Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Postscript Edition, Page 11, Image 11

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11 J
n. BICHAtlD FliAVBIj WOODS, Malcolm
I Lfoyd and lila sister, iui x-.mtr jjioya,
o left town In the early spring to travel
throuh Europe, were In St. Peterabur at the
X. the war broke out. They matured to
cros to Christiana, and then across the North
B." to Edlnburffh. from where they pushed on
lo London, And sailed hut week on the Car-
P Dr. "charles V. Hart was to liare been one
f the party, but, fortunately for him, was
obliged to give up the trip, which. Instead of
fcslns a three months' pleasure affair, proved
n extremely dancerous nnd anxious ex
perience. ,
a ....mlier of rhlladelphlans attended the
rroddlns of SIlss Sarah S. Slorean. dauirlilcr of
Julius Slonran ana . niece ui i.. . ..
pont Morean, and Henry Gardiner, of Boston,
which took place Saturday In Trinity Church,
Princeton. The ceremony was followed by a
larce reception at Constitution Hall tho home
of tho brlde'a parents. Amone tho Philadel
phia who attended tho wedding were air.
and Mrs. Bayard Henry, Miss Anna Warren
Inseisoll, Harry Insrersoll, Edward n. Stoever.
Norman S. Maclde and his flancoe, Miss Marlon
McQlnley, of Pittsburgh. Other persona from
Now Tork Included John Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Hoses Taylor Pync, Frofcssor and Mrs. Os
burn and Samuel Kelton, the latter formerly
cf Haverford.
Mr. andlMrs. Henry h. nittenhouse, of Hanls
burs, Pa., formerly of this city, are receiv
ing congratulations on tho birth of a daughter,
born September 7. Mrs. IMtcnhouso will bo
lcmcmbcred as Mlsa Anno Cockran.
Mr. and Mis. Samuel K. Ilcevcs, who spent
norne tlmo last week in Atlantic City, bavo
returned to their home In Meadowbrook, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lewis, Jr., of 1000
Bpruc street, who, slnca their return from
Europe, have been visiting their daughter, Mm.
William Roberts Howell, nt her cottago In
Cape May, will return to town accompanied by
Mr. Howoll and her children next week. Mrs.
Howell will spend the winter with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Converse, who spent
tho summer In Narracansctt Pier, have re
turned to their home In Itoscmont. Later they
xvlll move Into their town house on Itltten
houso Satiate.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .3. Franklin Sharplcss, who have
been In Europe for tho last year, will return
lo this country In a few wcelts, and will occupy
their homo on Walnut streot near Nineteenth
during tho winter. Mrs. Sharpies, before her
marrlago a little more than a year ago, was
Miss Elizabeth McKean Khodes, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Mauran Rhodes, of Glenn
road, Ardmore.
Among those noted last week at Atlantic City
wete Judge Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard
Pancoast, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross Smith and
Mrs. Albert Pancoast.
Mrs. Henry D. Patterson and her daughter.
Miss Mao D. Patterson, of Torrcsdalc, are
spending several weeks In Mt. Klnoo, QIc. Miss
Patterson will be among tho debutantes of this
Edward Bell, Miss Laura Bell and Miss
Emily Bell, of H-8 Spruce street, who have been
marooned In Europo since the outbreak of tho
war, are In Holland at present and expect to
all on the Noordam September :S.
Miss Helen Duer Walker has returned after
motor trip thiough Xow England. On tho trip
bIic was tho guest of Miss George M. Eaton, of
Lancaster. X. It. Miss Walker has taken an
apirtment at the Collego Club for the winter.
JJr. and Mrs. Caleb J. Milne nnd Caleb J.
Slline, Jr.. of this city, arc spending scvoial
days In Stockbrldgo, Moss.
Mrs. L. K. Lewis, Frederick Lewis and
Henry C. Lewis, of this city, who are at pics
nt motoring through Xow England, Bpent yes
terday In Rutland, Vt.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Williamson Roberts will
leave Tor Harbor September i't and will very
oon kmove Into their house, 1713 Locust street,
tor the winter.
Mrs. Graham Spencer, Miss Agnes jr.
Spencer. Miss Ann If. Spencer and Miss Cluh
tlne Spencer, who luve been spending some
time In Bermuda, have returned to Philadel
phia this year, and have taken apatlments
at the Maidstone, 1327 Spruce sticet, for tho
winier. .uiss innstinc spencer will Lo a
debutante of this season.
