Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    IN slfffi
&rigUMi4ffmmWtfW Afc9ete4i
Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd Togo, of Chelt'
nut Hill, will be Introduced to socloty at a latfge
it, which will be given In her honor by Iter
grandfather, 8, Davis Vuge, and her aunt. Airs
.tames, Large, at their country place, Sumilici
Oret, on Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, the
afternoon of October 21.
Summer Crest Is particularly well adapted for
An out-of-doors affair. The lovely old-fashioned
house has a background of tall shady tree and
utands at the top of a long sloping lawn. A.
number of affairs have been planned for Miss
I'age, who Is extremely popular with ths
.vounger set. Among other entertainments to
he glen In her honor will be a dance, which
will be given during the L'aster holldsvs by
her parent,.
Mrs. H. It G. Sharpless, of Laburnums, Chel
ten Ilills, will slve an Informal at home on Ofto
hei '.'9 to meet her granddaughter, Miss Hen
HptUi Howatd Sturgls, debutante daughter of
Mrs. Itobert Sturgls, of Net. York. Mrs. Slur
sls will Introduco her daughter at a tea at
the Colony Club, New York, on December
Dr nichard Havel Woods, Malcolm Lloyd and
his sister, Miss Ksther Lloyd, who left town In
the early spline to tracl through Europe, weie.
In St. Petersburg at the tltno the war broke
out They managed to cioss to Christiana am
then across the North Sea to Edinburgh, from
where they pushed on to London, and sailed
last week on the Catpathla. 1
Dr. Charles D. Hurt was to have been on
of the party, but, fortunately for him, was
obliged to give up the trip, which. Instoad ot
lielng a tin co months pleasure affair, proved
u e.vtieimly dangerous and anxious ex
perience. A numbci ot I'hlladclplilans attended tho
xcddintf of Miss Satan S. Moigan. daughter or
Julius Morgan and a nlcco of tho lato J Plor
pont Morgan, and Henry Gardiner, of Boston,
which look place Satuiday in Trinity Church
I'rlnceton. The cciemony was followed by a
larhp tecoptloii at Constitution Hall tho home
of the bride's parents. Among the l'hlladrl
phiana who attended the wedding were Mi.
and Mis. Bayard Henry, Miss Anna Wan en
Jr.scrsoll, Harry Ingcisoll, Hdward It. Stnever,
orm"n 8. Alncklc and his fiancee, MIsa Marlon
McfJInley, of Pittsburgh. Other persons from
JCev.' Vol It Included John Morgan, Atr. ivnd Mr.
Mori's Taj lor Pync, Professor and Mr?. Os
tium and Samuel Folton, the latter formcily
of Haveiford.
Mr. and Mis. Henry L. Itlttonhouse, of Ilanls
liurs. I'i . formerly of this city, are receiv
ing congratulations on tho birth of a daughter,
horn September 7. Mrs. Rlttenhouso will bo
icmembered as Miss Anne Cockran.
Mr. and Mr?. Samuel K. Hoeves, who spent
tome time last week in Atlantic city have
returned to their iiome in Ieadovvbrook, r
Mr. and Atis. John T. l.v.i, Ji . f
Bpruc stieet, v ho, since their letura fi n
Kuiopc, hove been ipitintr their clatiirht'-i Vl
William Kobeits Howell, at her cotr. in
ripe May, will return to town accompan l b
Mrs Howell mid her chlldielt next week Mis.
Howell will spend the winter with her parents
Mr and Mrs. John W. Converse, wilo siont
the summer In Xari.isan3ctt Plor, ha-p re
tuincd to their home in ltoscmont. Lat they
will move Into their town house on Kitten
house Squsie.
Mi and ills. rt. I'mnklin Shatpless wlu tave
fon in Europe for tlio last year, mIII return
to this country in n few works, and III o':upy
their home un Walnut street near MnM"-nth
chirln; the winter. Mr3 Sharpless, hefW her
marrl.tge a little mine than a year oo
Miss Elizabeth AIcKe.ut Rhodes, a dauglitoi m
.Mr and Mrs. James Mauran Rhodefi, 1 1 Olcnn
load, Ardmore.
Among those noted Int week at Ac antl city
were Judge Italston. Sir. and Mis. V Howard
Pinooast. Mi. and Mrs. C. Ross Smith and
Mr Albert Pancojst.
Airs Henry U. Pattei.ion nnd hei da ightor,
Mis Ma-s D. Patterson, of Torr. e. are
spending several weeks In Mt. K ne ! MIs
Patterson will he among tho demit. ot ihis
Udivard Bell, Miss Laura Bil ..ml Atiss
Kmily Bell, of Ui! Spruce street , o ,avo been
marooned in Kurope blnce tho mitbretk of tho
ar, aro In Hollund at present V -xpoct to
all on Hi Noordam September 19
Mis Helen Duer Walker ban relumed after
motor trip thiough Xvv Hngland m the tilp
V iras the guest of 'Alisi Ueoige Al. l.'aton. of
l.anfKs'er, II. Alls W.Ukei hos taken an
apartment at the Collcgo Club for thi vvlnfr.
