Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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..'m.ivnti WOODS. Malcolm
T) Lloyd and 1.1 olotcr, Mle Esther Uoyd,
ifo Uft town In the eary jprlng to travel
th ouh Europe, were In St. J'eterabur nt tho
time the war broke out. They manned ta
cro. to Christiana, and then ncro88 the North
gca to Edinburgh, from where they pushed on
to London, and sailed last week on the Car-
"ur "cimrlcs V. Hart was to havo been on9
the party, hut. fortunately for him, wan
obllffcd to Blvo up the trip, which Instead of
being a three months' plcosuro affair, proved
an extremely dangerous and anxious ex
perience. ,
A number of Phlladolphlnns attended tho
xveddlns ofMlM Sarah S. Morgan, daughter of
Julius Morgan nnd a nleco of tho lato J. Tier
ponl Morgan, nnd Henry Gardiner, of Boston,
which took place Saturday In Trinity Church,
Princeton. The ceremony was followed by a
large rccoptlon nt Constitution nan mo nomo
of the brldeM parents. Among the Phlladel-
phlnns who attended the wcauing were wr.
ana Mrs. Raynid Henry, Miss Anna Warren
Ingersoll, Harry Ingersoll, Hdward B. Stoover,
N'ormmi S. Maclsio nnd his fiancee, MIbs Marlon
McGlnlcy, of Pittsburgh. Other persons from
Nrw Vork Included John Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Moses Taylor I'yne, Professor nnd Mrs. Os
bnrn and Samuel Fclton, tho latter formerly
of Hnvcrford.
Sir. and '.Mis. Henry 1. Hlttcnhousc, or Harrls
burg, Pn., formeily oftlils city, nro receiv
ing coiiginlulntloiis on tho birth of a daughter,
burn September 7. Mrs. Blttcnhouse will be
remembered 111 MI--S Anne Cocluan.
Mr. mid Mrs. Samuel K. Ucovos, who spent
eoinc time Inst week In Atluntlc City, havo
rctuincd tn tliclr homo In Meadowbrook, Pa.
Mr and Mrs. Jolin T. Lewis, Jr., of ,1000
Spine street, who, since their return from
Uuiopc, hnve been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
William Robots Howell, nt her cottage In
Cape Mny, will U-turn to town nccompanlcd by
Mis. Howell nnd her children next week. Mrs.
Howell will spend the winter with her parents.
i.Mr, and Mis. John W. Converse, who spent
the mimmpi In Nnrrngansctt Pier, havo re
turned to their Inline In Rosemont. Later they
will move Into their town house on Kitten-
house Squnie.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. S. KmnlOlii Sharpless, who havo
been In Europe for the last year, will return
to this country In n few weeks, nnd will occupy
tliclr home on Wulmit street near. Nineteenth
dining the lntr. Mrs. Sharpless, before her
ni'iriiigp n little mole than a year ago, was.
Miss Elizabeth McICean Ilhodes, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James LMauran Rhodes, of Glenn
road, Aidmoro.
Among thoie noted last week at Atlantic City
were Judge Itnlston, .Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard
PincriaM, Mr. und Mrs. C. Boss Smith and
Mis. Albeit Pimcoast.
Mrs Henry D. Patterson anil her daughter.
Miss .Mao D. Patterson, of Torreadale, are
spending several weeks In Mt. Kineo, iMe. Miss
Patterson will be nmong the debutantes of this
I.'duard Dell, Miss Laura Bell and .Miss
Kmilj Bell, of H.i Spruce street, who have been
marooned In Europe since the outbreak of the
war, are In Holland at present and expect to
tail on the Noordam September 19.
-Miss Helen Duer Walker has returned after
n motor trip through New England. On tho trip
slio uas the guest of Miss George M. Eaton, of
Lancaster N. If. MUs AValker has taken an
apartment nt the College Club for tlie winter.
Mr nnd Airs. Caleb J. Milne and Caleb J.
Milne, ,1 1 , of this city, are spending several
days In Stockbrldgc. Mass.
Mrs. L. K Lewis, Frederick Lewis and
Henry C Lewis, of this city, who are at pres
ent niotoilng through New England, spent yes
terdaj in Rutland, Vt.
Mr and .Mrs. P. Williamson Roberts will
le.ue Vor Harbor September 24 and will very
foon kmove Into their house, 1713 Locust street.
for the winter.
Mrs Graham Spencer, Mtya Agnes M.
