TM t i!&i I 14 EVENING LEDGER PHIL'ADEIiPHlX MONDAY, SEPTEMBER r&TOJQ. )d i ' r. 6t) reL tre.. inui pros I: i u ( y.l CARDINALS BACK IN RUNNING-CHANCE SITUATION DISCUSSED-LOCAL WlgVENSBUSY .YANKEE MOGULS J STILL LACKING :' IN FORESIGHT While Chance Resigned, He Really Was Forced Out by Owners' Refusal lo Make Him Supreme. Long Term of Years Is Necessary to Build Up Club Which Can Com-' pete for Highest Honors, i BASEBALL CONDENSED IMralt. 4 Oilmen, fl. H'lri.i Tho story of Frntik Chain r's resigna tion from tho Now York American Umvik club la ono as ancient na the national gamo Itself, tt linn over beon tho pollry of the mnlorltv of eltib owners to adopt r shifting mothoJ of diilnplnij a team, rather tlinti one of ttAtrlttul waiting, Thlcli has brnrt en lilg-Mv Mlrces.ofnl In the case f tin- lhlrtlrn of tills i It'.- lid tho (limit of Now VmU Kraiil; riiain'n ilnl not r.'SlMi because he had nof dilopivl n clulj with could compete with the better orranlzatlona 01 31an Johnson's circuit, but because b" was not allowed to develop It. This friction between tlio owners and th man agers Is the thorn In tho sldo of bai ball, and at times lias actually been a menace to Its very existence. To build up a winning ball club, Conni" Mack says, requires at least Ave years. Chance has been in New York ft II tH less than two iMson. It I ttue that he does not kpiii to have made any moio progress this year than !ir had at tli close of the season of ftus. Yet this "iroutd probably bo the caw ven It lie Tin i the nucleus of a winning flub around which to build. In this case tin team mlslit so Montr more or less Indifferently for a couple of yars then k t.Motily Jump Into the ruiuilnff without warning, just as tho rit. Louis Hron did at the beginning of tliln season. The tians IMssls.MppIana were enabled to muUe a Ilsht becausn that team, tor the inot Tart, had bevn playing together Ions fore Branch Itlrltrv wa even considered bs a manaijerial poisibllltv. Sow that I'hunce ha deckled that be cannot raovo along in hnrmom with the owners of the Yankees, the fans of New Tork will hao the dissatisfaction of neeins; one of the gam' Bieatest gen erals discarded merelv bucausp th moguls bavo not learned th lesson that a man ager must be supreme in hi department, and that to be uccjstul ho must hold the rnlns In nis own bands and not bo driven with a ' hatter around his own -JSffe , From several quarter thr- seems ti be a rumor uflout that, at it all. Chance will remain in New York, at !"ast, for tlie rest of th season. That, however, hus little bearing on tho question. Chanco lias been hampered and h" will continue to be hampered as Ions' as the mogul of the HlRThlandcs bcllee that they know more about runn'.n; the details of a ball club than ono who has captured three pennants. AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. 1, .1: St. l.ouK u. Club Standing. v. t,. IV". v t, p.i- lllilctlc . KH Id .Hid Ohleairo .. ll.'t Mt .IT7 Hmtnn . . TT ."5 10" SI T.oiilH . f.f) 72 .4"0 ivtrnit .. ;ii na ..vja .w Yorkiiii 7:1 ,-nt Unjhln'ti. OT 01 .SWIm-sUikI. 13 Nt .sad Today's Games, lllMlr nl "Nrw Yiirk. Hrlritll lit 'lorlnml. ItiKtnti nt H'iililimfi'H. (lilrniM Ml M. I.011K Tomorrow's Games. MIilello nt Nru YnrU. Ilotnilt nl Cletrlnml. , I1nlim nl Uii'hltmli'ii.. . ClilriiRi) at s- I.'iid. NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. "I., it nnrliinnll, 3. t. t.niiK .1t Oliii'linmll. 