Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Image 1

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Sfflflp ;
VOL. I-NO. 2
Opposition to Selfish Leader
ship Takes Definite Form
Among Foreign Residents
of the Downtown Wards.
Hevolt tiRnlnst Fenroselsm and Vnrelsm
Is now ireadlng In tlio heart of tho
Varo district downtown. There fire slsns
t,t a general uprising against tho Or
janlzatlon leaders. It Is contended by
many of tho downtown votera that they
havo been used solely to aid the Vnrcs
In their personal political ambitions, and
tl,e lenders of the nntl-Varo cruaado de
clare that there will bo no chango In
conditions unless there Is a- ehnngo In
political leadership.
Opposition to tho Varcs and Penrose la
ispeclfttly manifest among Italian voters,
who say they wcro Insulted because of
their nationality by tho downtown Or
ganization leaders during tho strllto of
the street cleaners some time ago. Ef
forts to sidetrack tho antl-Varo senti
ment by trusted Varo lieutenants have
teen futile.
Several antl-Vnro meetings have been
held and arrangements arp being made
for a campaign In each of tho downtown
Fully 10) Italians attended a meeting of
the Italian Political League at Mechanics'
Hall, 721 Carpenter street, laat night,
when It uas decided to take stepa toward
the elimination of l'enroaelsm and Vare
Hm from the colony. Leonard Perslchetl,
chairman of tho meeting, dcclaied tho
Italians would take stops to avenge the
Insults heaped upon them by tho Vnres.
"3o far as Doctor Brumbaugh Is con
cerned," he said, "we regard him as tho
best man for tho position. But If Doctor
Brumbaugh Is running merely to cover
the past reputation of tho leader of Blgo
lowlsm and corruption, wo will fight with
'greater forco for his dcefat."
Addresses also were mado by Joseph P.
SIullllc. A. Marchlno, John Tlusso and ex
Lloutenant Lynch, who was stationed at
the Seventh and Carpenter streets police
The league will hold another meeting
tt Mechanics' Hall next Monday nlghU
Increasing Opposition to Freight Tax
Places Task on His Shouldedrs.
WASHINGTON', Sept. 15. Launching of
an Internal revenue "war tax" bill which
will get undivided Democratic support
twh President Wilson's prime task today
upon his return from a week-end vacation
at Cornish.
Demoi ratio Loader Underwood, of tho
House, and Democratic chieftains favor
ing and opposing the proposed 3 per cent,
tax on freight conferred at tho Whlto
House. An announcement of the Presi
dent's view 3 was oxpected later today.
Definite action Is planned at a caucus of
the Houso Democrats tonight.
Tho President today faced the Job of
practli-ally deciding the taxable Items
himself, although In his "war tax" ad
dress to Congiesa ho "left tho details" to
tho two houses Increasing opposition In
his party to passage of any tnx bill at
nil t& regarded aB a serious "Insuigent"
Satisfactory Test Made of All Fortifi
cation Ouns.
PANAMA, Sept. 15.-Colonel Clocthals
and other officials of the Panama Canal
today completed the firing teat of all the
guns in the canal fortifications. The test
was satisfactory In every way, and show
ed that the fortlflcatlona were ready
adequately to defond and maintain the
neutrality of tho waterway.
Probably Will Make Appli
cation to Commerce Com
mission for Reopening of
"Five Per Cent. Case."
Passenger Train On Frisco
Road Wrecked Near Le
banon, Mo., While En
route From St. Louis to
WASHINGTON, Sept. IS. New applica
tions by railroads for authority to In
crease freight and passenger rates to
bolster up dwindling revenues aro ex
pected to follow the President's com
pllnnc with the railroad presidents' re
quest to call the attention of the country
to their serious financial plight
That tho railroads and not tho Inter
state Commerce Commission must make
the first move for rate Increases was
stated today by members of the com
mission. It was emphatically stated that
the commission will not, on Its own In
itiative, reopen the "5 per cent." freight
rate Increase case of tho Kastern rail
roads. A now application for cither a
rehearing or an entirely new schedule of
Increased rates ust be mado by the rail
roads themselves, It was said.
Railroads west of Chicago, not parties
to the "3 per cent." case, are also ex
pected to request rate raises. It was re
ported today.
