a ic EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914. rmiM M.i i t ' N ; 'th? i'l U -t ;. .. ?:i io r HMMAL OUTLOOK ; BRIGHTENS AS BOND Grading is resumed f)Lojl Committee Begins Sessions to Arrange Offi cial Prices for First Authorized Business Since Exchange Closed. Vith the Inauguration of trading today In ujtUated bonds, both here and In N'ew 'York, there liaa coma a clearing In the financial nkles which, It la Konerally .- peoted, will be rellected In a rcstorutlon v of open security markets. Under the dl j tecilon of special committees, olncHl lists of prices will bo established as the b.isls jr for trading which, for the present at l least, will bo confined to uch btmnes as Bhall como direct to the bond houses, Without, sollcltaUon. Thjf committee representhiB 1'hlladel phln''hoU8c had Its inausrural meeting nt noon In the ofllco of K. V, Clark &. .Co.,' where It will sit each day hero after to act on such transactions as are proposed by dealers, at prices to be fixed by the committee. The cIosIhr figures ns of July 10, the date upon nhlch the Stpclc Exchanges formally closed their tloors, will bo taken as n b.iili foi nil transactions and bids unci offers foi necutltlcs on this basis mil be received and considered up until 3 o'clock dally, x,cept Saturdays. Worn this tabulation of prices 'the committees will establish an otUclal quotation list and subsequent deal ings will bo put through In conformity wun una list. FINANCIAL NOTES There has been constant decreaso in the number of Idlo freight cars of the linos of the Pennsylvania Railroad In the last three months, caused primarily by the larger number of cars used for crop moving purposes. On Juno 1 the number of idle cars on the entire system, lines cast and west, was Tft.COO, whllo now the total Is 61,000, or a decrease of approxi mately S5 per cent. Application for a charter for ft new state bank, to be located somewhoro In the northern part of this city, the site not having been definitely determined, has been filed In Hnrrlsburg. The incorpora tors are A. SI. Nlsslcy, Joseph T. Hayden and William Helndel. John I1. Connelly U counsel. The capital stock will be 150,000. The banks gained from the Sub treasury on Saturday, $336,000; since last Friday Jl,021,00a There Is a report In the street that the directors of the Central Coal and Coke Company, at their meeting tomorrow, will pass the quarterly dividend of Hi per cent, on the common stock, due at this time. It Is understood that the rcrular quarterly dividend of $1.25 per share on the piefcrred stock mil be declared. Electrolytic copper sold In London to day for 12' cents per pound. Not earnings of the Tonopah Belmont lovelopment Company In August were $12S,51, compared with $102,000 In July. Jim Cutler Tonopah Mining Company August net earnings were $39,900. In July they were $9000. An additional $310,,7W emergency cur rency to Philadelphia banks wa Issued by the Subtrc.tsmy today. Herbert A. Poheftel. a partner of J. S. Bache & Co., of Nctr York, died on Saturday. BANKS OF HEW YORK HANDLED SITUATION WITH FORBEARANCE Comptroller of Currency Commends Them, Al though He Says Some Complaints "Were Well Founded. Conditions resulting from the European war are given as the causa for the action of the directors of the Augusta-Aikn Tlnllwnv nA P!!trtn f?nrnorfttln In mi- "She bond houses and the commute. ! nsndlno: txivmenta of dtvldenfis on the .. ,-,.