Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Night Extra, Image 1

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,iii iu mm um-uiim i in i ii mil 'i 'I ni" -" wfc
nriLADULriLrA, Tuesday, smptemijeu is, wu.
Opposition to Selfish Leader
ship Takes Definite Form
Among Foreign Residents
of the Downtown Wards.
Revolt ngnlnst Penroselsm and Varelsm
1 now spreading In tho heart of tho
Vare district downtown. There arc signs
or n general uprising against tho Or
ganization leaders. It Is contended by
many of tho downtown voters that they
have been used solely to aid the Vares
In their personal political nmbltlons, nnd
the leaders of the antl-Vare crusade de
clare that there will bo no change In
conditions unless there Is a change In
political leadership.
Opposition to tho Vares and Penrose Is
especially manlfeit among Italian voters,
who say they were Insulted because of
their nationality by the downtown Or
ganisation leaders during tho strike of
the street cleaners some time ago. Ef
forts to sidetrack the antl-Varo senti
ment by trusted Vare lieutenants have
been futile.
Several antl-Vare meetings have been
held nnd arrnngements are being made
for a campaign In each of the downtown
Fully 100 Itnllans attended a meeting of
the Italian Political league at Mechanics'
Hall, "21 Carpenter street, last night,
when It was decided to take steps toward
the elimination of Tenroselsm nnd Vare
lsm from the colony. Leonard Porslchetl,
chairman of the meeting, declared the
Italians would take steps to avenge the
Insults heaped upon them by the Vares.
"So far as Doctor Brumbaugh Is con
cerns," he said, "wo regard him as the
bfst man for the position. But If Doctor
Brumbaugh Is running merely to cover
the past reputntlon of tho leader of Blge
lowlsm nnd corruption, wo will fight with
Eieater force for his deefat."
Addresses also were mado by Joseph P.
Jhilhle, A. Mnrchlno, John Russo and ex
Meutcnant Lynch, who was stationed at
the Seventh and Carpenter streets police
The league will hold another meeting
at Mechanics' Hall next Monday night.
When Russians Cense Firing Ger
mnn "Airmen Suddenly Attack.
LONDON", Sept. 13.
Tho correspondent of the Dolly Tele
graph nt Moscow quotes the assistant
station master at Mlavn, on the Itusso
Ptusslun fiontler, In n Btory telling of the
capture of a Zeppelin. tfo said:
"We were on the platform when the
Zeppelin nppeared about MO feet above us.
Our artillery opened file, damaging three
of Its motors, but It piocerdcd, using tho
iPtnnluliig motor. The Zeppelin then
hoisted a white Mag nnd the Russian of
leer ordered his soldiers to cease Tiring.
They did so but tho Zeppelin Immediately
hurled ft bomb and the effect of Its ex
plosion was terrible, many being wotindi
cd. Three more bombs were thrown
which killed 23 persons nnd wounded
sixty. The airship then came to the
giound a short distance away where the
Germans succeeded In ruining their ves
sel. The. crew, conlstlng of four oiricers
and four soldiers, were captured."
Passenger Train On Frisco
Road Wrecked Near Le
banon, Mo. Twenty-six
Bodies Recovered.
Probably Will Make Appli
cation to Commerce Com
mission for Reopening of
"Five Per Cent. Case."
Tioops Within Sixty Miles of Lease
hold in China.
PKKIN, Sept. 15.
German and Japanese forces engaged
In a battle In the vicinity of Chl-Mo,
near Kiao-Cliau, on Sunday, according
to a dispatch received here today. The
Hermans are using nn aeroplane for
scouting purposes. It was fired upon
by the Japanese, but escaped harm.
Thousand of Japanese troops are re
ported to have reached a point CO miles
northwest pt Kiao-Chau.
Vessel Became Unmanageable in a
Gale at Liverpool.
LON'DO.V. Sept. 15,-An exchange tele
iraph dispatch from Liverpool states that
while the liner Mauretanla was entering
her berth there, last nlglit on arriving
from New York, she becamo unmanage
able In a heavy gale and was damaged
by striking tho landing.
Weather Bureau WarnB of Disturb
ance in the Bahamas.
