KsBSSS mmii'mmm mmmiAaiiMSi. SIWaSnBIMIltlUlMtY WUK m JMSHnMK s EVENING LEDGEEPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1914. EVENING OAi LEDGER PUBLIC LKIJGblt COMPANY OYHVS II. It Ct'nTIS, I'nr.stPKiT. .John tlrlbbcl. VlcePreldtit; 0o.W Ochs, Secretary: V,?h.T c- MM In. Treasurer, rharlM It. I.udingten, Philip B. Collins, John II. Williams Directors nUITOUIAl, BOAIU) : Cmcs It. K. Prims. Chairman. '. It. tVltALKr., LL. .1.1. t:ecutl Editor JOHN C. MAI1TIN. . . ..... . . Cteneral Hulns Manager t'ublUhed daily at Pernio t.rMrn IlulMlns, IndCrendenro Square. Philadelphia. l.KtKir.n Cc.NTint. .....llrond anil Chestnut Strata Ath.ntic Our I'mi-Unlnit nulMlns Nnw Your: 17H-A. Metropolitan Towor Ctllctao a)T Homo Insurinco HiilMIng I.0.NM1N 8 Waterloo Place. Pall Mall. a. W. nuws nunn.vf H : JlAnatancnrt tJritnu- Tim I'ct'rlnt Tiulldlng WARitrsiiTo.v UtiiMt .. . , Tti I'nit nulldltm Nkw Yomc Iltnut) The TMri KulMlnjr linnt.tN nrnuif 0 I'rleilrtrlntraMo bn.NnoN llttinit' C Tall Mall i:t. a W. Paris llcmuv ft2 lluo Louis le Grand sriur.ntnioN terms Hj; carrier. Dittt Ost.r. Mc renls, lly mall, poelpald I ouiniue m rniiaueipiiia. etcept tvnoro tor'iim poitag M required, Init.V ONit. nn month, twentv-no cent'! Pailt O.Ntt. one year, three dollars. All mall luWNp tlona payable In nilvanco. llhM, .loot) WALM.T t KfASTONKMAIN 300(1 reject mon who have prostituted tho party to their own purposes and oro Using It us a cloak to hide their delinquencies and to con ceal their moral malfeasance. H means a willingness, even a promise, to place the pub lic weal above the exigencies of party service. Doctor Brumbaugh, by word and action, Is seeking to disassociate himself as much as posslblo from Penroselsm. Mr. Penrose commands a machine quite as Inimical to tho success of the democratic experiment In America, as militarism Is to freedom and liberty In Kuropc, Both arc nutocrntio, both destructive of the finer per ceptions', both grasping: and vengeful. And Penroselsm, In addition, Is corrupt! noto riously so. Bettor no protection and no cus toms houses whatever than to eccuro them through such an Instrumentality. Mr. Penrose In the minority Is worth noth ing to Pennsylvania In Washington. Ills election would Inhibit his being again In tho majority. When the liepuhllcniiH control the Penate they will not bo Republicans of tho Foraker and Penrose typo. PASSED BY THE CENSOR , f" Address till commtintctiffolM la Cvenlni? -1 !! '"dr,fd,n-r ..,mir, I'ltllodt'.phiit. ArrucATiuN miiiu at Tim fiitt.AnEi.ruiA rosTori-icB ron B.STIlt AH rifMl-t LA4 sun UAiirn. riniAur.i.i'iiiA.itKsi)vi.sEnn.Miii:it 1.1, ton - !7 m V ?mL r it 1 L m f. M Wiiy the Evening Ledger Fights Penrose T1IK lumentnble conditions which render It impossible for a paper believing in Be publican principles to support the llepnbllcan nominee for tho Senate must likewise be HUillcicntly grave- to make his defeat u public necessity. If tho record of .Mr. Penrose absolutely forbids support of him by a respectable newspaper, quite obviously a decent regard for the welfare of the State and nation requires that newspaper to bring all of Its Influence to bear to cause his defeat. He Is either so objectionable thut the liven ing Ledger must fight him, or ho Is not objectionable enough to Justify a refusal to Indorse him. Middle ground for a newspaper in such an exigency is cowardly. In fact, the livening Lodger is not only confronted with a para mount duty, but with a splendid opportunity for service. The Independence of Its view point causes it to be observed by tho forces of good government, without respect to party, in all parts of the Union. Men be lieve, and have a right to bollevo, that at lost there is in tho East a great metropolitan dally which will speak boldly, without fear of Interests, corporate or popular, and stand irrevocably for good government, no matter under what party banner. "Whatever the scantling of Penroselsm In Pennsylvania, it is hated and detested In every other State of the Union. Nowhere clao Is there any attempt to defend it. The failure of the Evening Ledger to wage an energetic campaign against it could bo inter preted In but one way. The paper's sln cei'lty would bo questioned. t Manufacturers believe that Mr. Penrose will be able to write the next tariff bill i Republicanism is rehabilitated That is an erroneous view No party would daro enact a bill written by Mr. Penrose. A Republican majority in Washington would And some other chairman for the finance Committee of tho Senato The seniority of Mr. Penrose, would not count. Pennsylvania manufacturers misinterpret ithe signs of the times quite as sadly as did the Southern slave-holders. The election of Mr. Penrose would hamctring tho Repub lican campaign in 191G. With Penroselsm around the neck of the party, what chanco would it have