i-Ju w-44 r "-svta nt9' iy WPWpy EVENING LEDGEE-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY,. SEPTEMBER 14, 19U, D y THIRTY-FIVE EVENING LEDGER WAGONS WHICH TODAY DELIVERED THE FIRST COPIES OF PHILADELPHIA'S LATEST NEWSPAPER. TWELVE EVENING LEDGER AUTOMOBILES USED IN THE SUBURBAN AND NEW JERSEY SERVICE EVENING LEDGER DELIVERY WAGONS ATTRACT CROWDS Pedestrians Line Streets as Vehicles, Adorned With Posters, Pass in Line Two Blocks Long. Tlili'ty-five wagons and twelve uutomo 1)I! h!ch delivered the Evening Ledger to newsstands throughout the ctty at tracted crowds today when they pmaded through tho centre of the city. Tho wagons and automobllcH will he devoted to the service- of tho Evening Ledger. Tho parade was formed In two detach ments. One group staited from the ituWenat Ninth street nnd Glrard menu and tli othor from stahles at Sixteenth nnd Balnhrldge streets. Tho lines then led to Broad stroet and hoth dlvitlons drove toward City Unit. They met at Market and Juniper stieets una then started cast. Along llioad atreet and In the more densely crowded Maiket street pedestrians ran to the curb and lined tho way when tney saw tho parado coming. Th? vehicles, each decorated with evening Lcdqcr posters, made a line two hloclcs Ions. At Second and JIarlsct streets the liad ers turned south and continued to YVal r.ut street. When Sixth and Walnut streets was reached tho vehicles weio drawn to the curb In fiont of tlis big Curtis Hulldlng nnd camera-men took evefil pictures. Then the wagons dis persed to their district stations and tho automobiles ran to Chestnut street to bo ready for tho llrst edition. BANKERS REPORT A BETTER MONEY DEMAND Brokers Reduce Loans and Outside Institutions Make More Inquiries. Banker today said that tho tono In the Philadelphia money market Is better than for some time. The banks are bulns mors commercial paper: brokers have re duced their loans. In some cases mater ially, and the country banks are Inquir ing of their city corresponded for good paper. Loans are not being ailed by any banks. Monsy lenders report that there is a better mercantile, business toJay than for the last several weeks, and Southern banks continue to mn&i application In this city for direct loans nnd rediscount" The minimum for such transactions, when they are granted. Is six per cent. Tho banks, however, do not enro to place any more money than they are actually com pelled to, for the reuson that they do not want to cut down their reserve. There Is no change In the official rates, The rate for call money In C per rant , this being tho highest legal rate which can be charged In this State. Good name commercial paper Is changlns hands at 7 per cent., at which the bulk l the transactions are being made, while some paper brings 7U per cent. Ranks contlnu to scrutinize closely tho paper offered them. That the better tono was renetrnted to the country banks Is shown by the In quiries nf several of these banks of tlielr c ty correspondents asklns if they can P-ace any money. Several such twiulrl" have been received by a large bank, some outside hanks having as much as UO.M to InvMt, Buy a Typewriter and pay for It 10 or 15 Cents per Day Remington, Exactly f-j a l-ike Cut ... ... ? 14.00 Any Standard Jake Remington, SmithPremier, Oliver, Underwod, Etc. ?v-?5y macWne wo ti t factory jebuilt, exactly like n machine nd guaranteed for ontyca? ' ;,iLSmin,s 33.80 wuuigiuu 1 1 63 Inderwoodk ;;; tf jpewniers rei t-nti-d r ll0S. us I MARCUS I CO. u, Printers, ffice Supplies '""""iN.JSh Street Write for Calog NEW MOVE TO INCREASE RAILROAD FREIGHT RATES Interstate Commission Plans to Per mit Advances on Certain Conditions. Sui prise was shown In railroad circles today at tho suggestion of tho Inter state Commerce Commission that ln rrcusos In freight on certain classes of commodities, not allowed In the com mission's decision In tho