Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    W$a -'-A- '.
Hi" (IMplM
tjl DWft lHwin
Evening ttti-philadelphia, mokpay, September ia, iou.
mayor coming home
flll Send Message Asking
' Inclusion of Transit Loan
n the $11,700,000 Loan
Mayor Blanlienbure wilt return to his
; I-wn nunrC tomorrow from
Ymmtlo CItJ', where Ho ana Mrs. Wank-
nhurc have been apondlns the last two
r,mer Iwmo Pocono Pines. Tho
iSr l ""I expected to bo In lita of He.
Sow, but will Bo directly from tho
L-rili rhlladclpbla Station to hla homo
automobile. Tho return of tho Mayor
h been prompted by tho definite ns
, that Councils will meet In spc
!'?n2,.on on Thursday tu Institute
fihtlo "or HUbmlttluK tho $11,700,000
i! to the voters In November.
1(Bf nwurnneo has como from Presl
'LSof Select Council In leply
fe'!,P following letter from Mayor Blank
),, "nt " Presidents rttinsley, of So
ke, roSncll. McCuidy. ot Common
CTnoil'"r tho newspapers that jou
rvnfct to " a mcstl"e ". KuIc,c,
f'ouncll in tho near future. "Sou will
member that I wrote yt.il on thin
"Kai In July mid m-sed that
""matins sho. Id bo Hold nt a dato
MUncTc Uy ea?ly to permit n loan to
ho authorized In time for submission
n m ,ni Inr vote at tho November olcc
nr Will you please let mo know na
SSTiSVt incctltiB of Select Council will
be hil'l '
Mr. Hnnsle"M joply wis.
Voin loler roqucstiiiB tu be Informed
lntiv on what day the next tncot-
rtVleet Council will bo held
Thave notified tho Chief Clerk of
Belcct fount II to call n. meeting of that
bodv for Thur-sday, tho 21th ot Hep.
'common Council will meet on Tlmr.i-d-h
I." mil of September. There
could be nothing accomplished by SV
,rt Counell ineutin on that date.
. tho ordlnunco can only bo Intro
duced and it will lay oyer to bo
urlnted. and passed by both Common
and Select Councils on Thursday, tho
i'lth of September. ,
A reply from President McCuuly ot
Common Council, has not been received
.i tni Mayor's ofllee.
Councils v.eie Hpurrctl to cut shoil their
jcatloii. will' i was flvd to end October
b the iinpll.ltlf derliuulloii for tho
loin made lj the Major when p.tp&lm;
tlirou0h Philadelphia on bin wuy to At
hnllc Clt.i. two weeks aso.
Ho pointed out at that time thaL civic
Improvements should be slur ted now
nhiri tho mat hot for niiinlclp.it bonds Is
excellent, when many Idle, men need ein
ploiment, and when general industrial
and labor conditions warrant capital out
lay by tho city.
It Is understood that ho will send a
message to Councils on Thursday urging
the Including of nil item for tinnslt de
deulopment In tho 1,1 Klonn. The Subcom
mlttM jf rinaiu-c Iguoied the icquest of
Tianslt Director Taylor for JSijO.OO) for
ofTlce matiiten.ince and relocation ot
icntrs, In the centul tart of the city,
preltmlnui y to subway construction.
Mayor lllankonberg has not Hlgnecl
tcven ot 11 oidlnauces sulnulttcd to him
nlin Councils adjoin ncd in June, tie Is
expected to deal with tho remaining
ordinances In a special message.
Cjrus D. Voi. Jr., secretary to the
Mayor, said today that Muyor Blanltcn
rcrs had hr'ii greatly Improved In health
hy his laratlon.
550,000 Estate of Tallinn Cnbsiuly
Bequeathed to Hu&lmnd mid Children.