Mr a-id Airs Caleb J. Mllnc anu Caleb .1.
Milii" Ji of this cits, aro apending sevei.il
laj In StocUbridge. Mass.
Mm I. K Lewis. Fredeiiclt Unii and
llni C. Lewis, of this city, who ai at i r.
nt motonng through New Hngland irn
Utday in Rililind, Vt.
' ' " Hlf sQM 1-1 '
IIHl :
HHp -9 !
llHHKff :,B1
ffltBKk ill
WKim !
i wSmmB
J - 1
Feblger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomao
Dewees Wood, at their homo In Penrt road.
no8EMOHT-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelso Cas
satt, who will jelurn this week from Nowport,
wilt entertain extensively during the Hors
Show next week,
Mr. and Mrs. Alba B. Johnson, who have been
motoring through tho White Mountains, have
tettirned to their home.
Mrs. Henry H. Ellison and Miss Kdlth R.
Ellison, who spent tho summer at Watch Hill,
havo returned to Briar Hill.
ItADNOIl Miss Elizabeth Brown Chew and her
niece, Miss .Mary Evelyn ' w, who have been
n,t Bar Harbor for several weeks, have returned
to Vanor, their country place, for the autumn.
Mrs. Henry P. Borie, of Upland " av, ha t
turned after spending the summer at Winter
DEVON Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Thurston
Mason, who have been spending the aummer
In Dovon, will return to their home, 221 Walnut
street, about the middle of next month.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartman Kuhn, who have
' been In the war zone In Europe, returned Satur- ,
day to Philadelphia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. "Wlllam B. Goodman have I
closed their Chelsea cottage and have leturned j
1 to their home, at fi East Chestnut avenue,
Chestnut Hill.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Moigan Hebard have leturned
from Chelsea, whero they spent tho summer,
I and have opened their new hpme on Chest-
nut avenue.
Mr and TStrs. Joseph R. Carpenter and Miss
Virginia Lagucrenno Carpenter returned to
day to their home, 14 Summit street, after
spending tho week-end In Bay Hood as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Newlln.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Bell and Miss May Bell
have returned to their home on Evergreen
avenue from Buck Hill Falls, wIitc they
leased n cottage for tho summer. Miss Bell
spont the week-end with friends on 1,0115
Island, entering a golf tournament Satm day,
Mt. and Mra. Charles A. Potter and Mis.
Doiothy Potter will nirive this week fiom
Magnolia, Mass., whore they spent the sum
mer. They will teopon their house at Ever
green nnd Prospect avenue-, Chestnut Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Wear will return
1 tomorrow to their home on Graver's Iaii' fiom
' a Biimmcr spent at Konnebunkport, Me.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Heniy ICellar Kuitz are spend
I ins tho remainder of tho month at Cape May.
I Mrs. Kurtz bcfoip her marriage in Juno was
1 Miss Anna Longstretli.
Dr. and Mrs. & Zj. Van Sant and their fam
ily, who spint tha summer at Jame,town, R. I.,
returned to H.elr home, 4038 Spruce street, last
Mrs A G. Phillips and her niece, Miss
Rosalia Oliver, who have been spending sev
eral weeks in Cape May, have returned to the
city and opened their house at 4047 Pine street.
Mrs. Henry Cochran, Miss Edith Cochran and
Miss Dorothy Cochran have returned from Bel
mar to their town house, 8511 Baring street.
Mr. and Mrs. John B, Patterson and their
daughter, Mis Helen Patterson, of 327 South
46th street, havo returned fiom thtlr summer
home at Delanco, N, J.
Mitt Ellen Phelan nnd Miss Elizabeth Slevln,
who have been spending several weeks In the
Poconos, havo returned to their homa at 44th
street and Osage aTenue for the winter.
Mr. nnd Mrs, "William R. Webster have opened
their apartment at the Bartram for th winter.
The dances which are given throughout the I
winter at tho Nay Yard will not bo resumed
until November ot tills ycai. These dances
grow each Beaaon In popularity and are looked
forward to by young and old with pleasute.
Lieutenant Wlllam B. Hodgman has been or
deied to Atlanta, Or., tor two years, where 1
ho will shortly be Joined by Mrs. Hodgman and I
their young son.
Miss Helen Houghton, of Brooklyn, Is visit
ing Misi Mary (McAllister, of 1D86 South Broad
Lieutenant Commander Alfiod W. Johnson,
t". S. N., and his family have gone to New
port to spend t' Is month.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cooke and family, of
13JI South Fifteenth street, who have been
spending tho sumer at Ocean City, N. J"., will
leturn about October 1
I til ' K M, H X
ill Hr Mi Bm
Lv? JKBt wXvvflHIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH l
.Mrs. William C. Hesse, of Wayne uenue aivl
I'psal street, has had as her guest Mis.
Thomas Grlfllth, of Texas, who will bo tc
membered as Mien Eva Lavino befote her mar-
1 rlngo a few years ago,
i It w1 T, TMn (, T IIIaa milm t.n. . 1...
