Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Night Extra, Image 9
EVENING IiBDGBB BHILABEJliPHIA, TUBS-DAY, SEPCTMBER Ifr, IQJ -I SOCIAL LIFE IN CITY AND NEARBY TOWNS CLASSIC DANCER A BRIDE TODAY Miss Gemma A. d'Auria, well known in the younger set in West Philadelphia, who will become the bride of Dr. Percy H. Houston, ol Austin, Tex., tonight. MISS EDITH M. BATL.Y, dniiRhtcr of Fred erick L. Bally, of Clovorton, Ardmoro, and a Bister of Miss Theodate L. Bally, will bo Introduced at a tea which will bo given by her father Saturday afternoon, October 17, from 4.80 until 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mis. Charles Winter Bally will Intro durc tholr daughter, Miss Molly W. Bally, nt r ten which they will give nt their country place, Itnsslevyn, Strafford, on the afternoon of October ti. This will piobably bo an ont-of-doois affair If the weather will permit, and Mr. and Mrs. Bally havo planned to have music during the reception. Miss Edith Bally and MIjs Molly Bally are first cousins. An engagement of interest to this city and New York, which has been announced In New York, Is that of Miss Kdlth Stuart Otto, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Otto, of Valley Iioe farm, Scarsdale, to Norman Carlllo Itolchert, a son of Dr. Edward Tyson Helchort, who Is a member of tho faculty of the medical dtrartinent of tho University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Henry Scott, Jr., are (pending the autumn ns the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William "West Frazler, Jr., at their country placo In Jonklntown. Mr. and Mrs. S'ott will not open their town house at 111 South ;.'d street, until late In November. Mrs. Francis P. Sibley has rcurned to her hnmc on Summit avenuo, Jenklntown, after spending sovprnl days In New York as the Kueet of her daughter, Mrs, Bulmore Brown. Mrs. Henry Augustus Borwlnd will ontertaln In hoi box at the Horse Show In honor of her debutante daughter, Miss Margaret Berwlnd. Mr. -ind Mrs. Berwlnd will give a small dance In honor of their son Charles Graham Berwlnd, on Thursday night. Among the rhlladelphlans noted on the links of tlv point Judith Country Club lately were Jir and Mrs. Archibald G. Thomson, Mr. and Mr John Norrls, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C, NnK Mr. anil Mrs. Paul Uenckla Mills, Miss I.Ma Xorri? and Mrs. Philip H. Stevenson. lr. John II. Glrvln, of 2110 Walnut street. has returned from London, Eng, and la spend ing this week nt Hot Springs, Vn. Mr. and Mrs. Caryl Hoberts, of this city, er.trrtnlnrrt nt tea yesterday at tho Country Club in Narrngansett Pier. Mrs Alexander J. Cassatt and her grand-d-iuKhter, .Miss I.ols Buchanan Cassatt, will lcno Nowpoit on Frldny of this week and open their country placo nt Havcrford, For the past two seasons Mrs. Cassatt has been Piidltig the summer at Newport while she hits leased her houao In Bar Harbor. Morris Lewis Stovell Is the guest of Mr, and Jlis John Gilbert at their homo In Saranao Late. IMward Connor, who started last week In his toming car for a trip through Now England, Is at present visiting his mother, Mrs. P. 8. t-'ormur. at her cottage in Narragnnsett. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wllleox havo been Motoring through the Now England Statca and " nt present staying in Jefferson. Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ramon Vlllalon, of Havana. Cuba, who havo been stopping In the city sev ral days after a summer spent In tha Poconos, M leave Thursday for Washington nnd will then go on to Cuba. Mr- and Mrs. Archibald B. Hubard have re. turned from Jamestown to their home on Wyn cote road, Jenklntown. Miss Porothy Hamlll, of Tho Blenheim, re. turned from Europe Saturday, nccompanled by Ml- aim Mre. Hamlll. Miss Hamlll's engage mnt to Charles A. McManus, of this city, was announced last fall. ALONG THE MAIN UNK mutnitooK-Tho Ladies' Committee of tho uvorbrook Golf Club will giv0 t(ie second of ncir September afternoon teas this Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. OeWItt lrwlr nnd MUs J'orothy Irwin, of City avenuo ami Lancaster road, returned today from Chclson. !. M. McMicheu