The nill of I.illinn AV. Cassady, who
died Septeml or 1, nt lt)3 North liioud
ilreet. beiucutlii'.l an cstalo of JDO.OOO tu
Jlrnest K. Cassady, the husbaml, arnl two
children. The husband Is named executor.
other wills probated were: Margaret
K Thurniaii, WIS", Ildfleld avenue, dls
trlbutlnc an , stale ol .'S,' In pihatc be
' usls. (Vr. lln i:uni. wlm tli. 1 in M
Sties Mixpithl, Si'...i. Ivlwanl Vonl
somen, WiiiliMiml .. I. ll..ii. .lr.iiii
I! .Mev. i , tin in i I nitid M.iti -, Aim
fhal, K.l N..,i Hi Mai shall stu I, V"i,
iul biisaii Kilpatritli. n'JJ Aspen .itieet,
F.lt.rs nr niliiiiiiihtiutlon were pranteil
In tin estate ot Howard YV. Ilv.ins. :i"t
North Sixth strpot. valued at JD1W; lidf
He C. PoUr, 22J WVst Tulpclioukt.li
tlreet, J.VW; Pnsan Donohue. Norrlstown,
Vi, 57M. Marsaret jr. rionio, 2511 Madl
on e'juare. !T'', Hugh Kerry, Union
trcet, ?3S.
PfersonM ffteots of tho estat of Victor
'. Means ha p lmpn nnnr.ilsf il nt
limps i;. Keiiilall. Tl..-..l.
' M iiquis, ?r,7t.S ',".
iel A I r.i
Doctor Jncobh in Lino for Election ns
Superintendent of ScIiooIk.
liirv I! IMinuiul.H, Pre&ideiit of th"
IWd of Cilui .iiion, ham tuihiy thai Dr..
William c in. nin, Afso late SufK'riut'n'l
'iil if f;, I, i.,i... HaR n. ninst logical on
nWatr tu -ue. mi ir. Martin U. Hriini-
MUJh In , slli..lilit.-lllMll'. In III"
r4iit or Hi.- I utor's rledluii as liover
jor i.f P. nnsjlvanw "I wuiilil viiIb fur
' said Mi Uilnninds. 'and I b'lli-M-Jno
mijonn uf uther rnonibeis of the
board woul.l Uu llkcwhe."
Mr. Ldtmnnl- invntloiieil Simon Drat
ana Tlimnai iliallcross na mombera of
no loani uliu btnely would vote for
1'octor Tiuol.-, he thought, anil he said
w bellovtil fie majority of other meni
wr would tIs, favor tho nK-sent Asfco
ciate Superliitindrnt.
' tdiirindH al.-u sal'l Pr, C'lu'esman
A Herrli'k. Pitslileiit nf Cilranl I'tillfK".
iiad bfen iiieniloncil for tho position, but
l n j?0u"'1't r,"',lor iferrlck was well srit-lilli-d
ultl, n'H pioi-ent work nnd would
Miilore u..t ,,,,,l,.r offer, lloi't.il
"n. k a lanlldate for the iillbe
the iin, ti,tur UruinbauBh obtainfd
lie SuprliiUinleii, j.
Shipping Clerk Arrested on Charge
of Laxceny,
il,C.0b,Rlrobrl- " ,5ast I-ehlgh nvenii.
loi., uf ''"'"e 'tolcu froin his em
bar,,? t"t"'' h,s ow" llu.tni.lal m
htat, n.1'"'- ,a8 arraigned in I'entral
WiiW . 1, ru ,y Djkemni.. NcllI .v
btreit '" "" Cl' t'1""1"1"1
uin l!f'i'"'' ,B strobel cuiifecil hu
nouEi, .. '1 u"','i?,'' l,e I,l'l' """"l
Ur J, ildfccU as remnants from
th.V.M . Ml,ber ot the tlun tabl
to'di.V PP"K aerk ,iaJ ln HUltlt(l
Ht "' a" leKl"mto rcmnuntu
jt of B. & o. Lumber Yard Bums,
wfiSri!,,.,""ni"B 'J"" i 'v tv.ti...
" yard V,';',0 ""i u," r""' " '
n ru. ,l !'a "i wniif ft..,.
?rtara e' S ,vew. vt l"" '' " ' " ,ut
Leaders of Rival Democratic
Factions in Montgomery
Unite in Greeting to State
NOrmrSTOWN, Pa Sept. K.-Demo-emtio
County Committeemen nnd some
outsiders, a couple- hundred In all, at
a noon meeting In City Hall heard ad
dresses by A. Mitchell Talmor, candidate
for United Slates Senator; Vance M"c
Cormlck, candidate for Governor, and
Hurry E. Clrlm, candidate for Congress.