Spencer. Miss Ann 11. Spencer nnd Miss Chris
tina Spencer, who have been spending somo
tlmp in Hrrmudn. have returned to Philadel
phia this oar, nnd hnve taken apartments
at Un Maldttono, 1327 Spruce street, for tho
Intel .Mips Chi inline Spencer will be a
debutante of this season.
Miss Edna Tatnall Warner Is the guest for
a fortnight of .Mr. nnd .Mrs. James Saulsbury
In their summer home, IS Jackson place, Cape
Mny Mr and Mrs. Faulsbury ar entertain
ing' additional guests' over the, week-end, who
In-hide Mr nnd Mis. IVctor duPont and MIbs
Madge Carpenter, of Wilmington.
: fank :
11' 4jiJJn JHiHr.44VVfliH&
v ' Wmmm ::
ovmiuinoK Mrs. James Proscott Martin,
Jliis Domtlij Jlclm Mnrtlti and James Prescott
Martin. Jr. who spout tho summer nt Heliport,
L. J., returned to Prescott Hall, their home, at
6UI1 and i""it Line, lost week. Mrs. Henry M.
Spades, of ,liU-ago,viriived Saturday, to be the
Kuest of Mrs. Martin for several dajs. On
Monday, i--eptpmber 2', Mrs. Martin and her
famllv will leave for Louisville, Ky , where
th-y will spend the early autumn.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pcrclval Smith, who
have been traveling through Europe during the
cummer, returned last week to "their home, at
K3' Overbrook avenue, where they will spend
the fall monlhB.
Mhino.N-Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Chapman
Thompson and Miss Alice E. Thompson will
close their reshlutice on Highland avenue, nnd
oieupy apartments at the Bclgravla, about tho
middle of November. Miss Thompson will
make her debut nt a tea on Tuesdaj, Octo
ber JJ.
Ml Agnes Heppller, who has been visiting
Mr. nnd Mrs. Loper at their cotage In St.
Iavl,'a place. Atlantic City, will return to
oicrinn tomorrow.
r'AHBtltTH-Mr. and Mrs. Pcrclval Roberts.
Jr., of Penshurst, who spent the summer
"broad, will sa,l fr home October 3.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chatles Chauncey will leave
spring i.aKe ,ho cnil Qf 0c,ob j ,,,. to
WNhnnn-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clothier,
who are still nt Watch Hill. R. !.. wl not re
turn home until October.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Bartol Brazier will close
"fr tape May cottage the end of this week.
AHDJionE-Mrs. Alexander Sellers and Miss
J,,".'"' Sellcrs' " Olenn road, v ill remain at
inonth!amP '" M'ne UntU tna last nt ""8
tunL11 WrB- M'Cha1 M- "er. J-" have "
' ' 'rfm n'h's stay at Loon Lake.
wl'l 1 , ',' Mr"" "Cnr" Thouron. of Glenn road.
Oatober" fr"1 May about ,he n,Md,e of
wfoL"Tiru rcturn to tMr ,,ome
B the SUWmw Bar Harbor. Me., will leave
Mrs. Cassatt will entertain extensively
during the Horse Show in her box, and
will be hostess at a small dinner dance
which will be given at her country place in
Rosemont the night of September 25.
there September 25 and will stop several days
In New York before her return to her home at
Montgomery and Chcswold avenues.
DIlYN MAwn Mr. nnd Mrs. George H. Enile,
Jr., who spent tho entire summer at Broad
Acres, their estate at Sryn Mawr, are planning
to take a residenco In town for the season.
They will introduce their daughter. Miss Han
sell F. Earle, nt a tea to he given on Friday,
November 20.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Foblger, of Milton.
Mass., aro spending several days with Mrs.
Feblger's parents, .Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Dewees Wood, nt their homo It, Pcnn road.
noSE.MO.VI-.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelso Cas
satt, who will return this week from Newport,
will entertain extensively during the Horse
Show next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alba R. Johnson, who have been
motoring through tho Whlto Mountains, have
returned to their homo in Rosemont.
Mrs. Henry H. Ellison nnd .Miss Edith B.
Ellison, who spent tho summer nt Watch Hill,
hac leturncd to Bralr Hill, Rosemont.
itAD.Miit Miss Elizabeth Brown Chow nnd her
niece. Miss 1Iar Evelyn 1 w, who .have been
nt Bar Harbor for several weeks, havo returned
to Vnnor, their country place, for Hip autumn.