flvo per cent, rata case, could bo had for the asking, and that the commlslon was prepared to permit nuch advances on one day's notice Instead of 30 days, as usually required. The advances, it Is estimated, would In ei ease the totnl freight levenue of the mllroads $:5,O0O,OOO annually. The rail roads have not received any direct word Irom tho commission In the matter. The articles on which Increased freight will be allowed Include feed In sacks and barrels; oats In hulk; Hour, buckwheat and rye; liny In bales, paper wood pulp, agricultural implements, dressed, dryod or -nlt meats, petroleum products, sugar In barrels, shelled corn In bulk, copper In all foims, cattle, corn syrup, cotton, tobacco, hogs, sheep. ISailroncU In Central Classification Ter ritory, which were allowed Increases on certain classes of commodities In the rate case, are working on the new tariffs, which they expect soon to file with tllo Interstate Commerce Commission. ATLANTIC CITY TO HAVE MANY NEW STRUCTURES to SUGAR IN VAST SUPPLY Warehouses Overstocked"" by Recent Shipments Prom Hawaii. Stigar warehouses of this port nro stocked to the limit by rocent arrivals of enormous quantities of the raw product. So great has been tho pressuro that in somo cases It has been found necessary to irakd use of various piers along the wnt"r fiont for storing tho cargoes. T'io American-Hawaiian steamship Tx an docked yesterday at Sprockles' Sugar Itcflnery, need street wharf, with 18,(M, X pounds ot sugar, from Hllo, Hawaii. This makes the total arrival of sugar for the last elRht days 48,000,000 pounds. Most of the product Is admitted duty free. Tho Alaskan, a sister ship of the Texan, brought IS, SOO.MM pounds of sugar from the same pluco lo-st Wednesday. She wns preceded by the Eteamshlp Isle of Jura, from Cuba, with a 10,000,CO0-pound shipment. DELAWARE MILITIA IN CAMP WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. H.-Dcla-waro's organized mliltla today began a camp for tho purposo of rlllo prnctlco on the state range below New Castle. Building Activity Promises Eclipse Previous Years. War's unsettlement does not seem to affect tho building operations at Atlantic City. The projects that are In course of construction and those contemplated bid fair to exceed previous years. The cause, for such activity Is simply a enso of sup ply and demand. During tho pnst season not a jjlngle largo hotel wns nblo to sup ply tho demand for accommodations and waiting llsls wcro being conducted dur ing the entlie season. The npartmont houses which were con stiuctcd to tnko enro of tho overflow wore taxed to their limit, which gavo new hopo to the owners and Induced capital ists to Invest In several large new build ings which are being constructed, i lie new $2,000 O"0 Improvement to the Hotel Trnymore, which has Just been begun, gave Impetus to hotel Improve ment and was closely followed by the contemplated Improvement to the Hotel Itudolf. Tho lobby, exchange, etc., will occupy tho entire mezzanine floor untl tho stories nbovo will be devoted to sleeping rooms. An Innovation In sea shore planning will bo tho root garden. which will cover the ontlte building. The building will cost about 500,000, and was designed by V. D. Smith and E. M. Hen dercr, Atlantic City. The plans nnd specifications are now In the hands of the builders. The bid? will be handed to the owner tomorrow and tho contract probably awarded be foro tho end of the week. Tho addition to tho board-walk, oc cupying tho open space In front of tho present hotel, will bo 10 stories In height, constructed of steel, brick and torra cotta, veiy ornate In design and of French style of architecture. LABOR UNION PAVORS LOAN A demand that Councils make every effort to facilitate the passage of the $11,700,000 municipal loan to inaugurate clvlo lmpro'etncntH and provide employ ment for ldlo men wns made In a reso lution