Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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    il r
. .iiwujiiEM i'.' '''"jHiMwjy y y
14, 1914. riiL.
a r i .
Cocrcsiowencc o general inter
est to women renders irill be print
ed in thin page. Such eontmuniea
tion should be addressed to the
Woman's Editor. Evening Ledger.
Thrifty Wife Could Not!
i war nw nFMnnRATR
3 '
ros -
: i
" very
Adapt Herselr to Altered j to Onpn3e Candidates of Thnt Party.
f- ii . , r're i W.SiriNrSTO Sept. U.-"Wlthhold
rinnifinnc in-i i f-i-v
ences Ended in
I your support from nil candidates for re-
D. oltvtlnn to Congress whose tititifP appt nr
lVOl'Ce on the Democratic ticket," was tho np
' pent sent today frnm the rnnRresslonal
I t'nion of pro-woman miftrniro bend-
I qiutrtcn.
Being the First of a Series
Detailing the Experiences
of a Real Flesh and Blood
English Girl.
From time Immemorial, the peonotiil.-al
wife lias been held up ns the true idrnl
of womanly Rooducgs and virtue, atut, In
company with the good lady of Proverbs,
who rose so early ainl worked no unneces.
arlly hard, lias been Menially and with
most tiresome persistence cited as thi
feat model.
But the reveise side of ihi pletmo l '
t Itnvo sat herr, pun in hand, for hours
i IVH- III III HllflllllV indftllln- (HIIW Wh ili.il
A HiffrHUo special cm let I hero today w,a ,, ,.,.
for uhlriwi with lenders to raiiipnlim A" j lure ami Its dreadful air of sollUnhwuid
the cause" in Stales where woman if. , 1liy ,1Hin , h of mwnorca mt ,
frnRe legislation Is pending. The Women i cAn ff0..,,e wrt, An, ,..,... ,, oW
mers In the nine suffrage States will he rcm-cls. i .mi ,,..... ,,. ,.... ,,,,,,,
. . - -- ...i.fc- kUKiniif
nsied to "knife" the liemoevatlc im
$ifslolinl cntldlilnts,
MlM Alloy Paul, leader of the 'OMttcs
Rlonal t'nion, explained the union's policy
.emoni snown, ami recently a snu cane or j ,dftv ot nnlntmnlsm to the Democratic
it was noticed. A little. filH, who would nomtn0CSl regardless of whether such nom-
nave oeen a sweet little girl, hut for
one fault. She was "deHporateiy" eco
nomical. Hvery little rns nbout the house
kiln Iinii.j1.i.l f. .tll.l l t, , ifc
-.n; muuiucii mi uun- uuiura, eivijr ov- , . u..,. . .,...... , .. 1.
luces Individually favor equal surfraffe, by
stating that tho union ItohN the party
wliich is In iwwer strictly responsible for
utday nickel she save, and even candy
was lahl by for a future occasion, "h! ' thpf.
'station, regardless of Individual friend-
the pleasures of life that that little ?trl
missed! j WASHINCITW. K?pt. 14. - Prudletlne
As she crew tin th- oth(r chlldten ' t''-',,":tl that the seven States which
h sne Bre up, til. omei cnuuicn .,,, VlU) (n WOMlnn nffrl,p ln Xovnml.-r
lather shunned her. for she srt-w harder wU1 t.Irt, l1uWn th proposition tn clvn the
s this spirit of economy developed with i frarn-hist' to women. Mlm Mlnnlo tlronsmi.
the years. auni-ral secretin y of the National Asso-
'et,.". -i,'- ..,.. . ,m .t, ..,! i ,rt,. ' ciitloti Opposed to Wumuii SuftiaKi'. left
I hen he met a man. who fell in love ,,..,,,,.. , ,.,.,,. ,n n,cmn nor.
