Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Sports Final, Page 5, Image 5

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Will Send Message Asking
Inclusion of Transit Loan
in the $11,700,000 Loan
Mayor Bl.inUenburB will return to Ills
.., on joBnn Suuaro tomorrow from
HO,m ... . l. -.l HI... TI1....1.
Atlantlo City, wncro no " " "...
nburg hftvo been spendlnR the lant two
weeks following the closhiff of their
dimmer home nt Pocono Pines. Ths
Maor Is not expected to 1o In Ms ofdeo
tomoriow, but will go directly from the
Vortli Philadelphia Station to his homo
to nutomobllo. The loturn of the Mayor
has been prompted by the doflnlte as
..ranee that Councils will mcot In spe
!ST lm o Thursday to Institute
firislatloi for submlttlnB tho $11,700,000
Sfn to the voters In November.
That assurance has como from Presl
. ' nansley of Select Council In reply
t t ho followlns letter from Mayw Blank
inhmc sent to 1'icldents Ilnnslcy, of So
"ct Council, and McCurdy, of Common
I notice In the newspapers that you
vnect to call a mectlriK of Select
C Si In the near future. You will
re member that 1 wrote you on this
M,ble"t early In July and ursed that
b. mictlnff should ho held nt n. date
sufllclently early to permit a loan to
he authorized In time for submission
l0 popular vote at tho November oloc
Jim, Will you plcaso let me know ns
nrr-mntly as possible on Just what day
ftaMiSxt meeting of Select Council will
be hi Id
Mi Itnnsley's reply was:
Your lotcr loquestlng to be Informed
nromntly on what dny tho next mcct
f of Select Council will be held
""have notified tho Chief Clerk of
Eelcct Council to call a meeting of thnt
body for Thursday, the 24th of Sep.
'common Council will meet on Thura
Aa the lth of September. Thore
could be nothing accomplished by Se
. . ....nti mnMlncr nn that datn.
s the ordinance can only bo intro
duced and It will lay over to bo
printed, and passed by both Common
Mid Select Councils on Thursday, tho
24th of September.
A repl from Piesldent McCurdy of
Common Council, has not been received
l the Major's offlco. ,,,,,
Councils were spurred to cut short tliclr
vacation, which was fixed to end October
1 by tho emphatic declaration for tho
loan mado by the Major when passing
through Philadelphia on his way to At
lantic City, two weeks ago.
He pointed out nt that time that civic
lmproemonts should be staited now
when the market for municipal bonds Is
excellent, when many Idle men need em
jjlojmcnt, and when general Industrial
gnd labor conditions warrant capital out
la bj tho city.
It Is understood that he will send a
message to Councils on Thursdny urging
the Including of an Item for transit de
velopment In tho bl gloan. Tho Subcom
mittee of Finance Ignored the request of
Transit Director Taylor for $800,000 for
office maintenance and relocation of
itjers. In the central part of the city,
prellmlnarj to subway construction.
Maj-or Blankenberg has not signed
eeien of 93 ordinances submitted to him
nhen Councils adjourned in June He Is
txpected to deal with the remaining
ordinances In a special message.
Cjrus D Toss, Jr., secretary to the
Jlajor, said today that Mavor Blanken
bcrs had been greatly Improved In health
by his acatlon.
$50,000 Estate of Lillian Cassady
Bequeathed to Husband and Children.
The -n ill of I.llllan V,'. Cassady, who
died Peplemter 1, at 1603 North Broad
flrtet biiueathed nn estate of $30,000 to
Krnes' K Cassndj, the husband, and two
ihlldicn The husband Is named executor.
Othr wills probated woie. Margaret
! Thurman, E3CS Belfleld nenue, dis
tributing ar estate of J2J.O0O In piate be
mists Cecelia i:ans, who died in St.
Allies Hospital, $10,730; Edward Mont
Komen. Wllilwoud X I., $11,500;, Abram
H Mtors, former I'nltcd Statci Mar
shal 16U North Mai. shall stieet, $5000.
and bus.tn Kilpatrlck, 3S3: Asptn street,
lifttoro i f administration were granted
In the eat-iies of Howard V. Evans. 2V1
Noitli Wth "Stuet valued nt $0110, Bes
fie C I'ottei, :'J3 West TulpehOLken
ftrcct pino, husan nonohup, Norrlstnwn,
l'a $730 Marital et M Clomo. 2211 Madl
f'ui sininre T!;o Hugh Ferrj-, 427 Union
trcet ram
Pirsunal effects of the estnto of Victor
' B Means hne been appraised at
$5i;m 3 Jtmes n Kendall, $12,233 21,
anil mani Marquis, J576S D5
Doctor Jacobs in Line for Election ns
Supeiintendent of Schools.