-.. It"' t ' b:mv t- Jj-prel 'Liu very Ht't daj Jtavo agreed that there shall bo no price cutting of any kind, nor will any at tention bo given to mere bond exchanges. The Idea is to afford some relief to the market in a legitimate way, and It Is believed that under the restrictions to bo. laid down by the committee a con siderable business will be done In high grade securities. The Stock Exchange Committee con tinues its deallnK.t 111 listed vlnnllu nn.t :"$ bonds, and bus already approved the plan !, for trading In the unllHtvd Hpnrltloo ; "With both branches of the Investment r business working in complete harmony there is every Indication for a healthy resumption of trading, which shall go a long way toward imparting to the mar ket a conservative feeling of confidence. Europe, of course, holds tho key to th , .entire situation. Progress of events abroad governs conditions here. With th reponea successes or the allies comes a better sentiment, and the general opinion seqms to bo that Improvement from this time on Is likely to be quick and drastic. Thtre is talk in New York today of re opening the Cotton Exchange, and more than one broker has ventured the pr- , dldtlon that by October 15 the exchanges i of "the country will again be In full swing. This, of course. Is all a matter of guess- ' work. No one can foretell what Is likely I to happen, but Judging from recent events I in the financial field, indication arc not lacking that the guess Is likely to be a good one. company's preferred stock, which have bwn paid heretofore and are cumulative at tho rate of 6 per cent, annually. An official statement Issued by tho company says that payments will remain bus ponded until financial and general busi ness conditions Improve. CANADIAN MILL RESUMES ..s Ifter Eight Months Partial Opera tion, Textile Plant Does on Pull Time. TORONTO Can.. Sept. H. The Dominion , Textile Company has resumed full work ing time In its ten nlll Fi.r iMght months the 7000 employws had boon work ing on an average ui j i , . iU , i,,l time. It is announced Ir. ciiu-ugo that the Commonwc-alth-Edlson Company has laid off more than W employes in -arlous departments. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Toronto Hallway Company, quarterly, 2 per cent., payable October 1 to stock of record September 13. Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone Company, regular quarterly, 2Vi per cent, on capital stock, payable October 1 to stock of record September 22. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, regular quarterly, l'i per cent, on pre ferred stock, payable October 1 to stock of record September 19. Julius Kayser Company, regular quar terly, li per cent, on first and second preferred, payable November 1; 1 per cent, on common, payable October 1, Philadelphia Traction Company, regu lar semi-annual, 2 per cent., payable October 1 to stock of record September 12. l?i lzilian Traction Light and Power Company, regular quarterly, 14 per cent on inferred stock, payable October 1 to Mt c iif record September 24. India Electric Company, regular iu u toil, l per cent, on common, pay able ikiober 1. irunl Trunk Railway regular scml-an-u.il 4 per cent, on guaranteed stock, pay able October 31. FRENCH BOURSE TO OPEN A news agency dispatch from London says that, at the request of Minister of Finance Rlbot, brokers associated at Bordeaux have decided to reopen tho Bourse there. COTTONSEED OIL NEW YORK. Sept 14 CottoniJ oil ojen 1ns fwptemb-r Vi i&3 SS. October, JVI2 ti':'J" November $.1 !).' OV, Dwember. J'..3rt r. 1)7. Janu.u-i Mmwi.OT. F'bruary, u(f' BC 12: March frt.25.j6.2i; April. 0.2SSi).35 'jlmm I'ji f - triw -tsm .- in fflBpf lll'' HARPER &. TURNER IT ggf f ' Ml INVESTMENT SECURITIES I II II I i ft MBm 1001-1012 STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING 1 1 II I i vBS" PHILADELPHIA I llnkS ' " ' 'I'll' i fiS '' "1 f flK Opportunities for 'ilffli I Business Gains j d RmVaHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV Wmm ' Bi&K&mm V &mmmmimtmammmmmtmmmmit "Kr r WASHINGTON, Sept. 14.