... , ., , , . . , 1 w (-," . - ,....-, .- - f - .
iMin iirr, ami in1 were mnrrieu. imi
t 1 rst they worn happy, for he ws
poor and strufifrltns, and she was a pood,
economical wife. IJut as the years ellpiwl
by, his Income urew and nrow and he
wanted his wife to pause only an occa
sional paute nnd share his w ell-earned
But alas! and aiacU! Did he decide to
take her to tho theatre, and take tickets
for the best seats, she sat unhaunllv in Bonwit and Teller's Openla
their "bos" or orchestra seats and urped veals Extremes in Size,
the necessity for cheapo-seats upon him. i Darker shades charovtetlse tie fall
"Tom" she would say, "we could have1"1"1 'ntr styles tliis sacoti and they
een this niece, or heard this music. Just ar- being used on the really smait hat.
us well from thu amphltheatri'. wheie we
ubed to go. Xest time, v.e must eo back
If he tool: her to say little tele-a-tete
dinners in town, he chosu tln best it-s-taurunts.
nml indeed he could well afford
to do 6o. But alt through the mal, that at Bonw it-Teller's opening this motniu;
stupid little wife was sadly counting the
cost, and when llnnlly the waiter ap-
proachisd with the check, she would
pounce upon It before her husband, and '
sadly sigh over its amount.
And then tho inevitable happened' Since
bis wife could not happily share his vtt- ,
earned pleasures, since she utterly failed '
to adapt herself ;u altered circumstances, !
he sought consolation elsewhere, and soon
found It, in the society of women who i
were only too willimj to help him spend
his plentiful Income. And th sad pan
was, that he really preferred his own
wife to these but she hnd failed him in
that great essential, complete comrade
ship. The result of her too economical J
.,.4t-wa8 tho breaking up of tlii home, j
tho tragedy of dlvor-'?. Adaptability to
altered circumstances would haro surely
averted this.
anil ne the old Unlit-hearted Mllcii Adair
unco inoro. Awny with failure and lonell
tiei: 1 must win out. I shall make good;
till idle dreaming ls of im avail.
The rnln Is dripping on the roof tonight
-n uetitle, (pilet rnln, unlike tho wild
downponrings of this strange, wonderful
eountry-and the sound of It on the roof
tok.s me back to my little IhmllMi village
( oh the yusex liowii". where life ran In
as gi'iitle courses as tho falling tain, and
t Wub young nlid sheltered. Youth nnd
hapfiness: uli, the sheer music of the
word"! Yet there ate greater things In I
lite than these, mid I am learning them
now. For the old KlUn Adair was a child
ish, thoughtless pel son, who vegetated In
h'r Millet Kncllsh village: and now, she
1 l lenrnlncr a hurder lesson, and In a new
j country, lighting a better nnd a worthier
! Unlit.
months, since Unit sunny summer morn
ing when I sailed away from Southamp
ton dock with a big lump in my throat,
my wordly alt in my shabby trunk, 510
tucked awny In a corner of my shabby
mourning frock, and a desperate deter
mination to make good In the new and
wonderful country to which 1 was going.
What crowded experiences have lnter
. utu-d slt.ee then: and I. Uilan Adair,
i an Knsllsh girl, jutuiff and strong, and
! uli' ilvmi- ?liv..,t ctllt linnnflit. nm
Brown is the favorite color. rioers, i ,a(,)tl. Ulh new .,.,;, uIone. And the
pariictiiaiiy roses, will be used to lighten t-heer loiiesomi-nei-s ot this tnlny night
and brighten the sombre wlvets and I '" driving me to writ- the story of my
bavers which ,H. form the foundations , '3ljft TuTZ
of the hats models of which were shown I , i,,tte I see a vouna face, with new.
, tlted lines aiound tho mouth. Hut there
i i added sttungtb and resolution there.
I I m.ist begin m t.ilc In earnest now.
sonal charge of the anti-suffrage cam
paigns In Xebiaskn, Xorth Dakota,
South PaUotn, Montana and N'evada.
Co-operating with Mls Kronson will
ho these speakers .ind fit hi workers:
Miss Matjiirie lormati. of Nev York
Mrs. Orvllle 1. Ollphant. of New Jersey,
and Miss Mai Ueson, ot Ohio.
These am oxceptlonaily small or
usually large, as compared vfth
spring stles.
A smart mode: for evening wear Is
made with a silver metal crown and
rather narrow brim. The crown Is
edged with skunk fur nnd a large pink
ros.- with a rich ospray ornament is
fastened at the side, the arrangement
ami atv.ij with s.-ntlment. In my life
tln.ro can be but little room for that. I
am ii worker, and must cease to dieam.
M childhood was n happy one. and, be
ing happy, was uneventful. I was an only
child, and In spite of much petting re
mained comparatively mitpoiled. How
web do I remember those old happy iKiys
In th Eii2llah seaside town. My father.
I a rounti. v doctor, was so busy that I
TMflaoinmj Mm
Street Costume a Combina
tion of Silk and Velvet
Available for Morningt
Afternoon or Evening.