Mrs. Henry P. -Borle, of Upland . ay, has re
turned after spending the summer at Winter
DEVON Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Thurston
Mason, who have been spending the summer
In Devon, will return to their home, 2218 Walnut
street, about the mlddlo of next month.
iMr. and Mrs. P. Hnrtman Kuhn, who have
been In the war zone hi Europe, returned Satur
day to Philadelphia.
Mr. anil Mrs. Wlllam E. Goodman have
closed their Chelsea cottage and have returned
to their home, at 5 East Chestnut avenue,
Chestnut Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Hebnrd have returned
from Chelsea, where they spent the summer,
and have opened their new home on Chest
nut avenue.
Mr nnd Mrs. Joseph B. Carpenter and Miss
Virginia Laguerenno Carpenter returned to
day to their home. U Summit street, after
spending tho week-end in Buy Head as the
guests of Mr. and Mia. James C. Nowlln.
Mr. and Mrs. Hmry Bell and Miss May Bell
have returned to their home on Evergreen
nvtnuo from Buck Hill Falls, where they
leased n cottage for the summer. Miss 'Bell
spent the week-end with friends on Long
Island, entering a golf tournament Satuiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Potter nnd Mrs.
Durothy Potter will nrrlvo this week from
Magnolia. Mass., where they spent the sum
mer. They will reopen their houso nt Ever
green and Prospect avenues, Chestnut Hill.
Mr nnd Mrs. Joseph W. Wenr will return
tomorrow to their homo on Graver's lnno from
a summer spent at Kennebunkport, Me.
Mr. and Mrs. Honry Kellar Kurtz nre spend
ing the remainder of the month nt Capo May.
Mrs. Kuitz before her marrlico In June was
Miss Anna Lon'streth.
Mr. William t,. Hesse, of Wayne avenue and
Upeal streit, has had ns her guest Mrs.
Thomas Griffith, of Texas, who will be re
membered as Miss Eva Lavlno before her mar
riage a few years ago.
Mr. and Mrs Edwin I. Atlee. who have been
standing the summer in their camp at Upper
Dam, Me., have returned to their residence
on West Coulter street Their daughter. Miss
Margaret E. Atlee, who will be Introduced to
society later In the season, U the gue.it of
her aunt In Mew York for a few dnys. She
trill return to her home on Thursday.
Dr, and Mm. Joseph Krauskopf, who have
completed their tour of tho world, sailed from
Rotterdam on September B and expect to ar
rive In Now York tomorrow morning. They
ato accompanied by their son, Manfred Kraus
kopf, who haa been living In Switzerland for
a fqw years, and their daughter, Miss Madcllno
Krauskopf, who has been In school at Lau
sanne, Switzerland.
Dr. nnd Mrs. William C. Cnhall and their
family, of 164 West Chelten avenue, havo closed
their bungalow In the Pooono mountains and
havo returnod to town.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. Ross Carver will closo their
Cape Mar cotlago about tho 18th of this month
and, with their two children, will reopen their
house, 6126 Nowhall street.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthlngton Gilpin, of 212 West
School lano, have opened their house for tho
winter months.
Mrs. J, Burton Mustln and Mrs. Frank Mac
Grath have returned from New York, whero
they spent several days ehopptng.
Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo S. Htrawbrldge, of 401
Mnnhelm street, will return about October 1
from Jamestown, R. I,
Mrs. Wheeler Lord, of Manhclm street, In
spending a few weeks In Chelsen.
Mrs. Enoch Taylor has again taken apart
ments at the Delmor for the wlnlcr months.
Mr. and Mrs. William P, O'Neill havo re
turned from their wedding trip and are stay
ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram Ltpptncott
at Bethayrcs. Mrs. O'Neill will bo remembered
as Miss Marlanna Llpplncott beforo her mar
riage on August 6,
Among those who entertained nt dinner be
fore the danco which was given Saturday night
at the Huntingdon Valley Golf Club, were Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel K. Beeves, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter L. Boss, Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry Stet
son, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. S. Rex, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward F. Henson and Mr. and Mrs. William
H. George. The danco was attended by a largo
number of club members and their friends.
Dr. nnd Mrs. William J. Taylor and Miss
Marlon Taylor aro Bpendlng tho early fall as
guests of Mrs. John Nowbold at her country
place In Jenklntown.
Mrs. Henry C. Dlmond and Miss Henrietta
Dlmond are entertaining Mrs. Frederic B. Gil
bert and Miss Katharine Gilbert at their coun
try place on Cloverly lane, Bydal.
