Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Gives Vivid Pictures of the Ar
gonauts of Forty-nine, Who
Crossed Continent to California.
One dny In January. MW, a workman
...... .. .tln,nlnr n till TflCO Oil tllO
cngngcu ... ... - ,.itm
Zer.cnn n.verob.crvc..e ; yellow
particles of metal guuen.. ... .... ....-.
antherlnK a nunnllly ha took thorn to his
Scmh" together tha two mar . aub
wurt them to sonic rude tests, 'Which
Mtlned them that tha ahlnlns grains
ncro pure gold.
Such was tho famous discovery of gold
in California. The thrilling secret could
not bo kept, although California was then
60 remote a place that several months
passed beforn tho outsldo world becatno
aware of It. Seldom has the news of a
discovery been attended by inorjj dra
matic consciences. It threw tho civilized
Tvorld Into a fever of anticipation, It
etatted throngs of fortuno seekers-cutthroats,
gamblers, laborers, physicians,
fanners, preachcrs-on a mad raco for
California. It precipitated the great sec
tional crisis of ISM, the most serious In
our history between ITS? and ISM, and It
compelled the Government to admit Cali
fornia to Statehood before ever she had
been a territory.
An old diary, now in tho possession of
the Wisconsin Historical Society, por
trays vividly the experiences of one Wis
consin band of Argonauts who crossed
tho continent In tho summer of 1SI0 In
search of the golden tlotco. Tho fortuno
seekers, nvo In number, wcro ull real
dents of Mndlson, tha capital of the
youthful State. Their Drat step waB to
organize a company, equipped with appro
priate oflleers and taws and regulation.!.
The company, to which all contributed
etiuall, then purchased the equipment
for tho long Journey, tho principal Items
being a heavy covered wagon and a
ilx-mulo team. One,. Interesting by-law
provided that In add' .on to tho company
propcrtv each member must equip himself
with "a good rifle, pistol and knife."
Krom early March until August tho toil
some journey lasted. The route led over
- rugged mountain ranges, and through
'burning deserts where men and horses
alike were In danger of perishing from
thirst. At one place "ten men and ten
nudes were barely sufficient to manage
an empty wagon." This place our dlar
lt, with grim humor, decides to name
the "Dovll's Stairs." Another time a
hand of Crow Indians, bent on stamped
ing the mules of the party, raided the
camp by night. But tho affray passed
on without loss to either party "except
the imwder and lead, which was wasted
profusely by both."
More successful thieves were the coy
otes, who stole the last pound of pork
from the party "when wo wcro awake
and had a good watch dog on guard, and
tho pork lying within four foot of our
Xo less than 40,000 gold-seokers crossed
the plains this summer of 1813, and as
many more reached California by water,
either crossing the Isthmus of Panama
or rounding Cape Horn. Hardship and
privation awaited them all, dazzling for
tunes the few, and poverty, disease nnd
death tho many. Our party of Argonauts
was more fortunato than most, but listen
to this picture, which Is only ono at many
observed by the diarist: "A lone woman
riding on a skeleton of a horse, nnd driv
ing two cows that were but the shadow
of what they once had been, when graz
ing quietly on the prairies of Illinois.
The woman's dress consisted of what
might once have been a decent covering,
but at this tlmo It was of a truth tho
evidence of things not seen."
The woman hnllcd from Illinois, nnd
she, with her decrepit livestock, wns all
that remained of a husband, wife nnd
three children, 15 or 20 hend of cattle, a
wagon and tSX). Even so, sho was not
disheartened, and begged only for advice
as tAl
tho ndy
'hftl aha should do. Thla M
endcred by everyone, no two of
jisers agreeing, however! Ilia only
as tno helRhtnlng of the poor
womanis bewilderment, until at length
our, prlictlcnl-mlnded diarist suggested
that lliey pasa the hat, which was
promptly done. The writer concludes the
incident by recording that he returned
homo "one ntuiee lighter of pocket, but
none the poorer nt heart,"
The California gold-rush was a gamble
In which few won, but the stakes were
high, and mon willingly took terrlblo
chances. At the end of August, the diary
before us records, hundreds of destitute
emigrants were strolling tip and down the
liver bunk In quest of gold, knowing as
little about prospecting for It "as they
do r.bout Ijapplness or the common com
forts of life." On the other hand, the
wrl lev's party less than four weeks later
took out W2 worth of gold In a single
day. The noxt day tho forenoon wns
spent In repairing the dam; the after
noon yielded about $2J0 In gold. This the
trensuror carried to camp In ft common
washing pan, and setting It on the roof
to dry, proceeded to forget about It.
Some ono else was more thoughtful, how
ever, for In the morning when Inquiry
wns made for the gold tho pan and Its
contents hud vanished.
Amid such scenes as these, less than
two generations ago, wcro laid the foun
datlona of the Golden State.