Miss Edna Tatnall Warner Is the gueht for
a fortnight of Mr. and Mrs. James Saulsbury
In their summer home, 1!S Jackson place. Cape
Slay, Mr. and Mrs. Saulabury ate entertain
ing additional guests oer the week-end, who
Include Mr. and Mrs. IVctor duPont and Miss
Madge Carpenter, of Wilmington.
u MtBROOk Mrs. James Piescott M.utiu.
Mlsa Dorothy Helm Maillii and James Prescott
Martin, Jr., ulio hpent the summer at Rellpott,
L. 1., returned to Pie,cott Hall, theli home, at
Hh and City Line, laat week. Mis. Henry .M.
Spades, of Chicago, ai rived Saturday, to be the
st of Mis. Martin for several dajs. On
Monday, September 28, Mrs. Martin and her
itmlly will leave for Louisville, Ky., where
they will spend the early autumn.
Mr. nd Mrs. Alfred Perclval Smith, who
have ben traveling through Europe during tho
simmer, returned last week to their home, at
! uverbrool: avenue, wheie the "ill spend
the fill month!.
.MI.niov-Mr. and Si. neni. chapman
Ihompaon and Miss Alice L Thompson uill
cio.o their lesldonce on Highland avenue, and
occupy apartments at tho Belgravla, about tha
middle of November, Mlsa Thompson will
kir w dbUt at Ua " Tuesda'' Oct0-
. ";5"" "ePPller, who haa been visiting
Jr. and Mrs. Loner .it h.i.. ..,. i q,
IHyld'a place, Atlantlo City, will leturn to'
-ivji tomorrow.
11BIBTH-Mr. and M.. ...,.-. .,....
b'od. uil M1, for ome 0ctober 3
J'r- ana is. i;hrl. .m., ,. ,
Dr,ns M! 'h end of Ottm,.. .,.. ...
no are SI'" at Witch Illli r. ,
turn I. " ft, ,f 11(1 J1V K
turn home until October.
Mr, and Mrs. Henrv t.'...-,
tbtlr n.r. v "-""' i2ir mil ciose
"r CP Way olu the end 0f this week.
ARDMOHE-Mr. Alr.n.- ... ..... ...
,., . """ oouers aim jiiss
u.i J'i' l ?,enn ,oat1' " '"',
month. a'n Un,U tl, ot iM
Mr. and Mr. .!.-.. ,.
turned frr """'Ml M. RUei, Jr , have le
T.'H,1 monW -Uy at Loo.. L,Ue.
.l ml ,; "rty Thouf0"- -I Ul...n load.
""nrviui-Mi and vi,
Whn l..
ummr in -Ri, ir-. . T
i. it .""'' will return to tbelr home
Mr. and Mrs. AVillam E, Goodman hae
closed their Chelsea cottage and hae returned
to their home, nt ." Eust Chestnut avenue,
Chestnut Hill.
Mr. nnd Mis. Mursnn Ho1k.uI have lolurnoil
fiom Clitlsco, licio tliey spent the summer,
and have opened thrlr new home uu Clie.it.
nut avenue.
Mr, and Mis. Jimeiih ft. Uaipcuter und Miss
Virginia Laguoronnt) Cuipenter i etui lied to
day to their home. It Summit street, after
spending tho week-end In Buy Head as the
guests of Mr. nnd Mis. James C Xowlln.
Mr. and Mr Henry Hell and Miss May Bell
have returned to their home on. Evergreen
avenue from Buck Hill Falls, where they
leased n cottago for tho hummer. Miss Bell
spent tho week-end with fi lends on Long
Island, entt-ilng a gulf tournament Satunlay.
Mr. and Mrs. OIiuiIpji A Potter ami Mrs.
Dorothy I ottvr will aniw tlii week from
Magnolia, .las., wheie thuj djvnt (he stun.
infl. Thty Will icofun thi-ir huusu at Uvoi
green nnd Prospect uvepues. chestnut IU.
3Ir. ar.dJfrs. Joseph W. Wear will letuin
tomonow to their homo on liiavct's lauu ftoiu
a summer spent at Kennebunkport, Me.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kellai- Kuita aie spend.
lug (ho Jemainder of the month at Cape May,
Mrs, Kurtz befoie her marilage In June was
Miss Anna Lougntretli.
&iilllllllllllllHl ' A' J
- 9HLr m
' iimmiiiiinKv (iih
r-' :-.: (HH IB?
her aunt In New Tork for a few tl.ys. She
will return to her home on Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs, Joseph Krauskopf, who have
completed their tour of the world, sailed from
Rotterdam on September 6 and expect to ar
rive In New Tork tomorrow morning, They
arc accompanied by their son, Manfred Kraus
kopf, who has been living In SwiUertand for
a. few years, nnd their daughter, Miss Madeline
Krauskopf, who has been In school at Lau
sanne, Switzerland.
