Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Postscript Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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" rMtf !4nipy Hliniw Till yf. i wv WVWSM
Belgian's Force Invaders to
Evacuate Many Cities.
Kaiser's Army Suffered
Great Losses During Retreat.
ANTWmm Sept.
been evacuated by
Brussels has
German troops.
Alost lias nlso been Treed of tlte
Kaiser's forces and from various other
cities nnd towns held by the Germans
coma reports of the rapid withdrawal of
the Invading forces, who are rushing to
Join the main German army, who have
been pushed back to a line extending
north of Louvaln to Mallnes.
Tho 20,000 troops which occupied Alost,
bout 20 miles oast of Brussels, joined the
great fores which ovi.pled tho Belgian
capital, under tho command of General
Von Der Goltz, and the combined army
has taken up n position In the vicinity
cf Louvaln,
The energetic advance of tho Belgian
troops will. In nil probability allow thttn
to reoccupy Brussels In a day or so.
The evacuation of Brussels and all of
the other towns nnd cities to the north
nnd west of the capital was tho outcome
of a four-day battle, tho et'iit and re
sult of which was withheld by the Bel
gium Government until today.
The extent of the Belgian lctory over
iajrmans was so great and Its effect
Jthe fortunes of the Germans in
.ince so direct, that the campaign here
j entitled to be given consideration ns
nearly equal In military Importance to
lose In France and on the Itussinn
Jerman border.
The German army of boys and old men,
on whom was placed tho task of guard
ing the German lines of communication
through ; Belgium, were reinforced by
iAarinei, but they failed to hold the
After a four-day battle, In which tho
Germans slowly gave ground, they evacu
ated Brussels. General Von Der Goltz,
the German Military Governor of that
city, Issued a proclamation, Informing the
people of the evacuation, thanking them
f" lr peaceful attitude during th
0 Ko tlon and warning thorn against
c.c acts against the retreating
r Belgian military officials attribute
German retreat to the necessity of
covering the retreat of their other
armies In France through the Belgian
and German Luxemburg and by way of
The German losses In the last four days
aro estimated at not less than tn.Qno killed
and wounded.
Officinl Messages to Havo Preced
enceNo Private Code Dlspntchcs
WASHtVGTON. Sept 15 The Nu
Department hns Issued supplrmcnt.it I
strumous to Lieutenant FVIK X. Gygn
In charge of tho Tucket ton, N' .T., wlte
los station, to be obiervtd In maintain
Ing the strict neptrallty of the I'tilleil
Stntes In the operation of that sallon
during he Kuropcan war. Tho new pio
llons arc as follow:
oillrlol radiograms from olllolals of tho
1'nlted States Gn eminent or from olll
clnli of fori'lmi Uowrnmciils mi otlli In!
(state) business will have pttotlty over
all other messages and will bo forwarded
Hi tho order of their rerelpt.
All commercial or pilvnte ladlograms
must bo limited to 23 words, Including
the iiddn-ss and signature, nnd such radio
grams must he in plain language. Vo
code or clpliei messages for this class oi
rndlogrami will be received.
Itadlngrntns Involving press dlspatrlu-s
will not be In any way different fiom
comtneirlnl or private radiograms
All radiograms will only be accepted it
the senders' risk, and lliere can l n
guarantee of their delivery In foreign
All addresses must be 111 plain langu ic
and must consist of at least four wml-
and all radiograms must be nccompnnlr t
by a signature of at least two wo'd
All messages must bo In the form uf
radiograms and shall apply the cable
word count without minimum, and shall
not be transmitted unless fully prepaid
No messages will bo transmitted or de
livered until they have been tlrst pntn-
phrased by the censors as may bo nec
essary to Insure their neutral oharncter.
The station charge of the Tuckerton
station will bo 15 cents n word, cablo
count, without a minimum charge.