adopted by the Central Labor 1'nlon yesterday.' Another resolution was adopted asking the co-oporatlon of the Chamber of Com merce with tho Labor rorward Movement Committee and the Central Labor Union Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings AWAITING YOUR INSPECTION is - a stock replete with the finest foreign and domestic fabrics. Fortunately all were bought before the war and at a saving which wc shall gladly share with our customers as long as the present stock lasts. Trousers ASpecialty JONES 1116Wa1rmtStrcct. In the raising of a. $1,000,000 fund to ad vertise and extend the tinde or Phila delphia in all parts of tho world. CHESTER HOME DESTROYED Woman Saved by Neighbor, nnd Two Firemen Burnetii CHESTER, Pa., Sept. M Tho homo of Alton C. Donation at 1127 Highland ave nue was destroyed by fire today. The loss Is $3000, covered 1V Inmranre Tin origin Is a mystery. The following per sons wore burned: Miss Margaret Harvey, who resides at the Donnhoe home, burned on head anil body; Frederick Smith, meinbei Fcltou Flro Company, burned hands and larer ated scalp; Edward Canavan, IVlton fireman, burned hands. Miss Harvey was carried from tho burning building by Frank Nesler, Jr. a neighbor. She was hurried to tho Chester Hospital In an automobile. It la feared that she Inhaled flames Hho was enveloped In flames when rescued b Nestor. NEW FENCE BRINGS SHOTS Carpenter Says Ho Wns Target Be cause of Neighbor's Dispute. In an argument over the erection of a fence on his property, 553.2 Hast ltltlen houso street. Oermanlown, Nlnclo Car pello Is alleged to have Ilrrd several shots from his revolver at Francisco funzlo, G4C Hat Itlttenhouso street. For this offense he wns held In tim bnll for Court today by Magistrate I'rnnock. Cnrpello alleged Ianzzlo tried to plane a fence for a neighbor on Carpello's prop erty. Ho remonstrated with tho car penter, he said, but Ianzzlo paid no at tention to lili complaint. Ianzzlo drelared he was placing tho fence ai directed bv f'nrpollo'a nelurhboi, and that Catpello fired several shots from an upstairs window. POUT OF PHILADELPHIA Steamships Arriving Today Uaverford (Br.),nvn, Liverpool rla Quen town, paenKCM and merrhfliidlae, docked WaHilngton avenuo ivlmrf 8 80 A. m. . - Ancona (It ), Conelglerl, Otnoi vl Hit Vork, pau'ennera and mercbnlll9, doeMi Pier 11, North Whano. 8.4S a. m. .Inland! dl (llorcln 'Nor ), Port Antonio, fruit, Atmnu FVini rompsny. . . ,. ,. Tnitrra (Nor). Port Antonio, fruit. tTnlt4 I'rult Compmiv . , 'athcrlne i uneo f.Vnr . Tort Antonio, frfllt, Cunen Itn.oriln ' rinpnny. .... H-uonno (II ). Messina, ballast, JCMph U. rinbupl I'rrii.in, Hoston. pn,Mener and mtrehan dite, Merchants nnd Miners' Transportation Company. Steamships to Arrlva Roest'lylt . ...Spt II StnmtM Oet. 1 Pomeranian ..Hipt. 15 5.utderdylc ...t.OoU ? Weft Point . .'Sept. 15 m Mrinr ...Oct. Carthaginian .Kept 21 POUT OF NEW YORK Steamships to Arrive Dt'E TODAY Vamp. From, frndcflk VHI rhrlstlAnnand I'Mwlam ilotterdam Sfcot 1'aUl.i AlaieelllM Htpt. 8 Steamships to Leava A J-'or. itotteidnm UUernonl . . . Mierpool Naples . . Llicrrool . ...... . .Naiilps . .. Ila-. r Jtutttirdnra Naples . . . Name. It(tt rdatn "t l.mll8 ' umrntila I. i'ipa .. foltlc .... Ant na Touralrie . P .i .am . rretl'j . . . Silted. .sept. 6 Dale. . .Sept 15 .. .Fept jn .HCDt la . ..HeptHl . ..fceiu. 10 . ...fleet :n . ...fept to ....Kept sa ..3pt. as FOREIGN EXCHANGE NIJV YOItK, Sept. H.-Tho foreign rxclmngo mnrkf-t opcndl dull and about 't cent lower at tit's for demand and 4.t for mbles. The bidding wan slow. An tlnnto of th" nmnunt nf gold to be ex ported this wel; ringed from $7,0ro,00 1j nf'.'MMw. 61 New Stetson H dt yFdll -& 1 Sept. 15lV JL I fffX WM llMWiy 4a ft 0 mi X 1 r k NEW FALL STYLES of soft and stiff STETSONS Styles that you can' recognize as far as you can see the hats j and quality that will hear the closest inspection. Men seem to appreciate our knack of helping each man pick" out the model he will like to wear. JOHN B. STETSON COMPANY Retail Store 11 CHESTNUT STRKKT wi Turn Npim) k.'''0 I Bnght Lights mmiM H for Philadelphia lflfrKsSi8 &l make their first public appear- $i8slikxKi& V& ance to Philadclphians. Both HASWfit &&&&?"