-The Comp troller of the Currency said today that statements had been received from nil of the National banks of New York City in reply to the recent Inquiry addresed to them In connection with the throwing out of collateral by New York banks, calling of loans, etc. showing that nlthough tho complaints received had been well found ed and while somo hardships had been Inlllctcd by discrimination by some few banks, tho Now York banks ns a rule havo handled tho situation with skill, ability and with marked consideration and forbearance to creditors and cus tomers. The Inquiry developed the gratifying fact that since the closing of the New Tork Stock Exchango, not a single na tional bank of New York City had, ac cording to tho sworn statements of the banks, either sold or ordered sold the collateial held as security for any call loan because of omission to pay such loan, and that four-flfthi of the banks have refrained from calling, since the closing of the exchange, any of the out standing loans, also requiring customers to furnish additional collateral where this was needed. A summary of the statement received ohows that 29 of the 33 National banks report that they have not discriminated against srcurltlcs by requiring the with draw of any of tho collateral held on their lcat.3. Three banks report that cus tomers wero requested to withdraw from loans certain collateral which was re garded as unsatisfactory. One bank sub mitted a list of 21 stocks, about one-half of which wero dividend-payers, which they had requested their customers to withdraw from loans and to substitute other securities for these withdrawn. Twenty-nine banks report that they hold no loans upon which they are requiring customers to maintain a margin of more than 25 per cent. Four banks. explained that they were requiring customers to maintain additional margins where cer tain classev of securities ere held ns collateral for loans. Twenty-seven banks stated that they had called no loans since the closing of the New York Stock Exchange. The ag gregate of the loans, which the other six banks reported that they had called, was about J.V.00 000. Of tho loans called about 00 per cent were paid. Thirty-one banks reported that they had called no loans which they hud placed for account of their correspondents. Two banks reported about J2,O0O,0OO of loans called for account of correspondents, about three-fourths of which loans weie taken over by the banks which had loaned the money for their correspondents. Elcht banks reported no new call loaim made blnco the closing of the New York Stock Exchange. The remaining 25 banks reported new call loans since August 1 aggregate J51.700.000, but how far these represented matured time loans trans ferred to call was not disclosed. The amount of call loans voluntarily paid was not stated by the banks. INSURANCE NOTES Country's Plre Losses Greatly Re duced in August Mortality Record Lowered. Fire losses In the- United States and Canada showed a material falling off in August compared with the same month a yenr ago. Figures Just complied give tho August losses this year nt $11,765,650, as against 121,180,700 for August, 1913. So far this year the lossna total $162,323,700, compared with 160,OS7,2CI for the same period last year, and 1163,750,350 for the first eight months of 1911 Losses each month this year, compared with thoso of 1913, follow! .. 1013 junuary .....,...... S20.1O3.2S0 I'Obmary ........ .... 22,0!M,TO0 Mnrcli I7.nil.000 April in.T.lft.S.V) May , 17,221..'0 June ,..., 24.n42.0O July 2O,0fO,P00 August 21,180.700 Total 8 months. 1014. I23.2O4.700 21,744,200 2S. (11 2, 730 17,700,800 18.S07.80O 20.a48,000 1T,B1D,"00 17,705,050 NATIONAL BANKS INCREASE HOLDINGS OF UTILITY ISSUES Government Figures Show Growing Demand for This Class of Investment Se curities Three-cent Fare Fight Still On. .