'J CM etiitir.) riilcumi. ?! i'lltlurKli. 0. Club Standing, m t. re v t.ri' Uo-ion ?:t s. :-o "in.i.ureii "t 2 i, .,ri. 71 :.: .--.-, "iiiilie. .. :.n ;n ,n "' t.ul 71 i!-.' VM tmokbn "" Tt ( i I'hii.iS'i ... 7niW.."i2n Intlnuatl. .ilTt IS Ted.ty's Games, New Vtirl. lit t'lillnileltdiln Tun rtimn llrimM.vti nl ltinliin. M. l.niiK nt rlnrliinntl. Tomorrow's Games. Ilnmltbn nt Itcilnn. :cw York nt riilladclillila. rEBERAirLEAGtrE Yesterday's Results. (Iltl'illiii. 1 1 UlllTilIn, n tlilciisii. ts StulTiilii. S M ennit.i Club Standing. w t, r v 1. I'1' i'i ,,, .. 7' . ..""7 illlfTillo . HI llll .,"1 In.l np'1l. .71' !! .".in Wli flti . J7 .Jl r..llvn .. r.7 no .,-.; t t.oul . .1-72 1I1 Hnltliiiore 07 00 .Sir PtttsLursh fit 7.1 : Today's Games. Kiiiivk 'liv nt ttnUlnioro. Clilrinro nl rllllniri:li Inilliinupoll' nt llrnol.l'n. M, l.oul- lit llulfnln. Tomorrow's Games. Iuiln ritr nt Tfciltlninre Clilrnen nt i'lttliuri;li. IndlnnaiiolK nl Itronklm. , s, I.nuK nt llnltiiln. International League Standing. iv. j, i' r vi i. v r 1..-lir(r ".".--. 0i7 '1 rnnt.i 1.7 ". rn l'roililit!W si rii i'.o'i Vf r-1, 1,07.1 lit H'llTiil.i -i', -'.11 M nitrxnl .10 "- 4m. laltlnmr. . 7. Oil rjJ 1 it ll!- M"1 SCHOOLBOYS READY TO START EARNEST FOOTBALL PRACTICE Organization of the Picked Lads Is Now Going on at Most of the City's Athletic Promoting Schools. Tlilq week will find the lnlcrneliulntlo footbnll (rnthliiK eonson fully under way, t the wan lots arc eager to get into their Ions and physically prepare tlieniseUcs for the coming struKRles on thn Krlillrmt. The three kcIiooIm In competition for tho Hills A. Olmbol Cup-rcntral High School, Noiihent tllt'li School nnd West 1'lilln iielphla High School, mid likewise Suullt- in HIkIi. wlileli Is hut in lino for the ttopltv till Hour-have been I'linejlng tlu inutciliil ul tiuml and tnliing (icllnlto el-1' toward the organization of football .iiind. Northeast, with it usual tig inislvenes, Iuih nlrcndy put In tbrcu dns 01 gridiron practice, while tho other schools havo called out the candi dates and will begin uctuul work this week. Though predictions nt tlito ditto would tin a hazard. N'ortln-ast High. Judg ing from tho dash tdiowti by tho men In tho early practices, should put In 11 strong Mil for 111 ft honor, while Continl ll'gh, because of the wealth of avilll i.l. 1". nriHt bo 1 minted 11 foi ndd.ib'e op ponent. rt I'liil'iili'lpliia nnd Htiuilwn High r.ieli lost hiavlly iiuoiimi gradua tion and mut ili,ipr up n tfinn trom ti s'Miail of nrw men. 'on oh Johnson, of Northeast. lias boon working with his men 11 1 thu Northeast Athletic Kohl. Twenty-ninth and Cam i.ria, and tho tciun will continue daily tryoitts. Klfty candidates, Invltiillns si's veterans, have reported. play agalnsl. Footbnll plan for tho com In? reason at tho South ttroad direct In stitution wro fotiuulated nt a meeting assembled by Doctor ISoirc, where It was ; ofllriallv titinounc-od Unit bean Johnson. I of tho school faculty, had been selected . to coach the team nt s-'otilliwnrk Field, Only four veterans have returned Smith, ''rledm.t'i and King, of the backucld, tllul MacNnniee on the line. HERRMANN PLEASED WITH CHARLEY HERZOG CARDINALS TAKE OE MEW LEASE OF LIFE Are Threatening Boston Braves and New York Giants, Leaders, Now After Being Passed Up as Contenders. F. AND M. ELEVEN OUT Trospects Are Very Bright for Tip top Squad This Year. Weakened only i.y th losy ot Hartman. Pchatfner and sykeg, and