Mr. and Mrs. Marmaduke Tllden, Jr., have
returned to tlielr homo on Lenox road, Jenkln
town, after spondlng a fortnight at York Har
bor, Me. Mrs. Tllden will be remembered ns
Miss Ellen Frazier.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis D. Williams and Miss
Williams have returned to Sulgrave, their coun
try place, in Jenklntown, aftor spending a month
at Lake Mohonk, N. Y.
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Deaver nnd family nro
spending tho early autumn nt their country
place in Wyncoto and will not open their town
house at 1634 Walnut street until November 1.
Miss Marion Sharplcfcs, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Townsend Sharpless, of Hatherton, Chel
ten Hills, Is spending a few days ns the guest
of Mrs. John Bishop, of Columbus, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. McFarland, of Lenox
road, Jenklntown. have ns their guests .Mrs.
McFarland's mother and sister, Mrs. Charles
S. Miller and Miss Jeanetto Miller, of New
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederic W. Morris and their
family have returned to their home in Chelten
Hills after spending a fortnight at Beach Haven
N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of Chelten avenue.
Oak Lane, left yesterday for a motor trip
through the New England States. They will
stop over In Boston and Providence several
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Thlssell, of Chelten ave
nue. Oak Lane, will return today to their homo
after spending the week-end at Brown's Hills
in the Pines.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawall, of 69th avenue.
Oak Lane, will return tomorrow after a week
end visit in Langhorne.
and are how motoring through the Now Eng
land States. On their trip they will stop at
Newport nnd nt Narraganselt Pier. They ex
pect to return about October 10.
Mr. and Mrs. WAlter B. McClatchy, of
Wynnewood, aro spending the week at Oconn
City, Mrs. McClatchy will be remembered as
Miss Bonn Artman, of 1432 North Seventeenth
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Gorman, of 1720 North
Eighteenth street, arc spending the month of
September at their cottage In Sea Isle City,
N. J.
Mrs. K. D. Loughlln nnd tho Misses Lough-
lln, of 1517 North Gratz street, havo returned
from Lansdowno whero they have been spend
ing the summer months,
Mrs. Olnrlnda V. Armstrong, who spent tho
summer on Iho Malno coast, bus returned to
her homo, 2(1.10 North Park nvtuue.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Norman If. Stevens, of 1726
North Seventh streot, have returned from a
summer's stuy at tho Strathaven Inn, Swnrth
tnore, Mrs. James Doak, of 1502 North Fifteenth
street, has returned from Atlantic City, where
she passed the summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Myron Harris have returned
from Vcntnor to their city home, 1922 N-rth
Twelfth streot.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ashcr have closed
their country place In Jenklntown nnd arc at
their winter home, 1333 North Brond street.
Miss Helen Serrlll nnd .Miss Behecca Scrrlll,
of 1413 North Brond street, have returned from
Eaglesmcio to Atlantic City, where they will
spend September with their mother and sister,
Mrs. John S. Serrlll nnd Miss Annie Serrlll, nt
their summer home.
Mrs. B. Leopold nnd family have returned
from Attnntlc City to their winter home, 1M5
North Park avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and their family
closed their summer home on Boston avenue,
Chelsea, and returned to 1921 North Park ave
nuo on Saturday.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Hartley, of 16Q1 North
Seventeenth street, aro spondlng a fortnight on
the coast of Maine.
if -
instead V.JU
In "Drugged." Broad Street Theatre
A millionaire haunted with a past.
Dr. nnd Mrs. E. L. van Sant nnd their fam
ily, who spent the summer at Jamestown. R. i
returned to their home, 4038 Spruce street last
week. '
Mrs. A. G. Phillips nnd her niece. Miss
Rosalia Oliver, who have been spending sev
eral weeks In Cape May. have returned to tho
city and opened their house at 4047 Pino street
Mrs. Henry Cochran. Miss Edith Cochran nnd
Miss Dorothy Cochran have leturncd from Bel
mar to their town house. 3511 Baring street.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Patterson nnd their
daughtsr. Miss Helen Patterson, of 327 Soutli
46th street, have returned from thir sum,,,....
home at Delanco. N. J.
Miss Ellen Pholan and Miss Elizabeth Slevln
who have been spending several weeks In tho
Poconos, havo returned to their home nt llth
street and Osage avenue for the winter
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Webster havo opened
their apartment nt the Bartram for the winter.