More liberal treatment In rate cases
by Stato railway commissions Is one of
the results tho railroads anticipate from
tho President's responae yesterday.
Balkan Alliance Regarded as Deter
rent to Ottoman Entering War.
BORDRAUX Sept. 15.
The French Government has been ad
vised that Admiral Rouchon, of Germany,
- has been appointed commander-ln-chlof
of tho Turkish navy and that he was
aboard the cruiser Goeben when It en
tered the Dardanelles.
' LONDON, Bept. 15.
In commenting on Its tecelpta from
Jtomo of word of the Rumanlan-Rul-Karlan-Qreek
defensive alliance, the Dally
Ciews yj:
This Interesting news If confirmed.
J-ould parol) 20 any aspirations which
Turkey may have to throw her army
into the biHnce of the European war
on tint ido of Germany and Austria.
u auo means probably that Hulgarla
h t.ecn Pro,nlsed compensation for
nr abandonment of any Idea of war
v aim ngalnit Greece and Seivla. per
naps in the shape of Macedonia,
efcould Servla extend her frontier at
me expense of AustrIiL.lIimirii-u i.v ti.-
p If0? ot Bosn'a and Herzegovina.
finally (t would mean the adherenco
or the i nristlan Halkan States to the
nnrii ,nn,te,,t0 combination and more
Particularly to Russia.
u. Ctl1n.l N ewa ""watch from Home
lgn4 Ilunanlan Cabinet has re-
Vessel Became "Unmanageable in a
Gale at Liverpool.
LONDON. Sept. 15.-An exchange tele-
raph dUpatch from Liverpool states that
s hlle ,h0 lln Mauretanla was entering
, berth the". last night on arriving
rom New Yorjf she UelLnw unmanairc.
b'e In a heavy gale and was damaged
ty 'trlMng tho landing.
Destruction of Hcla Compensates
Loss of H. M. S. Pathfinder.
LONDON, Sept. 15.
Tho small r'otccteil cruiser Ilela, used
ns a German patrol scout, has paid for
tho nrltlsh patrol cruiser Pathfinder. LIko
tho latter the llela haB been made tho
victim of a submatlne. It Is understood
that the sinking was off Heligoland, and
that tho Hola went down within ten
minutes, tinllko the Pathfinder, however,
the majority of tho Hola's crew was
naved. it Is stated that the British sub
marine escaped.
The Hola was a light piotected cruiser
built In lS9n and rebuilt In 1910. She was
32S feet long. 25 ftot beam, had a displace
ment of 2010 tons and carried a crow of
ITS men. Her batteries compilscd four
154 poundcrsj six 6 pounders; 2 machine
guns. Hho had a speed of 20.G knots.
ROMi;, Sept. 13.
An ofllclal statement by the German
Vnr Ofllco from Ilerlln admits that a
British submarine sank the Ilela.
leather Bureau Warns of Dlsturb-
vw ance ln the Bahamas.
jW?' BPt- ,S-The Urbu.
CnitTy ,MUd t,,e 'ollw' "term
u2T' V !lr0De InalUn of a dl-
C1E& :iry ov,me,t
rv-7 ." -i''"ijr rrthemit u-in.t.. V.
U. prvibabiv j " V "
When Russians Cease Tiring Ger
man Alnneii Suddenly Attack.
LONDON. Sept. 13.
The correspondent of the Dally Tele
graph nt Moscow quotes tho assistant
station macter at Mlava, on tho Ruso
Prutsian frontier, In a story tolling of tho
capture of a Zeppelin. He said:
" We were on the platform when the
Zeppelin appeared about K0 feet above us.
Our artillery opened fire, damaging three
of Its motors, but It proceeded, using tho
remaining motor. The Zeppelin then
hoisted r whlto fla and tho Ituslan of
leer ordered his soldiers to cease firing.
They did so but the Zeppelin Immediately
hurled a bomb and the effect of lti ex
plosion was terrible, many being wound
ed. Threo more bombs were thrown
sixty. The nlrshlp then came to the
ground a short distance away where the
Germans succeeded In ruining their ves
sel. The crew. conlstlng of four olllceis
and four eoldh-rc. was cantuted.'
Surprise Invaders After Forced
Match, Losing One Man.
CAl'TKTOWN. S. A . Sept. 15.