strpnytbnid by iclraniber of stronp men, rmspects are bright at Krank'ln and Marhall for a football team that mil 'ank 'il(rh among the smaller colleges this '-.. Dkhl. captain of this jear's varsiti, who played centre last year, will probaMv be at on nd position, and Wltherspoon will b shifted from Uckle (o centre. "Dene" .lones, who was accredited bv r'amp with making tho longest run on aiy gridiron last season: with Mylisi and Jrhunl, two old stars, and Evans, a new man from Lancaster High, will likely coiiipriia t"0 backfleld. The linemen who look promis ing are Smith, Wauffaman, Miir nd Teake. Kranklin and Marshall Arademv This year sent into the college R number of Tilayers who will ohaso tho star. of Pint year for their place" The mii ro Slountr, Ilager, Knrsherff, Wllliam and Kossler, all of whom wre on t'i prepara tory school varsity. Other new men ar llolllnger, from Bethlehem l'rp.; Tttck rt, Sellaravlllo High; Hibb and Eller, of Klsklmmetas, and Roberts, from aiercersburg. Thlrty-flvt mn have bean at work tinea September E, and a fast team wt 1 be picked from ths equad for the openinc game, September 5. Th sed'i!, whlca Is stlffer than usual this season, is: Sep tember 15, Lehigh, at South Bethlehem: October 3, Tenn, at Ph!!.Jflph'e October 10, Lebanon Valley, at r.n'-arr ')t .bHr 17, Swartnmore, at Lan 'aster n iu ;; Dickinson, at l,aneast;r: f). rrfcer 1, llav, erford, at Have-ford: Xovenioer 7 i'oi nell, at Ithata, No e'.i'.ter 14 "rsin.i it Collegevlll": Thark",lving I,v, ij"ttj bursr, at Lancaster. , XEW YORK, Sept. ll.-Pasod up as j a pennant contender weeka ago, tho Rt. Louis Cardinal' have taken on new life nnd are again threatening the Boston Braves and New Tork Giants, National Leaguo leadeis. Following their double victory over tho Reds yesterday the Cardinals are In third place, only four and ono-hulf games be hind Staltlngs' leaders. Coming strong behind the Cardinals are Ifank O'TJay's Cubs, But one game separates them from Hugging1 eolior-s, as they, too, won yesterday, beating the Pirates. The Cuba and the Cards, however, ha a tough battlo ahead in the pumam chase. Practically all of the remainder of their eaines are to be played on tl 1 road, while the Iiraves and the cil.mia will bo at home. ' roach "Alec" Howell has Just an nounced that he will bo able to devoto his undivided nttoiitlon to coaching the Central lllsh eleven. Cnpttiln Stephens, ilotwals nnd "11111" THiUer in the baek lli'ld; Knnnakls. Chamber., Ymitic, Wlrk 11 an nnd Kerr for tho line foim the uiKleUB." The problem of sefiiring a fourth man for the backfleld, preferably a good punter, rmiiltis In be solved. Vo."s, o lat season' scrub, will probably be iiKllglblo. Armstrong and ll.ickinan, of the l'M3 freshman team, arc light and In . - p.-i loneei, ThoiliMH, l'lrinklord lUgh'K t'ir halfback, ! said to bo a punter of .ire ability nnd may hav the on 1 1 011 Hi" other men for this reason. .t Philadelphia High School, which I'etitrul High for the lilmbel Cup ..-l ".ir, has nlmost an entire teinu tl.iounh grnduatlun. Whetstone, star iisli'inii'k und nn xi client punier, lia uutrli ulatcil nt State Colleco and will be badly missed from the lineup. Ii. ukoff .ind loiv in tlw bai ktield, ShuaiU nnd Toll -it mds and Nelms at taelte are 1lkeli i nd lntn to leplace. The Orange und Blue s-till ha c.iptalh AVagoii knigbt hi quarterback, Crowell at guard, and Kill .it end. Devious, who vao ex pected back this season, has decided to ent r Tome Tnstltuto, T'nniiIIo i a good halfback, and the oth"r two batkneld po--Hlons niuM bo filled by ni'ii fr..m th" KM', scrub and freshman team. Kli.linei, .Ma 1 Coim.i.