Dr. and Mrs. William C Cahall nnd their
family, ot lit Weal Chelten avenue, have closed
their bungalow In tho Pocono mountains and
have returned to town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. Ross Carver will close their
Cape May cottage about tho 15th of this month
and, with their two children, will reopen their
house, 6126 Newhalt street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthlnglon Gilpin, ot 242 Wt
School lane, have opened their house for tho
winter months.
Sirs, J, Burton Mustln and Mrs, Frank Mao
Gr.ith have returned from New York, where
they spent scvctal days shopping,
Mr. nnd Mrs. George S. Htrawbrldge, of t04
Mnnhelm street, will return about October 1
from Jamestown, R, I,
Mrs. Wheeler Lord, of Manhelm street, , Is
spending a few weeks In Chelsea.
Mrs. Enoch Taylor has again taken apart
ments at the Delmar for the winter months.
Mrs. Cassatt will entertain extensively
during the Horse Show in her box, and
will be hostess at a small dinner dance
which will be given at her country place in
Rosemont the night of September 25.
theio September i'5 and will stop seveial days
in Xow Toik liefou- her return to her home at
Montgomery and Cheswold avenues.
UHl.VMAWn Mr. and Mr.s. George H. Eaile,
Jr., who spent the entire summer at Broad
Acres, their estate at Eryn Mawr, arc planning
to take a residence in town for tho Reason.
They will introduce their daughter, Miss Han
sell F. Earle, nt a tea to be given on Friday,
November 20.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Febiger, of Milton,
Mass., are spending several days with Mrs.
Feblgcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Denees Wood, at their homo In I'eun toad.
nobE.MO.vr Mr. nnd Mis. Robert Kelso Cas
satt. who will ictiim tills week from Nowpott,
will cntcitaln extensively duiing the Hoise
Show next weuk.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Alba H. Johnson, who have been
motoring thiougli the White Mountains, have
returned to their home.
Mrs. Henry H. Ellison and Miss Edith R.
Ellison, who spent the summer at Wntch Hill,
have retuined to Utiar Hill.
ruD."Sun Mls Elizabeth Broun Chew und her
niece. Miss Mary Evelyn i w, who have been
at Bar Harbor for several wrck have ic tinned
to Vannr, their country pluce. foi tho autumn.
Mrs. Homy V. Boric, of l.'pluml av, ms re
turned after spending the siinunr at Winter
MA ov Mr anil Mrs. Kiodcriik Thurston
Mason, who base been spending the summer
ill Devon, will return to their home, SJU Walnut
atieot, about tho middle of next month.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Ilaitman Kulin, who have
been in the war zone hi Euiopp, retuiurd Satur
day to Philadelphia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William P. O'Neill have re
turned from their wedding trip nnd nre stay
ing with Sir. nnd Mrs. J. Beitram Lipplncott
at Bothayrcs. Mis. O'Neill will bo remembered
as Miss Marlanna Lipplncott before her mar
riage on August 6.
Among those who entertained at dinner be
fore the dance which was given Saturday night
at tho Huntingdon Valley Golf Club, wcie Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel K. Reeves, 3Ir. and Mis.
Walter L. Ross, Mr. and Sirs. G. Hcnty Hta
son, Sir. and Sirs. J. B. S. Res, Str. and Sirs.
Edward F. Henson nnd Sir. and Sirs. William
II. George. The dance was attended by a large
number of club members and their friends.
Dr. and Sirs. William J. Taylor and SIlss
Marion Taylor aro upending tho early fall as
guests of Sirs. John Newbold at her country
place In Jcnkintown.
Sirs. Henry C. Dlmond and SIlss Henrietta
Dlmond are entertaining Sirs. Frcderlo II. Gil
bert and SIIS3 Katharine Gilbert at tlielr coun
try placo on Clovcrly lane, Rydal.
Sir. and Sirs. Slarmaduko Tllden, Jr., have
returned to their homo on Lenox load, Jcnkin
town, after spending a fortnight at Tork Har
bor. Sic. Sirs. Tildcn will be remembeicd aa
SIlss Ellon Frailer.
Sir. and Sirs. Ellis D. Williams and SIlss
Williams havo returned to Sulgravo, their coun-
tiy place, In Jcnkintown, after spending a month
at Lake Slohonk, N. T.
ui, .win .ma, duiui u. weaver anu ramlly ate
spending the caily autumn at their country
placo In Wyncote and will not open their town
houso at 1634 Walnut street until November 1.
SIlss Slarlon .Sharplcss, daughter of Sir. nnd
Sirs. Townsend Sharplcss, of Hathcrton, Chel
ten Hills, Is spending a few days as the guest
of Sirs. John Bishop, of Columbus, X. J.