All mado I'enroso the Issuo and declared
he should be ousted because of Jits un
fitness nnd because of tho system which
ho represented.
C. X). McAvoy presided. Ho was nomi
nated by Magistrate Clnik, of the Fourth;
Ward, Nonlstown, vice chairman of tho
Harvey Chilstman, tho chairman, called
tho meeting to order. .Mr. McAvoy Bald
ho was now for the Stato ticket and
risked Mutt all of his friends be lkwlae.
JJurlng tho prlmury campaign McAvoy
led tho ityan faction nnd carried tho
county, also defeating IJ. i:. Dlofcndorfcr,
present Congressman, and nominating
Harry OJrlm. Tho McAvoy faction also
organized tho Democratic County Com
mittee by a majority ot two.
John McHvoy, James, Karrell and Har
vey Chrlstman, candidates for Assembly,
and IMwrinl lugcrsoll, candidate for
Unto .Senator, wcro present.
Palmer nnd -McCormlck praised tho
l'Oivt.tu Dnnonit for Its strong stand to
day against I'cniose, and McCormlck bo
liovcd that It would see Its way clear be
foio tho campaign had ended to como out
for him tilso. McCormlck, In praising
McKoy, stated that tho saino unity ot
action in tho Deuiocratlo ranks exists In
tho ".) counties of the Stato which ho has
visited In his campaign slnco tho latter
part of July, llo asserted that Doctor
llrumlmugli was tho figurehead for Pen
rose, Vnre and McNIchol who nominated
him, Just ns Quay In 1S92 nominated that
eminently rospcctablo Jurist, Samuel W.
McCormlck predicted that Brumbaugh
would make no better Governor than did
rvnuypacker, who could not sen the graft
that was being pulled off In the Capitol
He said that there Is Btlll much waste
of the public money through unnecessary
Jobs and other gang methods at Ilnnls
burg, and promised to clean hoube, If
Workers of Republican,
Democratic and Washing
ton Parties Eager to Make
Good Showing in the Lists.
Register tomorrow.
With the exception of October 3, to
morrow Is tho lant day on which voters
can qualify for tho November election,
and Republican, Democratic and Wash
ington party workers will bo In every
division In Philadelphia, urging voters to
register In order to entitle them to vote
this fall.
The registrars will sit at Mis polling
places from 7 to 10 o'clock In lho morn
ing nnd from 1 to 10 o'clock In tho eve
ning. Poll tax receipts can be purchased
fiom tho rcglstinrs, If tho voter's namo
Is oh the division assessor's list If It It
on a pilor list ho may obtain a receipt
at the tax bfllco In City Hall. A poll
tax or property tax paid nt any tlmo
slnco November .1, 1012, will qualify an
elector to register this fall.
Party enrollment Is not necessary thin
fall, and Is useful only to swell tho party
strength on paper, but workers of all
pnrtles will ba at lho polling places to
urge the electors to enroll when they reg
ister. Democratic leaders aro making a par
ticularly strong erfort to get tho voters
of their party to register ai.d enroll.
Approximately only M00 Democrats reg
istered on tho first registration dny, Sep
tember 3, as compared with nearly 70,000
Republicans. Tho Democratic registra
tion for tho primary election last yjrlng
was moro than 32,000, but party leaders
have been holding meetings In , nearly
every ward In Philadelphia dutlng the
last two weeks, In nn effort to mnko as
strong a showing ns tho Democrats mado
In 1312, when Wilson received 66,303 votes
In Philadelphia. Tho Palmer-McCorrnlck
Dcaguc and Chairman B. Gordon Brom
ley, of tho Democratic City Committee,
have organized workers In tbo wards to
get tho Democratic electors to tho polling
places tomorrow and on October 3.
Republican leaders have expiessed
tliemscHes ns well pleased with tlio Re
publican leglstrutlon ot September .!, but
huvn Issued another rail to tho otcr.s
of their paity, and will Iiavo workeis in
every division tomorrow In an effort to
duplicate the largo
first day.
Sentenced for Receiving Illegal Com
missions On Contracts.
TOKIO, Sept. H. Vice Admiral Kolchl
fujll, convicted of bribery ns the result of
lho naval scandal, has been sentenced to
four year and six months' Imprisonment.
He Is alleged to have received Illegal
commissions In connection with naval
of tho
PrcBbyterlan Ministers Told of Evan
gelistic Crusade In Scranton.