in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, in any of the pivotal States which showed so plainly In 1912 that thoy are through and done with the methods of Pen rose, Foraker and that cluss of men? It Is well understood that tho Democracy would view a Penrose triumph with a light heart, , bslns convinced that It marked a sure froo trade victory In 191U. The Evening Ledger owes a duty to the nation. It must conscientiously work for the rehabilitation of Republicanism. That can only be brought about by the defeat of Pen rose. Ills elimination is necessary to purify tno party, to persuade the nation that it Is purified. It U u medicine which the true friends of the Republican party will insist on its tuklng. Thoro is but ouo position for the Evening Ledger to take. It must declure, as the con ditions prove, that title Is u moral isnue. The economic principle f Mr. Palmer it cannot indorse, but bis political morality it can ap plaud. As between a man of high principle antl another man whose political record indi cates no principle at all, It must stand for tho former. A tariff is but one of many things on which a Senator votes. On other things Mr. Palmur is sound. A political revo lution so great as to glv a chunee for u now tariff would be great enough iiuiely to assure u majority In tho Senate without tho uid of ono Pennsylvania vote Oliver x still there: and tho loss of one vota vshich the defeat of Mr. Penrose would tntail, might readily mean tho gain of five or ten votes from other States, uli.ch oth'TWine would not send Republican Senators lu Washington So far as local inter i u concerned, in all lits years in Washington, for Philadelphia Mr. Penrose ha done pra tially i.uthinK- The Delaware has been neglerteU, the custom house Is a dWgruce and the postutllce i lml bet ter. The freight of the nation has Honed hv Philadelphia and on to N-w York. It should havo stopped htie. It uill when the ov eminent, Ktutu and national, dues as much for tne port us lias b.-n done for New VorU. Hut while Mr. Penrue controls affair there will be no difference, Ills Interests are all in one direction. The Evening Ledger loyally proven its Re publlcanism by Its support of Mr. lirura baugn. li demonstrates Its allegiance to national Republicanism and gouj government by calling on the vutera to rruve that Pon rosetsm is not Republicanism, by knowing that his defeat Is a prerequisite to the sue. cess, of iho party In tho nation, by support ing Mr- Palmer, not because, but in spite, of his tariff views. Advocates uf good government con justly say, '"If the Rvenlng Ledger la not for us it Is against ut' but not to bb against Mr Penrose is to be for him. The political machinery that he directs llouriuhes in dark ness. Silence Is the support It craves. A newspaper that aciuiece now In tho elec tlqn of the Organization's head cannot with any power fight against the Organization itself in the approaching municipal election. There can be no neutrality when Its methods are before the electorate. Mr. Pennxso must be defeated, and It Is legitimate and right to use the only Instrument that Is available for thjit purpoc. i Tfee Evening Ledr is an Independent Re- Vblican newspaper What diet Inrte- tfkdeut ' In this connection mean other than urpoe to sae the party from itself when ' islon demands' It connote an Intention upport ot.ly those slty candidates who 'Sra. deli worthy It 'mpl'"! determination to Quit Tiilking: Get lhisy THE pcoplo are for rapid transit. They are for It lu a hurry. Moreover, they intend to get It. They nro tired of the con stant bickering over minor sums, ns If this wero a poverty-stricken municipality instead of one of tho most lightly debt-burdened cities of Its class In tho world. They nro disgusted with tho attitude that to get rapid transit they must sacrifice other projects. They have no sympathy with back-pulling, hesitant statesmen, who are first, ngalnst any appropriation whatever to clear the way for actual hubwuy construction, and, sec ondly, when threatened by an uprising of business mon In protest, reluctantly consent to provide the money: but only by taking It away from some other meritorious and nec essary Improvement. The public Is positively nauseated by the provincial vision of men who seem utterly incapable of comprehend ing the imperial future of Philadelphia. Tho United Uuslness Men's Association to night should reject all compromise. It prob ably will Certninly the membership will bo quite unable to appreciate the argument that tho city is too poor to relocate sewers and also build an Art Museum for the hous ing of some of the most valuable art treas ures In tho world. The Finance Committee of Councils has put itself In an utterly untenable position. It can retrieve its reputation only by a square and fair reversion of policy. That Is what It is expected to do and