Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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wmn power
yu:i ivniL
jo omproiiiwc w mi- "
tarism Make's Possible Fur
ther Dreams of Teutonic
T,ONUON, Sept. H.
-. ... ..... I-.. .llll.ifttiivt la nfllflltPfl for
T Mil l'IlSll iiiiiiihiiiiii " """, .
.V..' t. .i. i i .....I ..(. Knclmid
All 11111 "Ulll vii n.i. " -.-. -
'"ill refuse ovrn to consider propositions
of peace. Tli.lt wna me ciiii ui. r"-
the position of tlie allies must bo greatly
r isunilerHtowl If It Is believed that any
peace proposal would even bo received
at tills time. . ,
Wcic tlio wni'ctiileil today, oven tnotlKn
lloleluni were Indeinnlllcd tind Kranco re
vived back Almu'c-IJrrnlnc tlio Kroat
Ocrman fleet would rrinaln ns a. nienaco
to tho peaco of Kuropo. KliBlaild la ilc
iPrmlmM that tlilH ahull be the last war.
Olllclals, from tho Kltm down, Insist that
tlir. real cnuso of the war was the Ger
man dream of world power. A couipro
mle now, It Is claimed, would mean that
tt'a Inter dato Germany would icnew
tho attempt, and this tlliio the allies
tnlKht not bo able to present their un
kroVn front. So It Is tho intention of
England to fight on until Germany Is
forced to consent to a peaco that will
make her a party for nil tlmo to trcatlen
die will be compelled to respect, mid not
regard as "mere scraps of paper," to be
disregarded at will.
Tlio Times today. commeiitliiB on the
eutlook, declares only peace concluded in
Berlin and tho dispersal of tho Gorman
tint will be acceptable to tho Hrltlsh
ncople. It declares that any olllclal who
ould consent to lesser humiliation of
Germany could not withstand popular
The agreement between the allies that
peace would be concluded only by an
agreement satisfactory to all ended for
11 time, ofllclals sny, tho possibility that
Germany might bo able to make In
dividual terms which would permit her
to retain her present status.
It Is admitted peace may bo hastened
Jy the defeat of tho Germans In Knuico,
nd by tho crushing of tho Austrlans by
the Russians. Thoro has been a strong
j...........,,. If, finrmtiltv. np-nltml flu. vn l
linaeri -uii -... ... -. .CT.. - --
Only In Trussia was It popular with the
people. The majority of the other Ger
man States had no liking for conflict so
far as the rank and fllo of tin; pooplo was
concerned. Now that Germany Is on the
defensive, that the attempt to tnku Paris
has proven abortive and, above all, slnco
the loss's tu the Fatherland haw been so
mormon.', tlierr is real danger of n popu
lar uprising which miiv change Urn pres
ent German nste-in of government.
Suggestions that the Kulscr may yet bo
forced to abdicate nr mucin In certain
quarters usually familiar with what Is
going on in Germany. They are n.i ynt
only suggestions, but when (he truth Is
known In Germany those making thcin
hero say they may becomo realities.
1 TV1
320Dv MflM
Senator Itanstlell Says UOO.OOO Will
Lobe Job if Measure Fails.
WASHINGTON. Sept. ll.-Wlicn tbe
river and hai:or appropriatlnii bill was
taken up in the Senate today. Senator
JIaiiidoll, of Louisiana, luudu vigorous dc
ffiisc of tli" measure.
"Each dollar cxpetjded on iiupiovliig
naternay gives $2 in reduced transporta
tion ehiige.--," said Senator Causdell. "ft
would be a great calamity If tlio pending j
uiu wiua. 4'iui ..ii.uuu employes Will oe
thrown out of work and a larger num
ber who furnish various mateiials, up
ward of iini.uoo persons, will lose their
weans of mppnrt."
'Senator llansdel! said that there was
not a single unworthy or improper Item
In tho hill, .boiich some had greater merit
than othei-.