1 ,. .. , ., , , .. I r,uiig -Jon, of 32H AVcst Susquehanna avenue,
1 rJMilUlllH wf- ciuiiniM a ita iuti wituiji til, KJ JiJJ'.J 1
Alls) Glodcan Smith, of 2410 Xoith Nine
l ei til itrcet, after spending several days visit
ing Mli Alice Bally, at Atlantic City, will be
the guest of Jliffl Nancy Fullciton, at Cwynedd
Vallo", Pa., for two weeks.
MIps Mario ntrgeiald and Miss Nan Fitz
g.iald, who enteitained extensively at their
lottjso In Wildwood this summet, havo o
tuniod to iliclr home, 17'.") Glrard avenue.
Mi. and Mt. Edwatd Hippie, of 2115 Noith
.Miuiioontir"tieot, hae a thlr guest at their
cottago in Ventnor Miss Cora Fields, of 2Hi
Noith NMnotronth itreot.
R-r. :md Jhs. Geo. W. Gardiner, of 17W Nortli
Sutoontli strfet, liavo been ntrtalnlng Mr.
and Mis. Kiank V. Arhbrook at their cottage
in Avaloti.
Mr. and Mis William It. Blair and their
Mrs. Cassatt will entertain extensively
during the Horse Show m her box, and kopfi ,lo ,ia, b(pn UvlnB , .Switzerland fo
Dam, Mc , havo returned to their residence '
on West Coultei btroot. Their daughter, MIsa
Margaret E. Atlee. who will bo introduced to I
society later in the .season, i the guest of I
her aunt in New York for a few days. She
will return to her home on Thursday.
Or. and Mrs. Joipph Kiauskopf, who llne
completed their tout of the wot Id, called from I
Rotterdam on Acpteiubei " and expect to ai- '
ile In Now Yoik tomorrow morning. They
arc accompanied by their son, Manftcrl ICrauc-
wtll be hostess at a small dinner dance
which will be given at her country place in
Rosemont the night of September 25.
of the birth of a son to Mr. nnd Alr William
Marshall Bullitt, of Loulsvillo, K . at tholi
home In .Stocklnidge, Man:-. Mis. Bullitt before
her inatilago was Mits Nnui la'lgi, of Boston.
Both Jir. and Mr;. Bullitt li.ie been frequent
Nltois to Piill.ulolphM.
."Miss Maltha Howt II, of 2",9 South 2.5d stieet,
a few cais. and tbolt daughter, .Miss Madeline
Krauskopr, who has been in school at Lau
sanne. Switzerland.
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Caliull and their
family, of 134 West Chelten aonuc, hae closed
their bungalow in tho Pocono mountains and
have leturned to town.
Mr. and Mts. L'. Ross Cai voi will close their
Capo Jlay cottage about the 13th of this month
and, Willi their two clilldiou. will reopen their
I house, olilo Ncwliall Hticel.
I Mr. and Jlr. Arthington Gilpin, of 2i.' West
who i- bpcndiiiK winio weeks in C.ipe Jlu, will , Scliool lane, have opened their house for tho
return homo ne.t week.
.Mr. and Mis. W. Morgan Chui Chilian, who
haf been opendliig tho nummor nt their cot
tage in Longport, will return tdioitty to their
homo at Highland aouue and Navahoe street,
Chestnut Hill.
Mi and .Mis. 1'. Willianisoi Rium
loae Tor Harbor September .t aiu ulll ry
ooii itmovo Into theli houte, ITU J.o- ust ktret.
i'ii the wiutei.
M.s Graliam Spem.ei, -Mias Agues l.
Kp'ncer, MI11 Ann H. Spencer and Migs Chiig-
nn Spencer, who liae been pndlnc some
tune in Bermuda, have returned to Philadel
phia t'ds oai, and have taken apartments
at the .Maidstone, 1327 Spruce eti'-et for the
itn mis Chiisline Spencer ill be u
debutante of this season.
Miss Edna Tatnall Warnei 1-' uet fui
.01 might of Mr. and Mrs Jam t Salisbury
" their summet home. S8 Jatkaoi ulaca, Cape
Mii .Mi unci .Mrs. Saulabuo a cntermlu-
I" admtional guests ovel the - k-oiid. who !
"Kiude Mi and Mrs. IVctot aul - it arid JUas 1
Madge Carpenter, of Wilmington.
ol iniliotiK Mrs. .T.i m es Piescott Maitin,
Miss Dorothy Holm Mm tin and Jann'S Piesuitt
Jlartin. Jr.. who spent tho summer nt llellpott,
I. L, loturued to Piesiott Hall, tholr home, at
Clth and Cltj Lino, ia.u weei.. .Mis. Henry M.
S-'padfS. of C'likagu. onived Saturday, to bn th"
guest of Jits, Martin for several dajs. On
Jlonday. September J Mis. Mnrtiu und her
family will loae for Loulsv.lle, Ky whero
tlioy will fcpend the early aiitumii.
Jlr, and Mm. Alfiod IVicival Sniith, who
ho lioen traveling tliroiigh Euiope during tho 1
Hummer, returned Inn wek to their home, at '
O1 Ovorbiook aonue, wlicro they will speiiU I
tl,e fall nuntlii--.