what the busi ness men of this community should Insist It must do. Democracy If the KaNer Win IT IS not merely to gain favor In this coun try through American fondness for the name "democracy" that Count von Uerns torff and other Qermnns are prophesying an accelerated advancement of tho democrnt'c principle, ns n reult of the present war. In tho Empire of the Kaler Mind you, thev are not predicting the downfall of the Em pire, like those who assert that only through suh n d nster enn domoernce prrwpe- Thry see plainly that, whether or not the Imperial banners shall wave in fl-.'al victory, the triumph of democracy Is already in prog rcf. Such a triumph Is not o' necessity brotisht about by violent revolution, and. moreover the thing that a people is slrnvest and most reluctant to change, or "tifffr to be changed. Is its form of government The story of tilumphant political democ racy Is a story of accumulated constltuti' ns and charters, grants nnd bestowals. Usually the possessor of the power desired by the people has parted with them grudgingly, sometimes only as the result of coercion; but often they have been transferred as gifts of gratitude or reward- for sej-vi-e. It will bo exceedingly strange if the hen ion of the Ger man people to the Fatherland in this crisis is not rewarded, and Count von Bernstorff. who Is In a position id j-p.-ak with some au thority, says thut It will bo. That tho Issue, lu their minds, is not autocracy versus de mocracy In abundantly proved by tho attl tudo of the .Socialist- In the Reichstag and the country at large, for in Clermany tho Socialists are the repr Miiiaiivt-s of political democracy. Tbu Germans are lighting tor their country, not for .t new roim of goven ment, nnd when all cluwse In a nation will ingly bear heavy burdens for the fume patri otic cause there is bound to be, in ietury ns in defeat, a stronger suite of Inderendunco, and flnully a larger mtaeure of political equality. German democracy wins, which ever way the winds of war may blow. In England the cause of popular liberty was marvelously advanced, without coercion, during the reign of the grfatet absolutist among the Angavlns, Henry II, and, as Dr. Frederick A. Cleveland says in his book on "OrsaJilzod Democracy," it has frequently fared better under a monarchy thun under a democrats form of government. Give Every Child n Fighting Glinnew "AyT ru than H,00 public ccbool children IVJL in Philadelphia otr Pi per ept. of this eur'rt enrolment will have to be con tent with half- or part-time sehooling thin year. This condition uf affairs has been chronic for some time and n not only dis graceful but indefensible. It is full of dan ger for the community and for tin. chtldron themsfelvefc, and shouKl bn remedied at once. Tho same condition, only in an aggravated form, exists all over tho United States. Of tho lio.ooo.uoo children of school ago, only i-bout to per .ent. attend school for even half the year. In Philadelphia fully is.ooo eiuldien who graduate each year from the public schools are forced Into the "blind ulloy" of industrial lifo und recruit the ranks of the unemployed, dependent and delinquent elm.. The firm basis of u Republic U the educa iton, tho thorough education of its cltlzbns.. This means a scat In school, at full time, for every child of school nge. In Philadelphia particularly, a city of homes, there can uo no satisfactory excuse for Inadequate school facilities. A? an Ambassador, It appears A. ttustem Rey is an incomparable conversationalist. It Is dtfJlcult to understand how tho Uer man army can I Hying from Franco when It has been reported tliat both Us wings uoro crush!. The. "War Horse of RelnrnV' cumes hgcl; to the city tu4'- The .Mayor Is renjortert. tu be In excellent health and ready to take up the cudgels In behalf of good government with rnewl vigor. Food price In Philadelphia, afcide fiom tha Important item of meat, are lower than In en othei city of corresponding sue in America Luscious raspberries, which are almost unobtainable in New York, may bo had here for 3 cents a box. Cantaloupes are retailing at 0 cents here and 10 cents In New Yorlf. Ami an ni, -- . my wm. -va fmJ F , EVERY time Israel Zangwlll's name ap pears In print, George C. Tyler, who pro duced "The Garden of Allah," lays In a new supply of sackcloth and nehes nnd exclaims "Mea culpa; moa maxima culpa!" And Inci dentally, ho says unholy things about a ccr tnln ox-dramatic critic now n resident of Philadelphia. It nil happened In the days when Tyler had Just turned the financial cor ner with "The Christian." The dramatic roiul had been full of hard sledding, and his first big stircess had Increased his bank ac count to man's size. Then, Into the verdant nnd unsophisticated life of Tyler crept that nefarious critic. In the hitter's behalf It may be said that ho has reformed