Had the Germans possessed the war
map, which accompanies this article,
Paris wbuld have been In their hands by
now. Tho map, tho chef d'oetivro of Mark
Twain, was drawn by him and by thn
exercise of superhuman Ingenuity, also en
graved by htm. It Is true that It Is
somewhat askew, but ns General Nelson
O. Miles, who never saw the man ,1s re
ported to havo said:
"It was fully ns useful In 1870, when It
was drawn, as It Is today."
Tho map was published In tho VJuffalo,
N. Y., ISxpress, of which Twain was
owner, on September 17, 1870, nnd Twain's
description follows, together with some
testimonials, oven more enthusiastic than
that of General Miles:
The above mup explains Itself.
The Idea of this map Is not original
with me, but Is borrowed from the
Trlbuno und the other great metropolitan
I claim no other merit for this produc
tion (if I may so call it) than that it is
accurate. Tho main blemish of tho city
paper maps, of which It is an Imitation,
Is Hint In them more nttention seems paid
to artlstle plcturcsqiieness than geograph
ical reliability.
Inasmuch as this Is the first time I ever
tried to draft and cngravo a map, or at
tempt anythlng'In the line of art at all,
the connnondntlons the work has received
and the admiration It has CNclted among
tlio people have been very grateful to my
feelings. And It Is touching to rellect that
by" far the most enthusiastic of these
prals.-n havo como from people who know
nothing' at all about nrt.
Uy an uniniportunt oversight I have cn
graccl the mup so that It reads wrong
end first, except to left-handed people. I
forgot that in order to mako it right in
print it should bo drawn nnd engraved
upside down. However, lot the student
who desires to contemplate the map stand
mi his head or hold It beforo her looking
glass. That will bring It right.
Tin., rrador will comprehend at a glance
that that piece of river with the "High
tJrldgn" over It got left out to one side
by reason of a slip of tho engraving tool,
which rendered it necessary to change
the entire course of tho Itlver niilun nr
elro spoil tho map. After having spent
t".o days In digging and gouging nt tho
map, I would have changed the course of
tho Atlantic Ocean before I would have
lust so much work.
1 never had so much trouble with anv
thing in mv llfo as I did with this map.
I bad heaps of llttlo fortifications scat
tered ail around Paris, at ilr.st, but every
noiv and then my instruments would slip
and fetch away whole miles of battered
und leave the vicinity as clean as If
the Prussians had been there.
Tho render will nnd it well to frame
tills man for future reference, so that It
may aid In extending popular Intelligence
and dispelling tho widespread Ignoinnco
of tho doy. MAIUC TWAIN.
It Is very nice, largo print,
saw. U. s. GHANT.
It places the situation In nil rntliely
now light. ISMAHt!K.
t cannot louk at It without shedding
tears. UltlOlIAM YOUNG.
It is very nice, largep rlnt. '
My wife was for years afflicted with
freckles, and though everything was
done for her relief that could bo done,
all was In vain. Hut, sir, since her iirst
glance at your map, they have entirely
left her. She lias nothing but convul
sions, now. J, .SMITH,
If I hail had the map 1 could have got
out of Metz without any trouble.
T havo seen a great many maps In
my time, but nono that this one reminds
mo of. TUOOI1U.
Secretary of State Bryan on tho matter.
Secretary Bryan will take the matter up
with the t'j-esldcnt again. It already has
been made known that the delegation
would bo received If Its credentials werp
In order. The consultation today was
largely for tho purpose of considering
these credentials. They are understood to
boacceptable to the White House.
UllicluJ Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania nnd New Jersey-fair
tonight and probably Tuesday;
not much change In temperature; fresh
northeast winds.
Tho crest of high barometer Is over Ver
mont this morning nnd the nreiv over
spreads pinellcally nil districts fiom the
Mississippi tllver eastward. Kalr weather
has prevailed muter it liilluencn except
along the south Atlantic nnd Gulf cousts.
The temperatures remain tow along the
Atlantic slope, but are rising In tho lake
region and in most of the great central
valloys. A disturbance of considerable,
energy overspreads wetstern Canada nnd
tho States nlong the northern border,
causing thunderahowers In tho Missouri
and upper Mississippi valleys.