MUtiON Mr. and Mis. Hmirj Cltupnian
Thompf-nn and Jllsa Allto E. Thcuniitioii will
1 tloso tlicu lesldomv on Hlgliland nvonuo, and
'I nccum nnui tincnts nt t ho HelsiavLa. nlmiit tlm
middlo of Nocmbor. Misa Tlioinpsiui will
uial.e her debut nt 11 tea on Tuesd. uclo- I
br J".
Jllsa Agues Itupplltn. who has been Waiting
Mr. and Mia Lopur nt theii rotnge in St.
David's place, Atlantic Cltj'. will leturn to
.Morion toniortow.
-wiiULittu Mr. and
winter months.
Mis. J. Burton Mualin and Mis. Pi auk Mac
Grath hae returned fiom Now Yoik, where
th?y spent several days shopping.
Mr. and Mis. George S. Straw-bridge, of 101
I Mnnliolm .stieet, will return about October 1
ft mi Jamuatown, I: I.
Mrs. Wlieelet Lord, of Manhclm stieet, Is
apcinding n few weeks in Chelsea.
Mis. Unocli Taj lor lias agnin taken apart
ments nt the Dolmar for tiie wintei months.
hav" returned fiom the shoie.
Mi. and Mis. Harry Cobb and Harry Teny,
ot 413J N01 tli Broad street, have clocd their
s.imnioi hum' on .Saaido avenue, Atlantic City,
and ato now motoiing tlirough the New Ung-
land States. On their trip they will stop at
I Newport and at Narragansett PI'i. They ex-
peot to letuin about October Hi.
Mi. and Mrs. Walter It. McCI.Ui.li. of
W.nnv.wood. ate ipondlng the week at Ocean
Citj. .Mrs. McClatchy will bo lemcmbered as
-Mis Rena Aitman, ot HJi' North Seventeenth
J street '
Mr. and Mr William Got man, ot 17J0 Noith
Kighteenth stiett, aie spending the month of
Septembc- at thcli cottage in Sea late City,
j N. J.
1 Mt. K. D. Loughlin and tiie Misses Lough
lln, of 1CI7 Noith Grat street, havo leturned
from I.ansdowne where they liae been spend
ing tli" summer months.
Mm. Clarliida V. Armstrong, who spent tiie
' summer on tho Maino coast, ha.s returned to
1 hor iioni". Mft Noith Park aunue.
Mr. and Jlri-. Noiman H. Steens, of 1725
I Nouh Soxonth street, have returned from a
Mimiiioi'a at.iy at the Strathaveu Inn, Swarth-
I more.
Mrs. J.imej Doak. of 1M2 Nortli Fitteenth
I street, haa returned from Atlantis City, where
I sho pnsded tlif summer.
In "Drugged." Broad Street Theatre
A millionaire haunted with a past.
"While only one rw drama opns tonight, and
but ono other 1b tchedulefl for next week, th
managers promise a brilliant season for Phila
delphia play-goers. Of tho productions booked,
comedl's seem to predominate, and of these the
majority proved their merits as mirth-stimulants
on Broadway last season. Later on we shall,
howvr, see Mra. Piske in a new comedy, and
such established favorites as Maud Adams,
Kthel Barrymore and John Drew In new dramas.
Helen Ware, whose appearances during the last
few years have Increasingly captivated the pub
lic, and whose presentations are olwas marked
by an exceptional personal charm, will appear
as the star In a new three-act play. "The Re
olt," by Edward Locke, at the Adelphl Theatre,
next Monday evening, September 21. Miss Ware
was last seen in this city in "Within tlw Law,"
placing the part of Mary Turner.
"The Revolt" Is announced as a play ot today.
It was produced last reason in New York, and
of all the various dramas dealing with the
"social problem," sponsored by lce committees
and killed or suppressed. "The Revolt" alone
has survived. Miss Ware s supporting company
Includes Soia Eurlght, Betli I'ranklln. Susann
Wllla. Annette Tllei, Rosana Logan, Jossle
Ralph, Alphon Ethlcr, Van Rcimlei Tuwnsend.
John Walsh. Howard Gould. Sam Kdwnrds.
Tred V'. Peters, Udwin MuiJanl and I'unl;
Following John Maoou m ' Diuggcd at the
Broad Street Theatr-, Mutgaret Anslili w-ll
open a two weeks' engagement in "Lady Winde
tncre's Fan." After tnis Philadelphians will be
1 enabled to see -Mrs. Pislse in a new comedy by
I John Luther Long, the .elelrated creator of
"Madam Butterfly." Mr. Long' comedy Is lo
cated in London, about 1750, dm in,; the Ganiok
ADELPH7 "Help Wanted," comedy
drama by Jack I-ait. StenographerV
struggles and temptations in the buslnesn
world. Stenographers warned to watch
their every step.
BROAD "Drugged," romantic melodrama
of a prosperous railroad official, with a
pa"t; by Owen Davis, author witli a melo
dramatic past. Starring John Mason.