-k l'ulmcr, Stantird ami -;mii will bo ued to reconstrin t the line Will Give Manager Chnucc to Lend Iteds in 1010. Harry Hen matin seems at lnt lo have tiegiin to realize that when ti manager makes good that Is the time to give him more power and mote cncoutagciuciit. lather than his relcaso, us In the case of Hank O'Dny. No 0110 could have tundo more out of the Cincinnati Reds titan O'Day during the comparatively short time he was In Rcdlatul, yet he was sum marily dismissed. This season Charley Herzog, the most elUclent lullelilrr 011 the Tn'cu York Olants club In niS, has duno wonder. with the lleds. lie lias almost tiliidf a leal ba'l club out ot practically nothing. And hla reward will be another chance In 1015. Spi.ikitig of his manager, Hriiinutiti rereiill) said: "It's a siiro thing Ilerzog will be our malinger next tcason. "We are satisfied with tho gctfSs lie has show 11 as n leader, ultliuiigli wo nVo not satlsiled with tho position In which the team I now located. , "Jlerzng In my opinion Is a leal man ager, lie will bo In charge again nl season nnd tilings will happen dining the wltitrr that will give him good unit' to work Willi. We ate sntlslleil that if lie Ii.t. thn plmers he will build a win ning ball club " GREAT GOLF WEEK USHERED IN WITH WHITEMARSH TEST 1 1 1- 1 ,.. .... in, . lsatslMl 1 ij. iy - Vs.l - Q IS 'licnsy Climax of the Fall Sea son to Be Witnessed Now, and Slick Wielders Are in Their Glory. time, nnd although It I", V " mf somo fine scores snouia 00 mmic. One of tlio most popular tournamc of tho local season will be played Tlmrsilav. IVldnv nnd Satuiday at I'lillndelnlila Cricket Club, St. AInrlli The Invllatlon tournament of tho I'hi .lelnhla Crlckot Club for Hie St. Jlarti cup Invariably draws a record entry a there I no reason to suppose that lids lie year's event will bo an exception to t nttrt In addition to tlio St. Martin's cup, I lie President's. Governors' ami flayers' cu will be competed for and in eacn evi thero will bo a prlzo for the runner-up OUTLOOK BAD FOR CAMDEN Faculty Restrictions Impnir Football Prospects at Jersey High School. Football prospects for this Fcnson urn anything but encouraging to tho t-tudent body at Camden High School, for IjeMdeu the handicap ot light, grcn inateilal, the Faculty Committee has placed cer tain mstilctlons on tho gridiron candi dates that are bound to affect the spirit and "iithusinsm of the plnycis nnd loot er alike. Tho most menacing law tecently laid down by the faculty foiblds all students to take pait in foothill who hao not obtain. d written permission ftoiu their parents or guardian. This will cause promising llrlckleys to glvo up all Idea of going out fop the team, us few parents will bo willing lo assume the entire le sponslblllty. Strict eligibility rules and the neces sity of 11 phslclaii'a ullldavit in re gard lo the health of tin1 student will als-o bo pl'lllii; factum In liarrortlug down the siiuiid to a mem handful. TIicm: tit r tlciilties might In timo be overcome but for tlio fact that tho majority of the playeis who base managed to pas-, through thl "third degrr" laid down by til" faeultv do not come up to th" usual i-l.inilurd of Camden High level,- liolflttg events bate been comlnc