NEW YORK. Kept. IB. Tho Weather Ru
reau today Issued the following storm
"There are strong Indications of a dis
turbance in the vlclntty of the Bahama
Islands. The direction of the inovoment
is unknown. Strong northeast winds are
expected, probably Increasing on the
outh Atlantic coast."
WASHINGTON'. Sept. lo.-Ncw applica
tions by railroads for authority to In
crease freight nnd passenger rates to
bolster up dwindling revenues are ex
pected to follow the President's com
pliance with the railroad presidents' re
quest to call the attention of the country
to their serious financial plight.
That tho railroads and not the Inter
state Commerce Commission must mako
tho first move for rate increases was
stated today by members of the com
mission. It was emphatically stated that
tho commission will not, on Its own In
itiative, reopen the "5 per cent." freight
rate Incrcaso caso of the Eastern rail
roads. A new application for cither a
rehearing or an entirely new schedule of
Increased rates must be mado by tho rail
roads themselves, It was said.
Railroads west of Chicago, not parties
to the "5 per cent." case, are also ex
pected to request rate raises. It was re
ported today.
More liberal treatment In rate cases
bv State railway commissions Is one of
the results the railroads anticipate from
the President's response yesterday.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 1S.-A Frisco
passenger train bound from St. Louis to
Texas points was derailed near Lebanon,
Mo., early today.
All wires from Lebanon to St. Louis nro
down as n result of the wreck and only
Indirect reports, by wny of Springfield,
have so far been received.
These rcpoits state that at least two
score persons nre missing and were prob
ably killed In the wreck, but officials
hero have been unable to get any con
firmation. Twenty-six Ifodles had been taken from
the wreck by noon. Tho bodies were taken
to Lebanon undertaking 'establishments.
Many of them were but scantily clad and
Identification Is proving difficult.
Tho train, composed of all steel cars,
Is said to have rolled down tho embank
ment Into a creek.
Those reported dead are said to have
been crushed beneath tho cars or
The dead, it was said, were occupants
of the chair car, containing about G3
persons. Of the number only eighteen
have been accounted for. Tho wreck Is
said to have been caused by the washout
of the trestle over Goodwin Hollow by
a cloudburst.
The chair car near the front of the
train was submoiged, according to the
telephone messages from Lebanon. Those
who escaped were proficient swimmers or
persons who were tossed upon tho banks
by the swirling current.
Tho Pullman cars In tho rear of the
train remained on the rails.
The engine crew, who saw the danger
only a few seconds before the trestle
was reached, had no chance to leap, and
were carried down with tho engine. The
engineer escaped by swimming, but tho
Executive On His Way From Cornish
to Washington.
President Woodrow Wilson parsed
through Philadelphia this morning on
his wny to Washington from Cornish,
it, !!., where he spent a short vacation.
Tho Federal Kxpress, to which tho Pres
ident's private ear, Ideal, was attached,
slopped at the North Philadelphia sta
tion of the Pennsylvania Rnllroad nt
6:10 o'clock for a few minutes and also
nt the West Philadelphia station at 6:20
Few persons knew the President was
to ko thinugti tho rlty and ns a result
the usual crowd did not gather at the
stations. The President had not et
awakened when ho passed through the
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.-Prcsldent
Wllron nrrlved here shortly befoie 11
o'clock todav from his weekend vacation
at Cornish, N. It.
Plea of Not Guilty With- j
drawn on Four Counts and
Penalties Imposed On !
Grain Men and P. R. R. !
Premier Asqulth Announces Had leal
Amendment of Measure,
LONDON, Sept. 15 Premier Asqulth
announced in Commons this afternoon
that the Government would Introduce at
the next session of Parliament before the
Home Rule for Ireland bill could become
operative an entirely new bill amending
the measure.
lighting Still Going On Near Alt
klrch and Befort.
RERUN. Sept. 15. It was officially an
riounced here today that General Von
!. i"?"1' takl"g the offensive In Alsace,
forrin VI tll3 F":h out of that region.
P5tnB 0fhr'n westward through the
iMts oi me vosges. t miitnie is sun
nVif,n. n1ortnwe3t ' Altklrch. north of
iieifort and around Glromagny.