... -. -men are given throughout the
winter at the Navy yard will not bo resumed
until November of this year. Thcso dances
grow each season in popularity and are looked
forward to by young and old with pleasure.
Lieutenant Wlllam B. Hodgman has been or
dered to Atlanta. Ga., for two years, whero
he will shortly be Joined by Mrs. Hodgman and
their young son.
Miss Helen Houghton, of Brooklyn, Is visit
ing Miss Mary (McAllister, of UGi South tlruad
Lieutenant Commander Alfred W. Johnson.
U. S. N., and his family havo gono to Now
port to spend this month.
Mr. and Mrs. Renjamln Cooke and family, of
1534 South Fifteenth street, who have been
spondlng the sumer nt Ocean City, N. J., will
return about October 1.
Mrs. Chnrles Warren Balncar. Mrs. Bobert
Klee, Jr., .Miss Mary Fletcher,' Miss Florence
Shaw, Miss Kathryn Ennls, Miss El.ilo Krouse,
Mrs. Charles Shaw, Miss Edna flaw, Mrs.
Ralph Nose! and Mrs. Robert Leroy Bartholo
mew have made up an nutomoblle party which
will .start from Tioga for Jeffcrsonvllle. Pn..
next Wednesdny. The run will be followed by
a dinner which will be given at the Inn In
Mr. and Mrs. Rruce McFaddcn and their
daughters. Miss Edna McFaddcn nnd Miss
Alice McFaddcn. havo closed their cottage In
Atlantic City nnd have returned to their winter
home, 3260 North Broad street.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Pcet. of 1221 West
Erie avenue, havo returned from Englesmere
where they epent the summer.
The marriage of Miss Ethel AlUihulcr, daugh
ter of Kiva Altshuler, and Dr. Milton K. Mjers,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Plgmund Myers, of 31f)l
North 2.M street, will take place tomorrow
(Tuesday) night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Bauer. Jr.. have
closed their cottage at Ventnor and have re
turned to their winter residence, 1S11 West Erie
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Hallowell, of
l2.' West Tioga street, have returned from a
tour through Maryland and Virginia. Their son
nnd daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. C. Harold
Hallowell, ar.i spending some time In Atlantic
Dr. and .Mrs. Louis Mutschlcr, of West Tioga
street, are at Camden, Me.
Mis. James Hilton and her son. Stanford Hil
ton, of 2127 West Ontario streot. left on Satur-
da Cor an nutomoblle trip to Asbury Park, to
tomnln over the week-end.
Mrs. Jacob Thomas, of 2223 Hunting Park ave
nii". has tone to Chelsea for .1 fw weeks.
Miss Carrie S. Balllnger, of 220? Venango
Mieet. who has been seilously Ml at Atlantic
City, has rotumed to her home In Tioga and l.s
leported as Improving. "
Mr. and Mis. William Knlpo and their family,
of Ljceuni avenue, will mako their future honie
nt their cottage In Atlantic City, where they
apent the slimmer.
Dr. t'hrlstophor Frame and the Mioses Frame
ha,. returned to their winter home on Ridge
menue, after spondlng the season at their cot
tage at lichnbtith, Del
Mrs. Alexander Patton, of 4331 Mnnnyunk ave
ni.n. !- t today lor a shirt atay In Atlantic 'IU
Her daughter. Miss Edna Patton, will lea to
during the week for n tour through New
.Mr. and .Mis. r. x. Rorabaugh. of Sumao
.-tieet. Wl8nhlckon. haw returned from an ail
tomoMl.. tout- through .Ww Englnnd
Mis, liettlo Elizabeth Sheldrake, of Levering
ton mPiuw. luis returned homo aftor spending
'In- xnnson at Itehoboth. Del.
.M.-s. Alfred .Miller gave a bridge luncheon on
Sat.ir.ln for a number ol her Roxborough
1 1 lends, at her homo nt Stonton.
.Mi'fc. Annln ;innmnir.. . .
""""ini "j .cnrK, x. j., is
the guest of her brother ami niece. Mitchell
Simpson nnd Miss Elizabeth Simpson, of Green
Miss Glodean Smith, of 2410 North Nine
teenth street, after spending several d.ij-8 visit
ing Miss Alice Bally, at Atlantic City, will be
the guest of Miss Nancy Fullerton. at CnynciW
Valley, Pn.. for two weeks.