" n n 1! lMniuiids, President of the
Bua.cl f Education, said today that Hi
"illidm ' (niobi. Associate Superliitend
u nf Sihonls. was the mobt lOKlcal Can
dida, to .iieieed Ui. Martin G. Brum
baugh tu tho superintondency. In the
eunl of the luiter'b election ns Govri
nor ot P.iinsilvaiila "I would vote for
lum euM Mr IMniunds, 'and 1 heltevn
the mijoiitj of other members ot the
bar! would do liUewlse."
M,r Kl'muuil mentioned Simon Gratz
aw Ihumas Shallcross as meinbois of
rV . '"u whu 8,llelV would ote for
"uctur Jacobs, he thought, and lie said
beliexed the majority of other mem
mm iUjid alsi faor the present Aao
fate huptrlntendent.
r hdnunds also said Pr. Cheesman
Herrtck President of Glraid College,
"aa been mentioned for the position, but
, ,ausht Doctor Herrlck was well sat
na with hte present work and would
nerefore not consider an offer Doctor
"n-ruk nas a candidate for the ofllce
ill. t"T' n'tor Brumbaugh obtained
me buperlntendenej
Shipping Clerk Arrested on Charge
of Larceny,
,J..b, su.el- 22 East Lehigh avenue,
r,iU . of ,,aUns stolen from hU fin
barr!. 50cr ',l3 ow" financial em
StatinJ m.tn,t "as arraigned In Central
.h,r t0'?'iy He w;l3 eniplojert a
Ueb S, ' "k by Ikemaii. Nclll &
itreet S '" B"Ks 6l5 chfSInu
Emit6 ",' sa S'robel confessed his
enouh . , allced " cut pietes small
tare. Ju tp. clttfd as lemuants fioni
? sou (,S" Thw ,,e '" sall to
their ,hi Members of the llrm tald
to di.nifPlng. olcrk hatl bcc Permitted
kout the,afce011 '""at remnants
.'.B- & - Lumber Y"d Bums
rd 1, '"n ' a'"1 OI,lu """road lum
" Hier t. 6 k,,tct wl"'f. Sihul
?burn exn, I ,"5 of "le ''"- ""'
tour . wrt C,i the blaze a,Ur a
Leaders of Rival Democratic
Factions in jyiontgomery
Unite in Greeting to State
NOHttrsTOWN, Pa.. Sept. H.-Demo-crntlc
County Committeemen and some
outsiders, 'a couplo hundred In all, at
o. noon meotlnir In City Hall heard ad
dresses by A. Mitchell Pnlmor, candidate
for United States Senator; Vance Mc
Cormlck, candidate for Governor, and
Marry E. Grim, candidate for Congress,
All mado I'enroso tho Issue and declared
he should be ousted becauso of his un
fitness and because of tho system which
ho represented,
C, D. JIcAvoy presided. Ho was nomi
nated by Magistrate Clark, of the Fourth
Ward, N'orrlstown, vice chnlrrnan of the
Harvey Chrlstman, tho chairman, called
the meeting to order. Sir. MoAvoy said
ho was now for the State -ticket and
asked that all of his friends bo likewise.
During tho prlmarj campaign MoAvoy
led tho Ilyan faction and carried tho
county, nleo defeating n. E. Dlefendorfer,
present Congressman, nnd nominating
Ilnrry Grim. The McAvoy faction also
organized the Democratic County Com
mittee bj a majority of two,
John MoEvoy, James Farroll and Har
vey Chrlstman, candidates for Assembly,
and Edward Ingersoll, candidate for
State Senator, were present.
Palmer and McCormlck praised the
Ponuc LEDOEn for Its strong stand to
day against Penrose, and McCormlck be
lieved thnt It would see Its way clear be
foro the campaign had onded to come out
for him also. McCormlck, In praising
McEvoy, stated that tho samo unity of
notion In tho Democratic ranks exists In
the 20 counties of the Stato which ho has
visited In his campaign since tho latter
part of July. Ho asserted that Doctor
Brumbaugh was the figurehead for Pen
rose, Vnro nnd McNichol who nominated
Win, Just as Quay In 1892 nominated that
eminently respcctablo Jurist, Samuel W.