now niul Is try ing to live down his critical past. At nny rate, tho critic liml Just read Zatig wlliv "Children of the Ghetto." then newly published, Full of misplaced enthusiasm ho went to Tyler and urged hint to havo It dramatized and produced. Tyler "bit," and its subsequent events proved was bitten, for when tho piny closed after n while, Tyler's nfore-incntionod bank account had been do- creased by some $20,000. ABuUT the only thing In which James Gordon Tionnett, owner and editor of the Now Yotk Herald, not to mention the Paris edition and tho New York Evening TeleRram, showed hesitation, was In matrimony. It took him 73 years to get married; It never took him 73 seconds to reach any other decision. In fact, his precipitancy has been notorious on two continents This Is bist exemplified by n happening one Thursday morning. Without warning, the New York otllco received a cable dispatch from Pars signed with the usual "Dennett," ordering the suspension of tbe Evening Telegram. There wns no reason given and as Uennett's word Is law, no one asked for an explanation. The staff was dismissed and then there camo nnothcr dispatch to resume the publication. Sinco then tho Evening Telegrnm has be come Bennett's best pnvlng property. THE next time some British friend reminds ou that lynchlngs take place only In tho United States, nsk him or her If ho or she has ever heard of an historic lynching In Edinburgh. Tho reply will most likely bo "no," yet John Portoous was hanged by a mob In 1736, and the entire populaco was delighted beyond words. Porteous was cap tain of the guard nnd wns known for his wanton cruelty. In n street riot he had forced his men to lire Into the crowd, seven being killed and more than 10 Injured, He was placed on trial for muider and found guilty. A reprieve wns granted and Porteous was placed In the Tolbooth. On September 7 a mob formpd, took the keys from the jailer, set nil the prisoners fre and dragged Porteous to a tree and hanged him, after first torturing him. DURING the last strike of the cloak and suit-makers In this city, thoro came an inlittx of gunmen from New York city real "bad men" of the "cat-'em-allve" type Stories of their prowess and llro-eatlng pro pensities wero spread broadcast to s.cnrc away strike-breakers until Detective Isaacs, of the Central Otllco, appeared on tho scene. Single-handed he marched up to the three leaders of the gunmen. Taking ono in his good right hand and another In his equally good left, he bumped their heads together with precision and force. Then he took tho pteclous trio to llrond Street Station, put them nbcard n New York express and told them politely nnd all that, but sternly never theless, that it would be wise to "beat it" before real trouble ensued. Since then Philadelphia has been free from gunmen, and the Philadelphia police force has o reputation among Now York gangsters of being brutal In the extreme Impolite, In fact. A..L ; e housewives who make your hus bands get up early these chill mornings to light the kitchen II ri , take note that the man who invented the kitchen range as con stituted at present, was one Benjamin Frnnk lln, n native of Philadelphia and said to havo been Intimately connected with certain Inci dents of our Revolution. 1'ianklin fltst in vented h stove to burn bituminous coal which consumed Its own smoke, having a downward drutt. Later, be devised another design, whlth had a basket grate and mov able bars at the top and bottom supported on a pivot. Tho top would bo filled with kindling, then the basket would bo Inverted and the fire would burn nt the base. The Franklin Move t? still In use In many parts of the Unlt'd States, although there havo been hundreds of improvements and modifications. BIG oaks from tiny acorns grow, even to the extent of developing Into a reigning house like the Hapsburgs. Away back, hid den in the mists of history, a Count Rudolf von llnpsburg was riding toward a stream at which stood u monk, tinnblo to cross. Ho told the Count that he was on his way to shrive a dying man and the Count lent his horse that he mlvht continue on Ills errand of mercy. The next day the monk returned tho horse. 'Cod forbid," txUalmed the Count, "that I should ever ride, a liorso that ha.i carried tho Saviour to a dying man," and ho pre sented tho animal in the Church. In the course of time, the moult became chaplain to the prince Elector of Maine. A new Emperor was- to be chosen mid the for mer monk siiguesteij the naiiu of Rudolf von Ilapsburg- And so It cuine about that Ru dolf was chototn Kniperor of the Holy Roman Umpire, th precursor of Poor I'rnna Josef. TWO boa near MediuJotind a, pot of beau tiful green paint and it brush. They also discovered that their futher's horte was a dirty white. So they utarted to paint It green- When they had finished the tail and one hind leg. futher came upon the scene. 