an.) Miss Itosalle Mc- ., hae relu"H-d to their home. Hoscmary. ,,, ; Wlllllln Harrlty. Miss .May Harrlty and " Isabel tunny. ,vho woro iM tttmwU wne "ar ivas doclarwl. arrived hero last weak. Ati)Mo,,Ej,r am, Mrg mm J1U)HWrf jss rZ i an4 Bc"Ja"" Mbiw. of SlmpMn u. Jiae roturnod homa after a summer spent t Beach Haven, ne Itev. George Pumexoy Allen, rector of St. Mary's Eplscopul Church, is expected home this week from Garden City, L. I. Mr, and Mrs. Francis M. Cresspn nnd family, who spent tho summer at Tho Oaks, Pa., will shortly open their house on Simpson road. HAVEitFonn-A wedding of Interest to society in thin city and Wilmington will take placo Wednesday, September 30, when Miss Edith Blandy Klemn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Georr Klemn, Jr., of Haverford, will bo mar ried to Morton Harvoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilolsteln Harvoy, of Wilmington. Tho ceremony will be solemnized nt high noon In St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Ardmoro. The Bv. George Pomeroy Allen, rector, will of ficiate. Miss Klemn will have her cousin, Miss Anne Shaplclgh Garrett, of Wilmington, for maid o? honor, and Miss Eleanor Brock, Miss Jean1 Morris Llllle, Mips Florenco Shoemaker and Miss Loulso Twnddell will bo tho bridesmaids. The tlower girl will be -Miss Eleanor Rogers. Donald Satterthwalte, of Wilmington, will be Mr. Harvey's best man. Holsteln Harvoy, Jr., brother of the brldegroom-to-bo; George Cattell, Jr., Louis Bennett, Jr., and John Twnddell will aot as ushers. Following the ceremony there will bo a small breakfast at the residence of tho bride's parents for tho Immediato families and a fow Intlmnto friends. ItADMm-MIss Margaret Berwlnd, who will be one of tho season's dehutantos, will ho Intro duced at a tea, which will be glvon Wednesday, October 14. turned Saturday to her homo on Stratford ave nue after a month near Montreal, Can. Mrs. Eugene W. Fry will give a large lunch eon on Thursday at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club In honor of Mrs. Melville G. Wright, of Oak Lane, formerly of Richmond, Va, Covers will be laid for BO guests and the deco rations wilt be pink and white nstors. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA The wedding of Miss Genovlovo Harton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke D, Harton. of 1721 West Glrard avenuo, to Clayton B, Shoemaker, will take placo on Wednesday morn ing, October 14, at 10:30 o'clock, In tho Church of tho Geau. Mrs. Frederick J. Chrlatmnn, of the Dauphin Apartments, has returned from a fortnight's visit in Now York, where sho was tho guest of Mrs. Edward L. Itowe, of Riverside drive. A leccptlon will bo given on Monday nlsht In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Krnuskopf at the Alumni Building, under the auspices of tho Sisterhood of tho Kenescth Israel Congregation. Miss Eva Jacobs, of North Broad street, has returned from Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel ICloIti, of 2232 North Broad street, arc on their way home from Europe, having sailed on tho Battle on Sep tember 9. Miss Miriam Alexander, of Elkton, Md., Is visiting Miss Mildred Hudson, of 1813 Notth Park avenue. Miss Hudson entertained James Ellison nnd Dunbar Lane, of St. George's, Del., over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fagley, who havo been In Atlantic City since Juno, have returned to their winter home, 1S50 North 22d street. Their daughter, Miss lreno Fagloy, hns been with hor parents since her return from Europe tha end of August. Miss Elizabeth CTTapman, of Springfield, Mass., who spent tho summer abroad with Miss Fagloy, Is visiting hr grand mother, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Snvcry, at Hamilton Court Mr. and Mrs. Melville Stuart Atwood arc staying with Mrs. Atwood's mother, Mrs. John Moran, of "731 North Eleventh street, for an Indefinite period after spending the past few months at their home In Chelsea, Atlantic City. Mrs. Charles A Carey nnd her daughter, of ES07 Diamond street, have returned to their cottage In Ocean City for a few days, where they entortalnod extensively during