A force from German southwest Africa,
which Invaded Numacualand, was de
feated by the South African Hides at
Stclnkopf Monda) and forced to sur
render. The South African Rllles sur
prised the Germans after making two
night marches and won the battU with
the loss of only one man killed
Stclnkopf (Kookfonteln) Is SO miles in
lund from Port Noloth, on th west
ST. LOUIS, .Mo., Sept. 1S.-A Frisco
passenger train bound from St. Louts to
Texas points, was detailed near Lebanon,
Mo., early today.
All wires fiom Lebanon to St. Louis aro
down as n 1 vault of tho wreck nnd only
Indirect repot ts, by way of Sprlngllcld,
huvo so far been received.
These reports state that at least two
score persons nro missing nnd wuio prob
ably killed In the wreck, hut olllclals
here havo been unable to get any con
firmation. The train, composed of all steel cars,
Is snld to have rolled down the embank
ment Into a creek.
Those repotted dead arc said to have
been crushed beneath the cars or drown
ed The dead, It was said, were occupants
of the chair car, containing about 6S
persons. Of the number only eighteen
have been accounted for. Tho wreck ts
said to have been caused by tho washout
of the trestle over Goodwin Hollow by
a cloudburst.
The chair car near the front of tho
train was submerged, according to tho
telcphono messages from Lebanon. Those
who escaped wero proficient swimmers or
persons who wero tossed upon tho banks
by the swirling current.
Tho Pullman cars In the rear ot tho
train remained on the rails.
The engine crew, who saw tho danger
only a few seconds before tho trestle
was reached, had no chance to leap, and
were carried down with tho engine. Tho
engineer escaped by swimming, but tho
fireman, pinned In tho cab, in reported
to have been drowned.
At the local olllces of tho Frisco llnc3
It was admitted that a wreck had oc
curred near Lebanon, but It was stated
that no confirmation of loss of life had
reached the offices.
BPHINGFIELD. Mo.. Sept. 15. A spo
clnl train in uhargo of Gem-ral Manager
IX D. Levy, of the Frisco, Ifft helo to
duy for the scene of wtcek near Lebanon,
but Is moving 'slowly on account of
washouts between Marshfleld nnd New
burgh. A doctor who escajd from tho
wioclc telophoned here that the loss of
life was at least 20.
Executive On His Way From Cornish
to Washington.
Plealdent Woodinw Wilson passed
thioitgh Philadelphia this morning on
his wny to Washington from Cornish,
N. it., whero ho sixMit a short vncatlon.
The Federal Express, to which tho Pres
ident's ptlvatc car, Ideal, was nttached,
stopped at tho North Philadelphia sta
tion of tho Pennsylvania Itnliroad nt
0:10 o'clock for n few minutes nnd also
nt tho West Philadelphia station at G:20
Few persons knew tho President wnn
to go through tho city and as n result
the usual crowd did not gather nt the
stations. Tho President had not yet
awakened when ho passed through the
"WASHINGTON. Se t. 13. President
Wlleon arrived here shortly befoio 11
o'clork todav from his weekend vacation
nt Cornish, N. II
Keystone Elevator and P. R.
R. Officials Withdraw
Pleas of Not Guilty On
Four Counts of Rebating
$5,000,000 FUND FOR NEEDY
Methodist Ministers Plan Relief for
Aged, Sick nnd Dependent.
CHICAGO, Sept. 13.-A plan to ralFo a
fund of 15.000.000 for aged nnd sick Metho
dist ministers and their dependents was
outlined here today nt the Methodist
mlnlstem meeting by J. C, Hlngely, cor
responding secretary of tho board of
conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of the World. A committee was
appointed to further the suggestion.
Judge Dickinson. In the United Stnten
Court, this mornjng Imposed fines of $1'00
each on olllclals of the Keystone Elevator
nnd arthouso Compnny and tho Penn
sylvania Itallro.td Company on chnrges
of discrimination. Tho Pennsylvania
Railroad owns tho grain elevator, at
North Philadelphia, and leapes it to the
Ke stone Company.
It was charged that through an ar
rangement between tho railroad and the
Keystone Company, catlonds of grain Mjnt
through the warehouse obtained rebates
in the charges iu.si"d for weighing nnd
storing the niuterlnl.