Tour Inches of Rain Cause Wnters to
KANSAS CITV. Mo., Sept. 16 -Four
Ew hnuL m'.n fr" her' ,0tlny U",,," 'l
ef Il? ' ?lmost duplicating the Hoods
SlstHrti ' ,l"1(ie" "f the flooded
hom bvV?nSa ",been ,,rlven from u,elr
""" " the rising waters.
Death Shortly Follows After Promo
tion to Head Division.
nenerni ni, , PARIS, Sept. 15.
Z ,1 Promotion to tho head of an
Mwilly list ' " na'"d ln t,,e ,ttt04t
tnVad'", n W ,hnt '""d
D'u"is iita,!, lhe flghtng near ar.,e.
For Philadelphia rf vicinity
J -tntrally fair tonight and Wednes-
j; not much change in tempera-
JJf moderate wtnd$, mostly north-
'or further details, see page 7,
Colonel von Reuter, Who Provoked
Alsace Outbreak on Casualty List.
AMSTERDAM, Sept. 15.
Colonel von Reuter, whose arbitrary
methods caused tho Kabern outbieak.
has been hilled In recent fighting, nt
oorrdlng to the Rottenlumscha Courant.
The Com ant also publishes a lettpr
from Brussels stating that tho American
minister. Brand Whltlock, cornered th
cattle market there and thnt German
ollicers were able to buy only ono In
four of the cattle killed.
to have been drowned.
At tho local ofllces of the Fiiaeo lines
It was admitted that a wreck had oc
curred near Lebanon, but It was stated
that no confirmation of loss of life had
reached the offices.
Government prosecution of the Penn-
sylvnnla Railroad and tho Keystone Ele-
vator and Warehouse Company on
charges of rebating took an unex- i
pected turn today, when .TudKo Dick- .
lnson. In the United States District Court,
permitted tho defendants to reverse their i
pleas of not guilty to four counts of one
of the indictments ngainst them. He im- i
posed fines of $1000 on each of the three
defendants on every ono of the four .
counts. Tho fines totaled $12,000. Thus I
there was ended one of the most sensa- j
tional rebate trials in the history of the I
Philadelphia grain trade. I
Tho three defendants flat vey C. Miller '
and .John F. McLaughlin, of the grain
firm of L. F. .Miller .t C& and the Penn
sylvania Railroad were charged, in In
dictment known as No. to, with giving
nnd collecting less freightage than stlp-
ulated to bo collected for tho hauling of
grain by tha law governing lnterstato i
commerce. I
Miller and McLaughlin, In addition to I
being connected with tho grain linn of
L. F. Miller & Sons, at J3th street and
Indiana avenue, wero president and i
The European War
Country by Country
France The army of General von
Kluk has been surrounded nnd forced
to surrender near Mer.leres, according
to teports. More than 25.000 soldiers are
said to have laid down their arms. The
gcnernl Is probably among tho prison
ers. At Verdun the Crown Prince at
tempted to take the offenslvo this
morning ag.tlnst the allies, but his
forco was lopulsed. Tho German ar.
mlcs nro being centralized along the
Alsiie River, west of the forest of the
Argonne for a tlnnl stand against tho
British and French forces. Victory Is
leportnd along the entire lino of tho
allied army.
RUSSIA The Czar has fired the en
thusiasm of the troops by declaring
ho will lend tho army Into Berlin.
Petrogrnd reports victories for the
Russian In Gallcla. Reinforcements
are being sent to the south to Join
the two armies now moving toward
Berlin through the dual monarchy.
Germany Pessimism prevails
throughout the country. While tho
populace Is In dark regarding the de
feat of the armies In Frnnce, the
ominous sllenco of the Government
Is causing the people deep concern.
One dispatch states that It has been
ofllclally stated the Germans have
withdrawn from the vicinity of Paris
and that tho French have failed to
break the Kaiser's lines. The Rus
sians havp again assumed the of
fensive In Eastern Prussia.
Austria Tho Gallcian armies have
been defeated. Russian plan of cam
paign has changed, the attack upon
Budapest and Vienna being entrusted
to Servla, while tin- main Russian
army pushes toward Itcilln.