tho summer. Miss Martha Barter and MIfs Dorothy Barter, of 031 North Eighteenth atreet, havo returned homo after a short stay at the Churlcigh Inn, Stroudsburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall, of 1525 Diamond strctt, havo returned home, having spent the past six weeks In Atlantic City. Miss A. Edna Schmltt and Miss Marian E. Schmltt, of 3371 Hldgo nvenue, pave returned to tholr home after a five weeks' visit at Wlldwood. havo returned from Cape May, where they spent tho month of August. Mr. and Mrs. James O. David and family, of 6341 Magnolia avenue, motored fnm Watch Hill, arriving homo the latter part of August. Among those seen lunching and dining at tho Germantown Cricket Club Saturday were Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lincoln Pass more, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gormley and Mr. and Mrs, G. V. Thackara, ROXI30IIOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Davis, Jr., of 4323 Manayunk avenuo, entertained last night in Lclebratlon of their tenth wedding anniversary. ABtcre and ferns formed the decorations. Mts. Davis's mother, Mrs. Walter StevcnBon, and Mr. and Mrs. David W. Davis assisted In re ceiving. The guests, who are members with Mr. and Mrs. Davis In two card patties were: Sir. and Sirs, William C. Alme, Mr. nnd Mis. Hcnjatuln Henderson, Mr. and Mis. Wllllnm Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, J. II. Van Horn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Tope, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson, John iitiuee, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Pllsterer, Mr. and Mis. Wllllnm Bush, Mr. and Mts. II. O. Mit, slnirr. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Kcnworthy, of Green lane, who spent tho summer touring through Europe, returned homo on Saturday. They were accompanied by James Stott, of 407 Green lane, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leaber. Dr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Holdt and their fam ily hnvo closed their cottage nt Stone Harbor nnd hnvu returned to thtlr winter home, 215 Rochello avenue, Wlssahlckon. Miss JcpbIc Koely, of 311 Green lane, has rp turned homo after spending the season In Glou cester, Mass. Mm. L.izelle Thornton nnd her family, of Lawn ton Htrcrt, have returned from Ocean City, where they spent tho summer. Mrs. Charles Eiwln, of Rochcllo o.cnue, Wlsaahlckon, Is spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Ba'ley, nt her homo In Washington, D. C. U THE DRAMA y SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA With tho coming of cooler weather, enter taining among the naval ofllcers and their wives will be resumed, and, although there will be a decided falling off of largo dances nnd dinner pnitles because of tho lack of men, there will bo no lack of the smaller Informal affairs. Such Is the bridge club which met last night at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Beebe, 2320 South 21st street. Tho members Include Lieutenant and Mrs. Guy A. BlB&et, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. George Landenberger, Naval Constructor and Mrs. A. B. Court, Lieu tenant and Mrs. Cochrnno, Commander and Mrs. R. S. Keyes nnd Mr. and Mrs. DavlB. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton Ford, who are expected to return this week, havo taken a house at 2107 South 21st street. ALONG THE READING WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hancock, of 3720 Chestnut street, have opened their house for the winter. Thoy spent tho summer motoring. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Curley. of West Phil adelphia, aro receiving congratulations upon tho birth of a daughter, Helen Elizabeth Cur ley, Thursday. September 10. This Is their second child, a? they have a young son, Neville Curley. Mr. and Mrs. Ira t. Garman, of 21S South 45th street, who after visiting In Chicago spent tho late summer In Chelsea, have returned home. Mrs. A. N. Hamilton and her daughters, ot 500 South 49th street, aro entertaining Miss Louise Taylor, of Washington, as their guest. Miss Ethel Lelnau, of 4216 Spruce street, will not return to her homo until tha first of Oc tober. She Is at present at the Lawn House In Rlverton and has as her guest Miss Mildred Whaley, of New York. Judge and Mrs. Utley E. Crane have closed their house at Chelsea and returned to Hamp ton Court for the winter. Miss Mary McArdle, of 4210 Parkslde avenue, returned on Saturday from a trip to Cobough, Can.; whllo there sho wns tho guest of Mrs. Frank Hess. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cameron Rurnsldo have taken apartments at 42d and Spruce streets for the winter. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward W. Clark, of Moreland nnd Cherokee avenues, will arrive this week from Mnrblehcad Neck, Mass., where they spent the summer. Mrs. E. Dlgby Baltzell Is the guest of Mrs. Arthur Murtngh at her Capo May cottage. Mrs. Baltzell before her marriage In the spring wns Mips Lena Duhrlng, of Chestnut Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Ball, of 215 East Mt. rieasnnt avenuo, have closed their Capo May cottage and have returned to town. . Dr. and Mrs. Blddle Marsden, of SSU Ger mantown avenue, have returned from Pcquam Ing, Mich., where thoy spent the entire summer. Mr. and Mrs. Mnx Levy and their daughter. Miss Dorothy Levy, of 616 North Cliveden street, returned to their home yesterday from Europe. Tho party arrived in New York on Friday and worn the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Levy at Flntbush over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Levy wont abroad early In June to meet their daughter. Miss Dorothy Levy, who had been In school In Switzerland during the last year. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dlechez, ot New York, also Joined the party early In June and spent tho season at Carlsbad, Germany, at which place they were detained for soveral weeks after the war broke out. Mrs. Dlechez Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levy. MISS D'AURIA TO BE DOCTOR HOUSTON'S BRIDE GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Madeira, of School Ifouso lane, have returned tn thli-i.mn (....i .....,., ,... . . . - "v, .m.uiH iji'hih v.uiiion jteqgrave, Jr.. as best man. Bl-iein iiu auuiiuei hi .".unn uasi unrbur, Mo. Wedding nt Her Father's Home This Evening to Be Noteworthy Social Event. The wedding of Miss Gemma Abkazoff d'Auria and Dr. Percy Hnzon Houston will take placo tonight at 6 o'clock, at the home of the bride. Mlas d'Auria Is the daughtor of Captain nnd Mrs. Lulgl d'Auria, of 20S St. Mark's Square, and a granddaughter of Brig adier Gfnnral Robert, who Is the author of Robert's "Rules of Order on Parliamentary Law." Doctor Houston Is professor of litera ture In thft University of Texas. Miss d'Auria, who will be given In marriage by h-r father, will wear a gown of. soft whito satin, made with a llounce and overdress ot duchess laco. The bodice Is finished nt tho neck nnd sleovca with duchess lace, and Is ornamented with pearls. Her veil will he mad of tulle, edged with pearls, and will be ar ranged mi her hair under a tiny cap of duchess lace, which will be fastened with diamonds and pnils. Sho will carry a bouquet of lilies of tho valley and bride roses Miss Helen Robert d'Auria. a sister of the bride, will act its maid of honor; she will wear n stunning frock of pale blue taffeta, heavily en hi-nldi-rod In pearls, and will carry ten rose?. The little tlower girls will be MUs I'riscilla Alden R'Vginve nt'd Miss Corlnne n-t Fenner Fowler; tiny will wenr white net fr.icka, nnd will entry small baskets of white and pink rosebuds. Doctor Houston will bo attended bv HELEN WARE Will appear in "The Revolt," at the Adelphi next week. MURDER AND MYSTERY A CRIMINAL HISTORY Mr. and Mrs. John Grlbbel and Miss Grlbbel have returned to their home In Wyncoto after spending the summer nt Camden, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Wilson aro spending tho early fall at their country place at Gwynedd Valley before opnning their town houso at 302 South Thlrteonth street, on October 1. A wedding of Interest to persons In Oak Lane will bo that of Miss Lorn Nettle Cummlng and Paul Emil Woll, which will take placo Septem ber 22 In Portland, Ore. Miss