McCormlck predicted that Brumbaugh
would make no better Governor than did
Pennypacker, who could not see the graft
that wns being pulled oft In the Capitol
He said that there Is still much waste
of tho public money through unnecessary
Jobs nnd other gang methods nt Harris
burg, and promised to clean house, If
Workers of Republican,
Democratic and Washing
ton Parties Eager to Make
Good Showing in the Lists.
Register tomorrow,
With tho exception of October 3, to
morrow Is the Inst day on which votors
can qualify for tho November election,
and Republican, Dcmocrntlo and "Wash
ington party workers will be In every
division In Philadelphia, urging voters to
register In order to entitle them to vote
this fall.
'The registrars will sit at the polling
plnccs from 7 to 10 o'clock In the morn
ing nnd from 4 to 10 o'clock In tho eve
ning. Poll tax receipts can bo purchased
from tho registrars. If the voter's namo
Is oh the division assessor's list If It Is
on a prior list he may obtain a receipt
nt tho tax ofTlcs In City Hall. A poll
tax or property tax paid at any time
since November 3, 1912, will qualify an
elector to register this fall.
Party enrollment Is not necessary this
fall, and Is useful only to swell the party
strength on paper, but vorkcrs ot all
parties will be at the polling places to
urge the electors to enroll wl.en they reg
ister. Democratic leaders are making a par
ticularly strong effort to get the voters
of their party to register ar.d enroll.
Approximately only 5000 Democrats reg
istered on tho first registration daj', Sep
tember 3, as compared with nearly 70,000
Republicans. Tho Democratic registra
tion for tho primary election last spring
wns moro than 32,000, but party lenders
havo been holding meetings In nearly
every ward In Philadelphia during the
last two weeks, In nn effort to make ai
strong a showing ns the Democrats mado
In 1912, when Wilson received 66.103 votes
in Philadelphia. The Palmcr-McTToi mlck
League and Chairman B. Gordon Brom-lcj-,
of the Democratic City Committee,
have organized workers In the wards to
get the Democratic clectois to the polling
places tomorrow and on October 3.
Republican leaders have expressed
themselves ns well pleased with the Re
publican regltrntlon ot September 3, but
have Issued nnothcr fall to tho voters
of their partj. and will have workers In
everj- division tomorrow In an effort to
duplicate the large registration of the
first da j.
Sentenced for Receiving Illegal Com
missions On Contracts.
TOKIO, Sopt. U. Vice Admiral Kolchl
fujll, convicted ot bribery as the result of
the naval scandal, has been sentenced to
four ycaM nnd stx months' Imprisonment.
Ho Is alleged to have received Illegal
commissions In connection with naval
Presbyterian Ministers Told of Evan
gelistic Crusnde in Scranton,
Billy Sundny and his work In Scranton
Inst wlnlef wore enthusiastically Indorsed
by the Rov. Asa J Ferry at tho first
Monday morning meeting of the sonson of
the Presbyterian ministers In Philadel
phia, held today In Wlthorspoon Hall.
Mr Ferry Is the pastor of the Bethany
Temple Preibyterlnn Church, at 63d nnd
Spruce streets, but during the summer
ho has been filling the pulpit of tho First
Presbyterian Church In Scranton.
"The church were 1 prenched," said
Mr, Keiry, "wns alwajs closed nt least
one month every summer nnd very often
longer, Since Billy Sunday's visit hero
last winter It has witnessed a tremendous
upheaval nnd has become like a new In
stitution, and the attendance became so
largo that all Idea of suspending services
was out of consideration,"
Tho minister greeted Mr. Ferry en
thusiastically and much satisfaction was
expreised on all sides In anticipation of
Billy Sunday's vslt to Philadelphia this
Dr. Wlllla mP. Fulton, head of the
Presbyterian evangelistic work In Phila
delphia, mado a report on the work of
the summer, and praised highly the auto
mobile meeting held every night In vari
ous sections of the city on street corners.
Dr. Fulton sold 486 such meetings had
been held, nn average of four a night.
Tho attendance at the meetings totaled
Will Be Attached to Staff of General
LONDON, Sept. 14.
Tho Prince of Wales will leave In a few
days for the allies' front In France. Ho
will be attached to tho staff of Field
Marshal Sir John French. The Prince Is
nn officer In the Grenadier Guards.
Campaign Opens by Bridge
Construction Over River
Save Russians, 400,000
Strong, to Aid Servia.