Army Is Ready, Fleet Mo
bilized and Coaled Rad
icals Clamor for Entrance
Into Conflict.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1914. V )
- - m -. i . -.,,. .... , , -. - " " t ' "' ' ' "" - t
' . M
r- 2& t."'J' - -' 9i.ouvli wgyT-vXT ---- ':-?gS?ilfe '-&5sL
Pvs?h- &i BRUSSELS -aT . ,. -zsrpf i . ' ' .. L
my -aB, . JBE&es.A" "
t3& liccnr - MEZJE.RE3 ?f-- .- .. S 1. . eS& Utcvcs
." - sr&L J5Srtr --rfSfe" - JM SEDAN jt "fii?3$
slAQN j-pIgernvTn forces fe-- f -Z
, ", SM RE-FORMED HERE 1- 7 .V "jilP
-HFipSSr" &fe -i , - " . &. &&!Z BATTLE RAGING UnLvog"
Porte Heeds Warning That
Aid to Germany Would
End the Independence of
Sultan's Government.
CONSTANTINOPLE (by way of Borne,
Ept. 35.
Turkey has finally decided to remain
neutral and will not support Germany,
Recording to reports current In oRlciat
circles here today.
This action wsp docldetj on followln?
. straight naming from Ensland that
If Turkey participated in the war it
would be ellmlnaud forsver as an Inde
pendent nation. Tin news of Franco.
British victories In the reent fighting
was also a factor.
It Is stated that in return for her neu
trallty Turkey will demand that the pow,
ers recognize Iit right to abolish the
extra territorial conventlns heretofore
given to the powers,
Paper Bag Manufacturer and Forrner
Member of School Board,
James V. Gallen, 3533 Brown street, a,
paper bag manufacturer, a former mem
ber of the School Board and a stanch
Democrat, died from peritonitis at St.
Joseph's Hospital. He had been 111 for
u week and failed to survive an opera
tion. Mr. Gallen was senior partner of
James Gallen & Son He had been
President of the St. Vincent de Paul So
ciety and of the Jeffurson Club and also
held szeeutlve positions In several
building and loan associations He be
longed to the Knights of Columbus
His wife, two daughters. Mrs William
Henry and Miss Mary Gallen. and two
sons. 'William J Gallen f-T many years
a postolllce employe and James J Gal
len. Jr . associated In the firm, survive
him. He was (U years old.
Rome, Sept 1".
Domestic politics and foreign dIplom.u
aro exurtlns tremendous pleasure HEatim
tho Ilnllnn Government In the pre- nt
war crisis of Kurope. tome sroups re
manding war nnd others inslstin iipmi
neutrality nnd peace.
The committee of direction of the Radi
cal party, at n mectliifr nttwuled b mem
bers of Parliament, has adopted a resolu
tion cfilllnK on the Government "to con
sider whe:her the grave but lnevltab e
task is not imposed to ihange from neu
tialltv to nitive participation in the fon
fllct "
This resolution Is hishly slanllicant at
this time, and moused high Intel est in nil
quarters today.
In its preamble, th tesolutlon dyclares
that Itab's Interests In the Adriatic must
be safeguarded, and that Italy should co
opeiale to pievent the wnr from being
fitled .n a manner thnt will dcteimlne
the predominance of mllltnrv tendencies
Accoiding to the Giornalf d Itnlla, nhleh
hns heen lukewarm toward the allien,
there arc thiee u roups now playing the
main roles in Intel iml political affulrs The
first of these, represented by the Govern
ment and supported bv a majority of the
Constitutionalist pmtv. Is faorahI to
neutrality until the Interests of the coun
try are in danger, but meanwhll favors
strengthening the ai my.
The second group is represented by
Fome Constitutionalists und several forn
.r Cabinet members. Including former
Tremler Luxzatt and Hoclulists w ho favor
neutra'lt to the end of the war the pre
serving of economic energies, of the coun
tr and the maintenance by the Govern
ment of lis own slvstem of foreign policy
The third group consists of reformers,
modei at.- Socialists, members of the mil
Itm cllouo, radicals, republican and na
tionalists, who favor the ntMnrionment of
neuti.ilitv in order to realrre the old h
flrit'on" to redeem the Ita'lan province
on ti Adriatic littoral still under foreign
The press Is divided, some of the papers
contending for the Immediate abandon
ment of neutrality. Othors express th
opinion that dissolution of tho present
Cabinet and the selection of a nationalist
mlnlstr would throw the Go'ernment
Into discard.
In the meantime. Germany ind Austria
have not altogether bandoned their ef.
forts to have Italy live up to her obliga
tions under the Triple Alliance Mean
while, Great Rrltnln and France have
made strong representations to the Italian
Government against her participation In
the strife The Government Is struggling
with might and main to keep at peace,
but sudden developments of an untoward
nature may throw her Into war any day.