Cummlng, who Is tho daughter of Dr. William Andrew Cummlng, of Portland, has been tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Harold Per pall, of Oak Lane Park, for the past six months. Mi. Woll Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Peter Woll. of 70th avenuo nnd City line, Oak Lane. Ho la a member of the Old York Road Coun try Club and popular In the social set along York road. The ceremony will bo performed at S.3Q p. m. In St. Maik's Episcopal Church, Portland. After an cxtenslvo trip, Mr. nnd Mrs, Woll will make their homo In Oak Lane Park. M. mid Mr?, Harold Pcipall left yesterday for Poitland. Ore. whero thoy will attend the wedding of Miss Lora Nettle Cummlng, Mrs. Perpnll's Mster. to Paul IJinll Woll, of Oals Lune, on Tuesday evening. September 22. Miss Edith Crowther will bo married to Mr. Edward Everett Thompson, of Waco, Tex.. September 22, also. Miss Crowther te the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crowther. Tho wedding will tako p'ace at tho home of the bride. G510 Norh Sev enth street, nt 11 n. m. Phe will wear her traveling jowu nnd will bo given in innrrlago by her father. Tho Hew J. Kennedy .Mooiejiouso, of Calvary Episcopal Church, CoiishohQckon, Pa,, will perform tho ceremony. The bride will be unattended and nurd, Holl will act as host man. Mr. and Mrs. John Hood and their family leturned today to tliclr Jiomo on Sorontb trt. alter bpcudliig tho summer nt Ocean City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Dalia and their ilaugli. tcr. Miss Helen ifciJna, of CStli avouuo, rotuxneil on Saturday, after a month nt Lougnort. Mr. and Mr. F. w. Munn and their daughter, MUs Florence Muiin, of Lnwnton avenue, re turned to their homo Saturday, after a eoason ,ie t,, wek:a;ur;"r,m au .. ... ...ofnyEpi. Mra. K. W. fioebel nf i... ,. .IT ....... B"a . ".owl """'""S lripp8 have I " . "" ' bndMmaW. am for eeral ,!. of iV L .,.?"?; clo?wt ,n"r LaVe lK WW aw- itb their "' ' "' Philadelphia, best man. n, .h.i. ... ' LV... :.'.."' two "Uiuren. nave return to 6Xi Wayne' CBOVE-1H JiER .,-. -, ,. ,.v ,, ,.v-r vwanova. i avesue. !..NtSTi:n Pa. Sept 15 -The Rev Fred .'. The Rev. and Mrs. lUnry W. Frot and their i fWk J1 u: irov I410'' of the Reformed Mr. ana Mm RAwwl Tngsart, of Rlghth family, of W Wt School HousV an" Lavl ' ZYrtot "Ji ,S,c"'i,r Cou,1,i'' .tree, returned o.te.day after a month of opened tbe.r hous, having Wt ?C ? S: iTul'V, S tt"' ir.tvel around the Uioat i.ak , summer at Northtleld. MaM. " ma.luatcd ,n May from the lanca' Ml Mary Lorlmer, of MCtr0S9 Park, . , Mr. and lira, oohn Blakely, of laae, , JlVcMwricigol ?".&' Tb brWe John Mason in Tense Melodrama That Makes One Content With Being Humble and Honest and Free of a Past. Put an Apache In evening clothes nnd he will still remain an Apache. The samo thing ap plies to Patagonlans, white Eskimos and Mex ican bandits. Clothes do not mako the man, nor Bellovue-Stratford settings alter Inherent table manners. HIcgantly staged, luxuriously upholstered, pre sented by an excellent cast. Owen Davis' play. "Drugged," which opened at the Hroad Stre-t Theatre last night, with John Mason In tho title role, novcrthnlesH remains unadulteiated melodrama of the old-fa.hioned established type, a bit more polished, more technically and tersely constructed, but tbillllng, horrifying and hair-raising aH of old. Young John Dexter, acted by Frank Thomas, la clicking off a telegraphic message In code to beautiful Sylvia Crngen N'an Campbell as the curtain rises upon the mngnitlcnt Interior of the home of the great John Dexter, railroad magnate, i-andldnto for Congress, respected citi zen. Young Dexter uses the telegraphic device to tell Sylvia he loves her, and, as one desires, they fall Into each other's arms. An auspicious opening. Enter John Dexter, consummately por trayed by John Mnson, who approves of the match, although with obvious restraint. Next onter Mrs. Dexter, tall, grim, with touches of tragic green In her costume, who stalks across the room like a haunted Electra. We see Mrs. Dexter's face Is ashen, . r oyes wild and heavily ringed. She trembles violently. WhPn she hears of the betrothal she