Hemmed in On Three Sides
by Belgians, French and
British, Retreat Lies Across
Difficult Country.
LONDON, Sept. 14.
Hemmed In on three sides of tho dis
trict known as the forest of Argonne,
a Gorman army Is today In a serious
predicament and awaits cither capture or
On their front nrc the victorious squad
rona of British cavalry, to their left, on
tho east, arc the strong forts of Verdun,
with their formidable garrisons, while on
their right to tho west are tho rapidly
approaching army of Belgians. Only
to tho rear lies safety, and tho nature of
tho country Is such that a rapid retreat
means a virtual rout.
Tho only source of supplies for this
army Is their base of Liege nnd should
tho Belgians appoar In sufllclent force
oven this thin lino of communication will
bo broken.
The loss of tho line of communica
tion will probably apply to tho German
army In a dny or two's time. When It
docs apply the German retreat will have
become n disaster greater thnn Leipzig.
Every offlclal report goes to show how
sound Is General Joffrc's plan of leading
the invasion further and further away
from their base.
Tho German army In France will bo
obliged to communicate with Its base
through Nnmur nnd Llego and tho Meuse
nnd across Luxemburg. Thcro will then
bo danger of incxtrlcablo disorder, as
the German nrmy from Belgium nnd
the German army from tho Olso Val
ley will be obliged to convergo on tho
same area nnd may bo obliged to pass
through tho neck of a bottlo in north
Frnnco while being attacked from all
Their rapid retreat shows the Germans
were unable to bring up reserves in sutll
cient numbers. All this Is borne out by
yesterday's communique referring to the
general retreat between the Olse and the
Marnc and Argonne.
pplit Among Democrats On
Freight Levy Promises to
Grow More Bitter Many
Favor Stamp Tax.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14.-Wnr revenue
legislation faces a tight within tho Demo
cratic ranks this week that may rival In
Intensity the struggle over the repeal of
tho Panama Canal tolls bill. Revolt against
tho proposed 3 per cent, tnx on freight
transportation charges, which developed
such proportions last week that adminis
tration leaders decided to await the re
turn of President Wilson roni Now
Hampshire before Introducing the revcntio
bill, continues to grow In strength, and n.
party caucus Is demanded by Democratic
members of tho Houso on tho subject.
Majority Leader Underwood, who with
held the measure which would tax beer,
wines nnd freight, plans to see President
Wilson today and to ask his open
espousal of a freight tax. Mr. Underwood
will explain that there Is considerable op
position to tho plan within the party, nnd
that Its opponents propose to demand n,
caucus and to tight for Its defeat. They
want to substitute a heavier tax on beer,
a tnx on whiskies and distilled liquors
which was not contemplated In the Wnys
and Means Committee bill, and perhaps
stamp nnd Inheritance taxes.
Officials closo to tho President have said
that he would support tho freight tax,
while others believe that he will advise
tho committee to mako a third attempt to
provide moans for Increasing the revenue
without causing party strife.
A decision to IuhIsI on tha freight tax
will result In a party caucus, probably
Tuesday night, and at IcaBt a week's de
lay In getting a bill Into the Houso, but
administration supporters do not believe
tho opposition can rally strength enough
to upset the plan.
Several Democrats, Including members
of the JVnys nnd Means Committee, are
preparing substitutes for tho committee
hill. Some of them Insist that n atamp
tax will have to be accepted. Thoy show
thnt nearly $10,000,000 wns rhlscd annually
from this source In 18S!) nnd 1900.
Another sourco of trouble for Congress
Is the failure of the Senate Committee on
Commerce, In Its readjustment of the
rivers nnd hnrhors appropriation bill, to
satisfy tho Republican members who are
conducting the filibuster against It.
National Association Send Cam
paigners Into Seven tntes.
WASHINGTON, 8ept l4. Predicting
that the seveh States which will vole on
woman suffrage In November will turn
down the proposition to glvo the fran
chise to women Mlsa Minnie Bfonson,
general secretary of tho National Asso
ciation Opposed to Woman Suffrage, left
Washington last evening to asaume per
sonal charge of the anti-suffrage cam
paigns In Nebraaka, North Dakota.
South Dakota, Montana and Nevada,
Co-operating with Miss Bronaon will
be these speakers and field workers!
Mlaa Marjorle Dorman, of Now York
Mrs. Orvllle D. Ollphnnt, of New Jersey,
and Miss Markeson, of Ohio.
"In addition to tho five far Western
States, Missouri and Ohio will vote on
the woman suffrage question In Novem
ber," aald Miss Bronson, In commenting
on the situation last ovenlng. We feel
absolutely certain that all seven of these
States will turn down the equal fran
chise proposition.