Prince Tasea de Cuto, an Italian so
cialist deputy, is quoted today by the
Tmp as follows-
"Opinion In Italy Is unanimous In de
manding the realization of the nntl
triple altlanco program Every one to
day believes that Italy must absolutely
separate her policy and destiny from tho
triple alliance
"The Italian army Is ready for af
eventualities Our fleet Is mobilized and
coaled, thanks to arrangements with
England We aro now neutral nly In
appearance Th.' action of Italy mut
definitely turn the scale In favor of the
triple entente."
Vitl: the rolling oack of the German tide that swept all over northern France and south and southeast of the Marne and Paris itself, almost to
the upper Seine, on September 6, the new line of contact between the German armies and the allies is now practically that of the last weeks of August.
Toward the north and northwest of Paris the Germans have abandoned Amiens and nearby towns, and moving north from their battle line on the Aisne,
have retreated toward St. Quentin. In the centre they have retreated from Rheims, which they had fallen back to from the Valley of the Marne, and have
given up their positions south of the Argonne, while the French have practically regained the frontier near Nancy and the passes in the Vosges, and have
also retaken some of the border towns in Alsace, near Belfort. At Verdun, Berlin reports renewed bombardment, but the French report the Germans under
the Crown Prince as moving north.
Identifies Man He Says Stabbel Him
on Board Tramp Steamship.
With a riop knife wound in his throat,
Knutz Rokane 2 years old, a Norwegian
sailor, u h v as stabbed today on board
the tramp steamship Fogn at Green wlch
Point, is dying in St. Agnes Hospital.
His alleged assailant Avlsto Andrea, ZJ
years old. Is locked up in the Fourth
street and Snder avenue police station
The police say the men fought over which
should take the watch
According to a statement made by the
djtng man, it was Andrea's turn to go
on watch The two argued Rlows fol
lowed hot words and then Andrea is al
leged to have plunged a knife into
Rokane's throat.
Other sailors hearing the Ftru;gle
rushed to the scene aa the wounded man
isnk to deck. Andrea dashed down the
gang-plank to shore
Mounted Patrolman Holland sw And
rea running from the boat and gave
chase He captured the man and took
blm back to the steamship, where he was
accused by ltokane.
JlAGERSTOWN Md. Sept 15 -By the
nomination of H Clifford Wright, a rail
road man. of Biunswl k, as their Sixth
LiUtrltt candidate for CuiigreKs SoclalUU
hate put another handicap on Reprtrsenta
tlvu Lald J Ia'aW campaign for re
Wectton. Mr Lewis, who is a Democrat, got a
grat many votes In Brunswick, one of
the railroad centres of th Stat-, and
his h ld ' n the normally RepuWi in dis
iriri iargely aepends on his
popu amy with the laoar ute
t vuinu-d
21 Full Trains of "War Material Rep
resents Hnlf of Booty.
PARIS, Sept. 13.
Slnir Saturday, besides n continuous
stu-am of taxis, motor wngons, private
1 automobiles and properly equipped motor
ambulances conveying wounded to the
I hospital'", Parisians havo witnessed the
1 constant airlvnl of German war mntcilnl
I captured at the battle of tho Murne
Twenty-one full trains of such booty al
leady have reached Paris, nnd this Is
said to lepresent barely half tho total
It Is estimated that CO cannon, 30 ml-
i tmlllcus.es, HO ammunition wagons and
L.ONIKJN. Sept. 15. ' thiei. uexiplnncs have already arrived.
"The German fkd liKe nnlmnl who
Ivmw they had bi en eornertd," Is the
Terrible Scenes of Carnage
During Wild Flight of
Germans Told by Wound
ed French Soldier.
f-raph:c description ot the Gel man retreat
Biven by nn English cum spundent
grnphim; Horn Mtlun, southeast of l'nris.
His story fallows.