Billy Sunday and his work In Scranton
last winter were enthusiastically indorsed
by lho Rev. Asa J. Terry at tho first
Monday morning meeting of the season of
Mm Presbyterian ministers In Philadel
phia, hchl today In Wltherspoon Hall.
Mr. Frtry Is the pastor of the Bethany
Temple Presbyterian Church, nt 63d and
Spiuco streets, but during the summer
ho has been filling the pulpit of tho First
Presbyterian Church in Scranton.
"The church were t preached," said
Mr. Ferry, "was always closod at least
one month cvory summer and very often
longer. Slnco Billy Sunday's visit lier
last winter It has witnessed a tremendous
upheaval nnd has become like a now In
stitution, nnd the attendance became so
hit go that all Idea of suspending services
was out of consideration."
The minister. greeted Mr. Ferry en
thusiastically and much satisfaction was
expressed on all sides In anticipation of
Hilly Sunday's vslt to Philadelphia Mil
win tor.
Dr. Wlllla in?. Fulton, head of the
Presb.vterlan evangelistic work In Phila
delphia, mad"? s report on tho work of
the summer, and praised highly the auto
mobile meeting held every night In vari
ous sections of the city on street corners.
Dr. Fulton said 1S8 such meetings had
been held, an average of four a night.
Tho attendance at tho meetings totaled
Will Be Attached to Staff of General
v LONDON1, Kept. t.
The Prlnco of Wales will leave In n few
days for tho allies' front In France. Ho
will bo attached to Mm staff or Field
Marshal Sir John Freneh. The Prince Is
an olflccr In tho Grenadier Guards.
Partly Destioyed by-
Started by laborers.
Fire partly destroyed a three-.xtory va
rant brick house, owned by the city utJ
rilXlv-iirL mm iihi i'jii aueeis, tills
inoinllig. The blire will caused by spiirkH
from a Ire "tinted In ltboiers on tin
boulevard project In hum brush wood.
Firemen extinguished ti; Humes alter a
sharp half hour's tight.
'I'll- building "land" alone and other
dwellings wero not tndangieil.
Chestnut and 12th Sts.
Autumn Opening Exhibit
September 14th, loth and 16th
Models that exemplify in every detail distinctive and exclusive
ideas of the new fashions in harmony with the
French modes, from the most ultra to
the more conservative styles.
New York
S m
Chestnut and I2th Sts.
Special Opening Prices
Women's and Misses Tailored Suits
Suits of English mannish serge in 'ong and ,
deep girdle styles, trimmed with braid and 1
buttons; new model skirts; black 'and all
the new Fall colors. Value WJ.OO J
Dressy Suits in poplin and broadcloth, in
the new Redinjrote style, with novel trim
ming of silk braid and buttons; plush and
velvet collars and cuffs. Value $So.OO '
Copies of the latest foreign models in broad-
cloth and poplin, trimmed with silk plush I
or caracul; skirt cut on the most fashion-
able lines; superior tailoring. Value $89,75
Special Opening Prices
Women's and Misses' Autumn Coats
Coats in loose and semi-tailored styles, of zibehne,
diagonal, broadcloth and tweed; collars of silk plush and
button-trimmed; silk-lined throughout. Value $19.75
Dressy Coats of cheviot and zibeline; some with velvet 1
collars, box-plait back and side belts; also medium-weight
mannish serge coats; silk-lined throughout. Value $25.00 J
Campaign Opens by Bridge
Construction Over River
Save Russians, 400,000
Strong, to Aid Servia.
NIEUl, Sept. II.
The Pcrvlnn armies whleh last woels
oreupled Hemllu after a billltant bayonet
charge. In which 10,000 Austrlann wero
hilled or wounded, today began a march
toward Peterwardeln In an effort to open
tho plains of Hungary and tako liuda
It Is nfllclally announced that a cam
paign for the capture of Hutfnpest has
been opened by tho cutntrtlrllon of two
bridges act oss the Itlver Save for tho
ttnusportatton of hcavv artillery and the
passago of tho main Spi vlan army.
ilutlapest Is 200 miles from Belgrade.