Thete Is a distinctive ipmllty of fem
inity nbout ninny of the present modes,
something of the charm and grace C a
bygone day.
Tint this ran bo actiloveil without Ios
of the pincilcnl Is well Illustrated In the
street costumo shown today.
It Is a combination of silk and velvet,
velvet for, tho collars, buttons and ribbon
sash, but It would bo unite as effective in
serge or cliovlot.
Tho basipic, tho bnsiptc git die tho seml
basiiuc; wo nte ringing the changes, but
tho motif Is the same for morning, after
noon nnd evening wear. Yet its sever ty
is modHled In nlmost every Instance to
conform to modern stnndaids. This gen
eration refuses to lie backrnmmed and
boned Into Immovability nnd a higher
value is set on supple muscles than on a
bedlec without wrinkles.
Here, tho bnsquo Is buttoned down the
front quite plainly, but the fulness that
starts at tho side seam is one of tho
Innovations of the present day modiste.
The stiff high collar shows tho trend
away from the low-necked blouse. There
Is n decided movement this season
toward restoring the collar to Its place
and to doing away with the open-necked
Here, happily, we have a compromise.
It is buttoned quite high, yet enough of
the throat is free for ease nnd comfort.
J ho long sleeve, that conies not only
over the wrist but almost to the knuckles,
Is In evidence. It is a dictate of the
fashion authorities from which there is
no icprleve for the present.
The sash, that appenrs at tho back
or the side or front in nlno out of ten
costumes. Is a narrow ribbon affair in
the Illustration.
It Is tied looely and falls into place
naturally over the skirt proper and be
low the basque.
There a is particularly graceful adapta-
giving a chic eltect. " , ,, ' t " " i
A si cinliy stunning rhapeau i fah- ' . , l ,,.,.1.1.1..
i.,,i ,vi.i, , h,,.. hi-L ..... .... constant companion, and I Idolized her.
will, sntin hrlm of thP nn, sl,n,l Tl.l. Sne WBS U"; l"lJ1' "',arei' ot m? J0'" nnd
hat Is ttlmni"d on either side with large I
a real friend and com-
iridescent wing
A rather largo toque of black velvet
Is trimmed with veiy high ostrich
feather "fancies' arranged at either
sid and meeting in a graceful spray.
IN THE morning, when I wake.
Out of bed I rise.
And to God this prayer I make,
Kneeling with closed eyes:
. -Father, dwelling everywhere,
Help me in this morning prayer
For the long da to prepare.
Thou hast kept me by Thy might
As I slept all through the niht,
Keep me ever in Thy sight.
Give me all that I may need;
Let my eyes no evil heed;
Make me kind in word and deed.
All I love, bless and defend;
Be to them a Guide and Friend;
Aid in weakness to them lend.
As Thy Son lived here with men,
May we live as He did then;
In His Name T nsk. Amen.
Whoever wants to be a nice, quiet,
proper little breeze and do everything
Just as their mothers say can just do
so; I won't, so there!" and little
Jimmy Southbreeze save himself a
flop and settled under the pear tree.
"So sol" exclaimed his father, Mr
Southbreeze, "then we know essctly
how you feel about it "
"Yes you do!" declared Jimmy,
with a great deal of energy for to
tell the truth he was quite disappoint
ed to find his father so calm.
"I'll scare my mother, anyway,' he
decided and he meandered around to
v where she was resting under the
eaves of the big barn.
"I'm tired of minding and doing
things properly all the time, mother,"
f said Jimmy, "I'm going to do some-
c thing bad bad!" And Jimmy blew
the words out so positively that rvv.i
little sparrows thought a aturtn inu-i
surely be coming and they flew uwa
to their nests!
"That's all right, Jimmy, dtar, I
guess it's just the heat tiiat bothers
you," replied Mrs. Southbreeze placid
ly. "You go ahead and do whatever
. you like, and maybe you'll feel better "
Oh, dear me, but Jimmy was angry!
If any one thing made him crosscr
than another it was to have his
mother talk to him as if he was a
vreeuy-tiny baby instead of a big,
strong, healthy breeze able to do
thing and take care of ItimsUi!