Tiial of the cuso In the United States
Court last ear wim one of the most sen
sational exposures In the history of tho
Philadelphia grnln trade. Tho Jury dis
agreed In Its verdict and today icprq
sentatlves uf th" rMl'oad and tho gruhv
company went Into court and wlthdtew
their plens of not guilt; ns to lour counts
of the indictment chuiglug lcbatlng.
It was on theBo counts that the court
nsscs.scil the Unci. Tho case was dis
missed ns to the other counts.
Officials of the Ke.stonf Compnny.
whom tho couit subjected to tines wore
Haivey C. Miller and J. F. McLaughlin.
The War Summary
Fighting Still Going On Hear Alt
kirch and Befort.
BE1U.IN, Bept U. It was officially an
nounced her today that General Von
HurHgen, taking the offensive ln AUace,
has drWn the Frenchout of that relon.
forcing the-' wtt .-d J h
m, -.V VeegeJ
Covers 700 Miles in Five nnd a Half
Days When Threatened.
In a record run down tho coast from
St. John, N, B., to this port with a cargo
of laths, the bark Mntnnzas. was chased
one night by a strange wurshlp. Mem
bers of her cicw told tho story today.
When 30 miles oatt of Nantucket Light
tho war vessel abandoned tho chase. Five
and a half days was nil that was required
to make the tun to this port, a distance
of TWO miles, and Captain K E. Walls,
master of the squat e rigger, said he would
have cut the time down had he not been
blanketed In fog for narly a day shortly
after leaving port.
Tho Matanziia left St. John with 7.0O0.
000 laths on September 11. A nasty fog
bound her In until tho following d.iy,
when she got off splendidly running be
fore a stiff hreezo. She swept along
th water nt a r.ito that even amazed her
mastor nnd crew. Nearly ao miles were
logged In II hours. The wind remained
with tint esscl almost constantly until
she reached tho Delaware Breakwater.
On Sunday night Captain Walls was
nwnkeued by tho watch anil told that a
strange bteamshlp was bearing down upon
them from the starboard quarter. He
went on deck and from the llKhts ho de
cided Hho was n warship. As she did not
display any signals to "heave to" tho
Matuuzas was kept on her course Mem
bers of tho crew expected momentarily to
set) a bliell be teaming over th bows of
tho sailor. Apprehensively they waited
for It But they were disappointed and
relieved when morning came. In tho glow
of the sunlight the warship evledently
mado nut tho Identity of the schooner and
ihauged her course.
Torn Troops Reform Behind San
River Defenses.
VIENNA (By vny of Home p. S.-i't. 13.
Although no effort is 1 elng n. id- t" dls
gulrte the fact that tiw Au.stilun aimy
suffered mi overwhelming dcf. .it in tho
earlier fighting In Gallcln, It Is now stated
at headquarters of the General Staff that
tho situation Is Improving.
Tho Austiians uio being r.-furm. 1 under
fie protection of thf Han ilv. i ili-fens-ea
and am oxpicteil to hold thli pu ltlon.s
there indefinitely It in .tu!nl tli.it fiom
tho Inception of tho nur ihe Austrlnns
have been outnumbered four niiil five to
one bv tho Itusians. Vtt de-plti the dis
parity In t'dds the at niy luf i.hiUu hnid
nnd Its Mdlit Is dechned to be eivllent.
The lust classes of the lnndsturm luae
been called to tho colors, but there nie
no uniforms or equipment for them and
they will bo held at the concent! at Ion
camps until uniforms and titles can be
procurod from tho outllng fortreHses.
One of the serious problems confront
ing the commanders at the fumt Is the
fact that tho Hussinn artillery is far
superior to the Austrian. It hat. a much
longet range, with the result that In
every hattlo to iluto the Austrian artil
lery has been practically useless In sup
porting the Infantty.
This condition will chance when the
Austrian begin fighting und r the pro
tection of their furtltlciitlons. which aro
nil supplied with Krupp guns of tho lat
est type.
The economic situation Is most serious.
Food prices are constantly advancing and
the supply of frebh meats is dwindling
alarmingly. Kffortb of tho Government to
float n loin have so far proven n failure
and only the general moratorium pre
vents the failure of a number of leading
Austrian firms. Tho army of the unerit
p!ocd Is a growing uu mice at the capital.
