Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Sports Extra, Image 1
ma f-& Mnn'iKenr t k (ISJ"ii ' v - "if2'3ii"' 'ty' ? - JFH-SwAvfcJ SPORTS EXTRA EVENING V- LEDGER SPORTS EXTRA VOL. l-itfO. 2 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 11)14. 0 piiice o:nte cent REVOLT GROWING AGAINST PENROSE ; IN YARE DISTRICT -- Opposition to Selfish Leader ship Takes Definite Form Among Foreign Residents of the Downtown Wards. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS TODAY NATIONAL LEAGUE R( . E. New York o 0012000 03 9.1 Phillies 2 0002000 04 81 Batteries Fromme and Meyers; Alexander and Klllcter. Umpires Riglcr and Hart. Revolt against Pcnrosolsm nnd Varolsm U now spi ending In the heart of the Varo district downtown. Thero aio signs 0f n general uprising ngnlnst tlio Or ganization lenders. It is contended by many of the lowntown voters thnt they have been used solely to aid tho Vares In their personal political nmbltlons, and the lenders of the nntl-Vnre crusade de clare that there will be no chnngo In conditions unless there Is n clmngo In political leadership Opposition to tho Vares and Penrose Is tepeclnlly maiilfct among Italian voters, who say the were Insulted becauso of their nationality by tho downtown Or ganization leaders during the strlko of tho street clenneis some lime ago. Ef forts to sidetrack tho antl-Varc senti ment by trusted Vato lieutenant'? havo been futile. Severn! nntl-Vnro mcotlngs have been held and arrangements are being made for a campaign In each of tho downtown wards. Fully 100 Itallani attended a meeting of the Italian Political league at Mechanics' Hall, "21 Carpenter stieet, Inst night, when It was decided to take steps toward the elimination of Pcnroselsm and Varo lsm from the colonv. Leonard Pcrslchetl, chairman of tho meeting, declared the Italians would take steps to avongo the InBUlts heaped upon thoni by tho Vares. "So far as Doctor Brumbaugh Is con cerned," he said, "wo icgard him as tho bst man for tho position, nut It Doctor Brumbaugh li 1 mining merely Jo cover the put reputntlon of tho lender of Blgc lonlsm nnd toiruptlon, wo will light with greater force for1 his deofat." .Vdch esses also were made by Joseph P. Mullile, - Mnrchlno, John Itusso and e Llcutcnnnt I.Mich, who was st-itloned at tho Seventh and Carpenter stieots police station. The league will hold another meeting at Mechanics' Hall next Slonday night. mcormTck-palmer tour Democratic Campaigners Speak in Perry County. NEWPORT, Pa., Sept. 15 -Hack Into central l'ennsjlvanla tho Democratic State campaigners this afternoon visited towns thiough rural Perry nnd Mifflin Counties A Mitchell Palmer took up his attack upon PenioMo nnd outlined his 50 counts to central Pennsylvania nudlenccs. "I had to begin early In order to get a chance to tell the people of all the charges I h.io made against St na tor Penrose," ho said. "Theio are so irmij things to sav " At Punrnnnnn 2U0 persons turned out In the public square to hear tiro speakers. Cincinnati 0 Pittsburgh 0 Batteries Benton and Gonzales; Adams and Gibson, Umpires O'Connor and Eason. Brooklyn 2 1 1 Boston 0 2 5 Batteries Rucker and Miller; James and Gowdy. Umpires Klcm and Emslic AMERICAN LEAGUE Athletics 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 New York o 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries Bressler and Lapp; Brown and Sweeney. Umpires Connolly and Chill. GARS PLUNGE INTO GULLY, BETWEEN 30 AND 45 DEAD Texas Limited On Frisco Line, Bound From St. Louis to Galveston, Wreck ed by a Washout. Detroit 0 0 1 Cleveland 0 0 0 Batteries Cavet and Baker; Tcdrow and Bassler. Umpires Dinccn and Egan. Boston 0 0 0 10' Washington 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries Wood and Thomas; Shaw and Ainsmith. Umpires O'Loughlin and Hildebrand. PHILLIES SLUG FROMME HARD AND TAKE LEAD Two Runs in Opening Round Give Locals Ad vantage Over Giants in Final Contest Here. CHANCE DEPARTS, LEAVES YANKS TO ATHLETICS' MERCY GREAT NAVAL BATTLE NOW WAGING IN BALTIC German Admiralty Says Fifteen of Fleet are Engaged. nnrtMN (bj way of Rome). Sept 15. A great naal battle is Irr progress Irr the mitlr. This was officially admitted bj the Gorman Admiralty this afternoon. The Admiral!) posted a bulletin stat. ing that 13 of tho 29 units of tho Ualtlc quadron aro now lu action. PHILLIL'S Robert, Jb Flecker, If. Slageo, 11, Crnvuth. rf. B)rnc. 2b. PTskert, of. .Martin, ss. Killlfcr, c. Alexander, N'FAV YORK. Snodsxrnss, cf. Dole. 2b. Burns, rf. Fletcher, ss Robertson, If. Grairt. 