mm F7!-.sii-'-'iisiryT'0BSfRft s -ocrs. KPIWr?'BWRr5,v V EVENING IiEDaER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1914. 0 v H ' SOCIAL LIE IN CITY AND NEARBY TOWNS N CLASSIC DANCER A BRIDE TODAY Miss Gemma A. D'Auria, well known in the younger set in West Philadelphia, who will become the bride of Dr. Percy H. Houston, of Austin, Tex., tonight. f ENGAGEMENT of Interest to this city md New York, which has boon nn i. Xiounocd In Now York, la that or Mlso Edith Stuart Otto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Otto, of Valley Rose Farm, Scarsdnlo, to Norman Carlllc Relchcrt, son of Dr. Edward Tyson Relchcrt, who Is a membor of the faculty of the medical department of tho University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Scott, Jr., aro sending the autumn as tho quests 0f Mr. and Mrs. "William West Frazler. Jr., at their country place In Jenklntown. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bcolt will not open tholr town houso at 111 Bnuth JJd street, until late In Novembor. Mrs. Francis P. Sibley has reurnod to her homo on Summit avenue, Jenklntown, after jpendlnsr several days In Now York as tho gufet of her daughter, Mrs. Belmoro Brown. Mrs. Henry Augustus Borwlnd will entertain In her box at the Horso Show In honor ot her debutants daughter, Miss Margaret Borwlnd. Mr. and Mrs. Borwlnd will give a small dance In honor of their son Charles Graham Borwlml, on Thursday night. ALONG THE MAIN LINE X OVEItnnooK-The Ladles' Commltteo of the Overbrook Golf Club will give the second of their September nfternoon teas this Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. II. DoWItt Irwin ami Misa l'orothy Irwin, of City avenuo and Lancaster mad, returned today from Chelsea. Mr.. M. McMIcheu and Miss Rosalie Mc M'cheu have returned to their home, Rosemary. Mrs. William Hnrrlty, Miss May Harrlty and Miss Isabel Harrlty, who were In Brussels when war vvns declared, arrived here last week. AltDMOItE Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mussur, Miss Julia Musser nnd Benjamin Musser, of Simpson road, have returned homo after a summer spent at Beach Haven. The Rev. George Pomeroy Allon, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Is expected home this week from Garden City, L. I. Mr and Mrs. Frnncls M. Cresson and family, who spent the summer at Tho Oaks. Pa., will shortly open their house on Simpson road. HAElonn-A wedding of Interest to society In this city and Wilmington will tako place Wednesday, September SO, when Miss Edith BUndy Klemn, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. George Klemn, Jr., of Haverford, will bo mar ried to Morton Harvey, eon of Mr. ami Sirs. Holiteln Harvey, of Wilmington. The ceremony will b solemnized nt high noon In fit. Mary's Episcopal Church, Ardmoro, Tho Itev. George- Pomeroy Allen, rector, will of. folates Miss Kletnn will have her cousin. Miss Anna Bhaplebjh Garrett, of Wilmington, for maid of honor, and Miss Eleanor Brook, Miss Jean "orris Llllte, Miss Florence Shoemaker and Miss Loulie Twaddell will bo tha bridesmaids. The flower girl will be Miss Eleanor Rogers. Uonald Satterthwalte. of Wilmington, will bn Mr. Harvey's best man. llolsteln Harvoy. Jr., krother of tha brldegroom-to-be; George Cattell, Jr., Lout nennett, Jr., and John Twaddell will act as ohr. SWlowtng tha ceremony there will bo a small breakfast at the residence of tha bride's parents 'or the Immediate families nnd a few Intlmato friends. luion-Mlss Margaret Berwlnd, who will be on of the season's debutantes will hn Intro. uee4 t r. tea, which win bo given Wednesday, October It ALONG TIIE READING A wedding of Interest to persons In Oak Ino Ul U that of Miss Lora Nettle Cummin and ful Emll Well, which will take place Septem"? b" 23 In Portland. Ore. 