Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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Local Committee Begins
Sessions to Arrange Offi
cial Prices for First
Authorized Business Since
Exchange Closed.
Trading In unlisted securities was re
turned hero this nftcmoon under ths
unpen Islon of a special committee named
by the principal bond houses and ap
proved by the banks and the Philadelphia
Btock Exchange, A similar committee be
gan work along the same lino In New
fork. Each announced, at the closo of
the first day's session, that the situation
In the Investment markets had assumed
n more decided tone for the better, and
that thero Is every Indication In favnr of
a moro general resumption of business In
tho next week or so.
Thero was general response locally to
the requests of the committee for eub
jnlsslon by brokers of offers to buy and
fell and thousands of dollars' worth of
high-grade bonds changed hands today
under olllclol supervision The com
mittee, nt the closo of Its tlrst session,
expressed Its complmo satisfaction with
tho progiesa of affair ,im while It Is
iiunouncud that there would bo no pub
licity given tho prices at will- h the viri
ons types of Investments chanted hands,
t- the rulo that prices as of Jttl.v SO, when
- .. ..vv.ttlbl..3 v, LUC i;UU!JLr WCfO
ulllclally closed, would form the basis for
lUl trading-, Is being strictly adhered to.
Of course, with unlisted securities,
there la a wider margin between tho bid
.nd asked prices than thero is in the
case of tho listed bonds, and this fact the
committee has taken into consideration In
Its approval of sales and purchases. In
the caso of bonds for which a certain fig
uro was bid Just beforo the closo of the
Exchange, if there is evidence that there
lias been no material Interference with
their worth bcause of the war situation,
the trades are being olllelally endorsed on
the basis of the bid pi Ice.
The bond houses and the committee
have agreed that there shall be no price
cutting of any kind, nor will any at
tention be given to mere bond exchanges.
The idea Is to afford some relief to thn
inarket In a legitimate way, and It Is
Denepea mat under the restrictions to
bo laid down by the committee a con
siderable business will be done in high
grade securities
The Stock Exchange Commltteo con
tinues Its dealings in listed stocks and
bonds, ,and has already approved the plan
for trading In the unlisted securities
VIth ."both branches of the Invosttneiit
business working In complete harmony
there Is everj Indication tor a healthy
resumption of trading, which hall go a
ns way toward imnartlntr to th, mm.
, el a conservative feeling of confidence.
1-urope, of course, holds the kfy to th
entire situation Progress of events
.broad governs conditions here. With tm
reported successes of the allies comes a
better -sentiment, and the general opinion
seems to be that Improvement tnmi this
time on Is likely to be quick and drahtic.
Thero Is talk In New York today of rr
openlng the Cotton Exrhatigo, and moie
than, one broker has ventured the nre-
sw-mclknthat bv Octobei 15 the exchanges
at me country win agnin Be in full swing
This, of course, is all a matter of guess
work No one can foretell what is likely
to happen, but Judging from recent evenu
In the financial field, Indications are not
lacking that the guess is likely to be a
food one.
There appeared to be more selling than
buvlng oide-s In the local "-tock market
today Vev i ttlt- interest was shown,
and the public still slows no inchr.itlon
of doing an thing om way or th other
to any Urge" extent. Th following offer
ings were made: United States Hteel Cor
poration, 50H, ex-dividend! Union Trac
tion, 40, and United Oas Improvement, to,
approximately tho namo a the closing on
July 80,
Thore is llttlo chance, It wa learned
here today from bankers, of Germany ex
pecting to obtain any money In tho United
States It tho proposed war loan of $250,
000,000 Is placed.
The Kaiser, thy nsacrt. must look to
the bankers and financiers of his own
nation, for there Is a. virtual bankers'
boycott hero against loaning money to
Germany. Ho Is said to have been
warned of this before the war began, but
disregarded the warning, A banker who
has done much international business
said ecry money market In the world Is
closed to Germany, and It waa or that
reason the Emperor determined to make
his dash on Paris that he might collect
an enormous nnr Indemnity.
J P Morgan A Co. today engaged
J5.000.00O In gold for shipment to Canada.
The samo firm will make further ship
ments on Wednesday, but the exact
amount has not been definitely decided
upon. However, It Is expected that
nbout JS.0O0.O0O will be shipped to Can
ada beforo tho end of the week by the
Morgans. Tho shipments are to bo
made In connection with the maturing
obligations of New York city in Europe
this month.
