Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
1C- EVENIKG liEDGEH-PHMADBL'PHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 19l. f ATTORNEY, A GREEK, SAYS U. S. SHOULD PROTEST TO TURKEY Fiicnd of Consul Tsakonas Here Declares Abroga tion of Treaties Concerns Safety of Americans. Eotcrlos Nicholson, of Washington, D. C., ft Greek attorney and student of In ternational law, who Is visiting In Phila delphia, today told how the abrogation of the treaties by Turkey was of vital concern to the United States since by (hat action the safety of every foreign resident In that country was threatened, Including thousands of missionaries and other Americans who make their per manent homo there. Mr. Nicholson was nt the office of Aristotle Tsakonas, the Greek Consul here. He Is a personal friend or Consul Tsakonas, and on his way to New York stopped off here to visit tho official. "I do not think," ho said, "that the drnincance of the capitulations made years ngo by Turkey and now abrogated It generally appreciated. Under them foreign residents In Turkey have had tho right to bo Judgod by their own respec tive consulates exclusively; secondly, they have possessed spoclal civil privi leges such that In nil questions of crimi nal procedure and in fact of general de portment, they havo been liable sololy to their own governments. Thus, no Turkish ofTiclal has had tho right to enter Into tho dwelling of a foreigner or arrest one, unless equipped with a spe cial permit from tho consulnto concerned. Thirdly, tho native government was not allowed to levy professional taxes upon the foreign residents; and fourthly, It could not regulate tho amount of Its customs duties without tho consent of the foreign powers. In general, tho above privileges may bo regarded ns con stituting extra territorial rights, and it Is chiefly the ones coming under tho first two headings that will affect the status ef the Americans living In Turkey. "First thera Is tho legal aspect to bo considered. As others havo already point ed out. It Is rather astonishing that treat ies which havo constituted the very con dition of Turkey's existence) as a State are now abrogated without warning nnd without negotiation. Such a violation of mutual agreement Is a very serious mat ter InOeed, but Turkey knows that now the European Powers are hardly pressed with their own troubles at homo and hopes that they will bo unable to resort to effective measures In denouncing tho violation. "Foreign statesmen of tho preceding generations had forced the above con cessions from tho Turkish Government because It was evident to them that under ordinary circumstances the said Govern merit could not guarantee security and freedom to their nationals. Tho country had simply not reached that stage In tho evolution of political organization which would render It capable of supervising me arrairs or. tne citizens or foreign coun tries. But with the advent of tho now regime In 1908 tho Young Turks havo been continuously nnd Insistently clamor ing for the abrogation of tho capitula tions, claiming that conditions had changed since freedom had been declared Rnd Just government had been established. jevenneiess, tne Powers refused to con- COUP LEADERS HEED PUBLIC CALL FOR BETTER TRANSIT Decide to Reapportion Loan and Permit Early Start On New System and Aboli tion of Exchange Tickets. Councllmanlo leader;, meeting this afternoon In City Hall, virtually ocreed to grant the united demand of citizens of Philadelphia and Include In tho now 111,700,000 loan bill tho item of J50O.000 Insisted upon by Director of City Transit Taylor, as being necessary for the re construction of sewers downtown, pre paratory to the nctUal building of subway and clovatcd street car lines. The "mcotlng was held In tho room of tho Subcommittee on I'lnancc. it was attended by John P. Connelly, chair man of Councils' Klnanca Commlttnn! Harry C. nansloy, president of Beleot Council; Charles Segor, chairman of the Subcommittee on Finance, and Common. Councilman Peter E. Costello. It was decided a. meeting of the Sub committee on Flnanco should bo called at 1:30 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Immediately following this and before tho spoclal meeting of Common Council on Thursday afternoon there will be a meeting of tho general Finance Com mittee of Councils. At theso meetings the transit Item of tho now loan will bo