I NIGHT EXTRA EVENING LEDGER VOL. I-NO. 1 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14y 1914. NIGHT I "' EXTRA 1 y PRICE ONE CENT CENES WHERE THE BREATH OF ACTION LIFTS WAR'S BLOOD-STAINED CURTAIN 14. -aHHm IHHn .IWWr.iv w Ovv i J. ... '. IBT ' . l.'1-iHvf'.fir" VXHHl V K. JW "ISO" " INiHt . ... II I SM nuns. ' r HHUI HHHHlllllllllllllim 1 Tbl Vil -j( ' V. - "vfc -t. .'rTPTl -T :M.1 V " ' ... ((I w - vwv . air : siT'&sw. v . .. . " id. -9 . 'jbk .;;. ihh j int laiiw nH. b1. h.' -n ?. '. fLfmm-OM'-vtwM : . .v,HHH 3.;. -.-,1 1 & ' - mmmMmmrM m vjmzi-.m. v m :- ?mmmm j& isV alHL ''firTTr" Tfff ' r'-fi " t.' ! iy ""CVi V- k.A.-f .- lHb , . HH'H". eaSi , . ' HrHa' . t.Jb1. W&t Will vAdalHfi !. , . 'd t, ( '-t ';' ' '. t J. '- l'(,l ?$ r t.'yr ,4 WRECKAGE IN PARIS CAUSED BY BOMBS DROPPED BY GERMAN AVIATORS FROM AEROPLANES In the main the effect of aerial bombardments has been far less than was expected. Damage in Paris ha3 been trifling, and there has been complete absence of panic among the people. As a scout, the aeroplane seems to render its most effective service. ANTWERP HAS MANY SCARS AS THE RESULT OF GERMAN BOMBARDMENT FROM THE AIR Here a more determined assault has been made by the Germans from the air than at Paris. Nevertheless, reports agree that aerial assaults fail to inflict damage enough to be a factor in war. This form of attack amounts, usually, to murder SAFE ASHORE AFTER NIGHT ON STRANDED SHIP Thirty-one Passengers of Atlantic City, 1 9 of Them Women, Rescued From Terrifying Predicament. ATLANTIC CITY, Sept 14.-After a hlght of terror In the cabins of the strand. led ship, rolling in a terrlllo sea kicked Hip by a 30-mlle northeast sate, the lights of the big shore town glimmering through ho pray of the wnvca racing over the hoals. 31 passengers, 19 women, one hlld and 11 men, were landed at S o'clock his morning from the steamship Atlantic Ity. The transfer was effected by trained overnment guards from the Atlantic Ity ami Chelsea btatlons without the (lightest mishap, while thousands, some of whom had kept an all-night watch with the Blcepless coast patrolmen on the ands, followed every move with Intense interest. 'Whllo the big sea boats of tho life savers rolled and pitched in tho trough of tho sea, the eleven men pas- Kngers were dropped, ono by one, in a rooted cahlo over the side, Government rcsr-uers selling them as they neared the uater and drawing them into tho two boats. fh'm the ID women. atm-Hn with the eldest, were lowered over tho side in a comfortable Bteamer chair, triced up In a swing to the powerful motor cruiser of thr Federal service, which had stood by the stranded liner thrmitrhntit fh nlirlit Most of the women enmn ilnnrn nmtllnir glad to be free of their rolling prison on the shoals. They were set ashore at the Inlet pavilion, while the men wcro wniiea irom me surr boatu on the beach t the Itoyat Palace Hotel by Keeper I.amtert 1'arker. of the Atlantic City sta tion. Captain Townsend, veteran skipper of the pounding liner, sent shoreward a Slowing ntory of the bravery of his is. sengerH during a night that might have iriea the hearts of moro seasoned sailors 1 Here was not even a hint of panic from the time the Atlantic City struck tho treacherous frlnes of shonin ir,- r, 'iteriny until tl.e landing ws offetttd t ida Men and women hIIVa n.ni.,i .,. questioning the assurances of i,n medft11 B '"P.er ",Bt U,ey were ln " Im mediate ueril. an.l 1,.1, ,.,..i .,,,.,.. Last nuh ,h ' ., " """ "umirnuiy. in. ii T V c B,,,i' o'l'cers, tieltev Inr their craft unnM n-o. V 'ij ,.J. shore In the surf boats. v., i?,.i,t travel' r,81:'1' Wa,8 tUr"ed " and tho 31 than hH?f,JrCCe,,lea t0 nmle me"Y. Moro SMLS""!?.? ". . ""nisht when tho CARDINAL FARLEY IS IN BEST OF HEALTH Reports of His Illness Denied Sails for Homo Today. NAPLES, Sept. H.