News from Ixmdon waa more cheering,
and there. Is talk In the financial district
that there Is a posslblo rcopotilns of the
Stock Exch.ingo by the middle of next
month. Trench bankers hoar that the
IUiursr at HoiileniK. the new l"rcnch capi
tal, Is llkolj soon to bo reopened.
Generate speaking, tho outlook Is
brighter now than at any tlmo sine tho
stock exchanges closed.
tVHBAT. nccclpts, 23.487 bush.: market
weak and price 5c. lower. Cnr lots, in .ex
port elevator: No 2 red, pot nnd September,
$1.07?1.12; Ne. 2 ril. Western, 1 1101 10; No.
S Northern Duluth, Jt.Z101.28.
OOHN. necelnts. 14.827 liuih : market dull
and He. lower, with more liberal offerings
Car Iota for local trade, as to location; No. S
yellow, SSflssUe j steamer vellow, STHflSSe.
OATS. Receipts, 41.74S bush.: demand slow
and prices He loner. No 2 white, MHSIWo.;
standard white, MtiMHc , No 3 white, Kt
FiiOtm. Itecelpta, 7M febls., 1,017,203 lh
In sacks. Trade slow and prices 10Q2."c, per
bbl. lower. In asmpathy with wheat. Winter,
clear, J4.7MI1; do , straight, 1B.'.25: do., pat
ent, $1 406, Kansas, vtralght, Jute snok,
S .1003.75: do. patent. Jute aneks, l.lpitin:
spHnr, first clear, JSffS 2S; do., straight, J5 25
eJM: do, patent, $r,.003fl! do., favorite,
rands, (i21fTf7.s. city mills, choice and
fancy patent. Jrt 2Vflfl 75: do , regular (trades
Winter, clear. J175JS: do. rtralsht, JTi'35.60:
do , patent, '.Oflrs IIYIJ FI.OUIl dull and
weak. We (inote nearby and Western at J38
o no t er 1M ,.ln wood ...
rUOVISioS'S In fair jobbing request and
rily beef In sets, smoked and alr-drled, !U1J
83e : Wetern heer, In sets, smoked, :ili,t2c ,
city heer. knuckles and tenders, smoked ntul
nlr-drled, 32 ff 14e , Western beef, knuckles and
tenders, smoked, 12314c . beef hams. 40tt41e ,
pork, fnmlK. $2oT27. hams, S. r cured,
iooe. 10"jffl7e. . do., skinned loose, lOUiUTa .
do., do . smoked, lRHfflfl'ic ! other hams,
emokeil, city cured, an to brand and aerace.
lMisoc. : ham, smoked, Western cured, 1U3T
20c: do, boiled, boneless HiiKlle. i plcnld
shoulders, S P. cured, loose, t2(ffl1c: do,
smoked, lSJrlSHe, : bellies, In pickle., ac
cording to average, loose, lOSlSc., break
fast bnron, as to brand and average, ctty
cured, wnile ; do., do , Western cured 2Tft
22c , lard, Western, renned tierces, lli712c.i
do , do., do , tuba, 1194ftl2c . lird, pure city,
There has Iwen a constant decrease In
the number of Idle freight can of the
lines of the Pcnnsylania Hatlroad In the
last three months, caused primarily by
the larger number of cars used for crop
molng purposes. On June 1 the number
of Idle cars on the entire system, lines
cJt and west, was T9.0C0, while now the
total Is 51,000, or a. decrease of approxi
mately SJ per cant
Application for a charter for a new
state bank, to be located somewhere In
the northern part of this city, the site not
having been definitely determined, has
been filed In Harrlsburg, The incorpora
tors are A. M. Nlsalcy, Joseph T. Hnydcn
and William Helndel. John P. Connelly Is
counsel. The capital stock will be JIO.OOO.
The banks gatnd from the Sub
treasury on Saturday, $333,0X1. since last
Friday $1,021,000.
There Is a report In the Mrcet that the
directors of the Central Coal and Coke
Company, at their meeting tomorrow, will
pass the quarterly dividend of IV: per I
cent, on the common stock, due at this f
time. Jt Is understood mat tne regular
quarterly dividend of J1.25 per share on
the preferred stock will be declared.
Electrolytic copper sold In Indon to
day for lS'a cents per pound.
Net earnings of tho Tonopah Belmont
Vf o'opment Company In August were
Jl.N.yi, compared with $102,000 In July.