Sir. and Sirs. Harold B. SIcFarland, ot Lenox
road, Jcnkintown, have aa their guests Sirs.
SIcFarland's mother and sister. Sirs. Charles
S. Stiller and SIlss Jeanctte Stiller, of New
Sir. and SIr.. Fredciic AV. Sloiris nnd their
family havo icturncd to their homo in Chelten
Hills after spending a fortnight at Beach Haven
N. J.
Sir. and Sirs. John Scott, of Chelten avenue,
Oak Lane, left yesterday for a motor trip
through tho New England States. They will
stop over In Boston and Provideuco several
Dr. and Sirs. Henry Thlssell. of Chelten ave
nue. Oak Lane, will return today to their home
after spending the week-end at Brown's Hills
In the Pines.
Sir. and Sirs. William Lawall, of C9th avenue,
Oak Lane, will return tomonow after a week
end vicit in Langhorne.
and are now motoring through the New Eng
land State. On their trip they will stop at
Newport and at Narraganeett Pier. They ex
pect to return about October 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter 11. StcClatchy, of
Wynnewood, are spending the week at Ocean
City. Mrs. McClalchy will be remembered a
Miss Rena Artman, of 1432 North Seventeenth
Sir. and Mrs, William Gorman, ot 1724 North
Eighteenth street, aro spending the month of
September1 at their cottage In Sea Isle City,
N. J.
Sire. K, D. Loughlln and the Stlssea Lough
Iln, of 1517 North Grata street, havo returned
from Lansdowno where they have been spend
ing the summer months.
Sirs, Clarlnda V. Armstrong, who spent the
summer on the Slalno coaat, haa returned to
her home, 2030 North Park avenue.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Norman 11. Stevens, of 1725
Not th Seventh street, have returned from a
summei's stay at the Stiathaven Inn, Swarth
more. Sirs. James Doak, of 1S0J North Fifteenth
.troet, haa retuined from Atlantic City, where
she passed the summer.
Sir. and Sirs. Slyron Harris have icturncd
from Vcntnor lo their city home, 1922 North
Twelfth street.
Dr. and Sirs. Joseph SI. Ashcr have closed
their country placo In Jenklntown and aro at
thrlr winter home, 1333 North Broad street.
SIlss Helen Sorrlll and SIlss Rebecca Serrlll,
of 1413 North Broad sttect, have returned from
Eaglcsmeto to Atlantic City, wheio they will
spend September with their mother and sister.
Sirs. John S. Serilll and Mlsa Annie Serrlll, at
their summer home.
Sirs. B. Leopold and family have returned
from Atlantic City to their winter home, l&M
North Park avenue.
Sir. and Sirs. Russell Wilson and their family
closed their summer home on Boston avenu",
Chelsea, and returned to Wit North Park ave
uuo on Satuiday.
Dr. and Sirs. Arthur Hat tic, of 1501 North
Seventeenth street, aic spending a fortnight on
the coast of Stainc,
p Vh' '0h lis
I St) v4'cHHlllllalBHIlllallllillaillllllHi'
In "Drugged." Broad Street Theatre
A millionaire haunted with a past.
ADKLPHI "Help Wanted," comedy
drama by Jack Lait. Stenographer's
struggles and temptations in the businesa
world. Stenographers warned to watch
their every step.
BROAD "Drugged," romantic melodrama
of a prosperous railroad official, with a
past; by Owen Davis, author with a melo
dramatic past. Starring John Masotn
Notice tomorrow.
"Cabiria," moving picture by Gabriellc
D'Annunzio, of the Red Parasol and
"Flame" fame. Spectacular, exotic, gor
geous. Showing methods of warfare be
tween ancient Carthage and Rome.
FORREST Ziegfcl.l Follies. Scintillating
soubrettcs and musical mirth.
GARRICK "Adclc." French opeetta, in
volving the tangled romances of the
daughter and son of rival tinncd-fislt
magnates, impecunious baron and danger
ous "charmer." Delicate humor and
charming music
WALNUT "Siberia." Revival of Bartlcy
Campbell's 3.1-year-old melodrama of
Russian intrigue.
Mr. and Sirs. E. L. Van Sam and their fam
lij . who spent tho summer at Jamestown, R. T
leturued to tl eir home, IMS Spruce .-treet, last
Sin. A. (J. i'hlllips and her niece, SII33
Rohalia Oliver, who Ime been spending sev
eral weeks In Cape Stay, have leturned to the
city and opened their house at 4017 Pine street.