Miss Marie Fitzgerald and Mls Nan Fits
grrnld. who entertained extensively at thoir
cottage In Wild wood this summer, have re
turned to their home. 172-J Olrard avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hippie, of 2U5 North
Nineteenth street, hne us their guest at thoir
cottage In Ventnor Miss Cora Fields, of 2jn
North Nineteenth streot.
Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Gardiner, of 1700 North
Sixteenth street, have been entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. Frank W. Ashbrook at their cottage
in Avalon.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Blair and their
young son, of 3214 West Susquehanna avenue,
has returned from the shore.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cobb and Harry Terry,
of 4133 North Broad street, have closed their
summer hom on Beajside avenue. Atlantic City.
Many of tho cottagers motored to tho Point
Judith liuntn 'lub iterdaj arid assem
bled for tea 01, he lawn. Among those not..
tliero were Mr. and Mr. Paul D. Mills Mrs
Alexander Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Haz
ard. Mr. nnd .Mrs. S Hlnman Bird. Mr. and
Mrs. John l. Fell. .Mr. and Mrs. Philip E
Stovonson, Mr and Mrs. Pavld Stecnbon. Mrs
U. W. C. Whiting. Miss Resale Mumilkhuysen.
Miss. Marguoiito Prescott. Dr. Rowland Robin
Mi. Mr. ami Mrs. Hyron S. Watson. Earl
Usthy. Mr and Mrs. c. Coburn Darling. John
--. ........... ...u,, u. uuriu. .Mr. and Mrs.
O. 1 Mersmnn nnd T. F. I. .McPonnell.
Mr nnd Mrs. John W. Converse, who occn
nlfil h. itolvoir eottago during the smmnor.
huvo returiml to Rosemont. Po.
Ninvi'OUT. R. 1 , s,., uThe Uermau Am
Uassttdor. count J. II. von Usrnstorff. concluded
i.w is iaei nignt and returned lo New York.
H- lum-hed lufurmll wit nts host and
hoteM. Mr. owl Mrs. qenrge I'sabwly UuatU.
who utdiuiud Informally with a dinner last
Mrs. Murdan J. Perry was a luncheon Ijostesa
yesterday, niuuers. ero given last night by
Mr. and Mr William l&rl podgo and Mr. and
Mrs. Woodbury Hlalr.
Mr awl Mrs. J. T. Bornton. of Philadelphia,
aro reistst J at tlvo Casino.
The schooner yacht Irollta. belonging to B
. Clark, sailed for City Island yesterday to
lay up
Joseph E. Wldener sailed for Philadelphia on
the steam yacht Josephine yesterday.
While only one new drama opens tonight, and
but one other Is scheduled for next week, tho
managers promise a brilliant season for Phila
delphia plny.goers. Of the productions booked,
comedies kcdi to predominate, and of these the
majority proved their merits as mirth-stimulants
on Broadway last season. Later on we shall,
however, sec Mrs. Flske In a new comedy, and
such established favorites as Maud Adams,
Ethel Barrymore and John Drew In new dramas.
Helen Ware, whoso nppearances during tho last
few years have Increasingly captivated the pub.
lie, and whose presentations are always marked
by an exceptional personal charm, will appear
as the star In a new three-act play, "Tho Be
volt," by Edward Locke, at the Adclphi Theatre
next Monday evening, September 21. Mls Ware
was last seen In this city In "Within the Law,"
playing the part of Mary Turner.
"The Revolt" is announced as a play of today.
It was produced last season In New Vork, and
of all the various dramas dealing with the
"social problem," sponsored by vice committees
and killed or suppressed, "The Revolt" alone
has survived. Miss Ware's supporting company
Includes Sara Enrlpht, Beth Franklin, Susanne
Willa, Annette Tyler, Rosana Logan, Jessie
Ralph, Alphonz Ethler, Van Bensslcr Townsend,
John Walsh, Howard Gould. Sam Edwards,
Fred W. Peters, Edwin Mordant and Frank
Following John Mason In "Drugged" at the
Broad Street Theatre, Margaret Anglln will
open a two weeks' engagement In "Lady Winde
mere's Fan." After this Phlladclphlans will b
enabled to see Mrs. Flske In a new comedy by
John Luther Long, the celebrated creator of
"Madam Butterfly." Mr. Long's comedy Is lo
cated In London, about 1750. during tho Gnrrlck
nnd Peg Wofllngton pcilod, and Is announced as
a play of rippling humor.