3b. Merkle. lb. Meyers, c. Fromme, p. Attendance STORM ON THE WAY Weather Bureau Warns of Disturb ance In tho Bahamas. M:VYORK, Sept. 15,-Tho Weather Ru reait today Issued tho following storm v irnlng There are strong Indications of a dls- .mce in the vicinity of tho Itahama j 'Is Tho direction of the movement ' Known Strong northenst winds aro Li "., rir"baby Increasing on tho touih Atlantic coast." KANSAS CITY AGAIN FLOODED Four Inches of Rain Cause Wnters to Rise. WS CITY. si,,.. Sept. 15.I'our hTLul ral," fP" lle"' t,,,la- """' ofi.i? ' ?""0',, 'P"''tlng tho floods dlsMnli,Ut,c fu'slll"" 'f the Hooded S ' ?mln hecn ,1,,v,,n from 'heir noniM bv th,. rising waters. GENERAL ROQUE KILLED Death Shortly Follows After Promo tion to Head Division. r . PARIS, Sept. 13. imv ivi"i ,,romo,lo to tho Head of an ln,hlsTn?"!ed.!.,y a b,lIlet "t lodged guhl head in he flghtln, near Br-le- BERLIN REPORTS ALSACE CLEARED OF FRENCH fighting Still Going On Near Alt klrch and Befort. jounced here today that General Von "''.''. tHhiiiR the offenslvo i Alsace, ta driven tho French out of that region. psSt'd o!hv;;e v'"'1 , ouBh the rein- . ",. ll-jltiUg 8 V Be fori ,,!;,0ri,,WCSJ f "Mrch, north of "snort and around Glromngny. WEA Willi FORKC. 1 ST. For Philadelphia and licimtu neralln fair tonight and Wcdnca a!i not muck chunjo in tempera, "e; mode, ate wind, mostly noith ca, 'Sor father delailt, see page 7, Umpires Riglcr and Hart 3000. PHILADELPHIA BALL PARK, Sept, 13. Piercing the Giants' line of defense Jar three hits, including a double by Lobort and trlplo by Cravath, the Phillies assumed a lead of two runs In the first Inning of today's game with the Giants, tho Inst to be played with them this sea son here. Frommo settled ns the dust of tho hats cleared away, ami thereafter Dooln's men were nnablo to bunch hits. McGravv's warriors attneked Alexander for threo hits In tho fourth nnd sent one runner over the plate. Fletcher was sent to the clubhouse by Umnlre Ulgler for disputing a called strike In tho fourth Sllko Donlln was chased to tho same section for protesting Rlgler's decision on Grant's out at first. Mike, with his characteristic stride over tho flold, brought sounds of hisses from the bleacherltes. FIRST I N.N' INC.. Snodgrass tiled to Paskert. KUllfer threw out Doyle. Hums Hied to Cravath. No runs. No hits. Lobert opened with a double down tho third-base lino. Becker fanned. .Mngce singled to centre scoring Lobert. Slageo stole second. (Jiavnth's drlvo bounced oor Robertson's head for a triple, scoring Slugee. Fletcher threw out Hyrne. Paskert tiled to Fletcher. Two runs. Three hltu. SncONO INNING. .Martin threw out Fletcher. Robertson singled to contre. Giant fouled to Slageo. AW'.Mindi r threw out Sleiklo. No runs. Oire hit. Sl.irtlu doubled to loft centre. Klllcfer .sncrllliert, Frommo to Sterkle. Alexander fannod I.obut tiled to Bums. No urns. One hit. THIRD INNING. Sloyors filed to Paskert. rinmnie popped to Xlngee. t.o'iert threw out Snodgrass. No iuii3. No hits. Becker singled over second. Slageo riled to Doyle. Becker was caught napping, Frommo to Slerkle. I'letc'ior threw out Cravath. No runs. One hit. FOURTH INNING. I)o)lo singled to left. Burns singled to rlrfhl, Dojlo taking bccond. rietcher htnrek out and, protesting, wan ordered to the clrrh houto. IloberUou tiled to Mai tin. Grant singled to center, acoiliu Io)le I'askort threw to tho intlcld nnd Alevurder rtcuvertd the ball and caught Grant oft first One run Threo hits. Stock went to short In place of Fletcher. Byrne Hied to Stock. Paskert filed to Robertson Doyle threw out Martin. No runs, .no lilts. FIFTH INNING Merklo fanned. Mm tin threw nut Slejets Frmnnio walked. Snodgrass doubled to right, sending Frommo to third Pole singled