$100,087,250 1162,323,700 Llfo Insurance companies In tho United States made the lowest record In their history Inst year In the matter of mor tality. The percentage to expected mor tality was Gfi.09 per cent., as compared with an average of 72.38 for tho last dec ade Last ear It of tho 70 companies scheduled hnd a mortality below 50 per cent, of the expected, while 18 were undet 0 per cent. The Industrial companies, while naturally having higher mortality than those writing " ordinary business, showed a ratio of actual to expected of 68.09. This Is an Increaso from 80.64 In 1912, but compares with an nverage of 95.37 for the last decade. John G. Simmons has been appointed New Tork suburban general agent for the Insurance Company of the Stato of Penn sylvania, After October 1 the North and South Carolina general ngencles of the People's National nml t'nltid Firemen's fire In surance companies of this city, now with Harvev timbeth & Bro., at Charlotte, N, C, will be discontinued, and the agents will report direct to Philadelphia. D. M .Murchlson. now witn iiarvey Lrfim beth & Tiro., wilt become State agent for North and South Carolina, and Walton Lnmboth, now of the firm, will be special agent in the same field. MORE COTTON IN STOCK Increased Amount Hold in "Ware- houses, Says Census Report. WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. A report to day Issued by tho Census Bureau shows cotton, exclusive of llnters, consumed during August, 254,205 running bales In 1914, compared with 432,350 bales In 1913; held In manufacturing establishments on August 31, 677,40? bales In 1914 and 717,704 In 1913: and in Independent warehouses, 54S.S57 bales In 1914 and 467,902 in 1913. Imports, 27,057 equivalent 500-pound bales In 1914 and 7785 In 1913: exports, Including llnters. 21.210 running bales In 1914 and 257,172 In 191J. Cotton spindles active dur ing August. 30,349,902 in 1914 and 30.G02.2S2 In 1913. Llnters consumed during August, 24,634 bales In 1914 and 215.630 In 1913; held !n manufacturing establishments, 73,343 bales In 1914 and 60,451 In 1913; and In Inde pendent warehouses, 30.321 bales In 1914 and 27.378 In 1913. Exported, 3S5 bales In 1511. WHEAT SHIPMENTS ABHOAD Shipments of wheat from this country to Liverpool last week totaled 8,233,000 bushels; corn, 38.000 bushels; oats. 3.122. 000 bushels. Canada contributed 2.655,000 bushels of wheat and 2S6.000 bUBhcIs of corn. LONDON 'CHANGE MAY OPEN Trading: Brisk and Brokers Expect General Resumption Within the Next Month. LONDON Sept. 14. A member of the London Stock Exchange Commltteo said today that the reopening of the exchange i was possible within a month. Throck morton street was very optimistic and trading In securities was fairly brisk. The Edinburgh and Glasgow stock ex changes purpose to co-operate with the London exchange In arranging remaining commitments at the prices at the close of business on July 30 or contangolng at 8 to 10 per cent, with funds supplied by a representative body of the leading members. Hates for bills were easy today at 3'i per cent, and upward, against 3L; to 3 per cent, on Saturday, notwithstanding that there will be Issued on Wednesday 13.000.000 treasury bills. Call loans were 2 per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN PRICES Quotations for Cereals and Provisions and Fluctuations. CHICAGO. Sei t 14. Thf quotntlonn for grain and pn.l,lon today Wfre: lallrc futures. Saturday' Wheat ODn. Hlrh S,nltrnhr ... .. ... December 1.HW4 Miy 1 18 corn inew qeijverjv, :epiemi.er 1.1014 1 wl Low. rlnaw 1 OKI, 1 00 t IS'! 1.15H M 20 come to those who have cap ital. Start an account in our Savings Department and be ready to take advan tage of special offerings that may come in the next few years 3 per cent. Interest paid Two weeks' notice to draw. Corn Exchange National Bank Chestnut St. at Second Philadelphia Iif-rtmber . &:ay run Fpimi!er He. ember . Mav . ... l.arl Sciiiembr it tober . Jinuary . Iltli-.- itember ' . tobr . Januarr . Pork September Jnnuarv Hid tAikeJ. 77H 73' aH 471! .W 83 774 4'l son 0.27 8.7s ...11..1T ...10 62 10.60 11.3T 10 75 II 21 0 73 1137 10 0- 7$H 75S 47', t'.l 54', 003 l 15 0.52 17 75 11 31 10 67 '.'.'.'.zo'.ih ib'Yz 2023 12030 CHICAGO HOG QUOTATIONS CHIrOf. Sept. H. Ettlmated recelnta Horn -yi.Ofi). left. 2601, eitlmated tomorrow' 15'i. lion and ."c. to 10c loer than Hat. urday' iru bulk of prlrej. tstuavi.i lUltt JS 7n0 0 inlied and butcher1. -jo tj'J.40. i.ne fancy Joa.l mixed anil butchers' early, ri to. heavy. IS Witt IS. rough Vea.j. M toflS.M. yorker, lU.Ofru (0, nlgi, ji.tsw 8 2S. ANNOUNCES OIL CUT INDEPENDENCE. Kan.. Sept. H.