.V panic Is reported from Vienna on ac
count of tho cnptl e of Kenilln, while
tho Russian aro triumphantly" advanc
ing 400,000 strong. The. unemployed are
parading In Vloiinu- Tho military stoies
aro lnsiifflelcnt, and as thero aro no uni
forms tho third levy ot reset vlsts aro
Joining the troops In Oallcla, In civilian
Tt is stated here that the Servians .ire
now working In co-op"ratlon with tho Itus
slan Uciieral Mtaff on plain whleh con
templuto tho capture of niidapest. The
.Servians, now in Hlavonla In gieat force,
am repotted as being rerelveU with great
enthusiasm by tho natives, ihn largo per
centage of whom aro Slavs. It Is Intend
ed to capture I'eterwardeln na soon as
possible and establish hcadfiuartors thern
after which tho Danubo will be crossed
ami an ndvanco made directly on Buda
pest along the linen of the Hungarian
state railway.
Meiinwhilo th" JIontrneRrin-fJervlan
army, vhtuh has bocn commNiione. with
the capturo of Sarcjvo, lln- i apitul of
HuMila, Is within thirty mllos ot that cltj.
Tho Austrian garrison Is reported In a
panic and It Is not believed any stubborn
resistance will be encountered.
Tho latent call to tho Austrian colors
has brought out the i-andaturm of 1803
and 1S0I. The Iandsturm of 1832, 1S05 and
IV will bo sent to th front soon.
Hermits aro being sent to tho front so
rapidly that many are not fully outfitted.
Homo nre still In civilian clothing. There
Is a growing scarcity of food nnd riots
i,o., i.ren started In some nun rters of
VIpnnn. hv women.
quickly suppiessed,
Thoy have
nUKAZZO, Albania, Sept. It.
The whole of Albania Is now domi
nated by the Insurgents, who are being
nsslted In their administration by lho
PAFU8, Sept. H.
A dlnpateh from Trieste to the Echo
de Paris declares that Italian troops are
now being disembarked In Valona and
other cities In Albania.
german pacific islands
Capture of Wireless Station Cuts Off
Kaiser's Warships.
MRLHOT'ltNK, Sept. H. - Following
their capture of Hcrbertshoh. capital of
New Pomeranla, Australian I naval forces
are reported to havo sailed to eelr-e the
Clcrman possessions In the Polomon Is
lands, It wns learned today that four of
the Australian forces wore killed at Her-hcrtshoehc.
Tho G"rman loss's were V) klll'd and TO
Ky the destruction of the wireless sta
tion at Itahoul tho Australians have- cut
,p German .misers In the Pacific f.orn
all communication with any German station.
Andrew Carnegie, Chrmncey M. De
pew nnd Mllo. denee on Board.
NEW TOIIK, Sept. 14.
The White Star Mne steamship lUltle,
which Is returning from Liverpool with m.
large list of American"! aboard, Is ex
pected to arrlvo hero late Thursday after
noon. Among the. prominent passengers are
Baroness Von Andre, Andrew Carnegie,
Ohauneey M. Depow, Henry Dlsston, F.
H. Doubleday, Mrs. J. H. txier, Mr. and
Mrs 8 r. N. Isltt (Mrne. denee), Duncan
N Stewart. Iee Sulzberger. Louis Swift.
Hon. It. Thynne, the night Rev. W. .
Walker, Harry Wardman and Crelghton
After Causing ArreBt, She Taints
When Judge Is Obdurate.
After causing the arrest of her son
Henry for lobbing her. Mrs. Thelda P.
I Uornels, 514 North Crelghton street,
pleaded wllh .Magistrate uensnaw in
central Station today to release him.
When the Magistrate refused, the aged,
mother fainted. The boy was held In
$100 ball for court.
Mrs. Uornsels said she had been robbed
by her son for somo time. "Tho last
Mm" he came home, he stole a revolver,
scurf pin and a pair of glasses." she
said. The police say Dornsels left town
aft"r lobbing hla mother and was ar
rested when ho came track last week.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. A bill to per
mit the snle of army horses to tho or
ganlred militia wns Introduced In the
House today by ReprescntaMve Drown
ing, of Camden, N. .T.
OUR product speaks all languages .
and CREATES and DEVELOP - business
Wc DESIGN and ENGRAVE in one or more colors for
high-grade Catalogs, Advertisements, htc.