'whi" Cumming' wl" U the daughter of Br. "llllam Andrew Cummin, of Portland, lins n the gu,.t of her sister, Mrs. Harold Por- f of 0ak Lane Park, for the past six toonths. r. Woll U tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Poter oil, of 70th avenuo and City lino, Oak Lune. trv pi momb,r ot OW York noad Coun- Club and popular in tho social set along iork road. ln CeremonJr w"l be performed at 8.W p. m. w Mark's Episcopal Church, Portland. r an extensive trip, Mr. and Mrs. Woll ... "' tbe" home In Oak Lane Park. nd Mrs. Harold Perpall left yesterday for Portland, Ore, where they will attend the wedding of Miss Lora Nettle Cummlng, Mrs. Pcrpall's slstor, to Paul Emll Woll, of Oak Lano, on Tuesday evening, Soptombor 23. Miss Edith Crowthcr will bo married to Mr. Edward Everett Thompson, of Waco, Tex., September -, nbao. Miss Crdwther In the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crowthcr. The wedding will take place at tho homo of tho bride, 65t0 North Sev enth street, at 11 n, m. Sho will wear her traveling gown and will bo given In marriago by her father. Tho Rev. J. Kennedy Moorehouse, of Calvary Episcopal Church, Conshohockon, Pa., will perform the ceremony. The brldo will be unattendod and Burd Zell will net ns best man. Mr. and Mrs. John Hood nnd their family returned today to their homo on Seventh street, after spending the summer at Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bains nnd their daugh ter, Miss Helen Unins, of GSth avenue, returned on Saturday, after a month nt Longport. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Munn and their daughter. Miss Florence Munn, of Lawnton avenue, re turned to tholr homo Saturday, alter a season at Cholson, Miss Rose, howevor, having spent tho last two weeki at Mount Rose, Pa. Mrs. E. W. GoPbcl, of Panama, Ih tho guest for soveral weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gage, at their summer home near Vlllanova, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taggart, of Eighth street, returned yestoidny after a month of travel around tho Great Lakes. Miss Mary Lorlmor, of Melrose Park, re turned Saturday to her homo on Stratford ave nuo after a month near Montreal, Can. Mrs. Eugene W. Fry will give a largo lunch eon on Thursday at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club In honor of Mrs. Melville G. Wright, of Oak Lane, formerly of Richmond, Vo, Covers will be laid for 60 guests nnd the deco rations will be pink and white asters. TIOGA A numbor of young girls, who spent the lost month camping at Lake St. Catherine, In Vor mont, Included Miss Graco Wade, Misa Anna Wnde, Miss Mary Copo. Miss Graco Cum mlngs. Miss Gladys Cummlnge, Miss Mary Huerdor, Miss Martha Glllman, Miss Ethel Johnson, Miss nuth Wilson, Miss Helen Als pach and Miss Joannetta Hackntt. Mrs. Nellie Kitchen chaperoned the party, which returned to tho city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton G. Sllcox, Jr., of 4137 North Broad street, gave the first of a series of nt homes, Saturday. The decorations were pink roses. They wore assisted in receiving by .Mrs. Stlcox's mother, Mrs. Edward Aj Ootzcl; Miss Emma I. Batty and Miss Anna S. Christie. The second at homo will take place next Saturday afternoon. Before her marriage In Juno Mrs. Sllcox was Miss Anna B, OeUeL Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pomeroy. of 3445 North Fifteenth street, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Zlndel, have returned from their country home In Glenslde Hrid uro Bpunding a week In Ocean City. Mr nnd .Mrs Frank R. Welsh and their fam ily, of 3ra North Broad street, have returned to their Tioga homo after spondlnf the season nt their Island Heights cottage. Mls3 Ethel Mundor Dovlln. of 3528 North Six teenth street, will spend the remainder of the fall and winter In Atlontla City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Cregar have closed their summer homo In Wlldwood and have re turned to their winter house at 1211 West Alia. ghony avenue. Mrs. Leonard Gouhlson. of 2107 West Ontario street, has returned from Atlontla City. Mr. and Mrs Walter Brown have returned from Quakertown. Pa., to their homo on St. Mark's Square. Mr. and Mm. Lionel Frledmann and their daughtor, Miss Maxlne Frledmann, of 21J8 West Tlofla street, havo returned from Atlantlo City. Mrs. Jacob Simon and Miss Elisabeth Simon, of 8133 North Fifteenth stroot. have returned from New York Mrs. H. S. Donaldson and her daughter. Miss Emma Donaldson, have closed their cottage, 710 KUth avenue, Ocean City, and have returned to their home, 1306 Rising Sun lone. Edward B. Carrier and Mr. Carl Carrier have returned from Europe, and are now traveling through the Thousand Islands and the Great Lakes. Tho Y. B, K, Sewing Circle has boen post poned until Monday, September 21, when Miss Bertha Schmld, of S430 North 21th street, will entertain. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA The wedding of Misa Genevieve Hnrton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pembroko D. Hnrton, of 1721 West Girnrd avenue, to Clayton B. Shoemaker, will take place on Wednesday morn ing, October 1. at 10:80 o'clock, In the Church of the Gesu. Mrs. Frederick J. Chrlstman, of the Dauphin Apartments, has returned from a fortnlght'n visit In Now York, where alio was tho Buest of Mrs. Edward It. Rowo, of Rlversldo drive. A reception will bo given on Monday night in honor of Dr. nnd Mrs. Josoph KrauskopO at tho Alumni Building, under tho auspices of tho Sisterhood of tho Kenesoth Israel Congregation. Miss Eva Jacob?, of North Broad strtet, has returned from Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Klein, ot 2231 North Broad street, are on their way home from Europo, having salted on the Baltic on Sep tember 9. Miss Miriam Alexander, of Elkton, Md., Is visiting Miss MUdrod Hudson, of 1813 North Park avenue. Miss Hudson entertained Jamos Ellison and Dunbar Lane, of St Gcorgo's, Del., over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fagloy, who havo been In Atlantlo Olty slnoe Juno, havo returned to their winter homo, 1160 North 22d street. Their daughter, Miss Irene Fagley, hoe boen with her parents since her return from Europe tho end of August. Miss Elizabeth Cftapman, ot Springfield, Mass., who spent tho summer abroad with Miss Fagley, Is visiting her grand mother, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Savory, at Hamilton Court. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Stuart Atwood are staying with Mrs. Atwood'a mother, Mrs. John Moron, of 2731 North Eleventh street, for nn Indefinite period after spending tho past few months at thclf home in Chclsoa, Atlantlo City. Mrs. Charles A Carey and her daughter, of SS07 Diamond stroat, havo returned to their cottage In Ocean City for n few days, where they entertained extensively during the summer. Miss Martha Barter and Miss Dorothy Barter, of 2031 North Eighteenth street, have returned homo after a short stay at the Churlclgh Inn, Stroudsburg, Pa, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall, of 1625 Diamond street, have returned home, having spent tho past six weoks in Atlantlo City. Miss A. Edna Schmltt and Miss Marian E. Schmltt, of 3371 Ridge avenuo, fava returned to their home after a five weeks' visit at Wlldwood. SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA With the coming of cooler weather, enter taining among the naval officers and their wives will bo resumed, and, although there will bo a decided falling off of large, dances nnd dinner parties because of tho lack of men, there will be no lack of the smaller Informal affairs. Such is tho brtdgo club which met lost night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Bccbc, 2320 South 21st Btroot. Tho members inoludo Lieutenant and Mrs. Guy A. Blsset, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. George Landcnberger, Naval Constructor nnd Mrs. A. B. Court, Lieu tenant and Mrs. Cochrane, Commander and Mrs. R. 8. Keyes nnd Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton Ford, who aro expected to return this week, have taken a house nt 2407 South 2lst street. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and MrB. Walter C. Hancock, of 11720 Chestnut street, have opened their house for the winter. They epont the summer motoring. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Curloy, of West Phil adelphia, aro receiving congratulations upon tho birth of a daughter, Helen Elizabeth Cur ley, Thursday. September 10. This Is their second child, as they havo a young son, Neville Curley. iMr. and Mrs. Ira D. Garman, of 216 South 15th street, who after visiting In Chicago Bpont the late summer In Chelsea, havo returned home. Mrs. A. N. Hamilton and her daughters, ot COO South 49th street, are entertaining Miss Louise Taylor, of Washington, as their guest. Miss Ethol Lelnau, of 4216 Spruce street, will not return to her homo until tho first of Oc tober. Sho is nt present at tho Lawn House In Rlverton and has as her guest Miss Mildred Whaley, of New Ybrk. Judge and Mrs. Utley E. Crane have closed their house at Chelsea and returned to Hamp ton Court for the winter. Miss Mary McArdle, of 4310 Parkslde avenue, returned on Saturday from a trip to Cobough. Can.; while there phe was the guest of Mrs. Frank Hess. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cameron Burnsldo have taken apartments at 42d and Spruca streets for the winter. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Loula C. Madeira, of School House lane, have returned to their home, having spent the summer at North East Harbor, Me. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Ross, accompanied by Miss Theodora Ross, have returned from Christmas Cove, Me., where they spent the summer. They are oooupylng their new home at Wlaaahlckon avenue and Upsal street. Mr. William R. Bern, who has been In Munich during tho war period, Is now at Tha Hague nnd will soon sail for homo. Professor Charles C. Heyl has returned homo In safety after an eventful trip through Europe. Friends of Mr. Heyl were particularly anxlouu for his speedy return, for his work ok principal of the West Philadelphia High Sohool fur Boys begins Immediately. Mr Heyl traveled trough France, itnly and Germany after wnr -nn de clared. Mrs Edward Troth, who has spent the sum. mer In Europe and, with others, was marooned In the war zone, Is expected to return to her home, 3118 Penn street. Miss Catharine Cooper Caasard has returned from Cape May, where she was tho guest of Miss Kdlth Wilson at her cottage. Miss Cas, sard will leave Thursday for Hartford, Conn . to be tha guest of Miss Helen IVase for the remainder of the month Dr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Brown. Jr.. havo returned from Europe and are at present stay ing with Doctor Brown's father and mother. Mr. and Mrs Henry P. Hrown, at lJi West Upsal str t. Miss Frances Stokes has returned from Nar ragansett Pier, where she spent several weeks this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunning Drlpps have closed their Capo May cottage and, with their two children, have returned to W05 Wayn avenue. The Rev and Mrs. Henry W. Frost and the r family, of tJi West School House laue. have opened their house, having spent the entire summer at NorthfUld, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. John Blakely, of 2S03 Queen lane, havo returned from Capo May, whero thoy epent tho month of August. Mr. nnd Mrs. James O. David and family, of 6344 Magnolia avenuo, motored from Watch Hill, arriving homo the lnttor part of August. Among thoso seen lunching nnd dining nt tho Gormnntown Cricket Club Saturday wore Mr. and Mrs. Philip Adnmson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pass moro, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Gormley nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. V. Thncknra. THE DRAMA IIOXBOROUGH Mr. nnd Mrs. Ferdinand Davis, Jr., of 4.123 Manayunk avenuo, entertained last night in celebration of their tenth wedding annlvorsary. Astern and ferns formed Cje decorations. Mm. Davis's mother, Mrs. WaU Stevenson, and Mr. nnd Mrs. David W. Davis assisted in re ceiving. Tho guests, who aro members with Mr. nnd Mrs. Davis In two cord parties wore Mr. and Mrs. William O. Atraeo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Topo, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Johnsdn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Thompson, John Struso, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pflsterer, Mr. and Mrs. William Bush, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O. MIs elmer. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Konworthy, of Green lane, who spent tho summer touring through Europe, roturncd homo on Saturday. They wore accompanied by James Stott, of 407 Green lano, and Mr. and Mrs. Glydo Loabor. Dr. and Mrs. William Holdt nnd their fam ily havo closed tholr cottago at Stono Harbor nnd havo returned to tholr wlntor homo. 216 Rochallo avenue, Wlssahlckon. Miss Jessie Kecly, of 344 Grcon lane, haa re turned home after spending tho season In Glou cester, MasB. Mrs. Lazello Thornton and her family, of Lawnton street, havo returned from Ocean City, where they jjpent tho summer. Mrs. Charles Erwln, of Rochdlo avenue, Wlssahlckon, Is spending several weeks with hor daughter, Mrs. Frank Bnlley, at her homo In Washington, D. C. l HHi THEATRICAL DAEDECRER ADELPHI "Help Wanted' comedy drama, bearing a "stop, look and listen'' warning U young women venturing into tho danger world of modern business. BROAD "Druggod," melodrama by Owen Da vis, starring John Mason. Review below. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "C blrla," ono of tho most epootaculnr rnorlns; picture dramas ever presented, showing a cotnolvamlo volconlo eruption, the destruo Uon of a city and tho annihilation of n fleet nt nen. i FOIIREST "Zlcgfold Follies." Mirth for the I MaaaAa GAHRIOK "Adole," Frcnoh operetta, oharm Ingly romantic, with enthralling muslo and Irresistible Peggy Wood. WALNUT "Siberia." thrilling an It wan SI years ago, depicting the tor-r-r-lblo adven tures and oruo-e-1 sufferings of two girls In Siberia. MEDICAL PROFESSION IN NEW LOCAL COLONY CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Clark, of Moroland and Cherokeo nvonues, will arrive this week from Marblehend Neck, Mass., whero they spent the summer. Mrs. E. Dlgby Baltzell Is tho guest of Mrs. Arthur Murtngh ot her Cnpo May cottage. Mrs. Baltzell before hor marriago In tho spring was Miss Lena Duhrlng, of Chestnut H11L Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Boll, of 216 East Mt. Pleasant avenuo, have closed their Capo May cottago and havo returned to town. Dr. and Mrs. Biddlo Marsden, of &S11 Gcr mantown avenue, have returned from Pequam Ing, Mich., whero thoy spent tha entire summer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Lovy and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Levy, of 616 North Cliveden street, returned to their homo yesterday from Europe Thu party arrived In New York on Friday and wero the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fabian Levy at Flatbush over tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs. lAivy went nbroad early In June to meet their daughter, Miss Dorothy Levy, who had been In school In Switzerland during the lat year. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice DIechez. of Now York, also Joined tho party enrly In Juno and spent the season at Carlsbad, Germany, at which place they wore detained for several weeks nfter tho war broke out. Mrs. DIechez Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levy. WEDDINGS HOUSTON-D'AURLV. Tho wedding of Miss Gemma Abkuzoff d'Auria and Dr. Percy Hazen Houston will tnko place tonight nt 6 o'clock, at tho home of the bride Miss d'Auria Is tho daughter of Captain anil Mrs. Lulgl d'Auria, of 103 St. Mark's Squat o, nnd a granddaughter of Brig adier General Robert, who Is tho author ot Robert's "Uules of Order on Parliamentary Law." Doctor Houston Is professor of lltora turo In tlie University of Texas. Miss d'Auria, who will bo given In marriago by her father, will wear a gown of soft whlto satin, mido with a flounco and overdress ot duchess laco. Tho bodice Is finished at tho neck and sleoves with duchess lace, nnd Is i ornamentod with pearls. Hor veil will be mnd of tulle, edged with pearls, and will bo ar ranged on her hair undor a tiny cap of duchess Inco, which will bo fastened with diamonds and pcnrls. Sho will carry a bouquet of lilies of tho valley nnd bride roses. Miss Helen Robert d'Auria. a sister of the bride, will act as maid of honor; she will wear n stunning frock