General von Klult, cotiimimtler of tho
German tight wing, Is reported to
havo surrendered with 14,000 men In
tho vicnlty of Mczlere.s. The report
lacks confirmation from tho British
and French Wur Ofllcen.
For tho last ten days the 'icrman right
wing lmn sustained n terrific attack
from the allies. On .Sunday the Brit
ish extended their lines near IUipIiiih,
and it is now believed that the Alsne
has been crossed and tho Gettnatis
Hiirrotmdd near MoislcreH.
In a supremo attempt to prevent the
German armies being repulhed from
French soil, the Kaiser is centraliz
ing the forces of Von Buelow, Von
HnuFen and the Duke of "Wurtem
burg along the Alsne to tho west of
tho stoiled forest of the Argonne.
The fighting in this vicinity has be
gun. Today the army of the Crown
I'rlnco attempted to take tho offen
sive, but was speedily repulsed. This
Is the first time the German centre
between the forest and Verdun has
Tho Belgians are reported to have de
feated the army of General von der
Colt, in a four-day battle. Brussels
has been evacuated by the Get man
troops and the capital, it is said, will
bo entered by native soldiers today
or tomorrow. The defeated German
army is rallying in tho vicinity of
Louvain. Western Belgium Is free
front the Germans.
Austria, defeated in virtually every en
gagement with the Hupslaiis, Its
armies demoralized, torn by Internal
dissension, Is offering feeble resist
ance to the nnnlcs of tho Czar.
Gallcln, under control of the Itus
siatis. Is now forming the open road
to Berlin, against which tho hosts
of tho North aro now moving. Kni
peror Nicholas has llred the enthu
slnhin of the army by declaring ho
will ride at the head of his troops
Into the German capital.
Powerful German Right Wing Cut Off
and Surrounded at Roye By French
Forces Aided by Fresh British Troops
From the Coast.
Allies Push Between Invaders North of
River Aisne and Capture Army of
25,000 German Crown Prince De
feated and Retrert Continues.
Name Official Quotations nt Which
All Sales Must Be Made,
LONDON. Sept. 1". -The .Stock Ex
change I'umnuttPe today Used prices fur
nearly ldO llrltisli, India and Colonial
gllt-edgtU securities and other trusted se
curltles Sales below the established
prices are forbidden. Transactions must
be for cash, options and tlnto bargains
vi til not bo allowed In the securities for
which quutaltons havo been Used of.
Dculeis wet a oideml to clear sales
from brokers to buyers before selling
from their own books. Tht cuiniiilttee
urges members to make up stock
wherever poiMble
French Government Already Reor
ganizing: Devastated Territory.
BOTtDL'AL'X. Sept. 13
Tho Government has decided to reor
ganize the department which have been
evacuated by the enemy to th north and
east of I'arli.
For the people of those devastated ra
tion provUlon are being shipped dally
hA railway and bxrge. eapeclallr in
Vvr to t demand ot the NUtre
and Haute Vlerne- A tupply cf cattH
auo dispatched da y ''rem the Iit1"'.
were M,nectel fo he rntb
NEW VOrtK. Sept. 15.-John Green. 3
ears old, ono of the heroes of the Hour
war, who was prritW for bravery by the
late King Ldwurd VII, of UugUnd. will
be buritd In Votter'a Field hero unlu
his sister or some ullur pron claim hU
Oieen died last Sunda night. He wa
born near tendon, und red many eara 1
In the Ilritlsli urm In one of thv en- I
gagements agal ist tho lUxrm th.,- ,ol,.i-'
ebarer of hi regiment w is Ki'UJ i.iren !
grasped the colors, a'i tunning l, thai
held of h" Hoops, nuns tuu hattP- I
caned Hag in fr-n cf tf-t-ti T' " I rg.
lla!in-it won thn l p'u. f t Uen a rl- Mt 1
ivl a f'aftfel f- a e' t'l a" v.as I
air w ii a r'a i--t.i ,t th
.. i. . t. . . i
'v wur iw ra ' Tf-r '
Relentless Pursuit to Prevent
Reformation at Przemsyl.
Cossacks, Swimming Vis
tula, Fire Provision Ships.