Insists upon speaking t the girl alone she was the girl's mother's dearest friend; she loves her son. By these cryptic statements we know there's a skeleton dangling somewhere about In thnt tapestried, well-but-lered establishment. Amelia Gardner, as the morphlne-ob'essed wife, terrified by her hus band's hidden past, creates the necessary psychic atmosphere of tragedy nnd looming disaster. Despite her warnings, the girl de cides she will continue to love and to marry Jack whatever tfdeB, whereupon we like that girl. Then follow, thick and fast, complications after tho established melodrama recipe. Eleven thousand dollars of railroad money are stolen from the safe In the Dexter home. Evidence points to young Dexter as the thief, and so tho railroad detective, Tom Lane, appears, demand ing a warrant for young Deleter's arrest. Young Dexter ii eventually arrested nnd Sylvia weps real tears. Appear the villain. Doctor Malonc, slinking, elnlater. with face like putty, and tur tle eyes. This Doctor Mnlone has bcun feed ing Mrs. Dexter upon morphine; he has also been placing servants In the Dexter household. Ho pursues John Dexter for some mysterious reason; we know, and everybody knows, that he knows more than he tells ho knows. John Flood, as Doctor Mnlnne, Is conumniately suc cessful in winning wvoiy one's suspicion and contempt. Pretty soon wo learn ho has stolon th3 SH.vOO while Mrs. DeMer was unconscious from drugs, a maid. Laura, placed in the household by Mnlone as a spy. is accused of conniving In tho theft, and to nave horsolf de nounces th great John Deiter for what he Is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ross, accompanied by Miss Theodora Ross, havo returned f:om Christmas Cove, Me., whero thoy spont tho summer. They are occupying their new home at Wiuanhlckon avenuo and Upsal street. Mr. William R. Uerry. who has been In Munich during tho war period, Is now at Tho llaguo nnd will soon sail for home. Professor Charles C. Hoyl has returned home In safety nfter an eventful trip through Europe. Friends of sir. iicyi were particularly anxious' Tho ceremony, which will he performed by ! "nn ecapoil convict, ehnre-'d with murder, the the Rev. Dr. George Hooper Forris, pastor of J notorious Jtm McOrrit. She tells all nho the First Baptist Church, will be followed by j knows. A ret-octed citizen and esteemed can- a largo reception, after which the bride and , 'lWate t Congress a moment before the great bridegroom will leave for a wedding trip. They i John Dexter break down under the oxposuro. will live In Austin, Texas. Tho hri.lt of today Ho knew tho hour had t.i come. Ho groans has achieved great merit as a dancer of th' wbiln tin. curtain drop. esthotle. Sho appeared last winter In several ' RroathlMs. eager, wc next nnd ourt.eIves dunces nt o number of charitable affair. vbvrtas the abode of .he bakful Doctor Ma- Uurats will attend tho wedding from New lone, Dawson, tho n.r h..n .,,. ..... York. Ilnltitnorc and Boston. Notable among I henchman, prowls about. Jerky, shaking, also them uil bo Brigadier General Robert nnd Messed bv .ho m0rh.B ., S,,l" ,...,. John Defter, otherwise tho lesrsomo Jim MoUonltv. who had been i n.l-ivsted and has broken from r.i,.t.i.. Pirift'CIt CWmn, -W..VKMJ, 4a - ., uiji B. for hU speedy return, for his work as principal Commander Redgrave. P. s. N.. the former , , , " "' " of the West Philadelphia High School for Hoys j grandfather and the latter a uncle of the f ,, P0'!', liegins uuiiicmtticij-- jir noyi iravoicu through I urtse. France, Italy nnd Germany after wur was de. i clared. ' 1h morrlRca tt Mlus Iiiii.ii a...A- . .. Mrs. Kdwnrd Troth, who has spent tho sum. ter of Mr. and M.a. Alnnrt. s... , ... ' ,VVI,B of 'h0 wrlM' "" 'sr"8 tlvat Ualone had - -- - .