to left, scoring Frunrmo and Snodgrass Dojlo continue,,' to third orr Bicker's wild throw to the plate Burns walked. An attempted double steal was broker, when Do)le wus caught, Klllifer to ll)iue to .Ma gee to I.obcrt Two runs, two hltb. hlmU threw out Klllifer. Burns dropped Ale.indei s easy fly Illicit bounced a oliiKlo off Stock's shin sending Alex to second Becker forced I.obert, Fromme to Stock. AlcMiniler going to third Magfe hit the cunter rteld wall for a triple, scoring Alexander and Becker. Crttvuth walked On an attempted double steal il.ipee was euught, Jtejera to 1)0 le to Sloers Two runs, two hits. SIXTH INNING Bwne threw out Stock I.obert throw out Robertson. Grant walked Slerkle out. Alexander unassisted N'u runs No hits block throw out Byrne Slock also ihieu out Pasket Martin dropped u safe if!) to right Martin died stealrug, Slyera lo Do)le, No runs. One hit Connie's Clan Scores Off Brown, Former Team mate, in Second Session on Two Smashes and Neat Sacrifice. NEW YORK. Mnlsol, 3b. Hartzell. If. Cook. rf. Daley, cf. Mullen, lb. Pccklnpaugh, si Sweeney, c. Boone, 2b. urown, p. ATHLETICS. Murphy, rf. Barry, ss. Collins. 2h. Baker, 3b. Mclnnls, lb. Strunk. If. Oldrlng, cf. Lapp, c. 4k, Bressler, p." ' rmplrcs, Connolly and Chill. POLO GROUNDS, Now York, Sept. 15. Tho Yankees, clashing with the Ath letics, made tho tlnal appearance of tho season at tho Polo Grounds this after noon. The locals were without the serv ices of Slanager Frank Chance, who packed his grip, received a check for his salaiy In full nnd set sail for California, retiring from baseball for good and all. Captain Pecklnpaugh has been appoint ed manager pro tern Connie SInck sent Bressler to the pitching mound, while Carroll Brown faced his old teammates. Tho Athletics got busy In tho second Inning and pushed over ai run. Mclnnls, tho first man up, sent a single to left and biriinx laid dowrr a pretty oicrlflce nnd died, Mullen to Boone, Rubo Oldrlng then smashed a single to left, scoring Stclnnls. FIRST INNING Murphy opened with n line drive to Cook. Barry drew four balls. Barry stole second. Collins went out, Brown to SIul len, Barry taking third Baker filed to Daisy. No runs. No hits. .Malsol walked. Hartzel sacrificed, Baker to Stclnnls Cook draw a base on balls. Dalev sucritlcod. Bressler to Slolnnls. Slullen went out, Barrv to SIclnuls. iNo tuns, no hits. SECOND INNING. Daley was put out of the game for kick ing, claiming ho beat Bressler 's throw, nnd Creo replaced him In centra SIc Innis singled to left Strunk sacrificed, Slullen to Boone. Oldrlng singled to left, scoiing Slclnnle. Oldrlng out, stealing, Sweeney to Boone Brown mn to first with Lapp's grounder. Ono run Two hits. Peckinpaugh was tin own out by Collins. Swtone) was hit by pitched ball. Boone lifted to Strunk. Brown struck out. No runs. No hits. THIRD INNING Sweeney was replaced bohlnd the bat by Nunanuker. Brown threw out Bress ler. Boone throw out Murphy. Barry got four balls Barry out stealing, .N'unn maker to Pecklnpaugh No runs. No hits. Slalsert beat out n hit to Hirry. Hartzell foiccd Slalsel, Bnrr) to Collins. Cook struck out and Haitzcll was doubled stealing, Lapp to Barry. No runs. One hit. FOFRTH INNING. Collins beat out a hit to Slullen. It.ik.cr fouled to Nuniiuakcr. Collins out steal ing, Nunnmaker to Boone. Mclnnls tiled to HarUell No runs Orre hit Ciee filed to Oldrlng Slullen singled to centre. Pecklnpaugh fattuck out. Milan stole second and went to third when Lapp tnrew wild .MinamuKur wuliied On an attempted double steal, Slullen was run down and put out. Lapp to Bressler to Baker to Collins. No runs. Ono lilt FIFTH INNING. Strunk drew four balls. Oldrlng doub. led to loft centre, scoring Strunk Lapp fouled to I'ecklnpaigh. Oldrlng went to third on a wild pitch Bressler ill aw a pass Slurph) grounded to Boone, who threw Oldrlng out at the plate. Barr) hit to Slalsel, who stepped on the bag, rurciug Kitssiet ono run. one hit Baker threw out Boone Brown tiled to Strunk. Slalsel struck out No runs, no hits. ST. I.OUIS. Mo, Spt. 13 -Between 30 nnd 45 poisons are bf'lecd to havn lost their lives When1 tho Tins