Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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friend of Consul Tsakonas
Here Declares Abroga
tion of Treaties Concerns
Safety of Americans.
Sotirlos Nicholson, of Washington, D.
C , a Oreok attorney nnd student of In
ternational law. who Is vNtltiR In Phila
delphia, today told how the abrogation
of tho treaties by Turkey was of vital
concern to the t'nltoil States slnco by
Hint action the nafrty of ovcry foreign
trsldent lit that cotllitry Was threatened,
Including thougnnds of missionaries and
ether Americans who inako their per
manent home tlicrn.
Mr. Nicholson was nt the ofllco of
Arlstotlo Tutkoims, the Oloek Consul
ieiP. He Is a neiuoniu menu or Consul
Tsakoiia. and on his way to Now Yoik
toppcil off here to visit tho official,
"1 do not think," ho snld, "that tlif
ilgnlflcance of tho capitulations nmtlo
j cars ngo by Turkey and now abrogated
In generally itiieclatfil. tinder tlirni
foreign rcsldcntn In Turlo-y huvo hud Hie
right to be judged by their own rr.opc.c
lire consiilntu exclusively; secondly,
tliey have iio.s.inwd .special civil pilvl
Jcgcs such that In nil questions of ciltnl
nal procedure und in fact of general tle
jjortnwnt, they have been liable. solely
to their own governments. Thus, no
Turkish ofllclal has hud tho right to
nter Into tho dwelling of a, foreigner or
arrest one, unless equipped with n. spe
cial permit from the consulate concerned.
Thirdly, tho native government was not
'allowed to levy professional taxes upon
Jhe foreign residents; and fourthly, It
could not rcguluto the amount of Its
customs duties without tho consent of
tho foreign powers. In general, tho
above privileges muy bo icgarded ns con
stituting extra territorial rights, and it
Is chiefly the ones coming under tho flrat
two headings that will aifect tho status
of the Americans living in Turkey.
"First there Is tho legal jispoct to bo
consklured. As others havo already polnt
d out, It Is rather astonishing that treat
ies wmen navo constituted the very con
dition of Turkey's existence as a. Stato
are now abiogated without warning and
without negotiation. Such n, violation of
mutual agreement Is a, very serious mat
ter Incced, hut Turkey knows that now
the European I'ot.crs aro hardly pressed
with their own troubles at home and
hopes that they will bo unable to rxMiit
to effealve nud3iiros In denouncing the
"Foreign atatctmon of tho pioccdlng
Iterations had lorced tho above con
cessions from the Turkish Government
because it was evident to them that unclor
ordinary circumstances tho said Govern
ment could not guaruntoo Bccurlty artel
freedom to their nationals. Tho country
bad simply not reached that stage In tho
evolution of political organization which
would render it cnpablo of supervising
the affairs of the citizens of foreign coun
tries. But with the advent of tho now
regime In 1!H3 tho Young Turks have
been continuously and Insistently clamor
ing for tho .ibiogatlou of thu capitula
tions, claiming thnt conditions had
changed s.nce freedom had been declared
and Just government had been established.
Nevertheless, tho Towors refused to con
sent "Facts Justified their courso; the Arme
nian massacres, troubles In Syria, oppres
sion In Arabia, the Insurrection In Al
bania and the maladministration of af
fairs In Macedonia, following immediately
after th grant'ng of tho constitution,
proved that imich hud yet to be done In
the line of political evolution.
"In plain words Turkish law and ad
ministration Is not an offectlvo guar.mteo
of the safety of foreign lives find Inter
ests, and has violated treaties that In
jured that Bafetv. n which case. I
ililnk, that it is tho duty of tho United
Mates, at present the grcateat neutral
Elate, to declare to Turkey that thlH
rnuntr' realizes Its own responsibility
to Its own citizens ns well ns to those, of
1h Kuropean ountrie, and that it can
not brook the unwai ranted breaking off
of treaties; and to bring home to llm
Ottoman Government that Oil cjnvern
nient is determined tn tiiuKo use. of nil
r.ocesaan mcaim to the nd of securing
proper observance of tho treaties by the
Ottoman Government."
' "'iii'1' i yiiiilHrill flWiPI ' kwliMw ' i i ' i Wnm i "Wl III
The dense bushes on cither side of the trench where the deadly machine gun has been set up afford a screen for
the movements of the firing squad of British marines.
Examination Produces Three EHgl
toles for Lieutenant In Police Service.