I'lZTItOi-iUAD, Sept. 13.
Sweeping across tho Vistula Jtlver nd
striking nt the renr of the Austrian
army, struggling to avo Itself from an
nihilation, .Russian troops have destroyed
a largo part of the commissary supplier
of the cnomy, nocordlng to uu ofllclal
annuuncoment made here today. The
ltusstnns aro threatening the entire lino
af communication of tho Autarlans and
may succeed In preventing thutn frum
Iiy their sudden strnku directed from
Russian Poland oier the Vistula, the
Russians hao compelled the Austrian,
who had fortified positions on the S.tn
River, to fall buck to escape being out
flanked. The Russians ate now crossing
the rfan ln forco, capturing many guns
and prisoners.
It is stated that the great mass of
the Austrian who t-soape.l slaughter In
the lighting that bus been m progress
in Kastern iJallcln from the Dniester to
the Russian i'olamt frontier have reachcfl
me west uanK or til sau itior and are
roforming. TITy mil endeavor to hold
the groat fortress of 1'izonii.s! and the.
railway line extending northward to
Jaroslav l'rzemi Is it first-class forti
fication filled with supplies of all Hind,
but It can only prove a mil ing point for
the Austrlaiif, at the Russians are con
ttnulng a relentless pursuit
General Rqzsky has reported to the
War Office that among the tioopi retir
ing upon Przenibjl are about 55,000 Ucr.
mans who weto s.ut t- help tho Aua
triuns. He declares that they will be un.
ftbla to tnbe actlie part In tho fighting
aftur entering t'rieiiisyl. a ho will com
pletely Invest that stronghold and prevent
any nort.tv.
The dtsiructiou of the Austrian supplies
was one of the most heroic exploits jet
ttrcomplUhed by tho Russian troops. A
company ot Cossacks swum the Vistula
under Mu. cover of darkness and succeeded
In blowing up or setting lira to two
steamboats. 8eonteen pontoons, eighteen
bargee and 4 large number of sm.iii.r
boats und rafts The Kieuttr part of the
suppllPH had not et been unloaded, but
tha I'oMaoks completed tlielr task liv
burning all the milltuiy equipment that
they tould kind ashore.
Tlie blow stiuck ,it the utnans by the
fuiaiki U expected to liava treimnilous
effect Among the suiiplteg dectro4 wau
a gieat ituaiitity of ammunition as well as
V d 3i t' h to tha '-entril t-w from
H . cTig tetegraphlo advi.es rebelled
t.ie fr( - Petrograd aru f the erf" t
P at tt '". entf-n di 5 ra'fin if tie
Ku-'iiti eg''-'! tl " Orn-an
f ! -S' i"i t - f ' w "3 r '
V- n tab r Tft) r-M
r. r 1 glfTiinrB(iiw
PARIS. Sept. 15.
Reports have reuched lmre that tho
allies' extreme left, after a circling
movement by way of Roye and Hum,
has joined forces with freali troops
from the coast nnd tho lioulognc dis
trict, and compelled General von Kluk,
In command of the German right
wing, to surrender with 11,000 men, n
quantity of guns and much war ma
terial. Another estimate places tho prison
ers at 25,000.
Olllclal confirmation of the report
cannot bo obtained.
Tho German Crown Prince's army
has been repulsed in an attempt to
brealc through between Verdun nnd
Totil, it Is olllclally announced.
Supported ly reinforcements from
Belgium; th right wing of tho retiring
German army under General von Klulc
tallied and gave battle to the allies
along a lino north of tho River Alsno.
Farther to the east, north of Rhelms,
tho Germans aic also resisting, but the
retreat east of tho Argonne forest Is
reported to ho continuing.
Tho centre of tho German army,
composed of tho forces under the
Crown Prince, attacked tho French
troops stretched along the Mutiso be
tween Verdun and Tottl ln an effort to
break through.
This information was contained In
nn ofllclal statement issued nt 11
Tho evident Intention of tho Crown
Princo was to pierce the French linos
so thut his army can form a junction
with troops cast of tho Jleuso.
