beloved wife of the late Charle Klauder (nee Fox), in her 58th year. Rela tives nnd friends, aiico members or the Ladles' Aid Society of St. Vincent's Orphan Aylum. Tncnny; St Mary's Society of the Cathollo Mothers, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday morning, at 0 30 o'clock, from her late residence. 3328 North Broad st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Stephen's Church, at 11 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery. MAUIIER. Suddonly. on September 12. 1014. OTTIL1E N. M MAURER. daughter of th late J. J. and Pauline Maurer, aged 43 year., Asst. Hupt of the Lutheran Orpnan Home. 1050 Germantown ave, Mt Airy. Relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, In the chnpel of the Home Interment private, at German Lutheran ccmeterv MrCART On September 12, 1914, SARAH J. McCART, widow of John McCart aged M years. Funeral services on Tuesday, September 15, at 11 a m., at 111 Penn St., Marchantville, N. J. Interment private. Milill.l.lN. On September 11. 1914, at hi lato residence, 1722 N. Hope st , PETER, son of Margaret and the late Peter Mc Olllln. Funeral on Tuetda at S-30 a. m. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St, chad's Church at 10 a. m. Inter- " Holy Cross Cemetery. , ivrvri (VI MILLER. On September 11 0,vJVJvJ.VJvJ husband of Emrmt Mill, r inee .ewrtieisterj", agel fiy vears Funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 p. m , at 3412 Orlauna st. Intermont at Orecn Mount Cemeterv .Mil LICK. On .September 12. 1014. ED. WARD F. husband of tho late Demaris ID. Mllllck. cured 7S wars. Funeral on Tuesday. nt 2 p. rn , from West Chester road, Upper Darby. Delaware County. MOEIIItI.E -On September 12. 1914.PHILIP. husband of Mary Mochrle, son of Francis arid tho lato Philip Moehrle. Duo notice of fu neral will b. given from hla mother's resi dence 2631 N. 2sth st. MOREM III VICTORIA MORESCIH. 61 years. :2 E. Rlttenh iuse st. .MfUtltlsnY. Suddenly, on September 11. l;iI4. Ji'HN, husband of Mar Mornssey. Tun, rul on Wednesday, at 8 30 a. in . from 2)1 iri'-wrrth st Solemn Mass of Requiem u ' Phll'p's Church at 10 a. m. Inter nie'it at Holv Cross Cemetery. Mil. 11(11. LAM). On September 12. 1011. nt St J.ph Hospital. ROSE MULIIOL I.AND Iteiatlwt ure Invited to attend fu neral, Wednesday, at S.30 a. m. from 2320 Orton t Solemn High Requiem Muss at St. Franc-I Xavler's Church, at 10 a m. Ml"! I. S.p'.mLer 13. 1014. SL'SAN JANE MILL, in her S7th vear lielailvei. and frlen Is are invited to attend tho funcial ser lieu at 'ier latu residence, 6.(20 Ovcrlirook nve. on Uednesday, Septeml or 10. at 4 P. m. Interment at Charl.ii i:ans Ceme tery. Rca uns. Pa, on Thuieua .Ml EISS. On September 12. 1014, EMMA E.. Bid of Wlllfntn Hunter Mers. of Wish tngtcn. D. c Interment a- Washington I) c. NKMEI.I.. On Septeml er 12 1014. ANNA M., widow of Foster Newell, late of 22U North Ur'iad t Helativ-s and friend ar Invited 10 atterd tha funnul services, ,m Hednesdny aftern'on. at 2 'W o'clock, at 'he arartment of Oilier II. Balr, 1WU 1 hestnut st Interment at West Laurel HI'I c imter. O'DO.NNEI.I.. On September 12. 1014, NORA O , wife of John O'Donnell Funeral Wednes da, ut s ,n u. m . f n .'11J N..rth II cim st. Solemn Requiem High Mass at the Church of the Vlsl'alim, a: 10 i rn OLI.'IO.V on September 10.1914. CHARLES IIARVCV UL'LTON Funeral services Mon day, at 0 a m . at hi late residence. 2139 Arrh st lnti rmont strlqtly private POIIl.ir.. On September Vi, 1014. EDWARD F.. beloved Uujbah i of Anna 1'oh.li. Itela tlves and frun.ls also u. embers of t'nl in New Relief As ,''awn progressive Assein Uy, Ng. 4, A M P. nnd Commercial Ueiartmant the Hell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania are Invited to attend th funeral nerviies. on Wednenday afternoon, at 2 u'clgck, at his lat rsl lent-. 