"I have Just come from Orleans, where I
the hospitals are full of men, younft men
and men In tho prime nf life, who have i
laid tlKlr youth and strength upon the
I I. i'd-drenchert altar of fri edum I havo
i-on flKhta to horrible to hpenlt of
.!shts whleh cannot be de-crlbed by one
wlu In the helfishn. s. ot bin own health,
tries to blot thorn from nwmorj
"I have seen, too. li r isin of tho most
availed kind by splendid wnmen, whoso
wcrk of love and men is so nivat that
i.") p'aise ever can reuimpeiiM It
"I havo traveled thmimh dark foiosts
and witnessed hundnds of lonely biv
ouacs; farm carts with n toi.ple of gnats
tethered to the wlnels. a le.im of oxen
browsing nearby, nnd the peasant and
his nit. and children gathered about a
little fire. I have seen women, famished
and terrified, lloeins across the Ions
stretcheH of the ountry with tholr chil
dren i:ery mile held nn Invisible terror
for them
"T have just spoken with a sildier who
Ins returned wounded from tl-e pursuit
that will po down In hlston ulun; with
the Krrible retreat from Momr.w ns one
o' the crownlns eatastroplit s or the
This soldier speaking of the German
retreat, said to me:
" They fed like animals who knew they '
ha been cornered. Their retreat at tin, is
seemed incredible to me. As we followed
trem we found the roadways for rn'le
after mllf Htteied with smm. knapsH-kt
and caitrldue belts, which the fScrrnris
had dropped so as to tighten the o,i
thoy had to carry. We nlso found Maims
and heavy cannon. '
" 'And along the roods we found piles I
of dead horsca, stacks of dead men In '
some nf the fighting the Hermans were '
to close together that tthen the dead
nnd Bounded fell they formed little piles
around the !ilng, and when otKsrs of
the living were shot they had no rlaee
to fall The dead supported trem and
tho 'ast to he shot remained standing on
their fee '
" 'The sights that met our eves wer
horrible and Ineredlbte hnrrib'f beyond
the power of words to tell '
"Tremendous efforts have ben made
to hurv the dead, but the task Is a polos
sal one One cannot bury whole armies
In a day. To add to the horrors of the
situation aro the birds of earrlon. which
hover over tho fields waiting a rhancn
to swoop down and tear to plet m all
that Is left now of what was mo an
array of living, breathing men n the
prime of health
"I have heard, too, that ghoul have
ben operating among the dead rushing
to the fields where tho dpu ill!.- nnd tak
ing from the clothes of the ijead all
the valuables that may be therein
"In the vll'astes the dead and wounded
make an endless multitude Doctors and
nurses are working feverlfrhlv rcscqlng
the wounded from among the piles of
dead, and then thev tr hard to bring
back the ebbing spirit of those whom
thev have rescued Thev rare just as
tenderlv for the wounded Germans as
the-, d for those of France and England
"Whenever & wounded soldier la found
he Is at onee given 'first aid to the In
jured ' Ambulances, moving from over
ICO different points, then carry tho wound
ed back to their temporary hospitals,
from which big staff of nurses and doc
tors give them further aid ,
"The bravery and the stoicism of the
wounded amazed me I saw hundreds of
them, somo almost shot to pieces, lifted
from the gruund Into an .tintiuli.m
Every move meant terrible agony to
them Yet non winitU s m-
pUined The faces of some w.re white
and drawn with pals, but the never
Uttered a word of protest Soni" e.en
smiled through their suffering, i assed
e II, lit e jkC ' 1 U t i ri
t r r i -, uni rt i i -s i th aid that
l ad r-ecn given tu trii.
for hnins await the passing of the nu
ini roti.s hatches of German prisoners tra
vrlng the tlU nn their way to tho
i once titration camps.
tele- i w i stein
Retreat of Kaiser's Forces
Causes Thousands of Ex
hausted Stragglers to Fall
Into French Hands.
Russians Adopt Fabian Tac
tics, Then Take Ogensive
in East Poland Campaign.
PI7TR0GRAD. Sept. 15
It was olllclally announced today that
Uentrul Rennenkampf had defeated tho
Germans In a 10-hour battle In Cast
Prussia and driven them hack toward
Koenlgsborg with heavy losses
Tho battle took place nnar Goldapp
(eight miles east southeast of KoeniKs
bwrgj and was llerccly contested.
Tho olllclal statement follows.
After a steady withdrawal for sev
eral days befoio mipeilnr forces of
the Germans, the Russians received
heavy reinforcements nnd drove the
en my back. Reforming, the foo
twain took the offensive and attacked
our pusltlnns nt Goldapp They
etorineil our positions with bayonet
charges In tho faco of u withering
lire, but wore repeatedly repulsed.