'Roys," he said, "as you appear to have a penchant for art, you may paint tho picket fonco around the old homestead green; both sides, mind you. and no play until you are 4one." Thnt U why the boys have decided to be come desperadoes or reporters or something similarly dreadful. HRADFORp. CURIOSITY SHOP EtttplU all notions to the egntrar), history dots repeat Itself occasionally, and from tha diary of John Evein, a contemporary of Sjsra uel Pepys. thU appears proved. Vndr date of July 15. US?, Evelyn wrote: "The public was now in ersat consternation en the tete plot and conspiracy; Ills Majesty very melancholy, and not stirring without double giisid; all the avenuca and prlvuU riuoig about V luMisll and the park eliut up, few aclmilttii lu walk n it "The Turks weie likeutse in uustil.i) against the German Etnpeior almost masters of the Upper Hungary nd drawing toward Vienna. On the other 14 the Trench King 'who It Is i believed brought In the Infidels) disturbing hlfl Spanish nnd Dutch neighbors, having swal lowed up almost nil Flanders, pursuing his ambition of a fifth universal monarchy! nnd nil this blood nnd disorder In Christendom had evidently Its rise from our defections at home, lit a wanton porcc, minding nothing but luxury, ambition, ahd to procure money for our vices. To this and our lrrellglon and nthclsm, great Ingratttudo ntnl sclf-lntcrcatf the npostney of some, nnd the suffering the French to grow so great, nnd the Hollanders so wenk, In a word, we wero wanton, mnd, and surfeiting with pros perity: every moment unsettling the old foun dations, and never constnnt to anything. The Lord In mercy avert th6 sml omen, and that wo do not Provoke Him till Ho bear It no longerl "This summer tlld wo suffer twenty French meti-o'.war to piibb our channel toward the sound, to help tho Danes against the Swedes, who had abandoned the French Interest, wo not having ready flufllclont to guard our coasts, or take cognizance of what they did; though the nntlon novcr had more or a better navy, yet the sea had never so slender n fleet." On July 19, 16Sf, Evelyn wrote In his diary: "The Mnrshnl do Schombcrg went now ns gen eral toward Ireland, to tho relief of London derry. Our fleet lay before Brest. Tho Con federates passing tho Rhine, brslego Bonn nnd Mnjence, to obtain a passago Into France. A grcnt victory gotten by the Muscovites, taking nnd burning Terccop. A new rebel against tho Turks threatens the destruction of that tyranny. All Europo In nrnn against France, and hardly to be found In history so universal a face of war." IN A SPIRIT OF HUMOR On the Just nnd the Unjust Knlcker They nro looking for a war tax that will fall equally on every one. Docker Then tax the rain. New York Sun. Morning Sun! From a short poem entitled "Daybreak," by Prof. George Herbert Clarke: "Sunt Sun! Sun: Sunt Sunt Sunt Sunt Sun!" Sounds like a prejudiced newsboy. A Pulling Story The Texan pulled the dentist's bell, The dentist pulled him In, The Texan pulled his Jaws apart, And bade tho Doc begin. The dentist pulled his forceps from His case to pull tho tooth, And then ho pulled the wiong ono out; He was a careless youth. The Texan pulled himself upon Ills feet and pulled a gun; An oftlcer then pulled them both, Ills name wns Sergeant Dunn. Dunn pulled n tip from cnth and o'er The Judge's ecs pulled wool; They both pulled out without a fine, For Dunn possessed a pull. New York Telegraph. A Dual Alliance A Michigan paper announces the niarrhigo of Knthryn Cannon and Wllllnm Popp. Wo hope that fo bang-up a wedding will not be fol lowed by n stute of war, Compensation If It Is true, as our business philosopheis tell us, thnt "those who never do more than they get paid for, never get paid for more than they do." then It Is quite clear that If you want to get paid for nioro than you do, you must do more than you set pnld for. Kven a philoso pher ought to see bow Impossible thut Is-, but, of course, tho true philosopher cannot bo ex pected to heslutc over u nieto Impossibility. Life. A Grave Mistake Flout the lirst chapter of the Belgian Com mission's loinance of Ueiman deviltry: 'On August 12, alter tho battle of lliielon, Colonel van Damme, commander of a Belgian regimtjiil, was lying wounded on tho bnttletlold. Several Gcrmun soldiers found him, anil placing their revolve! s against his mouth, blow hLs head off." For this barbarity, at least, tlier? Is tho very best of evidence, Tho vera cious Commissioners have an nltldavlt from Colonel van Damme himself. Baltimore Amer-Iian. A Question of Ownership Alkali Ike And so Slippery Sam died with his boots on, eh? Broncho Bill No, he died with my boots on. That's how ho camo to die. Boston Transctlpt. Taking No Chance "Bllson yonder tolls mo ho trusts his wlfo Implicitly und absolutely, hut" "Well:" "Woll, I should notice he cat lies his chiingo nnd his fishhooks loose lu tho same pocket," Juast 'flic Happy Furmer The shades of night wero falllns fast When up the fence iow blithely passed, Through creosote ni.d Paris groeu, These grim trespassers on the scan: Ono army worm, One chinch hug, One Hessian lly, Ono cut worm. Advancing each before Us kind, They gave tho wlggle.ung lxihjnf. And answering with bil?z and Wife:. Their trusty troops Invmled yg.t Quo wheutfleld. One Held of ot. One cornfield. One potato p3tch. The farmer slumbered In his bcjl While pleasant fancies reamed h.