"I'll just show her how lad f vu
be and then I guess she'll be fright
ened and she'll know how very grown- '
up and important 1 am. exclaimed
Jimmy as he blew out of the yard in
disgust I
"I'll never go back there till I have
gone something so dreadful they will
be afraid of me," declared Jimmy, ami
he started on a journey in search of
N'ow usually if you search for
trouble you can find it easy enough,
but Jimmy had very bad luck he
simply couldn't find anything bad to
You see he had been such a nice,
proper, helpful little breeze for so
long that no one even guessed he was
looking for trouble and wouldn't even
believe when they were told stupid
The baby birds thought he had
come to help them and they wel
comed him joyously; tho sunbeams
thought he had come for a frolic, the
flowers asked him to stop and play.
"No no no," shouted Jimmy
Southbreeze, "I've turned over a ntw
leaf I'm hunting something very bad
to dono time to play today!" and
he blew away as fast as ever he coutd.
But they didn't believe him not
they; they knew Jimmy! They ;ad to
each other. "Let's just wait ami see
what he does."
And if you wait, too. you will hear
all about it tomorrow.
ot my sorrow
Tho first break In my life was Rt the
age of 35. I was nt off to boaidlng
school In London, a quiet, unpretentious,
mludle-elass school, where for two years i
1 was a pupil. But In that sheltered
haven wo saw but little of London life.
Occasional visits to the opera were a
wontir and a glory the myriad .littering
liht" "f hnftili'iry avenue nnd Pirra
dill, the crowds of beautifully gowned
women and their i onventlonnlly garbed
male .'scorts. te swarming tal it was
all wnndi'rf'.'l The green buuty of
Kenxlngion Uaiins or Regent l'aik
was a favorite haunt for our aft-moon
waik. and I su.tll never forget my first
sllmpse of the King and Wuen, thn
i'rlnco and Princess of Wales, outside
Buckingham Palace. How beautiful she
looked with her golden hair, blue eyes
and delicate complexion.' I faniled that
sh smiled nt us school girls, and wa all
loved her.
But a shadow fell en these happy days.
Mv father, the hard-worked doctor, di'd
suddenly, bequeathing to my mother and
me a m"re pittance, und a little cottage
he owned in the south of Knclnnd, in the
heart of beautiful Sussex. Ther we took
up our nbod. 1 was barely 17 then. At
tlist I found the peaceful village life a
little dull. But I soon crew accustomed
to our quiet exlstf-nce and mothr and I
vegetated happily there. Books, our piano
and Ions walks on the Sussex downs were
our hobby. Oh! the beauty of the rolling
moorland, with Its i lumps of trs and
tho Inzy cattle letting h-neath. Its hum
ming inet life and Its beautiful English
fluweia Tor seven vears these thtnes al
most satisfied nie. I av "almost." for
.it times a vague lomcinc for a widi-r
hnrly. n would seize mr, a winue loninng
foi ' urie crowded '.our of glorious life"
h. vond the nurrnw necative happlnrss of
mv j'i-i-nt inlet xlsienfe
''f men in that Susse vlllair ther wtre
but few, and most of these were married.
In our seven years there I had but one
proposal of marriage. He was the village
apothecary, he Fang In tho village choir,
he squinted dreadfully, and I hated him!
But I had just one vestige of a love affair
the year before mother died, when I was
"3. jVt a neighboring cottage that summer
an artist arrived. Xot a professional
artist, but an amateur one. He staled
six weeks, and he made a painting of our
little cottage, with tho roses and honey
suckle clambering over its whitewashed
walls and peering inquisitively In nt the
latticed windows. He thought It all beau
tiful. Jlany a day lie took afternoon tea
with mother and mr In our small rarden
o.-erlooklng the rolling downs. I thought
him very good looking. He was curiously
attractive, tall and dark, with a certain .
odd Intonation in his deep voire. "Illlen i
Adair, you strange child," said he to ma
one day, "some day you will wake up and
your soul will grow. You will not always
stay hero; one day you must learn the
realities of life. Llv up to the highest
always. You have great possibilities."
I remember a strange thrill went
through ma at his words, nnd Just then
a lark rose from a. clump of bog myrtle
nearby en the moor and soared, carolling
her heart out, to th very heaveni. It
semed emblematic of his words, "Live i
up to the highest always!" And the artist
man leanrd back In his chair and Mowly
quoted the great words of Browning:
" 'The lark's on ti-h wing jod's
In ills bcovtn, all's right with tho wor'd."