Finally, after a bloody conflict that
lasted 10 hours the enemy retreated.
Our troops are In hot pursuit. The
victory wos due to tho clever strat
egy of General Rennenkampf, who
drew the enemy's troops out until
thoy were too weak to overcome us.
In again assuming the offensUo In Hast
Prussia, flrtt lino troops were withdrawn
from the Austrian theatre of war and
sent to the aid of Central Rennenkampf,
whose columns havo been hard pressed.
It Is undfrstood here however, that the&o
operations are Intenuuu t-nlefly to hold
tho Germans In East Prussia In check
nnd pieent them being withdrawn to
go to the assistance of tho Austrlans.
Tjoops Take Comrades for Foes and
Destruction Follows.
PARIS, Sept. 15. ,
A German who arrived at Husel gives nn
interesting account of how tho Germans
destroyed the village of Rurzwelller In
A small detm hment of German soldiers
entered tho village to pass tho night, he
tay3, and compelled the Inhabitants to
give them beds.
Later another detachment of German
soldiers encamped near the village and
did nut become aware that they had com
patriots In the village.
One of the horses of the camping party
had been wounded, and the captain sao
the order to end Its sufferings One of
the soldiers hot It, and he sentry
stationed by the first arrivals hearing
tho shot. Kuve the alarm
The, soldiers who were asleep in tho
houses jumped up In great alarm. The
fired frantically out of the windows, be
lieving that a French force was attack
ing them.
The Germans in the camp thought that
a, French force was Inside the village and
attacked It. They entered the village.
firing on their own comrades and after
ward ft the village on fire
I Flghty ch'ldren were burned to death
) and many of the inhabitants were shot.
PARIS. Sept. 15.-Whllo official reports
are optimistic beyond doubt, It is too
early to claim a decisive and overwhelm
ing victory for the allies. By masterly
stiatcgy tho Gormans have been ablo to
keep the main linos of their vast army
Intact, although thousands of soldiers,
overcome by exhaustion or unable to
find their way, have fallen Into the hands
of the French nnd British armies, aa
well as a vast amount of munitions,
supplies and armaments.
The Gorman army Is far from shat
tered and, nccordlng to olllclal admis
sions In Paris, the only section of tho
Get man grand army which now seems
to be In danger of being cut off from
the other columns Is that of the German
Crown Prince, which is In the region of
the fotcst of Argonne. Because of the
rugged nature of the country In that
district and tho stubborn resistance of
the Crown Prince's soldiers, this section
wus left farther In front than tho bal
ance of the German line.
Tho army of General Von ICluk Is also
believed to have received a supply of
fresh ammunition for both small arms
nnd artillery.
The extreme left wing of tho French
army, which Is officially known as the
rifth army, has now advanced to a
point slightly northeast of Amiens, the
main body resting around that city. It
hns been part of General Joffre's strat
egy to keep this army moving eastward
und northward as rapidly as possible to
keep hitting at the northwestern ex
tremity of the German line.
From the Information received by tho
Trench General Staff, It is evident that
the Germans havo either fallen back
Into trenches which had been used pre
viously north of the Aisne or else had
be on able to prepare defensive works
fiom which to face the allies,
British troopB are reported to have
crossed the Aisne near the junction of
that river and the Olso, where their
passage was not opposed by German nr
tlllery. This gives the allies a, big ad
vantage, for It makes It unnecessary for
at least a part of their troops to cross
the stream farther to the east, where
they would have to face the German
The rapid pursuit of tho Germans has
worked Its effect upon the soldiers of the
allied army. The advance guard are ahead
of their heavy guns and tho rapidity of
their movements has extended their lines.
It Is believed that the French and British
soldiers who have been rushing forward
In pursuit of the Germans will need to re.
cover their breath and replenish their
ammunition before they can strike a de
cisive blow. On the other hand, the Ger
mans are nearer to their supply depots
and the retirement of tho right flank
brought It Into touch with reinforcements
which had been hurrying forward.