&'. )! made by world-famous institu- Hs "A S&rJ' :?&&&$ ,"' i3V'L-Vi $ tions, representing the highest flSSS? : finality, at a popular price-arc !V3ifSJK ' ' ?&$( M ?'- && Ji'V sure to render real economic ?&,&&&'&''& f V' 'A-'.! i F IW'SS service to Philadelphia. 'WMMJJg? ' -.JNTm;? 7fH: One of these new articles is ?IF ? : VV' i&M I a New f kW ,::$ for 1 Cent . 'MWMW WSS!"M ' '4 We join with Philadelphians a'v-V ,iii?t:' .IV'. '' "$ :-fl today in presenting our most sin- r7Vi '". V .-j3jEKw "r A"Ssgj4 :y.-,.' .-- '-.- ?' tpi V;i' cere compliments to the Curtis frr.X- V?' N----r-7rw-rS " ' " &j. f;0.i manaRemcnt with our heartiest k'Si--'-: "-- Vi r' ' " '" ',?' 5'-;- wishes for the very early eatab- ?:'''". .;', ' ' '.irJ-S? ' JT ' s ,- -'$ lishment of the Evening Ledger '.'..- -fifeK V: - -''-A '& as one of the world's lcadins ? JW'- K.- X i J0 newspapers. Vi; rHS.f' '.'': "I" I "'' yEri Like the owners of the Evening -"I"1-'' I ' .; Vv -'. j '" j ..j.i IM-? Ledger, wc also announce today a ;''. ' .' V-. ' '''' ''"' ?fl new addition to our line '"" ,' J 'v- ---c,.-3 Zs) ' c. - s ' v y v-l A Genuine Aeolian r-. ? , A "-!; , Player-Fiano $0 JaSV' i j This instrument also is a new &);& ' ySIM Ai) V-W rV- product of a world-famous insti- f$ t.U & t I fJJ&'SfW?a-S.U Y-r t'fy-y tution the great Aeolian Com- s'vVW-nv '5jSjSKfe5ffi-V ' m &any- makers of th? .pianola w CmAi i;v-4 Every resource at their com- c'li Mj VPlSwi?'IKAV. iXVi mand, every inventor, every arti- W $ j Av1 VgtiSvV-i-JV A?; san in their twelve great fac-. 2 " Ny A - ?5SKfS5V '"S .i; tories, every commercial advan- W i V rrEBKSQSiWaSilKSIrisiA " j4 !j?V tage of such a vast organization, ''yM7pSMnfl.vS 5?V-I Ihi was used to, make this new model -wv yA-Vri'fW'SWKSSIKWffAv ' h'g the world's greatest popular. A)'fy--mMtlhh 4 priced player-piano. VV TO- WgSWg rtV a now for sale with several W&$WVm3W l other Aeolian models at '''1 S C. J. Heppe & Son BIBBS 6th ami Thompson Sts. 'SW ;vV;V-ivv','y! ;..', vy'.-voxVr.Vr'',',"''''''",v:''r MjSsv3' ii d "j$e&&&'l'l X The reult of 22 year' tuccesiful experience in building motor cart. & The name plate on the radiator Is not the only reason It's a Hay net, America's Greats! "L ght Six" NOW HERE $1485 .4 'j' i T-.--V Jh lii . . i . . . . i!LJiWBE!&XaimMSXi -iJ t"l H-TTT- U'lltA tii-.1 b.HUWrAiritJ.VlT.bKlnCIL BBtiBm& w&mffiam!9m&mv xspr Appreciate that a factory built car is a'uay super ior to an assembled car. zszS4 ESW3 wm$ liK-nurA-mur 3 WMI1 JV-.VV -, . 4 .-'KSr4V:! &&tttikm if ptjMvtsa . L'nit rowr plant 8-polnt iaipmlLn, -cjiiiiler ei-tloc motor aci ia y lee'.p- 131 lath ik.telLL4 I ft (i a 1 ..in encro, il pfl Wi'i.nt i mil wlv tiiuiirl U' ib. Hi'. Iny ru.iw thuu "lie luT"i';r tu ny M Iti4 or vtelKtu Io-.Ne4ri .ofjralo unit fUirtlBf and UebUDK Uin LcviuouUcil HeifleU Ctti burner ii - jinis Tor r"i- ii : r i ' ' "' iiiii ii i II " vaiOB i iiginniniiii ii fl J ON EXHIBITION THIS WEEK Specifications in Brief Xcnttton fr m fforag4 battery thrxirh auoi m in ,j.i-n xntb. K9 ta i mr S idt a 1 I 1 1 i k u.Uri 41 l t' ttl ui r ,1 , llttynu ull Iluilnv eai ux c CrowneJ foaJsti T .' .sirtlJtlfSpKSaaJJW g,,eaaas3afcsr5f1 'r M &&r$tt AVA Mffl -Sr lx -tii'-hfM.r "ittru-tlii. '" , ' ! k i 11, i' I .un mfttflct I - If'1" ' "! 'I" Ul 4f,tW fl, 'i . r . lit. i iiij . k.41 "V . ..1 -in 1 iulir linr j.m.i t .., t i t ., litt curtU. 1 ur mi 1 1 .-iu , iteuiu.UJl$ wii- I 1 ir- r t lr j' 1 r,ij.:i 1 i- n 11 f Ujoijj. t; vetile bora ji.ar Ujcj JOHNSON MOTOR CAR CO. 326 N. Broad St., Phih. mua. 'ruoKEjAogpsx U41 .. m-" - -