-A cut of 10 cents a barrel to 65 cents In the price of niltlcontinent crude oil has been announced uy tno J'rairie uu anu uas Company. RAILROAD EARNINGS Grand Trunk system, first week In Sep tember, total jrross, $1,000,113; decrease, $11,1 K, from July 1. gross, $10,663,870; de crease, $029,705. 1'hlenK" and Alton, last week In Aufiust. sross, S407.1P7: decrease, $71,031; from July 1. nross, $2.r.9l,'.IS; decrease. $225,201. New York, New Haven nnd Hartford, July operating revenue, $.".753,633; decrease, $SS,302; net Income. $337,63.'; Increase, $70, 061. Illo Grande Southern, first week In Sep tember, uross, $10.86fl; decrease, $1268; from July 1, cross, $106,370; decrease, $18,023. Toledo. Peoria and Western, August cross. $117,221; decrease, $6360; net. $28,211; Increase. $S4S2; deficit. $10,900. Tcxa3 and Pacific, July cross, $1,473,202; Increase, $6S,4S9; net, $323,233; Increase, $16 117. Central New England, July operating revenue, $276,993111 net deficit. $21,578. New York, Ontario and Western, July operating revenue, $992,561; decrease, $15,736: net, $236,006; recrease, $2S1. Missouri. Kansas nnd Texas llrst week of S.'ptpmber, Brosi, $371,700; decrease, $17,318. fiscal year, $5,978,655; decrease, $.'2, 511. I,ou!sl!le and Nashville, first week Sep tember, cross, $1,070,000: decrease, $117,773; from July 1, $10,678,208; decrease, $666,784. LIVERPOOL COTTON I.lVKni'OOI,, Kept. 14. Srot cotton, un chanEc'l Import!, 1000 bales. Including 11174 bales American PETROLEUM Oil. CITY, Pa.. Sept. H.-Crertlt balance., $1.45 run.. 44,2:11 mcrage, 81,421. ehlpmenu, 72,144; aeraie, 67,427. National banks of tho country are among tho most conservative purchasers of securities. Their directors conaldor wisely and well before they invest the moneys Intrusted to thorn, nnd It Is ap parent that any security which they pur chaso must have behind It, to a marked degree, tho safoty nnd conservatism which characterize tho conduct of tho banks themselves. It Is Interesting to noto what the na tional banks havo been doing In tho last few years along tho lino of public utility Investments, Flcurcs compiled by tho United States Comptroller of tho Cur rency establish tho fact that tho only securities In which thece banks increased their holdings In the InBt tlvo yenrs wero thoso of public service corporations. Thcro was n consistent Increase each year until 1913 tho last figures avallnblc when the percentage reached 13.4 per cent. Railroads aggregated S3.S per cent, of tho bank holdings In 19M; In 1912 they had decreased to 30.1 per cent, and last yenr they represented only 2S.3 per cent. I'nlted States bonds icprcscnted 17.2 per cent, of tho holdings In 1909, but by 1913 they had decreased to 15.2 per cent. State and municipals decreased from 23.7 per oont in 1909 to 15.2 per cent, in 1913. Theso figures represent percentages of th total Investments. Tho principal reason for tho Increased popularity of public utility securities Is tho fact that they combine safety of principal and Interest with attractive yield. It costs moro to live these days than It did ten years ago. The conso quenco Is that tho Investor, to meet tho additional drain on his Income, naturally turns to Investments In securities which yield the largest return and are, at the samo time, safe nnd conservative. Cap ital flows Into Investment channels where there Is tho greatest return, founded, llrst of all, on stability. High-grade publlt' utility bonds offer these Inducements In a marked degree to prospective Investors. The report of the Interborough Itnpld Transit Company for tho year ended Juno W, 1914, makes a favorable- show ing. Passengers carried Increased 17,070, 155; gross earnings Increased $1,017,523, Bath. N. T wants to build n $30,000 municipal light plant. The plan Is being opposed by the Hath Gas nnd