"This Is no time to Introduce an Inex
perienced element Into tho electorate. We
believe that the advocates of 'votes for
women' will get the greatest setback
they have suffered since they began their
"Ohio, we are Informed, will give a
bigger majority than ever against wom
an suffrage and Missouri la ft foregone
conclusion on our sldo. Tho (Wo far
Western States, nccordlng to reports w.i
have had from disinterested parties, will
reject the woman suffrago proposal."
Seventy-four Theological StudentB
Enrolled for Tall Torm.
MADISON, N, J Sept. 14. Drew
Theological Seminary will open tho fall
torm on Wednesday, September 23, with
ono of tho largest classes In Its history
nnd with several faculty changes. Seventy-four
students have already registered
nnd It Is thought this number will be In
creased to 85.
Tho Rev. Dr. Edmund D. Sopcr has
been appointed by tho trustees to oc
cupy the nowly created chair of mtstons
nnd comparative religion. Profesaor Sopcr
comes from tho Ohio Wcsleyan Univer
sity. Professor F. Watson Hannan, a
newcomer last year, who was associate
professor of pastoral theology, will oc
cupy tho chair of biblical theology. Pro
fessor Hobort W. Rogers, who has been
spending a year in Oxford, will resume
as professor of Hebrew nnd Old Testa
ment exegesis.
President Ezra Squlcr Tipple Is expected
to return home In a few days from London.
Act quickly I Beechwood is almost sold
out. Some of the best lots remain unsold
but not many. Prices $75 to $300 just half ot
last year's figures due to closing out the Wood
Estate. Only 5 minutes from 69th St. Elevated Ter
minal by way of the Phila. & Western. High-class
improvements beautiful homes. Beechwood Sta
tion on the property. Only $10 down secures your
lot balance $1.25 to ?2.00 weekly. Come out and see
the wonderful values that are yours if you act
at once. Our representatives
meet all trains.
But don't delay.
Wood, Harmon & Co. -p
1437 Chestnut Street
Uke Specialty 5Aop of OrtyinationA
connounce jzjpectal4ccu&ilC
imported JrencA JCcuA
jTvodea-Jn jJieuxxHVn jtedufaero
orUAejzlxirid )iA&AeaAoru
f"V (Qwuvj Ho fft4 prevent
Luapiau xpem curpoeanxorukIonJ vo
call 'Jcr xAe xUtenUonf
New Autumn Apparel
For Women and Misses
JffJHILE Bonwit Teller Sutts, Gowns,
Coats, Wraps, Furs and Blouses con
form to the mode in general expression, they
distinctly possess those unusuafand exclu
sive jeatures that make or Individuality.
TAILLEUR SUITS 25.00 to 175.00
COATS & CAPES 19.50 to 150.00
FROCKS & GOWNS.... 19.50 to 150.00
WAISTS & BLOUSES. . . 5.00 to 50.00
FUR COATS 29.50 to 500.00
SCARFS & MUFFS 10.00 to 250.00
Women 's
"TaJileur" Suits
Five Distinctive Models
hi imported sages, diagonal chevtotst
broadcloth, imported gabardine. Trim?
med in velvets and braids. Copies o
imported models.
JVomen 's " Trotteur ' ' and
Afternoon Gowns
Six Distinctive Models
Developed from serge, sattn-and-serge,
charmeuse and crepe de chine. All six
models reveal the very newest style
Lenders to StreflB Need 6t State Tnx
Under Democrats.
TRENTON, Sept. H. Republican lead
ers forecast victory for their con
gressional candidates nt the November
eleollOns. Newton 8. K. Dugbcc, chair
man of the Republican State Committee,
hag prepared an Itinerary which will
carry him Into every county during the
days remaining before the primary elec
tion, September 22.
Mr. Hitgbee, primed for a contest which,
It Is admitted, will be atrenUoui, In view
of the luck that has fallen In tho path
of tho Democrats with tho outbreak of
the European war, has declared that
there appears to be no reason why the
Republicans should not return at least
ceven out of the twelve mombera of the
House of Representatives to bo elected.
During tho last week, or since such
candidates ns John Dynely Prince, pro
fessor In Columbia, who Is a candidate
for Congress In tho Sixth District, and
Edward W. Orny, formerly secretary of
the State Committee, who Is running In
tho Eighth District, have opened up their
oratorical batteries, thcro haa been a
marked chango In the sentiment uf the
The party leaders are bent upon con
vincing tho voters that the Underwood
tariff bill, and not the general conflict
In Europe, has been as much, If not more,
responsible for the efforts the Democratic
Congress Is now making to get money
under the pretext of a war tax to relieve
the mnnufnbturlng and commercial Inter
ests of tho country.