Notice tomorrow.
"Cabiria," moving picture by Gabriell
D'Annunzio, of the Red Parasol and
"Flame" fame. Spectacular, exotic, gor
geous. Showing method of warfare be
tween ancient Carthage and Rome.
FORREST Ziegfeld Follies. Scintillating
soubrettes and musical mirth
GRRICK "Adele." French operetta, 111
volving the tangled romances of the
daughter and sou of rival tinned-fish
magnates, impecunious baron and danger
ous "charmer." Delicate humor and
charming music.
WALNUT "Siberia " Revival of Brtley
Campbell'1! .33-year-old melodrama of
Russian intrigue.
K dinner followed by a dance 3 given Sal
urduj night at the new Tcnmt.n q0k Club.
Among thoca who entertained at tinner before
the dance were Mr, and Mrs Thonas gj Coals
nd Mr and Mrs. II. II. Baiton lr.
Mi and Mrs. Travis Cochran, who ha t.eeu
ueiuiliiB the summer at their home in 4 ampo,
Hello N B will '1 etui n to town about the end
'' heptembei They will oo.uf their ln-uee.
l"l south .'.id ait eel
Misi KhMbeth Woodville and MiddUuoi, l.l ti
oodville have taken apartments for the im
er the Bar Harbor Tea Room at 132 hu.jtli
seventeenth street. Mrs. Adolfo Mlwi 4Iu
hei daughtet. Miss Katharine John.toua Munor,
have also leased apartments at to tM t0OIU,
Colonel and Mrs. W. FrankUn Pottet and Mim
Potter, of Qermantosui, are peMns several
'lass at the Marlborough-Blenheln,, lu Atlantic
' ttj with their hon-iu-law and dauehtei Mi.
rtiexanuei t.uss itai
ntster Va
ili and Ati lte.i
'Uuflite, Mi i:iiubeth
"ie of In-
anions llio,
Mot .
niaiooued I
ure'ted t0 ,eaih home next fr
ipv then hou.e on (Jennaj
.t,,Ui ,, dlirI,K lUe cQml
r"ons tn lhl city
I hvil
; luvr
l.ouM ,1 aie
Tliw will
avenue in
.It., of PcMlinrat, who pnt tho suinmw
abroad, will sail for humu uutobor 3.
Mr, und .Mrs. l'hailo I'lmuncey will leave
Sprint' lke tb" "nd of ut-tuhei and leturn to
k.n.eooi-Mi. and Mik Walter Clothier,
who uiu etill ut W.iUh Hill, H I , will not it
till II home until October.
Mr. and Mia. Items Uaitol Busier will flgao
their Cape M45 cottaso tho end of thin week.
AnDvionE Mrs. Alexander Belters and Mies
Nancy Sellers, of Glenn road, v,ni leniaiu at
their t-amp In Maine until tho last of this
Mr. and Mrs. MUmjcl M. ititti, ji , iUc le
turned from 11 month's ta At I.oon LaKo.
Mi and Jits. U0111 1 Thorn on. of Ulcrm load,
will ipiuiii fiom 'ape Mjv dUoui th midUlt) 01
1 October
j uvvmioilli-Mi and M Jaiue v. .clui
and thoir famils. who luivo been spoiidjpg JI19
tummi-r in Uas lltud. will return tQ their (mine
in Ilaverford tins vveeK.
Mian Sophie ?I. Trasol. y,io hat been peud;
Ine tho autnmer In U4r lfarbor, Me., will leave
there Septembet ti and will stop several days
in New Vorlt before her return to her home at
Montgomery and Clieswold uvenura.
UIIIMIWll-Jii .nut Mi Uoig ti tUiilc.
Jr. who vneiit tliv cut in suiniuei at (Ircwd
Vtirs then 1 stait- at i 11 iluwi ate jiUimiug
10 take . KsiiUme in lovvu for the season.
The nil! intiixlnn- then 'UiijIiWi, MUs Han
fell F Karle .it u tea tn be given on Kridas.
November 20
,li and Mra Wtllutin S Febiger of Jlilton,
Man . ar apendinr levtral day with lira. I
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlllltm P. i",Ncili havo le
tuined from tludr eddins tilp and aro stas--Ine
vitli Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram Llpplncott
at Bethaie". lis. u'.Voill will ho remembered
as Miss M.iriann.x Llpplncott befote her mat
rlngo on August f.
Anions tlioso who enteit lined at dinner be
foie the dance which was given Saturday nlslit
at the Huntingdon Vulles -olf flub, were Mr.
and Mis. .Samuel K. Reeves, Mr. and Mra.
Wulter L. Hosn, Ml. and Mrv. II. I lent y Stet
son. Mr. and Mis. J. U H. Ile.v Mr. and Mra.
IMu.ud 1 llouon and Mr. and Mrs. William
H. Oeoig. The drun.0 was attended bs u Inrso
j number of club members and their friends".
pr. anu .vue. wiiiiam ,1. Taylor nnd Jlii
Mai ion T.15I01 mo peudinK the e.uly fall as
auestH of Mis John Xewbolil at hei couuti.v
place in JtnMntoiMi.