Threo police candidates aunllflecl In the
rerent examination of tho civil service
Mtnmlsslon for lieutenant In tho mortor-
cveio service Tho salary Is JtSOO a year.
The ellB.ble list Includes William .1.
McCIuivhii l South Twenty-fourth street,
average Ttiut, Charles W. Cas.sel, 19 Ci Van
;,?,' treot ,v'"""!o "'-2U; George W. FHU
5113 North Fr iiihliit street, aver.tge 72.10.
Director of Public Hafcty Torter wus
Ju ? by iU c,v" Service Commission
tnat the averaijes attained by tho nppll
wants weie in tho general examination
Tor lieutenant uf police. A test of ability
to operhlo a motorcycle was given tho
candidates, but did not affect tho averago.
jeorge W Fritz, one of the ellgihles, lias
.'n.artl" lluiU'iiant of tho inntorcyclo
ii IT. 7. "'" !1"a Thompson streets for
the last two years.
Swept Overboard When -Wave
Threatens Sea Captain, His Master.
Dollnnco of his master's ordeis to leavo
him alono on tho brldgo of tho steamship
Catherine Cunco during a storm oft tho
coast o fCapo Hattora.v cost tho llfo of
Blsmnrk, u. valunblo und loved Newfound
land dog, according totho story told by
the s.illors on board tho vessel today.
Gloom pervaded tho ship u;i Hho lay at
her dock ut Itneo street wharf. Tt w.is
proceptihlo In tho officers' quarters and
In tho furenstie. Old faithful Illsmark
had gono to big doom and touts ttood
In tho oyes of ovcry member of the crow
lrom Cuntaln Horrcnscti to tho cabin boy
au thoy told of tho merits of tho animal.
Captain Sorrcnsun will feel tho loss most
deeply. Bismark was his dog, and he
said an much ns he loved his ship ho
would rather havo been transferred from
her to unother thnn to have lost tho
dog. Mrs. Sorrenson, who was attached
to Ulsmark, Is away on a vacation ami
does not know of his df ath. Captain Cor
rensen said she would be lncuiifolablu,
ns tho unlmal hail been her guardlun
when sho wan on boaul. On .severul oc
casions Bismark saved the lives of mem
bers of tho crew by diagglng them to
saroty when waves thteutoned to carry
them ovorboard.
Tho Catherlno Cunco ran Into a galo off
Capo Ilattcras lato Saturday night whllo
bound hore from Jamaica with a cargo of
fruit. Captain b'orrensen remained on tho
bridge. By his sldo stood ni.smn.rk.
When the waves began to sweep over tho
vessel and tear avvuy all movoables on
decks, Captain Sorrenen ordered Bismark
back to tho masters room. Reluctantly
tho dog obeyed. But when an unusually
heavy sen crashed over tho deek.s, the
dog na though fe.ulng for his muster'a
snfety tried to dash up tho rompnnlon-
way. It was caught In the maelstrom ana
carried Into the maw of the angry sea.
Tho vessel was stopped and n boat low
ered, but Bismark liad disappeared.
Nearly 30,000 Men to Be
Laid Off Oct. I Unless
Measure Passes, Louisiana
Congressman Shows.
Will Finance Spectacle, "The Prince
of Peace," Says Producer.
?rew YORK, Sept. IS. Andrew' Cnr
neglo, In an effort to spread tho Idea of
world-v Ido peace, Is to furnish the monoy
to prc.'uco a symbolic spectaalo to be
called "The Prince of Peace," according
to on announcement mado tonight by a
well known theatrical producer of this
This producer said ho had completed
the first plans for tho production at Mr,
Carnogle's direction, and that the drama
viould bo staged at an early date in New
York. Mr. Carnegie Is wno on bis way
tu America, it was said, and when he
arrives tho final plana for tho production
will bo announced.
most a rtiit connr.?roM.:r.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13.-Statlst!eH pre
pared In the oflico of tho Chief of Kn
gtneers, at tho request of Senator Rans
dell, of Louisiana, show that by October
1 almost 0,000 Government and contrac
tors' employes engaged on river and har
bor work will bo laid off. Tho Delaware
River project will bo affectod greatly by
tho failure to pass tho river and harbor
Senntor Rnnsdell, who has been making
tho fight of his life to get tho bill passed,
after studying tho summary made by tho
Chief of Engineers from the report3 of
division and district engineers, said:
"At this timo, with Uii awful iJuropcun
war ragng and with hundreds of thou
sands of our own people thrown out of
employment because of the le-aencd do
mand for articles of American produc
tion, It becomes, In my Judgment, tho
imperative duty of the nation tu Increase
tho effective forco of our Inbotcri and
wago earners. Instead of permitting It
to xs diminish, d.