Electric Company nnd the Empire State Gas nnd Electric Association. City Solicitor of Toledo, O., lias been directed by the countv to produce "con rrcto objections" to the complaint of the Toledo Railway and Ilght Company against the enforcement of the three-cent faro ordinance. The company says it hns lost mi average of $1000 a day since March IS, when the fare ordinance be came effective, through Its refusal to ac cept three-cent fares on Its cars. The Arkansas Light and Power Com pany has been Incorporated at Little Kock, Ark., with $630,000 capital, to build and operate power plantt. Commonwealth Power, Railway and Light Company, one of the lnrcest pub lic utility holding compnnles in this coun try, gained 6.3 per cent. In gross, 7.1 per cent. In net, and 7.3 per cent. In balance In the 12-month period ended July 31 List Gross earnings of the company for Julv Incre.iFed 3.9 per cent., and net gained I 9.6 per cent. The company operates In Mlchlc.in. Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Wis consin. K. W. Clark & Co., of this city, nre associated In Its management. Lehlch A'nlley Railroad has petitioned the Public Service Commission of Now York for pormlsslon to discontinue pas senger service on Its branch line from Geneva to Sonecn FallB, through Water loo. Attorneys for the road declare that average passenger tecelpts were only 16.6 cents a day, only ono passenger being canted, nnd that operations were at a net loss of $1.91 dally. Hearing on the cose was adjourned until next Friday, n " . .""" 'i . . .- III " 1 ""1 j 1327 Spruce St. 1327 Spruce St. ! I ' II i mammmmff II si j IflKllhk, Fireproof ipfcfliBB Construction 'ifllKiH W'JkWbwM shhIihIhJ" IBBWBS-J :i.ffiiPRWl Housekeeping ;pi-iij-fp- Apartments i4iS(Bro!WfciWnmS I AU Outside :MMfmKSmE3MmM I Rooms tMmmBKm HI MjjjK8MiJgKPJyBpagjaM 9 Apply on Premises t kHtiHVHwBsieWHMMiH I or to ' TNScllaiwiHKUHJIiHKiVI Apartment Bureau f- BUlltt '' 71 i ' miMlffi 1 lilt 'Ir )', , .,- X; x j'iL!:x -.-:j. i directs GERMAN BANK STATEMENT The Rank of Germany today Issued the 'following statement, as of September V Bullion bank certificates and notes, de creased. $5,078,000; gold Increased $23,619, 0X; loans Increased $3.SS3.000; discounts nnd Treasury certificates decrensed $70, 29S.000; commercial paper decreased $16.. 621,000; notes In circulation decreased $1)6,. Wf.OW; deposits decreased $22,355,000. APAIITSIENTfl THE HAMILTON .,??.!? One unfurnlnhed opartment. 4th floor, wett elde. 0 rooms anil bath. Option on rental of sarase. Apply to Janitor. ST. nn.ii. nsTATE UEIIMA.NTOW.V nnw. nsTATn oniiMiNTowsr immmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmumammmAmammmmmmmm Northeast Corner Broad and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia. Fireproof Construction .mnypartmetttS! Select Suites Facing Broad Street Southwestern Exposure Permanent or Transient Terms (Bait Beautiful Roof Garden for Guests. Banquet Hall and Parlors for Dinners, Receptions. Dances, etc ARTHUR F. HEEB, Manager. Wj&&ffi&lz&F iM j ,- v tffi jMflD.iri'rriii.rii - jiSiiuMPinuiPTjJMBjiitwBMBB.1 I T - h TJOT(-T7 Tn RTITT P.VF.RV PIIRRE $2200, $2400, $2550. $2600, $2700, $3700, $6850 it Ji Riir.lv ni,e nf these, new homes will fult jou All well located an'l all have excellent il -.... -. iTanKii serine iifrnni. nnrt rhpltrn ATnue. 3700 i Stenton lvrnue nnd fhnrcb Lane - - "-... . . A . i nt. V ft. K In. I)T IHl ft T'n.tn ,iai. l Minrv 8 renins Latest Jfl Improvements, square house, seml.detached. porcnes noi-waier neai ; rietrinc mi k. SJ Ba kitchen open fireplace hardwood floors; fl It will pay you to Inspect. Germantown 4! and Willow drove cars over Chetten, Olen- -i sHe cars direct to houses. nOHKUT -? KIUJIOH lluliiler. 