-Roports ln circula tion ln tho United States that Cardinal Karley Is III are, groundless. The cardinal had been visiting Sorrento and Amnlfl for a rest and will leavo today for tho United States as he had previously planned. ALLIES REINFORCED BY RUSSIAN TROOPS LANDED AT OSTEND Number Reported From 170,000 to 300,000. March to Attack Right Wing of German Army. .;".."' "," ou, ""at at midnight. i senuing tho passengers sun uoats, every light lin 4 II di a.. a .a n gale aba ,i '? ",' nt """nlsht when tho he"H?iSlhe.W,na B,,U,ed Rnd hlew comfort in .h.er,lv;,mornlne. bu' td KoaJn,R ASr SSM-. early o the paS,enr.thtA"sro he baggage Ins Eta that thV Vhin M U"'L,1 statement b SSLn. -?. Of N.w Charles Jones of iL.V ,"?le, cle- n"" fa Passengers' sin n"a,leIphla' t,lrte of f complice '' wih -y W6.re "et nshore hrved uimn .n. written demand mnv land th.m -. -1lam that the com- " pay uarnag ANTWERP, by way of Paris, Sept. 14. Russian troops have boen landod at Ostend to reinforce the allied French and British forces in France. They are marching southeast from Ostend to at tack tho right wings of the German army of invasion. Tho number of Russians landed on the coast Is variously estimated at from 170, 000 to 300,000 men. (Tho movement of this force of -Hui-' slans undoubtedly explains the rapid re treat of the German right wing and the sending of a new German army to Franco by way of Belgium.) ENGLISH LINER USED. The Russians that arrived at Ostend came irom i-ngianu wnttner they were. brought by the liners Aqultanta and Oceanic and the Union Castlo (ieet from Archangel. They Included Cossacks and Infantry, part of the best fighters of tho Kusslan nrmy. Regiment after icglment of the Russians were landed In England,, und were brought to Ostend from Southampton In smaller vessels, A long line of 42 steam ers was engaged in carrying off these forces. Jt was while the Aqultanla was bring ing the Rusitans from Archangel to Eng land that sho was badly damaged in the collision with tho steamship Canadian, of tho Leyland Line. She wuq (.teaming boulli of the Irish .-. with n". her lights dark when she hit the Canadian, barely damaging that boat and causing a panic. Tho Cunard liner Caronla, which was also engaged In tho transportation of Hus blan troops, was fortunately close by, and stood by both disabled vessels until they could both enter the Mersey River, :es. MEXICANS WANT VERA CRUZ S0ic?scr;',septu-Gen"a'v- ''yooSh"3' from this nr . .."inUa"Ua to meet R.....I fill. M to a6k tho um ed sV,,Pr3ldent Cor' era Cruz. led fa,a' to evacuate WEATHER FORECAST iJreZZT'i'0,01 toniMi Tuesday f "vuumeii . .m.hi.. vamtn fr,.h ...A w" '?? JV, 7 l T atm'rh winds. "wwkiihj!, FRENCH AIRSHIP SHELLED AT HEIGHT OF 5000 FEET German Artillerists Stop Note-taking Over Entrenched Position. LONDON'. Sept. II. The Dally Mall's Petrogrud correspond ent sends n description of M. I'olret, a French aWator, who Is serving with the Russian army, of a Hlght taken over the German position in company with a stuff captain. "I roso to a height 'of tW teet." said Polrct. "Fighting as In full swing. The captain with me already hud made somu valuable obsenatlons, when the Germans, noticing my French machine, opened Uro on It. "A number of their bullets pierced the Kings of the aeroplane and others struck the stays. Wo flew on, however, as it was necessary to obtain tho exact posi tion of the enemy. Then the German artillery began to tiro. Their shells burst near tho aeroplane and each explosion caused it to rock. It was difficult to retain control, oa pieces of shells had seriously damaged two of the stays. The fantastic dances la tho air lasted 30 minutes. "Tho captain was wounded In the heel, but contlnveU to make obsenatlons. Finally I turned tho machine and landed homo safJr I found ten bullet marks' and twawinaacaU of 4heUs la the ta- RUSSIANS BLOCK AUSTRIAN RALLY AS 200,000 YIELD Round Up Fleeing Foemen With Fresh Columns. War Office Claims Com plete Triumph in Galicia. PETROGRAD. Sept. 14. An Austrian force of 200,000 has sur rendered in Galicia, according to the lat est report received from the scene of fighting. (A Paris dispatch cunveys the same news.) Tho entlro Btrength of the Russian first line troops waa In action rounding up tho completely crushed Austrian army, which endeavored to rally under the shadow of tho fortress of Przemysl and nlong the San River to a point north of Jnroslav. It was officially stated hote today that of the 690,000 Austrlana who comprise the Austrian first line of troops 200,000 are already prisoners of war. Tho entire army of General Dankl has been dis persed, and tho main armies of General Mnrltz Von Auffenberg