2(1 South "" interment a- ji ant pea. e cemetery Remains may le view, I T insdav evening "iltVlV-'V-SP. NlnUl Month 14th. JONA THAN E ntlOAI..-. in th. kVn jear or hi aee. llelatlv.j mid Tl.-nts ire Invited to at '" He funenil at I'm n In Meeting Ilouss, Mb and Tainall sts Wilmington. Dal . on Ninth Month Idtli. at 11 oclo-k Interment j riiate HtlOEHS On Morduy, September 14, 1914, !:,'." KVM,TKK 'l"hier of the lat llllani VAv-ii.e an ai m,h lwl Wlster and iktio of WU'lim li l(oer. Interment iitivaic SAtVt i;ita. On feepumber 13. 1811, LOUISE P. . f .tun. i-awvtri, ItilatUet anl trlenus r invited to aiteul lb uneral serv l on edn.ly aftern on, at 2 o'clock. it her 1st residence J'flT Ulaniond t. In tern, rot frlvate SAI'MIBHS.- un Repteinber 12.1014. HENRY Svr.VTIFRS hiMhan.l of Ewina Saunder. Funeral on Tu..lj frriu 2TIU concord av i ani'liu. lirv N J Intcrnunt Arlington Cem n ihii i,iAiKku sr.it i i i"ir riitn t. .. o . L .. IWfJSi i B .: " F riVth WaM 1(7 , -0 t-HV'Pr wn'F'wHns -..rr ";"" "iii.", i.in warn iw- ' u mhi-v r neouuer Itolattve Mnl puKI.'an Aksii . anl all other .'ltie of. frlnd ore lnvlti.4 to attend the funeral srv- i V.i . nT ,;,,'..! lo " ' !k "" aiiero-iin, nt ; o'clock, at . . . . ..... -- . . . ... ,.-,,, n . ' ', . nis late rei lenre, 71? vcirm tf si llAHSEI,L.r-At lit. fcaui M"iii'i. 11th I'.ili. A I rf I IS vta.S lic'l.v at i M mt Pac- (Vmelerv. Remain mny bj viewt YiettorKMy enlnir to lu o'clock. u'L.N J . on Mnih KvEI DAIlNEI.1.7 Ufl4 frlun u Au Invll.d ( Jltend ite neiuT from hu lit? . i lie Mt Laurel en TUhrUJay, Ninth M rn ut).. at i. mi .JrTa i meet ,5 p o -x n it n Mfti'ctet S;tei, Fe.Ty. 11 ' i a. ai Wretiomu, IMXi IIIK rumbw IJJ4. ELLRN. ftllo'. of ...- , i .Bh li, T.ei i I.. ar i .ne. r Invite 1 .. ., ,i 1 t' r " rvi s. 90 Wednesdu) , at 2 t.ou k at ihe parlor f William R-iweii .'t'l I. i itarl v. Intermeut ai M ,.ni , v. na. , - cm tieptemtwi II. 1014. saraii ' tl.e lat I lion.- j. 411 1 M "w -.,,. x "V .M -'ov. at :u a bi . r,..i Sy, ih nth "K ,uo Keunni j,i at l l.onica i t ur.'h . la o I .? im t''d mte ral 'inniery WMU'l. the atrtnientk of Oliver II Hair. 1520 Chett- aTUPT. un M t ISeBtembee 11 inii Ti'DRrlR'- N . husbanl at Pran.u Rtnt. ,,.a Alteinu) Funeral serM' es on Tuesday ft- ril'MjII n. Q n'l'liu li nt.i 1b..Il m M. ia.A iMi,i,7?t"wT N- lllU "wnnnt st 11 tils He Ometarc '. -.....y -y ., . -W k ' ,' I 'If .Wllffl I. ue notice tho t TBJIA KIA TA IV r s flt ( BulllVdtl NEW yORK ft. .t Vanwart lut.hei . of Is.i i itiw irt vt j luplurc of tt .. Bilii i -I is dead at tha Wnu M' Rache! i-t t.r iiid hll I -i l 1 in the V ij l f-r aauiliit I HfU.a t'n Moo4a, foUMiku 14, 1014 v . f Hi ui 1 tarie Henry FuiJr Tt tie ;h er , ber M. ' leri'i fr. Li Sulllvdti ud 27 ai. luneral will be ylvcn kHK. r, liafMll. I T-YkUUS.- HKNKV TAVLOk. SO ywui, 7J3 . I.oml ir 1 t lStf4 Mniie Ti'I.UERT. SO years. 1 . - 1 I I h 1 tGITLUI t?, iii8i(ii, 1D1. JO- sem i i 1 wool Vbttkhi.bin iui- tlves nt f-lU ate Invlicd lo atleocj ih rururti '.'ivli, od Uonl.i aftsriuMHi, at i 1 yiicM, at nil. in' rusJitame, ill'i muo st. 1 'lnti briiate I HU.JL I -rm reBn,bi II lM HAplH NOT.i.L. ae,l 41 eist Belinlves and frUlxii ie utiiwu 1.0 mi'ni t-ie r.ier, e im 1 , TtieS'biy after&ooB. at 2 iclck prvelaalv. at B.r late rIl.ft. 7.' N.,r.h kh TtirVa . Ir.nrmcmt private at A Uth Jesb'jrua CHi- lr I-11 I - I I II 111 wt'roai ' uriiiMiin . wa at II A u lniaro,;., , Mth at 11 A ' a .,,,'1. Q.tu.AM. ,rrB4lun .ma, ,. -'.a l-un iiinir on ,Uo-i 1 .1 in , !, T " al "' -- .wb ,1 1 I dn Ke an v at. I the (antral iioufi at 2 tjlL e IT tt Hl NAKV III Her lt inr 11 i to h I la44 gifttt- i U uieic4 ml i at -1 i ft !. "i lit tJ t( ! II tt KU.1 o.ri lOKr-ll-K ! r 1 . tii 1, , t.I S VH( tciSKPH Furestpk 4S .r.. In no 1 1 C I a X. m mam 5fr, ..' i4 tin ttoltl I '"" ' .r ;,ias I ' .IS W it- n , ;,'V"-i l'-Kv ,7 ,tr,, . tlfr.