( llCSdj And dreamed of getting after felt A few farm luxuries, to wit; Quo automobile, Ono lighting plant, One tractor, One silo. Hut whero th setting suu had ahou Of opulence remained a bone, C!tanpicked as frost denudes the lrcis. And what the farmer had were those; On sale, Ono trip to a now farmlnsr country, One trip back again, One start all over. -Wall Street Journal. The Railroads ami Wtuliiuatou Tbere is 1W possible doubt thut in many In stances the Mx (the proposed tax on freight traffic) collected from the shipper will reach the ultimate consumer as a double market price of the articles sq taxed; there Is no pcoslble doubt that In all Instances It will mean final costs very much higher than they are now--ew joik i-ress. DONE IN PHILADELPHIA NOW thnt Baltimore has had Us Star-Span-glcd Banner celebration, In commemoration of tho 100th anniversary of tho writing of Koy's Immortal song, let us glance a momont at Phila delphia's share In popularizing that anthem. Whenever a song achieves enormous popu larity there usually appears on tho untroubled waters a controversy that Is carried over from one generation to nnothcr. So It has been with Key's song, which, llko Hopklnson's "Hall, Columblat" did not originally boar the tltlo by which It Is now known to countless millions. The controversy In this Instance, however, does not rcllect upon Francis Scott Key, but rages around the Identity 'of tho composer of the music. Llko many nnothcr controversy of slmllnr character, this ono has been settled a good many times to tho satisfaction of some of tho disputants; nevertheless, there scema to be it good deal needed to entirely clear the atmosphere. A Phlladelphlan, too, has engaged In this entertaining occupation, but It Is not nbout 111 m that I want to chat today. It was In tho pages of a Philadelphia mngn zlne, tho Analcctlc, which In Its time was the foremost monthly In this country, and not sur passed by nny lu London, that Key's poem first received a pt luted form that might be called permanent. At that time, also, It still was unnamed. Key wroto his poem, as Is very well known, while he was on a British ship that wns en gaged In tha bombardment of Fort Mcllenry In September, 1814. It Is descriptive of his thoughts and feelings, aroused as they wero to u high pitch of patriotism, and when ho returned to Baltimore aftor tho unsuccessful bombardment he gave tho mnnuscrlpt to a friend, who soon had It put In typo In ono of tho Baltlmoro newspaper ofllces. It was entitled "The Dofcnso of Fort Mo Henry," but oven this rather weak title for so lusty a song could not destroy Its Influence. It was by nil odds tho best poem produced during the Wnr of 1812, and, as usual, Key did not know thnt ho was doing tho best thing of Its kind ever panned. Genius nonrly always falls to recognize Itself. Somo ono has to place tha wreath of fame on their brow beforo thoy understand. Tho poem wns printed In nearly every news paper of the tlmo as soon as It came to tho editor's hand. But when the editor of tho Analcctlc. nt that time Washington Irving, saw tho poem In the newspnpers, he did tho best bo could to bestow tho wreath. Ho placed It at the head of the poetry In tho November numbor of tho Analcctlc, 1S14, and Introduced It with n description of the circum stances under which It was written. At tho same time he wrote that It was far too valu able a piece of verso to permit to bo lost, Thus It camo about that the first literary recognition of the Stnr-Spangled Banner camo from a Philadelphia magazine. But there Is nnothcr chapter to this. The first man to sing the Stnt -Spangled Ban ner also was a Philadelphia, and his descend ants havo aroused a great deal of controversy because of one flight remark he made nbout tho circumstances of this first public singing of tho Immortal song. To bo exact, there was not ono who sang tho song first; but two, tho brothers, Clmrles and Ferdinand Durang. These young men, who wcto the sons of a performer In tho old Chest nut Street Theatre, also wero connected with tho theatrical profession. Charles Durnng wns a dancing muster hero for years and wroto a history of tho Philadelphia theatres. Both of tho Durnngs enlisted in the Hnrrlnburg Blues when there wns a call for volunteers to repel tho