Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Night Extra, Image 10

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    MB jMyggSgyggIFril "aBjiWWKJTWlWfrr-' T"- 'ap-wn t"nfW& iW,r7m.f T - t-r-1- Tmr.-.T- - . -
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German Methodists, Crushed Tinder
Heavy Taxes, May Close Temples.
NEW TOntv, Sept. 15.-A letter was re
ceived hero from lilshop t. Nelson, direc
tor of tlio work of the Methodist Epis
copal Cliurcli, by tho Board of Forclrn
Missions of that fnlth, stating that tho
Gorman Methodist congregations are
crushed under the heavy burdens Imposed
0 ft1 l,Pnn hrm by the war.
O t OF V OF LaUra ! Tho cotigreKatlons are face to face with
' ' tho necessity of closing their churches
Career Revealed in j """"""- " "?'
Vccompanying Pre-1 CHICAGO MUNICIPAL
'ted and brilliant young .
life might well havo been j TQQTTT? "filWT" T NT
the highest channels, has 1QQUD VJL I UlUl
dcst of all circumstances
dn tho great majority. Her j
.raSted'afrortnUTell HoUSCwiveS Not tO Ex-
nTrngo forces, took placo In
n street, London, last June.
- Guthrie, or, as she called
i Gray," frequently led tho
gettCB on wild expeditions.
1st birthday, a couple of
5 lived with her widowed
tho most comfortable cir-
1 Kensington. Highly cdu
brllllant abilities, she de- '
lng for socialistic llterntute,
i militant suffragette. Hut
iwing letter and Its aecom- i
I for "valor" was sent her,
l's life was fairly normal,
.s from the W. S. P. U. to
the letter reads:
In the Women's Army: i
rvords can possibly express '
of the committee towards
i other comrades who have
rid With utter disregard of
J the pain of tho hunger-
the horrors of forcible
prison, at tho prompting
d loyalty to the cause you
y love, and which Is the
life to us all. I send you ,
i nil honor, and on behalf I
ilttee of the W. S. P. V., I
r valor in action, and my j
h that you have not suf--rlously
in health as the I
ur heroic fight for prtn- j
s, with all greetings. I
Coroner. Ingleby uddlo.
his voice trembled with crno
hcre was scaicely a drv ee ,
jm. He nervously lingered tho ;
.tter. and then said: I
anything be moro calculated to '
.he mind of a young girl such as
njr this document and this travet.v
ot u . icdal? After this she began to e.xa.
gerateyher own importance. The weak
mind pltabably gave way. She leaves her
home, IvVr sister, her mother, for a gar
ret In order to earn her own living and ,
probably Hevote herself to the cause Sij .
Is next on he sta,e ns a pantomlne i-irl.
and when a voung girl, brought up as she .
was, starts to live the free and Indt
denendent existence we hear so much
nhnnt In Enirlrtad. men of the world know
tho danger shtlrur.s. a danger of which I
this girl unfortunately did not escape.
"Next we flncl her in the company of
men frcquentlne',rii'ht clubs and taking
money from thet i There Is no more
about the suffragist movement. The girl
nem tn have been absolutely degraded, i
and from then her whole history is one of
drink, drugs, immorality and death from
her own hand "
The Coroner read aloud a letter written
v the unfortunate Miss Guthrie, to her
u,..iui. !.. -vhlc e says:
"My Dear Little Mother Whatever
wretchedness t hd"e had has come to mo
through my own doing, and during this
last year. In pai tloular. I have met some
very dear souls, both men and women.
If you ever con-e across them and they
speak to you of i.ie ulve them a welcome
for my sake. even though I may hae
met them In bad and Immoral ways. I
Please don't Imncrlne for a moment that
what I have don was suggested oy our
last conver3at'on I havo been taking
drugs for the last six months practically
every night. I only lied to you about It,
because I knew- on would worry If I
told you the truth Of course, the kindly
Coroner will eall It 'temporary Insanity.'
But, as a matter uf fact. I think this Is
about the sane.-t thing I have jet done.