Ii i r.utler Tonopah Mining Company
;u 'u-t net earnings were JC0,950. In July
th. ne JJOOO.
Vn nljltlonal 10,300 emergency cur
len t Philadelphia banks was Issued
b ti Subtreasury today.
Herbert A Scheftel, a partner of J S.
Bache & Co, of New York, died on Saturday.
kettle rendered, In tierces, HvgiSe,: do.,
pure city, kettle rendered. In tubs, lli12e.
Bl'TTEn, Demand absorbed the receipts of
of deslrabl goods and prices ruled Arm.
Wenern, fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy
specials, 34e. ; exceptional lots higher; etra,
:i232iie. i extra tlrats, 31c ; (lrats, 294 (ft
3Ij$c: seconds, 2742Sic. : ladle packed,
21&23C., n to nualffyj nearby prints, fancy,
Mc. ; do,, average extra. 3,ig34c, : do., flrtsa,
30H3Je. : do., seconds, 27(821)0. Bpcclal fancy
brands of prints Jobbing at E0ffl41c.
IXiCJS. Klrm, with goou demand and Im
mediate receipts. In free cases, nearby ex
tras, 31c. per doz, j nearby firsts, J8.40 per
stnndard case: nearby current receipt, J7.fioia
7.80 per standard case: Western extra firsts,
$8.40 per case: do., firsts, $7.50(37.80 per
case: do, seconds, J(! GOStO.OO per case.
Candled Rnd recrated fresh eggs ners Jobbed
out at BMnMTc, per do., as tn quality.
CHBIlStJ dull tnd weak, with moderate, but
ample offerings New York, full iream, choice,
IfiViC., fair to good, lB'iSlOc.i part skims,
Oil He
titVR rofl.TUY -Offerings fairly Ilbe-al
and tho market tnrely steady.
fowls, chnhe. I74J ISC , no , poor nnd thin,
ltiirlll'ji',. old roosters. lliS12c , spring thick
ens, line larne, 17ifrlNe.i do, medium slses, IS
inc.: ducks, old, l.lif 14c. ; do,, spring, HSlSo.i
pigeons, per pilr, layuc.
Ulti:S3KC I'Otfl.THY-Fowls of flna Quality,
scarce and Uc higher. Urolllng chickens In
falrlj liberal supplj nnd quiet
Frech-kllled fowls. Western, per lb , selected
heny, Sl'ac extra, 2014c.. average receipts,
45f4l4 lbs mernge, ISiflllc. , do, smaller,
sizes, UUClOljO , 1 roosters, dry picked,
13'tc brclllng i bickers, rcarby, weighing Hi
2 lbs npieie, 1Uff2uc; do. fair to good, ldtf
18c, chlikeni Western, aiir t lbs and over
apiece, in, do. do, li'ifft lbs apiece, Kl'ir
lie . broiling ihlckens, Western n sighing
I'.iilJ lbs ITHSt j do, fair to good ISifflfe
aquabs. prr dnz , white, weighing llfJlO lbs
fi"- doz, JIW4 40 )Mc. neighing lBI lbs
per 1101 i iiin.i.fu wiiue, weivning 8 lbs
per dor , 2 :,(Hi2 Nl, do., do. 7 lbs., per do?.
Jc.'J2.2S. do do il to (I'i lbs . per doz., $1 GOi
GKKKN rnuiTs.
OltBUN ntUITS Fancy apples In good re
quest and nrm Other fruits sold fairly mil
generally stead
Aprlca, per bbl. Virginia (Iravensteln, lllush
?!uLH"J"ltr ""mbo. .50Ji other varieties
Jl 5nfl2 nt); apples. Helavare. per hamper, 40W
.... inuifii', wi tJOA
crate, i-orto 111,11 ?i
per 8-lb. basket, ,703250.! cantaloupes,
Colorado, per crate, Jl1.0O: do., do,, flats,
4O70c: do., Maryland, per crate, 2SHGOc.i
watermelons, Southern, per car, JOOfflOO; do.,
Jersey, per 100, J831B.
VnamUni,ns.-Potatoes In moderate sup
ply and firm, with demand fairly active. Other
vigetablea generally steady. ,
White potatoes per bushel PennsjUy,1"!1
choice, MflOSt.i tfo., fair to good, OOftaie.
Whito p-jtatoes, Jersey, per bskt., 40S.ina.
flneet potatoes, D.istern Shore, per bbl.No.