Jfrs. Henry C. L-lmonrt and Miss Homletta
Dimnnd aie entertaining Mis. Prederio R. Gil.
bert and Miss Kntli.uino Gllbcit at tlicii CQun-
Mrs. Peteival Itobem, f' llacfl ' iveils lane. Itjdal
Jlr. mid Mis. Jlsron Harris have returned 1 favorites as .lose Collins. Kthel Amorlta Kells.
John Mason in High-Class Play By
Ov.cn Davis, of "Nellie, the Beautified
Clonk Model," Fame.
Iteformatlon Is never without 1U fascination.
"Whether municipalities or men turn from th
broad road ot a dubiously profitable, or pleaaaat
past, the halo of regeneration Is thenceforth
worn with unique distinction. "We hare all oor
secret admiration for in hero with a tnystertau
and ambiguous catcer left bhlnd.
Therefore the greater Interest attaches to th
appearance ot John .Mason, on of the. ablest
American actors, in a rarefted melodrama, en
titled "X)rug?d," at the Broad Street Theatre
The author of ' Drugg-ed. Owen Dxvls, haa
onfesscdly put Ills "past" behind him. Wltit
the production of "Drugged'' Mr. Davis aaaumea
tho laurel-wreath ot the herlous melodramatlst
Be It known, however, that Mr. Davis Is by n
means a tj-ro. He haa been, for a period of
dosn s"ars, ono of the most financially success
ful writers of plaj's. None of theso plays, it
is quite certain, over has been the subject of"
dlscusHlons ut ethical culture uocleties nor of
sago and profound studies on the drama. Mi
Davis has not moved In the same circles as Ber
uaid Shan.
Among Mr. Davis' bst known and sjecessful
nelodramas were "Convict W, ' "The Light
house by the Sea," "Chinatown Charlie,'
'.Vellie, tho Beautiful Cloak Model," and "Shorts
McCube.'-' In all, lit plays of this ts'po num
bered a. hundred. We have Ml Davis' word for
it that TO per cent, were hazels- successful, his
Income averaging upward of .0.0() a year. Mr
D.ivls personalis has not b"u ad wvll known a
his plass. Now, however, that ho had put aside
a tlds' sum. and the begRing of a good play out
ride tho Broadwas oitlcs w ill not necessitate
factions from Sixth avenue lodginss and coffc
and Pog Wofflnifton period, and Is announced as 1 and rolls, Mr. Davis intends to devote his fuTuiiV"
a play of rippling humor.
At the Broad, in succS"ion during th sason.
will appear Panny Watd in "Madam President."
Billle Burhc, John Drew, Maud Adams and
Kthel B.irrymoip, 'ach In a nw play. Piancc
Starr In "The Secwt. ' by Ilonti Bernt-in. the
Lyceum riayrs in rpertolro, n thi fo-star torn
blnatlon, Includim? William Gillotte, Mai it Doro
and Bianch" Bate. in Cbailos Frohman's i
vlval of "Diplomats'." Subieiuwitly fath of
these stars will appear lu a now pioduttion.
"The Passing Show of 1511." Messrs. Shubeit 6
third annual musical revue, will open at tho
Lsrlc Theatre October 1. The coat Includes such
from Ventnoi to their cits home. IS.-.' North
Twelfth atret.
Dr. and Mis, Joseph M. A.-dier have cloyed
their countrs jiI.il In Jenkintown and aro at j
their winter home, 1333 North Broad street,
Mrs. 11. Leopold and family have returned
from Atlantic Citv to their winter honi". IMS
Xoitli Park avenue
Mi. and AL. I!usell Wilson and their family
clo,ed their summer homo on Boston avenue,
Chlsea. and loturued to 1021 Noith Park ave-
nuf on atuiduv.
In. and Mis. Aitiuir llartlev, of 1501 North
Sevnt,-cnth stieet, aio spending n foitnight on
the toast of Main'.
Mr. and Mis. MaimaduUe, Tildeu. Ji.. have
leturned to tlioii homo on I.enns load, Jenkin
town. after oponding a fortnight nt York Har
bor. Mo. Mrs. Tildcn wilt be lemmnbeted 11 k
MIsa tlioii Prainui.
Mr. ami Mrs Ulhs D. Williams, and MUs
Williams have 1 etui tin) to Sulgrnve. llieir upun
tiy plaLo. in joiiUiutowii, after trending 4 month
at Lake MohouU, N. V.
Dr. 11 nd Mis. John H. DtAvei arid faiuils ata
bpending the calls autumn at tlieir lountry
place In Wjncote and will not open their town
house at lo34 Walnut street until November 1.
?liss Marion Shaijileae, ilaugliter of Mr. and
Sirs, Toniueni! Slmipless. of Hathcrton, Chcl
ten Hills, is spending 4 few dasa oa the uot
of V( is. John Bishop, at fuluinlms, .. J,
Mi. and Mi.-, llaiuul B. IvKuiland. of ltnoi.
load. JoiiVlnlfun, liave as their gyet Mrs.