Mis. Heniy Cocluan, SIlss Edith Cochran and
SIlss Dorothy Cochran have returned from Bel
mar to their town house, SZll Baring street.
Sir. and SIis. John n. Patterson and their
daughtei. SIlss Helen Patterson, of 327 South
46th street, hae letumed fiom their summon
home at Delauco, N. J.
SIlss Ellen TMielan and SIU Eluubeth Slexin.
who have been spending several uccUs in the
Pocono, hae returned to their borne at 41th
siieei ami uiage avenue for Hie winter.
Sir. and .Mis. William R. Webster have opened
their apaitment at the Bartiam for the winter.
The dances which aie given throughout the
winter at tho Navy Yard will not be resumed
until November of tills year. These dances
grow each heason in populariu and are looKcd
forward to by young and old nltij pleasure.
Lieutenant AVillam 11. Hodgman has been or
dried to Atlanta, Ga tor two cais. wner
ho nill shoitly be Joined by Sirs. Hodgiuan and
their )oung son.
SIlss Helen Houghton, of IlrogKlyn. la visit
ing Miss Slaiy (McAllister, of IKS South Broad
Lieutenant Commander Alficd W. Johnson,
U. S. N., and his family have gone to New
port to spend tl is month.
Sir. and Sirs. Benjamin Cooke and family, of
1534 South Fifteenth street, who have been
spending tho sumer at Ocean City, N. J, will
i etui u about October I.
Sirs. Charles Warren Ralncar, SIis. Robeit
Kleo, Jr., SIlss Slary Plctchcr, SIlss Flornre
Shaw, SIlss Knthryn Ennla, SIlss Elsie Krousc,
Sirs. Charles Shaw, SIlss Edna Gaw, Sirs.
Ralph Xasel and Sits. Robert Leroy Bartholo
mw have made up an automobile party which
will start from Tioga, for Jcffcrsonville, Pa.,
nxt Wednesday. The run will bo followed by
n dinner which will be given at the inn In
Sir. and Sirs. Biuce SIcEaddeti and their
daughters, SIlss Edna SIcFadden ami SIlss
Alice SIcFadden, have closed their cottage In
Atlantic City and have returned to their winter
homo, 3JS0 North Bioad sticet.
31:. and SIis. Walter F. Peet, of 1211 West
Erie avenue, have returned from Eaglesmere
where they spent the summer.
The marriago of SIlss Ethel Altshulcr, daugh
ter of Kiva Altshuler, and Dr. SHlton K. Slyerc,
son of Sir. and Sir. Slgmund Slyern, of 3401
North 2-M street, will take place tomorrow
(Tuesday) night.
Sir. and Sirs. Benjamin Bauer, Jr.. havo
closrd their cottago at Venlnor and have re
turned to their winter residence. 1S West Erie
Dr. and Sirs. Chaile3 Edward Hallowcll. ot
1S2-.' West Tioga street, liavc retuined from a
t.uir thiough Slaryland and Viiplnla. Their son
and daughter-in-law. Sir. and Sirs. C. Harold
Hallow-II, aio spending some time in Atlantic
Dr. and 31i s. Louis Slutschler. of West Tioga
street, are at Camden, Sle.
SIis. James Hilton and her sou, Stanford Hil
ton, of 21J7 West Ontario street, left on Satur
day for an automobile trip to Asbury Park, to
remain over the week-end.
SIis. Jacob Thomas, of 13 Hunting Park ave
nu". has gone to Chelhea for a few weeks.
SIlss Carrie S. Balllnger, of "20S Venango
sticet. who has been seriously ill at Atlantic I
City, has returned to her home in Tioga and is I
lepoitcd as improving. '
Sir. and SIis. William Kuipo and tluii familj,
of Lyceum avenue, will make their futuie home
at their cottage in Atlantic City, where they
spent the summer.
Dr. Christopher Frame and the 3fisses Framo
hac letumed to their winter home on Ridge
aenue, after spending the season at their cot
tage at Rehoboth, Del.
SIis. Alexander Pntton. of iKl Slanayunk ae
rn.. left today for a shoit stay In Atlantic Clb
Jlcr daughter. SIlss Kdn.i Patton, will leaxo
dining the week for a tour throush .w
Sir. and Mm. C. N. P.oiabaugh. of .Surau
-tieot. W issahiclion. have leturned fiom an au
tomobile tour through New England.
SIlss Kettle Elizabeth Sheldiahe. of Leveling
Ion Hvenue. has letumed home after spending
the season at Rehoboth, Del.