Cut Glass
ron umvAT. i.u ts
Sl..-0 to S8 Values al
98c to $5
thi'lijrn oritpr U t tTI
b1r. p i t i h r - fini
dlnhs Mii;m n I i im
hetH, H
.vroni: oin.s 8.30 . m
i. m. v
AM) fMl2S IT 5hTO
iUoi-L-oi FillSnrf F.irrhth i Seventh
TimtO Fl.cjliK UlCHilVt -- t-.- v . --o
in .nit mi. iM'krii'iitvT iti-.s-r" or i? inri HUM. VT i.im L.vr I'linin i
Save Yellow
and rpt tho ry b
mir. harnlH that ran b
nnirfH with any tracing
11 f fli' rfoubte nif in
th tiorlTf7
The Upholstery Store Transformed
With Beautiful Fall and Winter Goods
N ll I J -5? ,
fc'ff 1" v .1,
VVl ,..US-i -5M
m J
rrc- ; -
S'ew Curtains. Portieres Many Things That Will Impart Greater
.,.... - t . - ., . , j JT ir.T'.... f 'I, j-.c-f iif hVtif -!-
Comfort and Attract' evesi to tur tiomc, .i?c uycrcu. jui -"":
"hut'll Trmpt I ou to IStnj.
Ttf Formal Opening,
That'll Tempt
$9 Lace Curtains, kg. 93
Imported Irl.h point of lino quality, with
wldo borders of effective de-lgn and
floral centre. 3H ards lon.
Pair .
Portieres, $9
Of fine texture wood silk. Ri'-h Interwoven
designs In -ar1ety of colori.
Fine Table
Scarfs, S6.9S
Tinsel Interwoven
In beautiful UeslRin
tntl Unci.
S1U Irish Point Curtains, $993
Z, ll.i.i nur. nomt l.u-e. i:lillr.l" ! nleri or
. .iii-!te, .lislRHR Mtli r.ii-d .11 hi"ii oilt
ll'nal offect'. 3'3 iii'ds lone.
? 1 0.00 to ? 1 8.00 Bed Sots.
5B.9S to $10.J)S
M .imieil on Ami French cubic lift in bc.iu
t f il IlenalHsauco, Jliirio Antoinette and
riblan laeet lace, with wldo luce frame on
lmilv of spread nnd l.trt;e cnlro nvtif.
Ilolilcr oo.t In inntrli.
Extensive Line of IVIoquette Couch
Covers, Prayer Rugs & Table Scarfs.
Colli h i'mi-r, S.1S .ind MS IS
Pr:ier Piik-, ' ' T Silk M i"lte. T7.50
Sun fast Drapery Materials,
79c to $1.-1!
Woven mi -i lilm l ari. Variety of desir
able t olor-t in .ittrjctKo .'nlonial anil verduro
dpslfnis. some itrt r'rcttv ino-tono effect.i,
45 and .'0 in h-s wltle. listlniates of Drap
eries and all Kind-, of Interior Decorations
furni.slietl fr- of barer THIltD l-'I.OOK
RlIS i Carpets, Linoleums
Richer. More Beautiful Assortments Than Ever and More of
Them. Our New Fall and Winter Stock Is Virtually Complete.
Many Very Exceptional Values
ul Slo Royal QEJ
S4U an
Wilton Ru
-Ire '.'12 feet
A truly viiinrleuiil line of patterns in'l
color tonilniiat-'f-ii" I lir'icc Oriental et
feiM that .re t . elleiit topic ui tin: orig
inal I'.imf li.iili amed .iml -ramies
Axraiiister $lg.95 to
i. ui; ft tu . . .
,io "(U mi
Nearly one Imiuhul "tjlt-a m tin-, p.a.ul.it
inaki M.tiiN .irf -i.imle'j-. ami tin- p.unrt-.
.....i.win mli iniriit.tl. nuttv llnr.il and c-
cIumvu iwii-toiie cttott-, in alt culuri.
Remilm ''' "'I Sl-U tirades. fQ C
Square tu tt '.