9230O IS 100 ?200 Modern two-story porch-front houses, a rooms ami hath, laundry In basement. Con venient to trolleys. Attractive proposition for the homeseeker or Investor. Transfer over Chelten avenue (Itoute 75). Get off Church lane. 2 blocks east. N, Y. WHEAT MARKET NBW TOKK. Sept. 11 -Wheat opened 2'ic to 4o lower on repeated succesies of the allies In Kurope and larse receipts of spring wheat. At points there was heavy general selling by longs Corn was He. to He lower. CRUDE OILS REDUCED FINDI.AY O. Sept U -A reducilun of Tk. per lrrel in the price of all i rude oils uas annoum.'l i la by the Ohio ull I'ompany nmiiENos E W CLARK i CO Rankers. Ofllco of TIIK COLUMIIIIg H.1IHVAY Preferred Stock Kerics A. tllvldeod No. 8. Columbus, Ohio, September 10, 1B14, The Board of Directors of The Columbus Railway, Power tc Light Co. has declared the regular quarterly dividend of One and one. half per cent. H4K) upon the Preferred stock Series A of tho Company, payable October 1st, 19M, to stockholders of record at the close of business September lCto. 1911. Checks will b mailed 1 V Ht'Rl.NilTOM Pecretary. .t.NNl.H. MKKT1NGH KTIIK FERN ROCK H. . U .tSSN. - The 23th Annual Meetlnr of the stock lioldera will be held Tuesday Eve., hept. 15, t 8 o'clock, at 120S Arcb it, for the election of Offlcers and Directors and to receive the annual report, a new eene or etocK win be Hmlrn Rrlnvr Upnal St., 08.10 Three-story stone semi-detached dwell ings, containing 11 rooms, Including 2 baths. Detached porches. Lots 32 feet front. Hot-water heat; gas kitchen, hard wood floors: tile hath. Excellent I.ntrer .t OkoiiU Ave., 2,150 o 27(M) Take fiermantown Wayne avenue or Willow tlroe car trnnsfer over Chelten LJ avenue or nienslde tar direct; get otf ft Ogontz avenue. Modern two-mory porch- front houses, hot-water heat. Ran and elec- jr, trie: hardwood floors Lots 10x87 Terms h. tn suit These houses are worthy of the n ronslderatlon of the home seeker or In- i," vesior. Sample Iloucra Open. If It' In Rrrmnntorvn, naif or rent, vre have It luted, if J. H. CHADWICK & CO., 5618 Germantown Avenue I? ityvyyyfyyyyyry 1 luutt No entrance fee. , I ON IMPROVEMENT LEA83 JOiUJ A. BUXVBtt, &intJi.j, I 83!) . 13ti, lot 111 ft. W tx street. ARTHUR IIOhWEM No. tS3 (formerly 211) North 13th at. OARAGE Now building RUMS. 3 sireet fronts, suitable nrvUti depart nent or naragc. RBl'AUt hllOl'S 32T N. 13th at . ISx.vj. with upper rooms. 132:1 Quarry (13th and Bacej. 2-tory building. FLOORS Large, well-lighted floors, with power and live steam Very low rent. 223 N. 13th St.. upper tloore. ITxOO. 218 N. 13tl st., third floor. 17x76. FILM EXCHANGES . , lilt Vine st. (cerner)- recently modernized. 122i) Vine at , 17x83. to rear street. 1309 Viae st , now building, 16x80. CENTRAL STORE 1022 Walnut, attractive front, large rooms. fcTORES WITH DWELLINGS Itio Race st.. will Improve. 21.0 N. nth tft . SID. 1240 Vine St.. Jt7. .0 a 4th t.. cealy nnovateJ. iio W. Thoaipsou. with auble, tath, etc. 211 N. 12tb suit tailor. 07 N tb. suit lodgere, etc. 11 ALL STORES 9?1 M flth .AM luzss. IU N. 10th, well lighted: low rent. if" C. W. Gabell, Jr. 514 Walnut Street Real Estate and Mortgages TWO BIG BARGAINS I100O- Rented at $n. T rooms, every con. venlence. No 2U.')2 and 29S4 N. Itb St Not more than 14300- No. 3830 N. 13th St 0 rooms, porch front, hot-water neat. W. H. HOOD, 612 Norm Stre .slgeilseK " The Warwick APARTMENT HOUSE (FIREPROOF) 190G-8-10 Sansom Street (Extending Back to Moravian Street.) Housekeepinpr Suites with all modern conveniences for house keeping, including abundant itipply of hot water. Apartments equipped with gas and electric light (private meters). Excellent caterer in building Arrangements can be made or care of apartments. Meals served in dining room nr in apartments. Elevptor rtitis all night Rentals, $500 to $800 per year Whiteside & McLanahan Agents ' 15th and Pine Streets Estates Managed. Rents and Interest Collected. Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, etc., Drawn. Fire Insurance Conveyancing. Notary Public. .trceiyL. MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY Samuel H. Chestnut Bell Telephone, Spruce 5864 1510 Chestnut Street