SH. Alfred Sfllle,. gave a btidge luncheon on
Saturday for a number of her Roxboioush
friend.', at her home at Stenton,
Sir. Annie Shoemaker, of Newark, N. J li
the guest of her brother and niece. Vn,. ,n
Simpson and Sll,s Elisabeth Simpson, of Cieen
, .VAIMUUAN.SEIT PIER. R. J.. &c,it. ,
I Many of tho cottageis motoied to the point
! Judith Countiy i-lub esterday and assem
bled for tea on the lawn. Among those note.l
tncro were Sir. und SIis. Paul p. siills Sirs
Alexander Brown. Sir. and Sirs. Rowland m?.'.
ard, Sir. and Sirs. S Hlnman Bird. Sir. and
Sirs. John R. Fell, Sir. and Sirs. Philip E
Stevenson. Sir and Mis. David Stevenson. Sirs
O. W. C. Whiting. Silas Bessie Slunnlkhuyaen.
SIlss Slarguerlte Prescott, Dr. Rowland Robin
son, SIi. and Sirs. Byron S. Watson, Eail
Oitby. Sir and Slt C. Coburn Darlins, John
U. Thomas, Chailes U. Cuitlo, Sir. and 3li3
O. L. Slersmnn ami T. I . SrcDonnell
Ml- and Jin. Join. W. Cunvorse. who w..tu
pint the Hehgir lottaeo durnii th m,...
-r VUMIlf
Willie only one new drama opens tonight, and
but one other Is scheduled for next week, tho
managers promise a brilliant season for Phila
delphia play.goers. Of the productions booked,
comedlts seem to predominate, and of these the
majority proved their merits as mirth-stimulants
on Broadway last season. Later on wc shall,
however, seo Sirs. KIske in a new comedy, and
such established favorites as Slaud Adams,
Ethel Barrymore and John Drew In new dramas.
H'len Waie, whose appearances during the last
few jcara have Increasingly captivated the pub
lie, and whose presentations are always marked
by an exceptional personal charm, will appear
as the star in a new three-act play, "The Re- I
volt," by Edwaid Locke, at the Adclphl Theatre
next Slonday evening, September 21. Miss Waie
was last seen in thH city In "Within the Law."
playing the part of Slary Turner.
"The Revolt" is announced as a play ot today.
It was produced last season In Xow York, and
of all the various dramas dealing with the
"social problom," sponsored by vice committees
and killed or suppicssed, "The Revolt" alone
has survived. SIlss Ware's supporting company
Includes Sara Enrlght, Beth Franklin. Susanne j
Wllla, Annette Tyler, Roaana. Logan, Jessie j
Ralph, Alphon;: Ethler, Van Rensdcr Townsend, j
John Walsh, Howard fiould, Sain Edwardn, j
Ficd W. Peters, Edwin Jlordant and Frank j
Following John Slasou in "Drugged" at the
Broad Street Theatre. Slargaret Anglin will
open a two weeks' engagement In "Lndy Wlnde
meie's Fan." After this Phlladclplilans will be
enabled to see Sirs. Fiske in a new comedy by
John Luther Long, the celebrated creator of
"Sladam Butterfly." Sir. Long's comedy Is lo
cated In London, about lTGO. during the Gatilck
and Peg Wofllngton peiiod, and Is announced as
a play of rippling humor.
At tho Broad, in succession during the season,
will appear Fanny Ward In "Madam President,"
Bilile Burke, John Drew, Slaud Adams and
Ethel Barrymor, each In a new play; Frances
Starr In "The Secret," by Henil Bernstein; the
Lyceum Players In repertoire, a thiee-star com
bination, including William Gillette, Slurie Doro
and Blanche Bates, In Charles Frohman's re
vival ot "Diplomacy." Subsequently -ich of
these stars will appear in a new production.
"The Passing Show of 1SH." Messrs. Shuberfa
I third annual musical icvue, will open at the
Lyric Theatio October i. The cast includes such
favorites as Jose Collins, Ethel Amorlta Kelly,
! Slarilynn Sillier, Frames Demaiest. Gooige W.
j 3lonroe, Robert Emmett Kcane. T. Roy Barnes,
i Harry Fisher and Altle Slehllns'-i.
i At the Lyric will nlso later appear Stessrs.
Shubert's "The Whhl of the World." which Is
announced as the New York Winter Garden's
greatest musical success. The producers, taking
advantage of tho dancing crae, have made this
entertainment replete with novelty dances.