1, fl.7fi9.2iM No. 2, 7oc.$l. Sweet potatoes.
North Carolina, per bbl No. 1, J1.7532: No.
2. 7"k! 01, Sweets, jersey, per bbl.No. 1.
J.'fiOS.t; No. 2. f I.SOsn 75. Sweets, Jersey,
per bkt., COflCOc. Onions, Western and Con
necticut Valley, choice, per IO0-lli bng,
ft 23. Onions, tomrnon, per 100-lb. bag,. 75o.
Celery, New York per hunch 12ff)0e. .Mush
rooms, per 4-lb. bskt., 60c JJ1 CO.
t J3WI. pineapples, per
112 5l: I'lorldn fli2.,10,
Grand Trunk svstem, first week In Sep
tember, total gtoss, $1,000,113: decrease,
$11,144, from Tuly 1, gross, SlO,665,S70; de
crease, $CI9,70u.
Chicago and Alton, last week In August,
gross, $407,117: decrease, $71,631: from July
1, gross, $2,591,811: decrease, $22S,34.
New York. New Haven and Hartford,
July operating revenue, $5,7R5.633; decrease,
$S,302, net Income, $357,032, Increase, $70,-001
iiio L.rnnue noiuuern. nrsv wcpk in crp- ciahorrles. rape Cod livrly illack. Per bid
temner, gross, iosw: oeLrease. jut; rrom vi -m -, rianberrles Cape Cod, Harly Illack,
July 1. gross, $106,370; decrease, $18,023. , r" mip, 51 ,.ij 1 -raniierrles, Jersey, per
Toledo, Peoria nnd Western, August
gros, $117,221: decrease, $63S0: net, $23,211;
Increase, JM82: deficit, $10,909.
Texas anil Pacific, July gross, $1,473,202;
Increase, $6S,4S9; net, $323,233; increase,
Central Now England, July operating
revenue, $276,903fn net deficit. $24,573.
New York, Ontario and Western, July
opornttng revenue, JSDC.BOl: decrease,
$15,736; net, $236,666; recreate, $264.
Missouri, Kansas and Texas, first weelc
of September, gross, $571,700; docrease,
347,313; fiscal year, $5,379,636; decrease, $220,
541 Louisville and Nashville, first week Sep
tember, groBS, $1,070,000; deciease, $117,773;
from July 1, $10,578,20S; decrease, $660,7S4.
W$t IjHattitftone
1 1
1327 Spruce St.
1327 Spruce St.
rer orate. SI 7"fi2
nitr, d.irk $1 7.-'H2 25: light. $1511 2.",, buckle-
. ,ICI 'il . lt: macKoernes, per ,it,,
..BOc , ne 11 lies, Virginia, per 20-lh basket, 2,"iW
50c. do., dr , per crato, 75c.ifi$l 50, do. Dela
ware and Mars land, per basket. 2.1H750., do,
do. per crate, T5e,B$t,2S, peaches, Jersey,
white, per "s-baskjt . 40C.OJ1: do., do., ellow,
Per Vbarket, 40i- H$l ; peara, nearby, per bhl
Bartlett, No. 1. M.oOtfS: do . No 2, T2.76tr3.25
iJWijJCvorlLe' No' ' J3.W88: do., No. 2,
K.i.ve-fl 25. other varieties, $233: grapes,
SouthernDelanares. per carrier, 4flT76o.
grapes. Concord, per crate, 40300a.: plums
Toronto r.nllway Company, quarterly,
2 per cent , payable October 1 to stock of
record September 15.
Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone
Company, regular quarterly, 2'i per cent,
on capital stock, payable October 1 to
stock of record September 22.
Goodyear Tire nnd Rubber Company,
regular quarterly, l1 per cent, on pre
ferred stock, payable October 1 to stocl:
of record September 19.
Julius Kayser Company, regular quar
terly l3t per cent, on first nnd second
preferred, payable November 1; l'j per
cent 011 common, payable October 1.
Philadelphia Traction Company, regu
lar semi-annual, 2 per cent , paynblo
October 1 to stock of record September
Brazilian Traction Light and Power
Company, regular quarterlv, Vi per cent,
on preferred stock, payable October 1 to
stock of record September 24
West India Ulectrlc Company, icgular
quarterl.v. V. per cent, on common, pay
able October 1.