I am simply very. verv tired of things
in general I cannot see that the world
will progress ar.v the worse for my being
out o It. It seems cowardly, I know, but
I should only -:n nn causing you more un
happlness. dear oul for there are certain
ways of life which it is ahsnlutelv Impos
: slhk to give up In fart, one does not
want to. You are so pure and good that
It Is hard to write this tn vnu. hut I feel
It to be tne absolute truth. I believe
there must he a further sphere for people
like you. whe-e unhapplnes and disap
pointment are smoothed nvvav. Xo one
In this world could have had a better or
moro sympathetic mother than J. G. L."
pect All Fancy Grocery
Store Frills at Farm
CHICAGO. Sept. 16. "Don'ts" for
housewives dealing at the new municipal
markets, work on two of which was bo
gun yesterday, have been Issued with the
approval of the Municipal Market? Com
mission. Theso rules are laid down as
a gtildo to women eager to cut the cost
of living, but who may expect the frills
of fancy grocery store servlco on the
school lots where farm wagons loaded
with garden truck will bo found.
The markets to bo opened this week, as
the result of an Inspection tour made by
Alderman Janus II. Uiwley and his aides,
will be at Maxwell and Union streets,
and on tho Washington School property,
Morgan and Ohio streets.
Following are the "don'ts" for munic
ipal marketers.
Don't expect tho farmers to telephone
jou nt your residence and take your or
der over the wire.
Don't ask to have an car of corn and a
bunch of onions delivered.
Don't demand t-tedlt from the sturdy
am Ictiltumt w ho se.ls you tomatoes at
bottom price Spot cash talks.
Don't hunt for premiums at the munic
ipal markets. The farmer cannot give
you a cake of snap or a silver-handled
mop-stick with every 50-cent purchase.
Don't cspert the municipal market to
deal In toilet goods, razors. Imported
olives, caviar, roller skates, hair tonic,
pickled oysters and gasoline. Go to an
up-to-date eroccry store.
Don't come to market without a basket.
It may not look stylish, but what you
save might luv a new winter hat.
Don't expect that your purchases are
going to be wrapped up like Christmas
tree ornaments.
If you don't see what you want, ask a
Troops Take Comrades for Foes and
Destruction Follows.
PA HIS. Pept 15.
A German who arrived at Basel j.ries an
Interesting account of how the Germans
destroyed the village of Burzwelller in
A small detachment of German soldiers
entered the vlllaga to pass tho night, ha
ays. and compelled the Inhabitants to
give them beds
Later another detachment of German
iTSWkW encamped near the vlllase and
did not" become aware that they had com
patriots In the village.
Ono of the hursi s of tho camping party
had been wounned. and the captain gae
tne oraer iu tnu tm euiieruiKa, wne ni
the soldiers thot It, and the (entry i
stationed by the first arrivals hearing
the hot. gave tho alarm
The sold'ers who were ASlrep In tho
houses Jumptd up in great alarm. They
fired frantUallv out of the windows, be.
llevlng that a French force was attack
ing them.
Tho Germans In the ramp thought that
TTVonrh rorcA v. hk lnsiue tne viuatre and .
n - ,-..-.. - - ... :.. i
'i,. nninrpn rna viiiva
Ls the Stay-At-Home daughter rcall.v
tho least energetic and useful member
of the modern mlddleclaps family?
She Is usurlly regarded as a sort of lily
of the field, a young person whose sole
duty Is to do a little pottering around
the hoiie. a little futile dusting of the
rooms, tn droas up In the afternoons and
look p'etu. and generally to enjoy life
In a calm nnd leisurely fashion. But ls
this real'y the true picture.
I Know n family of three girls, two of
whom go to business every day. while the
third and youngest remains at home Sh
is th cleverest of th family, quick and
eneriretlo and upon her the heavy end
of the h"am teally falls.
She rises at 0 promptly, prepares and
P efi,',e(i ovr the early breakfast of her
two sisters, mends uloves. collects be
lonctncs. hunts for handkerchiefs and
rushes to get nnvthlng that may have
b'en fnraotten at the Inst frantic minute
but vhen a few moments remain to train
time When at length they are really off, she
feels Inclined to retire tn bed again for
a thorough rest. But no' An arduous
day !c before hor, and there Is no finan
cial :eward at the end of It
Wh.le her business s'sters are mingling
with the world, coining Into dally con
tact with clover InterostiYig people, meet
ing and mixing with men of affairs, that
l'ttl- StayAt-Hime sitter Is ho busy that
she has no time, nn opportunity to meet
an.vbody reallv worth while."
When her business sisters come In nt
night thev are "too tired" to lend her a
helping hand, and recline, upon sofa or
eav ehn'.r while gho prepares supper.
ud then these business Hlsteis hae
fiii.'h fine salnrles that they can afford to
eo to theatre, and concerts, and skating
rinks In the evening, for they are seldom
tno tired" where oleasure Is concerned.