thick nnd fast recently, but this week will wit ness tho climax of tho fall season. To morrow thero will be nn event of spoclal Interest at the Whltomarsh Valley Country Club which will bo In tho nature of a curtain talser to tho annual open tournament of the tiolf Association of Philadelphia. With lis ii&uiil giilieiuslty tho White marsh Vnllcy Country Club bus put up ?f0 for an amalcur-profcsslonal tourna iii6itt. It will be n best ball match with 1111 amateur and 11 professional on each side. All amateurs and professionals of clubs belonging to the United States Clolf Aj-soclntluii ate eligible to compete. This eenl Is quite a novel one and It should piove decided!) Interesting and, what Is mote, It will serve as excellent practice , for competing In the clinmplotHiip ; the nest da). I In forniei vo.u.s the open championship 1 of Philadelphia was onlv at thirty-six holes, but till" )oar tho Colt Association viy wisely di elded to extend it to seventy-two. Thlrty-sU holes, therefore, will bo ptnjod on Wednesday and the remain ing" thirty-six on Thursday. Very liberal pilzcs have been put up by the associa tion. Tho winner will recelvo $IG0, second, SUM: third, S"0: fourth. $10; tlfth, $20, and slth, f to $100 III prlzo money in all. Cine thing Is ccttaln, and that Is that the tournament will tie more liberally patron ized than in pn"t yenm. Many of the pro fohsloualK who competed at Spring" Lnko will be heie. including Walter Hagcn, tlio open champion; .lames M. Panics, tho Western champion; Isaac M.-ioklo, the winner of the Shawnee tournament; .loo Mitchell, runner-up at Shawnee; Illnier Loving, of Sluing Lake; I'red McLcod, of llslllngton: Tom McNntnara, of llos ton; Herbert Strong, of Innood; Imla ttlllcr. of Canoe Hi 00k, and, of course, all the local profe.on:ils. The Whitcmarsli ioure I In line condition at tho preent An event of crent liunorlaiico will i staged at tho Morion Cricket CIihi. llnverford. tomorrow. Wedliesda 'rliursdav. Krldav nnd Saturday, win) the annual competitions for tho Intrt. colltglato tennis championship will 1 played. Last year Princeton sprang big surprise by wlnnlmt ihe Isaac I Clothier cup outright, but tuts year 11a vard should experltncc 110 dlfllculty ! winning tho new trolihv for tlio fir: time. Represented b.v R. Norrls Wl Hams, Id. tlio national singles clmmploFi, it Is dinicull to Imagine either Yalj. Princeton, the University of Pcnns.u vnnU or any other uiilwrslir or collegp rtondliig a ghost of a chiinee iiBaiii.-t llnnaid. Wllllama I a I'hlladclphlan nnd this fact nlotio Is sine to nttrac a big attendance ul the Met Ion Crlckc . Club each day. Play will t.ilto placi in both morning and afternoon. Pitches No-hlt Game STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. H.-Wllllanl Walsh, of New Britain, captain of tlirt Fordham Collcgo football team, pltchns n no-hlt, no-run game here for Stamford Stamford beat I'ortchester S to n. Walh struck out eight playeis. Walsh f pitching record here this scuon Is li games won und :l lost. Bent Brooklyn Soccoiitcs 1 Ni:W YORK, Sept. H.