A iaili pttrtli.if ..i .ili-itit .'UUll yartN in lull r IN of coi al i
1 tleuti-. it cii'llc-.-. i.tri.'iy tu imiiltiii hi curj in i .m.i
Rriiin -ii- ! U't-t witli'. I'tilKlll I l.i ii )
In, tin Septt ii'lnr bale oj tiooit, llept Hualtle ln'.i toccniir;
Sludo of lln- ill-kniii Wainsiltl.i hi.-enni; rtht-i-ls aio eumleiH (
ami flushed with lltn' imli hem lrf)t incliiil.- all lses. i
linn iiiwii si ji) j,,, ,,.,.,, lb,zo T,x9 :il.fc, sp,,.
$1 'I SIM I. IS IbIM UHS iii.-lithi. 9l.ll.-i.
t ', I 1 1 I CASKS mi' t'.xJ'.. iii'litmi, Wfa,
, lail.Ml.ll I'ASKS !li' S T ' In.-lica 1 . igp.
New Autumn $
Millinery H
r $4.98, $5.9S and $ i
f $6.98 ft
,) Foi hats n nth -i lliir.l id h lit i ,
f ! more V ml otln'i stvl.s i ... - jj
b in? up ' i'i' hand- nn-"in Tw.".
"J TIIIK1) ! r .. Ill vlS.
An Authontattf! I'rrnenta-
tion of th" Xeiu Styles hi
Onr Ou-n lints. Also New
York and Pant Models.
noth niali and larsro
n h a p e 4 aro the vogue
i11eorlnu ostrich and
metal bra'd- lead In trin.-
mliiR Hla.'K. new 'larlt
I. lues. ii.,wph and sn-enn
lwart In col ir
(& rvi-;x'r-i-5-3:-N
Pur Facts
n i. ill" wool. ioiii'oii'l'viii.i, Mjia
Covered uilh l""' tiualHv uuuiiil anil I'iimiii In. ei lean fcatlue In
nanteil llirhl Hid " u ioii. wnn .i.i n kiiun ihikiii. v llltsil iin
ptiro Aufciiali.tii lt'uli" wool ju.. ..wi
l.i i
S, .,lll- Mlllll. Ml.lllll.l-, I'llM. M.1H
Of line tualit vv Int. limb-.' nnol "ii spool 1 1 ,, u.irp
iitik-nii.l-blue ft up- I ur Jamu.n.l l.onl.is u"tl .-IU bin. lint:
liulii'H. Kai It pan wmn. in- i
Wltll .1 1 1 II t
stiii' : 'x'i
I'l.'IOIt, M Ull II
i 1.1 i I i 'i "f .ll fl.l I'Ollil
i ti iii,i'l .'I'loail oi .'i uiurl-
i ii .ii ii 'i. i''i ni in lln- i. .linn, n
mark' i Tb tt i irki-t U . riiiliU by
I In: i,t.-.it I. in up. .in ..mli. I. ami fietih
lmnliiais ,j( fm- aro un.n .illabl';.
H' itrre fortunate to neeurr thn
earhi Helium of a iienrraua
if mint it il ot heautiful fins, u hieh
' i i i i i j
we ir ill xell nt our eunlomnift
ittindaul iiriee.
Hut "ii Tril til llir nbr N -vii 111 t'lfli t".
.in I the win -t w nn. i .ii. ihcv who
ill lu.ik. ii"i .- ul hil aatiort.
ii uts am hi ii.' ii ji.in t I . .it
M i'i'Mi i UtiiR
' S'J Sends Cm- Home
SI a Wfek l'a' f'.r It.
i Fpf
' 11 h -t If ti I.- top
. ,' i i t i . w
I i - t , , . f i
V. 1 v T I" I
1 I' ' g ' ' ' '
Oil lltatrrs
at Sl.US
Mill, r bin m
.r ...l..ib-s
i li'l MnoKl '
" $1,98
No. S Ideal Coal Hungc
Full I in. h oven firboT
will bin n ..,.il oi w
i'l lift off i,,. K- I li
tt i sn thice 1 i nif
pp aed "fie elb'm (u
Heating Stove
Noi!?;!l. ! s25 Stove Department Open s
5l ' '-rTnrr'
i i1
51.98 Gas
it. sfer ! r
i i.
! i
". '1
b rm"
n.b ,
. b.J f r ., i '
Inj.i t itt d
Tlllftu l
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" n
; Jt-ViL ou ruo.Mj oiiDtiib villuu
Lll . 'iOTUKHS
ii i