Beltjlum The Belgians have defeat
ed the foice of General von del Goltz
south of Antwerp. Reported thnt
Brussels has been evacuated and that
It will be c-enttri'd by King Albert's
army today or tomorrow. The Ger
mans arc reforming near Louvaln.
Entire western part of the country has
b'.-i-n abandoned bv the Germans.
Turkey Reported that threats made
by the British Government will cause
the Ottoman Empire to remain neutral
during the entlie war.
Powerful German Right Wing Cut Off
and Surrounded at Roye by French
Forces Aided by Fresh British Troops
From the Coast.
Allies Push Between Invaders North of
. River Aisne and Capture Army of
25,000 German Crown Prince De
feated and Retreat Continues.
PARIS. Sept. 15.
Reports, have reached here that the
nlllcs' extreme left, after a circling
movement by way of Roye ai d Ham,
has Joined forces with fresh troops
I from the coast and tho Boulogne dls-
j trlct, and compelled General von Kluk,
I In command of the German right
! wing, to surrender with 14,000 men, a
I quantity of guni and much war ma-
j terlal.
j Another estimate places the prison-
I ers at 23,000.
j Official confirmation of tho report
cannot be obtained.
The German troops have now reached
the line of defense prepared by their
sappers following their complete de
feat ln the battle of tl.s Marne.
The War Summary
superintendent, respectively, of the Koy-
a , ,-- , .. . , . ., 4 Etone. Elevator and Watcuouso Company.
nreman.-plnned'ln the cab. In reported j .hlch rns thP lease(i property of tho
The Luxemburg Goes Aground Off
Zealand Coast.
LONDON. Sept. 15. The Belgian steam
ship Luxemburg has been wrecked on tho
banks of Itassen, of WeBtkapello, Zea
land, according to a Reuter disputch from
Amsterdam today. The vessel wont
aground Monday. Her crew was saved,
but the ship will probably bu n total
The Luxemburg sailed from Buenos
Aired on July 16,
Germany To Be Eliminated From
New Civilization, Says Ex-Premier,
BORDEAUX, Kept. 15.
"It would bo madness to Imagine Ger
many down and out," bays Georges
Clementtau, cx-Piemier of France. "Tho
great part of her military lesourccs re
main Intact and her uutom.itlc disci
pline will soon reassert Itself. Tho italics
.ire too great for the Kaiser to abandon
the struggle now. I pay him tho honor
of believing that his resistance will be
desperate, but destiny grips his throat.
"Oravu mistakes were made on our
side, for which we might have had to
pay dearly, but we repaired them In a
brilliant manner. We must now pre
pare for still greater efforts.
"The. allies must create a new. Inde
pendent, civllUed Kuropo wherefrom
Germany will be eliminated."
German Division Commander Pre
fers Death to Retreat.
BORDKAUX, Sept. 15.
According to a report received at the
War Department. General Krclse, a
German division commander, attempted
to commit suicide when ordered to re
treat. ile w taken prisoner by the French
Covers 700 Miles in Five and a Half
Days When Threatened.
In a record run down the coast from
St. John, X. B., to this port with a cargo
of laths, the bark Matauzas, was chased
one night by a strange warship. Mem
bers of her crew told the story today.
When "0 miles oast of Nantucket Light
tho war vessel abandoned the chase, rivo
and a half days was all that was required
to make the run to this port, a distance
of TOO miles, and Captain K. IC. Walls,
master of the srmaro rigger, said he would
have cut the time down had he not been
blanketed In fog for nearly a day shortly
after -feavlng port.
Tho Matanzas left St. John nlth 7,00,
001 laths on September 11. A nasty fog
bound her In until the following day,
when she got off splendidly running be
fore a stiff breeze. She swept along
the water at a rnte that even amazed her
master and crew. Nearly 2f miles wero
logged In 21 hours. The wind remained
with the vessel almost constantly until
she reached the Delaware Hreakw.iter.