Grand Trunk Railway regular scml-an-ual
4 per cent on guaranteed stock, pay-
f, .lit . ,., .. X,.- -T- .. t VW.VW-. w..
unuuinns resuuiiiK xruin wie i.urujj'-rtu
tvnr ara rrlvn an fl, miiba fnr tho notion
of the directors of the Aususta-Alken RESERVES OF BANKS LARGER
itallway ami Electric corporation in sus
pending pavments of dividends on the I
companj's preferred stock, which 1iav i
been paid heretofore and are cumulative
at the rate of 6 per cent, annually An
ofllilal statement Issued by the compan
sas that pivments will remain sus
Tended until financial and general busi- i
nc-s conditions Improve. ,
Weekly Statement Shows Increase of
800,000 Loans Expand.
This week's statement of condition of
the members of the Philadelphia dculng
Huus" Association shows that the mein
brs strengthened their reserve position
k06.000 during the we, k. While lodna ad
vanccd $1232,000, Individual depolt.s fell
off $1,620 003. Deposits of banks Incieased
$1 V.O 000.
Details follow:
Dlf ',
Sept 14. '1 pre w Sept. ir,, '13
Loans JlOl sM,iiO Jl 21Jiho H7S.45", o1
iiptsinii i"is ins i i.ikiiiikki :i iui mo
rirculat'on 14 04 IK- 2Ufi
iu ir liks 4S.IM11 null- !jiipiii)
Dep nfbk 12) ".IS llfO-r 1,SM(S1
Exrienrll liMtniOi) 2.444 rn.i
Reserve . fi3.437.0OJ-t- hdfi.OO-J
Jts req
6- irnlns Sentember IS inn
fceptpmber 1.', 1010, $11,493,750 teptomber 13,
In.reat, Decrease
11.320 000
.-,i no oho
n ojo.mio
t'2 0S.l,niiii
7,'i32 f 10
was Ji.4S1.7.'.n,
After Eight Months Partial Opera
tion, Textile Plant Goes on Full Time.
TORONTO Can., Sept. 14.-The Dominion
lexti Company has resumed full work
ing time in Its ten mills Tor ! -ht
months the "GOO employes had been work
ii k on an average of 70 per cmt ii i ul
It Is announced In Chicago that the
C'omnionwealth-Kdlson Company has laid
off more than SOO employes In various departments.
Ono unfurnished apartment.
4th. floor, west bide.
0 rooms nnd bath.
Option on rental of garage.
Apply to Janitor.
Spruce and Twelfth Sts.
An Apartment Hotel with the
prlvncr of n home.
Light, cheerful Apartmonts with
private bath.
Furnished or Unfurnished
Located near centre of city: con
venient to Business Section, Thea
tres, Hallwav Stations and tho Shop
ping: District.
Call. WlitO or nhotln for nnrllpti.
I 1BS1
I Jy?c'ffaHpjlTWPJR&
All Outside
Apply on Premises
or to
- Apartment Bureau
and Spruce
J, " '" S '
ai!8ssgiai?wgnffg'Jstm agaasatasi
L a .., .. .. f m
13th Street Below Spruce
An Apartment House With Hotel Service
Suites arranged according to your requirements from two rooms
and bath to seven rooms and three baths.
Conveniently located within walking distance to the shopping,
theatre and business centres, yet sufficiently separated from the busi
ness districts to have the characteristic privacy of a residence.
J. H. HAWKINS, Manager.
vuAcX OAaJLtm,
Northeast Corner Broad and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia.
Fireproof Construction
nnp partmente rft
Suites Facing Broad Street Southwestern Exposure
Permanent or Transient Terms
Beautiful Roof Garden for Guests Banquet Hall
and Parlors for Dinners, Receptions, Dances, etc.
ARTHUR F. HEEB, Manager.
" " " 1 ' '?v
VKW YOHK. Sept 14. nilTTEtt strong ,
crcirn eitran S2 to 3'JHc ; cream firsts, 2-,
v", .,,-5- , mum uuirv, luua, .i iq ouc. :
prn rxtras 211 to 28Vic
KOOS Irreeular Nearby whites ani fancies,
TS to 40c , nearby hronn fancy, 33c 1 extras,
30 to 3!e ; firsts, 20 to 27c,
A news agency dispatch from London
ays that, at the request of Minister of
Klnance Rlbot. brokers associated at
iiordeaux have decided to rromn tho
' Ilourse there.