limited of tho Frisco Line, .St. Louis to Galveston, was ini tilled by u washout near Leb anon, Sto , rally today and plunged over an embankment. Two conches and a ' mall car were submerged In the Hooded i wnters at Brush creek. Twenty-six bodies had been tccovered at 12:30 p. m., according to official In formation given out at tho Frisco head quarters here. Identification will bo dif ficult because ninny had rcmocd their outer garments. Thhtccn Injured nro being cured for temporarily at Lebanon, but will be sent to Springfield. Rescue tialiiH nip hurrlng to the scene of the wicck, ISO miles southwest of St. Louis and near Springfield, Mo. Because telegraph when to Lebanon am down, Frisco ollltlals hero have lecelved only meagre details of tho disaster. The bodies of victims so far Identified are those of; iu;.nv u'Afj.vntt. i i.nui JIBS. i:i,IZAUKTll IlrjsiBlTI.II, Alliance. Ohio. I V, . U CHAMllintfc', Hllllns, Missouri. I JOHN MIJYKHS. wife nn.l daughter, Thacr, Mliwiurl. JIIti:M.V STOCKfeTlt.U HprliiBncM, Mis- ' nurl Jlost of tho dead, It Is said, were occtr- j pants of the chair car. W noon only 18 of tho f.' passentrors lepoited to have been In that car hnd been accounted for. ' The wreck occurred irt 2"j u m. A re lief train was oidered out from Spilng- ! field, but made slow piosic-s on nccount of numerous washouts caused by recent heavy rains. ( At tho Frisco office here. Receiver NIon declared the wieek was duo to a I Hood of waters that lit a gully twelve! feet deep nnd 30 feet long bent nth tho I tracks near lAinon, The limited train, which left here at S li Inst night, plimgul into this jullv without any warning The bU engine, lu clmit,P of EuMiicpi O'Brien and Flrermn .Stockstlll. toppled over Into the watoi, earning with It the combination smoker anil baggage car and j a chair car Immediately following Three I rullmnn sleeping cms and a tllnei on tho rear of tho train remained on the rails. Occupants of the chair car ami smoker nnd omplojes In the baggage cai found thcmsoUes trapped like rats. Best Re counts say there were CS persons Irr tho chair car, all of whom were submerged, but many of these are known to hae savctl their lifes by swimming to hlh ground. The errgino crew Jumped ns tho locomotive took the plunge. Engineer O'Brien escaped, hut Flreniafr Stockstlll was drowned At noon, tho subsiding waters had en abled rescuers to enter the submerged chair car. Tho smoker had also overturned. VON KLUK SURRENDERS; ENTIRE ARMY REPORTED CAPTURED BY ALLIES -o The European War Country by Country France The army of (loneial on Kluk bus been suriounded nnd forced to surrender near Slezleres, accoidlng to reports. Moi o than 23,MI soldier s are fnld to hale laid down their arms Tim germial Is probubl) among the prison pis. At crtlun tlm Crown Prince at tempted to trku the offensive this morning ug ilnst tho allies, but bis forco wns repulsed. The German nr inles nie being centralized along the Alsno ltlvor, West of the forest of the Argonne for n finnl stand against tho British and French forces Victory Is reported along the entire line of tho nllled nrmy. RUSSIA Tim Crnr has fired the en thusiasm of the troops bv declaring he will lead the army Into Berlin. Petrngrnd reports victories for tho Russians in Gallela. Reinforcements ale bolng sent to tho south to Join tho two armies now moving toward Berlin through the dual monarchy. Germany Pessimism prevails throughout the country. iWhllo tho populace Is In dark regarding tho de feat of the aimles In France, the ominous silence of the Government Is causing tho people deep concern. One dispatch states that It has been olllclally stated the Germans have withdrawn from the vicinity of Paris and thnt tho French have failed to break the Kaiser's lines Tho Rus sians have ngaln nt-sumed tho of fensive In Eastern Prussia. Austria Tho Gallclnn nrmles havo been defented. Rustan plan of enm palgn has , hanged, the attack upon Budapest nnd Vienna being entrusted to Scrla, while the main Riibslan irm pushes toward Berlin Bela'um The Ilelgluns have defeat ed the foice of (SpIrimI Vim lit I Golt south of Antweip. Rcpoittd that Brussels has