On Sunday night Captain Walls was
awakened by the watch and told that n
strange steamship was bearing down upon
them from tho starboard quarter. na
went on deck nnd from tho lights ho de
elded sho was a warship. As sho did not
display anv signals to "heavo to" the
Matauzas was kept on her course. Mem.
bets of tho crow expected momentarily to
seo a shell screaming over the bows of
the sailor. Apprehensively they waited
for It But they were disappointed and
relieved when morning came. In the glow
of the Hiinllght the warship .-IUetitlv
mado out the Identity of the schooner and
changed hor course.
Pennsylvania Ilnllroad.
According to the Government's conten-
tlon the scheme of the allowance and
acceptance of rebates was, In effect, that
when a carload of grain came into the '
elevator from the West o false state-
ment of the weight of the grain was i
given and tho railroad held liable for
the shortage. The defendants explained
that the shortage ln the weight was not
duo to any falsity, but to the leakage
of the grain finm the cars In transit. ,
The charges in tho counts to which the I
defendants pleaded guilty Involved the
legal construction to bo placed upon the
piinted tariffs of the Interstate Commerce
As to all other counts In indictment No.
19 and upon th six otlvjr indictments
against them and the Keystone Klevator
and Warehouse Companv. the Govern
ment agreed that they all should be nolle
After a six weeks' trial last June and
July the Jury failed to asree upon a ver
dict and was discharged. It was expected
that the case would again be tried this
Alba B, Johnson Member of Body
Which Will Plan Commercial
WASHINGTON. Sept. 15 -Secretary
RedfleUl today announced the personnel
of the committee which will meet to
con-slder the Lutiu-Ameilcan financial nnd
trade problems attending tho European
strife. The following weio invited to be.
coma members of tho committee:
William A. Gaston, president of tho
National Shawmut Bunk, of Boston.
Harry A- Wheeler, vlco president of the
linlon Trust Company, of Chicago.
Alba H. Johnson, president of the Bald
win LocomotlvB Works, of Philadelphia.
Robert Dollar, of San Francisco; D.
Simmons, of St. louls.
Full fax Hanison, President of the
Southern Railroad.
Lewis W. Paiker. of Greenville. S. C.
V. B. Campbell, of Cincinnati.
John Bariott, of the P.ui-Amerlcan
Dr. O. J Owens, of the Southern Com
mercial CongrcM
A number of the above have alrady
slgnltled their willingness to srv.
This committee will plan for the com
mercial opporuinltv open to both North
and South AmcrUa A ssum of ex
change all') will be planned for the pro
duction of revenue to m"e crops and
for the development of trudo enterprises.
Balkan Alliance Regarded as Deter
rent to Ottoman Entering- War.
BORDKAl'X. Sept. IS.
The French Government has been ad
vised that Admiral Souehon, of Germany,
has been appointed commander-in-chief
of the Turkish navy and that he was
aboard tr.e ciulser Goeb"n when It en
tered the Dardanelles.
LONDON. Sept. 15.
In commenting on its receipts from
Rome of word of tho Rumanlnn-Rtil-
gnrlan-Oreek defensive alliance, the Dally
News snys:
This Interesting news if confirmed,
would paralyze any aspirations which
Turkey may have to throw her armv
Into the balance of iIih European war
on the side of Germany nnd ustrla.
It also means probably that Bulgaria
bus been promised compensation, for
her abandonment of any idea of war
claim against Greeeo ami Servla, per
Imp In the shape if .Macedonia,
should Servla eUend her frontier at
tho expense of Ai.stila-Huiigary bv the
annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Fmnllv It would mean the udherence
of the christian Balkan States tu the
Tilple Rntente combination and more
particularly t. Russia.
A Central Ncw dispatch from Borne
says that tho Rumanian Cabinet has re
Destruction of Hea Compensates
Loss of H. M. S. Pathfinder.
Tho small proteited cruiser Hela. used
as a German patul scuut, has paid for
the British patiid i miser Pathfinder. Like
thi latter the Hel.i has been mado the
victim of a submarine. It Is understood
thnt tho sinking was off Heligoland, nnd
that tho Hela went down ulthln ten
minuted. I'nllke the Pathfinder, however,
the majority of the Hola'u crew was
saved. It U stnted that the British sub
marine uscipd.