Tho effect of the tariff, combined with
that of tho reform corporation laws
which wero enacted when President WIN
son was Governor of New Jersey, ne
cording to the Republican leaders, has
reduced the State revenues to such an
ovtAtit 1 1, -it Hi Htale tax which was
threatened during the Inst session of the
Legislature will this year becomo a reality
unless there Is an absolute repudiation L ment
nf ihn Dnmoeratlo forces
It Is known thnt Washington docs not
look nltogether upon the coming election
with the eyes of an optimist. Of course,,
nothing will be spared to re-elect those
Wilson Congressmen who are on the
ticket for another term, but, so far aB
the White House Is concerned, there nro
no predictions being made. Hecrotary
Joseph P. Tumulty, who came up from
Washington on Saturday, found tlmo for
several conferences over tho congres
sional situation.
It Is understood that Mr. Tumulty
learned enough of the situation In his
homo county nf ltudson to lend him to
regard the upportutTrfor a Wilson wnlk
over In tho congrcsBlShat elections ns not
altogether certain.
Tho Progressives are displaying nothing
morn thnn a passive Interest ID the ram
palgn, and oven some of the leaders ad
mit that a poor showing Is to be ex
pected nt tho polls this year.
Visit to Colonel lloooevelt Meraly
Social, lie Says.
orSTER HAV, Sept. H.-OsCAt" StrAUs,
who has been ncllvo for the past few days
for peace by mediation, called at Oyster
Ray with Mrs. Straus, nnd had luncheon
with Colonel and Mrs. Itooaevelt.
Whllo Mr. Straus Insisted that his visit
was entirely social, tho fact that he called
upon tho Colonel In tho thick ot Mr.
Straus' activities for peace, caused com-
"Mv visit to Sagnmore Hill Is simply
nnd purely n social one. Mr. Straus and
myself are old frlnds of Colonel and
Mrs, Rooaovett," said Mr. Straus.
Asknl If the call did not have some
relations with Mr. Straus' apparent efforts
within tho past few days, nnd wns mads
In an effort to enlist tho former President
In the cause of peace mediation, he re
plied: . . .. .
"Absolutely not. I am not here for that
purpose." , , ...
Mr. Straus when asked If, Irrespective of
his visit, It could he nasunied he was try
ing to get Mr. Roosevelt to enter the peace
movement, lie Insisted It wns not fAlr to
make nny such Inference. Ho simply re
fused to discuss It.
rolonel Roosevelt also refused to dis
cuss th Straus visit.
The Kaiser has at various times shown
his friendship for Colonel Roosevelt by
sending him letters, autographed books
and photos.
Store Opens 8.30 A. M.
Store Closes 5.80 P. M.
i.tp"."'Kiiiititiiiljj?-vMP'v i:i-f a '"jay4-".' "i"i 7i n
flA Mn ii i iVii'il Yr'iiVWSY.i tf tiiiin. ritVAr 3 A n.:i fl u n ?i J 01 IT IJlf) II I II
;i;!;.i.. ..,.,, m
i Sl,-i-1.!ilJ.!
I U I fHl'.ltl Hl.H.lTl'lllMilih-VW-P'- V?loVHIRJilUie'k
f&flniidK 1 1 ill
L !W'!tl.'.!iiH !lh r;A I ffl ' II I I I I
Grand Organ Recitals 9, 11 and 5J5
AMMraifiices for Tomorrow
Exposition of new amid exclusive English tailored snnits,
coats and capes for young women.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
s of new CalBot gowns posed in the Gray Salomis
from I to 112. 50 and from 2.30 to 4.30.
(First Floor, Central)
showing of the new designs in Fine Domestic Rungs.
(Fourth Floor, Market)
Special sale of toilet goods, perfumes and other prepara
tions; also imitation ivory toilet articles.
(West Aisle)
Special sale off EmralbroMered Net and Shadow Flouiicisigs for
Blouses at Hess thaim usuaS prices.
(West Male)
Speda! showing off new $5 it $9,S0 Amutusrop ipillimery.
(Subway Floor, .Market)
A Barge special sale off mraeira's BaSmacaaau sttyle- waterprooff coat3
similar to Ughi Overcoats at $5.75, 56.75 amsd $8.75.
(Subway Floor, Market)
Opening off a large slfoflpinniejit off newly imported cwrtaJns at wnrlscn
pnces"C!umiy airad Marie Aotoiireette.
(Fourth Floor, Chestnut)
First showipg off Menu's very iSne "Redfleaff" hosiery a,u4 esagc;wc$ri
new from England, at the Id prfqe.
(Main Floor, Market)
Extra forces ready in the Men's Hat Store So. sell the nJ 4erMes
and soft hats, bmnd new horn EusQ$e.t
(Mwufloor, Market)
EJghi-JLnc-ti feerry hmh off cut glass smU S3mfeer-t tfe iewer-
Price Store at $1,50 each,
(Subu-ay Floor, Chestnut)
-X--- , i.