-Witli ,1 make-! shift llne-uu lu the Held, the Brooklyn 1 soccer team, amateur champions of tho United States, went down to defeat In an exhibition gamo at Harrison. N. J., at tho hands of tho chnmplon West Hudson In a Ilnely contested battlo by the score of I goals to 3. HORTER HANGS HIS SPIKED SHOES UP FOR GOOD AND ALL Meadowbrook Club Runner Decides to Quit the Game at Which He Has Been So Successful Other Notes, Kdillo Hortcr, who for many yeaig h been this city's leading sprinter anionj tho local club athletes, has decided to put away his spikes for all tlmo and tic vote his attention lo business. Hortcr was a Btar of tho flint water ftom tlio very day ho Uied his hand at the running gamo back In 1W7. His rarer r has tJ(pn 0110 siting ot micccssph from that time. Titles galore have fallen to the iill 0( Iho llttlo Meadowbropk boy, but far and away hla best season wan hi mi",, wicni as a member of .11 in my Mulligan's Ccbrgctown University team, ho twlco turned tho century in 10 seconds flat and In the "Southern Intercolleglatcs on Homo wood Field, Baltimore, ho set a now rec ord of GO seconds for tho tpiaitcr. It still httllldS. Iloiier's announcement oC IiIt witu. drawn I from amateur nthlctlcs will r a "nil blow lo his many friends. Tho Meadowbrool- Club will ,.e Tra Meredith now that the college season Ii all but under way. However, he gavu them very small help this summer, for after equalling Mel Shoppard's record of 1 mln. 21 2-3 sec. for 6C0 yard3 at tho Arti san games Into In June, he did llm0 or no running aftcrwnid. SVs-"v ' vsjv;"W ;v , An Offer A4 So .Hi. ni 11 -ii ;-. hool rtlilinl r f..r the i.unlj, 1 I'up. Mine Vnilieat Hi I.s the 011U t'.iin ot the "lilg Cure' t irli Yost in Lime-lig'Ut. Kastcrn eyes are now turninc ton.iid football 111 the West and toward Ml.iusmi In particular. Yost begins today hla ?. ond week of varsltv prdctiee, preliminary 1 to one of tho hardest seasons lie has bad 1 in years, Tenn mt the Malzi and Blue acatn at Ann Arbor this fall, and nature' ly Pbtladelphlans will edgerly watch t'' j development of the Wolnne.. j As Mlchican will also meet the frlm.m eleven In the Harvard stadium on Oetoir , 31, there Is an added Interest lo the :mik -up vi tho Michlgaiiderj. Yost baa sevet.d gaps to fill this season, the most ditrlcjlt of which Is that left vacant '- the d. nart- t ure of Halfback,' 'raiff, around whom m n ' of the offensive pla)s wer b'llli last k-p-son. i, f ii vi SUNDAY OUTINGS From Market Street Wharf $ I lUU Mill I. 'il a 7 1 lva; Ston Harbor .ia Jlu l Ity a Ion. 7 30 . 111 mini iet. 4. ineiij-f. olikU Point I'leunm. TV" a in until Oct JI. tnr' i.ire Ml JO Abur I'ik, 0.n l,roie. W I lUU Long tlranch. tiaimar. 64 Ulit. 7 '.' a. in. until Oct 23, Inclualru From Broad Street Station Mr) Ittt UaKlin'.i ClblUU ill), nrpl V V J'J !' V tttlll i n I 1 - 1 . a n :t 1 n- 4. .-., a S2.50 2 CO Rfi "Nc" "' '' ' " Fin QblVW Uw. .rt iiiUi "7 a I; Pennsylvania R. R, "Be proud of your kitchen" DEMAND THE BIOIMP NOVELTY II T ("nest ranye on earth Ton fe . f and we are hero to help ou get it. For the complete is of COAl, end OAS In RVnilY way. "Write for our beautiful kitchen manual end descriptive circular. Abram Cox Stove Co. riiTi,nni,i'iu. iSEA FOODSi Are both table delicacies and wholesome, satisfyinpj dishes. The only staple foods not af fected in price by the war. Fresh From the Sea to Your Table FISH OYSTUKS CLAMS CRABS LOBSTERS TERRAPIN And every kind of Sea l'oud Seucn Fridays in a Week at John E. Fitzgerald's Reading Terminal Market 4w!Al SI W1 Jl BLUE-WHITE H - JL JR Solitaire Rings JS II it i' U 1111 nutHirtiiiilh fur Jfill tn heroine tin Hi'tir uf .1 r.iri'l itiiittiriil Miii' ulillf 1' i .ll.imiiinl rlu fur SI.10. Hlilli thNr .llumttiiiK tin nut nlt olully jMrfn t, tlir vr "mall hiiiM'rfro tluii