Mi'I'Vi land s muihec ami oisier. Mrs. 1'harles
H. Mtllci aud Miti Jcuncut Miller, ut New
Mr. and Mta- Ir$d$rlc W Mentis and tlitif
family have isturneij lu their hj)uv9 ju aiielten
Hills after spenUiiie a fortnight ttt Jtfacli Hayeo,
N. J
1 Airs Chailea Wan en ltaineai, .Mri. Itooeit
J Klee. Ji.. Miss Alary I'letcher, Mhs Plomnce
I Shaw, Ati. Ivatlirsu IJniiI, JIIss KIsie Krouse.
1 Ali-, Churle Siiaw, Alhs IMna Gnw. Mr3.
italph Nasel and Airs, llobeit I.ero..- llattholo
, tnw have made up an automobile pans nltUli
will start fiom Tioga for Jellersonvllle. Pa.
nxt W'dnestiav. The run will be followed bs
, n (linnet which will be given at tho Inn in
I JefffrsonvlilP
, Air. and Alia. Mnice AltPadden and their
' daiiglitrr. Mus njna JIcFadden and JIIss
Alice AlLPaddi'ii. have losd their coitase in
Atlantic .'its nnd have ratuincd to thmr winter
j home, M0 Noith Uoad street.
I Alt. ami All. Waltflr P. Peel of tj.j AVeat
i:i le avciu. , Iiuvm letmnea tiom Kaglsm'ie
whuio tltos tipent the hummer.
1 The marrlHKtS of AIus Ulhel AIM liulor. dagKh.
't tei ut Kva Altshulur, and Dt JJIKon K. Aljers,
i son of Air. and Airs. Sigmmid Aler. of iitOl
j Noith 14 street, will taKe pUl tomorrow
, iTussr3 nieht.
Mr. ami Mra, Benjamin Ratiei, Ji., iiae
Llosed tueir cpttasx at Ventnor and have rs
1 tmnert tq their Inter rosldeme, lSii West Kne
U. tm Mis l'iilh K4B5id l4llivv.l. of
J..' Wu Tiosa lit, hat lelumed fit 4
tm-i tUuh M,rvl8i4 iui ViigUua. Thi.tr 011
and U'4Sl)trin-U. Mi. and Airs. 4'. HaroW
Uallow ell fepeiidiiis vms tmie m Atlanta
emu Mis. William Ktiipe gnd tbeu Itvowis,
Marilynn Miller, Trances Dernaiest. Gorec W
Alonroe, Bobett Ernmett Kcnne. T. Itos- Barnes.
Harry Pishr and Artie Alehlinger.
At th Lyric will also later uppear Messrs.
nhubert's "Tho Willi I of thn World." which Is
announced as tho Nf-w Tork Winter Garden's
greatest musical burcess. Tho pioduccis, taking
advantaso of the tlani'ns: nas. havt made this
entettalnmcnt replete with novo'.ts lances.
Amons the attractions bookod to appear at the
Adelphl Theatre aftr MUs Waies appearance
in "The P.evolt" ate "The Thing That Count."
a'roiiiantic drama jroduccd by W. A. Brads:
"hlitty Atackay," a delightful Scou-h romed-,
vhiib ran elsht munthfl at tne Comeds Theatre,
New York, with Atolly Alclntsro In thn principal
role: "Pee O' Aly Ileatt." Hartley Alanners'
phunomenally suceful comeiij ; "llijrh Jinks.,"
a musical comeds; Utae Geuige, m
Truth." and Guy U.itts Post in Omar
The SJIesfeb! Pollif w.ll i.iiu,ii. at tne F.iireat
Theatre until Septembor itf, un the 28th Alont.
1 Komery and Stone will o'lett a new muaital
1 -omedy. tho enugement lasting two weeks
Other attractions to follow are Homy W. Sav -i
seo's Hungarian opeietta 'dail' ; "Around the
1 Clock." a muic4l comods "Th Little Cafe."
1 Klaw and Urlftnger's spectacular production of
I "Bfu-llnr, ' now on lta b'th annual tour, and j
Julia Sanderson, Donald Bilan a id Joaeidi i'uw. '
j tliwu in "The Olrl fiom run." a nw Fron-
man production. The Mial and Was will glo
1 their antml entertftiirne.it at tiie Pv)i;t dm,;,s j
Uustei Week.
The tiet uttrsitloii at ti ilairkk Tlieatre
vrlll be "Nearly Muii-ed. ' the Cohan and Harris
comedr, with Bruws JUItae in tha tula role
, This will open September S. It will bo uc 1
I teeijed by 'Tlis Tellow Tiolwt, on October
19, with Plojsnce Heed, a Philadelphia girl. sn4
i Michael Mwton load'ns the cost. Thr Hl
I follow Julidil OHinBC In "The Crinoline fitil :
"Potash and Perlinutui' and "svn hm jo j
Baldpate" with Wttllae KdiRfirt and aij K4, a
lainj f.fc nrlvmal 'e ,k .uiimaiK.