House Pnrtly Destroyed by Blnzo
Started by Laborers.
Tire partly destrojed a three-story va
cant brick house, owned by the city at
SUtv-flrst and Wharton streets, this
morning. The blazo wns caused by sparks
from a fire started by laborers on the
boulevard project to burn brush wood,
riremcn extinguished the flames after
sliarp linlf4hour's tight
The building stands alone nnd other
dwellings were not endangered.
Oppembm (sium & &
Chestnut and 12th Sts.
Autumn Opening Exhibit
September 14th, loth and 16th
Models that exemplify in every detail distinctive and exclusive
ideas 0 the new fashions in harmony with the
French modes, from the most ultra to
the more conservative styles.
NISH, Sopt. 14.
The Servian armies which last week
occupied Scmllu after a brilliant bayonet
charge In which 10,000 Austrlans wero
killed or wounded, today began a march
toward Peterwardeln In nn effort to open
the plains of Hungary and tako Buda
pest. It Is officially nnnounred thnt a cam
paign for the capture of Budapest has
been opened by tho construction of two
bridges across the River Save for the
transportation of heavy artillery and the
, passage of the main Servian armj.
Budapest Is 200 miles from Belgrade.
A nanlo In reported from Vienna on ac
count of the capture ot Somlln, while
the Russians are triumphantly advanc
ing 400,000 strong, Tho unemployed nre
parading In Vienna. Tho military stoics
are insufficient, and ns thero are no uni
forms tho third lovy of reservists nre
Joining the troops In Gallcla In civilian
It Is stated here that tho Servians are
now working In co-operation with the Rus
sian General Staff on plans which con
template the capture of Budapest. The
Servians, now In Slavonla In great force,
nro reported as being received with great
enthusiasm by tho natives, tho largo per
centage of whom are Slavs. It Is Intend
ed to capture Petcrwnrdeln as soon as
possible and establish headquarters thero
nfter which the Danube will be crossed
nnd an advance made directly on Buda
pest along tho lines of the Hungnrlan
state railway.
Mcnnwhile the Montenegrin-Servian
army, which has bpcn commissioned with
capture of Sarejvo, tho capital of
Bosnia, Is within thirty miles of that city.
Tho Austrian garrison Is reported Irt a
panto and it Is not believed any stubborn
resistance will be encountered.
The latest call to the Austrian colors
lias brought out the Landsturm of 18D1
nnd 1894. The Lnndsturm of 1892, 1S93 nnd
1896 will bo sent to the front soon.
Recruits nro being sent to the front so
rapidly thnt many nre not fully outfitted.
Some nre still In civilian clothing. There
Is a growing scarcity of food nnd riots
have bocn started In some quarters of
Vienna by women. They have been
quickly suppressed, however,
DURAZZO, Albania, Sept. 14
The whole of Albania Is now domi
nated by the Insurgents who are being
assisted In their administration by the
PARIS, Sept. 14.
A dh patch from Trieste to the Kcho
do Paris declares that Italian troops am
now being disembarked In Valona and
other cities In Albania.
Capture of Wireless Station Cuts Off
Kaiser's Wniships.
MUMlOUHNn, Se;it. 11. - Following
their capture nf Herhertshoehe, capital of
New Pomernnla, Australian naval forces
are reported to have sailed to Ibo the
German possessions In the Solomon Is
lands. It was learned today that four of
the Australian forces wero killed at Her
bcrtshoehe. ,
The German losses were 30 killed and 70
By the destruction of the wireless sta
tion at Rnbnul the Australians have cut
the German cruisers In tho Pnclflc from
nil communication with any German station.
Andrew Carnegie, Chnuncoy M. Do
pew nnd Mile, Oence on Bonrd.
The While Stnr I,lne steamship Bolt'e,
which Is returning from l.Uerpool with a
large list of Americans aboard, is ex
pected to arrive heio late Thursday after
noon. Among the prominent passengers nro
Baroness Von Andre, Andrew Cainegle,
Chauncey M. Depew, Henry Dlsston, F.
If Dnubledny, Mrs. J B Duor, Mr. and
Mrs H V. N. Isllt (Mine. Oence), Duncan
N. Stewart, bee Sulzberger, Ixnils Swift,
Hon H. Thynne, the Right Rev. W. D.
Walker, Hairy Wnrdmnn nnd Crclghtou
After Causing Arrest, She Faints
When Judgp la Obdurate.
After causing the arrest of her son
Henry for robbing her. Mrs. Thelda D.