nnd Archduke Francis Frederick, which havo been heavily reinforced from German Bources, hove suffered jfrtatly. Thero was no diminution of the Rus sian attack, under tho immediate di rection of Grand Duko Nicholas tho as sault being kept up. Strong Russian col umns were sent down the territory be tween tho San and tho Vistula Rivers from tho north to attack tho Auetrlans on the flank and pruvrnt furthr Ger man rolnforcemonts reaching them. At the same tlmo - the centra army, com manded by General Rouzsky, Is driving the main Austrian . forces before It from the vicinity of Grodek. Tho Russian General Staff .officially states: Tho Austrian military strength Is completely crushed. They are retreat ing In the utmost disorder everywhere. Rusilan cavalry are pursuing them, and harassing them, while Russian artillery has been posted at certain points to cut off the retreat. So nre. cipitnte Is the Austrian (light that they are abandoning everything. Tho roads aro strewn with rides and personal equipment thrown away by fleeing Austrlana who found that It hampered tneir ntgnt. Artillery lias ncen mired everywhere, and tho fact that traces were cut and not unfastened shows that the enemy is completely panic stricken. Every high official here emphasizes the fact that the Austrian campaign has com pletely collapsed, and that the losses to the dual empire are appalling. Minister of War Sukhomllnoff today gave out the following Interview In Petrograd. "The Austrian nrmy is practically crushed. Its centre Is offering ilrtperato resistance, but lth the fresh troops that have rerched General Ruzsky he will bo nblo to overwhelm it and clear tho way for an advance Into Silesia, which is the direct route to Berlin. "Ily tho retirement of the Russian troops In southeastern Prussia, wo have drawn a large German nrmy Into a posl- Hon where It will be unable to lender help to Ureslau or Posen." Though the chief aim of the Russian Geneial Staff lias been the smashing of tho Austrian aimy and the opening of tho direct route to Hcrlln, It Is possible that after an Investment of Cracow, General Iirouslloff will advance ait army against Vienna. The War Summary Tho German retreat ln Franco has bo come virtually a general rout, the rally of their armies ln the region of the Areonne belnp again repelled. The German Crown Prlnco Is still stubornly resisting the allies. Tho armies of Generals von Klulc and von Buelow aro retiring from the terri tory where tho fiercest fighting of the war took place, abandoning the strategic positions gained through great loss of life. The allies are on the offensive nir.ng.rhe re line. Paris and London, long ln gloom over tho successes of tho Germans, today rojoico In victory. "Unparalleled In extent and intensity," wires Joffre, commander of the allies, to the peo plo of Franco In describing tho Ger man defeat. City after city which Berlin shouted to tho world when they fell before tho Invaders have Valenciennes, Amiens, Lille, Lunevllle. Rhclms, St. Die, Raon and a score of cities, where thousands of Germans laid down their lives that the flag might wave over tho Hote do Vllles, havo again been taken by the French. To tho region of the Argonne tho rem nants of tho six German armies are moving with all the speed possible to the fatigued soldiers. At this point alono rests tho salvation of German arms In France. The allies are con fident of victory. Tho flight con tinues. Tho British and French have crossed the Alsne, tho allies' centre is north of the Marne, while in tho east St Die has fallen. Toward tho Valley of the Mouse, the laBt outlet into Ger many, the allies are pressing the Ger mans. In Belgium the Invaders havo been moro successful today, pushing back tho Antwerp army to the city fortlfl entlons. Other reports, however, state that Brussels will be retuken by the army of King Albert and that the country will bo freed from the enemy within a few days. Meanwhile, Rus sian reinforcements for the allies aro landing nt Ostend. In Austria tho Russians are moving toward Vienna. Panic reigns In the capital. Tho doom of the dual mon archy seems Inevitable, as tho wholo army of the north has been crushed. Two hundred thousand prisoners have been taken, the Carpathians crossed and all