Among the attractions booked to appeal at the
Adelphl Theatie after Miss Ware's appearance
In "The Revolt" aie 'The Things That Count."
a toinantic drama produced by W, A. firad.v ,
"Kitty Slachay." a delightful ScuU'lt iunicJ,
which ran eight months nt the Comedy Theatre,
New Vorls, with Slolly Jlclntre in the principal
role: "Peg O' Sly Heart," Hartley Slanners'
phenomenally successful comod : "High Jinks,"
a musical comed.v ; Grace George, in "The
Tiuth," and Guy Bates Post in "Omar, the
The Zlegfcld Follies will lomaiu at the Fori est
Theatte until September 20. On the ;'Sih SlonW
gomery and Stone will open a new musical
comedy, the engagement lasting two weeks.
Other attractions to follow are Henry W. Sav.
age's. Hungurian operetta "tSarr ; "Aiound the j i riyie
Clock." a musical comedy "The Little I'afe , L.UC.W 3
Klaw and Erlanger's spo-taiular production of
nen-Kur," now on Its ISth annual tom. nnd
Julia Sanderson. Poiuld lliluu and Joseph Cuw.
tliorne in "Tho Ulrl from t'tah," a new Fruh
man production. The Sjaafc and Vug will gie
their annual entertainment at tho Forrest during
John Mason in High-Class Play By
Owen Davis, of "Nellie, the Beautiful
Cloak Model,' Fame.
Reformation Is never without Its fascination.
Whether municipalities or men turn from the
broad road ot a dubiously profitable or pleasant
past, the halo of regeneration Is thenceforth
worn with unique distinction. We have all our
secret admiration for the hero with a mysterious
and ambiguous career left behind. i
Thcicfore tho greater Inteicst attaches to th
appearance of John Slason, one of the ablest
American actors, In a rarefied melodrama, en
titled "Drugged," at the Broad Street Theatr
The author of "Drugged, ' Owen Davis, has
confessedly put Mt "past" behind him. WltH
the production of "Drugged" Sir. Davis assumes
tho laurel-wreath of the serious melodramatist.
Be It known, however, that Sir. Davis Is by no
means a tyro. He han been, for a period of a
dozen years, one of the most financially success-
ful writers of plays. None of these plays, it
is riultc certain, ever has been the subject of
discussions at cthlral culture societies nor of
sago and profound studies on tho drama. Sir.
Davis has not moved In tho same circles as Ber
nard Shaw.
Among Sir. l.m Is' best known and successful S
melodramas were "Convict 9S9," "The Light
house by the Sea." "Chinatown Charlie,"
"Nellie, tho Beautiful Cloak Model." and "Shorty
SIcCabe." In all, his plays of this typo num
bered a hundred. Wo hhe Sir. Davis' word Tor
It that 70 per cent, were hugely successful, hl
Income averaging upward of JM.OOO a year. Sir.
Davis personally has not been as well known as
his plays. Now, however, that he had put aside
a tidy sum, and the begging of a good play out-
I sldo the Broadway offices will not necessjtat
ejections from Sixth avenue lodgings and
and rolls. Sir. Davis Intends to devote h!
to high-class drama. To be quite fair to
Davis, whose confession Is naively sincere, we
must admit that many of us who assume high
brow attitudes aro not immune to the thrills
of thoe ripping, stirring, pulse-tingling master
pieces of tho "Power of iloney" and "Her Slar
riage Vow" order.
Thrills add to the Joy of life, and If Sir. Davis
cannot ho classed with Ibsen and the dark
brown Danish-Norwegian classicists he has
made an amusement-loving world his debtor.
Consequently, with mingled anticipations and
hope, wo look forward to seeing his play this
"Irusgil." In which Sir. Davis sa3 he '-Jv,;?
put tho lesult of his highest and slncercst en
deavor," is laid in California. The hero, John
Dexter, is a self-made man, prosperous, an In
fluential raihoad official, ideal husband. Im
peccable father. The family hero type. He, too,
however, like his oicator. has reformed front
a past dark, sinister, threatening. It rises and
dogs his footsteps, haunts and terrifies him.
Exposure, we are told, comes early in the play.
Action and thrills follow fast, with the eternal
play of romance, and a leavening of humor.
T7)k-all American, the drama Is designed to
bear its uie.suge ,n the movement of sneiat
ffoi m.
Sir. Jlaaon will be asauted by an aalo -an.
including John Hmeraoii, Amelia Gardner. W.ll.
lam Sampson. Roaert SleWade, Frank Thomas,
John Flood, Kutheiine La. Sulle and Nan Ca;np-
bei. a. If. Woods, who tor many years xias.
sponsor for Sir. Davis' sensational melodramas.
presents this play, li will remain at the Broad
for two weeks.
uu: ti:i. m
III l.nt'tll r-lr. II
M.l; Mt SeVk !"
n e toih JJ.
t l mi t 11 p
1 nl! g 1" I0 JS
aurnm.. i.. -r. .. "
Jnix i' Xeivhu
bn Mwuidlng the
n lUverford thi.