Vcr Philadelphia nnd vleltillj-t-'iilr locl.iy;
tomorrow, paruy ciotmy, iun rising tempera
ture. A
U. S. Wcatlicr Huraui llullclln
Observations made nt S p. in., Knstcin Time:
Teinn. t.nHt Itlln- Veloe-
A a.m. n't. fnll.W'd. Ity. Weather
T'i ?" LI ,l rlm.1t.
Abilene, Tcr.
Allnntle L'lv
nisniur.k. N. I). 40 -PI
ra iii)
Secretary Brynn Investigates Creden
tials of Commission.
WASHINGTON, Sept. H.-I-'urtlter rc
gotiations wore begun today for the re
ception by President Wilson of the Bel-
rtnutoiii Mu.... nt "
nuffaio. n. y.... BR :m
cidcouo, til wi n
Cleveland, (J fiO fit
l)nnr, t'ol lis; !!4
Dor Motiien. In.. Wl rt
ti.ibi. ,11.1. r.o r.n
IJVU'llll iHI'll..., 'T ', ... T
Diilutli. Minn.... r.l r.l 1.2 s
finlvrston, Tex... 2 ill .. S
llnttcras. V. I.'., 7'. M .11 .VIJ
lleieim, Metit..,. r:s as .. sV
Union. H. 1 PI PI .01 SW
.Mckomtvfllp. I'.. US ml .0 .V
K'hiis.ih t.'lt.v. Mo. 7t 72 .10 M
Louisville. Ivy... lit n .. si J
.Mernplilq. Tenu.. "J 71 ,'.M SIS
Now Orleans.... "S 7i .0! SK
Nw Vnrk r.s r.l .. i;
North I'latte. N. 2 4o .(is SW
Oldalioiim, Okla.. "I "4 .UJ S
Phlliulrlphla .... M ,",t .. Ni;
Phoenix. Aril! U (It .. F.
Pittsburgh. Pa.. ."! Ml .. !;
Porllaii'l, Me.... ."t Irt .. ,v
I'nitlaml. Ore.... r.n r.r, .01 SW
Quebec. Can ,v 44 ,. v
St. .iiul.o, 'Mo.... 72 70 . Si;
St. Paul. Minn... Co r,i t.Ki sv
Salt lukc. IMnh. -12 411 ,02 si;
San 1'rinclscO... ."'I W .. w
cinntriii, I'a o 44 . N
Wlniilp"? ...
ftuti sets..
74 7i) .Of
r.u ri ..
no co
01 SW
12 Clouily
i- cicur
4 i:icar
s f'lcar
1ii Clear
IS I'leni'
I Clear
(I Clear
In lialn
12 Clear
IS ClnuUy
1S Cloir
21 Clear
10 I'.elollily
ti I'lnr
12 P.elollily
11 llnlii
12 cinuily
12 Clear
4 Clear
i! Clear
I Clear
1S Cloudy
12 tnear
8 Clear
4 Clear
4 Clear
5 Haln
4 Clear
21 P. dourly
5 Cloudy
i Cloudy
4 Clear
4 Clear
10 Clear
1 Clear
lu Clear
..0:12 p. m.
Illgli water. S:."tla.in. I Ulgli water. n:.1t p.m.
Low water. 3s4ti n.m. ' Lon water. S:M p.ln.
lU'RhV Tt.vr.
glan delegation which now is In the i High water. r.:ir. a.m. ( lllsii water. c,:2n p m
United States to protest against alleged I I'ow cr. 12:07 a.m. Low water. 12:11 p.m.
Gennnn atrocities In the present war. ... , nilUAKWATKK.
iiku ti, -:..-i n. hi, inRii water. ..iisp.tn.
Low vater. 8:31a.m. 1 Low water. 0:37 p.m.