carefully considered. It was eald by Councilman Connelly after tho meeting today that other Items which the preaont Administration le slred Included In the new loan bill would also havo careful consideration. The conference this afternoon was called following tho stutemunL of rilrnrtm. Tv. lor yesterday, ln which the Director showed how every citizen In Philadelphia would suffer through a year's delay In the transit program If Councils stood by muir miiisai to mciuuo an appropriation for transit In tho loan. It was not a meeting of tho finance sub-committee, members of that commit tee explained, but a conferenco of some of Its members to determine the advisa bility of calling a meeting of the sub-corn-mltteo to reapportion the loan. -. ' J I v ? p hi .' I J' -v '. 3ifr 1 ov5- -..w3fs. "SV A iff Vit.w u ft ysF r Lm iyz ; T ' 1 ' Mf 'IT "VZ Tf fc CAMDEN 1VWI i v )7? y - ( J ( r rT rfZ-i T JL , DARBy L. t I J pxtseur sncEer nuts J Vs. jl '0 ' Presetr ittArtoast,et slHD rirorosco &UBVAr S) I TkG0 -"'-""' smnxseo jrvazr UAtra I 1 us-c 1 $15 ARSENAL READY TO AUGMENT OUTPUT OF WAR'S MESSENGERS Arrangements Made at Frankford Plant to Take Care of Emergency in Case of Rush Order. sent. "Facts Justified their course; the Arme nian massacres, troubles In Syria oppres sion In Arabia, the Insurrection In Al bania and the maladministration of af fairs In Macedonia, following Immediately after the granting of tho constitution, proved that much had yet to be done In the line of political evolution. "In plain words, Turkish law and ad ministration is not an effective guarantpc of the safety of foreign lives and Inter ests, and has violated treaties that In sured that safety. In which case. I think, that It Is tho duty of the United Btatcs, nt present the greatest neutral Blate, to declare to Turkey that this rnuntry realizes its own responsibility to Its own citizens as well as to thoso of the Kuropcan countries, and that It can not brook tho vnwarrantcd breaking off of treaties; and to bring home to the Ottoman Government that this Govern ment Is determined to make use of all necessary means to the end of securing jiroppr observnnco of tho treaties by the Ottoman Government." fJJTO TAKES FIRE ON BRIDGE Hammonton Mnn Is Burned About Hands righting Flames. HAMMONTON, N. J.. Sept. 15.-Robort T Moore, of this place, was severely burned about the hands today when ho tried to extinguish flames in his automo bile. The car took flro on n, bridge near here, and was practically destroyed, to gether with part of the structure. When motorcyclists came to Moore's assistance the flamos were extinguished. QUALIFY ON MOTORCYCLES Examination Produces Three EUgi bles for Police Service. Three police candidates qualified In the nt examination of the civil service eomm,on tor untenant tn tho motor cycle service. The salary Is $1800 a year. "he elleibla lut inti,.i,. utm. t McGowan, H3 South Twcnty-fourth street, veraye 75.CH ; Charles U. Cassel. 1933 Van re.t street, average 72.26; George W. Fritz, 113 Nqrth Franklin street, average 72.10. Director of Publlo Safety Porter was fhat by ,1" Clv11 Servlca Commission esnt, ? nvefaees attained by the uppll- fw ItaS n -t,le Beneral examination lon!!;Mnt ot pollce- A tes ot ability candhia?.! f motorcyclo was given the SSrS whm not ?ffect tne average. suuart . ni Vuulc"anl ol ,ne motorcycle Z li'twiS4 omV -treat. Cor EDROPEANS SEEK DIVORCES Ask Dissolution of Marriages Per- formed Abroad. TRENToN, scp,. t,.Dlgsolutlon of two w irlages performed In Europe Is the of suits started In the Court of ehancory by residents of Passaic County. rs Valeria Schrclber. of Pasaalo City. U0la f.r d'VOrce from her """"and. lung?rhorADrThey were married In Varies that thlt T,, woman thiy hii h- man deifcd her after t a,Kr ,hey had moved to this coun- h(i-larln i... ... BlMrt7n inn t . , lro ,ook ,helr two vnannd 'S "'V1 '" l892' Ph,1,P idree from hr ?hn ,ott,,'4lh'p- wa,,u rte, In Italy couple, were mar- I WILL, ItEAPPOimON LOAN. Tho fact that Councllmanlo leaders have virtually agreed to Includo tho $300,000 transit Item not by offering an amend ment In Common Council on Thursday, but by reapportioning the entire loan, In dicates that the amount will bo raised by cutting down several of the Items In tho apportionment made last week. Tho Items which will probably be cut are thoso for paving, which totnl $800,000 ln the nres,nt apportionment, the $1,000,000 