" Bophle W. Tr..i . t
the .un... . IV'1' V h b"
" -)or, Mt.. wlU lev
SIis. Williuni C lli'ste, of Wayne atmiv uud
trpal sticut, has had u her suest Sirs.
Thomas UillHlli. of T xa-. '.vliu Jill be )t..
liitinbeicd u Slue i;a l.avu.u beiou hci nui
ila; a ftw cjis ju
SIi. and Mrs Edwin l Alloc, who luve been
spending the summer In their cumii at Upper
Pirn. Me . have returned to their residence
on West Coulter street. Their daughter, 3IU
Mirgarot E. Atlee, who will be Introduced t
Mis GloJcan Smith, of ;t!Q Noith Nine.
Uei.th sticet, alter spending scveml daxs Uit-
i-ig siiss .vine Bail, at Atlantic Cit, will be hse returned lo Rv.emont, Pa
the uestTJlnqw Nancj Fulleuou, at i'tucdd
Valle:, !'.. foi two ncehs.
Slisa Sialic Fitzserald and 314 Nan Ftu
giiald, who entertained extensively at thell
cottige In Wlldwood this summer, havo re
turned to their home, IT.J3 Girard avenue.
Sfr. and Sirs. Edward Hippie, of 2115 North
slnetteiith street, have as their guest at their
cottage In Vcntnor 3tl" Cora Fields, of it
Noith .Nineteenth stieet.
t)l. and SIis. litfu. IV. GDidinci. u' laO Xoith
h xuentli n'.it't. Ime been onteitjiauic .li
ami SI Kiaiil. Alibiou' al liien iottugc
in A.alon
Mi. and Mis. William I;. BUu am thelc
6uii5 on. of 3JJI West SuqueUamia aeuue.
hae tetuined fiom the shore
Mr, and Mra. Harry Cobb and Harry Terry
of 41JJ North Broad street, have closed thata
tnwv wt in me aeiou, u tse,,! 4rfiummtr homo en Beast- vnue, Atlanti &r
I s
NEWPORT. R. Sept. l.-Tl.e lleruwu Am
bissador, Count J. H. von Bernstorff, congluded
Ids visit last night and jeturned to New Yotk.
He lunched Informally wjth his host and
hostess, Mr. and Sirs, tjeorgo Peabody Eustls,
who entertained informally with a ulnner last
Sim. SUKden J. Peiry was a luncheon hostcjs
.M.ttiitax. liiiuns wcte given last night b
ii, and Afi. William Earl Dodge an I sir nu
:i tto'Hibmy ut-air.
Mr and Sir. 1. i: Boiutun. of PtnladUpbia.
aie legiatemi at the Caino.
The kChooner yacht Irolua. belonging to E
W ClarU. jailed for City UU. a 6terda to
lay up,
Josph 13. WIdener sailed for Philadelphia on
tha ateain yacat Joiepbia awilerdijk
J... . v ,JI ti..,r..v
Easter Week,
The next attraction at the QavrlcU Theatre
will be "Nearly Slarrled." the Cohan a,nd Ifarna
comedy, with Bruce Sloltae in the title role.
, This will open September 30. it will bo sue,
1 ceeded by 'Tho Tellow Tlckft." on October
13. with Florence P.eed. a Philadelphia gtrJ, and
SUcliael Morton leading fio i-at. Theio m
follow Julian Elt.nge. in Tlie iVIndina aiil".
Putasli and Parlnmtter" and "Seen iej 0
Baldpate." with Walla-o Udingcr and CJaii n. t
leading the ortgnt Na Vark cuinpaijy.
"Pilritcs iMushter. ' a iuoa'rti mira.te play,
will open nt the rhti,ul street Opcia Hom
i September SS with Coiutae Jjohneuv Uadln-
I the cast. JlUs Sfollnrus was a raembei- at the
urpneum Players' bttwk Compuy at the Chest,
nut Street Theatre during ma awl J9U. B,j
last season was leading woman with Chaunccv
Sir. and Sirs. Carter Pr Haven, whn aearei
in one of the London revues, havo icturnod to
Vmerica ami w II All an engagement at Keith's
iieane i'. wei ! t ,ternUer'
IJlU'lfl HI 1,'IMIU n IJI.S VJ l.
tbe e-k begitnui s toU-i ,
TUB llltl'.INAl. AIIII.tiTtl' 1.IIII.S
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CARRICK Last Two" WeeB j
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TANGO CONTES.T FRtDAV Island S,,u ' ' "4 Mt M
DUMONT'S dimont s minsthkls I " l K fc. 1 Last Two Weeks
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