And tho little stay-at-home girl some
times fauls a pang of very natural and
quite girlish envy when they come in
with gay tales of the bustling world
"How I wish I could earn a big salary,
and go ot-,und and havo such fun!" she
sometimes avs. But some one must stay
home and keep things nice and. with a
small and stifled elgh. for she Is a happy
optimistic- little sou'. she turns to the pots
and pans once more
Prince Joachim, Recovering, Eager to
Get Back to Front.
BERLIN. Sept. 15
The Imperial surgeon attending Prince
Joai'hlm, youngest Kin of Emperor Wil
liam who was wound'd In the thigh with
nr ng on lU'S, romraues and aftlr": 1 " of 5hrapne, during the recent
ward set the village on tire.
Eighty children were burned to death
and many of tin. inhabitants were shot.
Assistant Secretary Breckinridge
leaves Capital to Aid Refugees.
PAIHS. Sept. 15.
The hotels are suffering from a scarcity
of guests. At the Continental there are
only seven guests In all. Each has Ave
waiters to attend him.
A party of Americans went to tn
Hotel d'lena a few days ago an4 asked:
"What are jour prtcesr-
"What are you willing to pay?" asked
; (he manager.
Henry B. urecKinnnge. Assistant ee
Ittary of War. in charge of the relief
Dt American, went to Loudon today. He
i expects to arrive back In America b-
ff&re the end of the mouth
Mr Breckinridge probably has seen
! more of the a tual lighting than any
vthcr uoncombauat.
fighting In East Prussia, stated today that
tl-e wounds were healing and that the
Prince will soon be able to return to the
The Empress has hid much trouble in
keeping her eon In bed. "I must rejoin
my regiment In two weeks," declared
Prince Joachim to the physician. "They
peed me at the front. They need all men
The Prince Is proud of the wound which
he suffers in the service of the father
land. The Kaiser, too. ta proud of his
plucky son and listened eagerly to the
story of the engagement In which the
youth was hurt.
The Prlnc and another general were
rushing to the front and were wounds'".
together. They dressed their wounds
with the bandages wblsh all German
otilcera carry Iter the Prince w-as
taken to the Military Hospital at Allen
stein, where he was kept until he could
be brought to Berlin
Prince Joaihim has been raised to the
irun Cross fur bravery iu action.
I.L the afternoon and
evening Jimmy hunted
around in search of !
trouble, but found j
none. j
True enough, he saw
an old owl sitting up '
in a tree, and he said
to himself. "There's a
sleepy old fellow; I'll
wake htm up in a hurry! ' So he blew
very hard and waked the old owi up.
"Oh, thank you so much, Jimmy,"
said the owl, the minute he' was
awake. "I was having such very bad
dreams it was a real kind act for you
to wake me up. And anyway, it is
high time I was about my business
Thank you again," and he flew away.
Oh, but Jimmy was angry!
He went from there directly over
to the cornfield. "I know what I'll
do I'll blow the corn down, then
they will all think I'm dreadful I
guess!" So he blew and blew. The
long corn leaves rustled and shook
and Jimmy thought he was being
very successfully bad. Till one corn
stalk spoiled it all by saying: "You
are alway-. so thoughtful and kind,
Jimmy South-breeze all the other
winds have gone off and left us, but
you stay and fan us and make us
very happy. Wc thank you very
much." And all the cornstalks rus
tled a "thank you" so shyly and hap
pily that Jimmy had no heart for say
ing an angry word, though he felt
very cross in his heart.
He even stayed and tanned them a
little longer, while he was trying to
decide what to attempt next
"I know ! Why didn't I think of
it before!" he exclaimed suddenly.
"It's just the very worst thing a
breeze can do I'll blow the baby
robins out of their nest!''
Chuckling with naughty delight, he
hurried over toward a robin's nest,
and pushed two little babies off the
edce of the nest!
But before he even had time to
think how smart and wicked lie was,
Mrs. Robin spoilt it all by saying
gratefully 1 "Thank you so much, Jim
my, they were plenty strong to lly,
but a little afraid to begin. All they
needed was your kind help!"
"It's just no use to try to be bad,"
groaned Jimmy in despair. "I think I
might as well give up and go home."
So he started back.