At the Broad, In succession during the season,
will appear Fanny Ward In "Madam Prfsldent,"
Blllle Burke, John Drew, Maud Adams and
Ethel Barrymore, oaeh in a new play: Frances
Starr In "The Secret." by Henri Bernstein: tho
Lyceum Players In repertoire, a three-Mar com
bination, Including William Gillette, Mario Doro
nnd Blanche Bates, in Charb-s Frohman's re
vival of "Diplomacy." Subsequently oach of
these stars will appear In a new production.
"The Passing Show of lDli," Messrs. ShubertVi
third annual musical revue, will open nt tho
Lyric Theatre Octobor I. The cast Includes such
favorites as Jo.se Coll. us. Ethel Amoriia Kelly,
Mnrilynn Miller. Frances )einnist, Geotge W.
Monroe. Robert Emmett Ke.ine. T. Roy Barnes,
Harry Fisher and Artie Mohllngor.
At the Lyric will nlso later nppear Messrs.
Shubert's "The Whirl of the World," which Ii
announced as the Now York Winter Garden's
gieatest musical success. The producers, tuki'ig
ndvantage of the dancing craze, hnve mnde this
entertainment lepletr with novelty dances.
Among the attractions booked to appear nt the
Adelphl Thtaue aftor Miss Warc'i. appearance
In "Toda" nii "The Things That Count." u
romantic drama produced by W. A. Br.id ;
"Kitty Mtickny." a delightful Scotch comedy,
which ran eight months at tho Comedy Theatre.
New York, with Molly Mclntyre In the principal
role; "Peg O' My Heart." Hartley Manners'
phenomenal!) successful cmed ; "High Jinks,"
a musical corned) : Grace Ueorse. in "The
Truth." and Guy Hate Post in "Omar. tm
Tho Ziegfeld Follies will remain at tho Forrest
Theatre until September 20. On the 2th Mont,
gomery and Stono will open a iipw musical
comedy, the engagement lasting two wee Us,
other attractions to follow are Henr W. Sav
age's Hungarian operetta "Sari". "Around tho
Clock." n musical comedy; "The Little Cafe,"
rtlaw and Erlnngcr's spectacular production of
"Ben.Ilur," now on Its Wth annual tour, and
Julia Sanderson. Donald Brian nnd Just-pn C'v
tharno In "The Girl from t'Uh." a new Froh.
man production. The Mask and Wis will slvo
their annual entertainment nt the Forrest during
Easter Wfek.
Tim nest attraction at tl G p-rlck Theatre
will he "Nearly Mnrrlpd." thp t'urmn and Harr'u
comedy, with Bruce ,ca in tlti tin role
This will open September Sft It will ho mj...
ceedeil by Tho yellow Tlek." Wl cvtoher
13, with Florenco Heed, a Philadelphia girl, and
Mlchnel Morton leading th ct There t
follow Julian Kiting?. In "The I'rlnollno Oirl"
"Potash and Porlmuuer" and "Seven kj, t
BnWpato with Wallaie IMlne.r ai Gall Kan
leading the orUlntt New York company.
"Pllatos ivaushter." a inudcnt miracle ojay
will open at the Chestnut Street Opera House
September 2S with 'onanco Uollneaux leading
the cast. Ml MollneauK waa a memncr of the
rpheum Plajers' stocfe Company at this thea
tre during 19W and 1911. and last season W8
leading woman with hauncey njcott.
Mr ami Mi. Carter IVHaven. who ahiu-arel
In ono of the Iuulon revues, haw returned to
America and will fill an engagement at Klth' I
Theatre the week of September S3. Hnrrv
L-iuder In "talking pictures" will b0 featurr.1
the week beginning October 5
hmbfl ia I
. ..... ... Hhman
AIJEL,I'HI "Help Wanted, 1? in th
drama y Jack Lait. Stentvfc Jacobs,
struggles and temptations in tlieVJit th
world. Stenographers warned t.W:oul',
their everv sten. vrsitonn
BROAD "Drugged," romantic meloK'"'"
of a prosperous railroad official, wj "'!
past; by Owen Davis, author with a n v
dramatic past. Starring John Mas
Notice tomorrow.
"Cabiria," moving picture by Gabrielle.
D'Annunzio, of the Red Parasol and
"Flame" fame. Spectacular, exotic, gor
geous. Showing methods of warfare be
tween ancient Carthage and Rome.
FORREST Zicgfcld Follies. Scintillating
sotibrcttes and musical mirth.