Dornscls, 514 North Cielghton street,
pleiided with Mnglstrnte Renshaw In
Central Station todnj to lelcase him.
When the Magistrate refusnl, the aged
mother fainted The bo was held In
jino ball foi rourt
Mrs Dornsels said sho had been robbed
b her on for some time. "The last
time he came home he stole n revolver,
srarf pin and a pair of glasses," she
snld The police say Dornsels left town
after robbing his mother and was ar
rested whon he rnme, bark last week.
WASHINGTON, Sept 14 A bill to per
mit the Pnle nf nrmj horses to tho or
ganized mllltla wns InttodiiLed In tho
House todaj by Reprcentntlvo Brown
ing, of f'amden, N. .1.
OUR product speaks all languages
and CREATES and DEVELOPS business
We DESIGN and ENGRAVE in one or more colors for
high-grade Catalogs, Advertisements, Etc.
Cut Glass
tan nniv.ii. airrs
.S1..10 to S8 Values al
98c to .$5
Includf compotpt turn
bier, p i t e h e r s fern
dloher sugar nnd cream
sets, etc
.v oiii nifj
s'roiin oi'n:ss suto .v. m. m ci.osns vt n.no p. m.
Market : Filbert : Eighth : Seventh
nnsTAurtANT ih:st or nniiYrnia vr lowest niicus fifth ri,iiii
Save Yellow
and Ret the ?ry best
merchan !! that tan bo
secured with an tradlns
11 anr double ones in
t)tr morning
B E-a -v I T .. 1J 4 J- - - CT -i- y-v t s- I J1 4-9 rf ,-, AO d-MJ rT&
i lie upnoiSLcry oiurc 1 1 auaiui iucim
With Beautiful Fall and Winter Goods
Its Formal Opening. New Curtains. Portieres Many Things That Will Impart Greater
Comfort ami Attractiveness to the Home, Are Offered for Your Choosing at Fair Prices
That'll Tempt You to Buy.
pip a;
New York-Newark
Chestnut and 12th Sts.
sums r is
Speca Opening; Prices
Women's and Misses Tailored Suits
Suits of English mannish serge in 'ong and
deep girdle styles, trimmed with braid and
buttons; new model skirts; black and all
the new Fall colors. Value 25,00
Dressy Suits in poplin and broadcloth, in
the new Redingote style, with novel trim
ming of silk braid and buttons; plush and
velvet collars and cuffs. Value $35.00
Copies of the latest foreign models in broad
cloth and poplin, trimmed with silk plush
or caracul; skirt cut on the most fashion
able lines; superior tailoring. Value $30.75
Special Opening Prices
Women's and Misses' Autumn Coats
Coats in loose and semi-tailored styles, of zibeline,
diagonal, broadcloth and tweed; collars of silk plush and 15.00
button-trimmed; silk-lined throughout. Value $19.75 J
Dressy Coats of cheviot and zibeline; some with velvet
collars, box-plait back and side belts; also medium-weight 19.75
mannish serge coats; silk-lined throughout. Value $25.00 J
Fine Table
Scarfs, SG.98
Tinsel Interwoven
In beautiful designs
nnd lined. ,
9aace Curtains: $6.98
Imported Irish point of line quality, with
wide borders of effective designs and
floial centre 3'? :ards lonir
$12 Irish Point Curtains, j99g I
Extra fine point lnce Elaborate borders of j
e(ulhl'e designs with raised cushion work ,
floral effects. 3 J jards lotiff.
$10.00 to $18.00 Bed Sets,
$6.98 to,S10.9S
Mounted on ftno Trench cable net In beau-
ttful Renaissance, Marie Antoinette and I
i ibian lacet lace, with wide lace frame on I
boi! of spread and lirso centre motif
Holster coier to iimlrh.
$12.00 Portieres, gCgg
Of fine texture wood silk, rtlch lnterwoVetC-.i
r "IT
designs In varied of colors
Extensive Line of-aioquette Couch
Covers, Prayer Rugs & Table Scarfs.
CotKh Coer, S 9S and $13 OS
Prayer Hubs, 53 OS. Of fellk Mociuette, $7.3
Sunfast Draperv Materials,
79c to $1.19
Vnen on a bin, k warp Vnrietv of desir
able coloi - in nttrioti "oloninl nnd erduro
ileiicrns t-nnie ei prlt two-tonp vltects.
4.", and "j iiubcs wide I'-tlm.itos of Drap
eries and UI kinds of Interloi Decorations
furnished frte of i1i.iik THIRD 1'LOOR
RlI'S l Carpets, Linoleums
Richer, More Beautiful Assortments Than Ever and More of
Them. Our New Fall and Winter Stock Is Virtually Complete.
Many Very Exceptional Values
$40 and $45 Royal OE
Wilton Rugs P3J
M7. 'IJ feel
A truly wnndcnul line ot patterns an
color combination' Lhoicc Oriental ci
fects that .ire ti client copies of the oriR
inal I'onu both seamed and seamlcs-,
8.95 lo $28
Axminster $
Rugs at
Sie M ftt
XearK one hundred itjk in this popular
make" Man are si.imliss and the patterns
include rich Oriental, preit floral and e-
ehtsie two-tone ctteUs in all colors
Rcnulm W.iM and $1.25 Grade,
60 c
Soiiai t ) did
A cash purihtisc ot about 2(100 ard in full r dU of sCeral er
KOud designs n endless arieiy of putnrns in eer tle and
color BmiK ii uet wide i Ol R'iK 1 l.ui U
In the Hcpti ihIu'i tS'iic oj (iaoil, Ui joulabtf Utd C'opi ring
Made of th well-known W.unniti.i sheftiin. .-.h.eta aie hoamlfSH
and Unshed nh thie ii ill bcin l.ol in. I u il- ill sues
SI M fill I 'IS ibize 72'n imlu&i si,.,
$1 .' rilll KTsi isizo l't'i imlusi $1,0.1.
3 1'lllutt rSKS iizi fMj in.liei, L',-,t.,
"Ui MOI.al i:il OVSKS isiso l.'kT.t inihOb) I5(,
New Autumn $
Millinery n
1 Antlioritatiip Presenta
tion of the Xew Styles In
Our Otcn Halt, Also Arrty
Yok and Puns Models.
Roth small and l.u-'o
b li ii i e aie the vogue
;icerlne ostrich iintl
metal braids Had in tinn
niiiiKS lilHik, new dark
blues, buiwtis anil sxeons
lead in colors
) $4.98, $5.9S and
Foi hat unith i thud to half
more m utli-i sth i.i'i
1114 up tu v , i ii ii, iMin. sums
-- -
:snr i3:-
ii i.miiv winn. itu on r v iti.i;-, j,,..
Covered with besi iualu ituu,.-.! mid IVrsl.m- Vim i nan satine in
wanted liRhi and duK udois. wim pl.i'r uiuo lu.t 4-i I'llleU with
pure Aunti.'li in lambs wool hiv ".'xsu liKhen
r l.MII l(ll. III. lMil!l lll, jT,.ll
Of fine uualit wluti lambs im,1 ,,ii spool n.u.m warn niih ,in,ni
Ink-ttiul-bliit st.ipe.l hi j u. ill in I li.ii 1, i and silk biiiilnig ntv Tmvmi
es K.uh pan wntis live poumis II. ST 1 l.uoit Nultlll
Pur Hots
Tbren - q.iailtis ,f 1 1 fur pelts
win tlier ii ipi.t.l elm i nl or in muri-
iii aie dispi,i,l ., m the Loudon
M.uU.t Tluit iii.u ket m onppUd ly
i the aieat Lumpen, onllltt and freU
l purchases nf fui ale unavailable
j We were lot Innate to nectire the
eami dentin of a geneiou
qua nt it ij ot beautiful furs, which
tee will nell nt our custouiuru
standard price.
Hut "u word In tliit nlr m nMi'Jcnl"
and the iweut nmuui ui tlav who
will iiiakt i hull e -rtil u i .In asoit
meiits aie at thin p i f,- t IKi
iJl.i'u.Mi l"I ouft
I rl'fM
i' i -ai
m . ':
S'J Sends One Home
$1 a Week Pavs foi It.
IliKti shelf ri hole top,
extra largo nun and flre
bos Duple, j;iate for
wood or cojl I ift-off uukel
trimiimiKS bt. iional lul
.1 t "if
i . j
Nod?.';e$251 Stove Department Opens
Jap . I
v I i i- A I rJ
Oil Heaters,
at $1.98
Miller burn
ei odoiless
and smoke
lass. S1.9S
No. 8 Ideal Coal Range
Full IS Inch oen flrebox.
will burn col 0r wowl
all Hft-oK nickel irim
mliiBs. three lengths uf
i pipe and one elbow fue
Heating Stove1
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