Pilules liaijfhtri,- a mcitr' ira e pjy.
ill upn st tiie Chestiiut titieot 1 1. 1 . Hum
SetHembei . Hh CantaiiLt Aloluit.- i trading
, h 4t. SIi Slotiiieaux was a t,cn.jfr if the
Ornbeuni fHasara' BiiwU Couiaii Bt j,e fht
uut gtrtit Thratr durmg iw aHa it,f 81lU
last seasSM "a leading woman with cbuncs I
to high-class drama. To be quite fair to AL
Dp vis, whose confession n iiaivols" sincere, we
must admit that many uf tn w-ho assume high
brow attitudes aro not immune to the thrill"
of thoso ripping, stirring-, pulse-tlnrling mastei
pieces of the "Powpi of Jloney" and "Hei Afar
iiasi Vow" older.
Thrills add to tho jov of life, and if Mr. Davie
cannot b- clasa'id with lbsn and the dark
blown Daniah-Norwegian classicists he has
mado an amusemnt-lovlns world his debtor
Consequentls. with mingled anticipations and
hope, wo look forward to seeing hli play this
"DiURged." In which All Davis sass he lia.s
put the result of hi highest and sinceresT en."""
deavor," Is laid In California. The hero. John
I 'ester, is ti self-mad" man, prosperous, an In
fluential tnllroad omvial. ideal husband, lm
pocrablo father. Tho family hero tSTC He. too.
however, like bis creator, has reformed from
a pan dark, sinister, threatening. It tises and
dots his footsteps, haunts and terrifies him
Exposure, we ro to(d, comes eurly In the plav
Art ion and thrills follow fast, with the eternal
plas of romance, and a leavening of humor
Tyi'tcalls' American, the drama is designed t
bear its message in Vf movement of ge"'ai
Air. Alaaon will be assisted by an aaU ''
iticludins John Emerson. AmlU Gaidnar, tvii
iani Sampson. Kobert McWade, Irank Thoma
John I'lood. Katheriiie La Salle and Nan Cam-
The I bell A. II. Woods, v ho for raanv sears vai
the j soouko' for Mr. I'avu" sensational melodra'rm
I piosenta tills plas it will remain at the Bioail
I for two v ocKj
TJIKAntl MarKft V , 40th '
'vun 1 'iani Prf.r n, f- n, I to t! f i
Jlai, .VI! atata 1" 1 "iirgi. ,v. lit 'Jit
l V M V'l I.IVIi.M V! -IKTITtlt:
lilt. oRIt.lNVI V HII.1I.' .,!.! .S
rwo vi.ni ' 1
. III. HUpl I. I H HuVs.
.iitiLiist. i.ii.vrttu im npvv so.sqs
G A R R I C K. Last Two Weeks
rilK uRU, Fi.H"m . "PEBpTIA
"A DELE" 1
WED. MATS '.;.,, SI.OO
1 iH r ,1. .,1. 1,1 -i 1 v -i v , , $i ,u
BROAD- Tonight at 6:15
"' iU v ' v .-'i" t ,-,r '"
'n drugged r:&:r
w i " " .HUHIi j -
All. sua Jtis Jolin Siatt, of CheUeu aeiju, uw avenue, will make their future uoro J M- a"1 Wra. CaiUr n)Uvu, ho wMtj ! CMESTNUT STKFFT 0,J4
i one n t.uimuji riusg. ng,e retMrnsd to "" ' i ' i .- . v ebkk
uau i.ane, leu jesteruas lot a motor Jrip
tlnous'i the Nevv fclnnlaiul b'utes. Tho aiu
.-10,1 over iu llosion and 1'iuvideme sevonl
li aid Alia lieiiit 'II i ril ut t'lielieu .
nue. iK l-iue, will icimii t.j.i tu tiien im-mt
afii- fcpendins me ev-eul t Oniv iiufc
in Hie I'me-
Ah and Alia Willtain Law all of b'Jih avenue
Oak Ine, will teturn tomorrow afttt a week
end visit in Laotbornt.
Atlantic Cs, wbeje tlWJ
St tbeir vottags
Pint the nimc
lM t'lU-Utuube K aii and lb AJ rui
- titniud iu ton 9,utsi home f.i UiJg
1" '' .iuin6 h -eao i at tiiru iot
n.t ai IU ollh Ik l
Wis to4iidr Pattuu of Ulj JHaa unh A ,.
'l 11. UiiUv !OI .t3llOttSt.il In tlam , V in
ur oaugniei mus Blna Patton nil
durws tn wetk for a in ihrci.jh
e it'iicvi
lea e
4merK8 aad will ftll an engagement et U'eitti
iuciid ns 'k "? i'tnil,-i j. M
l.a.ulei- In tatxui in i l' t,
It e'k kjni ' v "I'Ui
ej -
M i. sun: NTS
K '4I
H "Ki (IKSlttj),
i' Hour
, .-1 i i i
i 't, w , i i .
' ' ' ' v i r . n. i
I .3 '.
Ill , M
VI i h I
con ri vi tmrMv
MATIVLS rrrt l"e A SIS
tilt I
H li.tt.T5
I- ORRi.SI' lal Iuo
' 1 J I