GARRICK "Adelc," French operetta, in
volving the tangled romances of the
daughter and son of rival tinned-fish
magnates, impecunious baron and danger
ous "charmer." Delicate humor and
charming music.
WALNUT "Siberia." Revival of Bartley
Campbell's ,33-ycar-old melodrama of
Russian intrigue.
John Mason in High-Class Play By
Owcu DaviB, of "Nellie, the Beautiful
Clonk Model," Fame.
Bcformatlon Is never without Its fascination.
Whether municipalities or men turn from tha
broad road of a dubiously profitable or pleasant
past, tho halo of regeneration is thenceforth
worn with unlqun distinction. Wo havo nil our
secret admiration for tho hero with a mysterious
and ambiguous career left behind.
Thorcforo the greater Interest attaches to the
nppearance of John Mason, ono of tho ablest
Americnn actors. In a rarefied melodrama, en
titled "Drugged," at tho Broad Street Thentra
The author of "Drugged." Owen Davis, haa
confessedly put his "past" behind him. Wltlt
the production of "Drugged" Mr. Davis assumes
the laurel-wreath of the serious rnelodramatlst.
Be it known, however, that Mr. Davis is by no
means a tyro. Ho has been, for a period of a
dozen years, one of the most financially success
ful wrlttrs of plays. None of thcso plays. It
Is quite certain, ever has been the subject of
discussions at ethical culture societies nor of
sago and piofound studies on the drama. Mr.
Davis has not moved In the same circles as Ber
nard Shaw.
Among Mr. Davis' best known and successful
melodramns wjre "Convict 939," "Tha Light
house by the Fn," "Chinatown Charlie."
"Nellie, tho Bcuutlful Cloak Model," and ';shtrty
McCabe." In all. his plas of this type num
bered a hundred. We have Mr. Davis' word for
It that 70 per cent, were hugely successful, hla
Income averaging upward of JiO.OOO a year. Mr.
Davis personally has not ben as well known ns
his plays. Now, however, that he had put asldo
a tidy sum, and the begging of a good play out
side the Broadway ofllces will not necessitate
ejections from Sixth avenue lodgings and coffes
and rolls. Mr. Davis Intends to devote his future
to high-class drama. To be quite fair. to-Birr
Davis, whose confession Is naively sincere, we
must admit that many of us who assume high
brow attitudes are not Immune to tho thrills
of those ripping, stirring, pulse-tingling master
pieces of the "Power of Money" and "Her Mar
riage Vow" order.
Thrills add to tho Joy of life, and If Mr. Davis
cannot b classed with Ibson nnd the dark
biown DaniHh-Norweginn classicists he hna
mad an amusement-loving world his debtor.
Consequent, with mingled anticipations and
hope, we look forward to seeing his play this
' lrugpd," in which Mr La Is pajs he "hna
put the result of his highest nnd sincerest en
deavor," is laid in California. Tho hero. John
Do.ter, is a self.madp man. prosperous, an In
fluential railroad otllclal. ideal husband. Im
peccable father. The family hero type. He, too.
tiowpvor, Ilko his creator, has reformed from
a past dark, .sinister. thronK-nlng. It rlFes nnd
dogs his footsteps, haunts and terrifies him.
Exposure, we nr told, comes early In the play
Action and thrills follow fat. with th- eternal''"
piny of romanep, and a Ieaenlng of humor.
Typically Ameiicnn. th drama Is dcMgncrt to
benr Its message In the movement of general
reform ,
Mr. Mason will b assisted by an able cast,
including John Emerson. Amelia fiardner. Will
lam Sampson. Itobert MoWnde. Frank Thomas,
John Flood. Kntherlne m Salle and .Van Camp
bell. .. II. Woods, who for many vears ,
cpnniini for Mr Dais" srnpntixn il in, lodiamas
piesent this play It will mnnln at the Hi ..J
fut two necks
. 1
THEATIli: !,.TkH i.v4Uth St
Canttnuouti Perf.trm.in'" fr. m 1 10 11 I JI.
Mam . All Sean, in F.i-mp l"c. I.V. SSfl
IX lUTIt'Mi'M U. M imTITrTE"
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Tin: nuiii.i. i ! nm.s
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G A R R I C K Last Two Weeb
WED. MAT?- ,';!,, $1.00
SlUHTa litxil, mt, lll.ilv rfKATH J1J
BRO AD Tonight at 8:15
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