been evacuated nnd thnt It will he re-entt-tPtl bj King Albeit's mm) todav oi tomorrow. The Ger mans aie refoming near Louvaln. Entire western pnrt of the country has h-en abandoned b tin Germans. Turkey Repoi ted that threats made bv the British Government will cuusp the Ottoman Empire to remain neutral dining the entire war. Powerful German Right Wing Cut Off and Surrounded at Roye by French Forces Aided by Fresh British Troops From the Coast. . o Allies Push Between Invaders North of River Aisne and Capture Army of 25,000 German Crown Prince De feated and Retreat Continues. The War Summary PROTECTED BY WHITE FLAG ZEPPELIN DROPS 4 BOMBS When Russians Cense Firing Ger man Airmen Suddenly Attack. LONDON. Sept. 15. The correspondent of the I'.illv Tele graph nt Moscow tiiot"s the iisslsturrt station master ut Sliava, on the Russo Priifslarr frontier. In a stoiv tilling of tho capture of a Zeppelin, llo said: "Wo were on the platform when the Zeppelin appeared about CV) feet above us. Our artllleiy opened flie. damaging three of its motors, but It proceeded, using tho remaining motor. Tho Zeppelin then hoisted a white flag and the Russian of iccr ordered Ids soldiers to tease firing. They did .so but the Zeppelin Immediately hurled a. bomb nnd tho effect of itr. ex plosion vvas toirlble, man) bolng wound ed. Three nroro bombs wero thrown which killed 23 persons and wounded slty. The airship then came to tho ground a short distance auny wheio tho Germans succeeded In ruining tholr ves sel. The erew, consisting ot four olHcers and four soldlors, wero captured." LINER MAURETANIA DAMAGED Vessel Became Unmanageable in n Gale at Liverpool. LONDON", Sept 15 An exchange tele graph dispatch from Liverpool states that while the- liner Slauretauia was entering her berth tlrore, last night on arriving from New York, she became unmanage able In a hi-uv) gale and was damaged uy striking the landing. MERCHANT VESSEL'S SWIFT RUN TO ESCAPE WARSHIP Covers 700 Miles in Five and a Half Days When Thteatened. In a record run down the coast from St. John, N. B , to this port with a curgo of laths, tho bark Slntunzas, was chased one night by a stl.mge warship. .Mem bers of her eiew told tho story toduj. When 30 miles cast of Nantucket Light tho war vessel abandoned tho chase. Five and a half days was all that vvna jequired to nrake tho run to this port, a distance of 7i0 miles, and e'nptaln JJ. R. Walls, master of the siiuaro rigger, said ho would havo cut the time down had he not been blanketed In fog foi nearly a day short!) after leaving port. The Slatanzas left St John with T.C00,. rt laths on September 11. A imsty f0g bound her In until the following tluy, when she got off splendidly running bo. foro a stiff breeze She swept along the wntor at a rate thut even amazed her master and crew. Nearly 2CO miles were logged In 2i hours. The wind lemained with tho vessel almost constantly until sho reuched the Delaware Breakwater. On Sunday night Captain WalU was awakened by tho watch and told that a strange steamship was bearing don upon them from the starboard quarter lie went on deck and from the llghu he de cided she vvas q warship. As su dtil not display any signals to "heave to" the Matarrzas was kept on her course 11 cm bers pf the erew expected momentarily to sea a Mrell icreamlm; over the bows of tho sailor. Apprehensively the) waited for It. But they were disappointed and relieved when morning came In the glow of the SUUlltelil the ujrtlnu . v id. ill made out the identit) of the humr and changed her course . ( General von Klulc, commander of tho German right winfr. Is reported to havo surrendered with H.000 men in the vlcnltyof Stczicrcs. The report lacks confirmation from tho British and French War OfTIccs. For the last ton days the German right wins has sustained a terrific attack from the allies. On Sunday the Brit ish extended their lines near Rhelms, nnd it Is now believed that the Aisne has been crossed and the Germans surrounded near Mczletes In a supreme attempt to prevent tho German nrmles belnp; repulsed from French soil, the ICnlser is centraliz ing the forces of Von Buelow, Von Hausen