-- . . - . - . .. tu.. .. UL l . I l!nRt ftnrirnn Innn m ,l llnlnk r I-. t. . ,H-n iner in Europe ami, with others, was marooned in the war sons, Is expected to roturn to her home, 3US farm street. Miss Catherine Cooper Cnssard has returned arrives. Ho gives Pawson a few Jiu-jitsu ho wrist, and teams that Malone hail an inmate of St- yuentiu prison; more w 1.. Weli-Am l.r oouicn tntef of EUte. icitcUr( THEATRICAL BAEDECfoSw ADELPHI "Help Wanted," com , '"' bearing a "stop, look and llRten' joiin young women venturing Into t ey fntt world of modern business. i p. i., BROAD "Drugged," melodrama b.o Talr vls, starring John Mason. Revli imettry- CHESTNUT STREET OPERA I ' ANNA blrla," ono of tho most spectar tl icrv plcture dramas ever prosentoo ute rl cataclysmic volcanic eruption, Intermtnt tloti of a city nnd tho annllillat nt sea. x, 91T FORREST "Zlegfeld Follies." -masses. vttt. GARRIC1C "Adcle," French on . ""' Ingly romantic, with rnthralli.lflH.TVIf,' Irresistible Peggy Wood. ,hnrln N WALNUT "Siberia." thrilling -Ic of th; years ago, depleting tho tcr-t jWe cC tures and crue-e-1 sufferings o.., ,, Siberia. " C Known. Whllo Mulono and Dai J'"'! other's throats, and Dawson J htr eltr .,,i, , , ,. , , . il". Inter stilling fair Silvia's screams, j about In the revolving chair I Jri&k" prlKoncd, by a ctiateglc mov, . ' fl1' vol'cr lying on the desk. A mnnshed. Hang! Doctor MnlorthHUiiiU All ends well. Dawson, tho tool 1H!,nkJ;nhn,l Induced by Laura, with whom h,f'om 210ti coiifess Hint he nnd Malone stole ''"" m"" Kii to Jail. She will wait for him, 'Alit'ttVl? lone, wounded to death, havlnp'Vihj .? ... , from tn bin liniiso by Dawson's aid, is '? O. Py- brouglit to tho Dexter homr. At"' "' '" ment John Dexter. In hnndcuffs, ,,"' or'Vht tnkrn back to St. Qucntin, tho S'r?,,10, In n marvelously simulated ,"n at th. fesses thnt ho, nnd not Dexter, i''m?tr Gnrrlty, killed tho Crngen boy. mauukm. nnd Sylvia embrace. John asi '"j oil pocture over his wlfo. She haj amna. fight and conquer the demon m n,lt.re An admirable thriller. As a IJmSS'im" hlgh-wntermntk success. An Ap ,- . .... M AHT, J. Ing clothes, so far na playB are co'- Hl It nccompllhcs what much hl1olon,1atha hlghralutln' problem drama fall vh "' Intel est, grips, holds. otSm' inlon at., Miniature Comedy at t 'ni'ifSJ.St Larllfs nnd gentlemen! Let c 94, JO, you tho established favorites t "' "' venturer, the winsome America Jt'pTm! rugged boy from the West jilted '6 ye"' the Spanish Carmen Jilted by ?: Sep carrying a dagger and red ro'i'nvued them nil. and like them nil. 1 n'oV h"0.". nover appeared In a more chu-emJelJ than in B. A. Rolfo's miniature " Trmlni edy. "The Bride Shop." which on. MAI1T uay nt B. F. Keith's Theatre. our frlnndu mav he thov nrr. n,..i.i, complications all the more original an.Ttei ing for their swiftness and brevity. Th'i" Inutlve drama transpires In a lingerie ','a " where a bevy of fair maids appear, each Onio ning parts of the sheer lacy and tantalizlngly W, tempting tioussoau of the bride. To the satis- ffl faction of nil on.mMv.A.1 tu. ., . Ft' ' .- "5u, in., uuveniurer is un masked and truo love finds Its own. Androw Tombes, as Billy Cope, rejected by the heiress for the hnron. is a comedian whoso drollery will make you forget the Increasing cost of living. His song exposition of life in Spain whero your sweetheart appearr at a casement while you make love from the I asement. should compose you t0 whatever rray bo your local romantic lot. "The Two Hollanders," Chrotl enno nnd Loulsette, are remarkable In their Impersonations of various national dances and songs. A good, thoroughly satlsfactorv vartetv of entertainment, with Julia Curtln Imitating 4J n violin, nnd various comedy stars as animal with her voice; the LelghtonsTloIng baseball to ' ragtime, and Blossom SeoW r.-ic-lnn- it 1- amusing, If sometimes rasping, songs. Matrimonial Complications Mooro and Elliott, in "A Matrimonial Substi tute," head tho bill at Loew's new, pretty nnd commodious Knickerbocker Thoatre for the next three days. Their net more than makes good the management's promise of a policy to give, the vaudeville public an amusing nnd snappy program. The snap and the fun are right thcie In this sketch. A faint-hearted bride-groom-to-bo loses his nerve just before th. ceremony. So he sends the lady of his rhnle. a few llne to thj general effect that he thinks v she'd maw n mistake to marry him as h. II doesn't quite till the specticatlons of a hus- band for such as sho. but that he's sending a friend who will. At this fateful moment a