On Iiis way lie passed a fine gar
den. The ilowers were all dead and
the tops were full of ripe brown
lie hurried over fovnrdi n robin's
near, otirl pushed txto little babies
ojy the edge of the nest!
"My last chance!" exclaimed Jim
my "I'll tear those seeds awav from
their home and spread them all over
the garden."
He shook the plants fiercely and
scattered the seeds hither and yon.
And just as he was finishing, his
mother blew up. "That's a nice boy,"
she complimented him, "you couldn't
do anything hotter than that now
next year we'll have pretty flowers
all over the garden."
Jimmy said not a word he simply
gave tip trying to be bad and went
to bed!
Tomorrow Four o'Clocks
CopirlKht, 1PH, Clara Incram .ludsnn
A suit of blue cheviot with the redln
gote coat having a velvet collar nnd a
broard girdle, and a skirt with plaits at
both sides that flare at the foot costs J20.
At $D3, a suit simitar In cut ls seen in
both blue and black cheviot. Tho skirt
Is plain, but Ir buttoned In front down
its entire length.
There are soft greens and browns nmong
the higher-priced suits. Wine color la
seen, and many shades of violet and uuu
In creseda, or gray green, a suit Is
priced at J27.60 that has great Individu
ality. I3oth skirt and coat are trimmed with
rows of buttons made of a combination
of bone and of the material Itself.
Tho coat Is cut to almost knec-Icngth In
the hack, and It has the high N'apoleonlc
collar that is becoming to so many faces.
It Is hound with black silk braid that
carries out the military effect, and Is cut
away to partially reveal a waistcoat of
the material, buttoned and braided.
Tho skirt has three nartow plaits at
each side that widen toward tho foot
and that are unconflncd from the knee
It would seem that wv need no longer
mince along the street, but that we may
walk with tho natural stride of tho free
born once again.
It Is hard to tell Just what relation color
lias to price, but ns one departs from the
blue and black tho prices soar upward.
There is perhaps more individuality In
tho cut or trimming of each suit, but the
outlines are pretty much the sarno and
the rcdlngote ls seen more often than any
other form of out-of-door garment.
One of the exclusive shops ls showing a
s.ilt at JIS.50 In a dull tobacco brown that
has the Napoleonic collnr, the edges
bound with black silk braid and the red
Ingote coat with Its wide flare.
The Individual note Is struck by the
black satin fringed sash and tho way It
Is draped about the hips.
Nevertheless, ono can buy a suit of blue
or black for SM or $.S without fearing to
see too many duplicates. The shops have
learned to guard against this very thing,
ami hy ringing slight changes on tho same
model a variety Is offered from which to
And It Is Just here that the Individuality
or tho wearer romes into play and can
find expression.
f A WI,KN m wy tathins suit j
I I v 1 play upon the sand; '
i, tsI MWV3XLI They say I look so cute,
raV fllHiH With skin all brown and
KSV VliiHsjjH tanned,
vSDbB! hy s',Ql,l ie" coajc rne sq j
I YvV J2& to Kct I
I Av"5 M' Pfey suit all nasty wet?
a ym
I bBL '"' when out in tho lake
gv'Sg'' " """"""ss My fath Koes to swim.
igdfSgag 'sSc- ' sometimes like to take
ta viFter ' wa t0 K Q 'm
" 2mmtt?'''bJ 'y ni0,'er says 'Q yQU
nli i&'& suppose
Will 7S IIe'd rather bathe in all his ,
lffl -JlRito clothes?" j
7 Irr (CopyrUht-l j
Platonic Triendshlp an Aid to Mental
With tho recent triumphant rise of the
bachelor girl, and the subsequent discard
ing of that opprobrious term, old maid,
a truer camaraderie has sprung up be
tween the 80X03, and many are the advan
tages to be reaped therefrom by both
Platonic friendship has until recently
been regarded with a suspl lous eye, and
generally condemned as being something
unnatural and queer, nnd, anyhow, super
fluous. -What is the good of platonlcsV"
said a. hjsty voting man once "If I want
a real friend I go to a man who can
talk decent) v and who understands things,
and who can knock around with me.
Hut girls are different. When you go
out with them they expect you to spend
a lot of money on their nmusement, and,
anvhow, girls are not meant to be real
pals at men are to each other."
Hut, Indeed, It Is time theso foolish
statements were contradicted. The Inde.
lenuent girl desires equality In her friend.
ships, and Is much too proud to accept
favors for which she cannot return full
Instead of being an expensive luxury.