Tho following is tho ofllclal state
ment: "The Crown Prince's army attempted
to break tluough "along the Mcuno be
tween Verdun and Toul. Ho has bom
barded Troynn, which resisted vali
antly. Tho German forces were re
"It i believed in well-infurmed cir
cles that tho German army will re
treat into the Grand Duchy of Luxem
burg and Into tho Belgian provinco
of Luxemburg, and endeavor to rally
behind their fortified positions."
Tho German Hues now extend in a
southeastern direction, beginning at n
point northeast of Amiens and stretch,
ing parallel to tho Alsno, somo S3
miles north uf Uheims, near Rothel.
German troops are massed in tho for
est of Argonne: another sectlun Is con
centrated cast and foutheast of Verdun.
(According to the French War Office
sttitnmcnt Ksttcd early today, tho
French have succeeded In relieving tho
fortress of Troyon, In the Woevre dis
trict, about 12 miles southeast of Ver
dun.) Although the German Crown Princo
has been compelled to move his head
qunrters rearward 15 miles from Ste.
Mcnchoitl to Mont Faucon, this section
of the Gorman army will undoubtedly
make terrific efforts to hold Its positio
so it can act as a pivot for tho bal
ance of the German line.
An unofficial report to tho effect that
Maubeugo had been relieved and 12,000
Germans had been taken prisoners
there was in circulation here, but
lacked confirmation. Such n develop
ment at MnubouRo would compel tho
Germans to retire through the narrow
gap flanked by Maub ugu and Ver
dun, If they continued their retreat.
'If had boon officially announced by
the German Government In Berlin last
WCelt that Mlllllf!lr-r 1im,1 t.rtnr. on
tttred from the French, and that 400
prisoners nnd a large number of suns
had fallen Into the hands of tho Gor
mans.) The Germans ate on 11 semlrlrcular
line that takes In St. Qucntln, Gulso
nnd Vervlns on their right, and then
swings rnpldly southward toward
Rethel and tho Alsne River lines to
tho neighborhood of St .Menehould,
which was yesterday abandoned by tho
Crown Prince's army and everything
pointed today to a renewal of serious
Tho Germans are making their stand
ln positions from which only a week
ago they drove tho nlllod armies. If
thoy con get their lines to hold they
will bo abio to reform their most sha--tercd
columns ami make another at
tempt to assume the offensive.
This, however, is Jut what tha
Trench aro trying to prevent, but nil
accounts today showed conc!usieiy
that tho German retreat had lost most
of Its force and that tho French pur
sul was encountering a reslstanco that
compelled respect.
Tha Germans aro now using ihe r
artillery all along tha lino to protect
their rear. The consequences nro that
tho losses of tho allies are aga 1
mounting. Hut it Is etated that tie
spirit of the French keeps high, and
that they continue to attack heavily
intrenched positions with an utter dis
regard for danger.
""ST" J
, !
LONDON. Sept. 15.
"With retreat tltruugh northern UeU
glum cut oft and their line of commu
nication along tho railroad to Js'amur
from Rhelms threatened at Mesieres by
the French Sixth army from the west,
the acrmans are today concentrating
in the region covered by the head
waters of the River Aisne, west of the
foroat of Argonne.
In the stand there, which tile latest
accounts lead one to belie; has al
ready begun, will be combined the
armies of General von Huulow, of Gen
eral ton Hausson and that tinder
Grind Duke Albrecht of Wurtemburg
The army of Von Kluk, which, as
tho extremo right wing, suffeied the
first of the roverses. is making it w ty
to join the others, but is hotly pursuwl
by the Auslo.Fretieh forces and n 1 1
imminent danger of being cut off m i
forced to retlro to the north, away
from the rest of the German forces.
Tll left of tljta concentrated fori a
If In touch with the army of frown
Prince Pr4efUk Wtlholm before Ver
dun. By military experts here the impend
ing battle is looked upon as one of ie
utmofct important'. If not the dwii
struggle which will mark tha tun
point of the war.
i .
BERLIN, Sept. 15.
The following ofllclal announcement
was given out this morning by the
General Staff
' In the western theatre rf war the
. .... .. ... . 1r ""
through our lines, weie vuiorj I a
defeat. l J .t
"At oth-r t mis wher- th'-nj' j
bten fighting nt. liciMvn rrt,tt8 I I
r -eii rea f-eij
The err n ct t' " JL"r- ' to
1 1 . .. . .
I,,;, .r,. ii. .u , .