Minister Havenlth, of Belgium, visited
" H I
' quicKiyi ucectiwood is almost sod s
out. Sonic of the best lots remain unsold
but not many. F'rices $75 to ?30O just half of "
last year's finiires diir o rlnimr ni t, m- i .'.j
-. " .....h uu, iiu: ivuatl - -
TiRta(e- Onlv : it;n,. r. ... ..mi. tt i?i , .,
"j """" Hum ouui oc. mcvaica rer-
miiml by way of the Phila. & Western. High-class
improvements beautiful homes. Beechwood Sta
tion on the property. Only 5tf) down secures your
lot-balance ?l.25 to ?2.00 weekly. Come out and see
the wonderful values that ....... :c .-
-- -- ... jwtu o 1, jun iti;
at once. Ulir reore:entaHv:
meet all trains.
Leaders to Stress Need of State Tax
Under Democrats.
TntJNTON, Sept. H.-Itepubllcau lead
ers forecast victory for their eon
gresslonal candidates at the November
"lections. Now ton H. K. Ungbce, chair
man of tho Itepubllean Slate Committee,
has prepared an Itinerary which will
carry him Into every county during Hie.
days remaining beforo thu primary elec
tion, September 22.
Mr. llugbee, primed for a contest which,
It Is admitted, will be strenuous, In vlow
of the luck that has fallen In Iho path
of the iJemucmts with the outbreak of
the Kiiropciiii war, has. declared that
there appeals to be no reason why the
Itepublle.ins should not telttrti at least
seven out of tho twelve numbers of the
House of Hepresontatlvea to bo elected.
During tho Inst week, or since such
candidates ns John Uynely Prince, pro
fessor In Columbln, who is a candidate
for Congress In the Sixth District, und
Kd ward W. ctuiy, formerly seorotury of
tin' Ktite Committer, who Is running in
the Mlghth District, have opened up their
oratorleal balteiles, theie has been a
marled change In the sentiment of the
The parly lenders me hent upon con
vincing the voters that the Under wood
tariff bill, and not tho general conflict
In Kurope, hau been as much, If not more,
responsible for the efforts the Democratic
Congress Is now making to get money
under the protexl of it war las to relievo
the manufacturing and commercial Inter
ests of tho country.
The effect of tho tariff, combjned with
Hint of the reform eorporatloii laws
which were enacted when l'irsldent Wil
son wus Oovernor of New Jersey, ae
coidlng to the Itepubllean leaders, has
reduced tho State leveliues to such an
extent Hint the State lax Which was
threatened during the last session of tho
Legislature will this year beeonie a reality
unless there Is an nbsfiluto repudiation
of the Democratic forces.
It Is known thot Washington docs not
look altogether upon the coming election
with tho eyes of an optimist. Of course,
nothing will be spared" to le-elect those
Wilson r'ougressnieii who lire uli the
ticket for another term, but, ao fur ns
the White House is eoncerned, thore (tie
no predictions being made. Secretary
Josenh I. Tumulty, who enmo up from
Washington on Saturday, found Mine for ,
several eonfeiencus over Iho congres- I
slonal situation.
It Is understood that .Mr. Tumulty i
learned enough or the situation In his
homo county of Hudson to lead him to
regard the opportunity for a Wilson walk
over In the congressional elections ns not
altogether certain.
The Progrerslw's are displaying nothing
mole tliiin a passive Inleiesl in the cam
paign, and even some of the leaders ad
mit that a poor showing Is to be ex
pected at tho polls tills year.
Seventy-four Theological StudonttJ
Enrolled for Fall Term.
MADISON, N. ,T., Sept. H.-Drew
Theological Seminary will open the fall
term on Wednesday, September 23, with
ono of the lutgest classes In Its history
and with several faculty changes. Seventy-four
students have already registered
and It M thought this number will bo In
creased to S5.
Tho Ttev. Dr. Kdmund V. Soper has
been appointed by the trustees to oc
cupy the newly created chair of mlstons
and conipnratlvo religion. Professor Soper
comes from tho Ohio Wesleynn Univer
sity. Piofcssor R Watson Hannnn, a
noweoir.pf last ver, who was nssoelnt-
professor of pastoral theology, will oc
cupy tho ehnlr nf biblical theology. Pro
fessor Hubert W. Hoger.i, who lias been
Fpendlng a year in Oxford, will reautnu
as professor of Hebrew and Old Testa
ment exegesis.