In vnvU nut1 1 Inolunltliant tluil it I. hniuslilr to ili'tctt It uilli li' iniiiiilfil pro. On tlif liiiK'T. Iht'-e niiiKiiilli fill tltn nionil lonl as M'rf)'cl unil 11- Iiniitlliil nt nnv perftrt Kvm t'uuhl looK Willi rm Ii ihu old. xo Kip' our uriltt'n cuiirnnlcc uhlli rrfunrl full rtiirrhil-' iir' li-. It( . ulllilu one 3rur on ileiniuid lll Onleri I illoil. ELGIN & VjTdli-y QO WALTHAM X2rPVyU rSuarantct'd dold- g '-' i-;iio,i W..I..I. Itr....l,.l SI") I I lMPORTtRJ tV''M AJJ I Soil CVTTIM OP DIAMONDJ MOf 1111 Hoskins School Supplies lp A Complete Slock of All Kinds At tho Rifjlil Pricei Win. H. Hoskins Co. STATIONERS rrintfrn. Jjisrarcrs, Olllre 1 nriil-hcrs 901.906 Chestnut Street Onl f 9 S19.50 for New Winter Overcoatings BuilttoMeasure $19.50 for New Winter Suitings BmIttoMeasure (Of Our Own $30 & $25 Qualities) In quality it is unlimited. In quantity the same rule holds since we are inviting' 2000 Men and Young Men to share in what is (without exception) Oak Hall's GREATEST Fall and Winter Merchant Tailoring offer. In time, it ends Saturday, Sep tember 19. So great is the response that every cutter we have is busy "taking measures." Wanamaker & Brown (Merchant Tailors) Market at Sixth for 53 Years ii 4r ' t?(br0CbestmirStxbi,a OVERBROOK APTS. JO nilnutw to City Hall' .xr.pMjaal an J rx cluatv ou 83J f ,Huie.n ' -j n Iiuaitewix a Tk I 'o "j..i f ,i,.r r nurili l t"r 1 S i - , " ,iy i-.r.i '".nt tnl-t , , ul "Louis s. ginsburg FALL HATS Correctly Fashioned FOR MEN Stiff Soft $3 in-jj i JKar v- . KJX UM , J 137 ith Thirteenth Sf ' 11' v. a 7 ) Vl h'M:-mm Sam riyfwu I SBffx Www I i Mrl Hi I nn 'r 1 LxnMiA H M if W 1 IKnfu iNv 1 Il ItUW ' a V mum :vv Rtr III tiJt K-JLM I li I "A. lWWt2&JFJWJY lJ4 teco vcasfrv.j'VSe vVy 'S'VdSKS- s' L REPUBLIC MILEAGE PLAINS StAq(RdTREAD TIRES Price and Quality Cannot be separated; the one maintains the other 1 1 at iv why Republics cost more than .icrugc Here's a little brother to the Republic Stag- gard Tread The Republic "WM" Tread Tire. He's built for small cars. He's a specialized Tire. He's high grade. He's medium priced. Try him. REPUBLIC WM TREAD TIRES FA' SEC 5 .. REPUBLIC RUBBER COMPANY 328orth Broad StreeJ Are You Going to Advance With Increasing Prosperity? This country is awakening- to its great commercial opportunities. An enormous world-trade awaits us. This means substantial advancement to the young man and young woman who are prepared. Are you ready? Temple University Will fit you to fill creditably any position in the commercial world. export1 fiiicss?niSh r P0rt"gUese amI Sct in toch with the new rush of South American assured6" ClaSECS !n I,H,ustriaI 5ntl Technical Chemistry, A great future in 'this line U JlydraSta. lTndS ClaSSC5)' lneMl Sl,rvo,n Rai,rcai1 Construction. Afivertibing ami Salesmanship Course will lead you to great inerchiuidifaiiiff possibilities Lollege Course in hustncbs will fit you for any position. BuISFnrfw6 TV l)rrtunities to bris''t yug men and women, a business man Sid .nJS fPV,g' A,ccounti UnB, Realty ami every other LmikIi a business man should master. Let us show you how to increase your earning capacity. Photic or call today for catalog M-19. b l Day and Evening classes just beginning. Office now !!, eiidtr aay or evening, for registering Bludentt. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, Broad Stree i ii n Ii elow Berks I 'M " "iaJJBfc'" II llllllllll lil-Minniii Lu i ' fir f Wvr , M