of polo bluo taffeta, heavily embroidered In pearls, and will carry tea tosps. The little flower girls will bo Miss Priscilla Alden Redgrave and Miss Corlnno Rest Tenner Fowler; they will wear white net frorks. and will carry small baskets of whlto nnd pink rosebuds. Doctor Houston will bo attended by DoWltt Clinton Redgrave, Jr., as best man. Tho ceremony, which will bo performed by tho Rev. Dr. George Hooper Forrls, pastor of tho First Baptist Church, will bo followed by n Inige reception after which tho biide nnd bridegroom will lenve for a wedding trip. They ill live In Austin. Texas.. Tha bride of today hns achieved gront merit as a dancer of tha esthetic. Sho appeared Inst winter In several dances at a numbor of charltublo affairs. lues to will attend tho wedding from Now York. Baltimore anil Boston. Notable among them will ba Brigadier General Robert and Commander Redgrave, I'. S. N.. the former srrandfather and tha latter an undo of th bi id" FLOWER-SWOPS Tho marriago of Miss Marian Swupa. daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander Swopo, of Hi East Gorgoa lano, and Ralph Lister Flower will tako placa tonight, very quietly, at thn Homo of thi brldo. Owlns to the recent death of Thomas Flower, a brother of tho bride .riroom, only tho immediate families of the brUlruroum and bride will be present The ceremony will tiHo place at T o'clock, after which the younir couplo will leavo on a short tour. HOFFMAN-FAILS. The wedding of MUs Nelllo Toor F.lle, daugh ter of Mr. WlllUwn Cheney Poor, of S?i Esses avenue, Nnr berth, to Dr. Romalne Crawford lloSman will take pl.-u this evening at i i o'clock ut the H'orit. 2W t'hrtunut stm-t. ' The cernnonv will b a ery qulot affair and i wlH bo witnessed only by tha Immediate, families ot tho brldo and bridegroom. j Mice Fail-, who will be given in marriage by I lvr father. .Mr William Cheney Poor, will wear a gvu if soft white thiffoti. which Is elabor ately draped aver an undtrjress of satin. The bodies of tlio gown is flnUhsd with ?fift fold of rr a,c at the open neck and eleeyos. Miss Falls will not wear a veil or any ornament in her hair. MUs lleleu Folle. a slstor of tha bride, will ail a Mwer slrl and will be daintll) gowned m white Ir Hoffman will hate for best nun hi.-, biotber. II Wilson Hoffman, of Mt Ver non. N The ceremony will be iwrfnnn. h HELEN WARE Will appear in "The Revolt," at the Adelphi next week. MURDER AND MYSTERY A CRDIINAL HISTORY John Mason in Tense Melodrama That Makes One Content With Being Uumble and Honest and Free of a Past. Put an Apache In evening clothes and he will still remain nn Apache. Tho same thing ap plies to Pntagonlans, whlto Eskimos and Mex ican bandits. Clothes do not make the man, nor Bellevue-Strntford settings alter Inherent table manners. Elegantly staged, luxuriously upholstered, presented by an excellent cast, Owen Davis' play, "Drugged," which opened at the Broad Street Theatre lost night, with John Mason In the tttlo role, nevertheless remains unadulterated melodrama of the old-fashioned established type, a bit more polished, more technically and tersely constructed, but thrilling, horrifying and halr-ralBlng as of old. Desplto the rather sneering superiority with which this sort of melodrama Is usually regarded, "Drugged" Is a play which meets eery re quirement for an evening's ongrosslng enter tainment, and while life is not thu3 any moro than It Is like the romances of Robert Cham bers and Marie Corelll, as a play "Drugged" Is adroitly, even admirably, handled, and suc cessful In lt3 designed purpose. Suspense Is succeeded by suspense, thrill follows thrill, and by the end of tho third act you will find your self gripping tho arms of your beat, leaning forward breathlessly and experiencing goose creeps around your halr-folllcles. If you are not bald. Tho close of that third act Is cllmao teiic. gripping, tho apogee of gory nnd grue some situations. Young John Dexter, acted by Frank Thomas. Is clicking off a telegraphic messago In code to beautiful Sylvia Cragen, Nnn Campbell, as tho curtain rises upon tho magnificent