"Another Impottant thuuijit in ronuec
tln with the Ktiinpf an w,ii i iii.it fond
piodiKtH of dll kltidn li,in imuMs.,1 in
prjee, thrieliy eiihnm iti,- tli. , ost of
living, and tho longei the war continue
the higher will the price of fund products
In Ameilra become. Many who are ablo
to cko out a scanty subsistence on their
wages In normal times will bo unablo to
do .so with the increased prices of food,
and wo aro Hublo tu have a vnst horde
of peuplo ill this eotintiy who aro In
actual ui 'ed, not only for lack of work,
but because the wages of men who aio
emplojtil will not buy th. necessary
food ut the Increased pi he. Tin- .shoo has
begun to pinch In some places ulrcady,
and It U certain to b f It tar nioro wldo
ly and much moro seveicly In -the near
"r'nilir tbeso circumstances wise states
manship, nut only In the national Gov
ernment. In tho hiatus nriil municipalities,
but lu the uilou.i lountles tUioughout
llif l nli'ii. would dii tale that every kind
of public work which Is uroded or seems
to ! vv.u ranted by the needs of the next
decade should be undertaken at once
nnil vigorously pushed. The national
Government should, by nil means, cairv
on with renewed vigor nil Its public
works, such aa public bulldliigs, the ir
rigation project; of tho West, forest re
serves, the rivers and harbui s, etc.
"Accoidlng to tho estimates of the
United States Knglneer Corps. If tho
pending river and harbor bill hail be.
come u law bcfoie tho 20th of .Iuni, the
number of Governnunt and contractors'
employes engaged In that work on the
lit uf October would have been 4S,:;n7.
If tho bill should full of parage by
October 1 the number of employes at
work on thut dato will bo only JO.IUS. a
uirrcronce of IXMG3. These figures give
only a faint Idea of tho los-s to wago
earners caused by the failure of the bill.
It carries In round mimbeis JJ1,OCO,000,
most of which would be expended In the
net 1" months In payment for labor or
tho producta of labor.
"I estimate that tullv 50O.OW .souls will
bo deprived of their usual ni'.ins of sup
lioi t If this bill should fall, and Just ut
thl tlmo It certainly would lm heartless,
an well as most uiistatesmnnliU.-, to per
mit such a thing to occur."
Wills admitted to probato today dU
poso of the following estates in private
Small M lllgglns, Into of IJin Spruce
stitci, fuiPO; Kreiliriik Mini, rim n, 1171
Siiliuon Httci'l, SlO". ,
! ixui.il .stati 4 iippiai-nl ."' Sarah
I'luike, imiV.i.:; S'ii!iii l: ls.i-., sl.;
Catherine Ouulap, 5J1ST.CI.
Ask Dissolution of Marriages Per.
formed Abroad.
Sept. .-Dissolution of two
I fitkttlAiI I X. ..... I.. II.
I.-xh. . . "'"' in r.iirupu is mo
"Kinases pei furninl In
ur S llt-j aul.l t .U. . m. .a
.. -...- .-..., Wi, ,(1 lug vaiurv ui
tl ,, . y 1,s,(1ent3 of rassalc County.
Jira. 'Valeria Schrelber, of Passule City,
t !' for a '"vorcu from her husband,
ln,n, rt They wcro married In
,h "r y.,"1 Arr"' 1W- The woman
thiv v!, ',t tho nmn rtoseitol her after
It, i !!n mnrr,-'l 1m than one year
fry1 a'tar ,h"i had moved to this coun-
De larinr i.o i... .. i. , .. .. . .
rtiiirt. Jr " " lo"R lncir vwo
Air,, "" nesertta
Jioraniil, of C
decree from her.
u in Italy
him In l&J. I'lillln
CUfton township, wants
The couple were mai-
Major Dies in Trenton Pody Will
ue Brought Here
"Ii, u
hu dieii
f l'lLlnint Mfil.i it .,..
Jl-I Richmond treet. lli'iljili-lphl.i,
ton vl.. V "" -"rcer llospitul Tren-
'hiu i, , ..J' a1 Ule rout ot Injuries
runawL i.T'1 in nt'n'f't"r tu stop
Veceti, , , ,h'81ca'' tomorrow, it will
Wetaur . P 8,at0, Mw- Kmu
y&ZWX; Xbee" mak'BB
t'ehlW!iXa th n,naiay anJ v
Ooonty Ti,iU, ,War ""Ston. Ruck,
Si In Li i0,rw' attafhed to a heavy
"C' S1 f ,1 -. tU. rl. took
lt nad vm. iv " uasniog flow a
.."'" "'JO was walk iic In
a- 1
tonSA. Wtlon, ran forward
mtKTZ " UywMa -atonal.
Patrolman Overtakes One Who Fled
From Social Service Home,
One of the threo snis who escaped Sat
urday night fi'iin tho Coiut of Social
Service Home, 1701 Summer street, was
iMptuied nt I o'clock this morning at
SiMli and Walnut streets by Patrolman
Wairen, of tho Thlid and Do I.ancey
sue.ts station. Tho policeman noticed a
girl trying tu shield herself from the
glow of tho electric arc lamps us sho
walked very cautiously across the street.
Whin the pllceman approached tho girl
started to run. but was soon overtaken
by the policeman. Heine unable tu slvo
a satisfactory explanation of her actions,
elm was taken to the Central pollco sta
tion. Th'i girl gave her name ns Josephine
Hokique, 0 years old. married, and said
her homo wiih In ilt- Cnrmel. l'.i. On
further questioning tho prisoner told of
her c.-ii ape Horn the home Satu rduy night
by tting bed clothes together and usins
tin in na ti rope to descend from a sou-uiid-suiiy
Uiw of the girls who escaped Is still
at large, Her name Is Helen Gallagher,
1'j years old.
t SycAvcricte Co. -
Another Derby Desk Sale!
$50,000 Purchase Now Offered at
33 to 50 Saving
Our Spring Sale was a tremendous success. Our
customers were more than pleased with the wonder
ful values they received.
The opportunity having presented itself at this particular
time to buy another large quantity of GENUINE DERBY
DESKS at most attractive prices, we have contracted for fifty
carloads and are going to dispose of same at values never
before offered in Philadelphia. If you havo been contem
plating refurnishing your oflice, now is the time. If you are
about to move, you could afford to discard your old furniture.
The line is so large, the only way you can get a fair idea
of the extent and value is to call at our salesroom, All grades
in quartered oak and mahogany and all guaranteed to be
genuine Derby stock. Below are a few samples :
Arrangements Made , a t
Frankford Plant lo Take
Care of Emergency in Case
of Rush Order.
I Ananyrmonti were made lodn at tho
I frankford Arsenal lo place that Inilltu
1 tl'ui In rondltlon to take enre of any
J pinei-ffrney In enso of a lush order tor
maiei-inls. Thin win announced by Mu
tenant Colonel (Jcursro Montgomery, com
ln.andltiK ofllcer of tho plant. Colonil
(Montgomery has Just returned from
Europe. The work of readjustment from
now on will b pushed as rapidly as pos
sible. "By January V ho eald, "wo expect lo
ha'o things bo nrransed at tho nxsnnal
that flhoilM tho Government nt Washing
ton feci bo disposed, or uilled upon to
IncreJfo our appropriation, enablltis U3 to
augment the output of the place, we will
bo In a position to do what la required."
Colonel Montgomery said he was at
work collecting tho names of all old em
ployes of the arsenal. Tin Is being
don", he added, so that they rnn be lo-
atrd mid put to work at tho tiulckcst
pofllblf notice. Hy the Jlmt of tho year
It Irt exppitrd that, If called upon, oin
r lain at tho plant will he ablo to nluco two
hlfts ol men at wot It one week after
notice, and to be running threo shirts
rvi-rv 21 houiu before the cxplrutlon of a
f.'uloiml Montgomery returned from
ttuiopa last Baturday on the Chilian! liner
Campania. ltr went abroad on August 13
for a rest. lie said ho was visibly Im
pressed by thf stato of preparedness
which cxlited In nearly every country In
Europe prior to the war, enabling them
to plunge almost at ft moment's notlc
Into tho great conflict, lie suggested that
this country might do woll to follow to n
certain oxtent this esampls ot prepared
lie hod no trouble In obtaining return
pansago to Amorlca, ho nold. Doing ovttt
and romlng back tho ships on which h
traveled passed several foreign warshlpn.
Tho Cimpanla kept her porUioIcs darkened
at night during tho entire, voyage, becatuo
her captain was taking no chances oj
running afoul of hostile craft.
Man Sues Prosecutors After Eelntf
Set At Liberty.
finANT'H PASS, Ore., Sept. 18.-W. H,
Dclinlfon nnd Dotertlve Charles Hans and
F. Klrkwood, all of Now York, were In
dieted here by the grand Jury as . reiult
of the arrest of Oslln Jackson.
Jackson was arrested on charges of em
bcEzlcmeut made In Now Tork In 1S13 and
upon his relenso on an order from Govet
nor West, Jackson sworo out warranto
charging Dennlson and tho two detectives
with extortion.
' .stohtj orns Snio a. m. and ci.n.ns vt 5-to r. ir. :
Fine Scollli
PC ity i,. ..rttilon r.
tho homo. I,u ran, hrn I
planii that iPRuiiiri, ..
for 1l.fi0 an-t ft
Ai.'r tml c n it
MAIN- AUi-Apr:
-:iy iii ii f; nr.vr.vi awr mwv or iivbiivi'iiim at
Market : Filbert : Eighth : Seventh
your nhopplng
and Ret
Double Yellow
Trading Stamps
vtlth eath lOr north you
purchaso boforo nnon.
Yellow Tra-llns fitampi
jIto you bct'nr value In
merchani'l (han you can
ct with any otliore.
FiOWUST ritlCHS FIITH r-r.cuiH i
Fall Clothing
At Price Savings of a Third or More
Without a doubt, we have the best selection of high-grade clothing at medium prices of any
clothing section in Philadelphia, including the very latest styles in men's b all suits.
$15 Suits
Here for
$18 Suits
Here for
$20 Suits
Here for
$22 & $25 $28 & $30
Suits for
These suits have been made by some of the foremost men's tailoring establish
ments in America and are right up-to-the-minute in style, including the very
swagger English model, with soft lapel and patch pockets.
The fabrics arc strictly all-wool fancy mixtures, cheviots and cassimercs, par
ticularly in the new shades of blue, brown and gray. Every suit is carefully
hand-tailored and we have' all sizes for men and young men, including stouts.
Young Mens$7 CO$1K
For the drcss-y young fellow who appreciates good style and cannot afford
to pay a big price. These aro wonderfully good suits at S7.o() lo S18.
Boys' Suits, Topcoats and Reefers
S5.00 TO $7.00 VALUES, $2.98 & $4.98
Suits for 7pJ&
L U Mm
r- 4' V'V
! 'AW ' ,'
XU. 3
Jiiic arc in Norfolk and double
tJll breasted styles, made of
line navy blue serge, fancy cheviots
and cassimeres and in the new brown
and gray mixtures. Peg-top trousers
witli loops and watch pockets.
Also Russian and sailor models, in
blue, brown and gray mixtures. All
sizes 2', to 18 years.
Reefers and Top Coats
are of tan covert cloth, fine shepherd
plaid, fancy gray and brown mixtures
and navy blue serge. They arc beau
tifully tailored and have chevron on
sleeves. All sizes 2Yz to 10 years.
Boys' $1 Pants
tle of
will stan'l
iml Knickerbocker
Koou materials
Int-f of hard wear.
IT years.
I The Smartest Fall Millinery I
? Yc Trim Ml Hals Free of Charge.
SUn trimmed Hats and Trimming's
?rllon!iirc lire noiiip -very exceptional iuIucii
$2.00 Black Velvet Hats,
ih'mart, stjllsli slmpcs unusually kooiI
? finality.
row n t ff f
5 $3.50 Black
poiilllar ilropr.l
Svcrv Fine Black Hal
glcrs' Plush Hats ...
jJraBlilon's nioit
j rf' ri''l .styles.
In black, w
98c, $1.49 and $1.98
and the new colonnss.
$1.49 JL
Our own and model styles both show-
ing how cleverly the designers havo?
worked to open up new and original
paths for inspiration.
The tricorne hat has long held a
leading place in smart millinery
front it has conic the idea for
The Xcw Three-Corner
iiit Muitii Biiuwa mis jacesi iuca
worked out in dark melange blue velvets
with snreadincr nlum-colored wincrs.
" o-- 9
A Fine Display at
$4.98, $5.98, $6.98 to $10
twvimmwmwwitiMw..... vxvvvW Thc,Q ar(J hat3 of flnJ Bflk .
SrTvioTic nnoGlfii-i Olnvpc (P 1 ? ,rt,s me smartest styles m both smnll and
WOmeil S UOeSKin IxlOVeS k jfarRe shupes with trimmings of metal, fur and
riini .Iii- .1 in "" '"it"! for fall IVtar V 5 manv chic, odd fAnripq
They .lie .1 iii "" lull' for 'all U'flir
Om 1 1 i.-.p lUn in w lilt.. with whtto or
UMolliiit pi 1. 1. tli.u v ill wash bpU'ildlillN .
blade liai-K--
u ,11 hr
1 1
,1 1 t)
11 lit r iii.purf.t,
ifrimnrf prlt . s
nu.-.T i-1 !:. KiuiiTir stijeut sun.
A ho
a Special Showing of Uonneti and Toques
avd Children' Hats.
Autumn Suits of Distinguished
uropean Styles: $35 Values
Faces Prlfaou Sentenco When Wife
Prefers Charge of Cruelty.
Tlio nine ohIMroti of Tiedorlck Il.ni
man, 2240 Pratt street. flavcU tiiin fiom
prison today, llartman mi arretted dii
a charge ot cruelty pieffiied b hi vif.
lie was arrulgtud bcfon MaplaMni
Hampbell lu thu Ualsradc aud I'learfU-Ul
strat police eta'lon
The Magistrate nu about to cend llurt
nia to the llo of CVrrrtiou iu-n .
loarrtd that he had nine children to sup-
poit. After aiMtrhirsiy denouncing htm
fir hl nesleft. ho s?nt Hartro"" bTk to
work and advleed Slr,
the r-ntt-r up wih the
If be' hucba&d aso'n failed
bs Umily-
y aenouni'ing mni i
Hartro"" bTk to
Unit" fix n tik 1
i Mu,)vl c-f.t, '
Ue4 t' 'prsv'lj f' I
Quartered Oah
SI l.fir.
rrrnufiia llahaawj
T.rii.st KipiiIi l.iit
12-in. FlaUtop Desks. , 20,00
50-in. l'lat-top IleskH $32.00
(10-in, Flat-top Desks $!S0.00
(iO-in. Double Flut Top Desk. .... ,$(10.00
50-in. Roll-top Desks $52.00
(10-in. fioll-top Desks .$50.00
12-in. Typewtitcr Desks 53JI.00
51-in. Typewriter Desks $10.00
lli'illum (,rail
f0-in. Flat-top Desks $38.00 $19.00
(iO-in. Flat-top Desks.,, $11.00 $22.00
50-in. Koll-top Deiks $72.00 $:i(i.(IO
(iO-in. Holl-top Desks $7(5.00 S.18.00
lid-in. lloll-top Desks $80.0(1 $10.00
13-in. Typewriter Desks..., $12.00 $21,00
55-in. Typewriter Desks $50.00 $21.00
umer jiikiu-i- K"ut- tis utnied; ai equally deep price cuts.
SALK NOW ON To eliminate selling expenses aud get price at
lowest possible point-terms of sale, cash. Nu goods sent C t) I)
without deposit and no sizes exchanged, but all goods guaranteed to
be perfect.
$ 12.00
S 18.00
The SloWVi&tniclce
Headuuartcr for Oflice nod library Ifurultur
1012 Chestnut Street, Phila.
I &$& tP -Lev
; x 1
co- m ja
jiuniMllai I yg'y
Four yiodels : One Illustrated
They're in line chiffon broadcloth, medium-weight serge and
gabardine, in navy blue, Holland blue, plum, black, tete de
negro and green.
The 15-inch jackets are tho ultra-fashionable redingote
offect some trimmed with fur fabric, others plain and
mannish or smartly braided, and all lined to waist with rich
peau de cygne.
The stylish skirts show yoke topa, fur fabric bands or side
111 r ,.. n
womsn s K misses7 JZ.SI) l (Q
New Fall Dresses, iLO
lato Different Styles : One Sketihed
Some are of navy blue, black, green and brown poplin
made basque effect, trimmed at hips with puffs of satin
and finished with satin sleeves, flounce, also embroidered
crepe collar.
Equally attractive are the fine and dressy satin frocks in
navy blue, ( orbeau blue and brown with box-plaited tunic
skirt, hemstitched organdie vestee and wide-plaited
W 25
1 1 VZTTT . T ,Mf yHCVlUPH -
$25 Coats ffeJS
Zy. , Paias cross-bar Pebble cheviot., black Pewlanna arf
ir ,-r "g3. uaimacaan, belteU and flaring Btyles. Ro
with mihtarj- colHw. fur doth trumring,. 6tra(yht or alant pock
nniftH virnyMpnjTita ijxleu ? 5 t,t 1IOTI1BI, , . t
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