roads cleared to the Invaders. Servia on the south is moving toward Budapest. A bridge has been erected across tho Save. Germany reports sue esses in eastern Prussia. The army at Koenlirsberir apparently hns checked the Russians. Petrograd, however, maintains that success attends thi Russian army. Italy is reported to have sent troops to Albania. Her participation in the war is daily expected In diplomatic Europe. GERMANS AGAIN HURLED BACK AFTER DESPERATE EFFORT TO CHECK ROUT i -Q THE EUROPEAN WAR COUNTRY BY COUNTRY France: General Joffre reports a general victory for the allies nrmy. Tho retrent of tho German army has become a general rout: With the ex ception of tho stubborn resistance made by tho troops under the German Crown Prince, In tho vicinity of tho forest of Argonno, tho entire line has been broken. Generally believed that the Germans aro retreating to make a ilnal stand in the valley of tho Meuse. Moro than 500,000 fresh sol diers are held ln Paris to bo sent agnlnst the Germans should the armies succeed In concentrating. Germany: Berlin is in gloom. Pop ulace Is demanding news from Oov emintnt. While the general situation has been relieved by announcement that Koenlgsberg Is safe, pessimism reigns icgardlng the Flench invasion. Populace in dark regarding fighting in Belgium and France. Austria: Vienna ln panic. Austrian army virtually annihilated in Galicia, 200,CvO prisoners having been taken by Russians. Attack upon capital up penis Inevitable. From tho south 40ft0Cj Servians are marching against Builupcst to co-operalii with Rus biaii.s. Geneial belief that the dual monarchy is doomed. Russia: Optimism reigns In Petro grad. Great oil wells ln Callola to supply gasoline for allies Reiuforco ments being rushed to Eastern Prus sia. Denied that Russians have been defeated near Konlgsbcrg A German fleet is cruising south of tho Aland Is lands. Servlai "On to. Budapest" ! the national cry. More than tOO.OOO soldiers aro marching against the Hungarian capital. Victory Is all along the line. Semlln Is the base of operations. A bridge has been erected across tho Save. Qelglum: Reinforcements are be ing Innded at OstPiul tJ.i. Tho Ger mans have driven back tho Antwerp army to tho outer fortlrlcatloni. Brus sels will be retaken with a fow days, according to nfllcini reports Majority of Belgian cities are evacuated by the Germans. Tho country now feels that the war is over so far as Belgium Is concerned. England! Reinforcements being ruhhed to fiont. Admlralt announces continual victories. Great joy In Lon don. Belief prevails that Joffre and French wll drlvo th Germans out of Frunco within a short time. Tho Pilnce of Wales leaves for the front this week. Italy: Troops nro being cent to Albania Popular demand that Italy participate In war probably- will bo met by the Government. The army Is lrtually mobilized. Kaiser's Forces Driven From Fortified Positions and Retreat Becomes a Rout1 Fall Back North of River Aisne and Upon Rheims. - Germans Abandon Outlying Positions and Make Great Effort to Preserve Main Line of Communication Through Namur and Liege. 3a ' c - 551 -! PRESIDENT RETURNS TODAY Flays Golf This Morning and is Scheduled to Leave Later. GdRNISH. K, H., Bept. .-PreIdont VfPrvn motored to Jlanovor, whero ho pliTCd golf this mornlns. lit U scheduled ta lci,v for WuUxurtca later la lb d MUSSULMAN INSURGENTS SLAY 200 IN ALBANIAN TOWN Victims All Christians Zaeranl Be ported la Flames. BRINDISI Italy, Sept. H. More than 200 men, women and children were massacred by Mussulman insur gents when they captured tho Albanian town of Zaeranl, according to a. dispatch from Albania. Th victim were all Christians. Th town li i&4 to Iuyo beta koi. REFUSED WAR TRIBUTE, GERMANS BURN TERMONDE Flames Follow Failure to Collect 1,000,000 Francs Requisition. LONDON'. Sept II. A dispatch received by n news agency hero bays that the city of Tcrmondo, In Belgium, wni. flred by the Germans be cause its Inhabitants could not pay the war requisition of one million francs im posed by tho invaders. When tho Germans arrived In tho city the wealthiest citizens were taken as hostagts. Including Van Per Tongeren, u mllllonalro Ironmaster, from whom was demanded the fine. He refused to pay declaring thut all of his resources were in Bnglami. Th Hermans gave the citizens two hours to rind the money or have theli city destroed. Angry at their failure to get the money, they burned tho city. DEPUTY SHOT AFTER RAID WILKES-UARRE, Pa, Sept. H.