interior of the homo of the great John Dexter, railroad magnate, candidate to Congress, respected citi zen. Young Dexter uses tho telegraphic device to tell Sylvia ho loves her, and. ns one desires, they fall Into each other's arms An auspicious opening. Enter John Dexter, eonsumntely por. trayed by John Mnson, who approves of the match, although with obvious restraint. Next enters Mrs. Dexter, tall, grim, with touches of tragic green In her costume, who stalks across tho room like a haunted Klectra. We seo Mrs. Dexter's face Is ashen, h r eyes wild and heavily i ringed. She trembles violently. When she hears of the betrothal she Insists upon speaking f the girl alone sho was tho girl's mother's dearest friend; she loves her son. By these cryptlo mtemonts we know there's a skoleton dangling somowhero about In that tnpebtrlod, well-but-lered establishment. Amelia Gardner, ns the morphine-obsessed wife, terrified by her bus band's hidden post, creatoa the necessary psychlo atmosphere of tragedy and looming disaster. Despite her warnings, the girl de cides she will continue to love ind to marry Jack whatever tiles. whoreupon we like that girl. CONSIDER MTDDLE CLASS IN DOWNTOWN PLANS Occupants of Two-stor Houses Not to Suflier Through Plan- for Develop. ment in South Philadelphia. It Is the Intention of the Bureau of Surveys, In Its comprehensive plans for the development of South Philadelphia, to consider first of all tha comfort and convenience of tho middle class population. This fact was brought out yester. day at a henrinqr upon plans for the Improve ment of that section of the elty, held in tha Bureau of Surveys. Cltv Hall When the plans for tho rrinadlng, rei-avm and extension of streets and tho open an of new streets wero outlined to numerous property owners from South Philadelphia, It was declared they would forc-i Into smaller epac than ever person forced tp occupy two-story homo Mrs. Mary 13. Neutnan, Gorffe J. Brown, Prederlek Prime. Councilman James E I.ennon ur.rt several other propfrt owners declared tho plans should he so construrt.l that tb residents of two-story homes would have ade quate yard space, in reply to theo objections, Principal Assistant nnsineer Georga a. pats. man, who presided, declared It was th Inten, Hon of tUa bureau to consider the seeds of the middle class imputation aovo all others. The matter of u short route to Fairraount Park from Leau Island Bill ba discussed at a hearing nest month The question of regradlsg Crefeld avenua. chestnut Hill, caused great diwuston between former Register of WUU Walter P. Res. Mrs. j TluMMluslu Tr'.fh and Henr S. Luughlla. a i member of tho firm of June & laughllti. Mi. j Itejw and Mrs Troth vigorously opposed the Idea of regradlng the atrett, upon tha ground that It would set U down mora than sis feet. Mr. Res declared It would cause a out to at least 20 feet gad would aause him mueh personal incan, vcnlenw. Mr. lag?bltr declared the street was badly In need of resiodini; and that the ma jority of the nsldeuts abutting were in favor of it It J intimated that Mr. Kex had also been In favor of It until he was advUed by Several Hundred Physicians nnd Sur. gcons Movo West of Shopping District. Increased Central Rents Cause. A now medical centro of the country has de veloped In Chestnut, Spruce, Walnut and Pine streets, from Seventeenth street to 22d street. In some blocks there aro from 15 to W) offices ot physicians and surgpons, many of them sharing dwelling houses which havo been converted for oRlca use, Among the physicians nnd surgeons who have moved Into the new districts from other sections are Philadelphia practitioners who have world wldo reputations. Nearly every block In Walnut and Spruce streets toward tho western end, this side ot the Schuylkill River, has offices of three or f cl? ' physicians. In somo ten or twelve names of physicians are on the doorplates. Chestnut street has many offices of physi cians, but It Is not so crowded with them as Spruco, Walnut, and Pino streets. Chestnut street Is too given to shops to become popular v with tho men of tho medical