British, who were going strong In the neighborhood of tho Chesapeake. They wero In enmp near Baltlmoro and stationed at Fell's Point. They wero in Baltimore soon after the at tack on the fort and there wero handed a copy of tho poem. Now, hero Is whero the con troversy begins. According to Chniles Durang's vetslon of this event, he rend over tho song and said to his brother, "This would make a good national song." And thereupon ho began to search for a piece of music that would nt tho words. Ho said that he went through his tiunk nnd pulled forth n well-known song, then very popular, entitled, "To Anueroon In Heaven,"' and de eldud that It was just tho thing. Of course, the words did fit. They fitted to a nicety, because evidently Key had the meter of tho drinking song hi his bend at tho time ho wioto. It was not the first time the same music hud been used to the words of an Amer ican patilotle song. Thoro wus "Adams and Liberty," written by Itobert Treat Paine it years previously, and at this time widely known. It Is probable that Key knew it better than he did tho original "To Amicreon In Heaven." which was an L'nRllsh song sung by the Anac. reonlio .Society, which he thought wns the nlr to which hN bong chould be sung. Yet, on the strength of that teniark about finding a piece of music to fit, some uttempts have been inuite to bollttlo Durang's version of how the song wus first sung In public. It Is well to remember thnt those who would deny Dm.uig tho honor ho cUlms for himself nnd brother havo not attempted to designate any other- place or circumstance under wlileh tho song llrst received its publlo presentation. lu lils valuable treatise on our so-culled na tlgivil tongs Mr. Sonncck, of the Library of Congress, ghes a list of moio than to books articles and other material that refer to the history of that ono song. Mr. "onneclfs boon was printed live years ago, anil I believe ho would now bo compelled to even deubje tho length of his list. As to the eal authorship of the muyle. tho lesult of the various controversies tims f0r lma been tu oven further obsetiru tho point. Tho Itev. Dr. II. T. Ilrmy, president '.,f the Catholic High School for Buys, nnd Dr. drat, ton Flood havo been engaged in one f the most elaborate, contioverslcs about tho origin of the nlr of tho Star-spangled Banner that lias yet been waged. Both are regarded highly ns. authorities on general hymiiology. ,t J, far as I can glean from their articles the quea, lion of tho authorship of the tune is still on debatable ground. ' "" n There is a great deal of literature yot to bo written about Key's little povn). wWp, wi tlie back of an envelope. s (UlANYJhUl VAST VOLCANIC CHAIN LINKED COASTS OF U. S. Geologic Proof Thnt In Prehistoric Times America Seethed With Activo Craters from the Atlantic to tho Pacific. That the completion of tho Panama Canal should bo signalized by tho bursting forth of a volcano tho only live one In tho Unltod Slates was as startling as It was unexpected says M. C. Frederick, hi tho Boston Transctlpt' To thoso familiar with tho geology 0f lh Pacific coast, howover, tho manifestation occa sions no surprise, It Is a strango story geologists tell us 0f the California coast that agos ago Its moun Ualn peaks, mcro reefs In a great expanse of sea, roso to such a holght that Santa Barbara. Channel was a vast valley, over which doubt less roamed the olcphnnt, camel, lion, sabtr toothed tiger nnd other animals whoso fosiu remains nre scattered over the country ttni soma of which nro found on tho Islands, Then the land again sank beneath the Bca n.agaln arose, nnd marlno fossils nro found In abun dance along the shoro and on the mountain tops many miles from sen, Imagine the snr. prlso of the old gold hunters to find thi skclotott of a whale nt an elevation of n thou, sand feet and two hundred miles Inland. And nges ngo, as wo have seen, tho land also had Its baptism of fire. Itadlatlng from initials California In separate stroams, scientists tell ui, the lava flowing north becamo a flood, burying the smaller Inequalities and encircling the larger, until It covered tho greater portion of northern California, northwestern Nevada, nearly nil of Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho, and reached far Into Montana and British Columbia. Arizona nnd New Mexico were nlo Involved. Tho Columbia Illvcr cuts through lava thrco or four thousand feet thick, and In a cut In the Deschutes Itlvcr thirty successive sheets of lava may be counted. But that was many thousands of years ago, being at Its height In tho Mloccno period. Since thon activity In tho United States has gradually diminished until It practically ceased within the Inst few centuries, with occasional belated manifestations, ns at present. Even In historic times there has evidently been n marked diminution of such phenomena on