"Remomber that always, little girl." said
he 'When things go right, and when
thlngH go wiong God's in His hoaven.
a. is ngnt wun me worm:
The autumn nnd winter suits displayed
by the shops show :i number of features
that stamp them definitely as the product
of the eason.
The plain coat and skirt that looked well
from year to year Is a thing set apart for
sports' wear, in this fashion era, and ab
solute simplicity of cut and design Is mo
nopolized once more by tho masculine
When the tide turns, however, woman
will, no doubt, appropriate whatever
pleases her fancy In the tailored line.
But now, the coat Is cut not of manv
colors, but with so many variations that
It Is hard to know Just when u coat Is a
coat and not the upper part merely of
tho costume.
The snsh is often the line of demarca
tion and the coat ends In a wide daring
skirt, that at a distanco resembles the
tunic. In reality. It is tho ledingote
adapted to present modes.
Among thu blue suits and blue seems
to hold its own In popularity there are
many to bo found in good cut and ma
terial for RO and 125. These are offered
by the well-known department stores.
Now Is the Time
To Learn Dancing
Just before the social .season
stsirts learn the new steps so you can
really enjoy yourself at dances,
parties, etc. Here every newest dance
and variation is taught.
Expert teachers of both sexes
make you proficient in a few lessons.
Individual or class instruction for be
ginners or advanced students.
Each pupil receives the en
tire attention of an instructor. This
personal tutoring explains the suc
cess of our methods. Classes forming
now. Ratrs moderate.
Cortissoz School
f- '. I .1 Hi i- i , I ,
1520 Chestnut St.
r A Ricr War
tAvEt.rf r , ,
Hi Wrtkru fitrt
h " d
irmi Mark
ie rn.irkMs nf war-
r're oiinrl8 ftre
' it 1 hnuand of
Ualvru Iluilis- the fin
ft t h.i HMlar l pr ng
f re The graimt op-
r jr iiv rmmi?ipnm
-r I ent tvT ha i
Wakru Quality
at greatly re
duced prices
Sp'ri.dld tiT".
to-k !lr t fr .in '. r
tit'.Aa to i.ur e,ro-n
eur io .ailf
Order t..ila I
Gt. Van Waveren
& Kruijff
tmirli mi Itranrh Home,
'JMI Wuliiul I'lart.
.Mill"- N -tl-ST. Mgr.
f ILmDO J V-X rf Si tlV
b rh vy
T t r
fe-i Jerp, pultrr.
B. Chertak
Millinery Importer
1229 Walnut St,
wishes to announce her re
turn from Europe with a new
line of leading
Parisian Designs
and unapproachable models
of her own desitms.
You are invited to view tha
collection which is on display.
Prices reasonable.
Just Received
the New
Models of
Hon of the tunlo. It la open in the fr. j
showlne the underskirt. It Is iliiv.t!
full and only n few inches shorter ttijlj
uiG in una.
t...ii . . it.. ... .
hlblted and from the costumes deshmM 1
ny the shops for tno general public J
It has been on the carpet for so long
that ono wonders. Whether women ei.
Joy wenrlng something that danelf. .
superfluity to the ret of being clad, m 9
.linllt.H It b.nllt, I l.nni.mlH . '. -
"iiiiki It ItmiJ ,D uivwilllHB jo mj
nnd short and thin and heavy, Is a
tcr to bo decided In the future 'when ia
1..... nl...H v.n.M.. In nmnflitl.M l ' ft
nun H,il txnj v Duuiv.iiiiiH Vino,
Hut tho tunic Is hero in every ahiu).
and form. Perhaps one of its charm.
for tho many lies In the fact that t
can be made at home by the skilful
The Illustration shows so effectlvM?
the fashion notes of the season that it
uiuu liiunu mi cavciiuh iiiuuci lor IV.
college girl or even schoolgirl.
And It ban tho advantage of bcln
suitable for the classroom or the street
without change or addition.
Populnrity of Fitch Capes Also I
Assured for Frill Wear.
Tim early autumn fur-wear Is alrej
decried nnd actually on tho market. 14
groat demand will obtain for small neck, tl
tics of marten and lynx, together wit ii
smartly designed fancies In ermine tn
white cone'. To bo In the height
fashion, the smart woman will lticludi
mnrten nnd dyed coon In her wardro
while broad-shnped stoics of mUBkrat ot
seal will be seen overywlicre.
Fitch wilt be as popular this season m
last, while chinchilla, otter, beaver arij
monkey fur will hold their own.