Hhe wishes to be a true friend, giving
as much pleasure as she gets, and she
lepard her friendships with men not only
as a pleasure, but as an education and an
experience, and (contrary to some
opinions) not as a pathway that, If' suc
cessfully and diplomatically trodden, leads
to 'he Inevitable altar. Her outlook Is
broadened and her mind entertained
through masculine companionship, and
the man, on the other hand, finds that he,
too, gains both pleasure und profit from
the friendship.
Ho discovers the mind of his woman
friend, If she be clever and Interesting,
to be at once more complex anA. more
incomprehensible than that of his ordi.
nary male companion, yet the one friend
ship doe not In the least exclude th
other, for the friendship between men
and men must always differ from the
friendship between men and women, the
latter admitting certain reserves, certain
unexpected surprises, and always and
ever a certain curious charm of freshness
not usually to be found in the former.
Miss Elsie de Wolfe With I-ate Finan
cier's Daughter nt Biarritz.
NEW TOItK, Sept. 15. Elslo Do Volfe,
actress, In writing to a friend In this
city, nays that Miss Anne Morgan,
daughter of tho late J. P. Morgan, Is
staying at Biarritz, France, -with Miss
Elizabeth Marbury.
Miss De Wolfo says she was motoring
from Avignon to Bpaln when the war
broko out. She reached Biarritz on
August IS and two weeks later sho was
Joined hy Miss Morgan and Miss Mar
New Basque Is but a First
Cousin American Mod
istes Will Have Oppor
tunity to Show Skill.
Once In bo often the rumor ls hinted
abroad that the separata blouso ls con
demned to death, fashionable death, that
Is. But It reappears qtilto brazenly and In
Irresistibly tempting guise. Bofore the
season Is over wo will perhaps tiro of
tho basque, for even the blousa Is tarred
ollghtly with tho samo brush. It la al
tered or modified, but there Is at least a
suggestion of It In many that are de
signed of the heavier materials,
The Illustration shows a blouso of
molro, cut with tho kimono shoulder nnd
the now cuff that comes down over the
hand almost to tho fingers. This cuff Is
the last word of the modiste, at present,
and whllo It may bo shaped In various
way.-, left open or closed, It must be
not only long but very long. Indeed.
Tho blouso te finished with n sailor col
lar nt the throat, and the vest nnd girdle
are cut In one piece and fitted snugly
to give the hasquo effect. Tho vest but
tons noticeably higher than thoso wo have
been wearing; It would seem almost ns
If the higher the fastening tho smarter
the effect.
This ntgucs a gradual disappearance of
tho chain and beads, often of such bar
baric color nnd splendor, and a reappear
ance of smart little bows nnd neckties,
of the kind that wore high favorites a
few years ago. Hero, thero ls neither
bow nor tie, Just buttons, but beautifully
cut Jet buttons that are very decorative
on a delicate color. Tho buttons aro also
used on tho cuffs whero thoy hold tho
pointed ends of the cuffs In position
against the sleeve Itself.
Thero ls something essentially French
about the use of Jet for this purpose. Tho
blouse Is trimmed with Its own material
for both collar and cuffs, and It needs
Just tho dnrlng touch that the glistening
black buttons give.
It Is an artistic touch, for when all ls
said nnd done the French modistes arc
artists whero color ls concerned.
Just what effect tho war will havo In
giving American designer a nn opportun
ity to create fashions nfter their own
style nnd taste will perhaps depend on
how long the war lasts. Certainly they
have never had a fair chance, for tho
public demand Is for French fashions in
clothes nnd millinery.
It is not a matter of fad or fancy, nor
a lack of patriotism. American artistes
have yet to prove themselves when It
comes to a really flno feeling for color.
In this respect It can certnlnly bo ad
mitted still, that "they do thoso things
better In France."
When palms are kept lndoois In the
wintertime, duo attention must he Riven
them, If thoy are to thrive. The tol
lowtng ls nn excellent tieatment. Spongo
tho leaves once a week regulaily with
lukewarm water, to which a little milk
has been added. Then place the plant for
two hours In lukewarm water, allowing
the water to completely cover tho pot.
In tho cleaning of painted or varnished
surfaces, special caro Is necessary. To
half a bucketful of warm water add a
tablesportnful of raits of tnrtar. wash
the paints with a rag dipped In this, and
It writ removo every speck of dirt
Itlnse In clear water and dry with a
The coal bill Is a tremendous Item In
many a housewife's books, and tho fol
lowing hint will considerably lest-eu n.