profession, lt3f said. Moro than 100 physicians and Burgeons ha offices on Chestnut, Spruce, Pino nnd I.ocr streets from Seventeenth to 22d street. Tl have been followed by the dentists and os paths and by tho offices of surgical supply medical companies. jl Professional nurses, moving In the wu,.t--r tho physicians, havo rented rooms and eitaj ' llshed their directories in the new medical seo tlon. Many physicians havo purchased properties In tho district, and It Is evidently their opinion that offlces of their profession have moved a far westward as they will go. The Professional Building, on Chestnut street near Nineteenth street, houses nearly a hundred physicians and representatives of supply houses dealing In drugs and surgical instruments. Physicians themselves explain the westward movement of their offlces with the statement that central rents were Increasing and that offlces Just outside the shopping district were more deslruble than those In the centre of the city. Ono reason advanced for tho westward maroh of tho physlcinm and business dependent on the medical profession la that physicians desire to ocato within tho neighborhood of the College for Physicians and Surgeons at 22d and Locust streets. SUFFRAGISTS TO AID RED CROsrTw Philadelphia's County Society Will Embark in Campaign. The Philadelphia County Woman's Suffrage Society has embarked upon a campaign to old tho Red Cross cause. Francis B. Reeves, treas. urer of the Red Cross, has authorized the so ciety to rocolve contributions, and a booth will bo opened nt tho Woman's Suffrage party shop at 1711 Chestnut street. Mrs. J. r ThAm.a r. ...... 1.1.... .. nt... . . . -......,, ..-oiuuot o ins i-nuaaei- mits rtw. Phla County Society, will bo In ehm- nt m. Stf.4 8 booth. Contributions may lie sent to Mrs. Thomas either at her home, U2S Spruce street, or nt tho Chestnut street address. The suffragists of this city nre to have a booth at the Safety Carnival of tho Home nnd School League, to be held during the latter part of this month In Convention Hall. Posters and pamphlets will bo displayed showing that giving tho vote to women would bo a "sofet: device applied to politics. Prizes For School Children Prizes for the best answers to a series of questions regarding the moral and physical welfare of boys and girls will bo awarded to public sohool pupils at tho Carnival of Sfafety to be given by the Home and School League of this city, neginnlns September W. Dr. John R. Gurbtr. Associate Superintendent of Schools, has compiled a. set of ten questions which havo boon sent to evtry primary and secondary school In the city; they are of such nature aa to test the knewledgo of pupils re garding means anil meinnda of safeguarding boys nnd girls fro-n ti mir. wh h endanger their health. l!n-. ,, ,N, morals and useful ness as citizens. A AMISKMENTP. loews Knickerbocker TIirATRF Mnrket hev .(0th St. CoMinuoMH Ivrfornrn from I te n i vr Mat . A ! sl ! i nlTi. JOc, ISr. JJo Georpe Moore & Elliott Florence IS v M ! i. s vi SfiiSTlTI'TB' c OTHER SELECT c J VAUDEVILLE ACTS J axd Bm-iAi. i ' Mit a it wViwofura RRDAH Th'" n'1 N'Mt wjt." et... pop ''-v, :;? Pj JOHN MASON -DRUGGED JET CHESTNUT STREET 88534 VXS$ l!AU' -BT WEBK3 World's iriw'.i Pouto Spictacle i ( A RIR I A W1T oBf'HSBTBA uruu vin. and iiohi's Rngagvm. nt rinltUely Kir!. Hturd Bmimssh jr s Prli M..nn' in 15 .- l-:.nln; JO JS k B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE Eivluox. Vuuii' iiir ( A Sboj' . Hl'.i-.t rn - v l .v NVxt Week Mr lt . t -n lfr" , J".! 't.-r 'r Fluf. GARRICK Last 2 Weeks ! Jttlt ;?:,, UA D E L E" ""' Upcrella -' 4 t Jw4 n.c.i York Forrest Last 2 Weeks &? m Z1EGFELD FOLLIES !'" Motoriw": Ell. 1 or ruin. I!, J Ckjutu H-! l. i bum Hit uTT.w:! -I" -ik. l.oa HoHuy,, - r engineers that It would bo neeesaarv tn ... the Rev Dr. Georgo Clarke Teck. of Baltimore a deep cut in order to complete tho work. J 07 NIXON'S C RAND T.1 2 I nl ' DLW lONT'S "' 4v,vi "aW 111 Kl ESUI K HilUI t.Sb rtCLE'lKAFHl ' CAQIKfn THKATKE Mat Hail Uv TANQO CUVTKttT WilbAY KIOHT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers