Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    imm!' f scsTif $&$
Hard Times for Mendicant
Arm)', Due to the Police.
Jimmy Conners in Correc
tion, "Slats" Despondent,
"Shoestring Mary" Gone.
Haul times linvo befallen the beEffU
and th profession Is not what it used
to bo. .Men who onco "made" J." to ti
dny liuvc been either driven from tho
sheets m- arc HorvhiK Kentencea In the
Jloiifo of Correction.
Kvi n Jimmy Connors, who was the llfo
of u uloon nenr Klithth and Callowhlll
ttr 1 1., l in tho Houso of Correction,
and what mlcves .lames most is Hint
he cannot Kct out, although he hired two
law.ier.s to accomplish tho object.
Janv s sot out of tho "Correction"
tube, r.i.st for brief breathing spells,
wliii. i.ls attorneys argued writs In tho
comts, but each time James was re
turned, lie Is mourned by Ills valet und
his nuni.nnlons. Yes James, tho bcififar.
has u valet.
in Horn, manner Connors lost both his
"row It hapiioned when ho was a child
nil li. does not know eNuctly how tho
' I'lent occurred, but It was a lucky
juvlij. in, h- thinks, for slnco then James
las iii.t vorkid. Ho bad a valet and tho
tuiios to keep mom or less In state of
Connois is only one of nearly SOO be
sars who in the last few months liavo
been driven from the Htrects or sent to
tlio Ilou.i- of Correction. He It was who
opei.h boasted that lie novor hail been
loi-k d ui for moro than an hour or so.
He iiltttjs bud un attorney whom ha
paw to keep him out of Jail. Tho attor
ii" . Koneially ono who could draw a
pa'betit picturn of Connors' affliction,
t' pathetic- indeed that Connors himself
bell, ved i,im when lio was urralsned In
t'juit, but Connors afterward boasted to
wi.iiiuu von lievorn, an atjesit for the
Philadelphia Society for OriranlzlnR Char
ities, that be would not chango positions
with a man who was whole.
wiu:nrc connohh hulkd ms kind.
Near UkMU and Callowhlll streets is
barroom. It is dirty and dlnny, but It
harbors tho men who never work. Hero
they am-eniblo to drink "icats," a five
cent whisky, when times aro bad; to
'rink u better i;rado of whisky when
fortune is mora ktml. Times am now
caii-ne,.- were worse.
U is hoie that James Connors met his
rcmiea. it was hero ho carried the tin
pox which hung about his neck durlne
worklns" hours Into which money flowed
"""' r''arltably inclined persons. Jumes
ilii e.npty the box on tho bar. and he
'..i his lompanlons would drink until
I;.?.1"', .!" lI"breah. They would not stop
uniii the money from kind hearts had
con In a debauch.
Then Jameo would mark an unsteady
rouiso ,UMa,,, ,,, r0Qm Wl Cil0n,
rcet. ,-, ompanled by his man. Thu
if i .""'! u"'ire Connors and see him
be ! . ie0- Jf c'" happened to
..J- . 'mmo oi ml,ul '"' "e tlil not
nan ,",', r r lIue l,ow "'",1' nioney he
1, ;,"" """ woull return to the saloon,
me. V.'.IS wus "eev'l and could re-
' 7 ,'" .!l ,,lolul how "'' I'" l'1 '"
om fi!ste"e'1 aut his neck, the man
tend i '"" 'fctu,rn- Uo Wou''l n-' at-
.v T .UP" Jam8' a'"1 Janle' was no
y mastei.
w'i'.Se,,'!n,,u ,s known ta '" n"" as
orrfi',- L8 exl,re5cl Ills opinion of
IUe t0"aV ttrltV- ,U aeenta a,ld th0
'Slats- is a personal friend, even when
e is sober, of jniny Connors. When h
m drunk be Is aVen mora than a friend of
nj Phnit d- oclty aKents uro wor.e,
. . .'.'""y eoinif, to tli ,ir.u - i .'
"S a ali, i., .... ".. "-- i-
I -HIT !! Mill! I . IMIIHItllM ..III. ! .I ! I I ! Mill I r . . MM ! I ' ' I - '
r ..'g swmmmHBmttmBBBF . .:. wxHBSBam
CAltSON. On Feptember 12. 1914, MAltY ..
vldow or Jacob camon. In Her , u y lar. i
Punerftl sn Ices on Tuesday, at Kmille roud. t
near Bristol, nt 2. .10 p. m. Interment a," ;
ltcerhwood Ometcry. .
CfHJ.INS. At Monrevtnwn. M. J., on Ninth
.Month V.'th. 1011. ItACHKI. A., wlfn of John
8. Collins, In her 74th year, rtclatlvei and
frlentlH nre Invited to ettn-l the funeral, from I
h.jr late fMileiv-e. :t.'l KakI Centrnl ave., I
Moorestown. nn Third-day. Ninth Month 15th, I
Kt IS m. Intermnt at Colentown Cemetery.
Carriages will met 11:01 trolley from Mar
ket at. ferry, Camden, at Cheater ave.. ,
Mooreatown. '
COOPBIt. on September 13, 1014. WILLIAM I
II COOI'nit, huiband of Hannah M. Cooper. '
Helnttvsa und fr'pnl. . -Select
and Common Council. Philadelphia
Lodee, No. J. II. P. O. K. : 12th Ward Ucpub- -llcan
Kxeeuttvo Commttt. , 12th Ward lie-;
publican Asan.. and all other societies of
which he. wan a member, are invited to at- ,
tend funeral, on Thursday, nt ? ''- -rk. et '
His late reldence. .12 North :id at. Interment
at Mount Peace Cemetery. Remains may be
viewed Wednesday evening. S to 10 o'cloojc.
DAHNEI.L. At .Mt. Laurel. N. J., on Ninth '
Month. 11th, 1U14. ALrMtCI) UAIIMJUL,
need 3S years. Helatlves and friends are
lnit-d to attend tho funeral, from his late
r. i dunce lit. Laurel, on Thin-day. Ninth
Mi nth. lSth, at 2 p. m Cnrrlaees will meet
It! So P. n. tra n from Market Street Kerry,
Plilla-Ietriita. at Moirestoivn.
IOVnrE. September 13, 1014, ELLEN,
widow of Joie;.h I.-nahue, in n r " . ...
Ito atlvea and 'riends are imned To attend
the funeral Hers ices, on Wednesday, at 2
o'clock, at the parlors of William Ilowen.
307 n. lilrarl aie. Interment a.t Mount
Peace Ccnuterv
IinnilV. On September It. 1914. SARAH.
lauRhter of the int., " homaa and ai ry
1'oo.ly. Kune ai ..n Tuewiay ut s -i" a m .
'rom 2111 Sorth lltli at Solemn Iteiulem
Maaa at a"t linn r-u a church, ai in o".-! oil. .
I f rmen Old .. 'rui -tfi
-co . hi . n
lITl.Klt. On Monday, September 14, 1014.
ut Ah-in-on. N. J. I.MMA HALL 1- ITI.EIt,
w.ion ut the late i hniia Herry Filler, li
'I- 7oth year of her ace. Funeral r tn
--Merre of Ih.ibc S. Smyth, Jr.. (llCt
'ireen at. Gern antown We ineat'ay Sep-t-ioier
inth nt 11 A M Inte-ment i-ri-
Pi -- e -rnlt flower
I'lTZI'ATIUCK.--On September 11, 1011,
J-'SEPll J., husband u' ... irv A
I an ck .neo I.sono Funeral on V. dn a
us. at 0 a m. from 2.'tu Market n.. Ulou
eyter city. X J !l!rh Mai at St. Ma y'a
- !ti-r h nt 10 -.lock Interrn. it at -t. .
N'-r 's i '-n elerv
iriltKTi:it,-JOSEPH FOItnSTEIt.13 years,
1001 S Tanv at
d M C'liAItLLt OAUL. T years. .1120
hs l,t.
(.IV Vi:n. HAIttllBT aUNAVKn..17 years.
J4 W lloines t.
' (IN -On Heptomber 11. 1014. LOt'ISE
W . ivtf of Samul D. fll-H-.n t. . f
Cniharlne S. and the hue Charl F. Kisele,
in her :i.'ll ar. Funeral erv'.ie Tuexday.
at 1 p. in., at 02U Penn at.. Cnniden N. J
Internum prliute. at Weat tiurel Hill f'eme-
(.iy'iic. HELENA OOLASIC. ; years,
Belgian and German, men of every race and creed, who bear the wounds of their service on the field of battle, have reason to thank the capable hands that juVi'smi r.v --on September is. 1014. john
M., BWI1 W. ..'..( HI... , .I,,T'- l 1,11 J II T
Ki l 1 Funeral on Tueaday. at I :lo p,
have healed their wounds and given them a new lease on life.
1 an expurvutetl mmm...
wtt whisht ti- m,ou,nrfull lto the
uu at H "i,l0Hard ,lU Inttrviewer,
vW'iiir iti? .f,l.h man h wa con'
bar To. bl reni ! l'1 the "
H c-ftVlM ?,.?r.thres drlnk ,ld ,n
' " ' Aa I'" e-n of tfee "(. r-
rectlon" and tho police would soon foittet
tlielr nnlmoslty to tho men who do not
A few weeks afro tho Society for Or
iranlzlns Charities received a telephone
mcssa.qu from a youim man. He suld
that he would llko to mako a call at tho
society's rooms if he was sure that he
would not bo arrested. He was Kiniran
teed Immunity if he visited the rooms A
day later a well-dressed young man en
tered the oillce mid Introduced himself.
Hn nave a tlctitlous iniino at tlrst and
later said that lie was known a Myers
nnfi wus from Pittsburgh. Uc lost a foot
and a hand through falling from u freight
Hb wab perturbed by the crusade made
against begKars. Ho wanted to know Just
what the object of tho crusade was and
how lontr it would last. At tlrst he u -not
taken for a beggar, but he did nut '
keep Von Hevern In ignorance long.
"I am from Pittsburgh. My lieoidi- lle
there. 1 have been In Philadelphia for
two months
the U'flguo, wore waimd to leave, and
they heeded the wariilnss.
Tin- case of a woman interested tho
business ni'-ii. .Sim is tho woman who
begs with (i bab on her arm and lor
a tune was a well-known tlguru In tho
central pait of the city. She Is known
as ".shoe String .Mary,"
She was warned by tin- society that If
sbo did not keep the child off the street
she would do urresti-d. So, with the
baby un one arm nml hop basket of shoo
lacis on tho other, she went to West
Philadelphia, hoping to ply her trade
without imU-Matiou Tho West Phila
delphia bnsiuchs men appointed inio of
til. 1 1' numbi'i- to liivistigaia her enwo, as
fhe had won much sunpathy us n widow
with 11 baby to kiipport. tfho wus fol
lowed to 4 room In Ninth street, m-or
Vino. Mary wus seen to givo tho alms
he liml collected to a man, who was jLs
feet t'lll mid who at one tmio was n
horsrshoer. lr js tier hunbiuid and bus
not worked for years.
.Mary gavo up her baby and alio and her
husband disappeared.
Hllml Iit'Ksar.i uro still giving th pullcu
trmjlilo. They refuau to go Into Instltu.
were forgotten, If she did not leave her
husband would fight with her savatto
stvle. Ho had nn arms, but in prlno ring
i pai-laiu-o ho bad a punch In either foot.
1 in- daya of the "parti'-s In .spring
street are gone. The armless and blind
man is In the House of Correction for
three months. His wife has disappeared. )
in the plcturesnuo language of the Ten
derloin, the woman "peddled" out the
hoube when she eained that her hus
band would be sately away for many
lung day?. She spent the money she
received for Hie furniture on whisky, and
when the money was gone, she also dis-
1 upp.iuvd.
I There aro but few of tho beggars on
I the htivei today. The action of thu pu.
I lleo and iluiritubli- orgnnUattun has tnnde
the lite u miserable ono. A "panhand-
'ur 18 seen c atdonally at night on
Arch stre.-t. lie does not linger long.
When he hus obtained tho price for a
big beef sttw ami a what he styles a
"tlop" on ntghth or Ninth sdreot. he
leaves too district, it Is still too early
In the fall 'or tho House uf Correction
10 hold gut un iitdun uients to the pan.
rmiti rlt refllln,' tif Ills mtrnnla loo plr
' mount live. Inteinvnt liely Cros c m-' . I
I (ifN i:l! - On September II. 1014. ANNA
, C, "lie of John V. lioaaler. Funeral aer-
be Tuekcay .it i' P- m., at her la-.e res -
dene. 2 1 Pa W, AlltBbeny ave. Interment
private i
, ,.....v 4t,rtEltT QIIRRN. 2 yeara. 017
o i-heetnut t . Pinlnilvi! hla. Inttr- I .. ' m FliGn llAt'SEli R ....
e.-t Lairel II II ! inaurv. , ".., l.fllfcM UAlSr.tl. B. years.
. 1. , . ... .. ' 4in . ium q
I want to know lust how
Innir lliln iilI I . i . t i L. ... I..I.. unit f
;h7pon uzirt,cu,r zz , :,'"- ' , f
expected to make Plilladeliila my home. 1 Wo nml their tuimts will be broken up
but I can't If this thing keeps up. ' if they are ilrivm from the streets.
questioned, .Myers said that h never i Muro tluiu 3U blnul iiiendicauts liavo
. . . . DEATHS
W., nldoiv of Jan.es W lull I, and daiiRh
ter ..f the la.-e '''nrles T. i'arry. Iteiauvea
and frii-mu aie Invi m to atfnu the funeral
aetvb-tg, un einrUy altcituiuii at U ..u
eloek. ut .,.. .n.ir mA,iid . ,illiup tl
tair. l.o
ii'nt .i -
iMliI'M I.N. At hi residetne. 211 North Ma.
V..Y ,aM';. bain-d u-.n. . pi. on iept.nUier '3,
PHI JOHN c. tiAl.l.vi.V. aSe.l TS ya-.
funeral aervl ea und im.rment prla-.o,
l rovldence (It. I ) era ; ,iase copy.
"nivftri", fpt'or It. IUI4. JOHN ;
IbULB. ItelaiHi. an i frlen I. are invlied to I
attend the funeral trri.ieii, on Wednesday,
J-Ptembr 10, at unlock preilsel, ai tho
L'in?fi,1.,',4ri0, "'. "' l" ' '''on. I13
....?.'."' rad at fnternvni private
. vTT u Ple"""r '' lU'i' -"T!IAI.!NB
ir ei-da are i'n itt-d t'j 'a.ie 1 ' ne 41 00 '
V j-.liie.rtay. ms ,, . . h.-i late 1...1.1, .-. ,
;-rlute. Jit. Pnuie iem. ti l:en al . , ,y
he i i-v wl ve.i'a , t. i- 1
ju.!ly,.,sxu'u,,";r 1S: l0U' nooWtT ,
r"! t'''"'' ; e.l'n ' 0 I'liVe-i"' tin.. !
Funeral Jn Weilnei nt ; ;,. m . troni i I
f.',',' "'.'keanl oi li.ttrin. tit imate, at wx I
Fell. w n, , ir J
,'!!v.,A"lJ.n BUiotir II, 1014, DANtCL '
attend the funeral t.r , la t,0 'fuei44y ufl-f,,ii'.8-,P'ntt,!.
"J"""' ' l)v aianmtitt of
llliver II Itnlr. IbL-n tr.t.i 1' .,, tM.u;..I 1
at llouiu i.i ., .-,...... '11""
I..,-. 1. '.--.-.'" ........j
IIAI.I.OU HI. I. --On Sentemher IS. 1014 Wit .
LI Ail. h.i'-an.l of ihe lut Catharine X.
Ilallowe'.l, utsed T4 vear. Due n""e of the
funeral vi!l te uHen. froqi the re.tdene f
his dutiuh-er, IM V.m Pelt at,
lir.rill UN. t her relde"ie. Atlan'lr Cltv.
X. J . t I a. m nn September M. til .
Hepburn The nlatlvea nnd frenila a'o In.
tin-1 tu alien ! the funeral itru.'si. on We'.
nreday afternn n. 4t 1 o'clock. 4t her cpy
home U;-S Pine '... ph.. , ,
m.in orvta
l!?T.:it in Sptmbe 19. 1014. MAODA.
LBNA !.' ef Loota ll.rter tf. m ."-
ardl. a. 4ti v,r Hue nothe of th- jj.
naral l!l oe given from lr late residence
IH2T Khiinli at
II IN I, I K On Hepiemter 1. 1BU, OBOftOn
i... son .1 ii...,rje in K ,,
an I sranda. n -' John anl Mary Hmlile 1
R.'wsrd and Ma l.wi.-b, 4ge. 1 week..
F'.:nr! en Uiin.av at S P. m 'bis. "i.
Plektnaon at Inteiii.ent at 1 1 I c , 1 ,. , .
linWEl.l.. n September 8. J014.. JANB
ati'.ia an 1 'r'-n I- no invited to afU'i, ; ?1
U-nera. oi U e.iu.-.'i . al 8 I .. .'rom ihe
re. tttli-e .,; Ucr feoli-inriav. Ueatv .: UL .
ben. Ks-7 "-,.iun t. lM.ru tnl at I.S.
worked. When a boy ho had learned
stenography. Ho could, take dictation
and was fairly foht at shorthand. Yon
Hevern listened to Myers, and then of
fered to get him a position if lie would
stop begging.
Then .Mts said that ho hail a few
habits that would mako steady employ
ment something of a hardship, llu drank
whisky and to a certain extent he used
morphine. He did not want work; ho
Just debited no police Interference with
his plans.
He was Informed that such at-surunct)
could not be given to hhn. .Myers thanked
Von Hevern for tho Information," and
said that ho would loavo town. As bo
has avoided urrvst here, it Is belleed
that he ktpt his word.
When the police began to arrest the
beggars In the central part of the city,
the opponents of work shifted their
scenes of endeavor to West Philadelphia
and Oermuntown. although they contin
ued U live In the Tenderloin In VU-at
Philadelphia, they became bo numerous
that tho West Philadelphia Business
men's Leagues took up the roatetr with
tho p"Hv Vcw arrests were mad, but
t t-g(far wbu seen by taeiabers c-f
been forced to slop begging. David
Klino, who formei ly played a small organ
at tho coiner of Fi.Ui am' South an it.,
la trying to get out uf thu House of for
rectlon upon a wr.t of hubvas corpu .
Judgo Carr has the writ under causiuer
nti u 1 u .- and d 1. .in 11 ut- 1
In the House of Correction is tho l liu.
and armless man who for years sto d o
Market street in front uf t,lie poatallKe
Ho had a Utilo hou-e on Bjring atioo;
pear Kleventh This was preaideil oyei
by a colored woman who posed 0,4 l a
wife. Tho rows boiween tlio cripple nnd
his black helpmate kopt Spring street Id
good humor for year.
The co.ored woman once la a whllo
would catch her helpmate fo stupetled
that he could not help himself. .She would
arch Ids povktts for money and iiulckly
transfer it to a Tenderloin saloon.
Mlu- would drink as much as ponslbl
and then lc.no a many dollars as sbo had
left with the bai'teii.k-r as a drawing ac
count When her husband would awake und
find that be had bean robbed no wo-i!d
hunt up hs Mark partner If her brain
i).-as not ten l-efjljled eb,3 w? !! Wye,
f-e i fnj- i-v'-sl da-s "ctij many tblsyi
Amputation Follows Loss Under ;
Trolley Car.
TBN.N, Sept. li.-Tho right foot of
4 Cyoar-oid gir1 Is valued at W.o. (n
4 suit tiled in the Supreme Court by
Philip f. o'Kee.e, of Camden. Ho has
Murted thU -n'.ion against tlio Publio
s-vln Uadway Company for Injuries
.j tfeu-d by Its daughter, Catharine.
It t altered thai tho girl was run ovtr
by a trolley t-ar on Austin Qi last, an.)
hat hn tool ,u ."o badly crushea ihat
'I hud in ti .imp- Lite!. The company Is 1
vtM(vi4 3iiii neiience.
-tin n.niam iar . 1 .. . j ii...v & nt i
1 iTJf'tfi! 1014. '
, '" .HfniJUM ... .he Chureb of "SI. 1 11.,,' 'Ki. SnW"' , V "ViS :. '.e : ' ,
fcffl ItU'rSh e'cV .,?UV ""A I ""'", "- ? ?" ,:4"i.oa4v. ' U -V- -' "'
I l' i. Bl.lje.ll! :l MAR if .4, . . - ' t , U'-. I'. J. -
Kll.m ... h.ii'11 I. tu......
7. 1 .7.!.. - t'-. - .-. iwi a 1 -1,11...
ttt m'juii iinnr. uer Mniy. at. j i,u.
4J"'Vrr,' .?t: Uar' "' mmaiilWr "
3f. I'Ulladeliihla fon..iu- ni tu !.! Tesa-
i-i'. a a u u p.. K.t.-B A" mhlp. K, .H.S0.V--I'i ll'em inia v-
tfru) -i.-.t it T-i. at 8 p m. "1 ' in.rt c: private pv ,.'.. . ' '
KI.Aflinit. On 6-r.tcmber 11, 1014. KATH-
LKIXi: M.. beloved wife ( the Inte Charles,
Klauder (nee Foxy. In her r.8th year. Hala
tlvca and friend", also members of the Ladles'
Aid Society of St. Vinten. , n-ihi, it,-
Tnrony; St. Mary's fioelety of tho Cathotlo
Mothera, are Invited to attend tho funeral, on
Tuesday mornlnis. at ft 30 o'clock, from her
late resilience. MMS Xfirth flroad at. Solemn
ltqulem Mass at PI. Stephen'a Church, at
11 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre Ceme-A
MAl'KKIt. Suddenly, on September 12. 1014.
OTTIL1E X. M .MAIltLK. daughter of this
late J. J. and Patillni. Maurer. aged 43 yeara,,
Aast. Sup: o. tne Lutheran n ptiany .. joe.
fl:i."i0 Oermantonn ave. Mt. Airy. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Wedn-Miay afternoon, at 'Jb
o'cI.rt.-X. In the chape) of the Home. Interment
prtvat", at Herman Lutheran i'emtery.
MrCAKT. On September 12, 1014. SAIIA1I
J. M-.-CAItT, widow ; J.,hn llc-cnrt aged
S) yeara Funeral services on Tuesday,
September IS, at 11 a. m.. at 311 Penn at.,
Merchantville, X. J. Interment private.
.MrfilLLlN. On September 11, 1014. at bla
late residence 17rj X. Hoj-e at., PETEU..
fcoti if Marearet and the ,ate Peter Mc-
Olllln. Vlint.rnl nn Tilr.s.lnv nt ft:3ll a. m.
riolemn HlKh Maa or Kequlem t-0!s .3
ehaei's Chur h nt to a. n. Interment at
limy (Tosa cemetery.
.Mir.I.KIC On Hiptember 11. 1014, .TACOHjO
husbir.d of Kmn.a Millir uiee XowmeiaierJ,
aifei fi-j years 1'unernl aervirea on Tuesday,
at 2 v- m., at '111- 'Jriauna et. Interment at
Green Mount Cemettrv
JIM I.ICK On September 12, 1014, ED
WAltD F. husband of thu late Demarla B.
Mllilc-k. ORel Tu yenrc. Pun.-ral on Tuesday,
at 2 p m , from H'i Cheater road. Upper
Uarhy. Delaware County.
MOKMICI.i: On September 12. 1014 PHILIP.
husband of Mary Moehrle. son of Francis and
the late Philip Moehrle. Uji; notice of fu
neral will tie Riien from hia mother's resi
dence 2Vli X. i'Sth St.
year. T.,1' K. itlttenhuae at. -I .
MintltlS.sLY. Sud.leiil:., on September ll.
l!i!4. .1HIIX hual.and ..' Mnr Morrlsaey.
Funernl on vV-lni-B.ia. it s !0 a. m., from
21 Ftlawr.rth st Solemn Mass of Requiem
nt Si. Phil !-' Chun h ut lo 0. m. Inter
ment at i u!i Crura I'cmil.-rv.
Ml'I.IIDI.I.AM) On September 12. 1014, at
St. Joai phs Hospital. KOSII .ML'LIIOL
LAXD. It. allies are Invited 10 attend fu'
neral, Wedneaday, nt S:.SU a. m.. from 2320
Oreen st M)hmn High ihqui. m Maaa at St.
Franeia Xavier'a Church, at 10 a. m.
Jiri.l.. Sepi.-mher 13. 1014. SCSAX JANB
MIU. in he. -7th jiai. lit-lntiM- and
friends are invited tn attend tho funcial aor
xlcuj. at lifr Lit.- realden e. i!.'S2u On.ii.rook
an.. on Weilneilio. Seiiembur Pi. at 4
P. m. Intern-.nt at charl.-s i:ans f'nw
tery. ftcn iinii, Pa., c.u Thur.l
M Mills. On Septemher 12. 1!14. L'MMA B..
nii..w ir Wllliatu Hunter Mn-n. or W aah
Ingmn. 1. c. lnt..rment 1" llu'hi utun n ',
NKWKI.I.. On September 12. 1014. ANNA
M.. Widow ..' Foster X. iv.ll. kite of 22'
North Uruad at. He!ai --. an1 frlcnda ara
Invited 10 atten.l the t'onerHl aervtces on
Wedneaday aft.-m on, at 2 -O o'eloi-k. at
Ihe apartments uf oilier It. Hair. IS20
Chestnut at ln-rment at West Uiurel Hl'l
IPIIONNIH.L. "'n September 12. 1014. NORA
O., wife of John O'Ponnell. Funeral Wednea
day, at a- -to a. m . ft. ' . n
at. Solemn Ueuulem Hlgli Mass at the Church
of the Vi.itai: -n .. 10 , n,
Ol'l.'tOX. on Si-pi.-mher IO.I01I. CUARI-BS
HAIIVEV uri.TOX Fimerl services M.ir.
day. at 0 a. m. at hi la's residence, JiS'l
Anh a, Inurmont atrletly private.
POll I. ll!. On Septemiier 12. lull. KDW.MiD
P.. beloied 'it- and ot At.nn 1 uti.., it. .a
tlios an 1 fr.en.la. also n embers of I 1 Ij.-
Sews Relief A .Ma-1 ill, prunruaiva A.em-t-ly.
No. 4. A, 11. M- P.. and lommeiial
Lepnrtment oi the Kill ''"tlejhone niiany
bf penn. vli anla aie li'iltni tu attend the
funerai ri. -a. on Wednesday afternoon, it
2 c-iluck, a bis late i-.-il 1. n e 243 H.m'.a
J2d .1 Intern.it a- Mo mt i'ea e Cemet.ry.
Iternalna ma:. Le iire! T.iesli. even e
IIIHI Is, on Ninth Month 14th. JOXA
THAX K Hllo.lloi tn ih- "Ito ear .. Ma
ope. PeUtli.s and Tien-la iro Invited t.i ut.
tin 1 tl- funeial at Frt.-n a' Ueetlnz Hon .
.'h an-l Titnall u.. u ilmipiun. Del m
Mnih Month tOth at M o'.-loik. Intenmiit
HOiililtS On Monday. Hepternb-jr 14, 1914,
;."' 'w lh '-" 'l-"-bur of the t
W mum vvy.ie inl li.nnab I ! uu'r
and art low of William l Itogar. Inien-.. 1 1
S.M' UUU. --Oi Septembar 13. IBM, I.OCI.SH
1' . 1 e f ' 1 . r .lailve. 1. 1
m-n. a' '. i li-t-n.: the unvra) a n
if. on i :i 'iv art rn -. n at 2 o'lio a,
ut cur at- li-.-. ii.'iT 1- in. nl at I.
t - a '
S,-V.i !'. ."' ,' KBler IV 1011. IlUXrir
s!Ai N'r.K-ts hu-'aml of Kn.na saun e',
funii.it un T'-i'".v. Ifj'o 2Tlb 1 oneor-i .41 1..
cui.ien. x j. ) Mar men t Ailiugion iirnw
14 rv
0lli;fl A' i;ikla, Md . un Sapf ml r
I VU4, Dr .;r-t'.' n !'. son ,f Hat . 1 1
c. and Ma: 1 c r,. ,:ir Relative. ..,, 1
friiilea-e n.i.i.n -. ,.c, nd tha fonarst - -
pea. .'li si-jii , ..' )ii 11. al S u'etork. t
liar H llalr. 153U iii-i
11 1811. FREDP-
" r tan e. Htati r,. 4
vl.. nn TUaada) un -
e e.y. at ala lato
' '1 at. Interinent st
'Lien.. J Cherry
t! ltd J IJ ,'
41. -! 11 .ll.
win i given
. - a ,re. 84 Mil.
1 OR 50 yr. 731
' HiJtr, m J-ara.
' ."i fer II II4 i.j,
' v n:iii kix 1. 'a.
1 10 utt.nti 1 ne
-fi -in., a. i J
' ' t-"l Vl ui 1
I 1. ' r 1
4i : MT
t t4!
." i'Cli
' '4'l. TAIII
li i:nv T
!- .1' '
KniatiTri " n,,r"" rrB i UM - Oil kMmmtt H mi4. HIVES' 'i,'',1 '' i lH. XAniF)
irJ ,.' .w". l-uneral .11 - l 4 AMPI.M.L. ib. .1 .,. eir. "Pi-tn i Co -.' Pa . on Ninth U- - h ' "th a- a 1. . K-atis- a. .- ,n 0 at i
oJiVv' .'"vu" l A',,,- Kuaeral on Wm1- " rlen 1 air iim-i I .ueui in. luneril IIHIKI.l. UAItKl LIDDEu! S .LS - H'-ual . 1. u .-., 1 A after.
i-,l .'..,et ,;h"f"" l bun-b. at ID o'clock. -" 'I1'' Un Sept.tntai la. 1011. MAK- "Uu.i. II. P'lt. TilOMafl. ! im.' i'?r V"a- Cnieiery M '
I I . .A; ,PAsyULL ALEATA. 1 jr. J; 'Jr ' "'. ' : , ' l ' . i.-n u- au. 1 - f.-erei h th. ut f ,rn ", .. ,,' ' v'vw -f '. - w.i . , j,,..:';".
"' - i . . Mii3iisi. ill! 1 aHrixi'aa.i iv .. 1 . . - 1 .F. ' . 1.. 1 1 t ...... .
I'e'rr.: M' vV,K '-' ' ?! " ""f- H.r.'i.-r 't ' ' ' - " ' '..' ' . :"' I "al
' '-.?" on Sepi-mber 12 lull mauv
AttMKR 1jj notice of th funeral will 1.
.... .... ...i. .-..-...-- --
at. West Phi ado b!a. 1 ' " ,v - . - i t. ' ""' ae'Tinaa 11 011 1 ei .,,,., -. ,, ,,,,, ...
Il.UUIi. At' th,r,.re0 of Euc.r, i ' 'r. " . . ,l.'rV"? e, '" " KJ:,,'h'. 01 B-'tmb, n 1014 mawv ' ' rlo - '" 1
e) 1 5 1
'' t Hi i ...
. 1