Dissolve a pound of common washing
soda In a gallon of boiling water and
sprinkle the solution over the eoals. The
heat and brightness of the tlie will bo
better than ever, while burning at about
half tho usual rate.
More Than Doubled nnd Facilities for
Study Enlarged.
An Unexpectedly largo numher of ap
plications for admission to tho School of
Horticulture for Wqmen, at Ambler. !v,
tins greatly overtaxed the present fa
cilities. The school opened today with
25 resident pupils, more than doubling
last year's number, and with many more
day scholars
An additional house near by has been
secured bb a residence and tho two new
greenhouses, which will contain adequate
class loom spate for practical work, will
be completed within n week or ttvo Tho
managers, who are women piomlnont In
society and in philanthropic work havo
not yet suc.ee.lrd In raising the amount
necebsaiy to ere-t the large new build
Ings for which pluns have been drawn un
Tho managers believe, howovcr. thnt
tho need for this training school lb t0
evident and they Kro prepared to u
their utmost to bring tho futilities
the school up to tho demands nuw made
upon It.
About four vcars ago a group of Phila
delphia cluhwomcn. who were Interested
Ir, Increasing women's sphere of nctiv
Ity, realized tho need for a suitable placo
where women might acquire tipirt
knowledge and skill In gardening and
horticultural pursuits, nnd established
this fachool of Horticulture for Women
on a ,o-ucro farm near Ambler. P
The woil. is planned with a view to
Instructing woimi. in Uie th-oretli.il anil
practical knou'c.in- neieis.iv u, ,namlEl,
their own gaiduw profitably. to tit tl t-m
for tho m.ii.agemu.t of private estates
for various luciative hortkultural rl
lions, for proflt-maklng work In garden,
greenhouse and orchard, and to tral
them as teachers of natuio Mudy.
German Forces Had Reached Fortifi
cations of Paris.
NEW YOlUv Sent. IK n.. ..... .,-..
. . - - "si w. tin tittle i
years ago tho Prussian advance
reached the Paris fortifications ana
troops were forwarded to surround the
Death of Mother Makes
Her an Orphan Without
Friends Pictures Arner
ica as Land of Promise.
Tho sorrows of youth are so often Ir.
norcd and yet, nh, so pitiful) For It li
only In youth that one really "touchts
bottom": It Is only )n youth that the
blackest abysses of eorrow aro gauged.
For In youth, nnd In youth only, th8
power to "feel" Is at its keenest, and
this the older folks aro Blow to roallia.
Tho child sorrowing over her broken dolt
tho little boy lnmentlnsr the death of a
favorlto dog tho disastrous ending to a
young girl's love affair-why, the uni
verse for tho nonco ls blotted out for
thesol The pain of It all would bo too
great, too overwhelming, were It not for
tho hlcssed twin capacity for Joy.
And I, Ellen Adair, alono in America
nnd without ono real friend in the world,
can yet thank heaven for this capacity
for deep feeling. For tho pendulum will
surely swing around and happiness on
day come to mo again. "Ellen, dear
child," my mother used to say, "never
grow hard and never grow worldly. And
If sorrow comes, let It only serve to
soften you.
"The mork of rank In nature Is capacity for
And tho anguish of the elngcr makes Ue
sweetness of the strain."
" Dear mother, how lightly I listened to
your gcntlo moralizing and how gladly
would I listen now.
For tho peacoful life In tho English vil-
lago had a sad and sudden ending. I
remember spring had como In a riot of
turbulent green, In wonderful stirrings
of wood and field, In tender upshoots-and
I I hod been strangely restless. The
young sap was rising In the trees, the
birds were mating in tho branches and
singing their hearts out In a very ccstacv
of iov. "Oh. to hn tn rrn..l.,.l .l.
Aprils thcio! No earthly artist could
i-vui uupe 10 paint nn isngllsh spring
time. Tho hedges wcro a mass of tender
green, tho thorn trees budding In a white
profusion, and tho sun gllttored In a thou
sand lights on the dew-spangled grass
Oh. thoso dewy April mornings and my
voting rebellious hentt ".More life! Mors
life" I was crying to myself In a vague
and gi oping way. "My youth Is passing
and 1 havo never lived!" nnd my heart
ache deepened with tho singing of the
nesting birds.