for tho Park way, the $10,000 for tho purchaso of a site for a Kroe Library on tho Parkway, nnd the appropriation of $300,000 for tho con struction of sewers. Tho men who rnntrnl the financiering In Councils have Indicated that they do not favor cutting down the $1,000,000 for the Art Museum. Increasing the amount of the loan has also been discussed. It could bo in creased to $12,000,000, and more, If neces sary. It has been pointed out. Tho bor rowing capacity or tho city has been placed at $12.2(,000 by Controller Wal ton. Tho sub-committee, before It had determined to leave the transit Item out of the apportionment made last week, discussed making the loon slightly moro man ;i.',uw.wu. CHAIRMAN CONNELLY EXPLAINS. The change In tho attltudo of Councll manlo leadors, following the strong de mand that has been made upon them, was reflected by Chairman John P. Con nelly of tho Finance Committee, today. "Thero Is no deslro In the Flnanen Com mittee to deprlvo the Transit Department of any funds which it needs," he said. "In apportioning tho loan we cut our cloth according to conditions. "The Finance Commltteo received no detailed request from the Transit Depart ment, so It did not pay much attention to It. In the absence of an agreement be tween tho city and traction company, however, I do not see how the work could start. "A meeting of the Subcommittee on Appropriations will be held Thursday next at 1:30 o'clock. A meeting of the Finance Committee will be held Immediately after ward before the session of Common Coun cil for the purpose of considering chang ing certain items In the proposed loan bill. Director Norris, of the Department of Wharves, Docks and Ferries, has re quested a modification of his first state ment which was taken care of in tho original allotment. "Ho now desires the article changed from his first request, which I deem of such Importance as to require considera tion by the general committee. At tho same time it is expected that careful consideration will be given to tho ques tion of relocating the sewers In the cen tral part of the city as preliminary work in me construction or mo Uroad street subuay construction, for which $COO,000 has been asked. "Since tho original allotment was made additional requests have been filed by the Department of Health and Charity for ccitaln extensions on Improvements to tho Institutions at P-ybrry, Holmesburg ana tne contagious Disease Hospital at Second and Luzerne streets. These were not provided for In the loan bill because the committee was under the opinion that Immediate demands could be better provided for by a transfer of Idle funds, which would enable the department to start work at a much eatiler data than If the loan bill money were waited for." BUSINESS MEN MEET TONIGHT. nuslness men from all parts of the city will attend the meeting In the Ding ham Hotel tonight, called by William Hancock, President of the United Busi ness Men's Association, and unless It has been definitely determined that Coun cils will Include the transit appropria tion In the loan, they will make an open demand upon Councils for It. Director Taylor will speak at this meet ing, and will tell the business men the necessity for an Immediate start In the rapid transit program. The meeting has been called at thq request of the Transit Committee of tho I'nlted Business Men's Association. The situation will be Handled without gloves, members of the committee eald today. They will Institute a movement to com pel the subcommittee to include In the loan the $'jOO,000 needed to start work on the rapid transit lines. PROPOSED SURFACE FEEDERS IN TRANSIT PLAN The new surface lines which Director Tavlor savs nri hartlw nnrl which will be included in the comprehensive plan for rapid transit, include a crosstown line in West Philadelphia on 56th street as a feeder for the Market street elevated and the proposed Darby elevated; the extension of north and south lines, probably the Eight and Ninth and the 17th street lines, in South Philadelphia to Oregon avenue; lines from Rising Sun lane and Kensington to above Frankford, and the extension of the Wyoming avenue lin to Frankford avenue and Bridge street; the Chew street line in German town from Olney avenue to Washington lane; a direct line to RoxboVough, which will probably run on Ridge avenue to the centre of the city; additional north and south lines north of Girard