gentleman whose real Job Is selling baby gran.! T pianos arrives. Before he nulte knows how V It all happens he has a new Job-that of hus- f band for the Jilted lady. He nmat land that I piano nale anyway. So he takes the chance. I as wnttM iIitia . . ... Z '. - , '" ""' a" "la" """ eyes in his 'JI ,i head, when the lady Jilted happens to be Flor- ? i enco Llllott. Georgo Moore, as the piano sales man, la on the Job with his usual vim. Thest clovor nnd popular performers havo never had a better vehicle, and they muko every lino tell. But George, as a salesman, would ctrtnlnly havo to hustle to keep up with Florenco El liott's dressmaker's bills.. AMUSEIMEKTS. Knickerbock Hast Ctoww tt,u. am! Italph W.ter piower Z '" '""m" '" " """ p- nre will take nine tonlaht. vorv niiu. . ...I ' l no wtrld IV'' lr n the mines lwm.9 of th? brin. Owing to the recent donth 1 ,wen," yrar8 befor an4 bnon llie ' Pexter of Thomas Flower, a brother of iho h.M.. . b,u Um, mvU'l of nmrderlns. The situ- from Capo May, whom sho was tho swat of I Broom, only Hie Immediato fnmiiiB, of ti, u,u,n tba 1'0 Baranteed to taK'a your MUs Kdlth wilsou nt her cottase. MUs I'aa- j hrjdosruum n4 brujo will be present. The ' br0,b' Pv aten entors. a revolver ts ganl will leavo Thursdny for Hartford, Cona, j ceremony will toli Place a, T o'clocfc, aftor flbe-l' Upiate ght- txxtor Malone is to be tho guest of Mlsa lUlen Pcaso for the 1 which the yauntj couple WH leave on a short 1 ov'"'H'm- ,,ut 'ok, watch, see! into a remainder of tho month. . tour. driYr on the side of tha desk; where he sits Pr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Brown. Jr., havo 1 ws-jittwiu I oipulto the triumphant MvUarrity. Mslono returned front Ruropo and am at present stay. ' rOTTSVlM.K, 14 , Sept. 15.-S. Milton livan. 1 ! and emutla a Uottlo of chloroform, ing with Doctor BrowVa father and motlwr, I a 'un buins inun of this place, an-l Jju , t?tei rie, npittlns the air. in a ttash Malone Mr. and Mrs. Henry p. hrown, ut IW West 1 3,-b,M A Hslwla i.leiv of Uw let W. J. 1 i upon h'n with a KaB 4tursted with tha t'lal street. Whitho.e. former Upuoltca ,aui,t efaalr drug. Th el to and fro. the gag 3t j0,n Miss Fiances Stokes has returned from Nar. , "' ,u, " '' nwrrted today, the I Ulster's mouth. Evil Biii-Jh l. rasn.elt PUr. whero sho ernt seral weska 1 M-mmony toliw prro,olod by ,he Rev. . w Slatons and Pawson lash him to a chair and geaerousH fed t.lru more chloroform. Now the pm'hologtcftl moment, 'font pane, de- ttcttve. urrlvea with Sylvia. John, hidden with a blanket, u caid to tm an injursd patient. Tin to. unupctiBg the capturMl man's identity 1 are aliout to lae wh John pxter. coming j to despite a pint or so of chloroform, tape a telegraphic message on the arm of the thalr to h!.h his arms are lashed, with a hea 1 ring on his finger, and thus makes himself MAItCL'S LOEWS THKATnn M.irk.n AMf oth st ContlnuouK 1 Vrf muuH fnm I to 11 p t tfaii til k.... l.. t. Georse Moore & Elliott Florenco l.N "A JUTI.IMMMAI. -!t HbTlTl'TE C OTHER SELECT C J VAUDEVILLE ACTS J ND lli:i'l L l'lt",l(vI uF I'JCOTIM'J.AYS uivnu Ma- Wo.l nn.l Sat i pop ,-.. Y,-JnJ-..s ,.. ioo JOHN MASON -DRUGGED Arjw CHESTNUT STREET S?SS " TWU'E UAILY LAST s WEEKS ' Uurl.in Grfa'Mt Photo hpritucl CABIRIA .."SSr L'nsl.-int Poiltlvrly End. Saii"U 8ntmhr M l'rtc Muilnm, to 15 ;'. Evrinngi. il. 28. fiijo, THE "I'AItlMOl NT PICTUHEB'l STANLEY Sj,'g Jack LondonV 11 to ti "An Odyssey of the North" Stxl wetk. Mary l'Usfor.1. SI 'H A 1.ITTLR Ol EE. I'onilnE. Siji '. I'tTi'llMMiK. lillil. lit OZ' " B. RKEITH'S THEATRE Est luiv VnudcL I" ' i K t Ttu fir; t Shop', niokkum St-t !- , ' u H ui l-m" . Jj & CurtU Three IJ.h n .ml '--'i-j tHt i-'-j turpi Nt k Mr u. Mr. -it.ii fi, ''iiimH ?i GARRICK-Last 2 Weeks " : ' tzm "A D E L E" ""'J ttr Forrest - - Last 2 Weeks ?,V, ; ,, ZIEGFELD FOLLIES NIXUNB Tl HI,,. GRAND iSg-.i! Tu4ar 't It. T wl t iurv DUMONTS 8 18 . i, IS i I I I ' 1 Irama t t via ! Jh s ru 'IS M '1 "H E.t.l, . ' i'Ii.i, i H'k " Mis. IHKUH ll Jlll I " ! t , . I i . M... r...u. ' "' ' .1 ... ni.r.y. r. VVIKl.I t -f 'i I .lt'Hk f A S I N fl IHmi.l M.,i ,,,y TANOO CU-NTftsT F1UUAX MOiiT -,,, i A,