Two rival birds were courting their
lady-love on a neighboring tree, nnd the
beauty of their song brought tears to
my eyes. "Life and love!" said I, "and
love Is tho only thing that matters. And
love. In this sleepy placo. Is passing mo
by," nnd with a dull heartache I walked
back to our cottngo on the moor. But
even there the birds were courting be
neath tho gables and the dormer win
dows. To shut out their tender sons I
huriled Indoors nnd seated myself In our
little pallor. But opposite mo on the
wnll was tho same old theme, for there,
hung by a careful hand, wns Watt's great
Picture, and I gazed upon It for the first
tlmo with new nnd seeing eyes "Love
and Life," and In the shelter of Love's
wings Life rested.
I burled my head on the table to shut
It out, nnd tho tears ran down my cheeks.
"Why, Ellon," said a gontlo voice, "tell
me the trouble, dear," and mother stood
by my side. I could not speak, for words
were futile to express the vague stirrings
at my heart.
"Is It the nrtlst man who was here last
summer?" said she. "Ho may como back
to us. Ellen. Do not weep so, dear'"
And then into hor kindly car I poured
my loiiKliurs and my fears. It was not
any special love I wanted, but love and
life together. And I told her of the
nitl&t mnire kind words. "Live up to
the, highest always." 1 told her of my
sudden lehelllon at our narrow life and
of the strunge heart stirrings that the
spring had awakened within me. I talked
for un hour In my selfish absorption, and
then I taught sight of mother's face.
How thin it ml wan it looked; how deli
cately transparent! My heart smote me
"Oh, mother, my place la hero with vou'"
I cried. "You need me most!" nnd for
the first time I noticed the finlltj of
her pretty fisuro and tho droop of her
slender shoulders.
"I may not need you long, dear Ellen "
said sho. "and then love and life will
como nnd you will be fiee" And looking
at her dear, thin face, 1 think the artlsi'a
word came true; my self-centredne-'j
fell fiom me, my soul woke up, inv soul
becan to grow. I must never lose her,
that dear mother of mine; I woul 1 de
vote my life to her, und And happiness,
elusive Blue Bird. In Its true place, at
Tho spring slipped by and the da
lengthened toward mldsummei vnd
June and tho honeysuckle and the rosea
camo In triumphant. I thought th
clover in a neighboring field had never
smelled so sweet heforo. And then the
Midden tioKlc ending came for mother
had been ailing since the coining of the
spring nnd one Juno evening tho slender
cord gav way. and fcho quietly slipped
hevnnd tho pale of earthly things to
"whero beyond theso voices thero Is
peace" 1 cannot talk about It yet. tha
pain Is still too fresh, too new.
And later, tho pompous lawyer from
tho nearest town nrrlved. "You have
lived u Mirlous, shut. In llfo," said he to
me "And, my dear Joung la.lv, "'
poor mother has shown a strange lack of
business capacity. For her worldly-all
was sunk In a small annuity, which has
now. of course, terminated at her death
And I find your cottage mortgaged. Han
you no lelatlves, no Intimate friends''
I rarked my puzzled brains and
shamefacedly confessed that, beyond the
vicar and tho parish doctor, we had no
"nut. my dear young lady," said the
pompous little lawyer, "your financial
position Is now n, serious one. I must
Inform jou that even this cottage mil
pass out ot jour bunds for your niutlici
although not iu debt to any of the local
tradespeople, has borrowed from a firm
In town And you are practically penni
less Have you ically no relatives''
"My mother's brother In America Is the
only one I ever knew," said I sadi.
"And lilm I havo not seen for teven
years. I was nt boatdlng school In I"
don then, and he camo over from Phi'a
delphla to llnglaud on a business trip
We ent a iluv together nt tin '" "d
dined nt Homano's. It was a ied-l.' tr
day for me, I tememoer!"
' You had better udvise linn tmn. -.
tlv of your awkward position
child." said the little lawyer "Your
worldly-all connlsts of a ten-pound nut"1
In tho local savings bank," and he de
parted. And fclowiv I iesolvo'1 upt.ii aiti. n.
blowiy my determination grew Not un!
would I write to Mils umle of min
acros the yeas, but 1. h'llen A.tait "'
quet of adicntute and In quest of lif.
would set forth to seek him mstl'
Anua the .i i piituud Aiu'rua. iha
Laud of I'lomitx, tho El Liuradu oi
terprUing jouth.