The Hela was a light protected cruiser
built In 165 und rebuilt in 1919. She was
KS feet long, 34 fuet twain, had a displace,
ment of 30W tons and carried a crew of
ITS men. Her batteries comprised four
1W4 pounders, six 6 pounders: i machine
guns. She had a speed of 20.5 knots.
ROME. Sept 15.
An nftlclal statement b$ the German
War OllW from Berlin admits that a
British submarine sank ire Hela.
General von Kluk, commander of the
German right wing. Is reported to
have surrendered with 1-1,000 men In
tho vicnlty of Mezleres. The report
lacks confirmation from the British
nnd French War Offices.
For the Inst ten days the German right
wing has sustained a terrific attack
fmm tho allies. On Sunday the Brit
ish extended their lines near Rhelms,
nnd it Is now believed that the Aisne
hns been crossed and the Germans
surrounded near Mezleres.
In a supreme attempt to prevent the
German nrmles being repulsed from
French soil, the Kaiser Is centraliz
ing the forces of Von Ruelow, Von
Hansen nnd the Duko of Wurtem
burg along the Aisne to the west of
the storied forest of tho Argonne.
Tho fighting In this vicinity has be
gun. Today the army of the Crown
Prince attempted to tnke the offen
sive, but was speedily repulsed. This
Is the first time tho Gorman centre
between the forest and Verdun has
The Belgians are reported to have de
feated tho army of General von der
Goltz In a four-day battle. Brussels
has lieon evacuated by the German
troops nnd the capital, It is said, will
bo entered by native soldiers today
or tomorrow. The defeated German i
army Is rallying in the vicinity of
Louvaln. Western Belgium is free
from the Get mans.
Austria, defeated in virtually every en
gngement with the Russians, Its
armies demoralized, torn by Internal
dissension, is offering feeble resist
mice to tho armies of the Czar.
Qalicla, under control of the Kua.
slans. Is now forming the open road
to Berlin, against which the hosts
of tho North nro now moving. Em
peror Nicholas 1ms fired tho enthn.
slasin of the army by declaring ho
will ride nt tho head of his troops
Into tho German capital.
As a result their retrograde move
ment has been halted and they nre
reforming under cover of their ln
tenched rear guard, preparing to re
new the battle.
They ae outnumbered by the allies
and officials here do not believe that
they will attempt more than a mo
mentary stand, during which they will
withdraw their heavy siege artillery
and refit their regiments, which have
been greatly depleted by the last fort
night's fighting.
Keports of the capture of General
Von Kluck and 25,000 of his picked
troops are discredited at British army
headquarters. It is pointed out there
that If there was any truth ln this ac
count, sent by a correspondent from
Dieppe, it would already have been
confirmed by the French War Office,
which is absolutely mum on the sub
ject. Likewise the report that Mau
beuge had been relieved by the French
with 12,000 German prisoners taken is
not confirmed and not generally
It Is stated officially that hundreds
of prisoners have been taken, but that
totult are not yet available. Heavy
rains are Interfering with the cam
paign In France. The situation in tho
north is especially bad from tho Ger
man viewpoint, ns thoy are far from
their bases of supplies and the roads
are rapidly becoming Impassable for
the German heavy supply trains and
i omcinl information was given out to.
day by the British Government Press
Bureau In tho following statement:
"The enemy still occupies a strong
position north of tho River Aisne.
Fighting is going on all along the line.
"The German Crown "rinse's army
has been driven farther back nnd is
now on a lino through Varienns.en-
Arg. Conscnvoye and Ornes.
"The allied troops have occupied
Rhelms, taking 6000 prisoners and 12
"Bain has made the roads heavy and
increased the difUcttltiea of the Ger
man retreat."