College; a new line on North Ninth street, and a direct line to Fox Chase. Arrangements were made today nt tho Frankford Arsenal to place that Institu tion In condition to take care of any emergency In cuso of a rush order for materials. This wn.s announced by Lieu tenant Colonel Goorgo Montgomery, com manding ofllccr of the plant. Colom-1 Montgomery has Just returned from Europe, The work of readjustment from now on will be pushed as rapidly ns pos sible. "By January 1," ho said, "we expect to have things so nrranged at the nrscnal that should the Government at Washing ton feel so disposed, or called upon to lncica:e our appropriation, enabling us to augment tho output of tho place, we will be In a position to do what Is required." Colonel Montgomery said he was nt work collecting the names of all old em ployes of tho arsenal. This Is being done, ho added, so that they can be lo cated and put to work al the quickest possible notice. By the first, of the year It Is expected that, if called upon, offi cials at the Plant will be ablo to place two shifts of men at work one week after notice, and to be running throe shifts every 21 hours before the expiration of a month. Qolonel Montgomery returned from Europo last Saturday on tho Cunard llnor Campania. Ho went abroad on August 12 for a rest. Ho said ho was visibly Im pressed by tho Btate of preparedness which cxlited In nearly every country In Uuropo prior to tho war, enabling them to plunge almost nt a moment's notice) Into tho great conflict. He suggested that thin country might do well to follow to n certain extent this example of prepared ness. He had no trouble In obtaining return passngo to America, he said. Going over and coming back tho Milps on which lii traveled pnsscd several foreign wat ships The Campania kept her portholes darkened at night during the entire voyage. biaiie her captain was taking no chances of running afoul of hostile craft, INDICTED FOR EXTORTION Man Sues Prosecutors After Being Set nt Liberty. GRANT'S PASS, Ore., Sept. 15. W B. Dennlson nnd Detective Charles Hans and F. Klrkwood, all of New York, were In dicted here by the grand Jury ns a result of tho arrest of Oslln Jackson. Jackson was arrested on charges of em bezzlement mado In New York In 1913 nnd upon his relenso on an order from Gover nor West, Jackson swore out warrants charging Dennlson and tho two detectives with extortion. STRAW HATS BEAT HASTY RETREAT TO VALE OF OBLIVION Brokers at Commercial Ex change Successfully Exe cute First Hostile Move Against Summer's Mascu line Headgear. Exit straw hat. Today, ln accordance with public opin ion, the frail headgear bids good-by to summer. With Its departure went many fond memories of sunny beaches and Im promptu romances. It Is true that many of them had a decidedly tired appearance even before the official September 15, for some had dono continuous service since the Prlneeton-Penn baseball game in May tho regular debut of this dainty mascu line millinery. There were a few straw hat rushes hero nnd there. Brokers at the Commercial Exchange In tho Bourse took the lead and three defiant members came to grief In tne centre of tho floor under their thatches ot straw. The men were caught b a double flank movement while they were trying to retreat Into the corner offices. At least two score brokers par- , tlclpated ln tho assault, and peace was not declared until the plecos were dis tributed among the nssallants. But the high cost of living caused most of the populace to refrain from tho sport. Then, too, there were many who clunt; to their straws with nn air of defiance. Their demeanor clearly showed thut they wouldn't be ruled by the dictates of youthful fashion. They were the object of sympathizing glances nnd Inaudible comment. Some admitted that they had autumnal headgear hanging on tho do mestic hall rack and boasted of their independence. If they are happy, leave them alone. Most porsoni do not realize how the de parture of the straws affects business gen erally. Tho sign on the bootblack stand, "Straw Hats Cleaned and Srnuied." mint go down, and nil the celebrated cleaning concoctions at the corner drug store must be shelved In tho storehouse until next summer. Therefore, there Is n tinge of sadness in the exit of this once brilliant hendpleco, which makes oven hnm"ly men look natty and good-looking men hand some. This ralefl tho queitlon,1, "Who Invent ed the