and the Duke of Wurtem- burs nlong tho Aisne to the west of tho storied forest of tho Argonne. Tho fighting in this vicinity has be gun. Today the army of tho Crown Prince attempted to take the offen sive, but wus speedily repulsed. This is the fltst time tho German centro between tho forest and Verdun has waveted. Tho Belgians aro reported to have de feated the nrmy of General von der Goltz In a four-day battle. Brussels lias been ovaeuated by tho German troops and the capital, it Is said, will bo entered by nntlve soldiers today or tomorrow. Tho defeated German army Is rallying in tho vicinity of Louvaln. Wostern Belgium Is free from the Germans. Austria, defeated in -virtually every en gagement with tho Jtusslans, Us armies demoralized, torn by internal dissension, is offering; feeble resist nnco to the arniies of tho Czar. Oallela, under control of the Hus slnns, is now forming; the open road to Hoilin. ngalnst which tho hosts of tho North are now moving. Km peror Nisholas has tired the enthu siasm of tho army by declaring; he will rido nt tho head of his troops into the German capital. It is apparent that the Russians have abandoned their intention of attack ing Budapest or Vienna, leaving the southern campaign to Servin while a centralised movement against Qer many Is Jn progress. Now that the passes of the Causaslaus are held by Cossacks, anil tho Austrian army de. pleted. little fear is entertained that Poland may be invaded and the Hus sten army in Oallela and Germany cut from the base at Warsaw. Servia continues the offensive ngalnst Austria, having defeated 90.000 men in an engagement yesterday. More than lO.wtt Aubtriang are reported to have fallen The battle took place along the Drlna and Sae Itlvers. PArtlS, Sept. 15. Rcpoits have reached here that the allies' extreme loft, after a circling movement by way of P.oye ai d Ham, has Joined forces with fresh troops fiom the coast and the Boulogne dis trict, nnd compelled General von Kluk. In commund of tho German right wing, to surrender with 14,000 men, a cuinntity of guns and much war ma terial. Another estimate places the prison ers at 25,000. Official confirmation of the report cannot be obtained. The German troops have now reached I the line of defense prepared by their i sappers following their complete de feat in the battle of the Marne. ' As a result their retrograde move- I merit has been halted and they aro reforming under cover of their in tenched tear guard, preparing to re new the battle. The belief is growing- more and more firm here that the Crown Prince Fred erick Wilhelm is gathering the Kaiser's nrmles in France for a final stand In the vicinity of Montfnucon and Ver dun. His position will put his forces in the region between the Alsnc and theSIeuse, which Is his line of com munication and his possible retreat to the east through Luxemburg. Hcports of the capture of General von Klulf and 25,000 of his picked troops aro discredited at British army headquarters. It is pointed out there that if there was any truth in this ac count, sent by a correspondent from Dieppe, it would already havo been confirmed by the French War Office, which Is absolutely mum on the sub ject. Likewise tho report that Mau beuge had been relieved by the French with 12,000 German prisoners taken is not confirmed and not generally credited. It Is stnted officially that hundreds of prisoners have been taken, but that totals are not yet available. Heavy rains are inierrering with the cam paign In Franco. Tho situation in the north If. especially bad from the Ger man viewpoint, as they are fnr from their bases of supplies and tho roads are rapidly becoming Impassable for tho German heavy saipply trains and automobiles. Official information wns given out to day by the British Government Press Bureau In the following statement: "The enemy still occupies a strong position north of the River Aisne. Fighting is going on nil along the line. "The Gorman Crown rlnce's army has been driven farther bnclt nnd Is now on a line through Varlennes-en-Aig, Consenvoya and Ornes. "Tho allied troops lmo occupied Ilhcims. taKlus 6Q0O prisoners and 12 Buns "Haln has made the roads hrayy and increased the dlfnculiies of the Ger man retreat " This report shows, that the Germans nr making a desperate stand all along tho Una to stem the forward movement of the French and British The c.t. trcme right wing of the German army has been pushed eastward, apparently, until It is not far northwest of Hhelms. The olilelal bulletin issued from tho French War Office at 3 o'clock this afternoon shows that the German re treat has been checked and that they aie now putting up a strong rear guard resistance. The report indicates tha new line of battle and Is as follows: "The Germans on Jlonday began to resist the French advance on a line that they have etabllshed north of the Itlver Aisne and on a lone through the forests uf La Algle and Craunue (mid way between Loan and Rhelms) and at the centre to the noith of Rhelms nnd Chalons." This Is the first admission fiom the War Office since the German turning movement began that the German forces are returning to tho nttaclc. It Is believed that they havo now reached the Intrenched positions previously prepared by the sappers and that an other battle will s,oon be commenced Continuing, the official statement stated that the Germans are retreat ing between the Argonne forest nnd the Mouse River. Last night they held a front through Varrencs and Con senvoye. Tho French right, It Is stated, ha gained a decisive vlctoiy nnd con tinues to foice tiro Germans back. In this connection the official statement says: "On the French right the Germans continue their retreat. Their line now runs from Etaln, on the Aisne River, 12 miles northeast ot Verdun, through their stronghold of Metz and then south to Chateau Sallns In the Vosge. "In Alsace the situation continues unchanged." Supported by reinforcements from Belgium, the right wing ot tUttJ-Olfil-R-. German army under General von Klulc rallied and gave battle to the allies along a line norrh of the River Aisne. Fnrther to the east, north of Rhelms, the Germans are also resisting, but tho retreat east of the Argonne forest is reported to be continuing. The centre of the German army, composed of the forces under the Crown Prince, attacked the French troops stretched along the Sleuse be tween Verdun and Toul in an effort to break through. This information was contained In an . official statement Issued at 11 o'clock. The evident Intention of the Crown Prince was to pierce tho French Hues so that his army can form a Junction with troops east ot the Jleuso. The following is the official state ment: "The Clown Prince's army attempted to break through along the Sleuse be tween Verdun nnd Toul. He has bom barded Troyon, which resisted val iantly. The German farces wcie re pulsed. "It Is believed in well-informed cir cles that tho German army will re treat Into tho Giand Duchy of Luxem burg and Into the Belgian province of Luxemburg, and endeavor to rally behind their fortified positions." The German lines now extend in a southeastern direction, beginning at a point northeast of Amiens and stretch ing parallel to the Aisne, some 23 miles north of Rheims, near Bethel. German troops are massed in tho for est of Argonne; another section Is con centrated east and southeast of Ver dun. fAccordlng to the French War Office statement Usued early today, the French have succeeded in tellevlng tha fortress of Troyon. in the Woevre dli trlct. about 12 miles southeast of Ver dun.) Although the German Crown Prince has been compelled to m)e his head quarters rearward 15 miles from Ste. Menehou to Mont Faucon, this aecllnn of the German army will undoubtedly make terrific efforts to hold its position so It can act as a phot for the bal ance of the German line. An unofficial report to the effect that Maubeuge had been relieved and lz.WW Germans had been taken prisoners there was in circulation here, but lacked confirmation Such a develop ment at Slaubeuge would compel th Germans to retire through the warre. gap flanked by Maubeue and Ver dun, if they continued thlr rtrat. (It had been officially announced by the German Government in Berlin last week that Maubeuge had bi en cap- & ;u 41 IN