Vcstces and waistcoats of fur will mod.
cruize the old fuv styles which this season
.ire to be reincarnated. Tho caped vestei
style is exceedingly charming, and offori
a wldo scope for variety.
A really handsome fitch capo was noted
tho other day, not so full that it rlpplsd
at tho waist line, but controlled in clever
fashion by being invisibly fastened to an
under vest of girdle-styled outlines madi
of seal. These capes, so Important a pari
of tho winter toilette of our debutante
grandmothers, have once more come to
the front, and will hold a prominent placi
all winter.
A charming combination was accom
pllshod with a melon muff of fltcli
ttlmmed with sealskin rosettes, nnd with
a black seal bow of tailored dimensions
adorning tho oval-shaped capo at bacli
and front. Handsome novelties In luf
pelts will abound this fall.
" ''
'-4 ..
. "1H
: u 'M
. TLC"1
I Bi!
V-T.i A
im-s ).
35? J
George Allen, inc.
1214 Chestnut Street
Fall and Winter
-T 1
&,tWf,Lm liTftifln i i(r lii ml,' AiJn'M
i " " t"
by the well-known department stores. ";- ' fa m&- jR
i " i :- tK Mt
fgrip" i "ii i v.W.
1 'I NTCv l ''
.- .: 1 XM a
uoncc x-ercoiaiors - ty Ai - 3 j v yj
. t' . "'T in-.--- - 11 if '. .. '"'0. -r 1 . ) '
Fireplace Fixtures ', ,.k ; &v .7 , ' fgyfejM- Z
0g Chafing Dishes ' ' ""'"'" g jZZ -
V. "gf Vj, The Prices are Not High and the T-f v- -J
ST W Goc" arc Cho!ce fi
Wm?$ COM AND SEE r" L J '
Wi JBFmnl!IinMilIer 1 J
ij 1626Cliei taifcStreet i H
HI m m I 1 College 71
W Tiff XfrrnTn-n a Jk Shoes AJ17 EVE m a d e
S IVl WrNCTriT m L onoes VVextraordi-
WS ill. VV JLtllVJ.LilV m fi dL 'or naryprepa-
M 1229 Wlnut St. M I ;v L Girls ratl"1 ,hU 'a,so.n
hl , t&& I 'Av tUL ,-J,0 to have complete
X& has returned from Europe. W I V mk. sire, ntl 5,.y,es '"
; Jjjfl Now open for Fall X fe ''Jw W. shoes for girls rc-
n business. m lim hv rtfa. turning to school
Reasonable prices for A fhTf jF"
Ujt vuri uuyer. J? m Cs. STyrt& X. mnn mic m Imps llllll
jftj Suits, Furs, Wraps II yX ad .s,"rd" enough
bA jn H t V & to withstand rough
, U and Uowns (f , feaaljfW' campus usagc
y3;-yrjf-MT,JT,, $b 'Hi fi'uiinir iiira. "S5a0amBwA Growing Kirls of
, SW ",,M''0" " """ ,en devoa,, arch
yraiHrw ,immri-riuo3fr weakness. Don't
- - - t .v. 1 1 i . ... . neglect this. Have
FI 11 I t Both black and tan with leather Mr. Geuting's ad-
Burnwell Coal heeir,uiitecessoIii'v,s $ wi,,,Qut lviceon3h;8ubjectl
The test of the fiercest
fire you can make won't lUttrLivtRl . .
COAL. Thnfs one par 3 Mar vWjLT' 0 , ,
titular quality that Ul'iil'a marKel ttrtFsoHouMeiDovrtNo) So. 11th
make!, this Krado both aVtJ, Shoes & h Exclusive
?e''tll,a """ wdUa Stockings Thf Stores of FftmovirTTl Men's
w"' ' "' ye f Shoe
E. J, Cummings t shop" I
i Yard; Main Office, 413 N, 18th SL W .. ' " fj ' . J! J
jjmKmL " -j- 1 itx -1 . v at
Cor. Walnut and 13th Streets
IF a concern buys first hand, manu
factures first hand, sells first hand and
IF a concern made cash purchases
of raw furs during the summer and
IF a concern manufactured their
stock at summer rates of labor and
IF a concern is satisfied to earn a
smaller profit during September In
order to stimulate business
Could this concern save me money?
Furs Remodeled and Repaired
Nfawson SDeMeiny
tkeron from Kiilh'i