Even If the allies should be checked
and the Germans should launch a general
offensive movement the invaders would
he handicapped by the worn-out condition
of their right wing The troopu of Gen
eral Von Kluk have been marching and
fighting every day for nearly six weeks
and they are hardly In any condition to
swing forward 'upon another encircling
movement which would mean continuous
fighting and forced marching day and
nU'ht Many of the Germans have been
forced to march under such conditions
that the soles are gone from their boots
and their feet are raw and bleeding
If the Crown Prince's army should be
able to stand firm and the Germans would
attempt a forward movement. Von Kluk's
men would be In the position of outside
running, such as that at the bend of a
race track, and they are so tired that
they probably would not be ablo to get
there In time About tho only recourse
under such circumstancta would be for
the Germans to mass fresh troops on their
right and give the worn veterans a
chance for less arduous work.
Being forced back from their present
poBiuuii, nn jiti mie upon which the i
German could make a stand is that run- I
ring through 8t Quentin. Vervlns and '
Mexleres, which would give them a line l
defeirat thrUgh Lu"mbu'S ?n caw o?
In the list of casualties Just made pub- I
Ho Is the name of General Charles Roques,
who wns killed by being struck by a bul
let near Bnr-lo-Duc, and that of Captain
Rnoul Ducoucdlo do Keiguualer. The lat
ter Is a grandson of General de. Montholon
and a great-grandson of "Hiuvo" Du
couedlc, a celebrated nreton mllor, who
commanded La Surveillance In 1793 In the
famous fight with tho British ship Quebec.
General Roques hnd just been promoted
on tho field to bo a general of division
whon ho was killed.
Twenty-one train londs of booty col
lected on the battlefield along the Marne
valley havo been brought Into Paris
since Sunday. The spoils Include eleven
guns, seven motor wagons, ammunition
for four mitrailleuses, three neroplanes,
two wagons full of helmets, rifles, swords,
cattrldges and commlssutlat equipment
ai ul supplies.
Tho work of burying German dead that
were left behind In the wako of tho In
vading army. Is going on rapidly. Two
thousand laborers wero sent out from
Paris to do this work, but many sick
ened of the gruesome task and had to
Thousands of corpses lay unburled
around Heaux and In the Marne valley.
Minister of Agriculture Orders Manu
facture Decreased 40 Per Cent.
LONDON', Sept. 15.
A dispatch from Rotterdam says that
the German Minister of Agriculture has
Issued a circular ordering the manufne-
I turo of alcohol decreased 40 per cent., and
I recommending that fanners conscrvo food
supplies by drying potatoes on a largo
Instructions are being given In the
I country districts as to the uso of potato
I meal for tho manufacturo of bread. The
-Minister says tnnt tno cereal crop was
not ns good as had been expected.
Official Forecast
For Philadelphia and vicinity. Generally
fair tonight and Wednesday; not much
change In temperature; moderate winds,
mostly northeast. For further details, bee
page 18.
The fastern area of high hnromrler has
remained nearly stationary dining tho
last ?l hours, but has ilecioai-dl (.lightly
In ewrgv. Fair weather has continued In
most districts under Its Influence, uh no
decided change In temperatuic. hhuueia
and thunderstorms have continued In the
central nnd upper Mississippi v.illfv and
the western portion of the Luke region,
nnd have caused a moderate decrcas.) In
temperature, whlla In tho northern plains
Btat'.s, and the Rocky Mountain and
plateau districts there has been a decided
U. S. Weather Hureau Uulleliu
Observations mada at 8 p. m , Eaitcrn Tlm:
..., . , p m a,, rn Tlma.
8 a.m. n't
Abilene. Tex.... 71 7t
Atlantlo City.... 60 C4
Hlsmiirck, N D. 4o a1,
lioiton. Mais ... CO K
Iluffolo. N V.. M M
fttlt.W d. lty Weather
fhlcoKo. Ill . .. 70 70 .11 mi'
fleIaml. Ohio. St E2 .. riR
lJnvcr, i'ol 42 40 ,,hV
lies Moines, la, M Ct .M H
Detroit, Mlth... 112 1.0 ,, H
Duluth, Minn ., t.J Ml ,, HV
(lalvciton, Tex., hi bi .. H
liattrras. N. O. 70 IW T NTJ
Helena, Mont. . 40 40 T RU'
Huron. B. 1 . 4S 4 SW
Jackbomllle. F" . 7J 7n ,n-' v
Kaniaa City. Mu. 4 m .00 N
iit tit
IyiulnovlUo. K)
! Memphis Turn.,
' New Orleans .