Opportunities for
Business Gains
come to those who have cap
ital. Start an account in our
Savings Department
and be ready to take advan
tage of special offerings that
may come in the next few
3 per cent. Interest paid
Two weeks' notice to draw.
Corn Exchange
National Bank
Chestnut St. at Second
HAI.TIMORE, Hept. 11 -WHEAT. spot
Jl wH4 Corn, spot Mc.
mil A10 Hept. 14 -IIOOS -Ueeeipts. 31..
I'," markets 10c !ner. mUel anil ljuti hern,
$8 (O'rjii Mi Kooi heavy JS WVqu TS rtiunh
heav S'.vgsS5 light. 7',fri .Mi plirs, ts?13
ii'.. hulk $S r.n-fid IB ('ATTI.K-Recliu,
21 nisi markets uc loner, heevm fl 40511,
conj rml heifers, tlfifli. stotkeri und f, n.
er $11 infib 21. Tean 7 rums ,-. calves
'i Viflll V) hHKFl'-ltecelnts "1111m nur
lets ftrnng native and WeHtrn, J1fi5 bi),
Imin, Jacobs
NEW YOFtK. Sept II Cottunwe.i oil open
tint September. I', lWi5 SI uct ,l.er f. 1"
153 1" November. 13 Wfi 1 fi! , Drtemter. f. 'id
to", 07 January. JHU3fiU07 tet ruan. (i O0
SH12. Slarch 6 238 20, April fi 24(1 15
OH. CUT. Pa, Sept. 12 --Credit balance.
$14j tun- h ill averuge St HI hipmnu.
illtl ainaw B7 427
Jfatrfax UpartmentiS
Magmn ent In Ita appolntmenti.
lle.il In In location vvu pri-dent mr
Falr'ax to a. moat dtsirlrrln itln cltsd
uf rro.pe live olcuiuu3, ha iMre
(.late exUujUeneja n Its fcaturi'S
The Fairfax Apartment! are In the
moat fanhjonaule part of German
lon hi hooi Lane at Waine Avmuo
ntthln three minute' vvalk of Chelien
Avenue station vvhlih Is tninty
minutes from Uroad btrcet Stall' n
and nlthin ten minutes of Wayne
J unit tun hi h is fourteen minutes
Iroin Heading Terminal.
The Transit Company cars are ac
cemlMo 10 all parts of tho ctty,
The contiructlon of this building
Is ilioruuKhlv tlreproof ami modtrn
IV i; ilunal icatuua being a eolurlum
I'vtrng llic entire house, electric
eliiat r, maids b tho hour and
1 1 II 1 siril.e
H, J. JOHNSON, 306 Bailey Building.
E v L.-L.ARK & CO Uankers
OfDcv of THE COI.l Villi S KAII.WAV
I'referred htock .Serifs A Dlililrnil ,. 3,
Columbus, Ohio. Heptember II) 1011
The Hoard of Directors of The Columbus
Railway, rower & Light Co has declared the
regular quarterly dividend of One and onr-
lialf per cent. (IH) upon the 'referred
stock Series A or the Company, payable
October 1st, 1914, to stockholders of record
at the close of business September 13tb, 1011.
Checks will be mailed
P V HIHUNGTO.V Secretary
" The 23tb Annual Sleetlne of the stock- ,
holders will be held Tuesday Eve.. Sept, is,
t 8 o'clock, at 120S Arch St.. for the election
of Officers and Directors and to receive the
annual report. A new series of stock will be
lsausd- Na entrance fsev
40UH A. lXOBR,
At Ovcrbrook
'1 minutes from Ilro.nl Street
nation. Handsome bultes thor
ughly equipped for houm
eplns ttraclive Poof Garden
Ileal! furnished by day or week, single meals If desired Maids and other h.i.
can be secured by the hour for a. small ruin Ice furnished by rnanagtment tvery day
For full particulars phone Overbrook 0528. or call at central office.
-J srv
The Warwick
190G-8-10 Sansom Street
(Extending Back to Moraian
Housekeepiticr Suites with all
modern conveniences for house
keeping, including abundant
supply of hot water.
Apartments equipped with
"as and electric light (private
Fxcellent caterer in buildinc
Arrangements can be madt
for care of apartments.
Meals served in dining room
or in anartments.
Flcvntor runs all night
Rentals, $300 to $800 per year
Whiteside & McLanahan
15th and Pine Streets
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