straw lmf" But let tn not bother about It now. Walt until next summer. Then let us hope that we will again blaze forth happy and care free with peace In tht air and the high cost of living noth ing hut a faint memory. And skilled prophets say that it shall be so. STOHIJ OIMJS 8.30 A. SI. AMI CI.OM3S AT B.30 V. SI. Fine Scottii Ferns 98c A pretty decoration for tho home. Large, healthy plnnts that regularly rcll for $1,60 nnd 2, None vent COD. .MAIM AIICADH HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Market : Filbert : Eighth : Seventh V "III mo nnST.VUIIANT ncsT OF BVEUYTHI.VG AT lowest rmens FIFTH FLOOR Do our chopping early ntvi get Double Yellow Trading Stamps with each lOo worth you purehats before noon. Tellow Trsdlng Stamps rlva you better value In merchandise than you can get nlth nny others. THE NEW Fall Clothin At Price Savings of a Third or More Ml FOR MEN AND BOYS Without a doubt, we have the best selection of high-grade clothing at medium prices of any clothing section in Philadelphia, including the very latest styles in men s i an suns. Suits Here for $18 Suits Here for ;$20 Suits m Here for 15 $22 & $25 Suits for $18 $28 & $30 Suits for $ These suits have been made by some of tho foremost men's tailoring establish ments in America and are ripht up-to-the-minute in style, including the very swagger English model, with soft lapel and patch pockets. The fabrics are strictly all-wool fancy mixtures, cheviots and cassimeres, par ticularly in the new shades of blue, brown and gray. Every suit is carefully hand-tailored and we have all sizes for men and young men, including stouts. FArLfsT'l$7.50to$18 For the dressy young fellow who appreciates good style and cannot afford to pay a big price. These arc wonderfully good suits at $7.50 to $18. Boys' Suits, Topcoats and Reefers $5.00 TO .$7.00 values, $298 & $4.98 BUSINESS MEN TO MEET The business man's view of "The Ef fect of the War on Business" ulll he set forth September 21. at a meeting of tho Philadelphia Division, Sales .Managers' Association, at Kugler's. The speakers will Includo John J. Gibson, Westing house Company; K. B. Jackson, Packaid Motorcar Company; Frank S. Evans, Strawbrldgo & Clothier; Leonard T Bealc, John T. Lewis Brothers & I'o , and II. B. Tyson, Quaker City Shirt Company Norrlstown. 'She 9lotrtnclc Co. DEPARTMENT LACKS FUNDS Can't Pay Examine Physician to Child Workers. That thousands ot children at school age are going to work when phjslcally unfit because there are no funds to pay the salaries of tho examining ploslcians was tho statement made by Henry J Gideon, chief of the Department of Com pulsory Education, today. Heretofore before the department would grant a certificate permitting a child be tween U and 18 years to go to work the child had to submit to a physical exam ination for fitness by authorised physi cians The salaries of these examining physicians have up until this time been paid through private subscriptions, which this fall havo not been forthcoming. Mr Gideon said that the work might be done by the regular school ph)slclans, but In that rase the force would have to be Increased Another Derby Desk Sale! $50,000 Purchase Now Offered at 33Vz to 50 Saving Our Spring Sale was a tremendous success. Our customers were more than pleased with the wonder ful values they received. The opportunity having presented itself at this particular time to buy another large quantity of GENUINE DERBY DESKS at most attractive prices, we have contracted for fifty carloads and are going to dispose of same at values never before offered in Philadelphia. If you have been contem plating refurnishing your ofiice, now is the time. If you are about to move, you could afford to discard your old furniture. The line is 60 large, the only way you can get a fair idea of the extent and value is to call at our salesroom. All grades in quartered oak and mahogany and all guaranteed to be genuine Derby stock. Below are a few samples : Quartert J Oals Qtnuine Uahognnu rilV fliir lU.ki, ' Sllifsi arc in -Norfolk and double i breasted styles, made of fine navy blue serge, fancy cheviots and cassimeres and in the new brown and gray mixtures. Peg-top trousers with loops and watch pockets. Also Russian and sailor models, in blue, brown and gray mixtures. All sizes 25 to IS years. Reefers and Top Coats are of tan covert cloth, fine shepherd plaid, fancy gray and brown mixtures