' New York N. V
I North Platte N
kUlioma. Okla
1 Philadelphia . . .
f'hoenli. Arli..
ltl'urith, I'a. ..
I'urtlnnl, Me .
t'nrtlanl. Ore...
I uut-bei' ran . . .
Bi I.OUU, Mo .
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Tile, Slate,
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Roofs Are Standard
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Crescent Compound keeps roofs
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----....., viif vii
Crowds Gather on Streets
Demanding the Truth.
Whispers of Socialist Up
rising in Interior of Germany.
I.ONDON, Sept. 15.
ainom prevolls throughout Germany In
splto of the German War Office's denial
that tho Invasion of Franco has been
checked, according to dispatches received
here. Kxcltoment over reports of Ger
man defeatn persist nnd in Berlin pcopl
aro congregating on the streets, demand
ing to know tho truth. In Munich newi
paper ofllcca aro besieged.
Advises from Berlin admit repulses at
Bomo points owing to tho preponderance
of tho alien forces, but declares that theia
at tho most oro but partial victories, not
hindering tho general German advance.
It declares that tho battle In Franco w
without decision tip til Monday night.
The Government Is making publto only
somo of tho losses and the newspapers are
carrying only n small porcentago of even
tho official lists. There Is doclared to be
grave discontent because tho Government
hns failed to mnlte any provision for the
unempioyea. uusiness gonorally is at a
Rtnndstlll and tho leading Socialist news
papers aro complaining becauso the Gov
eminent Is employing prisoners on road
work Instead of hiring German unem
ployed. Somo of tho reports received from Inte
rior Germany say that already thoro are
whispers of nn uprising by the Soclallitj,
who feel thnt tho country has been de
ceived by the Kaiser. Thcao roportB, hoii--ovor,
nro extremely voguo and Impossible
of verification.
Letters to tho Dally Telegraph from Its
correspondent nt Stockholm say that Ber
lin has Undergono startling changes In
tho last two wcoks. The singing, shout
ing, enthusiastic mob that thronged the
streets a fortnight ago has divided Into
hundreds of llttlo groups that stand about
discussing news of the day In low voices.
The stream of humanity that nightly
courspd up nnd down Unter den Linden
hna thinned. It has lost Its boisterous
nes. Landsturm call to colors has drawn
heavily on tho male population In Ber
lin. Women fill beer garden now, with
n sprinkling of older men and, horo and
there, soldiers In gray carrying arms In
slings. Confidence was the spirit of all
two weeks ago; today It la doubt.
British Ship's Arrival May Mark
End of Stagnation.
With the nrrlvat hero yesterday of the
British steamship Ventmoor, from Nor
folk In ballast, to load a full cargo nf
grain, shipping men believe the stagna
tion of grain exportation Is at nn end.
Two other vessels, the Lundy and the
Zurlchmoor, uie nlso under charter to
load full cargoes of the product for th(
United Kingdom or Franco, and an In
creasing demnnd Is making Itself felt In
the charter market for similar contracts
Tho Danish steamships, Kronborir
Uranlonborg, Skjoldborg, Dansborg ami
Ksron. and the British steamship Mo
zart, nro now lying at anchor off tho
Dolawaro Breakwater awaiting orders
nnd it Is expected thnt somo or all ot
these vessels will he sent here to carry
out some of the grain.
Fall Overcoats
A riot of beautiful colors!
A wealth of rich mixtures,
n variety of cut nnd model
to meet every tnste
4f Perry's.
Colo., i: That's the key
note! And such blendlngs
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Grnys, light nnd dark;
browns of heather leaning;
greens that are full of
dashes of all the other
At Perry's.
Imported fabrics on which
Europe spread herself in the
way of blending; fabrics
that just got through the
lines by a narrow margin
before war broke out, and
now are ready for you
At Perry's-
Balmacuan models; our
own "N. B. T." adaptation of
the Balmacaun idea; some
with velvet collars, others
with self-cloth collars, etc.,
etc.! Cravenetted to keep
out the rain!
At Perry's-
Perry & Co., "N.B.r
16th & Chestnut Sts.