President Hzrn. Stiller Tipple Is fttpected
to return home In a few days from London.
WASHINGTON, Sept. H.-Secrrtary of
State Mrynn announced today that tlio
peure treaties with ilirut Hrltaln, Kninrc,
.Spain and I'lilmi soon will b ready for
HiKtitiliir-'. Uy the terms of ihes,o trcatlen
the loiiiitrles parlies thereto agree to
Hubmlt uiiv ilNputc to a commission pre
vious to beginning hostilities
But don't delay.,.
c Wood, Harmon & Co. -
1437 Chestnut Street -
announce a.4pecial,4xAitclxyC
imported JrencA jta&i
&o reproducUon&zinc) xhxquioI
orMie jfaland Inter-Aezdoa
JyDW' GuvpeanxondnonsMa
New Autumn Apparel
For JFomen and Misses
THILE Bonwit Teller Sutts, Gowns,
Coats, I J 'raps, Furs and Blouses con
form to the mode in general expression, they
distinctly possess those unusual and exclu
sive Jeat ttres that make for individuality,
TAILLEUR SUITS 25.00 to 175.00
COATS & CAPES 19.50 to 150.00
FROCKS & GOWNS.... 19.50 to 150.00
WAISTS & BLOUSES... 5.00 to 50.00
FUR COATS 29.50 to 500.00
SCARFS & MUFFS 10.00 to 250.00
"Taillettr" Snits
Ffy$ Distinctive Models
hi oiported serges, diagonal cieyigtei
troatrloth, imported gahardniA TlVU
wed if velvets and braids. Copies oj
''"Med models.
Women 9s ' ' Trotteur ' ' and
Afternoon Gowns
Six Distinctive Models
Developed from serge, salin-and-serge,
channeuse and crepe de chine. All six
models reveal the very newest style
Store Opens 8.30 A. M.
Store Closes S..W P. M.
i tn.
I IK 't'
i . '
i m-
i -i i r
7 mi rb ,', i
jniimuiiPHnij' '? :":" '' " ;; ' ; , ' " ' 'irnni
viniiiin imiihi innirwcuiT. nn b i jm nr -h.i an icnm
,ov t Vll ill I',1' I
L T1 'i V 7A)'i,f I i, ii i i in' ii'!
, . . ' '-i V'1'::?'!!!!1' Ii'l'1'1'"'
Grand Organ Recitals 9, 11 and 5.15
fill J
IIP?! :
s irir Jl inniorirow
Exposition of new and exclusive English tailored suits,
s coats and capes for yomnrag' women,
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Copies of new CaSlot gowns posed in the Gray- Salons
from Hll to 112,30 and from 2.30 to 4.30.
(Pint Floor, Centra!)
FaHl showing of the new designs in Fine Domestic Rugs,
(Fourth Floor, Market)
jpcsal sa!e of toilet goods, performes and other
tions; also imitation ivory toilet articles.
(West Atelc)
Shadow Flotmcifigs for
Special sale of Embroidered Net and
Bloossee at less than
(West .lisle)
Special showing of mew $5 to $9.90 Autumn millinery,
(Subway Floor, Market)
A ISfg special sn!s of men's Balmacaan style waterproof eoats
stoilar to tight Overcoats, at $0 ,7S, 36.78 md $8 J&
(Submit Floor, Mrh 0
sftii!5g of a large shipmeait of newly imports curbing t Hnrisen
prie&iCluny mi Marie Antoinette.
(Fourth Floor, Vhpstuut)
Ftat glsowing of men's very fine -ReJIesf " hosiery m4 underwear
nev frm England, at the old prices ummwt,
(Moiii Floor, MarHet) r
mm mmm ready in the Men's Wat Store to sell m nw defies
and soft hats, brand new from lure, "-w
(Muiu Floor, M&r&st)
gA4aOi my &wls of cut gteS5,3Smaii nwrnegrsia the Lewer
Priee Store at $ 1 .50 eash, www
(Subieaif Floor, Chestnut)
"t iHl'.i
-- I.' v til'' boia
U Phila.
vc tui