our Western coast. Spanish explorers nxprcsred tho belief that there wero volcanoes In the coast rango of Southorn California. Thlj may not havo been so entirely Imaginative as Is generally supposed. In tho desert east of Daggett lava beils and craters havo beeir reported, of so recent a formation that s .n believe them to be not mote than 200 years old. For some tlmo after the settlement of Santa Bnrbara there was a "volcano" on the sea shore, either tho gonulno article or burning petroleum. At tho tlmo of the earthquakes of 1012 a now volcano was reported back of Pins Mountain. An old geography of 1S13 calmly remarks that "California Is a wild und almost unknown land. In the Interior nro volcanoes and vast plains of shifting snows, which sometimes shoot columns to great height. This would seem near Incredible were It not for the well authenticated accounts of travelers." The entire region of Yellowstone rnrlt, Wyoming, wns In remarkable volcanic activity at a comparatively Into geological period, and tho lingering phenomena still produced consti tutes tho mo.it remarkable series of natural wonders of nny equal nrca of the globe There Is also a small goyscr region, of a hundred or two boiling geysers, with their accompaniment of sulphur, salts nnd nlknlls, In the mountains of central California. In time, no doubt, the Pacific coast will become ns settled ns tho Atlantic side, which In early geologlcnl times, we nre told, appar ently had outbursts on a grander scale than nnythlmr known in historic times, for example, tho enormous Hoods of lavas which with tufas and sandstones form tho copper-bearing scries of Lake Superior, which have a thtckn-'ss of thousands of feet. The coast of Maine, tho rcqlou of Boston the Connecticut Valley, tho Palisade of tie' Hud son, through Pennsylvania, nnd cist where, show traces of ancient volcanic action, and the same may be snlil of many cotintrli s of Europe where volcanic life is now tvtliut. Alaska, Mexico nnd South America still tovr moio or less volcunlc activity, but In .ill the known world theie Is but one StrombJli m 'he Mediterranean, which has bei n count nitty discharging lava for more than two thousand years. I Till? IDEALIST liuo to the grace of Ood most of u- are whole limbed. Do you know wliut It really means to .i''ls to walk along with your legs doing tie n full duty, with full-grown und tinlmpnlie.l tnm' swinging In harmony with your striile with ees seeing every passing thing, with ears bear ing all sounds? You will nut know until you are depiivt ol ono of them. Those of us who nro whole-limbed ba i out In our chances. Thoso who ure ii"' iuV lust. And the most in.itter-of.fuet men o iith will admit that life docs contuln a bug. J'."1 of chance. A crippled mmi-n blight, cheerful dm -en P.ivo the teuton fur his extreme and cki ti'uieJ '.b-er Ills reply mude THK TAMSJIAN Henry Vdiinktiu,iloOM,!ojiIi W'tol Is Fortune, !! U Iamo fulile gold una phantom name, lliolics, bulled In Cave, Glory written on a grave. Wha$ U Friendship! Spnatjjjng. deen That the he-rt en spend aTk4pf Acalt.. tl.ut kiMton, ull, , ft Prulte tu.it hiartens us to lUe. Vorre, m friend. un1 in lu low. Life s trua tslisman u ine' By this charm w0 shall elude Povrf-ty and solitude . The Hafu, uu fl btate of happiness. men of Ids hearers. "Because ill of my friends tie.it i.i. - " of themselvt . They uffer in? no icireti ' fior nil. ao useless. They nevi i nfo i l"sr misfortune. They talk freely with m. '- ' ' wero ns vll equipped lhj bU-all u "" of them." There is tke secret-One of oursdvt--' l ' "k of It when rude instinct prompts j..u t iw" Ht n cripple pausing you on the stint There estuts umong most folk who iu i"1"1 drprlved uf u partial use of tin lr both. . i'ih degree of sensitiveness with reMp, . t t. u J" LUSstou of their narticiilnr nllin.-nt T:. - nt- est mention of the tuple often sends !! ""1 of such a "no inlo n season of bioi.ili I'ndur this 'omes the too fioiueut ' "ni of syinmuhv. tho too much offend ' of ' help, N'ote how your unfortiin.it. f 1 1 i " pruua to do thlns which uu weie n t ' ho could do. Suffering humanity needs all the hcln B Slve. But do not forget that in extii.i J l'rl a mental attitude must be taken Into . ".. U fs tlfln, as well as a phyeleul dwiil-in liu pot permit your helping eiToi is i " "'',' size tho phjsleal gulf between ou ao.i ! J,,e you help. TU1.. h,j.;ubt The Wastes of 1'e.u-o 'file wr lias brought Into a whiles iiy-n '",l1 ever ths Immeiin wutto thut guia on su' einment In tunes ol inute 'uhki.- w-ii ' play .i high euril l,v looklmr ibis on, ,. .n ' in the face now. uben ttoiM-iwue t.o i!" watchword -Jllnr.,lJO'. jt.IJr.,i ., -if ' '. Mfc ,. . nuimr .. - i i in n imi mur i aju i i -j . inm , " i r Of Course Van Ahoitbiu-Ah' Nuw cootiss' you like to be a man'' Miss Swlft-Of com! u'....i i "- - S&baJPA:, 1 I JlW"