This report shows that the Germans
It is apparent that th Russians have , are mMn R Prate stand all along
abandoned tholr intention of jjttacH' j Uie "ne lo Stm the ft)rwa,, movement
ing Budapest or Vienna, leaving the J of th8 Krench and Irtish. The ex.
southern campaign to Servla, while a j treina rlf;ht w,n t tna German army
centralized movement against Ger- has been n,lsned eastward, apparently,
many Is in progress Now tha tha ' u"m ' ' notar northwest of Rhelms.
passes of the CausaHlans nro held by ' The mcW bulletin Issued from the
Cossacks, and the Austrian army de- f"rench W"r Office at 3 o'clock this
pleted, little, fear is entertained that a1""0"" shows that the German re-
Poland may be invaded and the Rus
sian army in Galicia and Germany
cut front the base at Warsaw.
Servla continues the offensive against
Austria, having defeated M.Wtt men.
treat has been checked and that they
are now putting up a strong rear guard
resistance. The report indicates the
ne wltne of battle apd Is as follows:
"The German on Monday began to
JfeM t l'
In an encasement vestenlnv tnra raatst the Pron(li -.l..o
... ,. U..UWQ on a jlne
than 10,000 Austrian are reported to that the have established north of the
hase fallen Tru batik- took place RUer Aisne and on a ltne through the
along the Drma and Save RUers. I forests of LaAlgle and Craonne imld-
way between Laon nnd Rhelms) and at
the centr to the north of Rhelms and
This Is the first admission from the
Wnr Office since the German turning
movement began that the German
forces are returning to the attack. It
Is believed that they have now reached
the Intrenched positions previously
prepared by the sappers and that atv-
other battle will soon bo commenced.
Continuing, the official statement
stated that the Germans are retreat
ing between the Argonne forest and
the Mouse River. Last night they held
a front through Varrenes and Con
senvoye. The French right, It Is stated, has
gained a decisive victory and con
tinues to force tho Germans back. In
this connection the official statement
"On the French right the Germans
continue their retreat. Their line now
runs from Etain, on the Olsne River,
12 miles northeast of Verdun, through
their stronghold of Metz and then
south to Chateau Sallns In the Vosgea.
"In Alsace the situation continues
unchanged." ,"
Supported by relnforterrnv.tf ' tfaitr"
Belgium, the right wing of the retiring
German army under General von Kluk
rallied and gave battle to the allies
along a line north of the River Aisne.
Farther to the east, north of Rhelms,
the Germans nro also resisting, but the
retreat east of the Argonne forest Is
reported to be continuing.
The centre of the German army,
composed of the forces under the
Crown Prince, attacked tho French
troops stretched along the Meuse be
tween Verdun and Toul in an effort to
break through.
This information was contained In
an official statement issued at 11
o'clock. .,
The evident Intention of the Crown
Prince was to pierce the French lines
so that his army can form a junction
with troops east of the Meuse.
The following is the official state
ment: "The Crown Prince's army attempted
to break through along the Meuse be
tween Verdun nnd Toul. Ho has bom
barded Troyon, which resisted val
iantly. The German forces were re
pulsed. "It is believed in well-informed cir
cles that the Gorman army will re
treat into the Grand Uuchy of I.uxem
burg and iuto the Belgian province
of Luxemburg, and endeavor to rally
behind their fortified positions."
The German lines now extend In a
southeastern direction, beginning at a
point northeast of Amiens and stretch
ing parallel to the Aisne, some 25
miles north of Rhelms, near Rethel
German troops are massed In the for
est of Argonne, another section Is con
centrated cast nnd southeast of Ver
dun (According to the French War Office
statement Issued early today, tha
French have succeeded in relieving th
fortress of Troypn. in the Woevre dis
trict, about 13 miles southeast of Ver
dun.) Although the tiernmn Crown Prince
has been compelled to move his head
quarters rearward. 15 mllea frrn Ste
Jlenehoul to Slont Foucon, this section
of the German army Ul undoubtedly
make terrific efforts tq hold Its position
so it can act as a pivot for the bal
ance of the German line
An unofficial report t the effect tha
Maubeuge had been relieved and 12,000
Germans had been taken prJsonerM
there was in circulation here, but
lacked confirmation Such a Jvlep
ment at Maubeuge would compel the
Germans to retire through the narrow
gap flanked by Siaubeuae and Ver
dun, if they continued their retreat
(It had been officially announced by
the German Government In Berlin last
week that Maubeuge had been cap
,j M
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