and navy blue serge. They are beau tifully tailored and have chevron on sleeves. All sizes 2Js to 10 years. I TV T&ttfil w rm Irm II 20 ,i?k ..I vf 'iw 11 IrWTui ry mm flLJ II wy 1 ' 11 Hit "Hi I ....TAT. -iir-- ..ff-fk: Boys $1 Pants 59c Bloomer nnd KnlrUorir -ur-styles of good materials will stand lots of nard wear. Sizes 6 to 17 years. ' SECOND FLOOR, SEVENTH AND MARKET STREETS ?VViVtftVVVVlVVVVViVVWVVWVVVVVVl (The Smartest Fall Millinery We Trim All Hutu Free of Charge, I Un trimmed Hats and Trimmings pI'oIIomIiik nre mime vcrj eiccptlonnl value i 5 $2.00 Black Velvet 5 Smart, stylish shapes Hats, unusually Rood J quality. $3.50 Black Velvet Hats, JTho popular draped crown effect. I Very Fine Black Hat- fcO QO iters' Plush Hats ... PJVO Jrashlon's most preferred styles. $1.49 $2.98 I'.ixrv novim.T ovrmcii, In black, whito and the new-colminss. 98c, $1.49 and $1.98 S KIRST l-'LOOIl. NORTH 4VU1UUVWUtU1W1lW4l1WWtWW: FY w JiJA TRIMMED HATS WITH INDIVIDUALITY f Our own and model styles both show- ng how cleverly the designers have worked to open up new and original 2 paths for inspiration. 5 I I c or tier Women's Doeskin Gloves Theu Arr t..i'i fi ini(t fur Fall UV.ir One-clasp stle In white, with white or black backs Excellent ;riul Hint will wubh splendidly. $1 sort. 1 , twin trill hf mm nl i alt the yn iv tW! or, intimrtnl but there i r uttimarii iin'.i .j pt ices rillST TLutJU. EKUITH STREET SIDE The tricorne hat has long held a leading place in smart millinery from it has come the idea for The Neic Three Turban The sketch shows this lntst iMo.n worked out in dark melange blue velvet? with spreading plum-colored wings. 5 a x'ine uispiav at 5 'I These are hats of fine silk velvets and plush, inter- ipretintr all of the smartest, stvlnc ;., !., cv..n 15 j; large shapes with trimmings of metal, fur and? j many chic, odd fancies. A Also a Special Showing of Bonnets and Tonnes i f I and Children's Hats. i THIRD FLOOR Autumn Suits of Distinguished European Styles: $35 Values . , Derby Our Derby 42-in. Flat-top Desks $26.00 $14.65 $30.00 60-in. Flat-top Desks $32.00 $ 18.00 $38.00 CO-in. Flat-top Desks $36.00 $19.90 $42 00 60-in. Double Flat Top Desk $60.00 $33.75 $70.00 60-in. Roll-top Desks $52,00 $29.25 $66.00 60-in. Roll-top Desks $56.00 $31.30 $72.00 42-in. Typewriter Desks $33.00 $18.60 $42 00 64-in. Typewriter Desks. 40.00 $22.50 $50.00 Medium Grade 50-in. Flat-top Desks , $38.00 $19.00 $50 00 60-in. Flat-top Desks ,....$44.00 $22.00 $56 00 60-in. Roll-top Desks...., $72.00 $36.00 $90.00 60-in. Roll-top Desks $76,00 $38.00 $96.00 66-in. Roll-top Desks..... $80.00 $10.00 $108.00 43-in. Typewriter Desks $42.00 $21.00 $52.00 55-in. Typewriter Desks $50.00 $25.00 $64 00 Our I'rlct $18.00 $22.80 $25.20 $12.00 $39.60 $13.20 $25.20 $30.00 Other higher grades (also tables) at equally deep price cuts. SALE NOW ON To eliminate selling expenses and get price at lowest possible point terms of sale, cash. No goods sent COD without deposit and no sizes exchanged, but all goods guaranteed to be perfect. The Slobety&tttieke Headquarter fgr OBlce and library rurnlture 1012 Chestnut Street, Phila. 1 1 a7 (i ids. (HiA Urn 1111 c. MSA V r K I Oft & 55J7 (2) Jf) ZT Four Models : One Illustrated They're in fine chiffon broadcloth, medium-weight serge and gabardine, in navy blue, Holland blue, plum, black, tete do negre and green. The 45-inch jackets are the ultra-fashionable reclincole effectsome trimmed with fur fabric, others plain and mannish or smartly braided, and all lined to waist with rich peau de cygne. ' The stylish skirts show yoke tops, fur fabric bands or side plaits. $25.00 $28.00 $45.00 $48.00 $54.00 $26.00 $32.00 8.50 Women's & Misses' $27.50 j New Fall Dresses, J wo Uifjerent Styles : One SkeUhed Some are of miyy blue, black, green and brown poplin made basque effect, trimmed at hips with puffs of satin and finished with satin sleeves, flounce, aUo embroidered CI LJJvf COlJal Equally attractive are the fine and dressy satin frocks in navy blue, Corbeau blue and brown with box-plaited tunic uvuisuicueu organelle vestee and wide-plaited skirt, girdle .!! (' If 185p 25 SECOND I LOOR 1 11 mini urns 5.00 $25 Coats ff$i Stylish Scotch plaids, cross-bar pebble cheviots, bluck P.ntanna .d English mixed coatings. Balmacaan. belted and annK yi So with military collars, fur cloth trimming,, stralpht or 5.nt pocKrt. Mm o. ..,: ,- rn,M:i , x iihoi ki$ r,tt