-After leaving the saloon of Patrick Pat&lonis at Ashley, which they raided late last night, three of Sheriff Lewis P Knirten' deputies were Orcd on from amhush. and Jesse We'.da. one of the number, received a bullet ln the light arm, which took a Jagged co-se from the wrist to the elbow and.-JiDened a bad wound, pna. lords and Mm Dagutls and Andrew Isaac, j fcoudcrs, aro un4r arrest, B5- J ' mmummmmm. PARIS, Sept. 14. "Tho German armies of invasion agnln have been dlhlnged from nil their fortified positions and nro retreating, with rapidity and In disorder every where." This official announcemont was is sued hero by General Galllenl, the Mil itary Governor of Paris, on authority from tho "War Department at Bordeaux, nt 3 o'clock this afternoon. The statement says that the Gor mnns had prepared a lino of defenses north of the Alsno nnd in the vicinity of Rheims, whero they had attempted to rally their forces and make a stand, but that the overwhelming strength of the French pursuit forced them again to retire. The Germans have evacuated Am. lens, retreating in tho direction of Peronno and St. Quentin. From Xancy to the Vosges the re treat is general. Tho French territory In this vicinity is now totally evacuated. From the btubborn reststanco of tho army under the German Crgwn Princo at the southern end of the region of the forest of tho Art;onno, which was tho last to give way before the tre mendous pressure of tho French, It Is jrobahlo that the r.et great battle will take place lu that region. The allies have continuo - pusi, for. ward their advance columns and have reoccupied a score of towns previously cupturcd by the Germans. Moro than WO.MO fresh troops of the allied army are being held in Paris to bo hurled against the Invaders when thej turn at bay for a final ttand. The Ueimans nre retreating on the only line of communication they hold Intact and uuthreatened, west of the forest of Argonne, through Namur, Liege, the valley of the Meuse and Luxemburg. route, nnd are withdrawing to tho aorth through the barren and dlfllcult sountry of Champagne. The other pos sible lino of lotreat, by Messieres ana Montmedy to Luxemburg, is com manded by the French guns nt Ver dun. The armies of Generals von Kluk and! von Buelow aro retiring with rapid ity from the points which threo days ago were the scene of the fiercest fight ing by the German centre. The Germans have retired north and east of Rheims, and It is evident they do not intend to mnko a stand there, From Chateau-Thierry, a correspond ent reports thnt tho German General Staff's plan of campaign now InvoWoi the evacuntton of tho northwest of Franco and Belgium and a concentra tlon eastward, either for tho purposu of a rebound ngninst tho allies or to save tho Empire itsolf, as events may dictate, This moans abandonment of the hopa of attaching Purls In the near future. The new plan means improved western communication and a general conven tratlon of the allies with an opportu nity for n decisive lmtilo possibly on tho line of Laon. Ithelms nnd Chalons. Even if the combined German armies of tho Alsne and tho Argonno rfre de feated, then there will remain the great fortresses or the Rhine and the Moselle. Twenty thousand Germans pre said to have fallen in the fighting at Nancy and U.oao more at Lunevllle. French oiHcors claim that at least 50,009 Qer mans m have beei. killed in tb. at tempts to e tHrout taw Aaglo French lines. The Germans are not only saffarins from lack 0J pravtstcuia m) ammuni tion, hut their movements nre ui hampered by a scarcity c cavalry horses. The German army under GwieraJ yon Kluk, which mad Wji t rjgfct wjiyf of the grand host uf ajx separate armies, U now sum to hs between 60 und M mil-1 from the in ,t ,-tva :-& v; Late reports state that the general.! . . " '" ' "'" retirement of the rive Q.nn 1 S, " " rtCU'"" " " '"" U becoming a rout. They haven l V KZ'SnT "' " " OUe. Wcb WouW t their natural nt of b &r office, the var-c , araa
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